DUCATI Card Assistance Program User Guide

July 10, 2024

DUCATI Card Assistance Program

Product Information


  • Product Name: Roadside Assistance Program
  • Country Availability: United Kingdom

Product Usage Instructions

Operations Centre Telephone Numbers:
If you encounter any issues with the phone numbers provided in the manual, you can contact the ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre in Italy at +39-02 66165610.

Country-specific Toll-free Numbers:
Refer to the list of toll-free numbers for different countries in the European Union provided in the manual. Dial the respective number based on your location for assistance.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: What should I do if I cannot reach the toll-free number for my country?
    A: In case the toll-free number is not accessible, you can contact the ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre in Italy at +39-02 66165610.

  • Q: How do I request assistance in a country not listed in the manual?
    A: If you are in a country not listed, you can still call the ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre in Italy at +39-02 66165610 for assistance.

  • Q: Can I use this program for vehicles other than motorcycles?
    A: The Roadside Assistance Program is designed for motor vehicles, so it can be used for different types of vehicles, not limited to motorcycles.


To request Assistance:

  • Event in the country of origin: call the toll-free number for your country as specified in the first column of the table.
  • Event out of the country of origin: call the paid number for your country including the prefix, as specified in the second column of the table. In case you have any problems in calling the number for your country from abroad, dial the phone number of the country where the Event has occurred (this is not valid for United Kingdom).

If phone numbers are temporarily inactive due to a malfunction to telephone lines, the Beneficiary may call the number of ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre in Italy: +39-02 66165610. Similarly, if the coverage provided in the Agreement should extend to other countries of the European Union after the printing of this booklet, the number to request Assistance remains the ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre number in Italy: +39-02 66165610.

WARNING – ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE ON FRENCH MOTORWAYS On motorways in France, please follow the following procedures when requesting roadside assistance:

  • if the Beneficiary is calling from a French telephone number, call “17” (Gendarmerie) to request Assistance and/or Towing. If this is not the case, call “112”;
  • contact the Operations Centre of your own country as soon as the assistance/tow truck arrives. Give the data of the tow truck to avoid being charged for the service. Or else, have the tow truck issue you the receipt after towing or servicing is completed so that you may be reimbursed later;
  • to request reimbursement, notify the Operations Centre of your country immediately after the towing or servicing, giving the address and telephone number of the assistance centre where the motor vehicle is recovered. After that, the Operations Centre in your country will be the contact for any further requests for services and/or reimbursements.

On motorways in Italy, the Beneficiary may request the tow truck by using the emergency call boxes. In these cases:

  • if an assistance/tow truck having an agreement with the Italian Operations Centre services the vehicle, the Beneficiary will not be charged as long as he/she informs the Operations Centre in Italy while servicing is taking place;
  • however, if a tow truck without an agreement with the Italian Operations Centre services the vehicle, the Beneficiary will be reimbursed for the charges for the towing/repair, on the condition that the Beneficiary informs the Operations Centre in Italy while servicing is taking place and submits to the Operations Centre the original copy of all documentation justifying the servicing.


