rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor User Manual

June 5, 2024

rossmax - logo X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor
User Manual

rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure

Healthstyle APP

rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor -


Blood pressure measurements determined with X5 BT are equivalent to those obtained by a trained observer using the cuff/stethoscope auscultation method, within the limits prescribed by the American National Standard, Electronic or Automated Sphygmomanometers. This unit is to be used by adult consumers in a home environment. The patient is an intended operator. Do not use this device on infants or neonates. X5 BT is protected against manufacturing defects by an established International Warranty Program. For warranty information, you can contact the manufacturer, GMC Inc.
Attention: Consult the accompanying documents. Please read this manual carefully before use. For specific information on your own blood pressure, contact your physician.  Please be sure to keep this manual.

PARR(Pulse Arrhythmia) Technology

Pulse Arrhythmia (PARR) technology specifically detects the existence of pulse arrhythmia, including atrial fibrillation (AFib), Atrial, and/or Ventricular Premature  Contractions (PC). Pulse Arrhythmia may be related to cardiac disorders, needs medical attention and thus early diagnosis is of paramount importance. The PARR technology detects arrhythmia during regular blood pressure checks without any additional user skills, user interaction, or measurement prolongation. Besides the blood pressure diagnosis, a specific pulse arrhythmia diagnosis is provided with PARR.
Note: The PARR detection of AFib and PC is provided with a clinically proven high detection probability [1]. However, the sensitivity and specificity is limited, thus most, but not all pulse arrhythmia will be detected and displayed. In certain patients with uncommon clinical conditions, the PARR technology may not be able to detect pulse arrhythmia.  This partly comes from the fact that some arrhythmia can only be found with an ECG diagnosis, but not with a pulse diagnosis. Thus PARR is not meant to replace any medical  ECG diagnosis by your doctor.
PARR provides early detection of certain pulse arrhythmia, which inevitably needs to be presented to your doctor in charge.
Remark: [1] Clinical Investigation of PARR – A new Oscillometric Pulse Arrhythmia Type Discriminating Detection Technology.

Atrial Fibrillation Detection (AFib)

The upper chambers of the heart (the atria) do not contract, but quiver, and thus the blood is driven irregularly and with lower efficiency into the ventricles. Subsequently, irregular heartbeats occur, which mostly are associated with a fast, yet highly unstable heart rate.
This condition is associated with a higher risk for the formation of cardiac blood clots. Amongst others, they may elevate the risk of brain strokes. Besides this atrial fibrillation may contribute to the severity of a chronic or acute heart failure condition and may be associated with other heart- related complications. Age-dependent, about 10 %- 20 %  percent of patients who suffer from an ischemic stroke also suffer from atrial fibrillation.
Atrial fibrillation most often initially occurs with temporary periods of arrhythmia and may progress to a permanent state of this disorder in the course of time. No matter, whether you are intended to safeguard yourself from an undetected AFib state, you measure during an ongoing period of active atrial fibrillation, or you measure in between periods of AFib, the PARR technology can be applied under any of these conditions. This unit is able to detect Atrial fibrillation (AFib). The ARR and AFib icons ( ) are displayed right after the measurement if Atrial Fibrillation was detected.
Note: It is strongly recommended, that you consult your physician, if either the AFib icon occurs newly several times, or if your AFib is known to your doctor, but the incidence of AFib readings changes over time. Your doctor will then be able to provide all required medical tests and possible therapeutic procedures.
Note:  The presence of a cardiac pacemaker may impair the AFib detection by PARR.

Premature Contraction Detection (PC)

Extra abnormal heartbeats are generated in irregular excitation sites of your heart, either in the atria (PAC), the ventricle (PVC), or the cardiac conduction nodes (PNC). These extra beats may disrupt your regular rhythm, they may come in early or cause a significant pause regarding your perceivable pulse. This is called palpitations, which can be felt in your chest. They may occur as isolated, single events, as a series of irregular pulses, or can be distributed all over your pulse beats. If they are not related to mental stress or acute demanding physical load, they may be a marker for a multitude of cardiac disorders. Some of these disorders go along with an elevated risk profile for ischemic events, either in the heart (e,g, coronary heart disease) or outside the heart, e.g. an elevated risk for a stroke. Some PCs may indicate on valvular or myocardial disorders and become very important if myocarditis (infection of the heart muscle) is suspected. This unit is able to detect premature contractions. The ARR and PC icons ( ) are displayed right after the measurement if premature contractions have been detected.
Note: It is strongly recommended, that you consult your physician, if either the PC icon occurs newly several times, or if your PC is known to your doctor, but the incidence of PC readings changes over time. Your doctor will then be able to provide all required medical tests and possible therapeutic procedures.

