GOWIN IPUG1174-1.0E USB 2.0 Host Controller IP User Guide
- June 16, 2024
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GOWIN IPUG1174-1.0E USB 2.0 Host Controller IP
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Revision History
Date | Version | Description |
11/16/2023 | 1.0E | Initial version published. |
List of Figures
Figure 3-1 USB 2.0 Host Controller Block Diagram………………………………………………………………… 5
Figure 4-1 Timing Diagram of Host Controller Read Register
………………………………………………….. 9
Figure 4-2 Timing Diagram of Host Controller Write Register
………………………………………………….. 10
Figure 4-3 Timing Diagram of Host Controller DMA Read………………………………………………………..
Figure 4-4 Timing Diagram of Host Controller DMA Write………………………………………………………..
Figure 5-1 IP Core Generator ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Figure 5-2 USB 2.0 Host Controller IP Core………………………………………………………………………….. 14
Figure 5-3 USB 2.0 Host Controller Configuration Interface
……………………………………………………. 14
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Terminology and Abbreviations ……………………………………………………………………………… 2
Table 2-1 Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP Overview …………………………………………………………… 3
Table 2-2 Resource Utilization …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Table 3-1 Internal Register Distribution of USB 2.0 Host
Controller………………………………………….. 6
Table 3-2 MEMADDR Register ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Table 3-3 DMACONFIG Register…………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Table 4-1 Signal Definitions ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Table 4-2 Timing Characteristics………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
About This Guide
The purpose of Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP User Guide is to help you learn the features and usage of Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP by providing functional description, signal description and interface configuration. The software screenshots in this manual are based on 1.9.9 Beta-6. As the software is subject to change without notice, some information may not remain relevant and may need to be adjusted according to the software that is in use.
Related Documents
The latest user guides are available on the GOWINSEMI Website.
You can find the related documents at
- DS100, GW1N series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS117, GW1NR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS891, GW1NRF series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS821, GW1NS series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS871, GW1NSE series FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS881, GW1NSER series FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS861, GW1NSR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS102, GW2A series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS226, GW2AR series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS971, GW2AN-18X &9X Data Sheet
- DS976, GW2AN-55 Data Sheet
- DS981, GW5AT series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS1103, GW5A series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- DS981, GW5AST series of FPGA Products Data Sheet
- SUG100, Gowin Software User Guide
Terminology and Abbreviations
The terminology and abbreviations used in this manual are as shown in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Terminology and Abbreviations
Terminology and Abbreviations | Meaning |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
IP | Intellectual Property |
PHY | Port Physical Layer |
R/W | Read/Write |
R/WC | Read/Write Clear |
RO | Read Only |
TD | Transmission Descriptor |
ULPI | UTMI+ Low Pin Interface |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
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Gowin Semiconductor provides customers with comprehensive technical support.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to
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Website: www.gowinsemi.com
E-mail: support@gowinsemi.com
Universal Serial Bus, commonly known as USB, is an external bus used to
standardize the connection and communication between computers and external
Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP is based on the EHCI protocol, supporting
SRAM interface, allowing connection to any microprocessor supporting the SRAM
interface. It also supports ULPI interface, allowing connection to any USB 2.0
transceiver supporting the ULPI interface. It includes an internal 24K RAM
space for storing transmission descriptors and data.
Table 2-1 Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP Overview
Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP
Logic Resource| Please refer to Table 2-2
Delivered Doc.
Design Files| Verilog (encrypted)
Reference Design| Verilog
TestBench| Verilog
Test and Design Flow
Synthesis Software| GowinSynthesis
Application Software| Gowin Software (V1.9.9Beta-5 and above)
For the devices supported, you can click
here to get the information.
The features of Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP are as follows:
- Supports high-speed (480 Mbps), full-speed (12Mbps), and low-speed (1.5Mbps)
- Supports device plug-and-play detection, reset, high-speed handshake, suspend, and wake-up
- Supports control transfer, bulk transfer, synchronous transfer, and interrupt transfer
- Supports split control transfer, split bulk transfer, split synchronous transfer, and split interrupt transfer
- Supports USB transceiver macrocell interface (ULPI)
- Supports SRAM interface as well as direct memory access (DMA) operations
Resource Utilization
Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP can be implemented by Verilog language. Its performance and resource utilization may vary when the design is employed in different devices, or at different densities, speeds, or grades. Taking Gowin GW2AN-18 series of FPGA as an instance, the resource utilization of Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP is as shown in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2 Resource Utilization
Device | Speed Grade | Name | Resource Utilization | Note |
GW2AN-18 | C7/I6 | LUT | 6981 | **** – |
REG | 3115 | |||
ALU | 1253 | |||
BSRAM | 277 |
Functional Description
USB 2.0 Host Controller Structure
The USB 2.0 Host Controller is located between the microprocessor and downstream USB device. The USB 2.0 Host Controller links the microprocessor with downstream USB devices, receiving commands from the microprocessor, and facilitating data interaction between the microprocessor and the USB device. Figure 3-1 shows the block diagram of USB 2.0 host controller.
