HYUNDAI HYBV2600X 3 in 1 Petrol Leaf Blower Vacuum Instruction Manual

August 7, 2024

HYUNDAI HYBV2600X 3 in 1 Petrol Leaf Blower Vacuum Instruction Manual


Thank you for choosing a Hyundai Power Product, I trust it will provide you with many years of reliable service.
I hope for your safety that you will take the time to study this manual and familiarise yourself with the machine before putting it to use.
Please pay particular attention to the advice regarding its safe operation and careful maintenance.
Finally, in line with our carbon neutral programme, we have planted a tree as a result of your purchase.

The Gen power Team.

Learn How To Operate Your Machine Safely

The Hyundai HYBV 2600X machine is designed to clear dry leaves and light debris from gardens, paths, sports areas and hard-standings. It is not designed to collect stones or twigs.

The machine can be operated in two different ways:

  • To collect by suction and shred material into a bag ready for composting or disposal
  • To move material by blowing

Because the machine can be used in two different ways it has to be assembled to either collect and shred or to blow prior to use.

The motor is an internal combustion two stroke design. As it does not have an oil sump to lubricate the moving parts, it can only be operated with a pre- mixed petrol and two-stroke oil fuel.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The machine must not be operated unless the user is wearing well fitted, tough clothing, sturdy footwear with gripped soles and gloves.

It is essential to wear head, eye and ear protection to defend against flying debris and engine noise.

The operator must make certain that there are no humans, animals, fragile items such as glass or vehicles within the safe working vicinity.

When assembled in blower mode, the machine will sweep by expelling air at high velocity, therefore do not operate in the vicinity (at least 6 metres) of anything that is likely to be injured or damaged.

When the fan door is open the shredding blades will be exposed and will cause serious injury if touched.

The machine’s exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and lead and are deadly poisonous. Therefore, it must only be operated out of doors in well ventilated areas and if the operator thinks they’ve inhaled fumes because they feel dizzy, nauseous or confused they must stop the machine, breathe fresh air and seek immediate medical attention.

Please also note that the engine and particularly the exhaust pipe are hot during use and remain so after the engine has been stopped.

The machine requires a combination of 40 parts unleaded petrol to 1 part semi- synthetic two stroke oil (40:1) and a calibrated can is provided.

Before handling the fuel,please ensure you’re in a well ventilated area with no naked flames. Do not re-fuel your machine whilst it’s hot and if you spill fuel clean the area immediately. If fuel gets onto your clothing change right away and always wash your skin if it has also been in contact with the fuel. Petrol containers expand if they’re in a warm environment. Never leave them in direct sunlight.

Remove the container’s cap slowly to allow fumes to escape and any pressure to reduce which should prevent the fuel from bursting out. When you’ve fuelled the machine, make sure the tank’s cap is fitted correctly and tightened firmly to prevent it from undoing during operation.

Prior to starting.

Under no circumstances should the motor be started if the machine has not been fully assembled for use and safety checked.

To carry out a safety check, please open the air intake cover and don’t operate the machine if you find any cracks or damage to the fan blades or if the shredder blades are loose. Using the tools supplied with the machine, make sure all fixings are firm, that the throttle is operating smoothly and that there are no fuel leaks.

Open the spark plug cover by lifting it (see picture) and press the rubber cap to make sure it’s firmly connected to the plug’s terminal. Finally, check that the blower or suction pipes are unobstructed and secure and if you’re operating the machine in the vacuum/ shredder mode make sure the zip is closed on the collecting bag.


Make sure the area you’re going to work in is safe. Wearing the necessary protective equipment, place the machine on the ground, hold it firmly with one hand and pull the starter cord with the other (please see starting instructions). Please note that if the machine is in blower mode, it will scatter objects near to the end of the tube immediately.

Operating in blower mode

The machine is designed to be operated with one hand in this mode. The operator can either control the power with their finger or by using the friction throttle which will maintain a constant engine speed.
The machine should be moved from left to right in a gradual sweeping movement whilst the operator advances. Each task may vary and it is usual to develop a method accordingly, for instance blowing leaves into small piles to gather later, is often quicker and more efficient than trying to create one huge mound. Whilst you’re working it is vital to remain aware of your surroundings to help to prevent accidents.

