CLAYDON BROTHERS AHCFAU302 Student Assessment Book Instructions

June 16, 2024

**CLAYDON BROTHERS AHCFAU302 Student Assessment Book Instructions


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Version Date Responsible Person Role
0.1 2/10/2022 Bronwyn Blencowe Author
0.2 3/10/2022 Alan Blencowe Review by Industry Validator
1.0 12/10/2022 Michael Claydon Issued

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This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to observe fauna characteristics for identification in the field using reference material. This is not an animal surveying unit; it focuses on observation skills and the identification of fauna from these observations. This unit is about observing fauna in the wild and identifying the fauna that you are observing. You will learn about the characteristics of different fauna in Western Australia using a variety of reference materials.

The unit applies to individuals who work in the conservation and ecosystem management industry under broad supervision and who take responsibility for their own work. They use discretion and judgement in the selection, allocation and use of available resources and for solving problems.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Pre-requisite Unit


Learning Outcomes

  1. Prepare for fauna identification
  2. Identify fauna
  3. Complete identification of fauna

Figure A- fauna-kangaroo-native-australian-icon-marsupial-safari-aussie-pouch- macropodidae-wolfdog-1203578.jpg

Assessments Overview

This Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for the assessment in this unit of competency and you must complete all assessment tasks.

Assessment Task About this Task
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions You must correctly answer all

questions to show that you understand the knowledge required for this unit.
Assessment Task 2: Practical Project| You will undertake the practical project in the field following the tasks prescribed and submit a Logbook of activities.

How to submit your Assessments

When you have completed each assessment task, submit all evidence listed to your Assessor either in hardcopy, electronically by email or uploading to the RTO’s Assessment Portal or as otherwise instructed by your Assessor.
Make sure you keep a copy of all submitted work as your Assessor will not return these to you. It is your responsibility to keep this copy until you have completed the course.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Each Assessment Task has a cover sheet that you need to complete and sign the declaration. Submit this with your evidence for each Assessment Task. Ensure you answer all questions and complete all details prior to submitting this form.

Feedback from your Assessor

Your Assessor will provide feedback on the Record of Outcome for each Assessment Task. This form will be provided to you and you must return this form to the Assessor for storage. Sign and Date this form.
Provide any comments that you wish your Assessor to know.

Resubmission of any Assessment Task

If you get something wrong and have to resubmit a part of your evidence or re- do a task again, the Assessor will discuss this with you and provide a deadline for you to resubmit the evidence by.

Deadlines for submission of evidence

Your Assessor will notify you of the last possible date of submission of evidence. There are no extensions provided unless there are extenuating circumstances. You would need to apply for an extension with your Assessor stating the grounds for the request. Do not assume an extension will be approved. It rarely is.

Purpose of the Assessments

All assessments have been created for you to be able to demonstrate your competency levels in each area. When you are graded Satisfactory in each Assessment Task, this leads to a competent result in the entire unit.

Assessment decisions

Your Assessor will mark each assessment task against the performance and knowledge criteria in the unit. Each aspect of the criteria being tested is listed in the section of the assessment “You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas”.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Student Name| | USI|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Assessors Name|
Assessment Task 1| Written Assignment
Submission Date|
Answer the following questions prior to commencing the Assessment Task| Yes| No
Are you ready to be assessed? I understand the assessment instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.(i.e. you have completed all training and feel confident to undertake the assessment. You know the purpose of the assessment and what resources I can use).| |
Do you understand your rights in the assessment process?| |
Do you understand the appeal system if you are not happy with your outcomes?| |
Do you have any special needs or support to be considered during assessment?(If Yes, advise your Assessor of what support you will need).| |
Do you understand that you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) instead of completing the assessment?(i.e. the reason would be that you already have attained this unit or have the knowledge and skills to be assessed immediately without training).| |
Do you know what evidence you must submit for this assessment?| |
Do you understand the assessment process as explained by your Assessor?| |
Student’s declaration
·          I declare that the evidence I have supplied is my own work.· None of this work has been completed by any other person.·          I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.· I have correctly referenced all resources, reference texts throughout this assessment task.·          I understand that if am in breach of this policy that disciplinary action may be taken against me.
Student’s Signature| | Date|

Assessment Task 1: Record of Outcome

Assessment Task #| **Name of Assessment Task| ****Satisfactory| Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessment Task 1| Written Assignment| ☐| ☐
Assessor Statement| I certify that the student being assessed has the skills, knowledge and abilities as described in the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. The quality, quantity, currency, and relevance of the assessment evidence enabled me to make a judgement of competency for this student. I have uploaded this student’s evidence for the RTO to certify and forwarded results to the Administration for entry into RTO Student Management System on the Record of Outcome Form at the end of the Student Assessment Book.
Feedback to Student|
I acknowledge the feedback provided by my Assessor. Provide any comments below that you wish your Assessor to know.
Student’s signature| | Date|
Assessor’s name Please print|
Assessor’s Signature| | Date**|

Overview of Task

You are to answer all the questions in this task.

