Summit High School 2022-23 Alpine Handbook and Rules User Manual

June 15, 2024
Summit High School

**Summit High School 2022-23 Alpine Handbook and Rules User Manual


The Summit High School Coaches Handbook is a reference guide for coaches. The purpose of this document is to state the policies that govern interscholastic athletics at Summit High School for both student-athletes and coaches. The rules and regulations stated in this document are intended to help facilitate the organization and administration of teams at the high school level. Flexibility and discretionary power is provided for all coaches at all levels.

The athletic mission of Summit High School and the athletic department remains fundamental to the structure provided in the handbook. Coaches and student- athletes should view this handbook as a guide; it is not intended to be all- inclusive. Sound reasoning, good judgment, and adherence to the school’s core values must be the standard by which situations outside these stated rules and regulations are evaluated.

Important Numbers

Mike Carpenter – Athletic Director: 541-355-4102 541-771-3209
Michael McDonaldPrincipal: 541-355-4002
Reno HollerAssistant Principal: 541-355-4007
Denise HortonAssistant Principal: 541-355-4008
Jamie BrockAssistant Principal/Dean of Students: 541-355-4004
Jake OelrichActivities Director: 541-355-4103
Karen   CaylorAthletic/Activities Secretary: 541-355-4101
Kay DuncanLead Custodian: 541-355-4046
Michele BooneBookkeeper: 541-355-4005

Summit High School is a member of the 5A Intermountain Conference. Member schools are:

Summit Storm: Forest Green/Black/Silver
Bend High: Lava Bears Navy Blue/Gold
Caldera Wolfpack: Navy, Orange, and Gray
Mountain View Cougars: Red And Black
Redmond Panthers: Maroon and Gold
Ridgeview Ravens Purple,: Black, and Silver

Team Selection

Coaches are encouraged to keep as many athletes as they can without compromising the integrity or quality of their sport.

Every effort will be made to allow equal opportunity to be part of the team.

Selection of teams will be at the discretion of the coach. Team selection will be based on coach-ability, skill, team balance, experience and a team members’ overall contribution to the program.

Cutting Procedures

When a team cut becomes a necessity, the student must have participated in a minimum of three practices.

Every effort shall be made to communicate cut decisions to the athletes.

If a coach foresees difficulties arising as a result of cuts, he/she shall inform the athletic director.

Appeal of cutting or selection decision shall be made to the coach & athletic director

Dropping/Changing Sports
A student-athlete may pursue an alternate sport if cut from a team before the first contest as long as the coach of the alternate sport is willing to accept a new competitor.

Playing Time

It is not the expectation of the Summit High School athletic programs that all players will get equal playing time. Coaches are encouraged to ensure that all athletes receive a quality sport experience. This does not mean that all athletes will play equal amounts or should expect to play equal amounts.

Uniforms and Equipment

Athletic equipment and uniforms will be issued to team members at the beginning of the season. Equipment and uniforms should not be used at any time other than for in-season contests and practice sessions.

Damaged equipment should be returned to the head coach immediately for replacement or repair.

Equipment and uniforms will be checked in at the conclusion of the season.

Athletes will be held financially responsible for lost equipment and uniforms and will not be allowed to participate in the next sport season if equipment is not turned in or paid for.

It is the responsibility of the coach to keep records of their equipment and report names to the bookkeeper and the athlete of any violation of this policy.

Practice Times/Expectations

All gym usage shall be booked through the District Office using SchoolDude (
Contests and tournaments will have priority over sport specific practices.

Any in season sport will have priority over out of season sport (e.g. volleyball over basketball)

Coaches must be present at all practices and games.

Coaches may request specific practice times. While all efforts will be made to accommodate requests, it will be the priority of the Athletic Department to provide a practice schedule that is equitable to all teams in accordance with these priorities.

In some instances where seasons overlap it may be appropriate to develop a schedule on a weekly basis.

Coaches are encouraged to provide players and parents with individual copies of these schedules as they are available, or make it known to them where they can be found (app, website, etc.)

Practices specific to 3:45 release time

Early Bird Athletic Practices:

  1. Each sport has the option of offering no more than two practices each week prior to the school start time of 8:45.
  2. Practices will end by 8:00, so teacher-coaches are available to assist students in classrooms, participate in meetings by 8:15 and/or prepare for the day. This allows students to access teachers for help and get ready for their day.
  3. Swim practices can continue in the am due to impacted facilities usage at Juniper Swim and Fitness.

