MEANWELL LRS-100-3.3 Single Output Switching Power Supply User Guide
- June 13, 2024
- MeanWell
Table of Contents
100W Single Output Switching Power Supply
L R S – 1 0 0 s e r i e s
- Universal AC input / Full range
- Withstand 300VAC surge input for 5 second
- Protections: Short circuit / Overload / Over voltage
- Cooling by free air convection
- Miniature size and 1U low profile
- Compliance to IEC/BS EN/EN 60335-1(PD3) and IEC/BS EN/EN61558-1, 2-16 for household appliances
- Operating altitude up to 5000 meters (Note.7)
- Withstand 5G vibration test
- LED indicator for power on
- No load power consumption<0.3W
- Over voltage category III
- 100% full load burn-in test
- High operating temperature up to 70°C
- High efficiency, long life and high reliability
- 3 years warranty
- Industrial automation machinery
- Industrial control system
- Mechanical and electrical equipment
- Electronic instruments, equipments or apparatus
- Household appliances
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LRS-100 series is a 100W single-output enclosed type power supply with 30mm of low profile design. Adopting the full range 85-264VAC input, the entire series provides an output voltage line of 3.3V, 5V, 12V, 15V, 24V, 36V and 48V. In addition to the high efficiency up to 91%, the design of metallic mesh case enhances the heat dissipation of LRS-100 that the whole series operates from -30°C through 70°C under air convection without a fan. Delivering an extremely low no load power consumption (less than 0.3W), it allows the end system to easily meet the worldwide energy requirement. LRS-100 has the complete protection functions and 5G anti-vibration capability; it is complied with the international safety regulations such as TUV BS EN/EN2368-1, BS EN/EN60335-1 ,BS EN/EN61558-1/-2-16, UL62368-1 and GB4943. LRS-100 series serves as a high price-to-performance power supply solution for various industrial applications.
Model Encoding
MODEL| LRS.100-3.3| LRS-100-5| RRS-100-12| LAS-100-1S| LRS-100-24| LRS-I00-36|
OUTPUT| OC VOLTAGE| 1.| 5V| 12V| 15V| 24V| 36V| 48V
RATED CURRENT| 20A| 18A| 8.5A| 7A| 45A| 2.6A| 2.3A
CURRENT RANGE| 0 – 20A| 0 – 113A| 0 – 8 5A| 0 • 7A| 0 • 4 5.4| 0 – 2 AA| 0 – 2
RATED POWER| 86W| 97W| 102W| 105W| 105W| 1038W| 1104W
RIPPLE &NOME Ntt) Rutz| 100mVp-p| 1110mVp-p| 120mVp-p| 120mVp-p| 150mVp-p|
200mVp-p| 200mVp-p
VOLTAGE ADJ. RANGE| 2 97 • 3 W| 4 5 – 5 5V| 10 2 – 13 8V| 13 5 • 18V| 21 6 –| 32 4 – 39 W| 43 2 – 52 8V
VOLTAGE TOLERANCE Non)| 33.%| 32.%| 31.%| 31.%| 31.%| 31.%| 31.%
LINE REGULATION 14MA| ± 0 5%| 21.%| 805%| ±0.5%| 31.%| 31.%| 305%
LOAD REGULATION Rotel| 320%| 819%| 805%| 81.%| 11.%| 81.%| 305%
SETUP. RISE TIME| 500ms 3Cent230VAC 500tns.30m9115VAC et lull load
HOLD UP TIME (Typ.)| S5ms.730VAC 10ms/115VACetNI bad
INPUT| VOLTAGE RANGE| 65.261 VAC 120. 373VDC OVOnta-0 3CCNAC Page la 5sec.
EFFICIENCY (Typ)| St 5% 186% I ea% lee 5% I co% 1935% 151%
AC CURRENT(Typ.)| 1 9N115VAC 11.1230VAC
PROTECT°| OVER LOAD| 110 – 150% teled oulput poem
Protecton type . Picop mPle. recoNrs aiumetcally ate fault op-4out4s removed
OVER VOLTAGE| 38 -4.45V 1575 -6 75V 1138 – 162V 118.75 – 21.75V12813- 33W
141.4-486V .155 2 -648V
Proteoco type: Sh.4 n om sot cc re.poxer co to recover
ESIROMEr| WORKING TEMP.| -30 • •70 C (Pete to Dealing Corte’)
WORKING HUMIDITY| 20 – CO% RH nOn.ccodtening
STORAGE TEMP. mu morn’| 40- •85.C. 10 – 95% RH non.condaesm?
TEMP. COEFFICIENT| 30.03%f C (0 • 50t)
VIBRATION| 10 • 5°.413 50 10mn.’Icycle. 60mr caNalong X. Y. Z ates
OVER VOLTAGE CATEGORY| 111 Ccemeance lo BS ENEN61558. BS ENEN50178. BS
ENEN60664-1. BS EMEN624774NOtude up to
2000 meters
(Hole 8)| SAFETY STANDARDS| IA 62368-1. TUV BS EIATN623684. IS ENEN60335-1. BS
Et4E8451558-1/-2-16.CCC 684943.1. 8SA11 Ch5155984 EAC TPTC 004.SPCS62168 1(try
C8).KC K60950-1(lot LFG-100-12,24 WO. 81$ 1513252(Pa/11). 20101EC 609504 2005
ISOLATION RESISTANCE| tla.0.9.19.FG. 017.FG ICOLIClernst 5COVDC 125 C’ 70% RH
EMC EMISSION| Complasce to BS EMEN55032 (CISPR32)Clett B. 13SENEN55014. BS
ENIN61C00.3-2.4. Garr 9254. EI5MICN515936.EAC TPTC 020KC KN32.KN35(1ot
/RS.100-12724 only)
EMC IMMUNITY| Cermionx to BS ENEN610094-2 3 BS ENEN61000-92 (BS
EN.EN50082-2).B5 EN.EN55335. Carp mdusay level. EAC TP TC 020.KC KN32 XN35(lo1
ER910912.74 only)
OTHERS| MTBF| 13189K Pet min. 555:ocsa SR332 ISMICINej : 677.410uS min.
MR4OE4(-217F (25 C)
DIMENSION| 123197130mm (1.17/11)
PACKING| 0 34Kg .10p:s/14.641:112CUFT
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Block Diagram
fose : 65 KHz
Derating Curve
Static Charactaristics
Mechanical Specification
Case No.238A Unit:mm
Installation Manual
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File Name:LRS-100-SPEC 2023-03-03
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