CarePolicy Community Integrated Living Arrangement CILA Agency User Guide

May 15, 2024

CarePolicy Community Integrated Living Arrangement CILA Agency


  • Product: Policy and Procedure Manual
  • Version: 1.0
  • Document Classification: Confidential
  • Agency Name: [AGENCY NAME]
  • Location: State of Illinois

Product Information

Welcome to the Policy and Procedure Manual for [AGENCY NAME]’s Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Illinois. This manual ensures the highest standards of care and support for residents of the adult group home. It is designed to meet and exceed regulatory requirements set by the Illinois Department of Human Services, promoting independence, well-being, and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Usage Instructions:

Purpose and Scope:
The manual outlines policies and procedures for day-to-day operations of the adult group home. It is essential for all staff members to familiarize themselves with the contents and adhere to guidelines to ensure consistency, respect, and high-quality care for residents.

Commitment to Excellence:
Staff members, including administrators, managers, and direct support professionals, are encouraged to engage in ongoing training and collaboration to improve services and stay updated with best practices. Feedback from stakeholders is welcomed to enhance the quality of care and support provided.

The vision is to be a leading provider of CILA in Illinois, empowering individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives through social and community integration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: How can staff members ensure compliance with the policies outlined in the manual?
A: Staff members should thoroughly read the manual, participate in training sessions, seek clarification from supervisors when needed, and consistently apply the policies in their daily activities.

Q: What should staff do if they have suggestions for improving the quality of care provided?
A: Staff members are encouraged to share their feedback and suggestions with supervisors or designated personnel. Input from staff, residents, families, and external stakeholders is valued in enhancing services.

Copyright [Year] © [Agency Name] Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be utilized, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
[Agency Name] [Agency Address] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Website]


Welcome to the Policy and Procedure Manual for [AGENCY NAME]’s Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the state of Illinois. This manual has been developed in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Illinois Department of Human Services to ensure the highest standards of care and support for the residents of our adult group home.
At [AGENCY NAME], we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our CILA program aims to empower residents to lead fulfilling lives while promoting their independence, well-being, and overall quality of life. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for our staff members, outlining the policies and procedures that govern the day-to-day operations of our adult group home.
The policies and procedures outlined in this manual are designed to meet and exceed the regulatory requirements set forth by the Illinois Department of Human Services. It is essential for all staff members, including administrators, managers, direct support professionals, and other personnel, to familiarize themselves with the contents of this manual and adhere to its guidelines.
By adhering to these policies and procedures, we ensure consistency in our practices, promote a respectful and inclusive culture, and provide a high standard of care and support to our residents. The well-being and happiness of our residents are at the forefront of everything we do, and this manual serves as a reference to help us achieve these goals.

We encourage all staff members to actively engage in ongoing training, professional development, and collaboration to continuously improve our services and remain up-to-date with best practices in the field. Additionally, we welcome feedback and suggestions from staff, residents, their families, and external stakeholders to further enhance the quality of care and support we provide.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to the well-being of the individuals we serve. Together, we can create a welcoming and supportive environment where residents can thrive and achieve their fullest potential.

To be a leading provider of Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILA) in Illinois, empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential through social and community integration.

Our mission is to enrich the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing person-centered care, support, and community integration programs. We strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment that promotes independence, self-advocacy, and personal growth.


  1. Respect and Dignity: We treat every individual with respect, dignity, and kindness, recognizing their inherent worth and uniqueness. We uphold their rights, preferences, and autonomy in all aspects of their lives.
  2. Person-Centered Approach: We embrace a person-centered approach, focusing on the individual’s strengths, aspirations, and needs. We work collaboratively with residents, their families, and our interdisciplinary team to develop personalized plans that promote independence, choice, and meaningful engagement.
  3. Empowerment: We empower individuals to advocate for themselves, make informed decisions, and actively participate in their own lives. We provide opportunities for self-expression, self-discovery, and personal growth, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.
  4. Community Integration: We believe in the power of community integration to enhance the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We actively support their participation in social, recreational, educational, and vocational activities within the broader community, fostering inclusivity and a sense of belonging.
  5. Excellence and Continuous Improvement: We are committed to delivering services of the highest quality and continually improving our practices. We strive for excellence in all aspects of our operations, ensuring adherence to best practices, professional development for staff, and regular evaluation to enhance the outcomes and experiences of our residents.
  6. Collaboration and Partnerships: We recognize the importance of collaboration and partnerships in achieving our mission. We actively engage with residents, their families, community organizations, and relevant stakeholders to create a network of support, resources, and opportunities that enrich the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  7. Integrity and Accountability: We uphold the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and professionalism in all our interactions. We are committed to transparency, accountability, and responsible stewardship of resources, ensuring the trust and confidence of our residents, their families, and the community we serve.

