ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver Instruction Manual

June 14, 2024

4 channels Rolling Code receiver, with display.ALLMATIC 4 channels
Rolling Code Receiver


Please read this instruction manual very carefully before installing and programming your control unit.
After the installation keep this instruction in a safe place for any further consultation.

  • The device must not be used by people (children included), whose physical, sensory and mental capacities are reduced, or without experience or knowledge, unless they could benefit through the intermediation of a person responsible for their safety, of a surveillance or of instructions related to the use of the device.
  • Children must be kept under surveillance to make sure that they do not play with the device.
  • If the power supply’s cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or by his assistance service or in any case by a person with similar status in order to prevent any risk.
  • This instruction manual is only for qualified technicians, who specialize in installations and automations.
  • The contents of this instruction manual do not concern the final user.
  • Every programming and/or every maintenance service should be done only by qualified technicians.
  • The installer must provide the installation of a device (es. magnetothermical switch) that ensures the omnipolar sectioning of the equipment from the power supply.


B.RO X40 Display is a 4-channels Rolling Code receiver compatible with all Allmatic Rolling Code remotes. This device has an easy and intuitive functioning thanks to the display interface and 3 buttons. 4 relay outputs are available with dry contact normally open (N.O.) and/or closed (N.C.). Outputs can work with 4 different modes: dead man, step by step, timed and timed with delay. Each output can be controlled by a dedicated wired input or by a single key of a memorized transmitter. The output function is directly associated to the input command and no to the relay.
The learning of a key of a transmitter can be realized with 3 procedures: default learning (customizable), sequential and advanced. Power supply 12-24 Vdc/Vac with automatic selection of the voltage.


ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver - parts CONNECTIONS
1-5: wired input (N.O. contact) for relay 1.
2-5: wired input (N.O. contact) for relay 2.
3-5: wired input (N.O. contact) for relay 3.
4-5: wired input (N.O. contact) for relay 4.
6-7: power supply.
8-9: relay output 1 (N.O. contact).
9-10: relay output 1 (N.C. contact).
11-12: relay output 2 (N.O. contact).
12-13: relay output 2 (N.C. contact).
14-15: relay output 3 (N.O. contact).
15-16: relay output 3 (N.C. contact).
17-18: relay output 4 (N.O. contact).
18-19: relay output 4 (N.C. contact).
20: antenna braiding.
21: antenna.


The device has available 3 modality for the learning of a transmitter:

  • Default learning – press briefly the UP (+) button for the activation.
  • Sequential learning – press briefly the DOWN (-) button for the activation.
  • Advanced learning – press briefly the MENU button for the activation.

ATTENTION: outputs are disabled during the learning.
The default learning memorizes all keys of a remote control with a single press of a key.
The memorized transmitter will have the same settings of the default transmitter. The default transmitter is stored in the memory and his parameters could be personalized inside the menu with the selection of the position (see paragraph 4.2).
If the remote is already memorized, a new learning restores the transmitter to the default values.
The receiver exits from the learning phase after 10 seconds of inactivity or with the press of the UP (+) button.ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code
Receiver - parts1 NOTE.
The default transmitter leaves the factory with the following settings:
– Key 1 ( ) activates OUT1 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
– Key 2 ( ) activates OUT2 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
– Key 3 ( ) activates OUT3 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
– Key 4 ( ) activates OUT4 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
– Keys from 5 to 16 ( ) are with dead man function ( ), but they are not associated to any outputs.
ATTENTION: with the default learning, B.RO OVER and TECH3 PLUS transmitters are associated to outputs in this way:
– Upper key ( ) activates OUT1 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
– Central key ( ) activates OUT3 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
– Lower key ( ) activates OUT2 output ( ) with dead man function ( ).
The sequential learning memorizes the single key of a transmitter and it associates the key on the desired output.
To the stored key is assigned the DEAD MAN function.
The receiver exits from the learning phase after 10 seconds of inactivity or with the multiple press of the DOWN (-) button.
This learning is activated also with the press of the hidden key of a stored remote control. For the selection of the desired output, press more times the hidden key.ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver -
The advanced learning memorizes the single key of a transmitter.
During the learning phase it is possible to set the parameters of the memorized remote control. See paragraph 4 for more information about single parameters.
The receiver exits from the learning phase after 10 seconds of inactivity or with the press of the MENU button.ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code
Receiver - parts3ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code
Receiver - parts4 WARNING: the short pressure of the MENU button during the parameter selection returns the process to the previous point. For example: the brief pressure of the MENU button in channel 1 enabling menu (the display shows ) returns the process to the selection of the function (the display shows or the last function selected).

