Naturewater NW-UF305 5-stage Ultrafiltration Filter System Instruction Manual
- June 5, 2024
- Naturewater
Table of Contents
- Naturewater NW-UF305 5-stage Ultrafiltration Filter System
- Introduction
- [Components/installation
- [Installation
- Operation
- Maintenance
- References
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Naturewater NW-UF305 5-stage Ultrafiltration Filter System
Read and follow the operating instructions and safety information before using it for the first time.
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Keep these operation instructions safe.
To reduce the risk of leaks and water damage, we encourage you to always
follow some basic safety precautions when using this device. Carefully read
this user’s manual and make sure that you understand it.
Components/installation [
№ | Name | №/Letter | Name |
1 | Three-way connector | 7 | Ultra-filtration membrane |
2 | Ball valve | 8 | Purge valve |
3 | Filter housing: PP fine filter | 9 | PI activated carbon filter |
4| Filter housing: granulated activated carbon| 10| Swan neck
water tap
5| Filter housing: activated carbon block filter| A, C| PE
connection tubes
6| Filter housing: ultra-filtration membrane| B| Rinsing water
discharge hose
Installation [
- Install the three-way connector (1) and the ball valve (2) prior to the water tap.
- To install the UF membrane (7), unscrew the lid cover of the UF filter housing (6), insert the UF membrane (7) and then screw the lid back on again.
- Mount the swan neck water tap (10) in the required position and connect it to the outlet of the PI activated carbon filter “Gourmet” (9) with a PE connection tube.
- The PE connection tubes are to be installed in the places A, B, and .
- Rinsing the system: After having installed the ball valve (2) and the swan neck water tap (10), open the tap and let the water flow for 2 min.
- The system should be rinsed daily, by opening the purge valve (8) for 2 min.
- Before using the system for the first time, it should be prepared by opening the purge valve (8) for 2 min and leaving at least ½ ℓ of water flow through the swan neck water tap (10). After having done so, the unit will provide clean water.
- After the last daily use of the filter unit, the ball valve (2) should be closed to protect the system against pressure shocks.
To reach pure water quality, the filter must be replaced regularly depending on the quality of the raw water. For a daily use of 10 ℓ of pure water and for use of public tap water, the following table applies:
Filter stages | Filter cartridge | Function | Life span |
1 st | PP | Removes sand, salts, solids, and other sus- pensions with | |
a diameter of > 5 µ | 3–6 months |
2 nd
Activated carbon
| Absorbs odorous and taste-intensive sub- stances, chlorine, and chlorinated com- pounds|
6–12 months
3 rd
| Activated carbon block filter| Absorbs odorous and taste-intensive sub- stances, chlorine, and chlorinated com-
6–12 months
4 th| UF membrane| Filtrates solved materials, bacteria, and vi-
ruses| 1–2 years
5 th| Inline activated car- bon| Absorbs unpleasant odours| 6–12
- When installing the unit, disconnect it from the water supply.
- If the osmosis unit is not used, disconnect it (osmosis unit from the water supply).
- If the unit has not been used for a long time, the cartridges and membrane need to be replaced.
Important notice:
The reprint or reproduction, even of excerpts, and any commercial use, even in
part, of this instruction manual, require the written permission of WilTec
Wildanger Technik GmbH.
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