By embracing these vision, mission, and values, [AGENCY NAME] aims to create a positive and nurturing environment where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can thrive, achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling lives.

Document Control
Document revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

Ver. No. Rev. No. Page No. Description of Amendment Approved By Date

Document review and approvals shall be recorded in the table below;

Description Title Signature Date
Prepared By    
Reviewed By    
Approved By    

Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.

Statement of Policy

  1. Purpose
    The purpose of this Policy and Procedure Manual for [AGENCY NAME]’s Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) is to establish a set of guidelines, standards, and protocols for the provision of comprehensive care and support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of Illinois. This manual outlines the policies and procedures that govern the operations of our adult group home, with the primary goal of ensuring the well-being, safety, and independence of our residents.

  2. Scope
    This policy applies to all staff members, including administrators, managers, direct support professionals, and any other personnel involved in the delivery of services at [AGENCY NAME]’s CILA. It provides a framework for consistent practices, ethical conduct, and compliance with state regulations and guidelines set forth by the Illinois Department of Human Services.

  3. Person-Centered Approach
    At [AGENCY NAME], we are committed to adopting a person-centered approach in providing care and support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our policies and procedures prioritize the rights, preferences, and individual needs of each resident, fostering a culture of respect, dignity, and empowerment. We recognize the unique strengths, abilities, and goals of our residents and strive to create an environment that supports their personal growth, independence, and self-advocacy.

  4. Individualized Care Planning
    We recognize that each resident has unique needs, abilities, and aspirations. Our policies and procedures emphasize the development and implementation of individualized care plans for every resident. These plans, created in collaboration with the resident, their family or guardian, and our interdisciplinary team, outline specific goals, support strategies, and interventions tailored to meet their physical, emotional, social, and developmental needs. Regular assessments and ongoing review of these plans ensure that they remain current, relevant, and responsive to the evolving needs of each resident.

  5. Safety and Well-being
    Ensuring the safety and well-being of our residents is of utmost importance. Our policies and procedures incorporate comprehensive risk management strategies to minimize potential hazards and promote a safe living environment. We maintain compliance with all relevant health and safety regulations, conduct routine inspections, and implement emergency preparedness protocols. Our staff members receive appropriate training to recognize and respond to potential risks, and we promote open communication to address any concerns promptly.

  6. Staff Training and Development
    We recognize the critical role of well-trained and knowledgeable staff in providing high-quality care and support to our residents. [AGENCY NAME] is committed to providing comprehensive training programs, ongoing professional development opportunities, and access to relevant resources for all staff members. These initiatives ensure that our staff members possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies to effectively support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and meet their unique needs.

  7. Rights and Advocacy
    [AGENCY NAME] upholds the rights of all residents and promotes advocacy on their behalf. Our policies and procedures strictly adhere to the principles of informed choice, privacy, dignity, and respect. We actively involve residents in decision-making processes, provide opportunities for self-expression, and encourage self-advocacy. We also educate residents about their rights, empower them to exercise those rights, and address any concerns or grievances promptly and in a fair manner.

  8. Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement
    We are committed to delivering services of the highest quality and continually improving our practices. [AGENCY NAME] implements a robust quality assurance program that includes ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and review of our policies, procedures, and service delivery. We actively seek feedback from residents, their families, and other stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. Our commitment to quality ensures that we provide the best possible care and support to our residents.

In conclusion, this Statement of Policy establishes the overarching principles and values that guide the provision of care and support at [AGENCY NAME]’s Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA). All staff members are expected to familiarize themselves with this policy and adhere to its guidelines to ensure the well-being and quality of life of our residents.

Policy: PM 01 – Rights and Responsibilities

  1. Purpose:
    The purpose of this policy is to outline the rights and responsibilities of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities residing in [AGENCY NAME], a Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). The policy ensures that individuals’ rights are protected, respected, and promoted while residing in the adult group home.

