HYUNDAI BPM 700 Blood Pressure Monitor Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024


HYUNDAI BPM 700 Blood Pressure Monitor


Dear customer, thank you for purchasing our product. Prior to putting this device into operation please read the instruction manual carefully and be sure to store well this manual, warranty card, receipt and, if possible, also the product packaging and its inner contents. By using this device you can measure your blood pressure, pulse and store the readings in the comfort of your home. Its fast and reliable measurement results make the daily blood pressure check possible. You will also get a warning about possible heart rhythm disorders. The measured values are classified and graphically assessed according to a WHO directive. The device is intended for taking approximate measurements, not for its use in medical facilities or for commercial use!


  1. This device will not serve as a cure of any symptoms of your heart disease. The measuring data is only for reference. Always consult your attending physician if any measuring results are abnormal.
  2. Never use the device if it malfunctions, if it fell to the ground and got damaged or if it fell into water. In these cases bring the device to a specialised service to have the safety and func-tions of the device checked.
  3. Never immerse the device in water or other liquids! Prevent water from entering the device.
  4. Do not place the device on hot heat sources (e.g. stove, cooker, heating etc.) or near con-tainers with water (e.g. washbasin, sink).
  5. Handle the device with care, protect it from impacts, dust, chemicals, sweat, toiletries, cos-metics and big temperature changes.
  6. Never expose the device to direct sunlight or heat sources, low or high temperatures, or excessive moisture (please see chapter on TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS).
  7. If the device has been stored at lower temperatures, let it acclimate to room temperature before use.
  8. Always follow the operation procedures described in the instruction manual. Be sure to store well this manual for future reference. Consider the instructions in the manual to be a part of the device and pass them on to any other user of the device.
  9. The device can only be used by people with the circumference of the arm within the (min./max.) range of the arm cuff.
  10.  Do not put the device into operation unless the cuff has been properly applied and fastened on the arm.
  11. Do not inflate the arm cuff without it being wrapped on the arm.
  12. Do not wrap the arm cuff and air tube around the neck as there is a danger of suffocation. Do not insert the air tube into a body orifice.
  13. When disconnecting the air tube from the device never pull at the arm cuff or the air tube, only at the air tube end piece.
  14. Measurements may be affected if the device is used close to television, LCD monitor, micro-wave oven, mobile phone, X-ray or any other device with strong electrical / magnetic field.
  15. Do not use the device on children, legally incapacitated people or persons who cannot express their feelings.
  16. Use only accessories intended for this particular type of device. The use of unauthorised accessories may cause incorrect measurements, malfunctioning or injuries.
  17. Do not dismantle the device or remove any of its components.
  18. The manufacturer is not liable for damages caused by mishandling the device (e.g. damage to health or the device). The use of this device does not substitute medical care.
  19. The battery liquid may leak and damage the main device. Please observe the following points:
    • When you are not going to use the device for a longer period of time (approximately three months or more), take out the batteries.
    • Replace the worn batteries with new ones immediately.
    • Do not use worn and new batteries together.
    • Do not insert the batteries with their polarities in wrong direction.
    • Do not use rechargeable accumulators.
    • Dispose of the discharged batteries in an appropriate manner (please see chapter on the disposal of batteries).
    • Keep the batteries out of the reach of children or legally incapacitated people.


  • What is blood pressure?
    Blood pressure is the force generated by blood in arteries. This force changes constantly according to the heartbeat. When the heart contracts, blood pressure is at its highest level (systolic value) whereas towards the end of the “resting time” the value is at its lowest level (diastolic value).

  • What constitutes high blood pressure?
    According to World Health Organization (WHO) definitions, when systolic blood pressure exceeds 140 mmHg, or diastolic blood pressure exceeds 90 mmHg, this constitutes high blood pressure (see figures below).

HYUNDAI BPM 700 Blood Pressure Monitor-fg2

  • WHO Classification (source: WHO, Vol. 17 No. 2)
    According to the directive/definition by the World Health Organization (WHO) the measurement results shall be classified and assessed as per the following table.