What resources do I need to complete this task?

  • Access to learning materials
  • Access to a computer and the Internet
  • Access to word processing software
  • Access to the Resources Folder for documents from the Internet and Templates

Instructions to Students:

  • This is an open book test which means you can use your learning materials as a reference.
  • You need to answer all questions
  • You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided or by word processing your answers. It is recommended that all evidence is word processed wherever possible.
  • Note: If you hand write your answers and the Assessor cannot read your handwriting the evidence will be returned to you to word process.
  • Your Assessor will advise you if you can email your evidence or if you have to print it out and submit hard copies.
  • Submit your evidence on time.
  • Your evidence must be authentic (original, references, not plagiarised).

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  1. Principles and practices for identifying fauna, including:
    a. identification techniques and resources
    Bfauna behaviour
    c. fauna habitats
    d. tracks, scats and traces
    e. typical characteristics of fauna

  2. nomenclature and naming conventions for fauna, including:
    a. vertebrates
    b. invertebrates

  3. techniques for observing, identifying and recording fauna

  4. functions and operations of site equipment and tools

  5. reference materials used in identification process, including:
    a. field guides
    b. web sites and apps
    c. fauna keys
    d. digital images, pictures, graphics and other referenced collection to aid identification

  6. purposes for observing and monitoring fauna

  7. fauna and their ecological relationships with the location, including:
    a. home range
    b. breeding/nesting/shelter
    c. access to food and water resources
    d. movements – nomadic/migratory behaviours

  8. workplace health and safety procedures when conducting observations and collecting supplementary evidence

  9. procedures for reporting rare, uncommon or notifiable fauna

  10. animal welfare and environmental codes of practice relevant to the observation of fauna.

You must get all questions 100% correct and any supporting documentation requested is submitted to gain a satisfactory in this task.
This assessment will take place in the classroom, a Computing Lab or as otherwise instructed by the Assessor.

Respond to the following questions.

Q1| List and describe three techniques to identify fauna in the wild.
Q2| List the equipment and resources you will need to be able to identify fauna in the wild.
Q3| List the common behavioural traits for the species listed below.
Species| Behaviour
Desert Kangaroo Rat|
Respond to the following questions.

The Australian Ringneck|
Q4| List the types of habitats that fauna use in the wild.
Q5| List the key attributes to consider when making habitat observations.


| List an example for each of the following groups of animals found in Western Australia Identify its tracks, scats and any other traces they leave behind. List their common behaviours.Some references for you to use are listed below. _
Group| Example| Tracks/trac es| Common Behaviours
Mammals| Kangaroo| |
Mammals| Koala| |
Mammals| Bandicoots| |
Birds| Yellow-bellied Gliders| |
Respond to the following questions.

Reptiles| Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles| |
Amphibians| Treefrog/ salamander/ horned or Pac-Man frog| |
Fish| Western Australian Dhufish| |
Arthropods| Caterpillars| |


| Describe the typical characteristics of each group of fauna below. References for you to use are listed below: content/uploads/2014/03/5-Animal-Groups- Characteristics- of-Animals- Worksheets.pdf ds%20posses%20an%20exoskeleton,regions%2C%20legs%2C%20and%20antennae.


| State whether the animal listed is a vertebrate or invertebrate and name their scientific names. Also state the class they belong to.Check the nomenclature lists in the Checklist of the Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of Western Australia for mammals and herpetofauna: zoology/checklist-terrestrial-
Respond to the following questions.

| vertebrate-fauna-western- australiaand the Australian Faunal Directory for birds.; references to use are: lobster/Pages/default.aspx /arthropod-classes/
Animal| Class| Vertebrate or invertebrate| Scientific name
Black-footed Rock-wallaby| | |
Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo| | |
Saltwater Crocodile| | |
Western Australian Dhufish| | |
Koala| | |
Honey Bees| | |
Long footed frog| | |
Western Rock Lobster| | |
Huntsman Spider| | |
Australian Cockroach| | |
Q9| List the techniques for observing, identifying and recording fauna.
Observing Techniques|
Respond to the following questions.