Pulse Arrhythmia Detection (ARR)

Once the occurrence of pulse arrhythmia has been detected in the course of your blood pressure measurement, the icon ARR is displayed. In the case, that the found pulse arrhythmia can be specified by the PARR technology, the ARR icon is accompanied by the specifically detected type of arrhythmia, e.g. PC or AFib. Once the kind of found pulse arrhythmia cannot be safely determined by PARR, the device is displaying ARR without any additional pulse arrhythmia type icon.
Note: It is strongly recommended, that you consult your physician, if either the ARR icon occurs newly several times, or if your ARR is known to your doctor, but the incidence of ARR readings changes over time. This is independent of whether the ARR icon is specified by another pulse arrhythmia icon or not.
Your doctor will then be able to provide all required medical tests and possible therapeutic procedures.

The PARR technology is able to detect and display combined pulse arrhythmia findings.

Display Results
Normal finding
ARR Pulse Arrhythmia without type-specific detection
ARR PC Pulse Arrhythmia-Premature ventricular, atrial or nodal beat

ARR AFib| Pulse Arrhythmia-Atrial fibrillation detection
ARR AFib PC| Combined Pulse Arrhythmia: Atrial fibrillation & Premature beats detection

Real Fuzzy Measuring Technology

This unit uses the oscillometric method to detect your blood pressure. Before the cuff starts inflating, the device will establish a baseline cuff pressure equivalent to the air pressure. This unit will automatically determine the appropriate inflation level based on pressure oscillations, followed by cuff deflation.
During the deflation, the device will detect the amplitude and slope of the pressure oscillations and thereby determine your actual systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse rate.

Preliminary Remarks

This Blood Pressure Monitor complies with the European regulations and bears the CE mark “CE 1639”. The quality of the device has been verified and conforms to the provisions of the EC council directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive), Annex I essential requirements, and applied harmonized standards.
EN 1060-1: 1995/A2: 2009 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers – Part 1 – General requirements
EN 1060-3: 1997/A2: 2009 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers – Part 3 – Supplementary requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems
EN 1060-4: 2004 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers – Part 4: Test Procedures to determine the overall system accuracy of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometer.
ISO 81060-2: 2013 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers — Part 2: Clinical investigation of automated measurement type.
This blood pressure monitor was designed for long service periods. In order to ensure continued accuracy, it’s recommended that all digital blood pressure monitors require re-calibration. This monitor (under normal usage with approx. measurements a day) does not require re-calibration for 2 years. Once the unit should be re-calibrated the device will display . The unit should also be re- calibrated if the monitor sustains damage due to blunt force (such as dropping) or exposure to fluids and/or extremely hot or cold temperature /humidity changes. When appears, simply return your device to your nearest dealer for re-calibration service.

Blood Pressure Standard

Referring to the definitions of the World Health Organization, the blood pressure ranges can be classified into 6 grades. (Ref. 1999 WHO-International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the management of Hypertension). This blood pressure classification is based on statistical data, and may not be directly applicable to any particular patient. It is important that you consult with your physician regularly. Your physician will tell you your normal blood pressure range as well as the point at which you will be considered at risk. For reliable monitoring and reference of your blood pressure, keeping long-term records is recommended.