To enter inside the base menu, press the MENU button for at least 1 second.
After the MENU button is pressed, the password is requested, if it has been set (see paragraph 4.1.1).
Use UP (+) and DOWN (-) buttons to move inside the items of the menu, while with the long pressure of the MENU button it is possible to:

  • enter the following group of parameters;
  • enter the following step of the running process, or finish the procedure if it is in the last step (the changes are saved;
  • enter the change mode, in the case of parameters that can be changed;
  • save the parameter just modified.

During the change of the selected parameter, the value starts blinking. It is possible to change its value with the use of the UP[+] and DOWN[-] buttons. Instead, with a short pressure of the MENU button it is possible to:

  • cancel the change of the parameter in progress;
  • go to the previous group of parameters;
  • go to the previous step of the procedure in progress.

To quit the menu, press briefly the MENU button until the display shows , or wait 1 minute of inactivity.


Sub-menu of the receiver where it is possible to:
– set the password ( );
– enable/disable the learning of the transmitters through the buttons in the receiver ( );
– enable/disable the hidden key of the transmitters ( );
– set the function associated to a single wired input ( );
– set the time and the delay of the outputs that are used with Timed function or Timed+Delay function ( );
– reset the receiver to default settings ( ).
Sub-menu where it is possible to change all the parameters of a remote control that is located in the memory.
It erases from the memory all the memorized transmitters. During this process it is possible to select the type of coding that you want to set to the receiver:
– : Rolling Code Allmatic;
– : Custom.
It checks if the transmitter is memorized and shows:
– the location in the memory;
– the index of the pressed key;
– the outputs that are associated to the key.


Value for the protection of the menu. 0(OFF)-9999 OFF

It is possible to enable or disable the [earnings of the transmitters through buttons in the receiver.| ON-OFF| ON|
| HIDDEN KEY (only with coding)
It is possible to enable or disable the hidden key of transmitters.| ON-OFF| ON|
With the selection of the wired input ( ) you can associate to it the output function ( ):
– : Dead Man;
– : Step by Step;
– :Timed;
– :Timed+Delay.| 0-3| 0|
Sub-menu where you can:
– set the activation time of the output with the Timed function or Timed+Delay function ( );
– set the delay time for the Timed+Delay function ( ).| | | s
It restores the receiver to default settings.| | |

