nanoleaf 374NF1A19E Matter Smart Bulb User Manual

June 11, 2024

374NF1A19E Matter Smart Bulb

Product Information: Matter Smart Bulb

The Matter Smart Bulb is a smart home device that allows you to
control your lighting from your phone or voice assistant. The bulb
can be used to set the mood for any occasion with its range of
colors and dimming options. The bulb is energy-efficient and has a
long lifespan, making it an ideal replacement for traditional
incandescent bulbs.

Product Specifications:

  • Model Number: NLS4UOOO
  • Serial Number: N2310081B57
  • ID: C67
  • Rated Power: 8W
  • Luminous Flux: 730lm
  • Color Temperature: RGBCW (Red, Green, Blue, Cool White)
  • Maximum Temperature: 400°C
  • Compatibility: Works with Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple


Please read the safety information carefully and keep it for
future reference. The bulb is not intended for use in enclosed
spaces that limit airflow or trap heat, such as oven or sauna. It
is also not suitable for outdoor use or in damp conditions. The
bulb is not compatible with dimmer switches or for use in fully
enclosed fixtures.

Warranty Registration:

Please register your product warranty on

Customer Support:

If you need further assistance, please visit or contact us on social media @nanoleaf.

Product Usage Instructions:


  1. Screw the bulb into a standard E26/E27 light socket.

  2. Turn on the light switch and wait for the bulb to blink to
    indicate it is ready to connect.

  3. Download the Nanoleaf app on your phone and follow the
    instructions to connect the bulb to your Wi-Fi network.


You can control the bulb using the Nanoleaf app or your voice
assistant. The app allows you to:

  • Turn the bulb on/off
  • Adjust brightness
  • Change color
  • Set schedules and timers

To control the bulb using your voice, you must have a compatible
voice assistant (Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple HomeKit) and
have set up the bulb in the respective app. You can then use voice
commands to control the bulb.


If you experience any issues with the bulb, please visit for troubleshooting tips or contact customer

Matter Smart Bulb

.. . t,.. matter


3158- 524 – 58 36

SN:N2310081B57 ID:C67

Let’s Get Started!
l!I ·
User Manual & Warranty Registration I mybulbs

@ WARMlllll C CAUTIONS Pl9ose reod this safety lnlonnotoon eo..runy ond

keep this documem lo, Mure reference. Help articles oriel customer $IJPl)()lt IS olwoys

ovo,leble ot https:// support. Thia Nonoieol® f)foduct Is not designed,

certltled. nor Intended fo, uM In: -‘osed locxrtions that limit the flow of air arid/ or trap

heat whldl contnbutes to on environment temperature OY8t’ 400 Celws; outdoor or.os,

regordlen of “‘eother conditions: wet o, domp eorid11K>ns; regions o, countries other

than that III Which the p,oduct was Intended for and certified fo, sole in. Not for use

with d,mme,s. Not fo, use in totally enclosed lumlllolres. When us,ng 1h11 ~

prO<NCt~Do not open Of d·sosamble the ciev;c., as this will VOid tho warranty oriel

mole· the ptOQJCI unsof· fo, use. This ~ s 1& not lntended fOf 1159 with emergency

e,c,ts. Thl1 device, is not Intended for use w,th emergency elClll. Only use the control

Pf()Ylded with Of specific by these lnctrucllont to conuol this lamp. This lornp wiff not

opeiot. properly when conn~ too ttonclord fineondesc:ent) dimme, or dirrvnlng

control. Nonoleofl» Essentiols Is o lighttng product by Nonolaaf ltd. thot pairs too

Google Account arid use, Google services to connect to the Internet. FOf serup oriel lull

feature ocetis inciuding rarnote control, mobile olerls, ond software updot·.

Nonoleal® &sentlols requires o compotlble owwve device (fun bat avolobla ot

g .co/ nest/osslstiv.cteYICa) ond o WOfklng 1n1emat connection over Wl·Fi, the tree

Google Home opp, ond on octiYe Google Accou’>L Monlmum reqwe11 ,eol$ ore ovoiloble

ot , – i/ d8’11icereq. AvoJlabilrtyond pertormonce of ceno,n laoture· ore SeMCII·,

device-, ond netWOfk- depandent ond may not be ovoiloble In ol oraos. All feoture1,

functlonolrty, ond pt’Oduc:t 1ped1co110nS ore subject to chonge without not1Ca or

obllgotJOn. V01Ce control wtth the Google Asllstont requires o compatible smart deV1Ce

Google and reloted mor1cs o!ld logos ore trodemo’1<s of Google llC. CUANINO AND

MAINllNANCI Do not clean the device With liquid or sprays when It IS co. iecld


aeon power.