  • Assistance: the prompt assistance provided to the Beneficiary as a result of a Breakdown.
  • Beneficiary: subject who purchased the Motor Vehicle, properly authorized to use it or any rider properly authorized by him/her, as well as any passengers legitimately transported aboard the Motor Vehicle within the number of seats allowed by the vehicle registration.
  • Operations Centre: the organization of ACI Global S.p.A. composed of human resources and technical equipment on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which ensures telephone contact with the Beneficiary and organizes and provides services of Assistance included in the Agreement.
  • Contracting Party: DUCATI MOTOR HOLDING Spa.
  • Agreement: Agreement no. AGS210026 (entered into by and between DUCATI MOTOR HOLDING Spa and ACI Global Servizi Spa), which regulates the services described below.
  • Roadside Repair: the service of roadside assistance provided by a servicing vehicle that can perform on-site repair to enable continuance of the trip without the need of Towing the Motor Vehicle.
  • Abroad: all European countries indicated in the section “Territorial Extension”, except for the country of residence of the Beneficiary.
  • Event: the event in which a Breakdown or Accident takes place, in response to which the services of Assistance are provided as set out in the Agreement.
  • Assistance Supplier: the assistance organizations, specifically the Automobile Clubs, Touring Clubs and similar organizations in each country indicated in the section “Territorial extension,” coordinated by the European-wide organization ARC Europe, provide assistance services to Beneficiaries, in addition to third party Suppliers having agreements with the above-mentioned organizations.
  • Theft(s): the crime of taking possession of another’s property, appropriating it from its rightful owner for purposes of profit for oneself or others.
  • Breakdown: any sudden or unforeseen malfunction of the Motor Vehicle which requires its immediate immobilization, or allows its continued use, but with the risk of aggravating the damage or causing the Beneficiary to risk personal injury and/or distress or impede the normal flow of traffic. Breakdowns include those malfunctions due to negligence on the part of the Beneficiary (such as battery failure, tyre puncture, running out of fuel, loss or breakage of the keys to the Motor Vehicle, or blockage of the lock) which do not permit the use of the Motor Vehicle.
  • Accident: any event in connection with traffic circulation (collision with another vehicle, collision with a stationary object, overturning of the vehicle, going off the road), causing the Motor Vehicle damage that results in its immediate immobilization, or that it permits it to continue, but with the risk of aggravating the damage, or causing the Beneficiary to risk personal injury or distress or that impedes the normal flow of traffic.
  • Place of Destination: Point of Assistance belonging to the DUCATI Sales and Assistance Network which is nearest the location of the immobilized vehicle and where the Motor Vehicle is to be transported. In countries without the DUCATI network, it is the nearest reliable point of Assistance.
  • Motor Vehicle: all new vehicles with two wheels bearing the Ducati brand sold by the DUCATI Sales and Assistance Network (or directly by the Contracting Party himself), registered during the period of validity of the Agreement.
  • Residence: the address of the Beneficiary and where he has established official residence.
  • Sales and Assistance Network: the official Network of authorized Ducati dealers and service centres, or, in countries where the DUCATI Network is absent, the nearest reliable point of assistance. Roadside Assistance: the service of Roadside Repair and Towing.
  • Towing: the Roadside Assistance service involving the transport of the Motor Vehicle in need of assistance to the Place of Destination.
  • Trip: any and all movements of the Beneficiary which exceed 50 Km from the Beneficiary’s Residence or Abroad in one of the Countries specified in the section “Territorial Extension”.


ACI Global Servizi Spa provides the Beneficiary with the services indicated below in case of an Event, directly or through its Assistance Suppliers in pursuance of Agreement no. AGS210026 entered into by and between DUCATI and ACI Global Servizi, up to the limits provided.

  1. Roadside Assistance (Roadside Repair and Towing)
    In case of Breakdown or Accident to the Motor Vehicle, and provided that the Motor Vehicle is on a road open to traffic and can be reached by an assistance/tow truck, the Operations Centre will send to the location indicated by the Beneficiary a tow truck under the following conditions. The tow truck sent directly to the immobilised Motor Vehicle at the request of the Beneficiary, may perform the following services without charges to the Beneficiary:

    • a) perform on-site Roadside Repair of limited extent. The cost of spare parts for minor repairs will be charged to the Beneficiary, who shall reimburse the assistance/tow truck personnel directly;
    • b) perform Towing of the Motor Vehicle to the Place of Destination. Within a distance of 30 Km to and from the location of the immobilised vehicle, the Beneficiary may indicate the Place of Destination of his preference. During the closing hours of the Place of Destination, or if the mileage between the location of the immobilised vehicle and the Place of Destination is over 30 Km (calculated as the mileage of the tow truck to and from the site), the Operations Centre will organise later Towing of the Motor Vehicle at the earliest convenience and in any case compatibly with the servicing requirements of the Assistance Supplier that has performed Roadside Assistance.
      In the event the Place of Destination is closed (night hours, Sundays and holidays) Towing will be carried out in the hours immediately following opening, and the charges for parking will be charged to the Operations Centre up to a maximum of 3 days.
      and in any case compatibly with the servicing requirements of the Assistance Supplier that has performed Roadside Assistance.
      In the event the Place of Destination is closed (night hours, Sundays and holidays) Towing will be carried out in the hours immediately following opening, and the charges for parking will be charged to the Operations Centre up to a maximum of 3 days.
  2. Information Service
    The Beneficiary may contact the Operations Centre Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to obtain information regarding the following:

