STAUBLI PV-CZM-60100 Crimping Pliers Instruction Manual
- June 11, 2024
Table of Contents
MA251 (de_en)
Operating instructions
MA704 (fr_en)
Operating instructions
Crimping pliers PV-CZM-…
Conductor cross sections:2.5 mm², 4 mm², 6 mm²b
PV-CZM-60100 Crimping Pliers
Conductor cross sections:4 mm², 6 mm², 10 mm²
Safety instructions
Importance of the instruction manual
NOT following the instruction manual and safety instructions could result in
life-threatening injuries due to electric shock, electric arcs, fire, or
failure of the system.
- Follow the entire instruction manual.
Use the product only according to this instruction manual and the technical data.
The digital instruction manual and the technical data are available
Intended use
The present hand tools are in place to deliver crimp excellence for Stäubli PV connectors with cables. Crimpings shall be carried out only in de-energized state of the cables. The hand tool is NOT suitable for Live working (IEC 60900).
Crimping pliers emergency opening Required tool for emergency opening: Screwdriver with fine tip e.g 3 × 75 mm 
Goal: crimping pliers emergency opening.
Action step:
Turn the screw with the screwdriver (clockwise/counterclockwise).
Result: -
The locking mechanism loosens.
Note: Once the crimping pliers have been opened using the emergency opening, the metal crimp in process needs to be discarded.
Note: No special action necessary to use the crimping pliers for any next crimp operation following an emergency opening.
Product overview
Crimping pliers with interchangeable crimping dies and locators.
PV-KST4-EVO 2A/10… PV-KBT4-EVO 2A/10…
PV-KST4-EVO 2/2.5…-UR
PV-KBT4-EVO 2/2.5…-UR
| Type
10 mm²
| 10 AWG| 6 mm²| 12 AWG| 4 mm²|
10 AWG
6 mm²
| 12 AWG| 4 mm²|
14 AWG
2.5 mm²
10 mm²
| 10 AWG| 6 mm²| 12 AWG| 4 mm²|
14 AWG
2.5 mm²
| Conductor cross section
Open crimp contacts* B-Crimp
| | |
| | |
PV-CZM-60100 32.6020-60100
| Pince à sertir Crimping pliers
| |
| |
PV-CZM-61100 32.6020-61100
| | |
| | |
PV-ES-CZM-60100 32.6021-60100
| Matrices de sertissage Crimping dies
| |
| |
PV-ES-CZM-61100 32.6021-61100
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |
4 mm², 6 mm², 10 mm² PV-LOC-MC4
| Positionneurs Locators
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
2.5 mm², 4 mm², 6 mm² PV-LOC-MC4
| | | | | | | | | |
4 mm², 6 mm², 10 mm²
| |
| | | | | | | |
2.5 mm², 4 mm², 6 mm² PV-LOC-MC4-EVO 2 32.6084
- The crimping pliers along with the available inserts listed in the above table do not provide any feasible crimping for barrel crimps Barrel crimps will become unuseable.
Note: The crimping pliers are not designed for to be used along with crimping terminals PV-KST4/5; PV-KBT4/5 PV-KST4/8; PV-KBT4/8; PV-KBT4/13; PV- KST4/13 See table on page 4
Individual parts
(ill. 1)
Interchangeable crimping die for cable cross sections 4 mm², 6 mm² and 10 mm²
Crimping range AWG | Type | Order No. |
**12; 10; 8*** | PV-ES-CZM-60100 | 32.06021-60100 |
Crimping of 8 AWG (10 mm²) MC4 barrel crimps is not listed in the related
connector UL file
Note: The crimping pliers are not designed for to be used along with crimping
terminals PV-KST4/5
PV-KBT4/5; PV-KST4/8 PV-KBT4/8; PV-KBT4/13 PV-KST4/13
See table on page 4
(ill. 2)
MC4 connectors: PV-LOC-MC4
Order No 326081
MC4-Evo 2 connectors: PV-LOC-MC4-EVO 2
Order No 326083
The locators with black metal body must be used only for MC4 crimp terminals
The locators with grey metal body must be used only for MC4-Evo 2 crimp
Pos. | Cable cross section | suitable for |
mm² | AWG | PV-KST4/2.5…-UR |
PV-KST4-EVO 2/2.5…-UR
PV-KBT4-EVO 2/2.5…-UR
PV-KST4-EVO 2A/2.5…
PV-KBT4-EVO 2A/2.5…
1| 2.5 14|
2| 412| PV-KST4/6…-UR
3| 610|
(ill. 3)
Interchangeable crimping die for cable cross sections 2.5 mm², 4 mm² and 6 mm²
Crimping range AWG | Type | Order No. |
**12; 10; 8*** | PV-ES-CZM-60100 | 32.06021-60100 |
(ill. 4)
MC4 connectors:
Order No 326082
MC4-Evo 2 connectors: PV-LOC-MC4-EVO 2
Order No 326084
Note: The locators with black metal body must be used only for MC4 crimp
terminals The locators with grey metal body must be used only for MC4-EVO 2
crimp terminals.