With o soft dly doth, ond do not use harsh cleo,w,g agents ~


occordonce with dl!lf)OICII lows in your oreo FlSQIUINCY RANOI Bluetooth, Thread;

2t.00·2483.S l’flz ·10d8m UICCA DIC1 P TlOI:

NOll0Gfid Limited(~) hereby

declares that this device II in compllonce with the product reqiwementt ond othet

rele11ont prOVllklns of lfle Rod”‘ Equipment AegufotoOns 2017. The dedm0110f’1 ol

conformity IS OIIOlloble Ot httpa://go, WAIIIIMTY ~

,.,.,ed This product Is covered by a

wom,nty from Nanoleoflll: a th1N ~ea,

c:omplomentory ,eploc:.ment of defecti19 hardware. Fo, ful deto11, visit:


l ( DIS-OSt,I Of’ YOIJII OU> PIIOOUCT YOAJI p,oduCt II Cle$lgned ond monufoc:tured

,-.ct. With htgh·quohty moteools ond c:ompo,,ents. which con be recvcled ond


this c:raued·out WhNloe bin oymbOI ii attochlld to o product, It means that the product

Is COl/efed by Eutopeon OwectNW 2012/19/EU Please ftnd out obout your locOi collect”‘”

system lo, aleclllc:ol and eleeuonk: products. Plea’41 oct ac:co,d,ng to your locol rules

anc:t do not dspose or your old products with your not mol houMhold waste. The correct

ddposo! of your old product wil help ta p..-,t POtentJOI negowe ~


the envirOM>ent oncl humon heoith.


AVIIOI Y ,..,..,,,…01111 Po, fovor. leo esto lnfonnoc:16n de MQundod

cu,dodoso~· y guorde este documento po,o fututos refefenoos. Los Oltlculos de

oy,,do y el 5eMCIO de otendon ol client· est6n lilmpre c:li!po,rblH en

hnps://go., o Este produeto Nonoleotll no esto disellodo,

ceobficodo ,.. dtitonodo po,o ,., utinOdo: en lugora c»nodQs q.,e hmltan lo orculOC16n

del olre y/o ouopen el suficlent· colof poro gene,o, uno tempecotu,o ombante supenor

o 40 grodos centigrodos; en z – ol o,re lb<e, onc:,ependlentement· de I O I ~

dmotlcos; en c:oodjc;j0f111$ def ooto humedod; en 1egoonM o pofws disbntos o oq, 11·oc

pora los que el p,oducto tue c:oncebido y 01tll11codo po,a…, vento. No opto poro el uso

FCC ITATIMINT: TI-.1 device compf· w,UI port IS of the FCC~… Opefotlon,. subject

10 1he following two condllions. (1) This device may no1 couw hormflA onterl91wnce, ond
121 ths d9IIICe ml.ISi oce<tpt ony I n ~ receMICI, includmg w,tetf9r4111Ce tho! moy

undeslnKI OpeOn. TM equl~t &hoold be Installed ond operoted w,th

m,n<mum dl&tonc. of 20 cm betwe.> the rodootor ond your bo<fy.

NOTE! Thi& aqu,pment hos been t.ted OnCI found to eomply ..,th the hmllS for O Cio5’ 8
n – . dlgltcl de,ica, pursuant 10 port 15 of the FCC Rule&
°”‘ ,mts dellgoled to p<Olllde raosonoble p,o~on ogo,mt holmlul lnterlemnce In a

rnk:ten1,ol tnstono1lon. This equipment g-otes. uses and con 1ad101e rad,o frequency


and, if not onstolled ond ,-d In occordonce w,th the onstructlanl, may cause

hormlul 1nte,wenoe to radio communocotiO<ls. H – – . there ts no guorontM that
Interference WIU not cx:c:ur WI O part,CulO/ lnSlallotJOn. II 1h15 equipment does COIJS9

hormlul 1t1lllrfe<enc:e to radio 01 t11leY1S10n recept,on, wNch con be de~lnecl by tum,ng

the equtpme, 11 off ond on, the u – 1, encoutaged to try ta <:CKrect tne lnterlarenc:e by

one or ,..,,_ of the tollow,ng meosures:

– Aaorlent 01 relc>c:cml the receMng ontenna.
– lnaeose the seporot>011 between the equipment ond receiver. – CoMect the equipment 1nt0 on outlet on a elrcurt d1ff8fent ffOm thot 10 which the
rac.twr I& connected
– Consult the <leOlet 01 on axperi~ radio/TV techniCIOn lor help.

Any changes 01 mod1flcotlon& not exp,euly opp,01/ed by the gronlff of this dellic. could veld the us«·southonty to ope,ate the device

NanoleafCanada 1400 – 100 Front Street East Toronto. ON
MSA 1E1, Conodo
Nanoloaf lurope IAI
11 Rue de lourmel
75015 Pons

NANOLIAF IUROPI SAS P/ A 4 Eyes ltd, Boy House, Cocks Hnl, Perronzobuloe, Comwol TR6 OAT
United Kingdom
Nanoloaf Hant ltont
NonoGrld Limited 11301-483A Castle Peak Rd. Kowloon, Hong Kong

M od I : Nl.67E100 Mo d I. Nl.67E200. Nl678200

. .ll,.lnput: 120VAC60Hz llatlftt i.ut: 220-240V-, S0/ 60Ht

lla1:N rsu


Celot’ T””” 1Iotwet RGB·W LuMlna II Pkoc 806im

D…. 111.ts: Otmmoble WlthAf)f> DIMo

t l – 2.4· x4 4· (6 cm· 11 an)


latlo· ,…..,.: 100-240V-. 50/601-iz

a…d Poss,: SW

Coto, Tamp I atwa4 RG8CW ………,,.,. Aua: 400tm

DIINMllle: O.mmoble with App DlnwwtllAI: 2.0· x.2.3· (S cm x 5.8 cm)

Mo del:NlSJE100

lkatL.g Input: 120VN:: 60H·

RatN Powe,: 8..SW

C . . . . . T · ~: RG8·W

Dllnmollle: 0,mmoble With App Olffl9mh- J 7″ x s .1·

IMmll,ald Flux:730m


[!] · ·
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