TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR User Manual

June 13, 2024

Duct disinfection equipment
User manualTEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection


Dear client:
Many thanks for having placed your trust in a quality product from TEINNOVA.
This product has been developed with modern manufacturing procedures and a range of measures in order to guarantee quality.
We endeavor to do everything possible so that you are satisfied with this product and can work with it without any problems.
If you have any questions about this product, please contact your distributor or contact our company directly.
Before starting the machine, carefully read the usage instructions for your equipment.
Consider this manual as part of the machine and always have it to hand for future queries.
Training services
Our training services have been designed to support our clients in achieving their objectives and together we develop training programmes that suit their strategy.
We offer the possibility of providing companies with specific training for using our equipment and training their operatives so that they can perform the best service and thus contribute to the success of their end clients. This includes aspects such as knowing how to draft a good and objective budget, responding to specific problems that might arise or offering a more professional and efficient service.
Technical service
Thanks to manufacturing the cleaning equipment ourselves we can control the quality and the performance of each machine we manufacture at all times. This has allowed us to have very low repair rates which have always been resolved by our own Technical Assistance Service in very short time frames. The service is managed by the same human team as the factory.
We have every type of replacement available for your equipment as well as related accessories.
© his instruction manual is protected by copyright. We reserve all rights, especially the right to produce, translate and create using electronic systems.


All of the graphic symbols shown in this manual as well as those indicated on the equipment itself are explained in this section. It is important to read the text relating to these symbols with special care as it concerns personal and equipment safety.
This symbol warns of a potentially dangerous situation that could cause serious injuries or even death if the indicated instructions are not followed appropriately. Ensure that you read all the instructions described in the “Safety information” section.
This symbol warns of a potentially dangerous situation that could either cause mild or moderate injuries or damage to property, causing personal injuries, if the indicated instructions are not followed appropriately.
This symbol warns of a situation that could cause damage to property without causing personal injuries if the indicated instructions are not followed appropriately.
This symbol warns of information relating to the optimal use of the equipment in order to avoid possible handling errors.

**** Safety warnings

  • In an emergency of any nature which is and installed the machine, you must cut the power immediately and disconnect the equipment from the power.
  • If aggressive products are used, is highly necessary to follow scrupulously the rules of use for manipulation as well as the recommendations of the manufacturer.
  • If the equipment is installed outside the EU, duty to comply with local safety regulations.
  • The manufacturer will not be held responsible for damage to persons or property resulting from improper installation or wrong use of the equipment.
  • Always read carefully the chemical characteristics of the product to be dosed.
  • The use of this equipment with radioactive chemicals is strictly forbidden.
  • For handling any chemical product must meet the standards specified by the manufacturer manipulation such as the use of flexible latch glasses, chemical apron, chemical gloves, etc. In any case be avoided direct physical contact with the products.
  • Do not open the control panel of your duct disinfection equipment DESINAIR. In case of breakdown, contact to the Technical Assistance Service on the phone TEINNOVA +34 941 44 50 56.

Intended conditions for use

The DESINAIR computer is an electronic system based on a microcontroller to program the desired operating time and its start at a specific time.
It is specifically designed to remove contaminants in the complex path of the ducts. It works by generating a smoke-spectrum disinfectant that by entering into the duct ensures total disinfection of all its components. It is equipped with a drive motor controlled by a digital timer and an intelligent vaporization. The equipment is compact and has wheels for easy mobility.
Your DESINAIR has a manual mode and an automatic mode. It also has an individual schedule for each day (day program).
For its implementation has user password and master password.
Any other use is completely prohibited without written authorization from the manufacturer.
machine management is allowed only to authorized and properly trained personnel, or at least provided with sufficient technical expertise.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - Fig1

Control panel

To operate the equipment it has an alphanumeric display with 2 lines of 8 characters and 4 keys:

  • Escape.
  • Arriba (Up)
  • Derecho (Right)
  • Enter (Programming).