Identifying techniques|
Recording techniques|
Q10| What is the function and operation of site equipment and tools?
Q11| What is the content in a field guide when observing fauna?
Q12| What websites can you use to identify fauna? List at least 8 main ones.
Q13| What app is available to use for identifying fauna?
Q14| What is a fauna key? Describe three types of keys.
Respond to the following questions.

Q15| What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of key?
Q16| What can you use to aid identification of fauna?
Q17| What is the purpose of observing and monitoring fauna in the wild?


| Describe the ecological relationships with the location for two species of fauna for each of the following:a.        home rangeb. breeding/nesting/shelterc.        access to food and water resourcesd. movements – nomadic/migratory behaviours
Home Range|
breeding/nesting/ shelter|
Respond to the following questions.

access to food and water resources|
movements – nomadic/migratory behaviours|
Q19| List six possible hazards and their control measures when conducting observations and collecting supplementary evidence.
Q20| What is the procedure for reporting rare, uncommon or notifiable fauna in your State?
Q21| Describe the purpose of the animal welfare code of practice relevant to the observation of fauna and list the considerations for animal welfare.
Respond to the following questions.

Q22| Describe the purpose of the environmental code of practice relevant to the observation of fauna.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Student Name| | USI|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Assessors Name|
Assessment Task 2| Practical Project
Submission Date|
Answer the following questions prior to commencing the Assessment Task| Yes| No
Are you ready to be assessed? I understand the assessment instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.(i.e. you have completed all training and feel confident to undertake the assessment. You know the purpose of the assessment and what resources I can use).| |
Do you understand your rights in the assessment process?| |
Do you understand the appeal system if you are not happy with your outcomes?| |
Do you have any special needs or support to be considered during assessment?(If Yes, advise your Assessor of what support you will need).| |
Do you understand that you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) instead of completing the assessment?(i.e. the reason would be that you already have attained this unit or have the knowledge and skills to be assessed immediately without training).| |
Do you know what evidence you must submit for this assessment?| |
Do you understand the assessment process as explained by your Assessor?| |
Student’s declaration

  • I declare that the evidence I have supplied is my own work.·
  • None of this work has been completed by any other person.·
  • I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.·
  • I have correctly referenced all resources, reference texts throughout this assessment task.·
  • I understand that if am in breach of this policy that disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student’s Signature| | Date|

Assessment Task 2: Record of Outcome

Assessment Task #| **Name of Assessment Task| ****Satisfactory| Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessment Task 2| Practical Project| ☐| ☐
Assessor Statement| I certify that the student being assessed has the skills, knowledge and abilities as described in the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. The quality, quantity, currency, and relevance of the assessment evidence enabled me to make a judgement of competency for this student. I have uploaded this student’s evidence for the RTO to certify and forwarded results to the Administration for entry into RTO Student Management System on the Record of Outcome Form at the end of the Student Assessment Book.
Feedback to Student|
I acknowledge the feedback provided by my Assessor. Provide any comments below that you wish your Assessor to know.
Student’s signature| | Date|
Assessor’s name Please print|
Assessor’s Signature| | Date**|

Assessment Task 2: Recognise Fauna Log Book

Overview of Task

You are to demonstrate your skills and abilities in recognising fauna in the wild.

What resources do I need to complete this task?

  • Access to learning materials
  • Access to a computer and the Internet
  • Access to word processing software
  • Access to the Resources Folder for documents from the Internet and Templates
  • Access to field sites where target fauna species inhabit or in an environment that accurately represents these conditions
  • Access to fauna
  • Tools and equipment required for fauna observations
  • Reference materials
  • Personal protective equipment required while conducting observations
  • Workplace policies, procedures, processes and instructions
  • Specifications for fauna recognition activity
  • Legislation/codes of practice relevant to fauna and
  • Fauna Observation and Identification Logbook (located in your Resources for Assessment folder)

Instructions to Students:

You must demonstrate your understanding of the issues and procedures related to this task

  • You must demonstrate your practical skills to be able to observe and identify 20 fauna species as described in your
  • Your work for this project will also be observed over the semester by your Assessor
  • Your Assessor will advise you if you can email your evidence or if you have to print it out and submit hard
  • Submit your evidence on
  • Your evidence must be authentic (original, references, not plagiarised).