    • DUCATI Sales and Assistance Network; Tourism: plane flights, ferries, trains, hotels, camping grounds, restaurants, skiing locations, spas, holiday villages, travel agencies, information on exchange rates and bureaucratic procedures for travelling abroad, weather, vaccinations;
    • Motorcycling information: motorway cafes, restaurants, and motorway service stations, traffic and weather, what to do in case of accident, Road Rules, reporting Claims, Civil Liability;
    • Bureaucratic information: Identity card, passport, driver’s license, vehicle registration, inspection, report of loss, duplicate requests.
  3. Transport of passengers following roadside assistance – taxi service
    When the Roadside Assistance service as described in section 1 above is activated by the Operations Centre following a Breakdown or Accident and the Motor Vehicle cannot be repaired at the site of the immobilised vehicle by the servicing vehicle, the Beneficiary and eventual passenger will be placed in the condition to reach the point of the Sales and Assistance Network where the Motor Vehicle will be transported, utilising, where possible, the same vehicle that has transported it. Moreover, the Operations Centre shall provide a taxi for the Beneficiary, through the Organisational structure, so that he/she may conveniently reach a hotel, or the nearest railway station, bus depot or airport. In all cases, the total cost of the taxi underwritten by the Operations Centre amounts to € 52,00 including VAT.
    Taxi costs shall not be reimbursed if the taxi service is not requested directly from and authorised by the Operations Centre.

  4. Return of passengers or continuance of the trip
    If the occurrence of Roadside Assistance due to Accident or Breakdown during the Trip requires the Motor Vehicle to be immobilized for repairs for over 36 hours in the country of residence of the Beneficiary (or 5 days abroad), the Operations Centre, through notification to the Operations Centre by the Sales and Assistance Network or by the repair garage where the Motor Vehicle is recovered, shall give the Beneficiary a choice of one of the following services:

    • a) Return of passengers to the place of Residence, providing them with a railway ticket (first class), or, if the journey is longer than 6 hours by rail, an airline ticket in economy class. The cost charged to the Company shall not exceed € 258.00 VAT included per person per Event
    • b) Continuation of the passengers’ journey until their original destination, providing them with a first-class railway ticket or, if the journey is longer than 6 hours by rail, an airline ticket in economy class. The cost charged to the Company shall not exceed € 258.00 VAT included per person per Event.
      This service shall be provided according to the same procedures and with the same limitations also as a result of the Theft of the Motor Vehicle during the Trip.
  5. Recovery of the repaired or found Motor Vehicle
    If the occurrence of Roadside Assistance due to a Breakdown or Accident during the trip requires the Motor Vehicle to be immobilized for over 12 hours, the Operations Centre, upon notification by the Sales and Assistance Network or repair garage where the Motor Vehicle is recovered, and in the case where the Beneficiary has already used the service described in the preceding section 4 (“Return of passengers of continuance of trip”), shall provide the Beneficiary with a one-way railway ticket (first class) or, if the journey is longer than 6 hours, a one-way airline ticket (economy class) for the purpose of recovering the repaired Motor Vehicle. This service is provided according to the same procedures and with the same limitations, also should the Motor Vehicle be found following its Theft during the trip. The maximum amount payable by the Operations Centre is € 400.00 VAT included for each Event.

