GOWIN IPUG902E CSC IP Programming For The Future User Guide

June 1, 2024

GOWIN IPUG902E CSC IP Programming For The Future


Product Information


  • Product Name : Gowin CSC IP
  • Model Number: IPUG902-2.0E
  • Trademark: Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation
  • Registered Locations: China, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, other countries

Product Usage Instructions

The Gowin CSC IP User Guide is designed to help users understand the features and functionality of the Gowin CSC IP. It provides detailed descriptions of functions, ports, timing, configuration, and reference design.

Functional Description
The functional description section provides in-depth information about the various functions and capabilities of the Gowin CSC IP.

Interface Configuration
This section guides users on how to configure interfaces for optimal performance and connectivity.

Reference Design
The reference design section offers insights into the recommended design layout for the Gowin CSC IP.

File Delivery
Details on document delivery, design source code encryption, and reference design are provided in this section.


  • What is the purpose of the Gowin CSC IP User Guide?
    The purpose of the user guide is to assist users in understanding the features and usage of the Gowin CSC IP by providing detailed descriptions of functions, ports, timing, configuration, and reference design.

  • Are the software screenshots in the manual always up-to-date?
    The software screenshots are based on version 1.9.9 Beta-6. As software is subject to change without notice, some information may not remain relevant and may need adjustments based on the software version in use.

Copyright © 2023 Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
is a trademark of Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Corporation and is registered in China, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective holders. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any denotes, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of GOWINSEMI.

GOWINSEMI assumes no liability and provides no warranty (either expressed or implied) and is not responsible for any damage incurred to your hardware, software, data, or property resulting from usage of the materials or intellectual property except as outlined in the GOWINSEMI Terms and Conditions of Sale. All information in this document should be treated as preliminary. GOWINSEMI may make changes to this document at any time without prior notice. Anyone relying on this documentation should contact GOWINSEMI for the current documentation and errata.

About This Guide

The purpose of Gowin CSC IP User Guide is to help users quickly learn the features and usage of Gowin CSC IP by providing descriptions of the functions, ports, timing, configuration and call, reference design. The software screenshots in this manual are based on 1.9.9 Beta-6. As the software is subject to change without notice, some information may not remain relevant and may need to be adjusted according to the software that is in use.

Related Documents
The user guides are available on the GOWINSEMI Website. You can find the related documents at www.gowinsemi.com:

  • DS100, GW1N series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS117, GW1NR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS821, GW1NS series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS861, GW1NSR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS891, GW1NSE series FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS102, GW2A series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS226, GW2AR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS971, GW2AN-18X &9X Data Sheet
  • DS976, GW2AN-55 Data Sheet
  • DS961,GW2ANR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS981, GW5AT series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • DS1104, GW5AST series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
  • SUG100, Gowin Software User Guide

Terminology and Abbreviations
Table 1-1 shows the abbreviations and terminology used in this manual. Table 1-1 Abbreviations and Terminology

Terminology and Abbreviations Meaning
BT Broadcasting Service (Television)
CSC Color Space Convertor
DE Data Enable
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
HS Horizontal Sync
IP Intellectual Property
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITU-R ITU-Radiocommunicationssector
RGB R(Red) G(Green) B(Blue)
VESA Video Electronics Standards Association
VS Vertical Sync
YCbCr Y(Luminance) CbCr(Chrominance)
YIQ Y(Luminance) I(In-phase) Q(Quadrature-phase)
YUV Y(Luminance) UV(Chrominance)

Support and Feedback
Gowin Semiconductor provides customers with comprehensive technical support. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us directly by the following ways.


Color Space is the mathematical representation of a set of colors. The most common color models are RGB in computer graphics, YIQ, YUV, or YCbCr in video systems. Gowin CSC (Color Space Convertor) IP is used to realize different three-axis coordinates color space conversion, such as the common conversion between YCbCr and RGB.
Table 2-1 Gowin CSC IP

Gowin CSC IP

Logic Resource| See Table 2-2
Delivered Doc.
Design File| Verilog (encrypted)
Reference Design| Verilog
TestBench| Verilog
Test and Design Flow
Synthesis Software| GowinSynthesis
Application Software| Gowin Software (V1.9.6.02Beta and above)

For the devices supported, you can click here to get the information.


  • Supports YCbCr, RGB, YUV, YIQ three-axis coordinate color space conversion.
  • Supports predefined BT601, BT709 standard color space conversion formula.
  • Support customized coefficient conversion formula
  • Support signed and unsigned data
  • Supports 8, 10, 12 data bit widths.

