carepolicy Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency Owner’s Manual

June 16, 2024

carepolicy Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency

Product Information

Copyright [Year] © [Agency Name] Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be utilized, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
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Welcome to the Policy and Procedure Manual of [AGENCY NAME], an esteemed Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency serving the elderly community in Glendale Heights, Illinois. This comprehensive manual has been meticulously crafted to outline the policies and procedures that govern the operations of our facility, ensuring the highest quality of care, safety, and well-being for our cherished residents.


  • Address: [AGENCY ADDRESS]
  • Phone Number: [AGENCY PHONE NUMBER]
  • Resident Age Group: Our establishment is dedicated to providing compassionate care to individuals aged 55 years and above, catering to their unique needs and preferences.

Type of Assisted Living:
[AGENCY NAME] specializes in providing assisted living services for the elderly community. Our mission is to create a warm, secure, and engaging environment that fosters independence, dignity, and respect for each resident.

Our Commitment to Excellence:
At [AGENCY NAME], we are committed to upholding the highest standards in elderly care. This policy and procedure manual has been thoughtfully designed in compliance with the regulations set forth by the State of Illinois, including but not limited to Title 77: Public Health, Chapter I: Department of Public Health, Subchapter c: Long-Term Care Facilities, Part 295 Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Code. It serves as a comprehensive guide for our dedicated staff members, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge and protocols necessary to provide exceptional care and support to our residents.

Purpose of the Manual:
This manual serves as a vital resource for our staff, outlining the policies and procedures that govern the day-to-day operations of [AGENCY NAME]. It establishes a standardized approach to the care and services provided, prioritizing the safety, health, and dignity of our residents. The manual also serves as a valuable reference for residents and their families, allowing them to understand the practices and guidelines implemented within our establishment.

Scope of the Manual:
The Policy and Procedure Manual encompasses a wide range of topics, including resident rights, safety measures, health protocols, personnel guidelines, environmental requirements, food service regulations, and more. Each section has been meticulously crafted to ensure compliance with state guidelines while reflecting our commitment to the well-being of our residents.

Implementation and Review:
This manual will be diligently implemented by all staff members of [AGENCY NAME]. It will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to stay current with state regulations and best practices, ensuring that our residents receive the highest quality of care and services at all times. We, at [AGENCY NAME], are honored to serve our elderly residents and their families with dedication and compassion. This manual reflects our pledge to maintain an exceptional standard of care and create a supportive and nurturing home for our residents. Vision At [AGENCY NAME], our vision is to be the leading Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency in the State of Illinois, renowned for delivering exceptional care and creating a vibrant, nurturing, and compassionate community for our elderly residents. We strive to be recognized as the preferred choice for seniors and their families, offering an enriching living experience that promotes independence, dignity, and overall well-being.

Our mission at [AGENCY NAME] is to provide our residents and their families with superior care, compassion, and support. Through dedicated service and unwavering commitment, we aim to create a warm and inviting environment where individuality is celebrated, and the value of every person, whether resident or staff member, is deeply appreciated. We are committed to upholding the principles of kindness, respect, and excellence in everything we do, ensuring that our residents receive personalized care tailored to their unique needs.

Core Values

  1.  Kindness: We believe in fostering an atmosphere of kindness and empathy, treating each resident and staff member with compassion, understanding, and genuine care. Our actions and interactions reflect our commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.
  2. Compassion: Our foundation is built on compassion, recognizing the diverse needs and challenges our residents face. We strive to provide support, comfort, and a listening ear, promoting a sense of belonging and emotional well-being.
  3. Service: We are dedicated to serving our residents and their families with excellence and integrity. Our team goes above and beyond to anticipate and fulfill the needs of our residents, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment.
  4. Excellence: We pursue excellence in all aspects of our services and operations. Through continuous improvement and adherence to best practices, we aim to exceed industry standards and provide the highest quality of care.
  5. Individuality: We celebrate the uniqueness of each resident, recognizing their distinct backgrounds, preferences, and interests. Our personalized care plans and activities are designed to honor and nurture the individuality of every resident.
  6. Dignity: We uphold the inherent dignity and worth of each resident, treating them with the utmost respect and honoring their autonomy and choices.
  7. Appreciation: We value and appreciate the contributions of our residents, their families, and our staff members. We create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and acknowledged.
  8. Community: We foster a sense of belonging and community among our residents, staff, and their families. Our establishment serves as a warm and welcoming home where meaningful connections and relationships are formed.
  9. Well-being: We prioritize the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our residents, providing opportunities for personal growth, engagement, and fulfillment.
  10. Safety: The safety and security of our residents are paramount. We maintain a well-maintained and secure environment, ensuring the well-being of everyone under our care.

