CLAYDON BROTHERS BSBXTW301 Work In A Team Instructions

June 17, 2024


Product Information


  • Product Name: Australian Courseware Resources
  • Version: 2020v1
  • Author: ACR-Bronwyn Blencowe
  • Release Date: 18/3/2021
  • Review Date: 18/3/2022

Product Usage Instructions

This unit focuses on working together on a project within the IT industry. Team members will develop teamwork skills by completing a project where each member is responsible for their tasks and assists others when needed.

Prerequisite Unit

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify individual work tasks within a team
  2. Contribute effectively to team goals
  3. Work effectively with team members
  4. Communicate effectively with team leaders

Assessment Types
The assessments include direct team project role play, indirect assessments, supplementary written questions, documents, and questions.

Assessment Agreement
Ensure to carefully read and answer the provided questions before proceeding with the assessment tasks.

Assessment Task – Written Knowledge
Follow the instructions provided for this task. Respond to each question individually, reference the source of information for each answer, and ensure responses are word-processed.

Document Control

Version Author Modifications Released Review Date


| ACR-Bronwyn Blencowe| ****


| ****


| ****


Copyright Information
© Bronwyn Blencowe t/as Australian Courseware Resources 2021

18/3/2021 – Terms of Use

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This unit is about working together on a project within the IT industry. The team members will complete a project that develops their teamwork skills. Each team member will be responsible for their own tasks and will help others when required.

Pre-requisite Unit


Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify individual work tasks within a team
  2. Contribute effectively to team goals
  3. Work effectively with team members
  4. Communicate effectively with team leaders

Assessment types

In this unit you will complete the following assessments:

  • Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment
  • Assessment Task 2: Team Project and observation
  • Assessment Task 3: Two role Plays

Evidence you will provide to the Assessor

  Direct Indirect Supplementary
Assessment Task 1   Written Questions
Assessment Task 2 Team Project Documents and Questions
Assessment Task 3 Role Play Questions

Assessment Agreement

Please read the following questions and answer each carefully.

| ****


| ****



Do you have any special needs that should be considered during the assessment process?

| ****

| ****

Do you require an adjustment to the conduct of the assessment to respond to a specific or a special need? E.g. Cultural, Language, Disability, Literacy or Numeracy purposes.

| ****

| ****

Has the assessment process been explained to you and that to achieve a successful outcome for this Unit of Competency you must be deemed Satisfactory in all assessment tasks?

| ****

| ****

Are you ready for the assessment?

| ☐| ☐

Do you understand the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process?

| ☐| ☐

Do you understand what evidence is to be collected and how?

| ☐| ☐

Do you understand your rights and the appeal system?

| ☐| ☐

Do you understand the purpose of the Assessment

| ☐| ☐

I understand the assessment instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.

| ****

| ****

I agree to undertake this assessment in the knowledge that the information gathered will only be used to assess my knowledge, skills and abilities to determine my Competency in this unit.

| ****

| ****

Student Name:


Student Signature:

|  | ****



Assessment Cover Sheet

Please complete this form for each assessment task and attach to each of your assessment responses/evidence when you submit these for marking to your Assessor. Your work may not be returned to you we are required to keep it in your file for auditing purposes. Please ensure you have kept a copy.

Student Name|  | USI|
Unit of Competency| BSBXTW301 Work in a team
Assessor’s Name|  | Date Submitted|
Assessment Task Number|

Name of Assessment Task



| Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1


Written Knowledge

| ☐| ☐

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Is the Student ready for assessment?





Has the assessment process been explained?





Does the Student understand which evidence is to be collected and how?





Have the Student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained?





Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment?





Student’s declaration:

·         The material I have submitted is my own work;

·         None of this work has been completed by any other person and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

·         I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of my work;

·         I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others.

