Xiamen PP4360 Faurecia Clarion Electronics Audio Display Owner’s Manual

June 5, 2024

PP4360 Faurecia Clarion Electronics Audio Display

Owner’s Manual PP-4360


Table of contents
1. System Overview 2 Control of This Unit 2 Steering Remote Control 3 Silver box to supply power and simulate some signals 4
2. Common Operations 5 Home Menu 5 Audio Source Switch 5 Displays 6 Settings 6 Connections 7 Informations 7
3. Bluetooth Operations 8 Bluetooth Settings 8 Phone Settings 9 Bluetooth Phone Operations 11 Bluetooth Audio Operations 15
4. iPod Operations 17 iPod Connection 17 iPod Mode Selection 17
5. Using Apple CarPlay 18 6. Using Siri 19 7. Using Android Auto 19 8. Declaration of conformity 20

1. System Overview
Control of This Unit

9 [TUNE]/[SCROLL] knob: rotate to tune up/down, track up/down; press to switch sound.




2 3 4 5 6 78 (Fig 1-1)
1 [POWER] button: press to turn audio playback on/off. [VOLUME] knob: rotate to turn volume up/down.
2 [Day/Night] button: (short) change night mode; (long) display OFF
3 [x]: track / folder down; [v] button: track / folder up.
4 [MENU] button: press to enter the home menu screen. 5 [AUDIO] button: press to enter the audio source or
audio playback screen. 6 [TEL] button: press to switch to the Bluetooth phone
menu screen.
7 [CAMERA] button: open camera setting.
8 [BACK] button: press to return to the previous screen.


Steering Remote Control




34 5


1 [+] button: volume up. 2 [-] button: volume down. 3 [x]: track / folder down 4 [v] button: track / folder up. 5 [BACK] button: press to return to the previous screen. 6 [OK] button: press to enter the audio source or audio playback screen. 7 [VR] button: start Siri.

8 [ ] button: press to switch to the Bluetooth phone menu screen or press to

hang up the calling.



Silver box to supply power and simulate some signals
PKB Switch and Navion Switch These LEDS lights when each switchs(+B, ACC, IGN) become to turn on
+B Switch, ACC Switch and IGN Switch
the INPUT of +14V
NOT USE. Please make usre to turn off these test switches.
Turning on+B and ACC switch is as same as key position is ACC
Turning on+B and ACC and IGN switch is as same as key position is on

NOT USE Speed Knob


2. Common Operations
Home Menu
1 Press the [MENU] button to enter the main menu screen.
1 (Fig 2-1-2)
(Next page)

Audio Source Switch
1 While in the audio playback screen, press [AUDIO] button to enter the audio source screen. This unit supports AM/FM, SiriusXM, USB/iPod, Bluetoot Audio, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto audio source plackback.

(Fig 2-1-1) For the CarPlay Audio, Bluetooth Audio and iPod touchkeys, you shoud customize the home menu.
Customize Home Menu In the home munu screen ((Fig 2-1-1) page 5), please touch Customize Home Menu to customize the home menu.



(Fig 2-1-3)

1 widget icons

2 function icons

Drag an icon from the top area to the

bottom area.

(Fig 2-2-1)



The audio source playback can be displayed in the main display, home menu widget display and the meter display. Main display
(Fig 2-3-1) Home Menu Widget Display For the widget display, please go to the customized home menu ((Fig 2-1-2) page 5) to customize the widget display.

1 Press screen.

to enter the settings

(Fig 2-3-3)
Meter Display Some information is displayed in this area. Bluetooth audio playback, iPod , Apple CarPlay music or Bluetooth phone call information is displayed, too. 1 Please press the [X] or [V] button
of the steering remote control to
switch the menu item.

(Fig 2-4-1)
(Fig 2-4-2) Sound Settings 1 In the settings screen((Fig 2-4-1)
page 6), please touch Sound to enter the sound settings screen.

(Fig 2-3-2)

(Fig 2-3-4)



1 In the settings screen((Fig 2-41) page 6), please touch Connections to enter the connections screen.

(Fig 2-4-3)
Language Settings 1 In the settings screen((Fig 2-4-2)
page 6), touch Others and then Language to enter the language settings screen.

(Fig 2-5-1) G Bluetooth : touch to pair, connect or
delete Bluetooth device. G Wi-Fi : touch to connect Wi-Fi. G USB : touch to view the information
of connected USB. G Apps : touch to view the
information of connected Apps.
1 In the settings screen((Fig 2-4-1) page 6), please touch Info to enter the information screen.

(Fig 2-6-1) 2 Touch System Information to check the
system information.
(Fig 2-6-2)



3. Bluetooth Operations
Bluetooth Settings
3 In the settings screen((Fig 2-41) page 6), please touch Connections to enter Bluetooth connections screen.

