CLAYDON BROTHERS CUADIG315 Produce Digital Images User Guide

June 17, 2024

CLAYDON BROTHERS CUADIG315 Produce Digital Images

Product Information


  • Product Name: Student Assessment Book CUADIG315 Produce Digital Images (Release 1)
  • Author: Bronwyn Blencowe
  • Version: 1.0
  • Date: 7/7/2021
  • Website: Digital Photography School

Product Usage Instructions

This product is designed to help users plan, prepare, and create digital images according to specified outcomes.

Unit Outcomes
At the end of this unit, users must be able to:

  1. Plan digital imaging work
  2. Prepare digital imaging resources
  3. Create finished digital images

Description of the Assessment
The assessment involves planning and producing technically proficient digital images based on different ideas. It is divided into five parts:

  1. Written Assignment
  2. Exploration of ideas and techniques
  3. Practicing digital imaging techniques
  4. Create digital images using relevant techniques
  5. Evaluation of the work

Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment
Instructions for this task include answering specific questions related to digital imaging techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What evidence needs to be submitted for Assessment Task 1?
    Evidence to submit includes responses to questions 1-19 and correctly sourced and referenced answers if applicable.

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Version Date Author Rationale
1.0 7/7/2021 Bronwyn Blencowe Original for Claydon Brothers Pty Ltd

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  • This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to produce digital images through the exploration and application of different techniques, tools, equipment, and materials. It involves exploring ideas and techniques during the planning process, preparing resources to create digital images, and creating finished digital images.
  • The unit applies to those developing expertise with digital imagery to produce photo images or digital art.
  • No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Pre-requisite Unit

  • Nil.

Unit Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, you must be able to:

  • Plan digital imaging work
  • Prepare digital imaging resources
  • Create finished digital images

Description of the Assessment

You are to plan and produce technically proficient digital images according to at least three different ideas.
To achieve this you will be required to:

  • examine the combination of ideas and techniques in own digital image work in a discussion with others (use a brainstorming and document this using a mind map)
  • use materials and resources safely and sustainably (Observation)
  • evaluate own work progress and identify one or more areas for improvements in creative processes and products. (use the Peer Review form and Self-Assessment Checklist)

The assessment is broken up into five parts:

  1. Written Assignment
  2. Exploration of ideas and techniques to use
  3. Practicing digital imaging techniques using appropriate resources
  4. Create digital images using relevant techniques principles and elements of design and follows IP requirements and store your work
  5. Evaluation of your work

Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment
Instructions for this task:
You are to answer the following questions. These can be handwritten, or word processed. If handwritten, they must be neatly written and legible for the assessor to be able to mark them. You must reference to the source of information for each answer.

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  1. historical and theoretical digital imaging practices applicable to the specific production of digital images
  2. capabilities of different materials, tools and equipment used in digital imaging
  3. elements and principles of design and their application to digital imaging
  4. common techniques used in producing digital images and how they can be adapted to achieve creative effects
  5. basic intellectual property considerations in producing creative works
  6. procedures for working safely with digital imaging materials, tools and equipment.


You must get all questions 100% correct and all documentation requested in this assessment is submitted to gain a satisfactory in this task.

Resources required for this assessment task:

You need to have access to the following:

  • Pen and Paper
  • Access to learning materials
  • Access to the internet
  • Access to a PC and word-processing software

Location : Computing lab
Submit your responses by the due date and per the general instructions at the beginning of this unit of competency. Attach the Assessment Agreement and the Assessment cover sheet for this assessment task.

Questions to respond to.



| List 4 common techniques used in producing digital images and explain how they can be adapted to achieve creative effects. Give specifics for each technique.|

Evidence to submit

Did you submit the following evidence? Yes No
1 Responses to Q1-19
2 Answers correctly sourced and referenced if applicable
3 The handwriting was neat and legible, or word-processed
4 Cover sheet attached
5 Assessment Agreement attached

Assessment Task 2: Exploration of ideas
You are to explore different ideas and techniques to use to produce technically proficient digital images according to at least three different ideas.

To achieve this you will be required to:

  • examine the combination of ideas and techniques in own digital image work in a discussion with others (use a brainstorming and document this using a mind map)

This assessment is about the exploration of ideas to use for your digital images. Follow the steps below to achieve this task. You are to answer the questions once you have completed this section. These can be handwritten, or word processed. If handwritten, they must be neatly written and legible for the assessor to be able to mark them. You must reference to the source of information for each answer.