You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

There must be evidence that the individual has identified at least 20 fauna species in the field, which must include at least five species from three of the following groups:

  • mammals
  • birds
  • reptiles/amphibians
  • fish

There must also be evidence that the individual has:

  • accessed a natural area in a manner suitable to observe fauna causing minimal disruption and damage to the environment
  • identified and selected processes, ecology, equipment and resources for observation of specific fauna
  • applied animal welfare practices when observing fauna
  • recorded characteristics of fauna and investigated and recorded supplementary evidence
  • used reference material to identify fauna according to their characteristics
  • applied workplace health and safety policies and procedures for fauna observation activities
  • recorded fauna observations and identification according to workplace


All supporting documentation requested must be submitted; and demonstrations to the Assessor must meet the criteria specified and to industry standards to gain a satisfactory in this task.

The assessment will take place in the field as instructed by the Assessor.

You are employed by the Parks and Wildlife Service and have been assigned as an assistant park ranger in your local national forest. Your main duties are to lead groups of guests through a wilderness area and teach them about the natural environment, including native wildlife and the local habitat. You will use hands-on activities to educate the guests about different species, how to interact with wildlife and the respectful, sustainable way to behave in natural areas.

You have been asked to conduct an educational talk about the fauna in your local area. To achieve this you need to prepare for your presentation by undertaking a field trip to the local national forest and identify at least 20 fauna species in the field, which must include at least five species from three of the following groups:

a. mammals
b. birds
c. reptiles/amphibians
d. fish
e. invertebrates.

The Task: You are required to:

  1. Undertake a field trip with your supervisor where you will need to observe and identify at least 20 fauna species in the field, which must include at least five species from three of the following groups:
  2. mammals
  3. birds
  4. reptiles/amphibians
  5. fish
    1. Access a natural area in a manner suitable to observe fauna causing minimal disruption and damage to the environment.
  6. Identify and select processes to observe and identify the
  7. Identify and select equipment and resources for observation of specific
  8. Determine relationship between ecology and fauna for location of observation
  9. Comply with animal welfare codes of practice when observing
  10. Select surveillance techniques suitable for observing fauna, and reduce environmental impact
  11. Site equipment at location to maximise
  12. Record characteristics of fauna and investigate and record supplementary evidence to identify fauna according to their Record fauna observations and identification in your Fauna Observation and Identification Logbook and complete all sections.
  13. Use the correct nomenclature and naming conventions for fauna, including vertebrates and
  14. Use reference material to identify fauna according to their characteristics including:
  15. field guides
  16. web sites and apps
  17. fauna keys
  18. digital images, pictures, graphics and other referenced collection to aid identification
  19. Report any new, uncommon or notifiable pests according to
  20. Follow workplace health and safety practices when making observations and identification of fauna in the field by completing a JSA and following WHS
  21. Take photos of any fauna you observe (if possible) and embed these into your
  22. Report identification of fauna by presenting your information to your
  23. Complete all questions as

You will be assessed as you make your observations in the field so read through the Observation Checklist below to ensure you can complete all aspects of this assessment task.