Operating in vacuum mode

In the vacuum mode, the machine is collecting, shredding and depositing material in the zipped bag. The operator must support the bag by using the adjustable shoulder strap and empty it regularly via the zipped aperture to prevent blockages.
In this mode, the machine is designed for two handed operation and the movement for the collection process is generally slower than when blowing. If you notice that the machine’s efficiency has reduced or that the engine note has changed the airways may have become blocked.
Please stop the machine immediately by switching the red button on the upper handle to off and empty the collector bag.
Whilst it is open, see if the curved pipe which connects it to the power head is blocked and if it is, clear it by pulling the material out with a gloved hand. If it isn’t blocked, remove the collector tubes and inspect them and the fan/shredder area behind the air intake cover. It is essential that all the airways are unobstructed for the machine to operate correctly and it may be necessary to dismantle the tubes to gain full access to ensure this. Wet material is the normal cause of blockages so try and operate the machine in reasonable dry conditions.

Remember to keep a watchful eye on the collector bag and empty it as soon as it’s full.

Health and Well being

It is very important that you make certain that you don’t collect items which could harm you or damage the machine, especially hot or abrasive things. You should also take particular care not to spread material that could cause injury or damage. As you become used to working with the machine, your technique and confidence will improve and so will your efficiency.

Consider loosening matter such as leaves that are stuck to a surface with a stiff broom or rake before you attempt to move them. The blower may create a lot of dust in certain conditions which can be reduced by lightly dampening the surface to be worked on first or by delaying the operation to another time.

If you’re working in hot conditions make sure you drink sufficient fluids. Regular breaks will help to prevent problems that  may be caused by vibrations. Use the friction throttle to prevent your finger from being in a fixed position for long periods of time. Also, continually, adjust your grip and keep it firm but not tight.

Keeping your machine clean and in good working order will help to ensure your safety whilst you’re using it so please refer to the maintained guide in this manual.

Unboxing your machine

You’re nearly ready to unbox your machine. Take special care if you’re using a blade. Remove the components and familiarise yourself with each one by referring to the components page in this book. Please pay particular attention to the fixing bolts as they vary in design.

However, before you go ahead, please read the next section and carry out a thorough risk assessment.

Risk Assessment

Now that you’ve read about some of the correct procedures you should follow, before you learn how to assemble the machine we would like you to carry out a risk assessment. Prior to carrying out any procedure e.g. assembling the machine, fuelling or starting and using it, you will benefit from conducting a risk assessment. To compile the assessment you should consider the hazards associated with your planned actions and rate the risk of their possible occurrence. A hazard is anything that can cause harm and a risk is the likelihood, high or low, that someone will be harmed by the hazard. Make a list of all the hazards associated with your planned actions and using the table below rate them. Your objective is to prevent injury by developing control measures as part of your operating procedures. Ideally, you should try to remove every hazard so that there is no risk of it occurring. Please think about the environment you’ll be working in before you commence each job and include the hazards in your assessment, consider the ground you’ll be clearing and whether it may be slippery, the obstacles you may encounter and the dangers associated with transporting your machine and the fuel.

Here is an example to help you:
A hazard could be the potential for a person or animal to be hit by flying debris blown by the machine whilst being operated in blower mode. The risk of harm could be very high. A control measure would be to ensure that there is no living presence within a certain distance of the machine during operation. This could be accomplished by signage or cordening off the working area. The operator of the machine must, of course, wear full protective clothing.

Likelihood X Severity of injury = Band Control measures
Unlikely – 1 Slight – 1 1 – Low risk Review
Likely – 2 Serious – 2 4 – Medium risk Improve
Highly likely – 3 Major – 3 9 – High risk Don’t carry out procedure


  • Collector components, including zipped bag with shoulder strap, vacuum tubes and M5 connecting nuts and bolts. The nuts have a machined shoulder or integral washer.

