CarePolicy Group Home Policy and Procedures User Guide

May 15, 2024


CarePolicy Group Home Policy and Procedures

Version 1.0
[Month, Year]

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Group Home Policy and Procedures

Copyright [Year] © [Agency Name]
Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be utilized, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

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Welcome to the Policy and Procedure Manual for [AGENCY NAME]’ Group Home in Maryland. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide outlining the policies, procedures, and guidelines that govern our agency’s operations and ensure the provision of high- quality care and support to our residents.
[AGENCY NAME] is a trusted agency dedicated to providing exceptional services to individuals in need of residential care. Our Group Home, located in the beautiful state of Maryland, is committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where residents  can thrive and achieve their personal goals.
Our Policy and Procedure Manual is designed to ensure consistency, transparency, and compliance with state regulations, including those set forth by the Maryland Department of Health. It outlines the standards and protocols that govern our operations,  promoting a culture of excellence and accountability within our organization.
Within this manual, you will find detailed information on various aspects of our Group Home, including resident rights, staff responsibilities, health and safety protocols, individualized care plans, documentation procedures, and incident reporting. Each policy  and procedure has been carefully crafted to uphold the highest standards of care and to meet the unique needs of our residents.
We recognize the importance of continuous improvement and ongoing staff training. As such, this manual also provides guidance on staff development and training programs to ensure that our team members are equipped with the knowledge and skills  necessary to provide the best possible care to our residents.
At [AGENCY NAME], we prioritize the well-being and independence of our residents. We are committed to maintaining a supportive and inclusive environment that respects individual dignity, promotes personal growth, and fosters community integration. Our  policies and procedures reflect these values and aim to empower our residents to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.
We encourage all staff members to familiarize themselves with the contents of this manual and to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined within. Any updates or revisions to these policies will be communicated promptly to ensure that we maintain a  culture of continuous improvement and compliance with state regulations.
We extend our gratitude to the dedicated staff members who work tirelessly to provide exceptional care, and we express our appreciation to the residents and their families for entrusting us with their well-being.
Together, we strive to create a warm and supportive home environment that promotes growth, independence, and a sense of belonging.

Vision and Mission Statements

Vision Statement:
At [AGENCY NAME]’ Group Home in Maryland, our vision is to be the leading provider of person-centered and compassionate support services for individuals in need of residential care. We envision a community where every resident feels valued, empowered,  and able to live a fulfilling and independent life. Through our commitment to excellence, innovation, and individualized care, we strive to create a nurturing home environment that fosters growth, dignity, and community integration.

Mission Statement:
Our mission at [AGENCY NAME]’ Group Home in Maryland is to provide exceptional support and care to individuals with a focus on promoting their overall well-being and independence. We are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing  environment where residents can thrive and reach their full potential. Our person-centered approach ensures that each individual’s unique needs, preferences, and goals are recognized and respected. By fostering meaningful connections, providing  comprehensive services, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, we aim to empower our residents to lead fulfilling lives and actively participate in their community.


  1. Compassion: We approach our work with genuine empathy, compassion, and kindness, recognizing the inherent dignity and worth of each individual we serve. We strive to understand and respond to their unique needs and challenges with sensitivity and  respect.

  2. Person-Centered Care: We prioritize the individual’s goals, preferences, and choices, placing them at the center of our care and decision-making processes. We believe in promoting their autonomy, self-determination, and overall well-being by tailoring our  services to meet their specific needs.

  3. Excellence: We are committed to delivering high-quality services that meet or exceed industry standards. We continuously strive for excellence in all aspects of our operations, including staff training, program development, and the provision of a safe and  supportive living environment.

  4. Collaboration: We value open communication, teamwork, and collaboration among our staff, residents, families, and community partners. By working together, we can create a harmonious and inclusive community that fosters growth, learning, and mutual  support.

  5. Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards and integrity in our interactions, ensuring transparency, honesty, and accountability in all our actions. We prioritize the well-being and best interests of our residents, maintaining confidentiality and  privacy at all times.

  6. Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals to exercise their rights, make informed decisions, and actively participate in their care and community life. We provide the necessary resources, support, and opportunities for personal growth, self- advocacy, and independence.

  7. Continuous Improvement: We embrace a culture of continuous learning and improvement, seeking opportunities to enhance our services, policies, and practices. We are dedicated to staying informed about best practices, incorporating feedback, and adapting to the evolving needs of our residents and the broader community.

  8. Inclusion and Diversity: We embrace and celebrate the diversity of our residents, staff, and community. We are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment that respects and values individuals of all backgrounds, cultures, abilities, and  identities.

  9. Safety and Well-being: We prioritize the physical, emotional, and psychological safety and wellbeing of our residents.
    We maintain a secure and nurturing environment, adhering to all safety regulations and implementing comprehensive risk management strategies.

  10. Advocacy: We are advocates for the rights and needs of the individuals we serve, promoting their inclusion, equal access, and social justice within the community. We strive to raise awareness, challenge stigma, and actively participate in advocacy efforts  that benefit our residents and advance the field of developmental disabilities support services.