Figure 3-1 USB 2.0 Host Controller Block Diagram
Register Definition
This section introduces the internal register distribution of USB 2.0 Host Controller. The internal registers of the host controller include three categories: Capability registers, Operational registers, and DMA registers.
Table 3-1 Internal Register Distribution of USB 2.0 Host Controller
Address | Size(byte) | Mnemonic | Description |
Capability Registers
00h| 1| CAPLENGTH| Capability Register Length
01h| 1| Reserved| N/A
02h| 2| HCIVERSION| Interface Version Number
04h| 4| HCSPARAMS| Structural Parameters
08h| 4| HCCPARAMS| Capability Parameters
Operational Registers
0Ch| 4| USBCMD| USB Command
10h| 4| USBSTS| USB Status
14h| 4| USBINTR| USB Interrupt Enable
18h| 4| FRINDEX| USB Frame Index
1Ch| 4| CTRLDSSEGMENT| 4G Segment Selector
20h| 4| PERIODICLISTBASE| Frame List Base Address
24h| 4| ASYNCLISTADDR| Next Asynchronous List Address
1Ch – 3Fh| | Reserved| N/A
4Ch| 4| CONFIGFLAG| Configured Flag Register
50h| 4| PORTSC| Port Status/Control
DMA Registers
54h| 4| MEMADDR| DMA initial address
58h| 4| DMACONFIG| DMA configuration
Capability Register
You can see the Section 2.2 of the Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification for Universal Serial Bus protocol for the definitions of each field in the Capability registers.
Operational Register
You can see the Section 2.3 of the Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification for Universal Serial Bus protocol for the definitions of each field in the Operational registers.
DMA Register
MEMADDR (DMA Start Address)
Address 54h
Size: 32 bits
This register is used to store the start address for each DMA read/write.
Table 3-2 MEMADDR Register
Bit | Type | Default | Description |
31:16 | RO | 16’b0 | Reserved |
15:0 | R/W | 16’b0 | Start address for DMA read/write; the addressing range of |
the internal 24K RAM is from 0x0000 to 0x5FFF.
DMACONFIG (DMA Configuration)
Address 58h
Size: 32 bits
This register is used to store each DMA read/write command.
Table 3-3 DMACONFIG Register
Bit | Type | Default | Description |
31:18 | RO | 14’b0 | Reserved |
17 | R/W | 1’b0 | DMA read/write |
0: DMA write
1: DMA read
16| R/W| 1’b0| DMA request
0: Disable
1: Enable
15:0| R/W| 15’b0| DMA read/write data length; preset each DMA read/write data
length, and the maximum value is 24K.
Signal Descriptions
Signal Definitions
Signal definitions of Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP are as shown in Table
Table 4-1 Signal Definition
No. | Signal Name | I/O | Data Width | Description |
System Interface
1| clk_i| I| 1| Clock signal
2| rst_n_i| I| 1| Reset signal, active-low
Host Controller SDRAM Interface
3| cs_n_i| I| 1| Chip selected signal, active-low
4| rd_n_i| I| 1| Read enable signal, active-low
5| wr_n_i| I| 1| Write enable signal, active-low
6| addr_i| I| 8| Address bus
** 7| dack_i| I| 1| DMA response signal; low level indicates that the user
responds to a DMA request
8| dreq_o| O| 1| DMA request signal; high level indicates that the host
controller is requesting a DMA
9| dat_io| IO| 8| Data bus; When rd_n_i is high, it enters a high-impedance
10| hardware_int errupt_o| O| 1| Host controller interrupt signal; high level
indicates that the host controller generates an interrupt
Host Controller PHY Interface[1]**
11| phy_clk_o| O| 1| ULPI PHY input clock
12| phy_rst_o| O| 1| ULPI PHY reset signal
13| ulpi_dir_i| I| 1| ULPI DIR signal
14| ulpi_data_io| IO| 8| ULPI DATA signal
15| ulpi_nxt_i| I| 1| ULPI NXT signal
16| ulpi_stp_o| O| 1| ULPI STP signal
[1] This interface is used to connect external ULPI PHY.