  2. Scope:
    This policy applies to all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities residing in [AGENCY NAME]. It also applies to all staff members, including administrators, direct support professionals, and any other personnel involved in the provision of services within the CILA.

  3. Policy:

  4. Individual Rights:

  5. Each individual residing in [AGENCY NAME] shall be informed of their rights in a manner that they can understand, including the right to:

    * Be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
    * Privacy and confidentiality regarding personal information and communications.
    * Be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
    * Participate in decisions affecting their lives, including the development of individualized service plans.
    * Receive appropriate and necessary supports and services to maintain health, safety, and well-being.
    * Communicate and have access to communication aids and assistance as needed.
    * Practice the religion of their choice and have access to spiritual support if desired.
    * Manage personal finances, if capable, or have assistance in managing finances if necessary.
    * Have access to the grievance process and exercise their rights without fear of retaliation.
    * Have visitors and maintain relationships with family and friends.
    * Be informed about and have access to complaint procedures and legal rights.
    * Be informed of any changes in their rights or services.
  2. Responsibilities:
    1. [AGENCY NAME] staff members shall ensure that individuals’ rights are respected and upheld.
    2. Staff members shall provide supports and services in a manner that promotes and maintains the rights of individuals while fostering their independence and self-determination.
    3. Staff members shall receive training on the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to ensure they understand and adhere to these rights.
    4. Staff members shall inform individuals of their rights and support them in exercising their rights.
    5. Staff members shall promptly report any violations or concerns related to individual rights to the appropriate authorities as per the IDHS guidelines.
    6. Staff members shall follow the established grievance procedures to address any complaints or concerns raised by individuals regarding their rights.
    7. Staff members shall collaborate with individuals, their families, and advocates to develop and review individualized service plans that promote the individuals’ rights and choices.
  1. Procedures:
  2. Rights Education:
  3. Upon admission, individuals shall receive comprehensive information about their rights, provided in a manner they can understand. This information shall be available in written, audio, and visual formats.
  4. Staff members shall provide ongoing education and support to individuals regarding their rights and responsibilities, reinforcing their understanding and promoting self-advocacy.
  5. Rights Protection:
  6. Staff members shall ensure that individuals’ privacy and confidentiality are respected and protected during all interactions and activities within [AGENCY NAME].
  7. Staff members shall implement protocols and procedures to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals, including reporting any suspicions or incidents as required by IDHS regulations.
  8. Staff members shall actively involve individuals in decisions affecting their lives, including the development and review of individualized service plans.
  9. Staff members shall provide necessary supports and services to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of individuals while respecting their choices and preferences.
  10. Staff members shall facilitate communication for individuals who require assistance, including the provision of communication aids and devices as needed.
  11. Grievance Process:
  12. [AGENCY NAME] shall establish and communicate a clear and accessible grievance process to individuals and their families.
  13. Staff members shall assist individuals in utilizing the grievance process, including providing necessary information, guidance, and support throughout the process.
  14. All grievances shall be documented, reviewed, and addressed in a timely and appropriate manner, ensuring confidentiality and protection against retaliation.
  15. Training:
  16. [AGENCY NAME] shall provide initial and ongoing training to all staff members on the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including an understanding of relevant IDHS regulations.
  17. Training shall cover topics such as promoting dignity, preventing abuse and neglect, supporting self-determination, effective communication, and the grievance process.
  18. Documentation of training shall be maintained for all staff members, including the topics covered, dates, and attendees.
  19. Compliance and Monitoring:
  20. [AGENCY NAME] shall conduct regular internal audits and monitoring to ensure compliance with this policy and IDHS regulations.
  21. Any identified non-compliance or concerns shall be promptly addressed, and corrective actions shall be implemented to prevent reoccurrence.
  22. [AGENCY NAME] shall cooperate with IDHS during inspections, reviews, and investigations to demonstrate compliance with the policy and relevant regulations.
  23. Related Documents:

This policy is related to the following documents:

  • Individualized Service Plan (ISP)
  • Grievance Process
  • Abuse and Neglect Prevention Policy
  • Communication Assistance Policy
  • Training Records

Policy: PM 02 – Initial Request for Benefits

  1. Purpose:
    The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures for submitting an initial request for benefits for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are seeking placement in the [AGENCY NAME] Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA), in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). This policy ensures a fair and consistent process for evaluating eligibility and determining appropriate placement for individuals in need of CILA services.

