TESY CN207 ZF W Portable Electric Convector Heater Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024

TESY CN207 ZF W Portable Electric Convector Heater Instruction Manual
TESY CN207 ZF W Portable Electric Convector Heater

This product is only suitable for well insulated spaces or occasional use


Please read this manual before operating the appliance and keep it at a safe place for future reference. In case the appliance is obtained by a new owner, it should be transferred together with its manual.

  • CAUTION: Children under 3 years of age should be kept away from the appliance unless they are under constant supervision.

  • Children from 3 to 8 years of age are allowed to operate with the on/off button ONLY, provided that the appliance is installed and ready for operation and such children have been supervised and instructed in safe operation of the appliance and they understand all related risks.

  • Children from 3 to 8 years of age MUST NOT: connect the plug to power sockets, make adjustments, clean it or carry out user maintenance operations.

  • This appliance can be used by children older than 8 years of age and by people with reduced physical, sensor and mental capabilities, as well as by people with insufficient experience and knowledge provided they are supervised or instructed in safe operation of the appliance and understand the related risks. Children should not be allowed to play with the appliance.
    Cleaning and user maintenance operations must not be carried out by children without supervision

  • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they are under supervision or instructed about the use of the appliance by the person responsible for their safety.

  • Children should be under supervision to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

  • WARNING! Some of the appliance’s parts may get very hot during operation and this could cause burns to the users. In case there are children and vulnerable people in the room, special attention should be paid.
    WARNING : In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the appliance!

  • The appliance should not be positioned close or under power sockets!

  • If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

  • Before operating the appliance – check if the voltage indicated on the appliance technical plate corresponds to the voltage of the electricity, supplied to your place.

  • This appliance must be used only for the operations it has been designed and intended for, i.e. heating of domestic premises. This appliance is not intended for commercial application. Every kind of different application is considered improper and consequently dangerous. The manufacturer does not bear responsibility for malfunctions resulting from improper and irrational use. Non-adherence to these safety instructions will render the guarantee terms invalid!

  • DO NOT leave your place while the appliance is operating: ensure that the power switch knob is switched to OFF position. Always disconnect the power plug from the socket.

  • Keep inflammable objects, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, paper, clothes, curtains etc. at a distance of at least 100 cm away from the portable electric convector heater.

  • Do not operate the appliance in areas of use or storage of combustible substances. Do not operate the appliance in areas of combustible media (for example in close proximity to inflammable gases or aerosols) – there is great risk of explosion and fire!

  • Do not insert and do not allow foreign objects to enter the ventilation openings (inlet and outlet) because this will cause electric shock, fire or will damage the portable electric convector heater.

  • This appliance is not suitable for animal breeding and it is intended for domestic use only!

1. Keep the air inlet and outlet clear of any objects: unobstructed distance of at least 1 metre in front and 1 metre behind the portable electric convector heater should be provided.
  • The most common cause of overheating is fluff and dust deposits in the appliance. Clean the ventilation openings regularly with a vacuum cleaner. Before that disconnect the power plug from the socket.

  • Never touch the appliance with damp or wet hands – there is danger for your life!

  • The power socket must be easily accessible all the time in case the power plug has to be disconnected as fast as possible! Never pull the power cord or the appliance itself in order to disconnect it from the mains.

  • ATTENTION! Outgoing air gets hot during operation (up to more than 100°C).

  • Do not cover the appliance. If the appliance gets covered, there is risk of overheating and fire.

  • If the appliance is damaged or does not work properly, stop it and do not repair it yourself. For any kind of repairs call for assistance the after-sale service centre. This is the place where you will have your broken part replaced with an original one. Non-adherence to this instruction will compromise the appliance safety.

  • If you decide to stop using such kind of appliance, it is advisable to render it unusable by cutting its power cord after disconnecting it from the mains. It is advisable all possible dangers related to the appliance to be prevented, especially in relation to children that may play with out-of-use appliances.

  • Never keep the appliance unnecessarily switched on. Disconnect it from the power socket when you do not intend to use it for a long period of time.
    WARNING : Do not use this appliance with a programming device, counter or any other device which can automatically switch it on because if the appliance is covered or improperly positioned this may cause fire.

