SIM-LAB Freestanding Vario Monitor Mount Single Triple Instruction Manual
- June 13, 2024
Table of Contents
Freestanding Vario Monitor Mount Single Triple
Instruction Manual
Freestanding Vario Monitor Mount Single Triple
Thank you for purchasing this Sim-Lab product! On the following pages, you
will find detailed instructions on assembly. This requires only a set of
simple tools and some of your time. Please check the bill of materials before
starting (page 14) and make sure all the parts are delivered.
We have combined the assembly instructions for the single and triple versions
of this product into one manual. If you have purchased the triple version and
build from scratch, you can skip some pages which involve assembly and
installation of the Vario VESA mounts and do those last.
This product furthermore combines products we normally offer separately. We
encourage you to read the product manuals for included products if this one
doesn’t answer all of your questions. Please refer to the following if needed:
Inserting Slot-Nuts:
You got excited, finished the build, put the caps on, but forgot to install
one element. Do not worry. It happens to everyone. In this diagram, you can
see how to insert a Slot-Nut directly into the slot from the side. You can
also use one of your smaller Hex wrenches to help wiggle the Slot-Nut in
place. Tools needed: Instructions for the right side (A2)
are similar. See page 7 for the orientation of the profile.
If you purchased the ‘Triple
Upgrade’, please continue on page 10.
When parts
E9 and E10 are installed like above, monitors are easy to install in a neutral
position. Parts E9 can be adjusted to change the tilt and/or height.
Parts E10 can be adjusted to adjust the monitor sideways if needed, and fix it
in place.Instructions
for the right side (C1) are similar. See the next page for the orientation of
the profile.
- Mind the orientation of the Slot-Nuts.
Adjust arm angles to your preference. We included markings in the pivots.
Markings are placed in 10° increments.BOX A – VARIO SINGLE MONITOR MOUNT PROFILE KIT
# | Part | QTY | Note |
A1 | 80X40 Length=1195mm | 1 | |
A2 | 80X40 3N Length=1195mm | 2 | |
A3 | 40X40 Length=580mm | 2 |
A4| Triple sandwich plate 80| 2|
A5| Corner bracket 40×40| 4|
A6| Corner bracket 40×40 cap| 4|
A7| Profile 80×40 end-cap| 4|
A8| Profile 40×40 end-cap| 4|
A9| Bolt M8 X 20 DIN 912| 12|
A10| Bolt M8 X 16 DIN 912| 8|
A11| Washer M8 DIN 125-A| 20|
A12| Slot-Nut M8| 20|
# | Part | QTY | Note |
B1 | Rubber foot | 4 | |
B2 | Bolt M8 X 20 DIN 7380 | 4 | Buttoned. |
B3 | Slot-Nut M8 | 4 |
BOX C – TRIPLE MONITOR MOUNT (upgrade, depending on purchase) PROFILE KIT
# | Part | QTY | Note |
C1 | 80X40 3N Length=580mm | 2 |
C2| Profile 80×40 end-cap| 4|
BOX D – Xero-Play triple pivot set (upgrade, depending on purchase) HARDWARE KIT
# | Part | QTY | Note |
D1 | Xero-Play triple pivot adapter | 8 | |
D2 | Bolt M8 X 40 DIN 912 | 4 | |
D3 | Bolt M8 X 25 DIN 912 | 16 | |
D4 | Nut M8 | 4 | |
D5 | Slot-Nut M8 | 16 |
BOX E – Vario VESA adapter set (amounts depending on purchase) HARDWARE KIT
# | Part | QTY | Note |
E1 | Vario VESA holder | 1 | |
E2 | Vario VESA plate | 1 | |
E3 | Vario VESA pin holder | 2 | |
E4 | Vario VESA pin | 1 | |
E5 | Bolt M5 X 20 DIN 7991 | 4 | |
E6 | Screw M4 X 16 DIN 7985 | 4 | Philips head. |
E7 | Screw M4 X 10 DIN 7985 | 4 | Philips head. |
E8 | Bolt M8 X 16 DIN 912 | 2 | |
E9 | Set screw M8 X 40 DIN 916 | 3 | |
E10 | Set screw M5 X 20 DIN 916 | 2 | |
E11 | Washer M8 DIN 125-A | 2 | |
E12 | Slot-Nut M8 | 2 | |
E13 | Standoff M4 x 10 | 4 |
Disclaimer: for some entries on this page, we supply more than required
as spare materials. Don’t worry if you have some leftovers, this is
If you still have some questions regarding assembly of this product or about
the manual itself, please refer to our support department. They can be reached
Alternatively, we now have a Discord server where there are quite some
experienced Sim-Lab customers hanging out. They might just help you along if
you ask them nicely)
If you feel like printing this manual, please consider the environment before
doing so. For the best results, make sure you print at 100% scale without
borders. Product page on the Sim-Lab website:
Documents / Resources
| SIM-
LAB Freestanding Vario Monitor Mount Single
[pdf] Instruction Manual
Freestanding Vario Monitor Mount Single Triple, Freestanding Vario, Monitor
Mount Single Triple, Single Triple, Triple
- Sim-Lab
- xeroplay pivot copy
- xeroplay pivot copy
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