Exchanging the crimping die Removing the crimping die
(ill. 5)
- Close the crimping pliers and hold it closed
- Unlock the locator (if still mounted);
- pull it upwards out of the crimping pliers (ill. 6)
- Completely unscrew screw S (long) and S1 (short) completely using an Allen key 25 mm (not included in scope of delivery)
- Open the crimping pliers (ill. 7)
- Remove the upper crimping die (ill. 8)
- Remove the lower crimping die
Fitting the crimping die
(ill. 9)
The crimping dies can be inserted only when the handles are open. Insert the
dies separately. The laser identification of the dies needs to face towards
the operator as well as the crimping pliers identification.
When inserting the dies make sure that the anvil (lower die) is inserted
first, only then insert the punch.
Close the crimping pliers.
Place the screws in the correct position. Do not damage the screw heads.
(ill. 10) -
Screw in screw S (long) and S1 (short) completely.
The pictures describe the locator for MC4-Evo 2 crimps. The assembly of the
locator for MC4 is comparable. (ill. 11)
- Affix locator onto the guide pin.
- Rotate the locator (held magnetically)
- Lock the locator.
(ill. 12)
Open clamp (K) and hold tight.
Insert the contact in the appropriate cross-section range.
Turn the crimping flaps (C) upwards.
Release clamp (K).
The contact is locked.
(ill. 13) -
Verify if the crimping flaps are still correctly aligned.
Press the crimping pliers gently together until the crimping flaps are properly located within the crimping die.
(ill. 14)
Insert the stripped cable end until the cable strands come up against the clamp.
Completely close the crimping pliers.
Observe the stripping length of the PV cable supplier.
Do not damage strands when stripping the cable!
(ill. 15)
After crimping, -
move the locator to default position
remove contact
(see arrow in ill. 15 for interaction to achieve default position of locator).
The crimp terminals shall not be released from the crimping pliers under force. They should come out easily.
Verify the crimped assembly
(ill. 16)
Visually check the crimp according to criteria listed in IEC 60352-2.
Confirm that:
- All of the strands have been captured in the crimp sleeve
- The crimp sleeve is not deformed or missing any portion of the crimp flaps
- That the crimp is symmetrical in shape
- A “brush” of conductor strands are visible on the contact side of crimp.
- Verify crimp height. Typical values for the crimp height for Stäubli PV cable Flex-Sol-Evo TX and Flex-Sol-Evo DX are listed below:
*WZ 1 61100
MC4-Evo 2**
Conductor cross section mm²| ****
Codage Coding
| Conductor cross section
| Crimp height
± 0.05 mm
| Crimp width
± 0.1 mm
| ****
Type de contact Contact type
| ****
No. de Cde. Order No.
2.5| A1| 14| 1.8| 3.11| PV-SP4-EVO 2/2,5 PV-BP4-EVO 2/2,5| 32.0520P*
4| B1| 12| 2.15| 4.20| PV-SP4-EVO 2/6 PV-BP4-EVO 2/6| 32.0521P*
6| C1| 10| 2.4| 4.28| PV-SP4-EVO 2/6 PV-BP4-EVO 2/6| 32.0521P*
Conductor cross section mm²| ****
Codage Coding
| Conductor cross section
| Crimp height
± 0.05 mm
| Crimp width
± 0.1 mm
| ****
Type de contact Contact type
| ****
No. de Cde. Order No.
2.5| A1| 14| 1.8| 3.11| PV-SP4/2,5 PV-BP4/2,5| 32.0506P*
4| B1| 12| 2.15| 4.20| PV-SP4/6 PV-BP4/6| 32.0507P*
6| C1| 10| 2.4| 4.28| PV-SP4/6 PV-BP4/6| 32.0507P*
Conductor cross section
| ****
Codage Coding
| Conductor cross section
| Crimp height
± 0.05 mm
| Crimp width
± 0.1 mm
| ****
Type de contact Contact type
| ****
No. de Cde. Order No.
4| B2| 12| 2.15| 4.20| PV-SP4/6 PV-BP4/6| 32.0507P*
6| C2| 10| 2.4| 4.28| PV-SP4/6 PV-BP4/6| 32.0507P*
10| D2| | 3.02| 5.65| PV-SP4/10 PV-BP4/10| 32.0508P
Conductor cross section mm²| Codage Coding| Conductor cross section AWG| Crimp height
± 0.05 mm
| Crimp width
± 0.1 mm
| ****
Type de contact Contact type
| ****
No. de Cde. Order No.
4| B2| 12| 2.15| 4.20| PV-SP4-EVO 2/6 PV-BP4-EVO 2/6| 32.0521P*
6| C2| 10| 2.4| 4.28| PV-SP4-EVO 2/6 PV-BP4-EVO 2/6| 32.0521P*
10| D2| 8| 3.02| 5.65| PV-SP4-EVO 2/10 PV-BP4-EVO 2/10| 32.0522P*
- Crimping of 8 AWG (10 mm²) MC4 barrel crimps is not listed in the related connector UL file
Fabricant/Manufacturer: Stäubli Electrical Connectors AG
Stockbrunnenrain 8 4123 Allschwil/Switzerland
Tel +41 61 306 55 55
Fax +41 61 306 55 56
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