Sport specific PE classes and After School Practices:
After school practices can begin at 4:00 and not before. Wednesday practices can start at 2:15 for non-teaching coaches. Students can be enrolled in PE or conditioning classes that meet during the last period of the day but should not be required to be enrolled in such classes as part of being on any team. The lines should not be blurred between the last period of the school day and the 4:00 start of practices.

Travel Expectations

Student athletic travel shall be regulated under Administrative Regulation IICAA – AR Student Activity and Athletic Travel.

The number of personnel traveling is determined by the building principal taking the league policy and the recommendation of the coach and athletic director into consideration.

Coaches are responsible for the conduct and appearance of athletes on trips. The impression that school representatives make must be positive.

Bus Conduct
Appropriate conduct is expected of students on buses or vehicles used for extracurricular transportation. Sitting on the top of seats, throwing objects, uncomfortably loud music, lack of politeness to drivers and objectionable language/gestures, etc. will not be tolerated.

The bus will be left clean at the end of the trip. Bus inspection upon departure and return is required.

Restaurant and Motel Conduct

Respect must be maintained for other patrons. Politeness, acceptable language, a degree of quietness, and sensible care of facilities are essential.

Restaurants and motels will be left in a reasonable degree of cleanliness and order. It is essential that any damage to property be reported to the coach.

Overnight trips for school sanctioned events – Rooms are booked by coaches/school for all team members.

  • Coaches should not consume alcohol at any time while on a school activity
  • Rooms will be paid for coaches and bus driver
  • Rooming lists with all students and their room numbers shall be kept to reference who is in each room. Hotels may ask for this to be done ahead of time – once room assignments are made – they should not change unless circumstances require it.
  • Coaches will conduct checks of all rooms at a set curfew time. Specify this time as being “in” your assigned rooms and students will not be allowed to exit their assigned rooms after this time.
  • Once curfew is set – do further room checks to ensure all students are in their appropriate rooms. This should be done by the same gender supervisor if possible.

Facility Expectations

Athletes are not allowed to use the weight room unless supervised by a coach or advisor.

Athletes are not allowed the use of equipment unless supervised

Food and beverage containers must be cleaned up before leaving practices/games

Athletes are to change in the rooms provided. If there are any issues with the changing rooms please inform the athletic director or administration.

If a team room is being used, they will only be unlocked before and after school. While school is in session, they will need to be locked.

School Closure

The superintendent is empowered to close district schools or dismiss them early in the event of hazardous weather conditions or other emergencies which threaten the health or safety of students and personnel.

There may be times when school is closed due to inclement weather at the start of the school day but by mid-day weather conditions may improve permitting games or practices to be held. Each situation will be dealt with on a case-by- case basis. The athletic director and principal will collaborate with the Superintendent to determine if events can take place.

In the case that school has been cancelled or dismissed early due to hazardous conditions, athletic teams will follow the procedures below as they relate to practice and scheduled home athletic events:

  • When school is cancelled due to inclement weather, practices or contests will not be scheduled without permission from the athletic director and/or principal.
  • If school is cancelled for reasons that are not weather related, practices or contests are cancelled unless the athletic director grants permission. Students’ safety will be the highest priority when determining whether or not to hold practices or contests when schools have been closed.

Weather Related Cancellations

Insert heat index, smoke, lightning Heat Index
Athletic Directors and Coaches shall subscribe to receive OSAA Heat Index Notifications at An OSAA Heat Index Notification is generated for areas where the forecasted high temperature and relative humidity indicate a forecasted heat index that may require practice modifications. Only those areas that have a forecasted heat index of 95°F or higher receive alerts. Notifications are sent daily via e-mail and/or SMS to subscribers.

Air Quality Index
The Air Quality Index (AQI) should be monitored throughout the day, and during an event, to have the best data possible to make informed decisions about conducting practices and competitions. School personnel shall review the AQI information for all regions throughout the state on either the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) website at, the Oregon DEQ app “OregonAir”, or on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Now website at to determine if action is necessary (see chart below). Schools shall regularly review the AQI throughout events to assess deteriorating conditions.

When thunder is heard or a cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is seen*, the leading edge of the thunderstorm is close enough to strike your location with lightning.

Suspend play for at least 30 minutes and vacate the outdoor activity to the previously designated safer location immediately.

Thirty-minute Rule: Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed * prior to resuming play.

