TEiNNOVA mo3 Ozone Quantity Meter User Manual

June 13, 2024

TEiNNOVA mo3 Ozone Quantity Meter


Dear Customer,

Thank you for placing your trust in a quality product from TEINNOVA.
This product has been made using modern manufacturing techniques and thorough quality assurance measures.
We strive to do everything we can to make sure you are satisfied with this product and can operate it without any issues. Should you have any questions about this product, please contact either your stockist or us directly.
Before use, carefully read the operating instructions for your equipment. Treat this manual as part of the product and always keep it nearby for future reference.

Training service

We offer companies optional training that is specific to our products and also teaches their operators how to provide the best service and thus contribute to the success of their end customers. Aspects such as knowing how to prepare a fair and objective quote, to respond to specific problems that may arise, or to offer a more professional and efficient service.

Technical service

Because we manufacture our own cleaning equipment we can constantly control the quality and performance of each product we manufacture. This is what has allowed us to maintain low-cost service rates which have always been settled by quickly our own Technical Support Service who are managed by the same team as our factory. We have all kinds of spare parts for your equipment, as well as related accessories.

symbols used

All the symbols used in this manual, as well as those on the equipment itself, are explained in this section. It is important to read the text associated with these symbols carefully, since it is about personal safety and equipment safety.

This symbol warns of a potentially dangerous situation that could result in serious injury or even death if the given instructions are not followed appropriately. Make sure you read all the instructions in the “Safety Information” section.

This symbol warns of a potentially dangerous situation that could result in minor or moderate injury, or damage to property resulting in injury to people if the given instructions are not followed appropriately

This symbol warns you of a situation that may cause damage to property, without causing injury, if the given instructions are not followed appropriately

This symbol highlights information relating to the best way to use the equipment while avoiding any possible improper operation.

know your equipment


The pump type gas detector is safety equipment that can be used continuously to detect the concentration of filtered gas.

The calculation speed is fast and the test data is accurate and stable.
The detector uses a 2.4 inch high definition color LCD display, through an interface and messages in English. USB charging, built-in 2900ma high-capacity lithium battery and high-end vacuum suction pump, high-quality gas sensor, with excellent sensitivity and excellent repeatability.

It has a built-in water and dust filter to prevent damage to sensors and instruments due to water vapour and dust.

  • Disinfection of spaces

  • Disinfection of air ducts

  • Vehicles of all kinds


Safety warnings

  • Sudden changes in air pressure can affect the sensor reading of oxygen.
  • During use, keep the sensor air inlet clean. A lock on the inlet air pressure may cause the detector reading to be low.
  • Operators must be sufficiently prepared. And they must wear the corresponding protection equipment.
  • Properly store your equipment for transport. Do not store the detector in a static high temperature or humid environment.
  • Regularly check your equipment to verify its condition and that there is no breakage.
  • Maintenance or replacement of parts without the manufacturer’s permission is prohibited.
  • Installation, depuration, configuration and other operations must be carried out by professionals.
  • The meter should avoid contact with organic solvents, alcohol, coating, oil and high concentration gas, including silica gel and other adhesives.
  • It must not be stored or used in an environment containing corrosive gases (such as concentrated chlorine, etc.), or in other hostile environments (including high and low temperature), high humidity, electromagnetic field and intense sunlight).
  • In the event of a fault, please contact TEINNOVA Technical Assistance Service on +34 941 44 50 56.

Operating instructions

Powered up:

Press and hold“ ”key for 3 seconds, the backlight of the instrument will be on, and the voice prompt “welcome to use the intelligent voice gas detector, please wait while starting”.

Turned off:

Long press“ ”key for 3 second.

During use:

After turning on the machine, first enter the heating interface. The warm-up time is 60 seconds.
In the warm-up state, you can also press the Enter key to skip the warm-up interface, but it is not recommended because the value read may be unstable or inaccurate. After warming-up, some
warning messages may appear and then enter the measurement status.

Load mode:

When the USB charging cable is inserted in the off state, the current power will be displayed on the screen. When the power is only 10%, there will be a voice message “power is insufficient, charge”. If the power is lower than 5%, the detector will automatically shut down to avoid data loss inside the detector and unexpected damage to sensitive components inside the instrument due to lack of voltage.
Note: make sure that the meter is fully charged before use.

Air pump switch:

Briefly press the key to turn the air pump on and off.
The gas concentration curve will be drawn only when the air pump is on at the curve interface.