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  1. Exploring ideas for digital imaging with required personnel
  2. Reviewing historical and contemporary digital imaging practice as a potential source of ideas
  3. Examining the combination of ideas and techniques in own digital image work in a discussion with others (use brainstorming and document this using a mind map)

Using the Assessment Matrix below you are to achieve at least a rating of 4 to be deemed satisfactory in this task. You must complete all activities in full and you must answer all questions in full. You must demonstrate that you can experiment with different techniques and adapt and combine these techniques to complete the tasks below. All criteria listed in the Assessor’s Checklist must be met to the industry standards specified in this unit.

Resources required for this assessment task:
You need to have access to the following:

  • Access to learning materials
  • Access to the internet
  • Access to a PC and word-processing software
  • Access to digital imaging software and equipment e.g. DSSLR, Photoshop or similar, Memory cards

Location : Photography Studio/Computing lab
Submit your responses by the due date and per the general instructions at the beginning of this unit of competency. Attach the Assessment Agreement and the Assessment cover sheet for this assessment task.

Evidence to submit

Did you submit the following evidence? Yes No
1 Visual Diary showing:

a.      Ideas and techniques documented

b.      historical and contemporary digital imaging practices

b. Best ideas identified

| ☐| ☐
2| Brainstorming document| ☐| ☐
3| Cover sheet attached| ☐| ☐
4| Assessment Agreement attached| ☐| ☐
5| Assessor Checklist attached| ☐| ☐

Assessment Task 3: Experimentation of Techniques
Instructions for this task:
You are to explore and experiment with different techniques from the list below and produce 6 samples. Submit this completed task with your responses to your assessor for marking. Ask your Assessor to clarify any question or task if you need to before commencing this task. Complete the Assessment Cover Sheet before submitting the evidence for this task for marking.

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  1. Exploring techniques, combining techniques and ideas for digital imagery in consultation with required personnel using questioning and active listening techniques
  2. Common techniques used in producing digital images and how they can be adapted or extended to achieve creative effects
  3. Applying design theory to create visual interest
  4. Selecting techniques that best support the ideas for own creative work
  5. Evaluating decisions during production and amending work to achieve the desired result
  6. Assess capabilities of digital imaging techniques through practice and adaptation
  7. Clarifying information and confirming understanding as required
  8. Using materials and resources safely and sustainably
  9. Apply elements and principles of design
  10.  Select and organize digital imaging tools, equipment, and materials suited to the chosen work
  11. Prepare resources based on the needs of the work


  • You need to submit 6 images that each represent a digital imaging technique that meets the elements and principles of design. You need to respond to all questions correctly.
  • Using the Assessment Matrix below you are to achieve at least a rating of 4 by the assessor to be deemed satisfactory in this task. You must complete all tasks in full and to a high standard.
  • You must demonstrate that you are able to experiment with different techniques and adapt and combine these techniques to complete the tasks below.
  • All criteria listed in the Assessor’s Checklist must be met to the industry standards specified in this unit.
  • Location : Classroom/Digital imaging Studio with equipment and materials suited to digital imaging.


  • computer
  • digital camera
  • digital imaging software
  • guillotine
  • scanner.

Materials may include:

  • a range of printing surfaces such as acetate, fabrics, papers
  • hard copy source material such as magazine clippings, paintings, photos.

Evidence to submit

Did you submit the following evidence? Yes No
1 Experimentation form submitted
2 Visual Diary submitted
3 6 samples submitted
4 Assessor checklist submitted
5 Cover sheet attached
6 Assessment Agreement attached

Assessment Task 4: Portfolio of images
Instructions for this task:
You are to create a portfolio of images specific to a context as outlined in the brief below. Submit this completed task with your responses to your assessor for marking.  Ask your Assessor to clarify any question or task if you need to prior to commencing this task. Complete the Assessment Cover Sheet before submitting the evidence for this task for marking.

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  • Select techniques that best support the ideas for own creative work
  • Select and organize digital imaging tools, equipment and materials suited to the chosen work
  • Prepare resources based on the needs of the work
  • Use and adapt digital imaging techniques incorporating principles and elements of design
  • Document work processes for future reference

You need to submit three images that represent the themes listed below. All must demonstrate the application of the elements and principles of design as well as digital imaging techniques you have learned about and used. You need to respond to all questions correctly. You need to complete an evaluation worksheet on your own images and that of one from another peer in your class.
Assessors are to grade the checklist as well as the evaluation worksheet. The assessor will use the Assessor’s Checklist for this.
Location : Classroom/Digital imaging Studio with equipment and materials suited to digital imaging.


  • computer
  • digital camera
  • digital imaging software
  • guillotine
  • scanner.

Materials may include:

  • a range of printing surfaces such as acetate, fabrics, papers
  • hard copy source material such as magazine clippings, paintings, and photos.