Any subsequent thunder or lightning* after the beginning of the 30-minute count will reset the clock and another 30-minute count should begin.

When lightning detection devices or mobile phone apps are available, this technology could be used to assist in making a decision to suspend play if a lightning strike is noted to be within 10 miles of the event location. However, you should never depend on the reliability of these devices and, thus, hearing thunder or seeing lightning* should always take precedence over information from a mobile app or lightning detection device.


A coach will carry the teams medical information printed out by the Athletic Secretary to every game.
In the event of an injury which requires medical attention, an adult will accompany the athlete to the medical facility. If the athlete’s parents are not present, the accompanying adult will be chosen by the coach as circumstances dictate.
The adult going with the injured athlete will stay until contact has been made with the parents. When the parents are reached, they must be completely informed: who is with the athlete, where the athlete is, who the doctor is.
If the parents cannot be reached, an adult must stay with the athlete until the parents are reached or until other arrangements can be made.
An incident report for all accidents will be prepared and filed in accordance with procedures set by the Bend – La Pine School District.

Eligibility and Participation Regulations:

Athletes must meet all eligibility requirements set forth by the OSAA, Bend-La Pine Schools.
As stipulated in the Oregon Revised Statutes, home, magnet, and charter school students are eligible to participate in Bend-LaPine Athletic programs. To be eligible, a home-school student must reside in the attendance boundary of the high school they wish to participate for and satisfy all academic requirements.
High school athletes must meet the OSAA requirements as set forth in rule 8-1. In addition to the specific credit requirements identified in OSAA Rule 8-1, to be scholastically eligible, a student must be making satisfactory progress towards the school’s graduation requirements as determined by the local school administration.
The Bend-La Pine schools require a minimum 2.00 grade point average per grading period for an athlete to retain academic eligibility.
Athletes may be declared academically ineligible after any grading period. Any athlete who fails to obtain a 2.00 or higher GPA will be declared ineligible on the day report cards are released to students. Ineligible athletes may apply for one grade waiver/year. The form for this waiver is included in the appendix (see Athletic Eligibility Waiver Agreement).
The declaration of ineligibility may be appealed by the athlete.
The appeal will be considered by the principal and athletic director and could have the following findings:

  1. Full reinstatement despite the GPA if the findings include:
    a. Illness of the athlete verified by a physician that justifies extended school absences.
    b. A death in the immediate family (parent, step-parent, sibling or grandparent)
    c. The athlete is working at his/her ability level as verified by the Counseling or Special Ed department.

  2. Conditional reinstatement for a specified period of time during which the athlete could practice but not play. Deficient work would be made up by the end of the time period at which time the athlete could be reinstated. Verification of completed work will be required before full reinstatement. The volume of work would determine the specified period, which is deficient.

  3. Conditional reinstatement with a probationary period during which the athlete will have weekly academic evaluations to determine participation.

  4. The ineligibility is sustained for the grading period. This finding might be made initially or might be made if conditions of proof or timelines imposed by findings above are not met.

As cited in Administrative Regulation IGD-AR, Co-curricular/extracurricular Activities and Athletics:

  1. All students have the right to equal access to funded and non-funded athletics/activities, as well as non-school sponsored athletic teams and organizational activities that are offered at their school.
  2. All students may participate in more than one athletic team or activity per season with the approval of the coaches involved, athletic director, and school administration. This participation is not limited to district sponsored athletic/activities and shall include non-school sponsored athletics/activities.

Participation and Training Contract

All Students and parents must sign the Participation and Training Contract for each sport they participate in.

Attendance and Release from class

In order to participate in practices and/or contests athletes are required to attend classes for the full day. The only excuses accepted will be due to medical appointments, for all others the athlete will not be allowed to travel with the team.
Each athlete must attend school up to the time of dismissal. Release time for students to travel to out of town events should be no more than 15 to 30 minutes before actual bus departure time. Coaches will inform athletes of release and departure times. Coaches are not to change times without approval from athletic director.
Athletes will not be removed from class for other than scheduled contests, we cannot excuse them early to attend practices.


When possible. Transportation of students for all non-curricular activities or athletic events will be provided by Bend-La Pine School District’s transportation system. However, if students are not provided transportation by the Bend–La Pine School District students will be required to arrange and provide their own transportation to and from the location where the athletic event or non-curricular activity will take place.

The Bend–La Pine School District assumes no liability for transportation that is provided by the student or the student’s parents to such athletic contests, practices, or activities.