Blood Pressure Standard World Health Organization (WHO):1999

| | Systolic Pressure (mmHg)| | Diastolic Pressure (mmHg)
Optimal| | <120| and| <80
Normal| | 120~129| or| 80~84
High-normal| | 130~139| or| 85~89
Grade 1 hypertension (mild)| | 140~159| or| 90~99
Grade 2 hypertension (moderate)| | 160~179| or| 100~109
Grade 3 hypertension| | ≥180| or| ≥110

Name/Function of Each Part

rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor - figure

1. Arm Cuff 6. User-Switching key
2. LCD Display 7. Battery Cover
3.  Air Tube and Connector 8. Data Link Socket
4. Memory Key 9. AC Adaptor Jack
5. ON/OFF/START key 10.  Cuff Holder Design

Name/Function of Each Part

1. Arrhythmia Detection (ARR) 10. Memory/Date Mark
2.  Atrial Fibrillation Detection (AFib) 11. Memory Average Mark
3.  Premature Contraction Detection (PC) 12. Bluetooth® Mark
4. Date/Time Indication 13. Systolic Pressure
5. Weak Battery Mark 14. Diastolic Pressure
6. Movement Mark 15. Pulse Rate
7. Loose Cuff Detection 16. Pulse Mark
8. Hypertension Risk Indication 17. Memory Zone
9. Morning and Nighttime Mark

Loose Cuff Detection

If the cuff was applied too loosely, it may cause unreliable measurement results or measurements can fail to start. The “Loose Cuff Detection” can help to determine if the cuff is wrapped snugly enough. The specified icon appears once a “loosen cuff” has been detected during measurement. Otherwise, the specified icon appears if the cuff is wrapped correctly during measurement.

Movement Detection

The “Movement Detection” helps remind the user to remain still and is indicating any adverse body movement during measurement. The specified icon appears once a “body movement” has been detected during and after such a measurement.
Note: It’s highly recommended that you measure again if the icon appears.

Guest Mode

This monitor has a non-stored single measurement function. Press the User- Switching key to select the memory zone of the guest , and follow the Measurement Procedure to take measurement correctly. When the measurement is completed, the measurement value will not be stored in the memory zone.

Hypertension Risk Indication (HRI)

The World Health Organization, classifies blood pressure ranges into 6 grades. This unit is equipped with an innovative blood pressure risk indication, which visually indicates the assumed risk level (optimal/normal / high-normal/ grade1 hypertension/grade 2 hypertension/grade 3 hypertension) of your result, making the meaning of your findings comprehensive.

Error Codes for your reference

EE / Measurement Error: Make sure the L-plug is securely connected to the air socket and calmly measure again. Wrap the cuff correctly around your arm and keep arm steady during measurement. If the error keeps occurring, return the device to your local distributor or service center.
E1 / Air Circuit Abnormality: Make sure the L-Plug is securely connected to the air pocket on the side of the unit and calmly measure again.
If the errors still occur, return the device to your local distributor or service center for help.
E2 / Pressure Exceeding 300 mmHg: Switch the unit off and measure again quietly. If the error keeps occurring, return the device to your local distributor or service center.
E3 / Data Error: Remove the batteries, wait for 60 seconds, and reload. If the error keeps occurring, return the device to your local distributor or service center.
Er / Exceeding Measurement Range: Measure again quietly. If the error keeps occurring, return the device to your local distributor or service center.

Using the AC Adaptor (Optional)

  1. Connect the AC adaptor with the AC adaptor jack on the right side of the unit.
  2. Plug the AC adaptor into the socket. (AC adaptors with the required voltage and current indicated near the AC adaptor jack.)


  1. Please unload the batteries when operating with the AC mode for a longer period of time. Leaving the batteries in the compartment for a long time may cause leakage, which may lead to damage of the unit.
  2. No batteries are needed when operating with the AC mode.
  3. AC adaptors are optional. Please contact the distributor for the compatible AC adaptors.
  4. Use only the authorized AC Adaptor with this blood pressure monitor. Information for on the authorized AC adaptor, please refer to APPENDIX

Installing Batteries

  1. Press down and lift the battery cover in the direction of the arrow to open the battery compartment.
  2. Install or replace 4 “AAA” sized batteries in the battery compartment according to the indications inside the compartment.
  3. Replace the battery cover by clicking on the bottom hooks first, then pushing on the top end of the battery cover.
  4. Replace the batteries in pairs. Remove batteries when the unit is not in use for extended periods of time.

