CRYSTORAMA ROY-801-GA Royston Pendant Ceiling Light Instruction Manual
- June 13, 2024
Table of Contents
CRYSTORAMA ROY-801-GA Royston Pendant Ceiling Light
Product Information
The model number of the product is ROY-801-GA. The product is manufactured by Crystorama and is designed to provide lighting. It is suitable for indoor use and has a Damp rating. The product requires a medium base bulb, with a recommended wattage of 40 Watts and a maximum wattage of 100 Watts. LED bulbs are recommended for extended use.
The product comes with various parts including a mounting plate, mounting hardware, wire connector, canopy screw, swivel, canopy, plastic washer, and finial. The dimensions of the canopy are W5 1/8xH1 and it has two side holes.
There is a warning mentioned in the user manual regarding electrical danger. It states that all electrical components should be installed by a licensed electrician in compliance with the National Electric Code and local electrical codes. Additionally, there is a warning about the product containing lead, which is known to cause cancer and/or birth defects or reproductive harm.
For more information about the product and its warnings, you can visit the website
Product Usage Instructions
- Before installation, place the fixture parts on a soft cloth-covered platform.
- Install the bulb (not included) into the socket.
- Screw the threaded pipe into the bottom of the harp and secure it with a hex nut.
- Place the glass shade over the bottom of the threaded pipe and secure it with the plastic washer and finial.
- Determine the preferred hanging height and choose the correct number of rods needed.
- Feed the fixture wires through the rods and canopy.
- Screw the rods together.
- Screw one end of the rod assembly onto the top of the metal frame and the other end onto the swivel on the canopy.
- Install the mounting plate onto the outlet box.
- Raise the fixture up to the ceiling and complete the wire connection.
- Secure the canopy onto the mounting plate using screws.
It is important to follow all electrical safety precautions and consult a licensed electrician for proper installation. Ensure that the power is turned off before starting any electrical work.
Electrical Danger Turn Power Off
All electrical components must be installed by a licensed electrician in
accordance with the National Electric Code and the appropriate local
electrical codes
You will need 1- Medium Base Bulb 40 Watts recommended 100 Watts Max.
The fixture is Damp rated
Place the fixture parts on a soft cloth-covered platform before installation of fixture.
Install the bulb(not included) into the socket.
Screw the threaded pipe into the bottom of the harp and secure with hex nut.
Place the glass shade over the bottom of threaded pipe.
Secure with the plastic washer and finial. -
Decide the preferred hanging height and choose the correct number of rods needed.
Feed the fixture wires through the rods and canopy.Screws the rods together.
Screw one end of the rod assembly onto the top of metal frame and the other end onto the swivel on the canopy. -
Install the mounting plate onto the outlet box and raise the fixture up to the ceiling.
After the wire connection is complete, secure the canopy onto the mounting plate using screws.
WARNING:This product can expose you to Lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or birth defects or reproductive harm.For more information go to
Part Number
A. (1)-Mounting hardware
Wire connector x2. Mounting plate x1. Mounting screw x2. -
B. (2)-Canopy screw
C. (1)-Swivel
D. (1)-Canopy(W5 1/8″xH1″) ; with 2 side holes.-XSN801GACAN5.125IN
E. (1)-H6″ Rod ; Ø15.8mm-XSN801GAROD6IN
F. (3)-H12″ Rod ; Ø15.8mm-XSN801GAROD12IN
G. (1)-Metal frame ; W6 7/8″ x H14″
H. (1)-Nut
I. (1)-Threaded pipe ; H3″
J. (1)-Glass shade ; W6 1/2″ xH13 5/8″ -XSN801SHA13.625IN
K. (1)-Plastic washerL. (1)-Finial-XSN800GAFIN
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