CarePolicy Adult Day Care Agency Policies and Procedures Mexico State Licensure User Guide

May 15, 2024

Adult Day Care

CarePolicy Adult Day Care Agency Policies and Procedures Mexico State

Version 1.0
[Month, Year]

CarePolicy Personal Home Care Agency Policies and Procedures - icon

Adult Day Care
Policy and Procedure Manual
Version 1.0

Adult Day Care Agency Policies and Procedures Mexico State Licensure

Copyright [Year] © [Agency Name]
Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be utilized, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

[Agency Name] [Agency Address] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Website]


[Agency Name] is a premier Adult Day Care Center that is devoted to providing outstanding care and services to our community of participants. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life of our participants by offering exceptional care and support that is  tailored to meet their unique needs. We understand that making informed decisions for an aging or ill family member is a top priority, and our dedicated team of professionals is here to assist clients every step of the way. Our highly compassionate and trained caregivers are committed to ensuring participant satisfaction by carefully matching them with a caregiver who can provide the highest level of care and attention they deserve. At [Agency Name], we are committed to delivering the highest standard of care  possible to our valued participants.

Statement of Purpose

[Agency Name] is dedicated to providing high-quality and seamless care to our participants. The purpose of this policy is to establish clear processes and activities that facilitate the coordination of home services for our clients. Our goal is to ensure that  participants receive coordinated care that is consistent with their unique needs and preferences. This policy is available for review upon request by clients and their designated representatives, and is readily accessible to all staff members at all times.

Statement of Policy

[Agency Name] prohibits discrimination in all its activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and  any political beliefs.

[Agency Name] is consistent with the:

  • Federal and State Law of New Mexico
  • Needs of our members and the community we serve;
  • Our mission, goals and strategic objectives;
  • Agency policies and procedures

We strongly adhere to compliance requirements stated by New Mexico Law, Department of Health and follow the best practices implemented in terms of policies and procedures within [Agency Name].

Document Control & Approvals

Document Revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

Ve r .
N o .| Rev.
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N o .| Description of Amendment| Approved By| Date
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Document review and approvals shall be recorded in the table below;

Description| Ti t l e| S i g na ture| Date
Prepared By| | |
Reviewed By| | |
Approved By| | |

Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.

State Compliances (7 NMAC 13.2.28)

Actions to be taken in case of accidents or emergencies involving a participant
[Agency Name] is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all participants in accordance with the regulations of the New Mexico Adult Day Care Facilities. This policy outlines our procedures for dealing with accidents or emergencies  involving our participants.


  1. Emergency Response Plan: [Agency Name] has an emergency response plan that outlines procedures for dealing with accidents or emergencies involving participants. This plan is regularly reviewed and updated as needed.
  2. First Aid and CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Training: All staff members are trained in first aid and CPR. Staff members are required to maintain current certification in these areas.
  3. Emergency Contact Information: [Agency Name] maintains up-to-date emergency contact information for all participants. This information is easily accessible to staff members in case of an emergency.
  4. Accident and Incident Reporting: [Agency Name] has procedures in place for reporting accidents or incidents involving participants. Staff members are required to report any accidents or incidents to their supervisor immediately.
  5. Documentation and Reporting: [Agency Name] maintains documentation of all accidents and incidents involving participants. This documentation includes the date, time, location, and nature of the accident or incident, as well as any action taken.
  6. Emergency Medical Services: In case of a medical emergency, staff members will call 911 and request an ambulance. Staff members will remain with the participant until emergency medical services arrive.
  7. Participant Notification: If a participant is involved in an accident or emergency, staff members will notify the participant’s emergency contact as soon as possible.
  8. Staff Notification: If a staff member is involved in an accident or emergency, the executive director or designee will be notified immediately.
  9. Follow-Up Procedures: [Agency Name] will follow up with the participant, their emergency contact, and any relevant authorities as necessary after an accident or emergency. This may include a review of the incident and any necessary changes to policies or  procedures.
  10. Training and Education: [Agency Name] will provide ongoing training and education to staff members on emergency preparedness and response.
  11. Review and Evaluation: [Agency Name] will regularly review and evaluate our emergency preparedness and response procedures to ensure they are up-to-date and effective.

