RAZORRI S3 Solido Sharpening Stone User Manual
- June 5, 2024
Table of Contents
NAZUNTE Sharpening Stone
Solido S3
Packing list instructions
- 400#/1000# Sharpening stone
- Rubber holder
- 3000#/8000# Sharpening stone
- Rubber holder
- Bamboo base
- Leather strop
- Angle guide
- 320# Flattening stone
- 100# Flattening stone
400# repairing knicked or chipped blades
1000# general-purpose sharpening of dull knives
3000# fine sharpening and deburring (best for meat knives)
8000# honing cutting edge (best for fruit/vegetable-only knives)
180# Flattening the whole sharpening stone
320# Re-leveling the hollow part on the sharpening stone
General Rules
- Always “cut’ Into the stone (the cutting edge goes first when pushing or pulling).
- Never drag the cutting edge back across the stone.
- Always maintain a consistent sharpening angle.
- Use light pressure to prevent damage to the stone.
- Unless your blade Is extremely dull or damaged, you can skip the 400# stone.
Using the Sharpening Stone
Sharpening Is an individualized skill with many different methods and opinions
on how to best sharpen. Below is what we feel to be the easiest (and safest)
method for new sharpening stone owners to get started.
Step 1: Soak the sharpening stone in water for 5-10 minutes. Insert the
sharpening stone into the lubber holder, then the bamboo base. Sprinkle water
onto the sharpening stone to lubricate the blade.
Step 2: use your right hand to hold the knife by the handle while placing
the fingers of your left hand on the belly (middle) of the blade. You might
find It comfortable to place your fight index finger on the belly of the blade
for more stability.
Step 3: Hold the blade at a 15-20 degree angle as you stroke the blade
along the stone. You can stroke from the heel of the blade (closest to handle)
to the tip (the pointy end) on each stroke, tip to heel or in a straight line.
It’s up to you. Stroke the blade 5 times on that side.
Step 4: TO sharpen the otherside of the blade, use your left hand to hold
the knife by the handle while placing the fingers of your right hand on the
belly of the blade. You might find it comfortable to place your left index
finger on the belly of the blade for more stability.
Step 5: Hold the blade at a 15-20 degree angle as you stroke the blade
along the stone. You can stroke from the heel to tip, tip to heel, or in a
straight line. The most important thing Is to perform the same number of
strokes on each side.
Step 6: When the sound of the blade being stroked along the stone starts
to get quieter, move on to a finer sharpening stone. Repeat steps 1-5 until
you can no longer see any metal burrs or curling on the cutting edge.
Using the Leather Strop
Stropping Is the method of polishing and straightening the
blade of your knife. Stropping uses a similar method as the sharpening stone
with two distinct differences:
- Instead of leading with the cutting edge, you will drag the cutting edge back across the leather strop.
- The angle of the blade is much more forgiving. Anywhere from a 20-45 degree angle should be sufficient
Using the Flattening Stone
The surface of the sharpening stone may become uneven in some areas after long term use. To fix this, wet the uneven sharpening stone and the included flattening stone. Rub the flattening stone over the uneven sharpening stone for several minutes, or until the sharpening stone has been returned to a flat, level surface.
Using the Angle Guide
Beginners may struggle to manually maintain the 20-degree angle needed to efficiently sharpen knives. The angle guide takes the guesswork out of all this by maintaining a 20-degree angle for you.
Simply attach the angle guide to the spine of your knife, rest the guide against the stone, then follow the sharpening stone instructions outlined above. once you can maintain the proper angle for sharpening you can remove the guide and manually maintain the proper sharpening angle.
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