Assessment Task 1: Written Knowledge

Instructions for this task:
You are to respond to each question as individuals unless specified otherwise. You must reference to the source of information for each answer. Responses must be word processed.
Student Instructions: The theory assignment is a combination of multiply choice/True False and written response answers. You are to read the question and answer appropriately by circling the correct answer or write your answer in the space provided. Make sure that your spelling and grammar is correct. You must answer all questions correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment.
You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  • organisational requirements relevant to working in a workplace team -workplace policies, codes of conduct, organizational reputation and culture
  • typical compositions of workplace teams, and the roles and responsibilities of team members within organizations
  • techniques for giving and receiving feedback in a constructive manner
  • methods to support team members
  • key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with special needs or disabilities

You must get all tasks and questions 100% correct and all documentation requested in this assessment is submitted to gain a satisfactory result in this task. Resources required for this assessment task:

You need to have access to the following:

  • Pen and Paper
  • This Booklet
  • Access to learning materials
  • Access to the internet
  • Access to a PC and word processing software

Location : Classroom/IT Lab

Submit your responses by the due date and in accordance with the general instructions at the beginning of this unit of competency. Attach the Assessment Agreement and the Assessment cover sheet for this assessment task.

Questions to respond to

Quality standards such ISO standards are to be implemented in the company|  | |  |
Employees are to protect the reputation of the company|  |  |  |
Q5| Match the item in the left-hand column with the description in the right- hand column by drawing a line.
Code of Practice| I must follow the duty of care principle
Privacy Act| I must ensure that all team members are treated equally when being employed
Anti-discrimination| I must ensure that personal information is not able to be seen by everyone in the company
EEO| I must ensure that I communicate using cross cultural principles
WHS Legislation| Refers to the ethical standards in a company
Q6| What characteristics need to be taken into account when making up a team for a project?
a.       Tasks, roles, ability, resources, size

b.       Tasks, roles, personality, diversity, size

c.       Team size, ability, diversity, roles, personalities

d.       Team size, personalities, gender, team leader, resources

Q7| How do the individual’s responsibilities and duties interrelate to the team responsibilities?

Q8| Why is assigning roles and tasks to team members so important?

Q9| Your responsibility as a team member is to work effectively within the team. A strategy to help develop trust and confidence with your work team includes:
a.       Showing integrity, respect and empathy to all parties

b.       Treating all parties differently

c.       Ensuring your work team meets targets

d.       All of the above

e.       None of the above

Team Task

 | Identify and report any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, team performance and outcomes at the weekly meeting.
Identify and report any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, team performance and outcomes
Use milestones and schedule to monitor and control the project. Use the team action document to monitor progression of the project
Outcomes for Stage 3| 1.       Techniques to co-operate and collaborate with all team members, including remote team members

2.       Knowing the methods and tools to work with others remotely

3.       Using digital technology to find, record or communicate information

4.       Contribute to achievement of team goals

5.       Methods of supporting team members

6.       Providing feedback to team members

7.       Communicate clearly and respectfully with team members

8.       Key principles of cross-cultural communication

9.       How to communicate with individuals with special needs or disabilities

10.   Appropriate communication practices when communicating with others

11.   Providing assistance and feedback to team members

12.   How to receive and confirm understanding of task instructions or directions

13.   How to communicate personal commitments in a timely manner

14.   Identify and report any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, team performance and outcomes

Answer Questions 7-11

Stage 4: Evaluation| As a team evaluate, test and verify that the project will work
Complete the work requirements by submitting the following:
All deliverables have been provided to stakeholders by the due date.
All forms for the assessment have been completed and submitted to the Assessor.
Trainer/Assessor signs off on the project that it is now complete.
Team evaluation form completed and submitted to Assessor
Project evaluation form completed and submitted to Assessor
Team Task

Outcomes for Stage 4| 1.       Identify and report any issues preventing the completion of workplace tasks, team performance and outcomes

2.       Feedback to your team Answer Questions 12-16

Questioning Checklist

Student’s name:|
Assessor’s name:|
The assessor needs to indicate whether they have conducted the questioning as written questions or as verbal questions by ticking the box below.
o Written Questioning| o Verbal Questioning
The assessor must provide evidence with the assessment tool. For written questions, the assessor

must provide the student’s original written responses. For verbal questioning, the assessor must

provide dot points as a minimum on the student’s responses. Other students can word process their responses in the space provided.