  • Position the power cord in such a way that it does not obstruct the free movement of people and can not be stepped on!
    Use only approved extension cords which are suitable for this appliance, i.e. have got a conformity sign!

  • Never move the appliance by pulling its power cord and do not use the power cord for carrying objects!

  • Do not bend the power cord and do not stretch it over sharp edges, do not position it over hot plates or open flames!

  • Never use this appliance in close proximity to wet premises – bathroom, shower cabin or swimming pool!
    WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, keep textiles, curtains, or any other flammable material a minimum distance of 1m from the air outlet.

  • Do not use this portable electric convector heater if it has been dropped.

  • Do not use if there are visible signs of damage to the portable electric convector heater.

  • Use this portable electric convector heater on a horizontal and stable surface, or fix it to the wall, as applicable.
    WARNING: Do not use the heater in small rooms, when they are occupied by persons not capable of leaving the room on their own, unless constant supervision is provided.


  • After unpacking the appliance, check if all its elements are included in the packing and that it has not been damaged during transportation! In case damage or incomplete delivery is found, contact your authorised retailer! (fig. 1)
    Portable electric convector heater| 1 pc
    Feet| 2 pcs.
    Feet fixing screws| 2 pcs.
    Manual| 1 pc.
    Guarantee certificate| 1 pc.
  • Do not throw away the original packing! It could be used for storage and transportation purposes in order to avoid damages during transportation!
  • Disposal of packing materials should be done in the appropriate way! Children should be prevented from playing with the polyethylene bags!

Thank you for choosing TESY Portable electric convector heater CN 207 ZF W/ CN 207 ZF G/ CN 207 ZF B .These are products providing heating in winter in the power range of 1000 W or 2000 W depending on the consumer’s needs for comfortable room temperature. If operated and taken care of properly, the appliance will provide you with many years of useful operation.


The appliance is intended only for on-floor operation (horizontal flat surface)!


  1. Before operating the portable electric convector heater you should install its feet. The feet should be installed at the base of the portable electric convector heater by means of 2 screws to each of them. Make sure that the feet are properly aligned at the two sides of the portable electric convector heater.
  2. Take out the set of 2 screws and attach the feet by screwing the screws with a proper extra tool (screw-driver), which is not included in appliance set. (fig. 2)
    Operation Instruction


  1. It is compulsory for the appliance to be secured when positioned in a room without supervision. The appliance electric installation has to be equipped with an automatic safety fuse; with a distance between its contacts in disconnected state of at least 3 mm.

  2. Select a proper place for the appliance, taking into account the safety precautions. (fig. 3)
    Operation Instruction

  3. Set the portable electric convector heater in proper working position before connecting it to the mains.

  4. Plug mains plug into a wall socket that complies with the technical date 220-240V ~50-60Hz.

  5. During initial operation or when the appliance has not been used for a long period of time, subtle odour or smoke may be emitted, it will disappear in a short period of time during appliance operation.

  6. The appliance is equipped with a double power switch with three positions

    • 0- OFF
    • “I” for 1000W
    • ‘’II” for 2000W
    • The total maximum power when both power switches are turned-on is 2000W (If the “Turbo” function is working the light indicator lights up In red ) . (fig. 4 – 1)
      Operation Instruction
  7. The appliance is equipped with therm-regulator sensitive to ambient temperature. You can turn the thee mo regulator knob until the desired room temperature is
    achieved (the size of the heated room has to conform to the power of the appliance; in case the desired room temperature can’t be achieved, an additional portable electric convector heater needs to be operated). You can turn the thermostat knob clockwise to maximum power and when the desired room temperature is achieved you have to turn it counter-clockwise slowly. This is аaccompanied with a sound signal. Then the appliance will maintain the air temperature in the room at the adjusted level by switching on and off automatically. ( fig. 4 – 2)

  8. You can turn the thermostat clockwise to the maximum value, once it reaches the desired room temperature, you should slowly turn the thermostat anti-clockwise.
    The selection of the maximum temperature value is accompanied by a sound signal. The unit will then maintain the air temperature in the room at the set level by switching on and off automatically.