Resource Utilization
Gowin CSC IP employs the Verilog language, which is used in the GW1N and GW2A FPGA devices. Table 2-2 presents an overview of the resource utilization. For the applications on the other GOWINSEMI FPGA devices, please see the later information.
Table 2-2 Resource Utilization

Device GW1N-4 GW1N-4
Color Space SDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr SDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr
Data Width 8 12
Coefficient width 11 18
LUTs 97 106
Registers 126 129

Functional Description

System Diagram
As shown in Figure 3-1, Gowin CSC IP receives three-component video data from video source and outputs in real time according to the selected conversion formula.
Figure 3-1 System Architecture


Working Principle

  • Color space conversion is matrix operation. All color space can be derived from RGB information.
  • Take the formula of color space conversion between RGB and YCbCr (HDTV, BT709) as an example:
    • RGB to YCbCr color space conversion
    • Y709 = 0.213R + 0.715G + 0.072B
    • Cb = -0.117R – 0.394G + 0.511B + 128
    • Cr = 0.511R – 0.464G – 0.047B + 128
    • YCbCr to RGB color space conversion
    • R = Y709 + 1.540*(Cr – 128)
    • G = Y709 – 0.459(Cr – 128) – 0.183(Cb – 128)
    • B = Y709 + 1.816*(Cb – 128)
    • Because there is similar structure for the color space conversion formulas, the color space conversion can adopt a unified formula.
    • dout0 = A0din0 + B0din1 + C0*din2 + S0
    • dout1 = A1din0 + B1din1 + C1*din2 + S1
    • dout2 = A2din0 + B2din1 + C2*din2 + S2
  • Among them, A0, B0, C0, A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2 are multiplication coefficient; S0 and S1, S2 are constant augend; din0, din1, din2 are channels input; dout0, dout1, dout2 are the outputs of the channels.
    Table 3-1 is a table of predefined standard color space conversion formula coefficients.
    Table 3-1 Standard Conversion Formula CoefficientsColor Model| –| A| B| C| S

SDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr

| 0| 0.299| 0.587| 0.114| 0.000
1| -0.172| -0.339| 0.511| 128.000
2| 0.511| -0.428| -0.083| 128.000

SDTV Computer RGB to YCbCr

| 0| 0.257| 0.504| 0.098| 16.000
1| -0.148| -0.291| 0.439| 128.000
2| 0.439| -0.368| -0.071| 128.000

SDTV YCbCr to Studio RGB

| 0| 1.000| 0.000| 1.371| -175.488
1| 1.000| -0.336| -0.698| 132.352
2| 1.000| 1.732| 0.000| -221.696

SDTV YCbCr to Computer RGB

| 0| 1.164| 0.000| 1.596| -222.912
1| 1.164| -0.391| -0.813| 135.488
2| 1.164| 2.018| 0.000| -276.928

HDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr

| 0| 0.213| 0.715| 0.072| 0.000
1| -0.117| -0.394| 0.511| 128.000
2| 0.511| -0.464| -0.047| 128.000

HDTV Computer RGB to YCbCr

| 0| 0.183| 0.614| 0.062| 16.000
1| -0.101| -0.338| 0.439| 128.000
2| 0.439| -0.399| -0.040| 128.000

HDTV YCbCr to Studio RGB

| 0| 1.000| 0.000| 1.540| -197.120
1| 1.000| -0.183| -0.459| 82.176
2| 1.000| 1.816| 0.000| -232.448

HDTV YCbCr to Computer RGB

| 0| 1.164| 0.000| 1.793| -248.128
1| 1.164| -0.213| -0.534| 76.992
2| 1.164| 2.115| 0.000| -289.344

Computer RGB to YUV

| 0| 0.299| 0.587| 0.114| 0.000
1| -0.147| -0.289| 0.436| 0.000
2| 0.615| -0.515| -0.100| 0.000
YUV to Computer RGB| 0| 1.000| 0.000| 1.140| 0.000
1| 1.000| -0.395| -0.581| 0.000
| 2| 1.000| -2.032| 0.000| 0.000

Computer RGB to YIQ

| 0| 0.299| 0.587| 0.114| 0.000
1| 0.596| -0.275| -0.321| 0.000
2| 0.212| -0.523| 0.311| 0.000

YIQ to Computer RGB

| 0| 1.000| 0.956| 0.621| 0.000
1| 1.000| -0.272| -0.647| 0.000
2| 1.000| -1.107| 1.704| 0.000

The specific process is as follows:

  1. The input data is selected according to the input parameters. Since signed data operation is used, if it is unsigned data input, it needs to be converted into signed data format.
  2. The multiplier is used to multiply the coefficients and the data. When the multiplier uses pipeline output, it is necessary to pay attention to the delay of data output.
  3. Add the results of the multiplication operations.
  4. Limit the data overflow and underflow.
  5. Select the signed or unsigned output according to the parameters of the output data, and limit the output according to the range of the output data.

Port List
The I/O port of Gowin CSC IP is shown in Figure 3-2.