  • Two stroke motor unit, with fuel mixture bottle, M6 bolts with Nyloc nuts, plug spanner #3 Allen key. The Nyloc nuts can be identified by the nylon insert in the thread.

  • Blower tubes, double ended screwdriver and connecting bolt.

Engine and Power Head controls

Assembly for use as a collector and shredder

Material collector flow diagram (pre-assembly)

  • Insert flat blade end of screwdriver into square hole and push to release air intake cover catch and open door.

  • With the intake cover open you can see the blades that will shred the material as it passes through the power-head.

  • With the moulded key way at joint with lower pipe at 3 o’clock, engage the collector tube and rotate it anti-clockwise to lock it in place.

  • Collector tube correctly installed in power-head unit.

  • Align moulded key-ways, push tubes together, install M5 nuts and bolts (non-Nyloc) and tighten gently using Allen key

  • Insert widest end of tube into collector bag beyond the Velcro strap

  • Fasten Velcro strap to secure pipe

  • Align moulded key way with slot in power head and insert curved tube until the key way disappears.

  • Insert the two Nyloc M6 nuts into the locations on one side of power head and the bolts into the other, tighten until they’re just firm.

  • Assembled unit, please note collector pipe chamber must face the ground.

  • Please note that the machine is designed for two handed operation when in collector mode.

Assembly for use as a blower

Blower flow diagram (pre-assembly)

  • Prior to assembly please ensure that the air intake cover is locked closed.

  • Identify the first-stage blower tube by the blue Hyundai logo and the key way at one end which fits into the power head.

  • Align the key way and push the blower tube into the power head.

  • Secure using the M6 Nyloc nuts and bolts. The nuts fit into a hexagonal moulding with the nylon on show.

  • Next, find the round moulding on the upper tube and push it into the elongated channel on the lower tube.

  • Once you’ve pushed the lower tube home, rotate it 90 degrees clockwise, it will lock and align the thread, ready for the screw.

  • Put a little grease on the screw and tighten it firmly.

  • The machine is now assembled and is operated using one hand.

The Engine.

Fuel and fuelling.
Your machine is fitted with a two-stroke combustion engine.
Instead of a separate oil tank to lubricate the internal components a semi- synthetic two-stroke oil is mixed with unleaded petrol. Petrol is highly flammable and must be stored in an approved container in a safe, cool place, out of direct sunlight. Petrol becomes stale over time so only store sufficient quantities for the work required. Once you’ve mixed the fuel you should use it within 30 days.
The container supplied with your machine is marked to show you the correct petrol and oil quantities, the ratio is 40 parts petrol to 1 part oil (40:1). If you wish to mix larger quantities please refer to the table below.

Fuel (L) Oil (mL)
5 125
10 250
15 375
20 500
25 625

Shake the fuel/oil mixture before use, every time, to ensure the oil is well distributed.

To minimise the risk of dirt entering the fuel supply, it’s good practice to clean the area around the filler cap with a stiff brush prior to opening.
Remove the cap slowly in case the tank has become pressurised and fuel the machine in an upright position as shown, in a well ventilated area. Tighten the cap firmly and clean any spillage immediately.

Starting the engine.

Under no circumstances must the engine be started if the machine is not fully assembled for use.

In a safe environment and wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) press the fuel primer bulb which is located beneath the air filter with your finger until the air is expelled and neat fuel is being pumped

through the carburettor, you’ll hear and feel the change from air to liquid.
If the engine is cold, put the choke lever to the START position (up) to risen the mixture by reducing the amount of air entering the engine.

If the engine is warm please leave the choke in the run position.

Press the red ON/OFF switch to the ON (I) position.

With the machine on firm ground press down on the handle with your left hand and pull the recoiling starter handle slowly with your right hand until you feel resistance (about 6cm) at which point pull the starter smartly upwards (about 60cm). If the engine fires or tries to run, set the choke to the RUN position (down) and repeat the procedure until the engine runs. N.B. Return the starter handle slowly to carefully allow the cord to recoil, do not release the handle until it’s at its resting position. Let the engine run for a few moments to reach its correct working temperature. Squeeze the throttle beneath the handle with your index finger to increase the engine’s revs when you’re ready to commence work.