  9. TESY Portable electric convector heater CN 207 ZF W/ CN 207 ZF G/ CN 207 ZF W is equipped with an additional Turbo function, which can be controlled by a separate switch – (Turbo). Turbo function assists portable electric convector heater in faster achievement of desired room temperature. When the appliance is connected, press the
    TURBO button once to switch on the function. Then the
    TURBO indicator lights up in red. Press the TURBO button again to switch off the function. The indicator lights off. (fig. 4 – 3)

  10. The available power levels are presented indicatively.

Note: The device shows the temperature around the location of the sensor and is not a means of accurately measuring the ambient temperature.


If the appliance has to be moved, switch it off by the portable electric convector heater switch. Take the power plug out of the power socket and then, holding the appliance handles with both hands, move it to its new position, having in mind that the appliance must get cold (cooled down) before doing this. Moving hot appliances may lead to undesired consequences for the user like burns or inflammable materials entering the portable electric convector heater during its movement.


  • It is compulsory first to switch off the appliance and disconnect its power cord from the socket. Before starting cleaning the portable electric convector heater you should wait until it cools down after disconnecting it from the power socket.
  • Clean the body of the appliance with a damp cloth, vacuum cleaner or soft brush.
  • Never immerse the appliance into water – there is danger to your life from electric shock!
  • Never use petrol, thinner or coarse abrasive products for cleaning because they will damage the surface coating of the appliance.


  • Before putting away the portable electric convector heater let it cool down after disconnecting it from the power socket. Use the original packing for storing the portable electric convector heater if it will not be used for a certain period of time. The product can be protected from excessive dust and dirt when it is kept in its original packing.
  • Never put a hot appliance into its packing!
  • The product has to be stored at a dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • It is explicitly forbidden to store the appliance in wet or damp premises.

Environment protection instructions
**** Old electric appliances contain valuable materials and therefore should not be disposed of as domestic waste! We ask you for your active cooperation to protect the resources and the environment by submitting your appliance to organised buy-back stations (if there are such).


Model identifier(s): 1. CN207 ZF W 2. CN207 ZF G 3. CN207 ZF B / 220-240V~ 50-60Hz

Позиция| Символ| Стойност 1| Мерна единица| Позиция| Мерна единица
Топлинна мощност| | | | Вид топлинно зареждане, само за електрически акумулиращи локални отоплителни топлоизточници (изберете един)
Номинална топлинна мощност| Pnom| 2.0| kW| Ръчен регулатор на топлинното зареждане с вграден термостат| [не]
Минимална топлинна мощност| Pmin| 0.0| kW| Ръчен регулатор на топлинното зареждане с обратна връзка за температурата в помещението и/или навън| [не]
Максимална непрекъсната топлинна мощност| Pmax,C| 2.0| kW| Електронен регулатор на топлинното зареждане с обратна връзка за температурата в помещението и/или навън| [не]
Спомагателно потребление на електроенергия| | | | Отдавана чрез обдухване топлинна енергия| [не]
При номинална топлинна мощност| elmax| 0.000| kW| Вид топлинна мощност/регулиране на в помещението (изберете един) температурата
При минимална топлинна мощност| elmin| 0.000| kW| Една степен на топлинна мощност и без регулиране на температурата в помещението| [не]
В режим готовност| el SB| 0.000| kW| Две или повече ръчни степени, без регулиране на температурата на помещението| [не]
| С механичен термостат за регулиране на температурата в помещението| [да]
С електронен регулатор на температурата в помещението| [не]
Електронен регулатор на температурата в помещението и денонощен таймер| [не]
Електронен регулатор на температурата в помещението и седмичен таймер| [не]
Други варианти за регулиране (възможен е повече от един избор)
Регулиране на температурата в помещението с откриване на човешко присъствие| [не]
Регулиране на температурата в помещението с откриване на отворен прозорец| [не]
С възможност за дистанционно управление| [не]
С адаптивно управление на пускането в действие| [не]
С ограничение на времето за работа| [не]
С датчик във вид на черна полусфера| [не]
Информация за контакт:| | TESY Ltd 48 Madara Blvd, Shumen, 9700, Bulgaria

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