  6. Return of the Motor Vehicle from Abroad
    If following a Roadside Assistance due to an Accident or Breakdown abroad, the immobilized Motor Vehicle cannot be repaired within 36 hours, or is irreparable, the Operations Centre shall organise and pay for the transport of the Motor Vehicle to a DUCATI Authorised Service Centre nearest the Beneficiary’s residence, up to and not exceeding a cost of € 1,800.00 for each Event. The cost of any Customs fees, repairs to the Motor Vehicle and motorcycle accessories that may have been stolen previous to the arrival of the assistance/towing vehicle from the Operations Centre are the sole responsibility of the Beneficiary. The cost of transport charged to the Operations Centre shall not in any case exceed the sale value of the Motor Vehicle in the condition it is in at the moment of the request.
    The service is not available when the damage suffered permits the Motor Vehicle to continue the trip without risk of aggravating the damage itself or posing a risk to the safety of its passengers.

  7. Search and forwarding of spare parts Abroad
    When Roadside Assistance due to a Breakdown or Accident to the Motor Vehicle abroad causes it to be immobilized and the spare parts needed for repairs and essential to the vehicle’s operation cannot be obtained on site, the Operations Centre shall procure the spare parts through the DUCATI Sales and Assistance Network and forward them as promptly as possible, by the local laws governing the transport of goods. All expenses for spare parts and any customs duties shall be charged to the Beneficiary, while the cost of finding and forwarding the parts shall be charged to the Operations Centre.

  8. Hotel expenses
    When Roadside Assistance due to a Breakdown or Accident of the Motor Vehicle during a Trip, causes it to be immobilized on site and its repair requires more than 36 hours, the Operations Centre shall arrange accommodation for the Beneficiary and any passenger in a local hotel; the cost of the room and breakfast up to a maximum of 3 days, to be borne by the Operative Centre, will be maximum € 77.50 including VAT per person per night, whose total shall not exceed the maximum amount of € 310.00 including VAT per Event.

  9. Recovery of the Motor Vehicle when off a roadway – in case of accident
    In case of an Accident and the Motor Vehicle is immobilized off a roadway, the Operations Centre shall provide for an assistance/towing vehicle to be sent directly to the immobilized Motor Vehicle at the request of the Beneficiary, and the cost of recovering the Motor Vehicle shall be charged to the Operations Centre up to a maximum amount of € 258.00 including VAT for each Event. The Motor Vehicle shall be transported to the point of Sales and Assistance Network nearest the location of the immobilized vehicle, or to the nearest reliable repair shop. The transport, due to the circumstances above, shall take place solely within the borders of the country where the Event occurred, unless the Beneficiary and the Operations Centre. In the case where the service station/garage of the destination is closed (nights and holidays), the transport shall be carried out promptly upon its opening, and all parking fees shall be charged to the Beneficiary.
    It is understood that the Beneficiary authorizes the Operations Centre to carry out the transport of the Motor Vehicle even in the Beneficiary’s absence, and that, in that case, the Company shall not be held responsible for any damages noted to the Motor Vehicle at the moment of its consignment to a point of the Sales and Assistance Network, unless the damages suffered are unquestionably caused by the towing/transport service itself.

  10. Posting of bail or deposit abroad
    If the Beneficiary is arrested while on a Trip Abroad, or is threatened with possible arrest as a result of a traffic-related charge, and is required to post bail or pay a deposit in order to regain his liberty, the Operations Centre shall ask the Beneficiary to designate a person who can provide the Operations Centre with the amount required. At the same time, the Operations Centre shall pay the amount on location, or furnish the amount required to the Beneficiary, up to a maximum amount of € 2,582.00 including VAT.


Without prejudice to the fact that Assistance will not be in effect if the procedure has not been previously authorized by the Operations Centre, the services shall not be provided in the following cases.

    The Services provided by ACI Global Servizi shall not be provided in case of Events:

    • occurring during participation in competitive races or trials and training (except for reliability trials);
    • as a result of the improper use of the Motor Vehicle;
    • occurring if an unauthorized driver or driver without valid driver’s license is driving the Motor Vehicle.