4.1.1 – PASSWORD
The menu of the receiver can be protected by a password that will be requested at every login attempt.
This is shown in the display with and the first digit blinking. To change the digit you can use the UP (+) and DOWN (-) buttons.
To move to the next digit press briefly the MENU button. At the end of the procedure, if the password is correct you will enter the menu, otherwise the display will show: .
After 1 minute of inactivity the password will be re-enabled.
ATTENTION: it is not possible to delete a forgotten password. You will need a recovery procedure by the manufacturer.
It is possible to enable or disable all the learnings. These are the only active functionality that does not require a password (if enabled): in this way you add a further degree of protection to the receiver.
4.1.3 – HIDDEN KEY (only with coding)
It is possible to enable or disable the hidden button of the transmitters. This button allows you to enter the sequential learning/delete the remote control.
It allows to associate to each wired input an output function.
There are 4 different functions:
– : Dead Man;
– : Step by step;
– : Timed;
– : Timed + Delay.
To change the parameter please follow the procedure below:ALLMATIC 4
channels Rolling Code Receiver - parts5 4.1.6 – OUTPUT PARAMETERS
In this sub-menu, for each relay ( ) it is possible to change the activation duration ( ) and the output delay
time ( ).
To change the parameters, please follow the procedure below:ALLMATIC 4
channels Rolling Code Receiver - parts64.1.7 – PARAMETERS RESET
By accessing the item it is possible to restore the default values of the receiver. This reset does not delete the password and the transmitters registered in the memory except for the parameters of the default transmitter.
In order to proceed with the reset, move to the item and then confirm with a long pressure of the MENU button. Keep pressed until the display shows the value , then release the button. Keep pressed again the MENU button: a countdown starts . Once the countdown ends, the reset has successfully been performed, and the display shows .
By accessing the item it is possible to customize the transmitters in the memory.
In order to proceed with the change, move to the item , and then confirm with a long pressure of the MENU button.
Keep pressed until the display shows the first position occupied by a transmitter (e.g. ), then release the button. The positions of the memory occupied by a transmitter are indicated by the presence of a point between the digits (for example ).
The default transmitter, used during the learning (see section 3.1), is indicated in the memory as : it is possible to change its characteristics as for any other remote control, but it cannot be moved/deleted/enabled.
is located before the position .
Use the UP (+) and DOWN (-) buttons to choose the desired transmitter, then confirm with a long pressure of the MENU button. To know the location of a specific transmitter, use the function SEE (see section 4.4) of the receiver.
Once the transmitter is confirmed, a sub-menu opens, where it is possible:

It allows the removal of the single transmitter.| | |
It allows to enable or disable the transmitter.| ON OFF| ON|
It allows to move the location where the transmitter has been registered in the memory.| 000-999| |
By selecting the button ( ) it is possible:
• to associate the output function ( ):
– : Dead Man;
– : Step by Step;
– :Timed;
– :Timed+delay.
• to associate output channels ( ).| | |

By accessing the item it is possible to delete the single transmitter from the receiver.
In order to proceed with the removal, move to the item and then confirm by a long pressure of the MENU button. Keep pressed until the display shows the value , then release the button. Hold again the MENU button: a countdown starts .
Once the countdown ends, the reset has successfully been performed, and the display shows .
It allows to enable or disable the single transmitter. This function serves to disable the transmitter during a period of time, without removing it from the memory and thus maintaining the configured characteristics.
It allows to move the position of the transmitter in the receiver’s memory.
In order to proceed with the change, move to the item , then confirm with a long pressure of the MENU button. Keep pressed until the display shows the first free position (e.g. ), then release the button. The positions of the memory occupied by a transmitter are indicated by the presence of a point between the digits (for example ).
Use the UP (+) and DOWN (-) buttons to select the desired position and confirm by a long pressure of the MENU button. Keep pressed until the display shows the value Moved, then release the button.
It allows to personalize the transmitter’s single button. It is possible to associate the function and the output channels (even more than 1) to each transmitter’s button.
Please follow the procedure below to proceed with the changes:ALLMATIC 4
channels Rolling Code Receiver - parts7ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver -
parts8 ATTENTION: the short pressure of the MENU button during the parameter selection returns the process to the previous point. For example: the brief pressure of the MENU button in channel 1 enabling menu (the display shows ) returns the process to the selection of the function (the display shows or the last function selected).
By accessing the item it is possible to erase all the transmitters. This reset does not erase the general parameters of the receiver.
To process the reset, move to the item then confirm by pressing and holding the MENU button. Hold until the display shows the value , then release the button.
Select the type of encoding that you want to assiociate to the receiver: (Rolling Code) or (Custom).
Confirm by pressing and holding the MENU button until the display shows the value , then release the button. Hold again the MENU button: a countdown starts . Once the countdown ends, the reset has successfully been performed, and the display shows . If the memory is not present, the reset fails and the display shows .
By accessing the item it is possible to assess the learning of a remote control, without activating the output relays.
To process the assessment move to the item and then confirm by pressing and holding the MENU button. Hold until the display shows the value , then release the button.
Press the transmitter’s button. The receiver display shows:

  • , if the transmitter is not learned. After 2 seconds the display shows the index of the pressed key;
  • the position of the transmitter in the memory, for example (transmitter not enabled) o (transmitter enabled). After 2 seconds the display shows the index of the pressed key and at the same time the LEDs of the outputs associated with the button.