If questions are answered verbally, the assessor must write detailed answers in the sections provided below. The space below does not indicate the size of the answer anticipated. Keep typing and the space will expand. If answers are recorded separate to this document, they must be attached to the assessment documents.| Satisfactory response
Yes| No
Q1| List the policies, procedures, code of conduct and standards that might be applicable to this section of the project.|  |
 |  |
Q2| How did you identify the needs of your fellow team members?|  |
 |  |
Q3| What role in the team do you wish to take and why?|  |
 |  |
Q4| Explain how you would use the key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with special needs or disabilities in your project.|  |
 |  |
Q5| Assume one of your team members is hard of hearing and one is a refugee from another country and does not have English as her first language, what would you do differently when communicating with them about their roles in the project.|  |
Questioning Checklist

Student’s name:|
Assessor’s name:|
Q14| Which person offered encouragement and support to team members to ensure your team was successful?|  |

Q15| What challenges or problems did you face? How did you overcome them?|  |

Q16| What impact did it have on the project of having a remote team member?| |

Feedback from the Assessor
Assessor’s Signature:|

Demonstration/Assessor Checklist

Student’s Name|
Name of Assessor|
Unit of Competency| BSBXTW301 Work in a team
Instructions to Assessor:

Please use the Observation Checklist below rate the students against the performance criteria, performance evidence listed below. This is not a third- party report and it is a requirement for this assessment that the Assessor observe all behaviours of the students during the projects.

Tick Y if completed, Tick N if not demonstrated or not completed. Please make a comment at the

end of this observation sheet regarding an “N” ticked.

Mapping| #| During the project did the student:| Yes| No
 |  | Stage 1: Preparation|  |
PE1| 1| Select a project that requires 6 team members with one member working remotely and one culturally diverse team member.

Define the scope of the project and confirm all instructions with your Team Leader who will be your Trainer.

|  |


| 2| Determine constraints of the project|  |


| 3| Examine strengths and weaknesses of team members so roles and responsibilities can be allocated based on skills of each team


|  |
1.3| 4| Determine who the end users of the project will be.|  |


| 5| Identify the work tasks for the project, allocate responsibilities to each work task and team member.|  |
1.3| 6| Draw up the team structure for this project by using an organisational chart in Smart Art.|  |
4.1| 7| Record all the above information in the Project Plan (Refer to the template) and confirm your understanding of task instructions or

directions with the Team Leader.

|  |
 |  | Stage 2: Planning|  |
PE3 EL2.1| 8| Set up a meeting with your team and set the team goals using the SMART process.|  |


| 9| Create a task list and activities to be completed by the team and by the individual team members and record these in the Project


|  |


| 10| Set the schedule, milestones and deliverables for the project from start to finish ensuring your accurately prioritise the tasks, the

sequence and timing.

|  |

Individual action plan




Milestone 1:|  | Due Date:|
Task| Actions| Assigned to

(for tasks that are dependent on others)

| Due Date| Priority| Status

Completed/In Progress

 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |  |
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 |  |  |  |  |
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 |  |  |  |  |
Notes about this task:

Assessment Cover Sheet

Please complete this form for each assessment task and attach to each of your assessment responses/evidence when you submit these for marking to your Assessor. Your work may not be returned to you we are required to keep it in your file for auditing purposes. Please ensure you have kept a copy.

Student Name|  | USI|
Unit of Competency|

BSBXTW301 Work in a team

Assessor’s Name|  | Date Submitted|
Assessment Task Number|

Name of Assessment Task



| Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessment Task 3


Two role plays on feedback

| ☐| ☐

The following questions are to be completed by the assessor:

Is the Student ready for assessment?