You need to replace the batteries when

  1. A low battery icon appears on display.
  2. The ON/OFF/START key is pressed and nothing appears on display.


  1. Batteries are hazardous waste. Do not dispose of them together with the household garbage.
  2. There are no user serviceable parts inside. Batteries or damage from old batteries is not covered by warranty.
  3. Use exclusively brand batteries. Always replace with new batteries together. Use batteries f the same brand and same type.

Applying the Cuff

  1. Unwrap the arm cuff, leaving the end of the cuff through the D-ring of the cuff.

  2. Put your left arm through the cuff loop. The color strip indication should be positioned closer to you with the tube pointing in the direction of your arm (Fig. 1). Turn your left palm upward and place the edge of the arm cuff at approximately 1.5 to 2.5 cm above the inner side of the elbow joint (Fig. 2). Tighten the cuff by pulling the end of the cuff.

  3. Center the tube over the middle of the arm. Press the hook and loop material together securely. Allow room for 2 fingers to fit between the cuff and your arm. Position the artery mark (Ø) over the main artery (on the inside of your arm) (Fig. 3, 4). Note: Locate the main artery by pressing with 2 fingers approximately 2 cm above the bend of your elbow on the inside of your left arm. Identify where the pulse can be felt the strongest. This is your main artery.

  4. Plug in the cuff connecting tube into the unit (Fig. 5).

  5. Lay your arm on a table (palm upward) so the cuff is at the same height as your heart.
    Make sure the tube is not kinked (Fig. 6).

  6. This cuff is suitable for your use if the arrow falls within the solid color line as shown on the right (Fig. 7). If the arrow falls outside the solid color line, you will need a  cuff with other circumferences. Contact your local dealer for additional size cuffs.
    rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor - figure

Measurement Procedures

Here are a few helpful tips to help you obtain more accurate readings:

  • Blood pressure changes with every heartbeat and is in constant fluctuation throughout the day.
  • Blood pressure recording can be affected by the position of the user, his or her physi­ological condition, and other factors. For greatest accuracy, wait one hour after exercising, bathing, eating, drinking beverages with alcohol or caffeine, or smoking to measure blood
  • Before measurement, it’s suggested that you sit quietly for at least 5 minutes as measure­ment taken during a relaxed state will have greater accuracy. You should not be physically tired or exhausted while taking measurements.
  • Do not take measurements if you are under stress or tension.
  • Sit upright in a chair, and take 5-6 deep Avoid leaning back while the measure­ment is being taken.
  • Do not cross the legs while sitting and keep the feet flat on the floor during
  • During measurement, do not talk or move your arm or hand
  • Take your blood pressure at normal body If you are feeling cold or hot, wait a while before taking a measurement.
  • If the monitor is stored at a very low temperature (near freezing), have it placed at a warm location for at least one hour before using
  • Wait 5 minutes before taking the next measurement
    1. Press the User-Switching key to select memory zone 1, memory zone 2, or guest After a memory zone is selected, press the ON/OFF/START key to reset the monitor so it can start measurement in the chosen memory zone.
    2. Press the ON/OFF/START key. All digits will light up, checking the display functions. The checking procedure will be completed in 2
    3. After all symbols appear, the display will show a blinking “0”.The monitor is ready to meas­ure and will automatically inflate the cuff slowly to start measurement.
    4. When the measurement is completed, the cuff will exhaust the pressure inside. Systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, and pulse will be shown simultaneously on the LCD screen. The measurement is then automatically stored in the pre-designated memory
    5. In order to enhance the probability of pulse arrhythmia detection by the PARR technol­ogy, measurement repetitions are recommended.
    6. If Bluetooth® has been activated, the data is automatically transferred to the App after successful completion of the binding process, please see Data Transfer via Bluetooth®.
    This blood pressure monitor will re-inflate automatically to higher pressure if the system detects that more pressure is needed to take a blood pressure measurement.


  1. This monitor automatically switches off approximately 1 minute after the last key operation.
  2. To interrupt the measurement, simply press the ON/OFF/START key; the cuff will deflate immediately.