Staff Fire and Safety Training
[Agency Name] is committed to ensuring the safety of all participants and staff members. To achieve this, the facility will provide staff with regular training and instruction on fire and safety procedures. All staff

members are required to participate in training and drills, as outlined below:

A. Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Procedures Training
All staff members must know the location of fire extinguishers and be instructed in proper use, and all other procedures to be observed in case of fire or other emergencies. The facility will request the local fire prevention authority to give periodic instruction in  fire prevention and techniques of evacuation.

B. Safety Hazard Detection and Elimination
Staff members must be instructed as part of their duties to constantly strive to detect and eliminate potential safety hazards, such as loose handrails, frayed electrical cords, blocked exits or exit ways, and any other condition which could cause burns, falls, or  other personal injury to the participants or staff.

C. Fire Drills
The facility will conduct at least one fire drill each month, held at different times of the day. The fire alarm system or detector system in the facility shall be used in the conduct of fire drills. Emphasis must be placed upon orderly evacuation under proper  discipline rather than upon speed. A record of fire drills held must be maintained on file in the facility. Such record must show the date and time of the drill, number of personnel participating in the drill, and any problem noted during the drill. The local fire  department should be requested to supervise and participate in fire drills.

D. Fire Evacuation Plan
Each facility must have a fire evacuation plan conspicuously posted in the facility, and all staff must be familiar with the evacuation plan.

A. Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Procedures Training

  1. All new staff members will be trained on the location of fire extinguishers and emergency procedures during their orientation.
  2. The facility will conduct regular refresher training on fire extinguisher use and emergency procedures, at least once a year.
  3. All staff members will be required to participate in the training.
  4. The facility will request the local fire prevention authority to provide periodic instruction in fire prevention and techniques of evacuation.

B. Safety Hazard Detection and Elimination

  1. Staff members will be instructed during their orientation as part of their duties to constantly strive to detect and eliminate potential safety hazards.
  2. Supervisors will conduct regular inspections of the facility to identify potential safety hazards.
  3. All staff members are required to report any safety hazards they detect to their supervisor immediately.

C. Fire Drills

  1. The facility will conduct at least one fire drill each month, held at different times of the day.
  2. The fire alarm system or detector system in the facility shall be used in the conduct of fire drills.
  3. Emphasis must be placed upon orderly evacuation under proper discipline rather than upon speed.
  4. A record of fire drills held must be maintained on file in the facility. Such record must show the date and time of the drill, number of personnel participating in the drill, and any problem noted during the drill.
  5. The local fire department should be requested to supervise and participate in fire drills.

D. Fire Evacuation Plan

  1. The facility will have a fire evacuation plan conspicuously posted in the facility.
  2. All staff members will be required to review the evacuation plan during their orientation and annually during refresher training.
  3. The evacuation plan will be reviewed and updated as necessary by the facility’s management.

Emergency Information
[Agency Name] recognizes the importance of having emergency information for each participant to ensure their safety and wellbeing while attending our adult day care agency. The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedures for collecting, storing, and  using emergency information.


  1. Collection of Information: a. All participants must provide emergency information upon admission to [Agency Name]. b. Emergency information includes any allergies, medical conditions, and current medications that the participant may have. c. The  responsible party for the participant must provide the name and telephone number of two emergency contacts who can be reached in case of an emergency when the responsible party cannot be reached. d. The responsible party for the participant must  provide the name and telephone number of the participant’s physician or authorized emergency medical facility to be contacted in case of an emergency or illness. e.
    The responsible party must provide written permission for emergency medical transportation and consent for medical treatment in case of an emergency.

  2. Storage of Information: a. The emergency information for each participant will be stored in their participant file, which is kept in a secure location in [Agency Name]. b. The emergency information will only be accessed by authorized staff members who  require it to provide care for the participant. c. The emergency information will be kept up to date and reviewed annually or when any changes occur.

  3. Use of Information: a. In case of an emergency, staff members will immediately refer to the participant’s emergency information to determine appropriate action. b. If emergency medical transportation is required, staff members will contact the emergency  contacts and the authorized emergency medical facility. c. If the participant’s condition is life-threatening, staff members will immediately call 911 and provide emergency medical assistance until the ambulance arrives.

  4. Confidentiality: a. All emergency information will be kept confidential and will only be shared with authorized staff members who require it to provide care for the participant. b. The participant and their responsible party have the right to access their  emergency information upon request.