Alternatively you may prefer to set the revs to a constant speed by adjusting the friction throttle adjacent to the ON/OFF switch.

Running out of fuel.

It’s inevitable that the machine will run out of fuel from time to time. When this occurs simply re-fuel once the engine has cooled and repeat the starting procedure remembering to fill the carburettor with fuel by pressing the fuel primer bulb a few times.

Stopping the engine.

Release the throttle and allow the engine to idle. Press the red ON/OFF switch on top of the handle to the OFF (0) position and the machine will stop.

Adjusting the engine idle speed.

The idle speed of your engine is the speed that it rotates without you touching the throttle. If it’s incorrect, you can make a simple adjustment using the screwdriver in your tool kit. Make sure the engine’s reached normal operating temperature ( 2- 3 minutes). Locate the idle adjustment screw adjacent to the choke lever and rotate it clockwise, if your engine’s stalling or anti-clockwise if it’s running too fast.

Cleaning the air filter.

After every 10 hours of operation your machine will benefit from having the air filter cleaned. A dirty filter makes the engine less efficient and harder to start.

To access your air filter, unscrew the securing knob on the cover by turning it anti-clockwise. Slowly withdraw the cover taking care to avoid the choke lever. The air filter is a soft sponge-like material which is held in position by supporting rods moulded into the housing.

Lift the filter out, wash it in warm soapy water until it’s thoroughly cleaned and allow it to dry. Take care to re-install it so that the supporting rods are inside the central hole in the filter which will ensure that it’s correctly positioned.

Checking the spark plug.The compressed air and fuel mixture in your engine is ignited by an electrical charge created by a spark plug. If your engine’s performance has deteriorated you may like to check the spark plug.
To do so please make sure the engine isn’t hot and raise the cover to the right of the upper handle using your index finger or driver and lift it off. You will now see the spark plug lead and insulated cap.

Hold the cap with your thumb and index finger and carefully pull it away  from the engine, you may find it helps to rotate the cap backwards and forwards a little as you pull.

The spark plug screws directly into the engine’s cylinder head above the piston and it is vital that nothing enters this area so carefully clean away any dirt or debris.

When you’re certain the area is clean, put on a pair of gloves to protect your hands and engage the box spanner in your machine’s tool kit with the spark plug.

With the engine on a firm surface, press down (anti-clockwise) on the tool’s lever to undo the plug. Initially, you may find it requires quite a lot of force. Once you’ve loosened the plug, continue unscrewing it using the wrench.

Carefully examine the plug’s electrode, this is where the spark occurs and it must not be burnt away.

If it is, replace the spark plug with a new Champion RCJ6Y or equivalent. If your engine’s running correctly, the area around the electrode should be a tan brown colour. If it’s black and oily the fuel mixture may be too rich or the air filter could be dirty.
If the electrode looks intact, clean it thoroughly with a wire brush and then, using a feeler gauge measure the gap and carefully re-set it to 0.6 mm – 0.7 mm if necessary.

The spark plug should be replaced every 100 hours. Re-install the plug into the engine’s cylinder head using your index finger and thumb. You can rotate it anti-clockwise a little if the threads do not engage immediately and then try again. The plug should screw into the engine freely which proves the threads are not crossed. After about four rotations the plug will be seated at which point you should tighten it, either firmly with the box spanner or a torque wrench set to 20Nm.

Replacing the fuel filter.

The fuel filter should be replaced annually or if no other reason can be found for a drop in the engine’s performance.
To replace the fuel filter unscrew the fuel tank filler cap and holding the plastic retainer between your thumb and index finger, ease the retaining piece through the filler neck and detach the assembly from the tank.

Next, take a length of fairly stiff wire, bend a hook in one end and feed it into the tank. Work the wire around the fuel line, not the breather tube and coax it towards the opening. You will see the filter at the end of the fuel line. Lift it until you can access the ears of the spring clip which secures the filter to the pipe. Squeeze the clip with long nosed pliers, pull the filter off and fit the replacement.