Scenario :
You have been employed as a Photographers Assistant and are required to develop your skills in a range of photographic situations. Each lesson for the next three weeks you must shoot the required images ready to be edited in class where you will work on them in Photoshop. Each week a group critique by the class will enable you to examine the work of others and the techniques they have used as well as yours. You must complete the evaluation worksheet each time as well as submit the original non-retouched photos.

Evidence to submit

Did you submit the following evidence? Yes No
1 Three Digital Images submitted as per task requirements
2 All tasks 1-12 completed
3 Sketches, visual journals, work processes documentation, and all research
conducted including practice images submitted
4 Cover sheet attached
5 Assessment Agreement attached

Assessment Task 5: Review and evaluate Images
Instructions for this task:
You are to review and evaluate your final images. Submit all work to your Assessor for marking by the due date and include the Assessment Cover Sheet. You are required to submit all documentation which must be word processed.
Ask your Assessor to clarify items you are unsure about prior to commencing. Complete all tasks as stated below.

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  • Review your work in progress and adjust as required to finalise your work.
  • Seek feedback from others and use feedback to improve your technical and creative digital imagery skills.
  • Identify one or more areas for improvements in creative processes and products.

All criteria listed in the Assessor’s Checklist must be met to the industry standards specified in this unit. A review must be conducted that meets level 4 in the Assessment Matrix Below.

Assessment Matrix

Learning goal| Lacking –

Level 1

| Evolving –

Level 2

| Acquiring-

Level 3

| Proficient – Level 4
Students will be able to observe, interpret, and evaluate art.| Student demonstrates no understanding or skill with the learning goal.| Student demonstrates a limited understanding or skill with the learning goal.| Recognizing and recalling specific vocabulary, such as: aesthetics, art criticism, validity, purpose, quality, response.

Performing processes such as:

Commenting on personal art using descriptive terms.

| Constructing aesthetic arguments to support art critiques.

Evaluating the artistic works of others and self, using the elements of art and the principles of design.

 | Commenting on other

artists’ work using

descriptive terms.

Students will be able to refine their work and continue to grow as artists.| Student demonstrates no understanding or skill with the learning goal.| Student demonstrates a limited understanding or skill with the learning goal.| Recognizing and recalling specific vocabulary, such as: practice, constructive critique, reflection, revision, refining

Performing processes such as:

| Applying constructive criticism to personal work.

Reflecting on, revising and refining work overtime.

Evidence to submit

Did you submit the following evidence? Yes No
1 Q1-8 answered
2 Answers correctly sourced and referenced if applicable
3 Handwriting was neat and legible, or word processed
4 Discussion form completed Q1-9
5 List of resources required
6 Assessor Checklist Completed
7 Painting and Working drawings submitted
8 Cover sheet attached
9 Assessment Agreement attached

Record of Assessment Outcomes

This section records all the evidence used to form the final assessment decision. Please document all types of evidence used in this assessment.

Student Name|
Unit of Competency| CUADIG315 – Produce digital images (Release 1)
Assessment Requirements| Task Outcome
Satisfactory (S)

Not Satisfactory (NS)






Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment|  |  |
Assessment Task 2: Exploration of ideas|  |  |
Assessment Task 3: Experimentation of Techniques|  |  |
Assessment Task 4: Create images|  |  |
Assessment Task 5: Review the work|  |  |
Overall Assessment Outcome
☐   Competent| ☐     Not Yet Competent| ☐     Resubmit
If a resubmission is required what additional evidence or corrections are required?

Assessor Name:|
Assessors Signature:|  | Date|

Appendix 1 – Student Survey
At the end of each unit we would like to collect feedback, so we can identify areas for improvement in our materials. Circle or highlight the response you wish to use. We would appreciate your assistance by providing your constructive feedback.
Please complete the survey and return it to Claydon Brothers by email:
Thank you for your time.

Qualification code and name|
Unit code and name| CUADIG315 Produce Digital Images
Please read the statements below and circle the most appropriate response:| Strongly Disagree|







Strongly Agree

1. The amount of time for the assessment was appropriate.|










2. The training and assessment materials for this unit were suitable to my learning style and easy to use.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
3.  The content was interesting and engaging.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
4.  The topics were presented in a logical sequence.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
5. The assessment tasks were clear; and it was easy for me to understand what was required of me.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
6.  What did you find most interesting or useful about this unit?

7.  What, if anything, did you find the least useful about the unit?

8. Please make any constructive suggestions that would improve these materials for future students.

Thank you for providing your valuable feedback.
© Claydon Brothers Pty Ltd


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