  2. Scope:
    This policy applies to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are seeking placement in the [AGENCY NAME] CILA. It also applies to [AGENCY NAME] staff members involved in the initial request for benefits process, including administrators, intake coordinators, and any other personnel responsible for evaluating eligibility and determining placement.

  3. Policy:

  4. Eligibility Determination:

  5. Individuals seeking placement in the [AGENCY NAME] CILA must meet the eligibility criteria established by the IDHS for CILA services.

  6. The initial request for benefits shall include an assessment of the individual’s intellectual and developmental disabilities, functional limitations, and support needs to determine eligibility for CILA placement.

  7. Eligibility shall be determined based on the guidelines and standards set forth by the IDHS.

  8. Initial Request Process:

  9. Individuals or their legal representatives shall initiate the request for benefits by contacting [AGENCY NAME].

  10. [AGENCY NAME] staff members shall provide the necessary information and support to individuals or their legal representatives to complete the initial request for benefits application.

  11. The application form shall collect relevant personal, medical, and support information required for the eligibility determination process.

  12. The completed application, along with supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the appropriate IDHS office as per the established procedures.

  13. Application Review and Evaluation:

  14. IDHS shall review the submitted application and supporting documentation to assess the individual’s eligibility for CILA services.

  15. IDHS may request additional information or assessments to further evaluate the individual’s eligibility and support needs.

  16. [AGENCY NAME] shall cooperate with IDHS and provide any requested information or documentation to facilitate the application review process.

  17. The application review and evaluation shall be conducted within the timeframe specified by IDHS regulations.

  18. Placement Determination:

  19. Based on the eligibility determination and the availability of CILA services, IDHS shall determine the appropriate placement for the individual.

  20. If the individual is determined eligible for CILA services, [AGENCY NAME] shall work with IDHS to identify an available placement within the CILA.

  21. The placement determination shall consider the individual’s needs, preferences, and any specific requirements outlined in the application and assessments.

  22. Notification and Communication:

  23. [AGENCY NAME] shall promptly notify the individual or their legal representative of the outcome of the initial request for benefits, including the eligibility determination and placement decision.

  24. If the individual is determined ineligible for CILA services, [AGENCY NAME] shall provide information on alternative services and resources that may be available.

  25. [AGENCY NAME] shall maintain clear and open communication with the individual or their legal representative throughout the initial request process, providing updates and addressing any questions or concerns.

  26. Procedures:

  27. Request for Benefits Application:

  28. [AGENCY NAME] shall provide an application form that collects the necessary information required for the initial request for benefits.

  29. The application form shall be available in accessible formats and languages to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities.

  30. Application Submission:

  31. [AGENCY NAME] staff members shall assist individuals or their legal representatives in completing the application form accurately and completely.

  32. The completed application, along with all required supporting documentation, shall be compiled and submitted to the appropriate IDHS office following the prescribed submission procedures.

  33. Collaboration with IDHS:

  34. [AGENCY NAME] shall cooperate with IDHS during the application review and evaluation process, providing any requested information or documentation in a timely manner.

  35. [AGENCY NAME] staff members shall maintain regular communication with IDHS regarding the status of the application and respond promptly to any requests or inquiries.

  36. Notification and Placement:

  37. Upon receiving the placement determination from IDHS, [AGENCY NAME] shall promptly notify the individual or their legal representative of the decision.

  38. If the individual is approved for placement, [AGENCY NAME] shall initiate the necessary procedures to facilitate the transition and admission into the CILA.

  39. Compliance and Monitoring:

  40. [AGENCY NAME] shall ensure compliance with this policy and IDHS regulations by conducting regular internal audits and monitoring of the initial request for benefits process.

  41. Identified non-compliance or concerns shall be promptly addressed, and corrective actions shall be implemented to prevent reoccurrence.

  42. [AGENCY NAME] shall maintain documentation of all initial request for benefits applications, communication with IDHS, and placement determinations.

  43. Related Documents:

This policy is related to the following documents:

  • Initial Request for Benefits Application Form
  • IDHS Guidelines and Regulations for CILA Services
  • Communication Log with IDHS
  • Transition and Admission Procedures

*This is only a preview of the Original Document

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