The receiver returns waiting for a new signal from a transmitter. The display shows .
In order to quit, press the MENU button or wait 15sec of inactivity.


Each output can be used with the following functionalities:
– Dead man: the output remains active as long as the button is held down.
– Step by Step: each pressure of the key changes the exit state.
– Timed: when pressing the key, the output gets active for a selectable time ( ). A further pressure during the timing restarts the
– Timed with delay: when pressing the button, the output is activated after a set time ( ) and remains active for a selectable time ( ). A new pressure during the waiting time has no effect; if done while the output is active, instead, it restarts the timer (as in the Timed case).
ATTENTION: when multiple commands arrive at the same time, the following priorities are given:

  1. DEAD MAN;
  3. TIMED;


During the normal functioning, there are two types of output status report: via the display and via the LEDs OUT1, OUT2, OUT3 and OUT4:
The display shows the status of the outputs through four horizontal lines. To each line a relay is associated (the rightmost one is associated to the relay 4). Reports can be:

  • Not-active output: is indicated by an horizontal line in the lower part of the display, for example the relays 1, 2 and 4 not active or all the relays inactive .

  • Active output: is indicated by an horizontal line at the top of the display, for example relay 3 active or all the relays active.

  • Timed active output: is indicated by an horizontal line at the top of the display and in the last 9 seconds it is replaced by a countdown, e.g. outputs 2 and 4 timed 3 and 6 seconds .

  • Delayed output: is indicated by a horizontal line in the lower part of the display and in the last 9 seconds is replaced by a countdown, e.g. outputs 2 and 4 delayed 3 and 6 seconds .
    The LEDs OUT1, OUT2, OUT3 and OUT4 associate the following functions to the output status:

  • Output not active, LED off.

  • Output active, LED on.

  • Output active and timed, slow blinking.

  • Output delayed waiting for activation, fast blinking.

The receiver will enter the standby mode after 2 minutes of inactivity. The display shows and the LED OUT are disabled. For exit the mode press briefly a key of the receiver.



| Standby.
| Outputs not activated.
| Output 1 active.
| Output 2 active.
| Output 3 active.
| Output 4 active.
| Countdown associated to the output (in the example relay 4).
| Displayed during the learning bydefault.
| Displayed during the sequential learning.
| Displayed during the advanced learning.
| Displayed when a key of a new transmitter has been learned.
| Displayed when a key of a new transmitter has been learned during the advanced learning.
| Appears when learned one key of a transmitter already learned.
| Indicates the position in the default transmitter memory.
| Indicates the position in an already-learned transmitter memory.
| Indicates a free position in the memory for the learning of a new tra nsmitter.
| Appears when the default parameters are restored.
| Appears during the cancelation process of all the transmitters.
| Appears when all the transmitters are canceled.
| Appears when a single transmitter is canceled.
| Appears during the reset of the transmitters, if memory is not present.
| Appears when the control unit is waiting for a signal from a transmitter during the remote control assessment mode.


| Memory not found, not assembled, not electrically functional.
| Wrong memory size.
| Memory full.
| Incorrect coding type or not compatible with the detected memory, or wrong signature.
| Wrong identifier code (IdCode).
| Supply voltage lower than 8.4 V – possible malfunction of the relays.


ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver - parts9


9.1 – EXAMPLE 1ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver -
parts10 9.2 – EXAMPLE 2ALLMATIC 4 channels
Rolling Code Receiver - parts11 9.3 – EXAMPLE 3ALLMATIC 4 channels Rolling Code Receiver -
• Wired input 1:

  1. Press and hold MENU button for at least 1 second.
  2. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  3. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  4. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  5. To modify the parameter, press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  6. Set the parameter to and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  7. Press briefly the MENU button for 2 times to quit the menu.
  8. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  9. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  10. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  11. Set the parameter to (1 second) and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  12. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  13. Set the parameter to (30 seconds) and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  14. Press briefly the MENU button for 4 times to quit the menu.