(Fig 3-1-2)

4 Touch

to enter the Bluetooth

settings screen.

G Allow 2 Phones Simultaneously : allow connect 2 phones with this unit simultaneously.
G Favorite Phone : give top priority to connect to this phone.
G Favorite Audio : give top priority to connect to this audio device.
G Device Name : edit the device name of this unit.
G PIN : edit the PIN code.
Pairing Bluetooth Device Please turn Bluetooth of this unit to be on before pairing. 1 On the Bluetooth connections
screen ((Fig 3-1-2) page 8), touch Add New .

(Fig 3-1-3) G Bluetooth : Bluetooth on or off.

(Fig 3-1-4) 2 Look for this unit’s device name
from your Bluetooth device. (Default device name: MYCAR)

3 According the prompt message, please enter or confirm PIN to pairing from your Bluetooth device.
4 After successful pairing, it will return to the Bluetooth connections screen ((Fig 3-1-2) page 8) and your Bluetooth device is displayed in the paired list. “Connected” is displayed below the device name. And the

corresponding icons


are lit.

Connect , Disconnect or Delete a Paired Bluetooth Device
On the Bluetooth connections screen ((Fig 3-1-2) page 8): z Touch a paired Bluetooth device
to connect or disconnect to the device.

z Touch

to connect or

disconnect as a phone object.

z Touch

to connect or

disconnect as a audio object.



z Touch

to enter the device

information screen.

Phone Settings
1 In the settings screen ((Fig 2-4-1) page 6), touch Phone to enter the phone setting screen.

(Fig 3-1-5) You can check the available features of the device, including Call, Phonebook, Send Text, Receive Text, Audio Streaming. Touch Delete to delete the paired device.

(Fig 3-2-1) G Connections : enter the Bluetooth
connections screen ((Fig 3-1-3) page 8). G Automatic Hold : when there is a coming call whether put the call on hold or not automatically.
Adding or Editing Quick Dial 1 In the phone setting screen ((Fig
3-2-1) page 9), touch Quick Dial to enter the quick dial screen.

(Fig 3-2-2) G Delete All : delete all of the quick
dial list. 2 Touch Edit to enter the quick dial
list screen.
(Fig 3-2-3) G {Quick Dial List} : touch to edit or
delete the quick dial list. 3 Touch Add New to enter the adding
new list screen.



(Fig 3-2-4) G Copy from Call History : copy from call
history as a quick dial. G Copy from Phonebook : copy from
phonebook as a quick dial. G Enter Number by Keypad : enter phone
nuber by keypad as a quick dial. 4 After copying or inputing, it enter
the quick dial register screen.
(Fig 3-2-5) G Entry # : select another quick dial
as the new quick dial. G Name : change the quick name. G Number : input new number as
quick dial. G Type : change quick dial type

including Mobile, Main, Home, Office and Other. 5 Touch OK to register the number or list as a quick dial.
Phonebook Settings 1 In the phone setting screen ((Fig
3-2-1) page 9), touch Phonebook to enter the phonebook setting screen.

Text Message Settings 1 In the phone setting screen
((Fig 3-2-1) page 9), touch Text Message to enter the text message setting screen.

(Fig 3-2-6) G Download Entire Phonebok : download
the entire phonebook from the connecting phone manually. G Auto Downloaded : while pairing or connecting a Bluetooth device the phonebook and call history will be downloaded automatically. G Sort Phonebook by : switch sorting method of phone book by first name or last name.

(Fig 3-2-7) G Text Message : turn the text message
function on or off. G Text Message Ringtone : whether there
is a ringtone notification when receiving a text message. G Signature : when this function setting ON, when sending a texmessage, the text message will be added a signature “Sent from XXX”. “XXX” is the vehicle name of factory configuration. G Auto Reply : when this function setting ON, reply the pre-set fixed text message to the received new mail. Auto reply only once, do not reply if failed.


G Auto Reply Text Message : you can set the fixed or customized message as the auto reply text message.
G Edit Custome Text : add, edit or delete the customized message for auto replying.
Notifications Settings 1 In the phone setting screen
((Fig 3-2-1) page 9), touch Notifications to enter the notificitions settings screen.

text message, there is ringtone notification.

Bluetooth Phone Operations
Before operate the Bluetooth Phone you must pair the mobile phone with this unit. Refer to “Pairing Bluetooth Device” on Page 8. 1 Press the [ ] button to enter the
phone menu screen. If there is no phone connected, besides the Connections , the other keys are unavailable.