All athletes must travel with the team to contests. The only exception will be the athlete & parent/guardian making prior arrangements with the coach or if there is no bus provided. These arrangements must be made no less than one day prior to the trip. Athletes may be released to their parent/guardian after a contest. The coach must release the student directly to the parent/guardian. If the student is to be released to someone other than the parent/guardian a parent note signed by an administrator must be obtained no less than one day prior to the trip. An administrator must approve the note. Students will not be allowed to ride with other students. A coach may have a team policy on the transportation of their athletes to and from events. Any exceptions to the above must be approved in advance by school administration.

The athletic department will handle all transportation requests. If the coach foresees a problem with transportation, he/she will direct all inquiries to the athletic department. It will be the coaches’ responsibility to see that the vehicle used is free of trash and personal articles upon returning from any trip. COACHES ARE TO RIDE BUSES TO & FROM CONTESTS 

The preferred method of student transportation is district transportation. If the above-mentioned transportation is not available then it is up to the parent to arrange for transportation of their child. Coaches should only specify what time to arrive at their destination and where to meet the team. Coaches should not arrange carpools or transportation for any individual.

Estimated return times should be listed on itineraries.
At minimum one coach will remain with students until all have been picked up, preferably two. A coach is never to leave students unattended. All students must be on time for school the day following a contest.

At least three days prior to trips outside of Central Oregon please provide the following information to parents and the athletic department:

  1. Detailed itinerary, including phone numbers of motels, directions, and mode of transportation. i.e. yellow or charter bus.
  2. Cell phone number, if you do not take your personal phone, please check with the athletic secretary to determine a possible method to contact you if necessary.

Please note transportation regulations below for using school bus transportation.

  1. Trips may not exceed 15 hours. This includes half hour prior to pick up time and the half hour after drop off.
  2. After you arrive at your destination determine what time you need the bus back. And communicate with the driver.
  3. If you are able to release a driver for 8 hours, (all day track meets, etc.) then not only do we not pay the hourly rate, but those 8 hours do not count toward the 15-hour maximum.


The team expects that athletes will attend all regular scheduled practices and races.
Athletes need to communicate with coaches in advance of any early departures or absences.
Once racing begins, to race, all athletes must participate in 3 practices per week at a minimum. Preference that at least one practice on-snow.
Absenteeism will, at the coach’s discretion, cause the athlete to either be moved down or removed from the start order.

Letter Criteria
Positive Attitude, active participation, and sportsmanship. Earn 100 points. Points are accumulated as follows:

  • Seeded varsity and finished without DNF in 50% of races-25 points per race.
  • 100% attendance (excused absences are excepted by rule)-50 points.
  • Finish in top 15 overall in league, regardless of seeding-25 points.
  • Four years participation with team-50 points.
  • Finish season in top 10 overall within the league-100 points.


As per the OSAA policy Rule 1-2 of the OSAA handbook “Coaches shall be certified through the NFHS Coaches Education Program in the following courses: The Fundamentals of Coaching, Concussion in Sports, Heat Illness Prevention, and Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs and Substances Training. The Bend-La Pine School District also requires certification through the safe- school’s portal and that coaches are first aid/cpr/aed trained. In addition, all football coaches shall obtain the heads-up certification as required by OSAA and USA Football. All certifications will be completed prior to any coaching of athletes It shall be the responsibility of each Head Coach to inform all coaches including volunteers, of certification requirements. The athletic director shall track certifications of coaches.


All volunteers must complete Bend-La Pine Schools Volunteer application and be cleared by the district office and athletic director prior to contact with students.
All volunteer coaches must be certified through the NFHS Coaches Education Program and the Bend-LaPine Safe Schools portal (see above) as well as complete a background check through Bend-LaPine SD.
It shall be the responsibility of Head Coaches to ensure all volunteer coaches in their program have completed the required volunteer paperwork.

Sports Associates
Each program is allowed one Sports Associate coach (football and track are allowed two). It is your choice to pay them $1500 (40 hours per week) or $750 (20 hours per week). The Sports Associate pay will come out of your ASB account. You must have the money in your account before your season starts. Each Sports Associate will need to apply online, be certified through the NFHS Coaches Education, complete the Bend-LaPine Safe Schools Portal and complete all paperwork necessary through the HR department.