Recalling Values from Memory

  1. The monitor has two memory zones (1 and 2). Each zone can store up to 60 measurements.
  2. To read memory values from a selected memory zone, use the User-Switching key to select a memory zone (1 or 2) from which you want to recall values. Press the Memory key. The first reading displayed is the average of all morning readings from the last 7 days.
  3. Continue to press the Memory key to view the average of all nighttime readings from the last 7 days.
  4. Press the Memory key again to view the average of the last 3 measurements stored in memory and the last previously stored measurement. Every measurement comes with an assigned memory sequence number.
  5. All readings currently saved on the device can be transferred to the App using Bluetooth® after successful completion of the binding process. Select the desired user memory zone and follow App instructions, the Bluetooth® transfer starts automatically. Data transfer will be halted while performing a measurement or operating the device.

The memory bank can store up to 60 readings per memory zone. When the number of readings exceeds 60, the oldest data will be replaced with a new record.
Note: AM is defined as 4:00 AM – 11:59 AM
Note: PM is defined as 6:00 PM – 2:00 AM

Clearing Values from Memory

  1. Press the User-Switching key to select memory zone 1 or memory zone 2.
  2. Press and hold the Memory key for approximately 5 seconds, then the data in the memory zone can be erased automatically.

Time and Bluetooth® Adjustment

  1. Adjust the date/time/Bluetooth® in the monitor by installing or replacing batteries or holding down the ON/OFF/START key for approximately 5 seconds under power off mode. The display will show a blinking number showing the year.

  2. Change the year by pressing the Memory key, each press will increase the number.
    Press the ON/OFF/START key to confirm the entry and the screen will show a blinking number representing the date.

  3. Change the date, the hour, and the minute as described in Step 2 above, using the Memory key to change and the ON/OFF/START key to confirm the entries.

  4. After adjusting the date/time, the Bluetooth® symbol ( ) and the blinking icon “will be shown on the display simultaneously. Use the Memory key to choose whether automatic Bluetooth® data transfer is activated (Bluetooth® symbol ( )+ ) or de-activated (Bluetooth® symbol ( ) and confirm with the ON/OFF/START key.

  5. Press the ON/OFF/START key again, and “0” will reappear as the Blood Pressure Monitor is ready for measurement.

Data Transfer via Bluetooth®

Pairing the Blood Pressure Monitor with your Smartphone

To begin using Bluetooth® for the first time, please visit the website at for the initial set-up instructions.

  1. Download and install the applicable APP onto your smartphone.
  2. To bind this device with your smartphone, turn on the device, Bluetooth®, and the App of the smartphone, and follow set-up and binding instructions.
  3. If the binding is successful, the Bluetooth® symbol ( ) will appear on the display and keep flashing during data transfer. The current measured value will automatically be transferred to the App when the measurement is completed.
  4. If the binding has failed, the Bluetooth® symbol ( ) will not appear on the display and the current measured value will not automatically be transferred to the App. In this case, the value is saved in the selected user memory zone. Please re-bind this device with your smartphone and follow App instructions for Bluetooth® transfer.
    rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor - figure


  1. Unbinding your device will not delete the data from the App.
  2. If you re-bind your smartphone with your blood pressure monitor, all prior reading history stored on the phone App will be retained.
  3. Bluetooth® data transfer will reduce the battery capacity.

Data Transfer to PC

GMC provides free, integrated, and user-friendly blood pressure management software that can be downloaded and installed on your computer. You may purchase a specially designed USB cable in order to connect GMC’s blood pressure monitor and your PC.

rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor - figure


If any abnormality will arise during use, please check the following points.

Symptoms Check Points Correction
No display when the ON/OFF/START key is pressed Have the batteries run down?

Replace them with four new batteries.
Have the batteries’ polarities
been positioned incorrectly?| Re-insert the batteries in the correct positions.
EE pla display on mark sho own the blood pressure value is displayed excessively low (high)| Is the cuff placed correctly?| Wrap the cuff properly so that it is po
Did you talk or move during measurement?| Measure again. Keep wrist steady during measurement.
Did you vigorously shake the cuff during measurement?

Note: If the unit still does not work, return it to your dealer. Under no circumstance should you disassemble and repair the unit by yourself.