Document Control

Document revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

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Document review and approvals shall be recorded in the table below;

Description| Ti t l e| S i g na ture| Date
Prepared By| | |
Reviewed By| | |
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Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.

Statement of Policy

[AGENCY NAME] is committed to providing exceptional and person-centered care within our group home setting in accordance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by the State of Maryland. Our policies and procedures are designed to ensure the safety,  well-being, and quality of life for each resident we serve.
We strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that promotes independence, dignity, and individual choice.

  1. Resident Rights and Dignity: a. We respect and uphold the rights of our residents, including the right to privacy, dignity, and freedom from coercion and restraint. b. We promote a culture of respect, actively fostering an environment that values diversity,  inclusivity, and nondiscrimination.

  2. Person-Centered Care: a. We recognize the unique needs and preferences of each resident, and our services are tailored to meet their individual goals and aspirations. b. We empower residents to actively participate in their care planning, decision-making,  and the development of their personalized service plans.

  3. Health and Safety: a. We maintain a safe and secure environment that complies with all applicable health, safety, and licensing regulations. b. We implement comprehensive risk management strategies to mitigate potential hazards and ensure the well- being of our residents and staff.

  4. Staff Training and Competency: a. We invest in the professional development of our staff, providing ongoing training to ensure they possess the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the diverse needs of our residents. b. We promote a culture of  continuous learning, encouraging staff to stay updated on best practices and emerging trends in the field of developmental disabilities support.

  5. Communication and Collaboration: a. We foster open and effective communication among staff, residents, families, and relevant stakeholders to ensure the coordination and continuity of care.
    b. We collaborate with external service providers and community resources to enhance the support and opportunities available to our residents.

  6. Quality Assurance and Improvement: a. We maintain a robust quality assurance program that includes regular monitoring, evaluation, and feedback mechanisms to identify areas for improvement and ensure the delivery of high-quality services. b. We  actively seek resident and family input, incorporating their feedback into our continuous improvement efforts.

  7. Compliance with Regulations: a. We adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, as well as the guidelines established by the Maryland Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Administration, and the Community Settings Rule- Ongoing Implementation Guidance.
    b. We regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Through our commitment to these policies, [AGENCY NAME] strives to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where residents can thrive, achieve their goals, and live fulfilling lives within the group home setting.

Home and Community-Based Setting Requirements

  1. Purpose:
    [AGENCY NAME] recognizes the importance of complying with the Home and Community-Based Setting requirements outlined in the state regulations and guidelines. This policy ensures that participants in our group home have access to a residential  setting that promotes integration, choice, privacy, dignity, and independence. The policy outlines the procedures for meeting the specific requirements and documenting any modifications made to these conditions in the participants’ person-centered  service plans (PCSP).

  2. Integrated and Accessible Setting:
    2.1 The residential setting provided by [AGENCY NAME] must be integrated into the greater community, ensuring full access for individuals receiving Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
    2.2 The setting enables participants to seek employment and work in competitive integrated settings, engage in community life, control personal resources, and receive services in the community to the same degree as individuals not receiving Medicaid  HCBS.
    2.3 Participants have the option to select the setting that best suits their needs, preferences, and available resources. These options are identified and documented in the participants’ PCSP.

  3. Privacy, Dignity, and Independence:
    3.1 Participants in the residential setting are entitled to their rights of privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion and restraint.
    3.2 The setting optimizes individual initiative, autonomy, and independence in making life choices, including daily activities, physical environment, and social interactions.
    3.3 Individuals have the freedom to choose the services and supports they receive, as well as the providers delivering those services.

  4. Provider-Owned or Controlled Residential Setting:
    4.1 For provider-owned or controlled residential settings, in addition to the general qualities mentioned above, the following conditions must be met:
    (A) Each participant’s unit or dwelling is a specific physical place that can be owned, rented, or occupied under a legally enforceable agreement.
    (B) Participants have privacy in their sleeping or living units, which includes:
    • Units with entrance doors that are lockable by the individual, with appropriate staff having access through keys as needed.
    • Participants have the option to choose roommates.
    • Participants have the freedom to furnish and decorate their sleeping or living units within the lease or other agreement.
    (C) Individuals have the freedom and support to control their own schedules and activities, including access to food at any time.
    (D) Participants can have visitors of their choosing at any time.
    (E) The residential setting is physically accessible to the individual.

  5. Modifications and Documentation:
    5.1 Any modification to the additional conditions for provider-owned or controlled residential settings must be supported by a specific assessed need and justified in the PCSP.
    5.2 The following requirements must be documented in the PCSP for modifications:
    • Identification of the specific and individualized assessed need.
    • Documentation of positive interventions and supports attempted prior to modifying the PCSP.
    • Description of less intrusive methods attempted but found ineffective.
    • Clear description of the condition directly proportional to the assessed need.
    • Collection and review of data to measure the ongoing effectiveness of the modification.
    • Established time limits for periodic reviews to determine the necessity or termination of the modification.
    • Informed consent of the individual.
    • Assurance that interventions and support will not cause harm to the individual.