Obligations before your first contest

Prior to the beginning of each sport season, the head coach will submit the following materials to the athletic director:

A. A list of volunteer coaches.
B. Team rules/guidelines/expectations for the season.
C. Check with Athletic Secretary for transportation issues.
D. Obtain necessary keys needed to gain access and to secure areas that pertain to your sport.

No student may practice until they COMPLETELY cleared.

A. Coaches will obtain a list of eligible athletes for competition from the athletic director or athletic secretary along with their medical release forms.
B. When an athlete is not on the eligibility list, the coach will direct that student to the athletic office to review eligibility.

All head coaches are advised to conduct a parent meeting at the beginning of each sport season.

A. During this meeting, the head coach will introduce the coaching staff for the sport, and familiarize parents with the guidelines and expectations of Summit High athletics and his/her particular sport.
B. Information should be given to parents concerning the particular sports rules and regulations along with practice and game schedules.

In-Season Obligations

In order for the athletic department to function effectively, communication between the athletic office, office staff and the community is vital. Head coaches have responsibility for the following:

  1. TEAM ROSTER (list of all players and the level at which they will play the majority of the season) to the athletic secretary as soon as team selection has occurred. Coaches must inform the athletic department of changes to rosters as they are made. Coaches must submit a release roster to the athletic secretary at least two days in advance of desired release times for games and these must be approved by the athletic director.
  2. Fill out accident reports and submit them to the athletic department within 24 hours of any concussion or accident on the playing or practice field, the locker room or while traveling that requires a trip to the doctor. You can designate an assistant coach to take care of this.
  3. Plan ahead. Review schedules prior to the season and convey any potential problems to the athletic director.
  4. Off campus coaches are encouraged to check in with the athletic department frequently and prior to practices or games so that any pertinent information may be exchanged.
  5. Athletic Eligibility/Emergency forms for all athletes are to be carried at games, practices and while traveling.
  6. Contest results should be called into the:

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  1. Signing of evaluation.
    Each head coach will meet with the athletic director to go over the coaches evaluation.

  2. End of Season Report
    This report will be emailed to you. It should be filled out and returned within three weeks of your final contest.

    Head coaches will be responsible for the care, issuing and storage of athletic equipment and uniforms for their programs. Head coaches shall submit a fine for each student who has not returned uniforms or equipment. Fines shall be submitted to the bookkeeper within 2 weeks after the final contest.

  4. KEYS
    Keys may be issued to coaches by the Office Manager at the beginning of the sports season. ALL keys need to be returned at the end of the sport season unless other arrangements have been made with the Athletic Director. Volunteers will not be issued keys to facilities.


Sports equipment should not be lent to others. Balls and equipment must be monitored and kept secure.
Proper storage and use of athletic equipment is the coach’s responsibility.
Uniforms are to be worn on game day only and not as daily school wear.


Students shall not be allowed to participate in athletics or activities if they have outstanding fees, fines or other charges due to any school in the district.

  1. Athletes
    a. All students shall be assessed a fee of $100.00 for each sport they participate in.
    b. Families shall be assessed a fee of no more than $300.00 for their students participating in high school sports in a school year.

  2. Payments
    a. Participation fees must be paid prior to the first practice in the sport or activity.
    b. Payment of fees provides the opportunity for students to participate but is not a guarantee of any particular position or amount of time of participation.
    c. Scholarship funds may be available from year to year. Please send athletes in need of scholarship to the athletic office. Scholarships must be applied for prior to the first practice or they will not be eligible.

a. If a student removes himself/herself from participation or is cut from the sport or activity prior to the first contest or event, he/she shall receive a full refund of the participation fee. After the team’s first contest or activity’s first event the fee is non-refundable. Exceptions for refunds can be made by the athletic director.
b. An athlete injured during the season may request a pro-rated refund. The amount of refund will be consistent with the percentage of the season remaining (the season begins on the first day of practice). A doctor’s verification will be required.


OSAA policy regulates in as well as out of season participation, schools may conduct practices and/or compete in contests only during OSAA sports seasons. Official practice start dates are set each year by OSAA and program start times will coincide with these dates.
Out of season participation may occur only using the Practice Limitation Rule: See appendix


All teams are requested to help the custodial staff maintain the athletic facilities. Please remove any footwear that has cleats or objects on the sole that will damage floors prior to entering buildings. Extremely dirty shoes should be cleaned off outside before entry into the building. Do not wear cleats of any kind inside the building.

No doors should be propped open, or anything placed in them so that kids can enter the building.

Coaches should always be the last one to leave the facility.