If you find that you need better access to the filter  carefully remove the fuel pipe from the union at the bottom of the carburettor using a pair of long-nosed pliers. Finally, push the filter back into the tank and refit the filler cap and its retainer.

Replacing the fan and shredder.

Check the shredder blades for sharpness and the fan blades for damage or cracks.
If necessary remove and replace them by firstly undoing the five screws securing the fan cover and carefully lifting it to gain access without damaging the wires, you can disconnect them if you prefer.

Using a socket wrench, undo the retaining nut and lift off the shredder blades and or fan and install the replacements.

Torque the retaining nut to 20Nm. Relocate the cover and tighten the five screws. Finally, replace the engine’s fuel filter and clean or replace the spark plug.


If you’re machine is not going to be used for more than 90 days empty the fuel tank and run the engine until it stops so there is no residual fuel. Throughly clean the entire machine and lubricate the zip on the vacuum bag. Check and if necessary replace the spark plug, the fuel filter, the fan and the shredder. Place the machine and its components in a dry, safe location.

Maintenance and care

In addition to the advice provided in this booklet, owners may also like to lubricate metal fixings and components to prevent corrosion. It is also important to appreciate that certain items, known as service items, will require replacement purely as a result of normal wear and tear.

Service items

  • Spark plug
  • Air filter
  • Fuel filter
  • Exhaust muffler
  • Recoil starter cord
  • Shredder blades
  • Blower fan
  • Vacuum bag


Displacement 25.4cc
Fuel Unleaded Petrol 2-Stroke Semi-Synthetic
Fuel / Oil Ratio 40:1
Carburettor Membrane Type Primer Pump
Ignition CDI (capacitor discharge)
Spark Plug RCJ6Y
Starting Method Recoil Pull Start
Fuel Tank Capacity 450ml
Rated Power 0.75kW@ 7500rpm
Air Speed 225km/h
Measured Sound Power Level 106.2dB(A)
Guaranteed Sound Power Level 113dB(A)
Weight 7kg

Troubleshooting a non-starting engine.

Problem Possible Cause Solution
The spark plug does not spark Spark plug Electrode wet Dry electrode
Covered with carbon Clean or replace spark plug
Damaged insulation Replace spark plug
Spark gap incorrect Adjust to 0.6 – 0.7mm
Electrode burnt Replace spark plug
Magneto Damaged HT cable Repair or replace
Bad coil insulation Replace coil
Damage to wire coil Replace coil
The electronic firing unit is defective Replace the defective unit
The spark plug is functioning correctly Compression OK and fuel- ling well
Too much fuel in the cylinder Drain excess fuel
Water or dirt in the fuel, stale fuel Replace with fresh fuel
Fuelling well but the com- press ion is poor Cylinder piston ring worn or
dam- aged Replaced worn or damaged items
The spark plug is loose Tighten spark plug
Carburettor not furling No fuel in the tank Re-fill tank and prime

Filter gauze clogged| Clean filter gauze or replace
Tank air vent pipe blocked| Clean and un-block
Problem| Possible Cause| Solution
Compression is OK| Filter clogged| Clean filter
Air is able to pass through the carburettor connection| Tighten fuel lines to prevent air from penetrating
Engine is overheating| Stop the engine and let it cool down. When you restart it, avoid long periods of heavy load and high revs
Water in the fuel| Drain, clean and replace fuel
Excessive carbon in exhaust muffler| Clean exhaust muffler
Engine overheating| Fuel mixture too lean| Adjust the carburettor
Cylinder covered with carbon| Clean the cylinder
Engine knocking or making a noise| Fuel has gone stale or bad| Replace with clean, fresh fuel
Carbon in the cylinder| Clean the cylinder
Some engine parts are worn or damaged| Replace worn engine parts
Engine stops suddenly| Faulty plug or plug wire| Check or replace
Piston seized| Change the piston
Spark plug covered in carbon| Clean or replace the spark plug
Engine has run dry of fuel| Refill tank with fuel
Engine stops slowly| The air hole in the tank is clogged| Clean the air hole
Water in the fuel| Drain and replace with fresh fuel
Carburettor clogged| Clean the carburettor

Please note we recommend that certain faults listed in the tables should be rectified by a Hyundai Service Dealer.