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - Fig2| TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

When the unit is connected, an initial menu shows the current date and time are displayed. In this state the “ : “ between the hours and minutes, flashes.
Pressing ENTER / PROGRAM, the menu is displayed through which you can access the commissioning of the equipment, either manually or automatically and the machine configuration. To display all options, press UP.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

With this menu sequence may operate the equipment during the same time determined that setting time is over.
They should select the following values:

  •  (Time): The time in minutes that the engine to be started.
  • Resistance (RESISTANCE): Connected or not.
  • Warm-up time (T. CALEN): If you choose ON for resistance, apply to the heating time for the resistance to be connected to the engine. This time is requested in seconds.
  • Clearance time (EVICTION): When you start the process by disconnecting the start time for the staff to leave the room before the dosificaci ion. There must be a minimum time of 60 seconds.

If passwords are enabled, the password (USER) will be requested to access this menu:

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

The process begins by showing a countdown in seconds Clearance time that has been set.
Then, if you select the operation resistance is connected and counts down, also in seconds, the heating time.
Once finished this time, start the engine and the display indicates the time remaining in minutes operating under the indication WORKING. The last minute is displayed as a countdown of 60 seconds.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

With this menu, you can access the viewing of programs (VER = SEE) recorded for automatic operation, and boot the computer in this mode (START). Access to the display is not password protected, it is the beginning itself (Should be enabled).

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

Detail screens:

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

If automatic operation program, the team will show on the display screen on which reports next operation (day, time, and if time with heating or not). One minute before the start time, it beeps intermittently, so that if anyone present in the position to realize.
When the time came, the resistance will start if it is connected and the engine for the time set similarly to the previous case. Once the process returns to the following start-up.
You leave this mode with the ESC key. Otherwise each scheduled day function again.
Config (=Settings):
With this menu you can program automatic mode, the clock and manage passwords. In case you enabled the master password (MASTER) be required to access this area, so as to avoid manipulation by unauthorized personnel.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

In this area the operation for each day of the week program. If you do not want to work any given day, just mark off the FTO section that day.
The way in which the process runs and displays, is the same as in the manual case.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

This menu is used to set date, time and day of the week.

The equipment has two passwords that can be modified and be enabled in this menu.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - control

The user password is configured in the same manner described in the above chart.
The user code protects you restart the device by unauthorized personnel. Only gives access to the commissioning. The master password protects the configuration.
The overall operation is the one that has developed throughout this manual. If in any case it is necessary to
interrupt the process, the ESCAPE key is pressed. And the display will be given the option to restart (REANUDAR) the process where it was. Regardless of that point, it always starts with the time of eviction (or a minute by default).
If a power failure occurs while the computer is running, you can resume the process or cancel it. It will always displays a sign indicating on screen: FAILURE Voltage (=FALLO Tension). Pressing any key will indicate when the process stopped working cycle:

  • EVICTION HALL: If it was in the time of initial discount.
  • CALENT.(=HEATING) HALL: If it was heating resistance.
  • MISSING XXX   MIN: Indicating the time remaining to complete the cycle.

Accepting this screen can resume at the point where it was be taken. In this case always be respected at least one minute evacuation time, and re-do all the heating time (if applicable).


On the next page wiring scheme shown. The circuit image is viewed from the side of the components. To this plate will be the following connections:

  • General electrical supply, labelled as RED (230VAC / 50Hz) and ground connector (“Tierra”).
  • The cable labelled as 1, the connection N (or N1) of Resistance.
  • The connection cable 2, to F (or F2) MOTOR.
  • The connection cable 3, to N (or N3) MOTOR.
  • The starting condenser (=Condensabon) (MKO, 3uF, 475V) which is mounted on the panel should bind both the circuit and the team:
  • One of the pole to the connection Cond of MOTOR.
  • The other pole to the connection of equipment (Cable 4).

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR -

Operating instructions

Steps for a correct implementation of DESINAIR

  1. Separation of its parts:
    Separate the upper part from the lower part by means of the side fasteners.
    Set aside the upper part to work with the lower part.

  2. Pour in the disinfectant
    Pour the liquid disinfectant into the lower part.
    Then place the upper part on top of the lower part, closing it by means of the lateral hooks, in order to proceed with the programming.

TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection DESINAIR - parts1

Maintenance and care

Keep your machine as clean as you possibly can. Keep the computer in a protected site meteorological factors.
Replacement parts:
TEINNOVA has replacements for all parts of the machine as well as for consumables for all the maintenance tasks mentioned in this manual.
In the event of needing any part or consumable, get in touch with TEINNOVA’s Customer Service Department on telephone number: +34 941 44 50 56.

Waste management

The materials used in the packaging are recyclable.
Do not dispose of the packaging in household waste, but hand it in at official collection points for recycling.
Do not dispose of electrical equipment in the trash!
We recommend that electrical tools and accessories are subjected to an environmentally friendly recovery process. Please dispose of the materials in the appropriate container or go to your local collection point.
Directive 2012/19/EU of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Technical specifications


220V +- 10% / 50Hz
Degree of protection:| IP 50
Outputs:| Motor and Resistance
Control:| Display LCD

Conditions of the guarantee

  1. TEINNOVA” guarantees its products for a period of15 days as regards aesthetic defects or faults which are noticeable with the naked eye. In terms of all other manufacturing defects and faults in the products, the guarantees of 1 year.
    The “Buyer” must notify “TEINNOVA” of the existence of any defects as soon as they are observed and in any case within a maximum deadline of 5 days from when they become apparent. Notification thereof outside of said deadline shall lead to the non-application of the guarantee. “TEINNOVA” reserves the right to request that the products be sent to the factory or the closest official Technical Support Service for their due inspection and the delivery costs are payable by the “Buyer”. Said costs shall be reimbursed if the product is proven to be effectively on-conforming.
    “TEINNOVA” will pick up and send the products to the factory or to the nearest official Technical Assistance Service for proper inspection. At that time, it will be determined whether the warranty will apply or it is within the warranty exclusions. If the guarantee is applicable, the transport, both collection at the customer’s facilities and return of the product, will be borne by TEINNOVA. If it is excluded from guarantee (point 2), the transport, both collection at the customer’s facilities and return of the product, will be borne by the customer.
    “TEINNOVA” reserves the right to overrule the application of the guarantee when there is no evidence of the product’s non-conformity and it shall not apply said guarantee until coverage has been expressly proven. In the case that the product is covered, “TEINNOVA” can replace it or determine the necessary repair method. All repair works that are carried out under the product guarantee must be carried out in “TEINNOVA” facilities or in those of the party it designates. The guarantee covers the materials and labour required to repair or replace the parts or elements considered as defective from origin. The maximum guaranteed amount or value shall be the maximum price of the sale of the product to the “Buyers
    Any claims made under the coverage of the guarantee shall not grant the right to delay and/or withhold payment of the corresponding invoice and/or any other pending invoices.

  2. Guarantee Exclusions: the following are excluded from the guarantee: actions, alterations or manipulations of the product that are carried out without the prior express authorization of the “Seller”; indirect and/ or consequential damage; damage caused by negligence, by improper use or by usage that does not conform to the instructions and intentional damage; faults due to adaptations made to the products or the use of parts that were not previously and expressly certified or authorised by the Seller; costs for detection of the fault; costs for collection or replacement (the latter two are unless the non-conformity is proven and within the limits established in section 1).

C/ Las Balsas 16-B, Pol. Ind. Cantabria.TEiNNOVA QR DA Duct Disinfection
DESINAIR - icon14TEINNOVA reserves the right to make changes to the equipment without giving prior notice.

Declaration of compliance “CE”

SERIAL NUMBER: SD31402000000 – SD31402009999
Manufacturer name: thecae Innova s.l.
Telephone number: +34 941 44 50 56
Fax: +34 941 25 24 71
Web: www.teinnova.net
TECAI INNOVA, SL, under its sole responsibility, certifies that the machine model described above complies with all the essential requirements of the following directives:

  • Machinery directive 2006/42/CE
  • Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility and its amendments.
  • Directive 2014/35/EU on the sale of electrical equipment.

Technical Director
Armando Saenz angulo
Pol. Ind. Cantabria, C/Las Balsas 16
26009 Logroño (La Rioja)

signature: Armando Saenz Angulo
Technical Director
Made in Logrono, 26 September 2013


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