In living out our Vision, Mission, and Values, we aim to be a beacon of excellence in the field of Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment, providing our residents with the love, care, and respect they deserve as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

Document Control

Document revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

Ver. No. Rev. No. Page No. Description of Amendment Approved By Date

Document review and approvals shall be recorded in the table below;

Description Title Signature Date
Prepared By
Reviewed By
Approved By

Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.

Statement of Policy

The Policy and Procedure Manual of [AGENCY NAME] serves as a comprehensive guide to establish standardized policies, procedures, and protocols governing the operations and care provided within our Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency. The primary purpose of this manual is to ensure the well-being, safety, and dignity of our elderly residents aged 55 years and above, as we strive to create a nurturing and supportive living environment.

Commitment to Excellence:
At [AGENCY NAME], we are deeply committed to upholding the highest standards of care and services for our valued residents. This policy manual reflects our dedication to adhering to all relevant state regulations, including the Title 77: Public Health, Chapter I: Department of Public Health, Subchapter c: Long- Term Care Facilities, Part 295 Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Code, as prescribed by the State of Illinois.

Resident-Centered Approach:
We firmly believe in empowering our residents and promoting their dignity, individuality, and independence. This manual place utmost importance on respecting resident rights, fostering personalized care plans, and providing a compassionate and respectful environment where residents can thrive physically, emotionally, and socially.

The Policy and Procedure Manual covers a wide range of essential topics, including but not limited to resident rights, staff training, health and safety protocols, environmental requirements, food service guidelines, records management, and emergency procedures. This manual encompasses all aspects of our establishment’s functioning to ensure consistency, transparency, and accountability.

Implementation and Compliance:
It is the responsibility of all staff members, employees, and volunteers at [AGENCY NAME] to diligently adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in this manual. Our commitment to compliance is paramount to safeguarding the well-being of our residents and ensuring the provision of high-quality care at all times.

Continuous Improvement:
We recognize the evolving nature of the assisted living industry and remain dedicated to continuously reviewing and improving our policies and procedures. This manual will be subject to periodic updates to reflect changes in regulations, best practices, and feedback from residents, families, and staff members.

By acknowledging the importance of this Policy and Procedure Manual, we demonstrate our collective commitment to the welfare and safety of our residents. All individuals associated with [AGENCY NAME] are required to familiarize themselves with this manual and comply with its guidelines to uphold our agency’s values and standards.

Adoption and Implementation:
This manual shall be adopted and implemented throughout the organization, and each staff member shall receive appropriate training to ensure compliance with the policies and procedures herein.

The Policy and Procedure Manual is an embodiment of our unwavering dedication to providing compassionate, respectful, and comprehensive care to our elderly residents. By upholding the principles and guidelines outlined in this manual, we aim to create a warm and nurturing home for our residents at [AGENCY NAME], setting a benchmark of excellence in assisted living and shared housing establishments in the State of Illinois.

Section 295.1020 – Information to Be Made Available to the Residents

Policy and Procedures for [AGENCY NAME] – Information Provided to Residents

Section 1: Introduction
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that [AGENCY NAME] complies with the state guidelines of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Title 77: Public Health, Chapter I: Department of Public Health, Subchapter c: Long-Term Care Facilities, Part 295 Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Code, Section 295.1020. This policy outlines the information that must be made available to residents or their representatives upon acceptance into the establishment.

Section 2: Information to Be Provided to Residents
Resident Policies or Handbook:
[AGENCY NAME] shall provide each resident or their representative with a copy of the current resident policies or a resident handbook. This document shall include all the relevant policies and procedures that apply to residents during their stay at the establishment.

Heating and Cooling Controls:
The establishment shall inform each resident or their representative whether each unit has independent heating and cooling controls and the location of these controls. This information ensures that residents are aware of the temperature control options available to them.