Parts list.

No. Spare Part Name
1 spark plug cover
2 screw ST5*16
3 cylinder cover
4 screw M4*20
5 starter
6 knob
7 air filter cover
8 air filter sponge
9 screw M5*55
10 choke iron block
11 choke components
12 air filter holder
13 screw 3*8
14 carburettor
15 carburettor gasket
16 screw M5*25
17 inlet pipe 30mm
18 inlet pipe gasket
19 wind deflector pad
20 cylinder
21 screw M5*22
22 spark plug
23 muffler gasket
24 muffler
25 screw M5*55
26 extinguishing line
27 screw M4*20
28 ignition
29 Bakelite gasket 4104
30 cylinder gasket
31 piston ring
32 piston
33 piston pin 8*28.2
34 piston cir clip 8
35 needle 81111
36 Wood ruff key 3*10
37 aluminium dial single start
38 oil seal 12227
39 crank case
40 5*10 pin
41 opening bearing 6001
42 crankshaft
43 crank case gasket
44 screw M5*30
45 fly wheel
46 screw ST5*16
47 right handle
48 throttle line
49 throttle trigger
50 extinguishing switch ship type welding wire with dust cover
51 screw ST5*14
52 self-locking switch bushing
53 left handle
54 self-locking switch
55 spring seat
56 screw ST5*16
57 shock absorbed spring
58 screw M6
59 right hood
60 screw M5*30
61 screw M5*8
62 small base
63 oil tank
64 screw ST5*16
65 base handle cover
66 Base handle
67 screw ST5*16
68 91432 Steel bushing
69 limit plate of base of wind wheel
70 blower wind wheel
71 blade
72 screw M8*1
73 left hood
74 screw ST5*16
75 micro switch parallel welding wire
76 protective switch
77 protective switch cover
78 screw ST5*14
79 screw ST4*8
80 protective cover
81 protective cover trim
82 screw M6*20
83 pin 3.5*48
84 torsion spring
85 gasket 5161.5
86 screw ST5*14
87 flat pipe
88 main pipe
89 inclined suction pipe
90 screw M5*20
91 screw M5
92 suction pipe
93 dust collecting pipe
94 dust collecting bag

Contact Details

Postal Address:
Gen power Ltd.
Isaac Way
London Road
Pembroke Dock
Pembroke shire
Telephone: +44 (0) 1646 687880
FAX: +44 (0) 1646 686198
Technical email :

Manual updates and warranty.

Our manuals are constantly reviewed and updated and the latest version is posted on our website. Please contact your dealer if you’d like additional assistance. We do reserve the right to make modifications without prior notice.

Proof of purchase will be required when a warranty claim is being authorised.

Full warranty terms and conditions can be found at :

EC Declaration of Conformity

Importer and Authorised Representative Gen power Ltd.
Isaac Way, Pembroke Dock, SA72 4RW
Country of Origin: China
Description: Leaf Blower, Vacuum & Shredder
SKU Code: HYBV 2600X
Date of Issue : 22/07/2021

Regulations and Directives of Compliance

  • 2006/42/EC The Machine Directive
  • 2014/30/EU EMC Directive
  • 2011/65/EU RoHS
  • 2000/14/EC Noise Emissions

Statement of Declaration
We, the importer and authorised representative of the product described above, confirm conformity within the provisions of applicable regulations and directives listed within this document.

Signed on Behalf of Genpower Ltd.

Place of Issue : Gen power Ltd.
Signatory Name: Roland Llewellin
Position: Managing Director

Genpower Ltd.
Isaac Way, London Road
Pembroke Dock, Pembroke shire
SA72 4RW

Tel: +44 (0) 1646 687880
FAX: +44 (0) 1646 686198
Imported and distributed by Genpower Ltd. for the United Kingdom and Ireland

Licensed by Hyundai Corporation, Korea


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