  5. Review: a. This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to comply with state guidelines and regulations.

Reporting suspected adult abuse or neglect

[Agency Name] is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all participants in accordance with the regulations of the New Mexico Adult Day Care Facilities. This policy outlines our procedures for reporting suspected adult abuse or neglect in  compliance with 7 NMAC 13.2.


  1. Reporting Requirements: [Agency Name] staff members are required to report any suspected adult abuse or neglect to the New Mexico Adult Protective Services (APS) Division as mandated by the state law.
  2. Staff Training: All staff members receive training on identifying and reporting suspected adult abuse or neglect as a part of their orientation and ongoing training sessions.
  3. Documenting Incidents: Staff members are required to document any suspected or observed abuse or neglect, including details such as the date, time, location, and nature of the incident. All documentation should be thorough, clear, and objective, without  assumptions or judgments.
  4. Confidentiality: [Agency Name] ensures confidentiality of the reporting staff members and the victim of the suspected abuse or neglect. The agency does not share any information regarding the report unless legally mandated to do so.
  5. Reporting to Adult Protective Services (APS): Staff members will contact the New Mexico APS Division immediately after discovering suspected adult abuse or neglect. Staff members will provide the necessary information and documentation to the APS  Division and will comply with any requests or requirements made by APS during the investigation.
  6. Reporting to Authorities: In case of an emergency or immediate danger, staff members will contact local law enforcement and emergency services.
  7. Follow-Up Procedures: [Agency Name] will follow up with the participant and the family members (if applicable) after reporting the incident to the APS Division. The agency will provide any necessary support and assistance during the investigation  process.
  8. Staff Protection: [Agency Name] ensures that the staff members who report suspected adult abuse or neglect are protected against any retaliation or discrimination as per the law.
  9. Review and Evaluation: [Agency Name] will regularly review and evaluate our reporting procedures to ensure they are up-to-date and effective.

By following these procedures, [Agency Name] will fulfill its obligation to report suspected adult abuse or neglect in compliance with the New Mexico regulations and ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.

Admission and disenrollment of participants

[Agency Name] is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all participants in accordance with the regulations of the New Mexico Adult Day Care Facilities. This policy outlines our procedures for the admission and disenrollment of  participants in compliance with 7 NMAC 13.2.


  1. Admissions Criteria: [Agency Name] accepts participants who are at least 18 years of age and meet the eligibility requirements set by the New Mexico Adult Day Care Facilities. Participants must have a completed application and a physician’s statement  indicating they are able to participate in the program.
  2. Enrollment Process: The enrollment process includes an orientation session for the participant and their caregiver. The orientation covers the program’s policies and procedures, participant expectations, and any necessary medical information. The enrollment process also includes a tour of the facility.
  3. Assessment: Each participant’s needs and preferences are assessed prior to admission. This assessment helps to ensure that the program can meet the participant’s needs and helps to develop an individualized care plan.
  4. Individualized Care Plan: [Agency Name] develops an individualized care plan for each participant that addresses their specific needs and preferences. The care plan is reviewed regularly and updated as needed.
  5. Fees and Payments: [Agency Name] provides information on fees and payment options during the enrollment process. The program accepts private pay, Medicaid, and other third-party payment sources.
  6. Disenrollment: [Agency Name] reserves the right to disenroll a participant if they pose a threat to themselves or others, if their behavior is disruptive, if they fail to pay fees, or if they no longer meet the eligibility requirements for the program. The  disenrollment process includes a meeting with the participant and their caregiver to discuss the reasons for disenrollment.
  7. Transfer: If a participant’s needs cannot be met by [Agency Name], the program will assist in finding an alternative program that can better meet their needs.
  8. Grievance and Appeal Process: [Agency Name] provides a grievance and appeal process for participants and their caregivers who are dissatisfied with the program’s services or decisions.
  9. Review and Evaluation: [Agency Name] will regularly review and evaluate our admission and disenrollment procedures to ensure they are up-to-date and effective.

By following these procedures, [Agency Name] will ensure that participants are appropriately admitted to the program and receive individualized care. The disenrollment process will be handled with sensitivity and fairness to participants and their caregivers.

This is only a preview of the Original Document
For inquiries or assistance, please reach out to us at
Document Classification: Confidential_ [AGENCY NAME]


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