(Fig 3-2-7) G Driver Only : while setting On, when
there is an incoming call or a new text message, the incoming call screen or the new text message is not displayed in this unit’s displayer, and there is no ringtone notification. G Ringtone : while setting On, when there is an incoming call or a new

(Fig 3-3-1)
Multipoint phone This unit allow you connect 2 phones with this unit simulataneously. You can view the call history, phonebook, text message and so on of the 2 connected phones. The device name will appear the corresponding screen, and you can switch the device in some screens.


Take Phonebook for example. While 2 phones connected, you can change the device.
Download Call History, Phonebook and Text Message
The call history, phonebook and text message of the Bluetooth phone can be downloaded to this unit. While the “Auto Downloaded” (Phonebook Settings page 8)and “Text Message” (Text Message Settings page 10) are set to ON, when a Bluetooth phone is paired connected with this unit at first time, The call history, phonebook and text message will be downloaded automaticly. Note: G Text message downloading is only
valid for the phones that support

text message downloaded. 1 While the “Auto Downloaded”
(Phonebook Settings page 10)and “Text Message” (Text Message Settings page 10) are set to ON, touch Phonebook , Call History or Text Message on the phone menu screen ((Fig 3-31) page 11) to enter the call history, phonebook or text message screen. 2 Touch Yes to go to the Phonebook, Call History or Text Message list screen.
If the call history, phonebook and text message have already been downloaded, they will be updated.
Please accept downloading when the Bluetooth phone receives a request. 3 After downloading is successful, the call history, phonebook and text message will be displayed on the screen.
Note: G The phonebook and call history
will be downloaded or updated at the same time.

Make Outgoing Call There are 5 ways to make outgoing call.
(Fig 3-3-2) Enter Numbers to Dial 1 In the phone menu screen
((Fig 3-3-1) page 11), Touch Dial Number to enter the Dial Number screen.
(Fig 3-3-3) 2 After finish entering the phone
numbers, touch OK to make


Call from Phonebook 1 In the phone menu screen ((Fig
3-3-1) page 11), touch Phonebook to enter the phonebook screen .

to enter the call history screen.


(Fig 3-3-5) 2 Touch to select a contact to
display the details.
(Fig 3-3-6) 3 Touch to select a phone number
to call. Call from Call History 1 In the phone menu screen ((Fig
3-3-1) page 11), touch Call History

(Fig 3-3-7)
2 Touch to select a call list to make outgoing call.
Call from Text Message 1 Enter the text message screen
((Fig 3-3-12) page 14) 2 Touch Call to make outgoing call.
Call by Quick Dial After adding quick dial list (Adding or Editing Quick Dial page 9), you can make outgoing call by quick dial. 1 In the phone menu screen(Fig
3-2-1), touch Quick Dial to enter the quick dial screen.

(Fig 3-3-9) G Edit : Touch to answer the call. 2 Touch a quick dial list to make
outgoing call. Incoming call 1 The following screen will be
displayed when there is an incoming call.
(Fig 3-3-10) G Answer : Touch to answer the call. G Decline : Touch to decline the call. G Hold Call : Touch to put the call on
hold. During a telephone call



1 The following screen is displayed during a telephone call.
(Fig 3-3-11) For 2 phones connected, the Device Name is displayed. G Hang up : Touch to hang up the
phone to hang up the call. G Mute : You may touch if you do not
want other party to hear the call under special circumstances. Touch again to make the call output from the vehicle speakers. G Dial Number : Open the number pad if you need to enter PIN or code for some special calls, or if you want to make another outgoing call. G Use Handset : Touch to use your phone to answer the call. G Switch Call : When you make another outgoing call or there is

another incoming during calling, touch to switch between the two calls. Reading and Text Message 1 In the phone menu screen ((Fig 3-3-1) page 11), touch Text Message to enter the Text Message screen.
(Fig 3-3-12) 2 Touch to select a text message to
display the detailed text message.
(Fig 3-3-13) G Prev. : switch to the previous text

message. G Next : switch to the next text
message. G Call : make outgoing call. G Reply : reply the text message. Volume setting 1 In the phone menu screen ((Fig
3-3-1) page 11), touch Volume to enter the volume setting screen.
(Fig 3-3-14) 2 Touch + or – to adjust the ringtone
or outgoing call volume.



Bluetooth Audio Operations
This unit only supports the playing of audio files instead of images or videos. Notes: G Before operate the Bluetooth
Audio you must pair this unit with Bluetooth device which support audio file playing. G The functions of some devices may vary due to different types of devices. Select Bluetooth Audio mode 1 Touch Bluetooth Audio on the audio source screen ((Fig 2-4-1) page 6) to enter the Bluetooth Audio playback screen.
(Fig 3-4-1) If connected with the device which support AVRCP 1.3, repeat and

random are unavailable; the BT Menu is displayed as Connections , and touch it to enter the Bluetooth connections screen ((Fig 3-1-2) page 8). If the playing track has an album
artwork, the upper right icon
will be displayed as the track’s album artwork.
Track up / down 1 Touch x / v to go to the
previous or next track.
Fast Forward / Fast Reverse 1 Long press x / v for fast
reverse or fast forward.
Pause / Play 1 Touch to pause. 2 Touch to resume playing.
Repeat Play 1 Touch to switch the repeat play
: play one track repeatly.
: play all tracks repeatly.