Response to Medical Emergency Situations:
The establishment shall provide information on its policy concerning response to medical emergency situations. This includes details on the procedures to be followed in case of medical emergencies, such as notifying emergency services and contacting medical professionals.

Therapeutic Diets:
The establishment shall inform each resident or their representative about whether the establishment provides therapeutic diets. This information is vital for residents who have specific dietary requirements or medical conditions that necessitate special diets.

Section 3: Important Telephone Numbers
Contact Information:
[AGENCY NAME] shall provide the current telephone numbers for the following:

  1. The Illinois Department of Public Health’s Office of Health Care Regulation and Assisted Living Complaint Registry.
  2. The Illinois Department on Aging Senior Helpline.
  3. The Department on Aging Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.
  4. 911 or other local emergency response.

Section 4: Display of License and Survey Results
License Display:
The establishment’s license issued under the Act and this Part shall be posted in public view in the establishment. This ensures that residents and visitors can readily verify the establishment’s licensing status.

Review of Survey Results:
[AGENCY NAME] shall make available for review the results of the most recent Department survey. This allows residents or their representatives to access important information about the establishment’s compliance with regulations and any findings from the survey.

Section 5: Availability of Waivers and Variances
Review of Waivers and Variances:

The establishment shall make available for review any waiver or variance currently in effect. This allows residents or their representatives to be aware of any exemptions or modifications to regulations that apply to the establishment.

Section 6: Conclusion
Compliance Assurance:
[AGENCY NAME] affirms its commitment to providing all necessary information to residents or their representatives as per the state guidelines. The establishment will maintain accurate records of the information provided and ensure that residents have access to the essential resources and contacts for their well-being and safety.

Section 295.1040 – Technical Infractions

Policy and Procedures for [AGENCY NAME] – Technical Infractions

Section 1: Introduction
The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for handling technical infractions at [AGENCY NAME] as an Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment in the State of Illinois, in accordance with Title 77: Public Health, Chapter I: Department of Public Health, Subchapter c: Long-Term Care Facilities, Part 295 Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Code, Section 295.1040.

Section 2: Definition of Technical Infractions
Technical Infraction:
A technical infraction is a situation in which [AGENCY NAME] fails to meet a requirement of this Part, but the failure does not result in harm to residents and does not have a significant negative impact on the delivery of services to residents. A technical infraction may also include a Type 3 violation that is identified and corrected during the on-site survey review process.

Section 3: Corrective Action for Technical Infractions
Obligation to Correct:
When a technical infraction is identified at “[AGENCY NAME],” the establishment shall be required to take immediate corrective action to address the issue.

Corrective Measures:
The establishment’s management and staff shall work together to promptly correct the technical infraction, ensuring compliance with the relevant requirement.

Verification of Correction:
After corrective action is taken, [AGENCY NAME] shall provide evidence of the correction to the Department during the on-site survey review process.

Section 4: No Fines or Sanctions for Corrected Technical Infractions
Non-Imposition of Fines or Sanctions:
If [AGENCY NAME] has taken appropriate and timely steps to correct the technical infraction, no fine, violation, or sanction shall be imposed.

Section 5: Repeat Infractions
Repeat Technical Infractions:
The occurrence of the same technical infraction during subsequent on-site surveys may lead to the classification of the infraction as a Type 3 violation.
[AGENCY NAME] shall be diligent in preventing the recurrence of technical infractions through ongoing compliance monitoring and quality improvement efforts.

Section 6: Conclusion
Compliance Assurance:
[AGENCY NAME] acknowledges the importance of promptly addressing technical infractions to ensure the well-being and safety of residents. The establishment commits to correcting any identified infractions and preventing their recurrence through continuous monitoring and improvement. By adhering to the state guidelines, [AGENCY NAME] aims to maintain high-quality care and services for its residents while striving for full compliance with all regulations.
*This is only a preview of the Original Document


  • Agency Name: [AGENCY NAME]
  • Version: 1.0 [Month, Year]
  • Document Classification: Confidential_ [AGENCY NAME]
  • Address: [AGENCY ADDRESS]
  • Phone Number: [AGENCY PHONE NUMBER]
  • Resident Age Group: 55 years and above

[AGENCY NAME] is an esteemed Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency located in Glendale Heights, Illinois. We specialize in providing compassionate care to individuals aged 55 years and above, catering to their unique needs and preferences. Our mission is to create a warm, secure, and engaging environment that fosters independence, dignity, and respect for each resident.