Cautionary Notes

  1. The unit contains high-precision assemblies. Therefore, avoid extreme temperatures, humidity, and direct Avoid dropping or strongly shocking the main unit, and protect it from dust.
  2. Clean the blood pressure monitor body and the cuff carefully with a slightly damp, soft cloth. Do not press. Do not wash the cuff or use chemical cleaner on Never use thinner, alcohol or petrol (gasoline) as a cleaner.
  3. Leaky batteries can damage the unit. Remove the batteries when the unit is not used for a long time.
  4. The unit should not be operated by children so to avoid hazardous situations.
  5. If the unit is stored near freezing, allow it to acclimate at room temperature before use.
  6. This unit is not fielded serviceable. You should not use any tool to open the device nor should you at­tempt to adjust anything inside the device. If you have any problems, please contact the store or the doctor from whom you purchased this unit, or please contact GMC Inc
  7. As a common issue for all blood pressure monitors using the oscillometric measurement function, the device may have difficulty in determining the proper blood pressure for users diagnosed with diabetes, poor circulation of blood, kidney problems, or for users suffering from stroke, or uncon­scious users.
  8. This unit is able to detect common arrhythmia (atrial or ventricular premature beats at atrial fibrilla­tion). The ARR AFib and PC icons are displayed after the measurement if Atrial Fibrillation and Prema­ture contractions were detected during the measurement. If ARR, AFib, or PC icons are displayed, you are advised to wait for a while and take another It is strongly recommended that you consult your physician if the ARR, AFib or PC icons appear often.
  9. While the given device is able to detect specific pulse arrhythmia, the measurement accuracy of the blood pressure meter may be impaired with the occurrence of pulse arrhythmia.
  10. To stop operation at any time, press the ON/OFF/START key, and the air in the cuff will be rapidly
  11. Once the inflation reaches 300 mmHg, the unit will start deflating rapidly for safety reasons.
  12. Please note that this unit can be a home healthcare product, but it is not intended to serve as a substitute for the advice of a physician or medical professional.
  13. Do not use this device for the diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or disease. Measurement results are for reference Consult a healthcare professional for interpretation of pressure meas­urements. Contact your physician if you have or suspect any medical problem. Do not change your medications without the advice of your physician or healthcare professional.
  14. Electromagnetic interference: Avoid strong electrical or electromagnetic fields in the direct vicin­ity of the device ( telephones, microwave ovens) or less than 1,5 km from AM, FM, or TV broadcast These may lead to temporary impairment of measurement accuracy.
  15. Dispose of devices, batteries, components, and accessories according to local regulations.
  16. This monitor may not meet its performance specification if stored or used outside temperature and humidity ranges specified in the Specifications.
  17. Please note that when inflating, the functions of the limb in question may be impaired.
  18. During the blood pressure measurement, blood circulation must not be stopped for an unnecessar­ily long time. If the device malfunctions, remove the cuff from the arm.
  19. Avoid any mechanical restriction, compression or bending of the cuff line.
  20. Do not allow sustained pressure in the cuff or frequent measurements. The resulting restriction of the blood flow may cause injury.
  21. Ensure that the cuff is not placed on an arm in which the arteries or veins are undergoing medical treatment, e.g. intravascular access or therapy, or an arteriovenous (AV) shunt.
  22. Do not apply the cuff on the side, where a mastectomy has been performed in your patient history.
  23. Do not place the cuff over wounds as this may cause further injury.
  24. Only ever use the cuffs provided with the monitor or original replacement cuffs. Otherwise, errone­ous results will be recorded.
  25. Batteries can be fatal if swallowed. You should therefore store the batteries and products where they are inaccessible to small children. If a battery has been swallowed, call a doctor immediately.
  26. Do not use the tubing and/or AC adaptor for any other purpose than those specified, as they can cause a risk of strangulation.
  27. Do not service or maintain the device and cuff while in use.
  28. 28. This device should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.
  29. 29. Please do not use any other cables or accessories not approved by the manufacturer in this manual to avoid a negative influence on electromagnetic compatibility.
  30. 30. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
    Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
  1. this device may not cause harmful interference and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement 15.105(b)
    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
    This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
    However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
    – Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
    – Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
    – Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
    You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
    FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
    1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
    2. For body-worn operation, this device has been tested and meets FCC RF exposure guidelines.
    When used with an accessory that contains metal may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.