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Blood pressure is different for each person and it is influenced by many factors (physical activity, stress, temperature changes, smoking, food, the time of the day etc.). Normal blood pressure is lower at night, when you are sleeping or relaxing, and it is higher during the day. Daily fluctuation of 30/50 mmHg is normal. Blood pressure increases with age and it also depends of the way of life. It is a well-known fact that stress, obesity, excessive intake of salt and alcohol con-tribute to higher blood pressure. Blood pressure taken at the doctor´s surgery is only an instantaneous value. Regular checking of your blood pressure at home reflects better the actual blood pressure values in everyday circumstances and it can provide valuable information to your GP.
Important notice:

  • Self-check means a check, not a diagnosis or treatment.
  • Unusual values must always be consulted with the doctor.
  • The displayed values of heartbeat are not a suitable way to check pacemaker frequency!
  • If you take any medicine please consult with your doctor the best time for measuring your blood pressure. Under no circumstances should you change the medicine dosage prescribed by your doctor.
  • If you suffer from e.g. heart arrhythmia, narrowing of arteries, arteriosclerosis or other circulatory problems, cardiovascular disease; if you use pacemaker, if you are diabetic or a pregnant woman; if you suffer from cramps in upper limbs; consult the use of this blood pressure monitor with your physician because the accuracy of measurement may be affected under those circumstances.
  • This device was designed for measuring blood pressure of individuals over 15 years of age. If you apply the device on a child´s arm, the measuring will not be correct. Please consult with a paediatrician on how to take children´s blood pressure.

Heart rhythm disorders
This device can identify possible heart rhythm disorders during the measurement (symbol will appear on the display). It can be a sign of arrhythmia which is a disease where the heart rhythm is irregular because of disturbances of the bioelectrical system which regulates the heart activity. The symptoms (omitted or premature heart beats, slower or faster pulse rate) can be caused by a heart disease, old age, physical disposition, stress or lack of sleep. An irregular heart beat oc-curs when the heart beat deviates by more than 25 % from the average heart beat rate. Should the symbol appear frequently while measuring your blood pressure, please consult your physician. Heart arrhythmia can only be diagnosed by a medical examination. An own diagnosis and treat-ment (e.g. changing the medicine dosage) based on the measurement results can be dangerous.


  1. Memory for 30 data sets.
  2. Large and clear LCD display.
  3. WHO blood pressure classification on the display.
  4. Easy use, press the button for automatic measurement, recording of the readings
  5. Automatic switching off (after 1 minute) to save power.
  6. Irregular heart beat / heart rhythm disorders detection.


HYUNDAI BPM 700 Blood Pressure Monitor-fg4

  • P1 Arm cuff
  • P2 Air tube
  • P3 Connector plug
  • P4 Blood pressure monitor
  • P5 LCD display (Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Pulse/min).
  • P6 ON/OFF key (ON/OFF/Memory)


  • P7 Systolic pressure value
  • P8 Diastolic pressure value
  • P9 Unit of pressure
  • P10 Value of pulse per minute
  • P11 Symbol of irregular heart beat / heart rhythm disorder detection
  • P12 Heart beat symbol
  • P13 Memory
  • P14 I nflation / deflation (inflating / deflating of air) symbols
  • P15 Low battery symbol
  • P16 WHO blood pressure classification symbols


Arm cuff signs

  • INDEX MUST BE IN OK RANGE – INDEX must be in OK range SelectLargeAdultCuff – Select arm circumference
  • LEFT ARM – Left arm
  • MainArtery – Main artery


Installation or replacement of batteries

  1. Remove the battery cover in the direction of the arrow.
  2. Install or replace 4 pcs of 1.5 V batteries (LR6 or AA) according to the battery direction indicator moulded on the inside of the battery compartment.
  3. The other way round replace the battery cover until it engages, an audible click will be heard.

HYUNDAI BPM 700 Blood Pressure Monitor-fg7

Before taking a reading, you should sit quietly for around 10 minutes and there should be an interval of at least 5 minutes between two readings. While taking a measurement you should stay calm and relaxed, and try not to talk. This will improve the accuracy of the readings. The measuring steps are taken as follows:

Applying the arm cuff

  1. Plug the air tube connector by slight pressure into the connection socket all out.

  2. Unwrap the arm cuff, leaving the “INDEX” end of the cuff through metal buckle of the cuff.

  3. Put your uncovered arm through the cuff loop. The “OK” range indication should be positioned at the top with the air tube pointing downward in the direction of your forearm. Position the artery mark [Ф] over the main artery on the inside of your arm as shown in the figure below. The air tube should be running down the centre of your arm.

  4. Turn your left palm upward and place the edge of the arm cuff at approximately 2.5 cm above your elbow. Tighten the cuff by pulling the “INDEX” end of the cuff and fasten it by Velcro, but not too tight (you must be able to fit two fingers between the cuff and your arm). If the cuff is too tight, the readings will not be accurate. Make sure that the cuff is not folded entire length of the air tube leading to the unit should not be squeezed anywhere.

  5. Make sure the cuff is at heart level.

    • When measuring blood pressure, lightly bend your elbow while resting your arm on a table.
    • If the level of the arm cuff is lower than the heart, adjust the height by using a pillow or a cushion.