All doors and gates should be locked before you leave the facility.


  1. Practice schedules are required to be submitted to the athletic department. Parents should also be informed of the normal practice schedule for your sport
  2. Update Athletic office of any changes.
  3. Sunday Practices are highly discouraged, but may take place under special circumstances. Sunday practices should be cleared through the Athletic Director and will not be made mandatory to any individual athlete.
  4. It is a priority to keep students informed of all changes and game information (i.e. hotels, meals, departure and return time for parents) when you have them at practice. Out of town trip itineraries should be given to students at least two days prior to the trip.

Conduct Issues

  1. Technical fouls, unsportsmanlike penalties, and red cards– Coach must report technical fouls to the Athletic Director the following morning. This is at all levels. (See Sportsmanship Policy below)
  2. Any athlete or coach ejected from a contest will be responsible for paying the subsequent OSAA fine out of their own pocket.

Legal Issues

  1. Coaching lesson plan book. The coaching plan book is your legal document to prove that a skill was safely taught. Describe in detail what & when. This could be critical in a case involving legal action.
  2. Injury and emergency response – All coaches need to keep current emergency information cards/forms on athletes. These forms need to be at your disposal during all contact times with the athletes. Anytime 911 is called for an injury notify the parents, the athletic director, and the school administration.
  3. All coaches must have a current First Aid/CPR/AED Card. It is the coach’s responsibility to obtain and keep this card current.
  4. Any Coach that plans to drive students to games or practices must possess a Type 10 License. Classes are offered at the District .
  5. All injuries must be reported and an Injury Report Form filled out and turned into the Athletic Office.
  6. All concussions must be reported and an OSAA concussion plan filled out. An athlete may not return to practices or games until the concussion return to play has been completed.
  7. Only Certified Athletic Trainers may diagnose an athletic injury. Coaches should perform first aid only and cannot, by law, diagnose an athlete’s injury.
  8. Illegal conduct (Rule 3 violation) occurring on a trip may necessitate police involvement.
  9. Confidentiality – Be aware of laws regarding student/family information, especially HIPAA laws


As members of the Oregon School Activities Association it is the intent of Summit High School to conduct all athletic events within the framework of good sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship is defined as the creation of an atmosphere of courtesy and fair play toward contestants, officials, and spectators at all events. In the event an athlete is acting or has acted in an unsportsmanlike manner, the athlete will immediately be declared ineligible to participate in any further athletic contests. Further participation will be determined by the principal and athletic director after the following steps have been completed:

  1. All limitations as outlined by the OSAA Ejection Policy have been met, if applicable.
  2. The athlete and coach involved will submit a typed written explanation of the occurrence. Included will be a plan to prevent this type of occurrence in the future.
  3. The athlete, his or her parents, and the coach involved may be requested to meet with the principal and athletic director prior to any decision concerning resuming participation privileges.
  4. The OSAA will fine schools for ejections stemming from unsportsmanlike behavior. To cover these charges any athlete/coach ejected from a contest will pay the subsequent fine out of their own pocket ($100.00) . Multiple occurrences from the same athlete or from the same team will be viewed as a need for strict action.


  • Summit High School is a member of the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) and abides by all of its rules and policies.
  • The OSAA requires student athletes to be enrolled in and passing no less than 5 classes to include the current previous semesters.
  • SATISFACTORY PROGRESS TOWARD GRADUATION (OSAA Handbook, Rule 8.1.2): In addition to the specific credit requirement identified above, to be scholastically eligible, a student must also be making satisfactory progress towards the school’s graduation requirements by earning a minimum of the quantity of credits indicated on the chart below for the specified year.
  • The Bend-LaPine Schools additionally require a 2.0 G.P.A. –
  • The Bend-LaPine Schools athletic handbook states: In order to participate in practices or contests, students must attend the full day of such practice orcontest. Each athlete must attend school up to the time of dismissal.
  • Athletes at Summit High School are expected to display good sportsmanship at all athletic events and activities they attend.
  • The OSAA requires athlete participation at the home area school of residency. If you have a student not in the Bend-LaPine School District or the Summit High School attendance area, please see the Athletic Director.
  • Any student who reaches age 19 before August 15 is not eligible by OSAA rule.
  • Violations of school rules and or behavior issues may result in the temporary or permanent suspension from the athletic team.
  • Home schooled/online students are eligible to participate in Bend-LaPine Schools athletic programs. To be eligible, a homeschooled/online student must participate at the school of residency. Additionally, home-schooled students must complete yearly testing requirement as stated in the OSAA handbook.