Measurement Method Oscillometric
Measurement Range Pressure: 30-260 mmHg; Pulse: 40-199 beats/ minute
Pressure Sensor Semiconductor
Accuracy Pressure: ± 3 mmHg; Pulse: ± 5% of reading
Inflation Pump Driven
Deflation Automatic Air Release Valve
Memory capacity 60 memories for each zone x 2 zones
Auto-shut-off 1 minute after the last key operation
Permissible Operating Temperature and Humidity 10°C-40°C (50°F-104°F);

15%-85% RH; 700-1060 hPa
Permissible Transport and Storage Temperature and Humidity| -10°C-60°C (14°F-140°F); 10%-90% RH; 700-1060 hPa
DC Power Source| DC 6V four AAA Batteries
AC Power Source| DC 6V, 600mA (Plug size: outer(-) is 04.0, inner(+) is
Dimensions| 96 (L) X 139.7 (W) X 63.2 (H) mm
Weight| 248.6g (G.W.) (w/o Batteries)
Arm circumference| Adult: 2440 cm (9.4″-15.7″)
Limited Users| Adult users
:| Type BF: The device and cuff are designed to provide special protection against electrical shocks.
IP Classification| IP21: Protection against harmful ingress of water and particulate matter

  • Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Information

  1. This device needs to be installed and put into service in accordance with the information provided in the user manual.
  2. WARNING: Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and external antennas) should be used no closer than 30 cm (12 inches)  to any part of the X5 BT, including cables specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this device could result.
    If higher IMMUNITY TEST LEVELS than those specified in Table 9 are used, the minimum separation distance may be lowered. Lower minimum separation distances shall be calculated using the equation specified in 8.10.

Manufacturer’s declaration-electromagnetic immunity

The X5 BT is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the X5 BT should assure that is used in such an environment.
Immunity test| IEC 60601 test level| Compliance level| Electromagnetic environment-guidance
Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6| 3 Vrms:
0,15 MHz — 80 MHz 6Vrms: in ISM and amateur radio bands between
0,15 MHz and 80 MHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz| 3 Vrms:
0,15 MHz — 80 MHz 6Vrms: in ISM and amateur radio bands between
0,15 MHz and 80 MHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz| Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part of the X5 BT including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance:
d = 1,2 VP, d = 1,2 VP 80MHz to 800 MHz, d = 2,3 VP 800MHz to 2,7 GHz
Where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in meters (m).
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:
Radiated RF IEC 61000-4-3| 10 V/m
80 MHz — 2,7 GHz 80 % AM at 1 kHz| 10 V/m
80 MHz — 2,7 GHz 80 % AM at 1 kHz
NOTE1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects, and people.

More information on EMC compliance of the device may be obtained from GMC using the contacts shown in this manual.

WARNING: The symbol on this product means that it’s an electronic product and following the European directive 2012/19/EU the electronic products have to be disposed on your local recycling center for safe treatment.

Warranty Card

This instrument is covered by a 5-year guarantee from the date of purchase. The guarantee is valid only on the presentation of the warranty card completed or stamped by the seller/dealer confirming the date of purchase or the receipt. Batteries, cuffs, and accessories are not included. Opening or altering the instrument invalidates the guarantee.
The guarantee does not cover damage, accidents or non-compliance with the instruction manual. Please contact your local seller/dealer or GMC Inc.
Customer Name:__
E-mail address: ____
Product Information Date of purchase:_____
Store where purchased: __

  • The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by GMC Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
  • The blood pressure monitor uses Bluetooth®(Bluetooth® low energy technology)
  • Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
  • Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.

Issuance date: August 14, 2020
GMC Inc.
No. 686, Su Chu Rd., Chuzhou, Anhui, China

Documents / Resources

| rossmax X5 BT Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor [pdf] User Manual
NA17, 2AWWDNA17, X5 BT, Automatic Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor, Blood Pressure Monitor, Pressure Monitor, X5 BT, Monitor


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