Change of unit:

On the gas detection screen, briefly press the start button to change the current gas unit.
Currently, ppm and Mg / m3 are supported for switching.

Alarm configuration:

The user can set the alarm threshold (high/low) and the alarm mode of the target gas through this option. When the gas concentration is higher than the minimum alarm threshold set by the system, the detector will give a voice message and then simulate the alarm signal by sounding the rma all the time; the alarm light on the detector and the internal vibration motor will start at the same time. When the gas concentration detected by the detector returns to the normal value, the alarm will be activated.
For the oxygen sensor, when the oxygen concentration value is below the threshold minimum system threshold or higher than the maximum system threshold, the detector will give an alarm.

Alarm Threshold: when in the alarm threshold configuration interface, move the focus to select

Instrucciones de operación

the high alarm value or the low alarm value to be modified. The user can press the “OK” key to operate the value, change the cursor to select a value through the keys “◄” y “►”, add or subtract the value through “▲” and “▼”, press the “OK” key to confirm when the value is set, move the highlight to the storage by pressing the “◄” and “►” keys, and press it again to save.
At this point, the system indicates that the save is successful and the voice mentions “Save successful”. Press “▼” to return to the menu.
There are three detector alarm modes: sound, vibration and light. When our company’s gas detector leaves the factory, the alarm modes are activated by default and can be adjusted by the user according to actual needs.

System configuration:

User can move the cursor to the “system setting” icon and press “OK” key to enter the system setting selection interface. Year, month, day and time setting: You can set the time with “◄” and “►”, to finish press OK. Press the “▼” key during setting to return to the menu.
Communication settings: you can set the direction and speed of transmission of the instrument. When importing data to the computer, Password setting: Default is “1111”. If you change it and forget it, you can only contact the company staff to send it back to the factory for recovery. Air pump settings: Set the air pump to close automatically at a fixed time, with a fixed maximum time of 999 seconds. If not required time, change the time to 000 seconds and the air pump will be normally open.

Troubleshooting guide




The ozone meter cannot be turned on.| The battery is exhausted. Restart the meter after charging. If it cannot be started, contact SAT.
The meter cannot be charged.| Measure if the charger output voltage is 4.75 – 5.5v. If the output voltage is abnormal, replace the charger.
No response to the test value of the gas on the meter.|

  • The oxygen content of the introduced gas is too low: <5%.
  • The life of the sensor has ended.

The concentration value of the instrument in clean air is unstable.| Place the instrument in a clean place without interfering gas, and the instrument value will fall to the normal value.

Technical specifications



Voltage 3.7VDC (2900 ma)
Detection gas More than 1000 combustible, toxic and volatile gases.
Unit % VOL – % LEL ppm – mg – m³
Display mode 2.4Inch HD color screen
Alarm mode Sound, light, vibration
Protection level IP66
Pump flow rate 300 – 500 CC/min
Data storage 4000 alarm records
Material Aluminum alloy; strong, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant
Dimensions 130 x 63 x 36 mm 5 x 2.5 x 1.4 inch
Weight 500 g / 1.10 lb

Table of measurements

Gas to be measured| Measuring range| Opt ional range| Resolution| Alarm point
1| 0-100%lel| 0-100%vol| 1%lel/1%vol| Low :20
High : 50 %vol
02| 0–30%vol| 0-30%vol| 0.1%vol| Low : 19.5%
High : 23. 5%vol
H2S| 0-100ppm| 0-50/200/1000ppm| 0.1ppm| Low : 10 High : 35ppm
CO| 0-1000ppm| 0-500/2000/5000 ppm| 1ppm| Low : 50
High : 150ppm
CO2| 0-5000ppm| 0-1%/5%/10%vol| IPPm/0.1%vol| Fi71::2:itm
NO| 0-250ppm| 0-500/1000ppm| 1ppm| Low : 50
High : 150ppm
NO2| 0-20ppm| 0-50/1000ppm| 0. 1ppm| Low :5
High : l0ppm
SO2| 0-20ppm| 0-50/1000ppm| 0.1/ppm| Low : 5
High : lops
CL2| 0–20ppm| 0-100/1000ppm| 0.1ppm| Low : 5
High : l0ppm
HCN| 0-50ppm| 0-100ppm| 0.1/0. Olppm| Low : 10 High : 20ppm
C21140| 0-100ppm| 0-100ppm| 1/0.1ppm| Low : 20 High :50ppm
03| 0-l0ppm| 0-20/100ppm| 0. 1ppm| Low :2
High : 5 ppm
CH2O| 0-20ppm| 0-50/100ppm| 1/0.1ppm| Low : 5
High : lOppn
IF| 0-100ppm| 0-1/10/50/100ppm| 0.01/0.1ppm| Low : 2
High : 5 ppm