See Appendix on Academic Probation and Eligibility Waiver


Students on academic probation will be required to turn in a progress report every Tuesday by lunch during their sport season. The athlete must be passing 5 classes and have a minimum GPA of 2.0. The AD will approve eligibility weekly for these athletes. The athletic director or athletic secretary will communicate with the head coach as to the eligibility of athletes by Wednesday of the school week. The eligibility week for athletes on probation runs from Tuesday to Tuesday. If an athlete doesn’t turn in the progress report, doesn’t have the minimum GPA or is not passing the 5 classes twice, they will be ineligible for the remainder of the season.


It is up to the coach to have congratulations or info. about games read on the announcements or on Facebook. To post an announcement, email Karen Young (


From time to time students are injured due to unfortunate circumstances beyond anyone’s control. All coaches are required to hold a current Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Card and act in a prudent fashion.
When a student is injured the following actions are to be taken:

  1. Assess the situation through examination of the injured student.
  2. Give emergency first aid, preferably by the Athletic Trainer.
  3. Call 911 if necessary.
  4. Summon help from the school office, or if at a contest, an adult supervisor in charge.
  5. Call the parent or guardian of the student.
  6. If unable to contact parent or guardian, refer to student’s medical form for the name of family physician or emergency contact person.
  7. DO NOT under any circumstances –
    a. give medications
    b. take responsibility of treating students when the responsibility is to be assumed by the family or a physician.
    c. Move a student if the injury is of the head, neck, leg, hip or back.

a. stop bleeding.
b. Restore breathing.
c. Treat for shock.


  1. In the absence of a team physician, the athletic trainer will evaluate and treat all injuries sustained during an event.
  2. In the absence of a team physician, the athletic trainer will determine if the athlete is ready for “return to play”.
  3. The athletic trainer will inform the head coach of the athlete’s condition and status for “return to play” as soon as possible.
  4. In the event of an emergency or catastrophic injury the athletic trainer will be in charge of the scene until relieved by the team physician or when the athletic trainer gives control of the scene to another health care provider (i.e. EMS personnel).
  5. An athlete may be removed from an event by the following persons:
    • Him/herself
    • Athletic Trainer
    • Team Physician
    • Parent/Guardian (if under 18 years old)
    • Coach
  6. An athlete may be returned to play by the following people only:
    • Athletic Trainer
    • Team Physician

Monday thru Friday: 4:00-6:30 pm
Other days and times as dictated by regularly scheduled practices and events or by appointment.


  • Student Body POs (available in SHS Accounting Office) must be fully completed and signed prior to ordering. Each order must have a PO. If Kaye is not in the office and a PO is needed you will need to wait for her return. Please turn in your requests in a timely manner; your emergencies due to poor planning are not her emergencies . POs need to be signed by the Principal and he is not always available on the spur of the moment.
  • Estimated amounts may be used if pricing or other details are not available.
  • Turn completed PO in to school accounting.
  • Petty Cash Requests: Please fill out SB PO with plenty of advance time. Kaye can’t always to get to the bank on the same day money is requested. Please indicate what denominations you need and if you require a cash box or bag. Checks for travel dollars should be made out to the person requesting, accompanied by an AP106 copy for estimating purposes.
  • District POs will not be used to reimburse expenses paid by Student Body POs in order to get last minute payments in by deadlines. Please plan ahead and submit a district PO in a timely manner for district budget expenses. The District Business Office will make every effort to have checks for you when you need them.
  • Visa Use: SHS has school visa cards that may be used for student body purchases. It is available for use or checkout in the bookkeeper’s office. The District also has a visa for use in the same circumstances with district accounts. All SHS visa receipts must be itemized as to expenditures. A visa slip total is not enough.

Reasons why the district does not wish to reimburse you for credit card purchases:

  1. Any benefit that is derived from the use of the credit card then becomes the benefit of the agency paying (i.e. airline miles, % discounts, merchandise).
  2. The liability for the purchase is with the owner of the credit card. Therefore, if the material that is purchased is defective or in error, the owner of the credit card is responsible for the transaction.
  3. The agency paying is not obligated to reimburse an expense made with a personal credit card.
  • No personal reimbursements will be paid for large dollar amounts. Please do not pay large orders by visa and expect reimbursement. Supplies and equipment orders, motel reservations, fees and any other major expenditures must be paid through the school. Kaye will not reimburse for receipts other than minor expenditures which must be accompanied by original receipts itemizing purchases; no copies.