: repeat off. Shuffle Play 1 Touch to switch the shuffle play
mode. : play all tracks in random.
: random off. Bluetooth Menu 1 In the Bluetoothe audio playback
screen, touch BT Menu to enter the Bluetooth menu screen.
(Fig 3-4-2) G Now Playing : return to the playing
screen. G Current List : go to the current list
screen. G Connections : go to the Bluetooth
connection screen ((Fig 3-1-2) page 8). G {Folder List} : enter the folder to



select a track.


4. iPod Operations
This unit can play audio files stored in an iPod. You can use it as an audio device by simply copying desired audio files into it.
iPod Connection
Connect iPod device to USB port. When connecting iPod, this unit will read the files automatically. The track information display on the screen once playback start.
iPod Mode Selection
1 Touch iPod in the audio source screen ((Fig 2-4-1) page 6) to enter the iPod playback screen.
(Fig 4-1-1) If the playing track has an album artwork, the upper right icon

will be displayed as the track’s album artwork.
Track up / down 1 Touch x / v to go to the
previous or next track.
Fast Forward / Fast Reverse 1 Long press x / v for fast
reverse or fast forward.
Pause / Play 1 Touch to pause. 2 Touch to resume playing.
Repeat Play 1 Touch to switch the repeat play
mode. : play one track repeatly.
: play all tracks repeatly.
: repeat off.
Shuffle Play 1 Touch to switch the shuffle play
mode. : play all tracks in random.
: random off.
iPod Menu

1 In the iPod playback screen((Fig 4-1-1) page 17), touch iPod Menu to enter the iPod menu screen. And the category list is displayed.
{Category List} (Fig 4-1-2)
G Now Playing : return to the playing screen.
G Current List : go to the current list screen.
G Album Artwork : set the album artwork of the playing track is diaplayed or not in the playbak screen ((Fig 4-1-1) page 17).
G {Category List} : enter the category list to select a track.



5. Using Apple CarPlay
Just connect your iPhone to this unit, you can use Apple CarPlay, and the iPhone screens are displayed on the display and operated. Various functions such as destination guidance, call incoming / outgoing, text message sending / receiving, audio playback, etc. can be used. z Supported iPhones: iPhone 5
above z Supported OS: iOS 7.0 above Please use the supported iPhones, otherwise the Apple CarPlay functions will not be used abnormally.
Request: G When you use the Apple CarPlay
function, iPhone communication fee will be charged. The communication fee will be borne by the subscriber of the used iPhone. G Depending on how you use it, the charge from mobile phone company may be expensive. Please check the price plan and usage of your mobile phone company in advance.

Depending on usage frequency, we recommend using the optimum rate plan such as flat rate data plan. Notes: G Apple CarPlay’s operations may be restricted while driving. G If the radio wave condition of the iPhone is bad, the operations of Apple CarPlay may be restricted. G Operations such as audio playback may be restricted due to restrictions of Apple CarPlay application. G Apple CarPlay’s operations may be restricted depending on the model and state of the iPhone.
Starting Apple CarPlay 1 Please connect your iPhone to
the unit’s USB port with the Apple lightning cable supplied with your iPhone. The first time you connect, a prompt screen will appear.

Touch OK .
(Fig 5-1-1) 2 Touch Yes to use Apple CarPlay.
(Fig 5-1-2) 3 Press the [ ] button, it will enter
the CarPlay phone screen; press the [AUDIO] button, it will



enter the audio souce screen ((Fig 2-4-1) page 6), and touch Apple CarPlay to enter the CarPlay music playck screen. Note: G After starting Apple CarPlay, the Bluetooth connection with the iPhone will be disconnected.
To end the Apple CarPlay Disconnect the iPhone from the USB port of this unit.

6. Using Siri
During Bluetooth connection with iPhone, you can use iPhone’s voice assistant “Siri”. z Push and hold [VR] button on
steering switch.

7. Using Android Auto
Preparation and Connection 1 Use the Google Play store in
your Android smartphone to download and install Android Auto application. 2 Connect the Android smartphone to the USB interface by the data cable supplied with Android smartphone. 3 When the connection prompt screen appears, touch [OK] to establish the connection.



8. Declaration of conformity
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will

not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. – Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
WARNING: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. The device must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any

other antenna or transmitter. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement Caution: To maintain compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, place the product at least 20cm from nearby persons.


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