Maintenance and care

  • If there is dirt on the surface of the detector, use a soft, clean cloth moistened in water. Do not use corrosive solvents and hard objects to clean the surface of the machine, otherwise the surface of the detector may be damaged.
  • The load must be carried in a safe place, and the special charger compatible with the meter must be used.
  • The calibration inspection will be carried out regularly, and the sensor will be replaced in time.
  • The load must be carried in a safe place, and the special charger compatible with the machine will be used.

Spare Parts:

TEINNOVA has spares for all the equipment parts.
If you need any part or consumable, please contact
TEINNOVA Customer Service on +34 941 44 50 56.

Guarantee conditions

  1. “TEINNOVA” guarantees its products for a period of 15 days when dealing with aesthetic defects or product faults which are noticeable at first sight, and for a period of 1 year when dealing with all other manufacturing defects or product faults. The “Buyer” must report the existence of any defect as soon as they become aware of it and, in any case, within the maximum period of 5 days from when it becomes apparent. Any notification outside of this deadline shall lead to the non-application of the guarantee. “TEINNOVA” will collect and send the products to the factory or to the closest official Technical Support Service for inspection. At this point, it will be determined whether the guarantee can be applied or whether it falls under the guarantee exclusions. If the guarantee is applicable, the transport fees, both those for collecting the product from the client’s facilities and for returning it there will be paid by TEINNOVA. If it is excluded from the guarantee (section 2), the transport fees, both those for collecting the product from the client’s facilities and returning it there will be paid by the client. “TEINNOVA” reserves the right to dismiss the application of the guarantee in the event that the product shows no evidence of the product’s non-conformity, and it shall not apply said guarantee until coverage has been expressly approved. Should the product be covered, “TEINNOVA” can replace it or determine the necessary repair method. All repair works that are carried out under the product guarantee must be carried out in “TEINNOVA” facilities or in those of the party it designates. The guarantee covers the materials and labour required to repair or replace the parts or elements considered as defective from origin. The maximum guaranteed amount or value shall be the maximum price of the sale of the product to the “Buyer”. Any claims made under the coverage of the guarantee shall not grant the right to delay and/or withhold payment of the corresponding invoice and/or any other pending invoices.
  2. Guarantee Exclusions: The following are excluded from the guarantee: Usage of, alterations to or handling of the product done without the express prior permission of the Vendor, indirect and/or consequential damage, intentional damage, damage caused by
    negligence or by improper use or by a use not covered by the product’s instructions, faults due to changes made to the product or the use of parts that were not previously certified or expressly authorised by the Vendor; fault detection costs, costs of collection or replacement (the latter two unless the non-conformity is proven and within the limits set out in section 1).

Product certificate

TECAI INNOVA S.L. certifies that the referenced product meets the essential health and safety requirements related to design and manufacture provided in the European Directive.

The company has the following Quality Certificates: Management System ISO 9000:2015 and Environmental Management ISO 14.001:2015.

The company is registered in the Registro Oficial de Establecimientos y Servicios Biocidas (Official Registry of Biocidal Establishments and Services). ROESB registration number: 026-CAR-110

Product details:
Medidor de ozono – mo3

Manufacturer information:

Manufacturer name: TECAI INNOVA S.L.
Address: C/ Las Balsas 16-B,
Pol. Ind. Cantabria 26009,
Logroño (La Rioja), España
Telephone: +34 941 44 50 56
Website: www.teinnova.net

Under its sole responsibility, TECAI INNOVA S.L. certifies that the machine model described above complies with all the essential requirements of the following directives:

  • Directive machines 2006/42/CEE
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive – 2014/30/CEE
  • Low Voltage Directive – 2014/35/CEE

The following standards have been followed in its design:
EN ISO 12100:2010/EN ISO 13850:2008
EN 60204-1:2006/EN 614-1:2006+A1:2009

Customers Support

© This instruction manual is protected by copyright. We reserve all rights, especially the right to produce, translate and prepare it using electronic systems.

Servicio Tecnico
Technical Service ”
+34 674 837 357



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