  • No Petty Cash or Check Reimbursements will be made to students or parents for purchases made for student body or district (including registered volunteers with the district). District employees may present original receipts for reimbursement as usual please let your fundraiser or event helpers know that they will not be eligible for reimbursement. These are district rules that Kaye is required to follow.

  • Payments to Individuals (From District Directive): Any payment made to an employee or student of the Bend-LaPine Public Schools for work-related services must be made through the payroll system, not through student body funds, or petty cash accounts. In other words, if an employee or student is requested to assist where payment for the service is to be made, a time sheet should be completed and the payment must be made through the payroll system. Also, schools need hiring sports associates will need to contact the HR Department prior to hiring individuals in order to comply with hiring processes and the Bureau of Labor requirements. Additionally, gifts or gift certificates to employees through student body funds are discouraged, and cannot exceed $99.99, according to IRS regulations.
    This excludes payments to individuals for reimbursement of expenses. If a payment is to be made to an individual who is NOT a district employee, further review needs to be made. IRS has made a distinction between a contracted service and an employee. In the absence of clear guidelines, contact the Finance Department to determine how the payment should be made.

  • Receipt of Orders : To pay in a timely manner and retain good credit status, accounting must know:

  • When orders are received ; date and initial packing slips and send to Kaye.

  • If partial order, indicate which items have arrived.

  • If items have been returned or cancelled, please let Kaye know.

  • If there is no packing slip, please indicate above on a copy of the PO.

  • These procedures include both District and SB POs.

  • Payments for items purchased by PO will be made from original invoices; no faxes or invoice copies. Please let vendors know that they need to send original hard copies to the school.

  • SB Funds Deposits must be accompanied by a form called a Student Body Funds Deposit form (see attached). This is a Business Office request based on audit and Kaye is required to support this, so please make sure that anyone bringing funds to Kaye fills out this form completely. If monies are from a fundraiser, please indicate what the fundraiser is, we need to state the reason the money was collected. Cash boxes provided for fundraising events must be returned the following work day.

  • Fundraiser forms must be completed and signed prior to starting sales or activities. Forms are available in school accounting office. Fill out upper portion and turn in to accounting. When approved you will receive copies back. Fundraised monies must be documented by using the attached forms with deposit:

Fundraiser/donations Reconciliation Form

  • Car washes

  • Garage sales

  • Misc. donations
    Ticket Receipt Report

  • Dances

  • Barbeques

  • Plays

  • Other Special Activities
    Student Body Funds Deposit (Currently Used for all)

  • Field Trips

  • Class Fees

  • Sales of Items by Students (Attach Sales Control Sheet) Multiple Receipt Forms

  • Class Fees

  • Yearbook Sales

  • ASB Stickers
    If you are using parents to fundraise, you as advisor are responsible for passing these rules to them.
    We will not accept deposits that are not accompanied by proper documentation . No cash expenses are to be paid from fundraising cash taken in. Please prepare POs for materials/supplies.

  • Coaches travel, clinics and scouting expenses may be paid from Student Body fundraised or donated funds if the public is notified at the time of the fundraising/donation that the funds could include these expenses and also if the students approve the expenses. Please include student participant signature on these PO requests. Please use a copy of an AP106 form to estimate SB travel expenses and attach it to the PO.

  • Parents helping with fundraisers : Please check with school accounting for guidance. We will be glad to help you in any way that we can. Please leave your name, address, phone and club affiliation on file with her. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the club coach or advisor to instruct any parents that are helpingwith fundraising projects as to what is required for accounting purposes. Parents helping with fundraisers must be signed up as volunteers with the district in order to participate.

  • Remember— no parental or student reimbursements for supplies, etc.

  • Class fees collection may be affected by clarification of Oregon Law ORS 339.260 on withholding records (report cards/transcripts). Interpretation passed down from the District after challenges from a parent says that according to this law, we CAN withhold records for fees associated with lost or damaged property or for injury. We CANNOT withhold for unpaid fees of any other kind, such as student body fees, athletic fees, etc. This will include any student body class fees not paid, library overdue charges, shop charges, etc. These are the rules that school accounting must abide by to pass our yearly audit. Please don’t ask Kaye to bend rules; help her do her job the right way. Thanks!


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