The following factors can affect the results of blood pressure readings: exercise, having a show-er or a bath, using the toilet, breathing, speaking, smoking, drinking alcohol, taking medication, eating, fluid intake, changes in temperatures, stress, mood, vibrations etc. In order to achieve correct measurements, follow the below instructions:

  1. Do not eat, smoke or drink (especially alcohol) prior to taking the readings. If you feel a strong urge to urinate, please do so. All these factors have an impact on the measurement result (e.g. full urinary bladder may cause the blood pressure to increase by ca. 10 mmHg).
  2. Sit in a chair, place your feet on the ground or lie on a bed. Relax and try to stay calm for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Before applying the arm cuff, remove any tight clothes, watches or jewellery from your arm.
  4. Rest your arm on the table so that it is loosely stretched and the cuff is at your heart level or lie on a bed and place your arm alongside of your body (fig. 3). The arm must be at ease. Do not speak while taking the readings.
  5. The arm cuff must be at the heart level the whole time otherwise the readings will not be accurate.
  6. Bear in mind that blood pressure changes during the day. Try to measure your blood pres-sure several times during the day so that you can better understand your body and its response to various situations (after physical activity, while working, after meals …). If you wish to achieve comparable results, always take the measurements at the same time of the day and under the same conditions.
  7. Do not give weight to one reading only. At least two readings should be taken and there should be an interval of about 5 minutes between them. More readings taken after a longer period of time will give you better information about your blood pressure.
  8. Sensitive people might experience certain discomfort while taking the measurements.
  9. If the pressure in the cuff is too high, if you do not feel well or if you start feeling unwell all of a sudden, please press the key ON/OFF for immediate and fast deflation (deflating of air).
  10. If the device is used in temperatures or moisture outside the limits specified in the section on TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, the readings will not be accurate.


  1. Press the ON/OFF is displayed for approximately 2 seconds. all symbols. Then appears the number 0 or the value of the last measurement
  2. Once all the basic information has been displayed, the arm cuff will start to inflate , the symbol (inflation) will be shown on display.
  3. The air pressure in the arm cuff will slowly start to deflate. Once a tendency towards high pressure has been recognised the arm cuff will inflate a bit more and the pressure in the arm cuff will increase. As soon as the pulse is recognizable, the symbol will be displayed on the monitor.
  4. The measurement results of systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and pulse rate (pulse) will be displayed on the monitor.
  5. You can finish the measurement at any time by pressing the ON/OFF key.
  6. If an “E” symbol appears on the monitor, the measurements were not properly taken. Please follow the TROUBLESHOOTING instructions and repeat the measuring.
  7. The readings will be automatically stored into the memory.Switch off the device by pressing the ON/OFF key, alternativelly the device will switch off automatically after 1 minute.
    If the pressure in the arm cuff is not sufficiently high or if the arm cuff moved, the arm cuff will start inflating again – automatic pumping-up to a suitable higher pressure value, this is not a de-vice error.

HYUNDAI BPM 700 Blood Pressure Monitor-fg16


  • The device can of recorded data 30 total. Each data set consists of values of systolic and dia-stolic pressure and pulse rate.

  • Press and hold the ON/OFF key for 3 seconds. The device enters the memory mode and values for the last readings are displayed on the monitor. Press the ON/OFF key to be able to move up.

  • The most current measured value will be stored in memory “1”. If the memory is full, the oldest value will be deleted.

  • If an irregular heart beat has been detected during the measurement this information will also be stored and it will be displayed when recalling the measured values from the device memory.

  • When replacing the batteries, the stored data will be kept in the memory.

After Use Cleaning

  1. Do not use coarse and aggressive cleaning agents (e.g. petrol) to clean the device.
  2. Clean the device with a soft and dry cloth.
  3. Do not wash or dry-clean the arm cuff, wipe it with a moist cloth if necessary.
  4. Do not stretch the arm cuff or air tube by force and do not bend them.


  1. Always use the storage box provided with the device to transport or store the unit.
  2. Store the device in a dry place, out of the reach of children, legally incapacitated people, protected from dust and direct sunlight. Do not wrap the air tube and arm cuff tightly, do not bend or fold them and do not place anything heavy onto the device.
  3. If you are not going to use the device for an extended period of time, remove the batteries from the battery housing for storage.


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Fault Countermeasure

Though the batteries are installed in the device, there is no indica- tion on the LCD or the indication is wrong.| 1)     Check the battery polarities.

2)     Remove the batteries and wait for one minute. Install them again.