Furthermore, the following do not constitute a Breakdown (and as a result do not benefit from the services detailed above): the immobilization of the Motor Vehicle as a result of systematic recalls by the Motor Vehicle manufacturer, by routine and non-routine maintenance procedures, by checks, installation of accessories, as well as the lack of maintenance, or bodywork as a result of wear, defect, breakage or failure to operate. Excluded are all damage to personal effects and to goods transported on the Motor Vehicles and any financial loss due to the Event. Excluded are requests by the Beneficiary for reimbursement for services utilized without the prior consent of the Operations Centre, except in cases of Road Assistance on the motorway where the assistance of an Assistance Supplier without an agreement with the Operations Centre is made necessary, or except in cases where the Beneficiary fails to contact the Operations Centre due to causes of force majeure. The services shall be suspended in the case in which one of the countries specified in the section “Territorial Extension” is in a state of declared or de facto war, limited to that country or countries affected.


The effective date of the services
Coverage is effective from the date of consignment of the Motor Vehicle for a period equal to the duration of the motorbike warranty. This applies to the factory warranty but also to the period of coverage of the Ever Red warranty extension, it being understood that the date of the consignment is to be notified to ACI Global Servizi in observance of the established procedures (in case of dispute, this notification will be considered valid), and it being understood that the date falls within the period of validity of the Agreement.

Territorial Extension
Coverage is valid for Events in the following European countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Corsica), Fyrom, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (including Republic of San Marino and Vatican City), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Principality of Monaco, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein), Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

Reimbursement for services that are wrongfully obtained.
The Contracting Party and the Companies reserve the right to request reimbursement from the Beneficiary of charges underwritten for Assistance services that are confirmed as not in accordance with the Agreement or the Law.

Failure to use the services
In case of services not utilised or utilised only in part by choice of the Beneficiary or by negligence (including the non-activation of the procedure for prior authorization of services by the Operations Centre) the Companies are not obliged to provide services, reimbursement or indemnity, or any other assistance, as an alternative or as compensation.

Limitations of liability
The Companies shall not be liable for delays or impediments arising during the execution of the services or Assistance in case of events already excluded in accordance with the Agreement, as well as due to force majeure (e.g., natural disasters, labour strikes) or for procedures or provisions
of the Authorities of the Country in which Assistance was given.


Obligations in case of Event
In case of Event, the Beneficiary must notify the Operations Centre, following the procedures required for individual insurance services as indicated below. Failure to fulfil this obligation may result in the total or partial loss of the right to indemnity.
As soon as the Event cause has occurred, the Beneficiary, or any other person acting on his/her behalf, must immediately notify the Operations Centre only by dialling the 24-hour number among those given on the first page of this booklet.
If phone numbers are temporarily inactive due to a malfunction to telephone lines, the Beneficiary may call the number of ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre in Italy: +39-02 66165610. Similarly, if the coverage provided in the Agreement should extend to other countries of the European Union in addition to those listed in the section “Territorial Extension” after the printing of this booklet, the number to call to request Assistance remains that of ACI Global Servizi Operations Centre in Italy: +39-02 66165610.

To access services, the Beneficiary must provide the Operations Centre with the following information:

  • a) name and surname;
  • b) address – even temporary – and phone number of calling location;
  • c) make, model, displacement and version of the Motor Vehicle;
  • d) license plate number and/or VIN of the Motor Vehicle;
  • e) type of service requested.

After receiving the information above, the Operations Centre shall verify that the caller is entitled to the services, and confirm his/her right to make use of them.
All services must be authorized by the Operations Centre. Lack of authorization carries the penalty of forfeiting all rights.
The text of this booklet include an excerpt of AGREEMENT no. AGS210026 FOR THE RENDERING OF SERVICES RELATED TO ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE “DUCATI CARD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM” entered into by and between DUCATI MOTOR HOLDING Spa (the Contracting Party) and ACI Global Servizi Spa.
For legal purposes, the entire text of the Agreement, deposited with DUCATI MOTOR HOLDING Spa: – Via Cavalieri Ducati no. 3 – 40132 BOLOGNA – Italy is the sole valid version.

DUCATI CARD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM is realised in collaboration with
ACI Global Servizi

Ducati Motor Holding spa
Via Cavalieri Ducati, 3 40132 Bologna, Italy
Ph. +39 051 6413111
Fax +39 051 406580
A Sole Shareholder Company subject to the Management and Coordination activities of AUDI AG

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