USB 2.0 Host Controller SDRAM Interface Timing
When the user needs to read register, set cs_n_i to 0 and addr_i to register address, and control rd_n_i to generate a negative pulse. The read data will be output to dat_io waiting for Toe after the falling edge of rd_n_i. When the user needs to write register, set cs_n_i to 0 and addr_i to register address, input the write data to dat_io, and control wr_n_i to generate a negative pulse. The write data will be written to the destination register waiting for Tadhw after the rising edge of wr_n_i.
- Each read and write operation to a register requires a unit of 4 bytes.
- For timing characteristics, see Table 4-2.
Figure 4- 1 and Figure 4-2 are respectively the read and write register
timing diagrams.
Figure 4-1 Timing Diagram of Host Controller Read Register
Figure 4-2 Timing Diagram of Host Controller Write Register
When the user needs to read or write internal RAM, it is necessary to initiate
the process through the DMA method. If a DMA operation is required, the user
first needs to write the start address to the MEMADDR register. Subsequently,
the DMA write/read command along with the data length should be written to the
DMACONFIG register, and the DMA enable field should be set to 1. Upon the host
controller setting dreq_o to 1, the user sets dack_i to 0, entering DMA
write/read mode.
During the DMA read process, the user controls rd_n_i to generate a negative
pulse, and the host controller outputs the data in address order to the data
bus waiting for Toe after each falling edge of rd_n_i.
During the DMA write process, the user controls wr_n_i to generate a negative
pulse, and the host controller writes the data in address order to the
internal RAM space on each rising edge of wr_n_i.
Throughout the DMA read/write process, the host controller calculates the
number of wr_n_i/rd_n_i pulses. When the count reaches the byte length preset
in DMACONFIG, the host controller sets dreq_o to 0, ending the current DMA
Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 are respectively the DMA read and write timing
Figure 4-3 Timing Diagram of Host Controller DMA Read
Figure 4-4 Timing Diagram of Host Controller DMA Write
Table 4-2 Timing Characteristics
Parameter | Description | Min | Max | Unit |
Tcs | The setup time of cs_n_i before wr_n_i/rd_n_i is set to 0 | 0 | – | ns |
Tch | The hold time of cs_n_i after wr_n_i/rd_n_i is set to 1 | 0 | – | ns |
Tadsw | The setup time of addr_i and dat_io before wr_n_i is set to 1 | 0 | – |
Tadhw| The hold time of addr_i and dat_io after wr_n_i is set to 1| 34| –| ns
Tasr| The setup time of addr_i before rd_n_i is set to 0| 0| –| ns
Tahr| The hold time of addr_i after rd_n_i is set to 0| 34| –| ns
Toe| Time from rd_n_i set to 0 to data valid| 50| –| ns
Twp| wr_n_i pulse width| 17| –| ns
Trp| rd_n_i pulse width| 68| –| ns
Tsudreqdack| The setup time of dreq_o before dack_i is set to 0| 0| –| ns
Tsudackrw| The hold time of dack_i before rd_n_i/wr_n_i is set to 0| 0| –| ns
Tcycr| DMA read cycles| 85| –| ns
Tcycw| DMA write cycles| 51| –| ns
Interface Configuration
You can click “Tools > IP Core Generator” in Gowin Software to call and configure USB 2.0 Host Controller.
Open IP Core Generator
After creating the project, you can click the “Tools” tab in the upper-left corner, then click the “IP Core Generator” via the drop-down list, as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 IP Core Generator
Open USB 2.0 Host Controller IP Core
Select “Soft IP Core > Interface and Interconnect > USB 2.0 Host Controller IP”, as shown in Figure 5-2. Double-click to open the configuration interface.
Figure 5-2 USB 2.0 Host Controller IP Core
USB 2.0 Host Controller IP Core Configuration Interface
The USB 2.0 Host Controller IP core configuration interface is shown in Figure 5-3. The port diagram is on the left, and the options are on the right.- You can configure the generated file name in “File Name” text box.
- You can configure the generated top module name in “Module Name” text box.
Figure 5-3 USB 2.0 Host Controller Configuration Interface
Documents / Resources
GOWIN IPUG1174-1.0E USB 2.0 Host Controller
[pdf] User Guide
IPUG1174-1.0E Gowin USB 2.0 Host Controller IP, IPUG1174-1.0E, Gowin USB 2.0
Host Controller IP, USB 2.0 Host Controller IP, 2.0 Host Controller IP, Host
Controller IP, Controller IP
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