Purpose of the Manual:
The Policy and Procedure Manual serves as a vital resource for our staff, residents, and their families. It outlines the policies and procedures that govern the day-to-day operations of [AGENCY NAME], ensuring the highest quality of care, safety, and well-being for our cherished residents. It establishes a standardized approach to the care and services provided, prioritizing the safety, health, and dignity of our residents.

Scope of the Manual:
The Policy and Procedure Manual covers a wide range of topics, including resident rights, safety measures, health protocols, personnel guidelines, environmental requirements, food service regulations, and more. Each section has been meticulously crafted to ensure compliance with state guidelines while reflecting our commitment to the well-being of our residents.

 At [AGENCY NAME], our vision is to be the leading Assisted Living and Shared Housing Establishment Agency in the State of Illinois. We strive to deliver exceptional care and create a
vibrant, nurturing, and compassionate community for our elderly residents. We aim to be recognized as the preferred choice for seniors and their families, offering an enriching living experience that promotes independence, dignity, and overall well-being.

Product Usage

Section 1: Resident Rights
This section outlines the rights of our residents and the responsibilities of our staff in upholding and protecting those rights. It covers areas such as privacy, dignity, confidentiality, autonomy, and access to information. It also includes procedures for addressing grievances and resolving conflicts.

Section 2: Safety Measures
This section focuses on the safety of our residents and the measures in place to ensure a secure living environment. It covers topics such as emergency preparedness, fire safety, fall prevention, medication management, and infection control. It provides guidelines for staff training and procedures to follow in case of emergencies.

Section 3: Health Protocols
This section outlines the health protocols followed at [AGENCY NAME] to promote the well-being of our residents. It covers areas such as health assessments, medication administration, personal care assistance, chronic disease management, and end-of-life care. It provides guidelines for staff training and procedures to maintain the health and comfort of our residents.

Section 4: Personnel Guidelines
This section provides guidelines for the recruitment, training, and supervision of our staff. It covers topics such as qualifications, background checks, continuing education, performance evaluations, and code of conduct. It ensures that our staff members are well-equipped to provide the highest quality of care to our residents.

Section 5: Environmental Requirements
This section outlines the environmental requirements and standards maintained at [AGENCY NAME]. It covers areas such as cleanliness, maintenance, accessibility, and comfort. It ensures that our residents live in a well- maintained and comfortable environment that promotes their overall well-being.

Section 6: Food Service Regulations
This section focuses on the food service regulations followed at [AGENCY NAME]. It covers topics such as menu planning, nutrition guidelines, food storage and preparation, dining experience, and special dietary needs. It ensures that our residents receive nutritious and delicious meals that cater to their specific dietary requirements.

Implementation and Review
This manual will be diligently implemented by all staff members of [AGENCY NAME]. It will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to stay current with state regulations and best practices, ensuring that our residents receive the highest quality of care and services at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Q: Can I visit my loved one at any time?
    A: Yes, we have an open visitation policy. However, we encourage visitors to consider the residents’ schedules and preferences to ensure a pleasant visit.

  2. Q: How often are the residents’ health assessments conducted?
    A: Health assessments are conducted upon admission and regularly thereafter. The frequency of assessments depends on the individual needs of each resident and may vary.

  3. Q: What happens in case of a medical emergency?|
    A: Our staff members are trained in emergency response procedures. In case of a medical emergency, they will immediately initiate appropriate actions, including calling emergency services and providing necessary first aid until help arrives.

  4. Q: Are there any restrictions on personal belongings that residents can bring?
    A: While we encourage residents to personalize their living spaces, certain restrictions may apply for safety and space considerations. Our staff will provide guidance on what items are
    allowed and any limitations that may apply.

  5. Q: How are meals tailored to residents’ dietary needs?
    A: Our dietary team works closely with residents and their healthcare providers to accommodate their specific dietary needs. We offer a variety of options and modifications to ensure that each resident receives meals that align with their nutritional requirements and personal preferences.


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