The arm cuff cannot be inflated and the air pressure cannot rise.| 1) Check the arm cuff position and re-measure the pres- sure again.

2)     Check the air tube connection to the device.

The low battery symbol flashes on the LCD display.| 1) Replace the batteries.

The blood pressure cannot be taken and the LCD shows an error message or a wrong result.

| 1)     Re-fasten the arm cuff.

2)     Sit down and relax.

3)     Keep the arm cuff at the same level as the heart during the measurement period.

4)     Be quiet and still during measurement.

5)     If the patient has severe heart problems, then the blood pressure may not be read correctly.

The value of the systolic

or diastolic pressure is too high.

| 1)     Re-fasten the arm cuff.

2)     The arm cuff or your arm is below the level of your heart.

3)     You moved or spoke during the measurement.

The value of the systolic

or diastolic pressure is too low.

| 1)     Re-fasten the arm cuff.

2)     The arm cuff or your arm is above the level of your heart.

3)     You moved or spoke during the measurement.

Under normal circumstances the reading at home is different from that of the doctor´s

or the measured values do not correspond.

| 1)     The variation is due to the different environments, stress etc.

2)     The blood pressure is changing according to the phys- iological or psychological status of the human body.

3)     Record the everyday value trend and consult with your physician.

If you have taken all of the above countermeasures but the blood pressure still cannot be read, then the device has to be sent to the distributor for repair. Do not try to dismantle the monitor by yourself and make any modifications.


  • Name and make: BPM 700 )
  • Display: LCD digital display
  • Measuring method: Oscillometric, non-invasive
  • Measuring range: Pressure: 30 – 280 mmHg (in the arm cuff)
  • Pulse rate: 40 – 199 pulses/min
  • Accuracy of pressure: ± 3 mmHg (in the arm cuff)
  • Pulse: ± 5 % of values (pulse frequency)
  • Memory capacity: 30 data sets
  • Pressure inflation: Automatic pump actuated device
  • Pressure deflation: Automatic linear pressure deflation valve
  • Pressure release device: Automatic solenoid venting valve
  • Sensor: Semiconductor pressure sensor
  • P ower supply: =DC 6 V (4 alkaline batteries AA/LR6)
  • Operating temperature/humidity: + 5 to + 40 °C (23 – 104 °F) 30 % – 80 % R.H.
  • Storage temperature/humidity: – 20 to + 55 °C (- 4 – + 131 °F) 10 % – 93 % R.H.
  • Atmospheric pressure : 50 kPa – 106 kPa
  • Weight (NETTO): ca. 345 g (without battery)
  • Arm cuff: circumference 22 – 32 cm (9” – 13”)
  • Dimensions: 138 (W) x 89 (H) x 47 (D) mm
  • Accessories: instruction manual, arm cuff
  • Classification: BF type product
  • Noise level: 60 dB (A)


  • Watch out! Read the instruction manual carefully.
  • The manufacturer reserves the right to change technical specifications.
  • A more comprehensive maintenance or a maintenance which requires work done in the inner parts of the product must be carried out by a professional service! Failure to follow the manufacturer´s instructions renders the right to repair under warranty void!
  • Danger of suffocation. Store the PE bag out of the reach of children. The bag is not a toy.

Information on environmental protection
We have done our best to reduce the amount of packaging and we have ensured its easy separation into 3 materials: cardboard, paper pulp and expandable polyethylene. This device contains materials which can be recycled by a specialised company after their dismantling. Please follow local regulations regarding the disposal of packaging materials, discharged bat-teries and old devices.


The disposal of old electrical appliances, used batteries and accumulators
This symbol appearing on the product, on the product accessories or on the product packaging means that the product must not be disposed of as household waste. When the product/ battery durability is over, please deliver the product or battery  (if it is enclosed) to the respective collection point, where the electrical appliances or batteries will be recycled. There are places in the European Union and other European countries which collect the used electrical appliances. By proper disposal of the product you can prevent possible negative impact on the environment and human health, which might otherwise occur as a consequence of improper manipulation with the product or battery/ accumulator. Recycling of materials contributes to protection of natural resourc-es. Therefore, please, do not throw the old electrical appliances and batteries/ accumulators  in the household waste. Information on where it is possible to leave the old electrical appliances for free is provided by your local authority or the store where you have bought the product.
Warning: Batteries containing harmful substances are marked as:

  • Pb = battery containing lead.
  • Cd = battery containing cadmium.
  • Hg = battery containing mercury.
  • Distributor: HP TRONIC Zlín, spol. s r. o., Prštné-Kútiky 637, Zlín, 760 01.


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