The I/O ports of Gowin CSC IP are shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Gowin CSC IP Ports List

No. Signal Name I/O Description Note
1 I_rst_n I Reset signal, active low The I/O of all the signals takes CSC


as reference

2| I_clk| I| Working clock
3| I_din0| I| Data input of channel 0
| | | Take RGB format as an example: I_din0 = R
| | | Take YCbCr format as an example: I_din0

= Y

| | | Take YUV format as an example: I_din0 = Y
| | | Take YIQ format as an example: I_din0 = Y
4| I_din1| I| Data input of channel 1
| | | Take RGB format as an example: I_din1 = G
| | | Take YCbCr format as an example: I_din1

= Cb

| | | Take YUV format as an example: I_din1 = U
| | | Take YIQ format as an example: I_din1 = I
5| I_din2| I| Data input of channel 2
| | | Take RGB format as an example: I_din2 = B
| | | Take YCbCr format as an example: I_din2

= Cr

| | | Take YUV format as an example: I_din2 = V|
Take YIQ format as an example: I_din2 = Q
6| I_dinvalid| I| Input data valid signal
7| O_dout0| O| Data output of channel 0
| | | Take RGB format as an example: O_dout0
| | | = R
| | | Take YCbCr format as an example:
| | | O_dout0 = Y
| | | Take YUV format as an example: O_dout0
| | | = Y
| | | Take YIQ format as an example: O_dout0 =
| | | Y
8| O_dout1| O| Data output of channel 1
| | | Take RGB format as an example: O_dout1
| | | = G
| | | Take YCbCr format as an example:
| | | O_dout1 = Cb
| | | Take YUV format as an example: O_dout1
| | | = U
| | | Take YIQ format as an example:O_dout1 =
| | | V
9| O_dout2| O| Data output of channel 2
| | | Take RGB format as an example: O_dout2
| | | = B
| | | Take YCbCr format as an example:
| | | O_dout2 = Cr
| | | Take YUV format as an example: O_dout2
| | | = U
| | | Take YIQ format as an example:O_dout2 =
| | | V
10| O_doutvalid| O| Output data valid signal

Parameter Configuration
Table 3-3 Global Parameter

No. Name Value Range Default Value Description


| ****


| SDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr, SDTV Computer RGB to YCbCr, SDTV

YCbCr to Studio RGB, SDTV YCbCr to Computer RGB, HDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr, HDTV Computer RGB to YCbCr, HDTV YCbCr to Studio RGB, HDTV YCbCr to Computer RGB, Computer RGB to YUV, YUV to Computer RGB, Computer RGB to

YIQ, YIQ to Computer

| ****

SDTV Studio RGB to YCbCr

| ****

Color space conversion model; Specify several predefined sets of coefficients and constant

conversion formulas according

to the BT601 and BT709 standards;

Custom: Customize the coefficients and constants of the conversion formula.

| | RGB, Custom| |


| Coefficient Width| ****


| ****


| Coefficient bit width; 1 bit for sign, 2 bits for integer, and the rest for fraction
3| DIN0 Data Type| Signed, Unsigned| Unsigned| Input data type of Channel 0
4| DIN1 Data Type| Signed, Unsigned| Unsigned| Input data type of Channel 1
5| DIN2 Data Type| Signed, Unsigned| Unsigned| Input data type of Channel 2
6| Input Data Width| 8/10/12| 8| Input data width
7| Dout0 Data Type| Signed, Unsigned| Unsigned| Output data type of Channel 0
8| Dout1 Data Type| Signed, Unsigned| Unsigned| Output data type of Channel 1
9| Dout2 Data Type| Signed, Unsigned| Unsigned| Output data type of Channel 2
10| Output Data Width| 8/10/12| 8| Output data width
11| A0| -3.0~3.0| 0.299| 1st coefficient of Channel 0
12| B0| -3.0~3.0| 0.587| 2nd coefficient of Channel 0
13| C0| -3.0~3.0| 0.114| 3rd coefficient of Channel 0
14| A1| -3.0~3.0| -0.172| 1st coefficient of Channel 1
15| B1| -3.0~3.0| -0.339| 2nd coefficient of Channel 1
16| C1| -3.0~3.0| 0.511| 3rd coefficient of Channel 1
17| A2| -3.0~3.0| 0.511| 1st coefficient of Channel 2
18| B2| -3.0~3.0| -0.428| 2nd coefficient of Channel 2
19| C2| -3.0~3.0| -0.083| 3rd coefficient of Channel 2
20| S0| -255.0~255.0| 0.0| Constant of Channel 0
21| S1| -255.0~255.0| 128.0| Constant of Channel 1
22| S2| -255.0~255.0| 128.0| Constant of Channel 2
23| Dout0 Max Value| -255~255| 255| The maximum of output data range of channel 0
24| Dout0 Min Value| -255~255| 0| The minimum of output data range of Channel 0
25| Dout1 Max Value| -255~255| 255| The maximum of output data range of channel 1
26| Dout1 Min Value| -255~255| 0| The minimum of output data range of Channel 1
27| Dout2 Max Value| -255~255| 255| The maximum of output data range of channel 2
28| Dout2 Min Value| -255~255| 0| The minimum of output data range of Channel 2

Timing Description
This section describes the timing of Gowin CSC IP.
The data is output after a delay of 6 clock cycles after the CSC operation. The duration of the output data depends on the input data and is the same as the duration of the input data.
Figure 3-3 Timing Diagram of Input/Output Data Interface


Interface Configuration

You can use IP core generator tools in the IDE to call and configure Gowin CSC IP.