Observation Checklist

Student’s Name|
Name of Assessor|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Procedure| Observation in the field
Instructions for students
You are to observe and identify 20 species of fauna as specified in your task, complete all worksheets and record all identifications in your Fauna Observation and identification Logbook.
Instructions for the Assessor
You are to observe the student in the field identifying fauna as specified in the task and record on this sheet whether the Candidate met the criteria below from the demonstration they completed. If they did tick Yes. If not, tick No and make a comment in the feedback section as to why it doesn’t so they can resubmit the required work.
Criteria| Task #| Did the student meet the requirements below?| Yes/No| Comments
EL2.1, PE1| 1| Undertake a field trip with your supervisor where you will need to observe and identify at least 20 fauna species in the field, which must include at least five species from three of the following groups:a. mammalsb.        birdsc.        reptiles/amphibiansd.        fishe. invertebrates.| |
PE2| 2a| Natural areas accessed included native vegetation, vegetated or open water bodies (lakes, swamps, wetlands) or waterways (rivers, streams, creeks), springs, rocky outcrops, bare ground (sand or mud), caves, coastal dunes or cliffs was accessed.| |
PE2| 2b| Minimal disruption and damage to the environment was observed.| |
PE3 EL1.1 KE1| 3| 1.          Identified and selected appropriate processes for observing and identifying specific fauna such as:·          Direct Observation·          Indirect observation e.g. secondary signs· Traps| |
EL1.2PE3| 4| 2.     Identify and select equipment and resources for observation of specific fauna.| |
EL1.3| 5| All aspects of the ecological relationship with the| |
Student’s Name|
Name of Assessor|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Procedure| Observation in the field
PE3 KE7| | location of the fauna was considered:a.       home ranger. breeding/nesting/shelters.       access to food and water resources. movements – nomadic/migratory behaviours| |
EL2.2; PE4;KE10| 6| Comply with animal welfare codes of practice when observing fauna including:a.          Respecting all animals.b.          The number of specimens to be kept to a minimum.c.           Using less invasive method of identification such as Photographs, audio recordings or hair samples.d.          Welfare of the animals (both target species and by-catch) was of primary concern during fauna identification.e.          Prohibited cruelty to and other inhumane or improper treatment of animals (fauna)f. Took reasonable steps to ensure that the animal would be properly treated and cared for.| |
EL1.4, KE3| 7| Selected surveillance techniques suitable for observing fauna, and reduced environmental impact such as:a.        Remote observation. Observation.        Capture| |
EL1.5, PE3, KE4| 8| Sited equipment at location to maximise observations such as location of cameras, camera, sound recorder, spotlight, headtorch etc. located in areas that the fauna frequent.| |
EL2.1,2.3,2.4,EL2.5, 3.1, 3.2 PE5,6KE1,5 FDNR1,W1| 9| Record fauna observations and identification in your Fauna Observation and Identification Logbook and complete all sections by:a.          capturing the characteristics.          supplementary evidence.          using reference materials such as field guides, websites, apps and digital images, picture etc to aid the classification and identification of the| |
Student’s Name|
Name of Assessor|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Procedure| Observation in the field
| | fauna to nearest genus and species| |
KE2, FDNW1| 10| Use the correct nomenclature and naming conventions for fauna, including vertebrates and invertebrates| |
PE2,FDNR1| 11| 3.     Used reference material to identify fauna according to their characteristics including:·       field guides·       web sites and apps·       fauna keys·       digital images, pictures, graphics and other referenced collection to aid identification| |
EL3.3,PE8,KE10FDNW1| 12| Report any new, uncommon or notifiable pests according to procedures.| |
EL1.6 PE8,KE8| 13| Follow workplace health and safety practices when making observations and identification of fauna in the field by completing a JSA and following WHS Procedures.| |
EL3.1,3.2,PE5| 14| Take photos of any fauna you observe (if possible) and embed these into your Logbook.| |
EL3.3,PE8| 15| Report identification of fauna to their peers.| |
| 16| Questions to respond to:| |
PE2| Q1| When accessing a natural area to observe fauna, how would you minimize disruption and damage to their habitats and environments?| |
EL1.1,KE1,3| Q2| What processes would you use for observing fauna for identification?| |
EL2.2,PE4,KE10| Q3| How would you comply with animal welfare codes of practice when observing fauna?| |
EL1.3,PE3,KE7| Q4| What is the relationship between the ecology and fauna when determining a location for observation?| |
Feedback to Student
Student’s Name|
Name of Assessor|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Procedure| Observation in the field
Assessor’s Signature:|

Evidence to submit

Did you submit the following evidence? Tick is submitted
1 Fauna Observation and Identification Logbook including photos
2 Responses to questions
3 Observation Checklist completed by Assessor
4 Cover sheet

Record of Assessment Outcomes

This section records all the evidence used to form the final assessment decision. Please document all types of evidence used in this assessment.

Student Name|
Unit of Competency| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Assessment Requirements| Task Outcomes
Satisfactory (S)| Not Satisfactory (NS)| Resubmit
Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment| ☐| ☐| ☐
Assessment Task 2: Practical Project| ☐| ☐| ☐
Overall Assessment Outcome
☐    Competent| ☐      Not Yet Competent| ☐      Resubmit
If a resubmission is required what additional evidence or corrections are required?
Assessor Name:|
Assessors Signature:| | Date|

Appendix 1 – Student Survey

At the end of each unit, we would like to collect feedback, so we can identify areas for improvement in our materials. Circle or highlight the response you wish to use. We would appreciate your assistance by providing your constructive feedback.

Please complete the survey and return it to Claydon Brothers Pty Ltd by email: Thank you for your time.

Qualification code and name|
Unit code and name| AHCFAU302 Identify fauna in the field – Release 1
Please read the statements below and circle the most appropriate response:| Strongly Disagree| Disagree| Neutral| Agree| Strongly Agree
1. The amount of time for the assessment was appropriate.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
2. The training and assessment materials for this unit were suitable to my learning style and easy to use.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
3. The content was interesting and engaging.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
4. The topics were presented in a logical sequence.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
5. The assessment tasks were clear; and it was easy for me to understand what was required of me.| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5
6. What did you find most interesting or useful about this unit?
7. What, if anything, did you find the least useful about the unit?
8. Please make any constructive suggestions that would improve these materials for future students?

Thank you for providing your valuable feedback.


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