• Wired input 2:

  1. Press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  2. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  3. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  4. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  5. To modify the parameter, press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  6. Set the parameter to F00 and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  7. Press briefly the MENU button for 4 times to quit the menu.

• Wired input 3:

  1. Press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  2. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  3. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  4. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  5. To modify the parameter, press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  6. Set the parameter to and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  7. Press briefly the MENU button for 2 times to quit the menu.
  8. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  9. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  10. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  11. Set the parameter to (30 minutes) and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  12. Press briefly the MENU button for 4 times to quit the menu.

• Wired input 4:

  1. Press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  2. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  3. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  4. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  5. To modify the parameter, press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  6. Set the parameter to and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  7. Press briefly the MENU button for 2 times to quit the menu.
  8. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  9. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  10. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  11. Set the parameter to (12 hours) and confirm by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  12. Press briefly the MENU button for 4 times to quit the menu.

• Learning and setting of the default transmitter with 4 channels:
NOTE: the setting of the default transmitter is necessary only for the first remote control.

  1. Press and hold the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  2. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  3. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  4. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  5. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  6. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  7. Enable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  8. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  9. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  10. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  11. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  12. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  13. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  14. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  15. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  16. Enable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  17. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  18. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  19. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  20. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  21. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  22. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  23. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  24. Disable the key in the    output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  25. Enable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  26. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  27. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  28. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  29. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  30. Select the item of the menu and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  31. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  32. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  33. Disable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  34. Enable the key in the output and confirm the selection by pressing the MENU button for at least 1 second.
  35. Press briefly MENU button for 2 times to quit the menu.
  36. Press briefly the UP (+) button to carry out the default learning.
  37. Press the key of the transmitter that you want to memorize.


Coding Rolling code
Memorisable transmitters 1000 with dedicated memory
Power supply 12 / 24 Vdc / Vac
Number of outputs 4 N.O./N.C.
Outputs operating modes • Dead Man

• Step by Step
• Timed
• Timed with delay
Number of wired inputs| 4 (N.O. contact)
Antenna| Tuned at 433.92 MHz
Frequency| 433.92 MHz
Range| 80 – 250 m (*)
Relay contact| 16A a 230 Vac
Temperature of use| -10…55 °C

  • The radio range depends on the transmitter, the antenna and the interferences on the field.


In compliance with legislation, the manufacturer’s guarantee is valid from the date stamped on the product and is restricted to the repair or free replacement of the parts accepted by the manufacturer as being defective due to poor quality materials or manufacturing defects. The guarantee does not cover damage or defects caused by external agents, faulty maintenance, overloading, natural wear and tear, choice of incorrect product, assembly errors, or any other cause not imputable to the manufacturer. Products that have been misused will not be guaranteed or repaired. Printed specifications are only indicative. The manufacturer does not accept any responsibility for range reductions or malfunctions caused by environmental interference. The manufacturer’s responsibility for damage caused to persons resulting from accidents of any nature caused by our defective products, are only those responsibilities that come under Italian law.


This product is an integral part of the automation, and therefore, they must be disposed of together. As for the installation operations, at the end of the life of this product, the dismantling operations must be performed by qualified personnel. This product is made from different types of materials: some can be recycled, others must be disposed of. Please inform yourselves on the recycling or disposal systems provided for by the laws in force in your area, for this category of product.
CAUTION! – some parts of the product can contain polluting or dangerous substances which, if dispersed in the environment, may cause serious harm to the environment and human health.
As indicated by the symbol at the side, it is forbidden to throw this product into domestic refuse. Therefore, follow the “separated collection” instructions for disposal, according to the methods provided for by local regulations in force, or redeliver the product to the retailer at the moment of purchase of a new, equivalent product.
CAUTION! – the regulations in force at local level may envisage heavy sanctions in case of abusive disposal of this product.

32026 Borgo Valbelluna – Belluno – Italy
Via dell’Artigiano, n°1 – Z.A.
Tel. 0437 751175 – 751163 r.a. Fax 0437 751065
E-mail: [email protected]

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