  1. Open IP Core Generator
    After creating the project, you can click the “Tools” tab in the upper left, select and open the IP Core Generater from the drop-down list, as shown in Figure 4-1.GOWIN-IPUG902E-CSC-IP-Programming-For-The-Future-

  2. Open CSC IP core
    Click “Multimedia” and double-click “Color Space Convertor” to open the configuration interface of CSC IP core, as shown in Figure 4-2.GOWIN-

  3. CSC IP core ports
    On the left of the configuration interface is the ports diagram of CSC IP core, as shown in Figure 4-3.GOWIN-IPUG902E-CSC-IP-Programming-For-The-

  4. Configure the general information

    • See the general information in the upper part of configuration interface, as shown in Figure 4-4. Take GW2A-18 chip as an example, and select PBGA256 package. The top-level file name of the generated project is shown in the “Module Name”, and the default is “
    • Color_Space_Convertor_Top”, which can be modified by users. The file generated by the IP core is shown in “File Name”, which contains the files required by CSC IP core, and the default is “color_space_convertor”, which can be modified by users. The “Creat IN” shows the path of IP core files, and the default is “\project path\src\ color_space_convertor”, which can be modified by users.GOWIN-IPUG902E-CSC-IP-Programming-For-The-Future-fig-8
  5. Data Options
    In the “Data Options” tab, you need to configure the formula, data type, data bit width and other parameter information for the CSC operations, as shown in Figure 4-5.GOWIN-IPUG902E-CSC-IP-Programming-For-The-Future-

Reference Design

This chapter focuses on the usage and constructure of the reference design instance of CSC IP. Please see the CSC Reference Design for details at Gowinsemi website.

Design Instance Application

  • Take DK-VIDEO-GW2A18-PG484 as an example, the structure is as shown in Figure 5-1. For the DK-VIDEO-GW2A18-PG484 development board information, you can click here.GOWIN-IPUG902E-CSC-IP-Programming-For-The-Future-fig-10
  • In the reference design, video_top is the top-level module, whose workflow is shown below.
    1. The test pattern module is used to generate the test pattern with a resolution of 1280×720 and data format of RGB888.
    2. Call CSC IP core generator to generatergb_yc_top module to achieve RGB888 to YC444.
    3. Call CSC IP core generator to generate yc_rgb_top module to achieve YC444 to RGB88.
    4. After the two conversions, the RGB data can be compared to see whether they are correct.
      When the reference design is applied to the board-level test, you can convert the output data through the video encoding chip and then output to the display.
      In the simulation project provided by the reference design, BMP is used as the test excitation source, and tb_top is the top-level module of the simulation project. Comparison can be made by the output image after simulation.

File Delivery

The delivery file for Gowin CSC IP includes document, design source code and reference design.

The document mainly contains PDF file of the user guide.
Table 6-1 Documents List

Name Description
IPUG902, Gowin CSC IP User Guide Gowin CSC IP user guide, namely this one.

Design Source Code (Encryption)
The encrypted code file contains the Gowin CSC IP RTL encrypted code which is used for GUI in order to cooperate with Gowin YunYuan software to generate the IP core required by users.
Table 6-2 Design Source Code List

Name Description
color_space_convertor.v The top-level file of the IP core, which provides

users with interface information, encrypted.

Reference Design
The Ref. Design file contains the netlist file for Gowin CSC IP, user reference design, constraints file, top-level file and the project file, etc.
Table 6-3 Ref.Design File List

Name Description
video_top.v The top module of reference design
testpattern.v Test pattern generation module
csc_ref_design.cst Project physical constraints file
csc_ref_design.sdc Project timing constraints file
color_space_convertor CSC IP project folder
—rgb_yc_top.v Generate the first CSC IP top-level file, encrypted
—rgb_yc_top.vo Generate the first CSC IP netlist file
—yc_rgb_top.v Generate the second CSC IP top-level file, encrypted
—yc_rgb_top.vo Generate the second CSC IP netlist file
--- ---
gowin_rpll PLL IP project folder
key_debounceN.v Key debouncing module
i2c_master I2C Master IP project folder
adv7513_iic_init.v ADV7513 chip initialization module


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