Has the assessment process been explained?





Does the Student understand which evidence is to be collected and how?





Have the Student’s rights and the appeal system been fully explained?





Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during assessment?





Student’s declaration:

·         The material I have submitted is my own work;

·         None of this work has been completed by any other person and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

·         I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the production of my work;

·         I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own, including the words, ideas and images of others.

Task 3: Role Play on giving and receiving feedback to improve performance

Instructions for this task:
You will participate in two role plays. One of giving feedback to a team member and one of receiving feedback from a team member.
You will respond to the questions listed as well.
You will be required to have a good understanding of the following areas:

  1. Providing feedback to team members
  2. Techniques for giving and receiving feedback in a constructive manner
  3. Seek and act upon feedback to improve personal performance and/or behavior
  4. Act on feedback in a constructive manner

You must demonstrate knowledge in the process of giving and receiving feedback and demonstrate competency in the process to gain a satisfactory result in this task.
Resources required for this assessment task:

You need to have access to the following:

  • This Booklet
  • Access to learning materials
  • Access to the internet
  • Access to a PC and word processing software
  • Question Sheet and Role play sheet
  • One team member plus yourself

Location: Classroom/IT Lab

Submit your responses by the due date and in accordance with the general instructions at the beginning of this unit of competency. Attach the Assessment Agreement and the Assessment cover sheet for this assessment task.

Feedback worksheet

Giving and receiving feedback

Q1| Explain how you would react to this feedback and state what you would have done differently next time to improve your performance.

Q2| How did it feel giving feedback to the remote team member?

Q3| How could you have improved the feedback session?

Assessor’s Observation Sheet for feedback role plays

Your assessor will complete this observation sheet when you demonstrate your feedback skills during the role play. Submit this completed sheet to the Assessor with all required documents and questions completed.

Student’s Name|
Name of Assessor|
Unit of Competency| BSBXTW301 Work in a team
Instructions to Assessor:

Please use the Observation Checklist below rate the students against the performance criteria, performance evidence listed below. This is not a third- party report and it is a requirement for this assessment that the Assessor observe all behaviours of the students during the projects.

Tick S if satisfactory and demonstrated, Tick U if not demonstrated or unsatisfactory. Please make a

comment at the end of this observation sheet regarding an “U” ticked.

Student must have participated in both role plays.

Mapping| #| During the project did the student:| S| U
3.3| 1| Seek and provide assistance and feedback to team members where appropriate|  |
4.| 2| Communicate effectively with team leaders|  |
4.4| 3| Seek and act upon feedback to improve personal performance and/or behaviour|  |
PE5| 4| act on feedback in a constructive manner|  |
FN1| 5| Interact with others|  |
FN1.1| 6| Uses appropriate communication practices when communicating with others|  |
Feedback from the Assessor
Result| £       Satisfactory| £      Unsatisfactory
Assessor’s Signature:|

Record of Assessment Outcomes

This section records all the evidence used to form the final assessment decision. Please document all types of evidence used in this assessment.

Student Name|
Unit of Competency| BSBXTW301 Work in a team
Assessment Requirements| Task Outcome
Satisfactory (S)

Not Satisfactory (NS)






Assessment Task 1- Assignment|  |  |
Assessment Task 2- Project and Observation|  |  |
Assessment Task 3- Role Plays|  |  |
Overall Assessment Outcome
☐   Competent| ☐     Not Yet Competent| ☐     Resubmit
If a resubmission is required what additional evidence or corrections are required?

Assessor Name:|  | Date| /        /
Assessors Signature:|  | Date| /        /


Q: Do I need to complete all assessment tasks to pass?
A: Yes, completion of all assessment tasks is required to pass the unit successfully.

Q: Can I work on the project individually?
A: While some tasks can be done individually, the focus is on teamwork; therefore, collaboration with team members is essential for certain aspects of the project.

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