  6. Exclusion of Institutional Settings:
    6.1 Home and community-based settings do not include nursing facilities, institutions for mental diseases, intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities, hospitals providing long-term care services, or any other settings determined  by the Secretary to have qualities of an institutional setting.
    6.2 Any setting that may be considered institutional due to its location or effects on isolating individuals receiving Medicaid HCBS from the broader community will be presumed to have institutional qualities unless determined otherwise through  heightened scrutiny by the Secretary.

  7. Compliance:
    [AGENCY NAME] will ensure compliance with the Home and Community-Based Setting requirements outlined in the state regulations and guidelines. We will regularly review and update our policies and procedures to align with any changes in the  requirements to maintain the highest standards of care and support for our participants.

Site Compliance and Accessibility Policy

Policy Statement:
[AGENCY NAME] (the Agency) is committed to ensuring that all residential and non-residential sites operated by the organization comply with the Federal Home and Community-Based Settings Rule and meet the accessibility requirements set forth by the state  of Maryland. This policy establishes guidelines and procedures to ensure that new and existing sites adhere to the necessary compliance standards and provide accessible services to individuals with developmental disabilities.

  1. Determining Site Compliance:
    a. Providers must notify their Regional Office Provider Services (RO PS) liaison via email upon obtaining property for a new site or completing the DDA Addendum Application for a capacity increase for an existing site.
    b. The RO PS staff will schedule a site visit within 14 business days to assess compliance.
    c. The provider will receive the New Site Inspection Form ahead of the visit to prepare for the assessment.
    d. Following the visit, a completed form will be saved in the provider’s folder in the DDA Google Shared Drive.
    e. If the new site is intended for emergency placement, the provider should request an expedited inspection process by contacting their RO Provider Services Director via email.

  2. Non-Compliant Sites:
    a. PS staff will offer technical assistance to address non-compliance issues and facilitate resolution.
    This may include sharing relevant examples, reviewing the New Site Visit CSR inspection document, and reviewing policies and procedures.
    b. Compliance with the Statewide New Site and CSR Compliance Tracker document in the DDA Google Shared Drive will be documented by each Regional Office (RO).
    c. Upon successful completion of the new site visit, RO PS Staff will submit the compliant New Site Inspection Form and DDA Addendum Application for a Current Licensee to the Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ) to initiate the site licensure process.  The completed pack must be sent to OHCQ within 14 business days of completion.

  3. Compliance with Home and Community-Based Settings Rule:
    a. All DDA Medicaid providers and sites must be in compliance with the Federal Home and Community-Based Settings Rule by March 17, 2023, and ongoing.
    b. The Community Support Specialist (CCS) will conduct site visits based on the person’s annual PCP Annual Plan Date (APD) or within 30 days of a person moving to a new residential or nonresidential site.
    c. The CCS’s site visit will be coordinated with the site manager or supervisor, and relevant documentation, such as lease agreements, provider logs, and activity notes, will be reviewed to assist in completing the Community Support Questionnaire (CSQ).
    d. Upon completion, the CCS will discuss the CSQ findings with the site manager or supervisor and enter the CSQ into LTSSMaryland. A non-compliant CSQ should not delay the approval/processing of a Person-Centered Plan (PCP).
    e. CSQ results may be communicated with applicable management team members as requested by provider agency leadership.
    f. The Statewide Director of Provider Services will pull CSQ compliance data every two weeks for review and save the data in the Google Shared Drive.
    g. The CSQ Validation Committee, chaired by the Statewide Director of Provider Services, will review all non-compliant CSQs bi-weekly. The committee will assess previous non-compliant CSQs, review new data sets, and consider expedited review  requests.
    h. Validated compliant CSQs will require the CCS to complete a new CSQ in LTSSMaryland to reflect the revision within 14 business days.
    i. Non-compliant CSQs will receive technical assistance from the PS liaison, and if compliance is achieved, a new CSQ must be completed within 14 business days.
    j. The PS team will track and monitor initial areas of non-compliance, document provided technical assistance, and identify statewide trends using the Statewide New Site and CSR Compliance Tracker.
    k. The DDA Statewide Director of Provider Services will validate CSQ non- compliance data, crosscheck regional tracking, and send the information to the Office of Long-Term Supports and Services (OLTSS) for review and processing.
    l. OLTSS will issue non-compliance letters to providers within 30 days of receipt of the information, allowing 30 days for remediation. DDA and Medicaid will offer support and technical assistance during the remediation process.

  4. Site Accessibility:
    a. The Agency ensures that participants are not required to receive services or share staff with other locations. Individuals have the right to choose where and from whom they receive services.
    b. Participants are not obligated to participate in community activities with individuals from other sites.
    c. If a site has security codes or key fobs, individuals should be able to access them. In cases where individuals are unable to access the codes or fobs, the team will address this by providing necessary support and training to ensure their ability to use the  security measures effectively.

This is only a preview of the Original Document
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Document Classification: Confidential

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