OG-US-5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional Universal Scaler User Manual

June 16, 2024

OG-US-5000 User Manual

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler-

APANTAC openGear
UHD (HDMI 2.0 and 12G SDI) Bi-directional
Universal Scaler with Genlock
User Manual
Updated: Aug 2023


  • OGX/OG3 card-based form factor
  • Dashboard control enabled
  • Supports HDMI 2.0 and 12G SDI inputs
  • Supports HDMI 2.0 and 12G SDI outputs
  • Supports 8 channels of HDMI audio to SDI and vise versa
  •  Supports Genlock via openGear frame
  • Scales any SDI input resolution to HDMI and SDI
  • Scales any HDMI input resolutions to HDMI and SDI
  •  SDI output supports 1080P, UHD (2160P), and 4K-DCI in 50 and 59.94Hz
  • HDMI output support 1080P in 50, 59.94Hz, UHD (2160P) in 30, 50, 59.94Hz, and 4K-DCI in 50 and 59.94Hz.
  • Low power consumption – < 25W
  •  5 year limited warranty


1 x OG-US-5000-MB, main board
1 x OG-US-5000-RM, rear module
1 x 75 ohm Terminator
1 x Screw and washer

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- board


Card Installation
Install the Apantac OG-US-5000 rear module (RM). Secure with the included screw and washer.
Insert main board in the appropriate slot to match the RM card edge connector. Insure the main board is firmly seated into the RM connector.
Note: Apantac rear modules typically occupy two openGear card slots. The slot the main board will utilize depends on the position of the card edge connector on the rear module, which varies by model.

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Card Installation

Output Video – SDI
Connect the SDI output to the receiving/down-stream equipment.
If only one output is to be used, terminate the unused SDI output with the included 75-ohm BNC terminator.
Output Video – HDMI
Connect the HDMI output to the receiving/down-stream equipment using a UHD/4K HDMI cable.
HDMI extenders which draw power from the HDMI port must comply with HDMI power specifications.
Input Video – SDI
Connect an SDI video source to the SDI video input BNC connector using 12G capable 75ohm SDI cable.
Input Video – HDMI
Connect an HDMI video source to the HDMI video input connector with any UHD/4K HDMI cable.


  • The OG-US-5000 video input is not auto-detecting. The unit must be configured to identify which video input source is to be processed (HDMI or SDI).
  • For HDMI sources containing content protection (HDCP) contact Apantac technical support.


OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Indicators

SDI Input Status Indicator:

  • Blinking-green* when the OG-US-5000 has recognized and locked on to the SDI video input signal.
  • Solid green, no signal recognition.

HDMI Input Status Indicator:

  • Blinking-green* when the OG-US-5000 has recognized and locked on to the HDMI video input signal.
  • Solid green, no signal recognition.
  •  Indicators may function differently depending on firmware revisions.

Control and Configuration:

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Control

The Apantac OG-US-5000 model is controlled and configured through the openGear frame’s control software ‘Dashboard’ by Ross Video inc. Dashboard can be acquired through the Ross Video website; https://www.rossvideo.com
Dashboard software runs on PC’s and connects to the openGear frame’s control card via Ethernet. The IP address of the openGear frame is displayed on the LCD panel on the front of the frame.
The openGear frame may have a fixed IP address or use DHCP. The openGear frame’s control card communicates to the individual openGear cards via the frame’s internal CANBUS (Controlled Area Network). CANBUS communicates to the frame’s slots and all control and configuration of the OG-US-5000 cards is through the DashboardCANBUS channels.
The Apantac OG-US-5000 Dashboard interface is shown above. Each Apantac OG- US-5000 card should be recognized by Dashboard and displayed by the installed slot number.

Product Tab

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Product Tab

The Product tab is informational only. There are no settings or options.
‘Software Rev’, ‘FPGA Version’, and ‘Firmware Rev’ items indicate the currently installed firmware of the OG-US-5000. These values should appear as dates similar to shown above. If they show as ‘0’ or not at all, this may indicate a hardware failure, power cycle the card and check whether firmware numbers are restored.
Software Rev: This is the firmware of the OG-US-5000’s Dashboard User Interface.
FPGA Version and Firmware Rev: This is the firmware of the OG-US-5000’s video processor.

Signal Tab:

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Signal Tab

Unit Status Indicators:
Card State: Indicates whether Dashboard software detects an error state from the card. If ANY of the Signal tab indicators are red, then the card state will show red. NOTE: this includes lack of gen-lock even when the genl-lock feature is disabled.
Connection: Indicates whether Dashboard software is communicating via CANBUS with the card.
Signal Status Indicators:
Input Signal: Indicates whether the OG-US-5000 has detected and locked-on to the incoming video signal (either SDI input or HDMI input, as configured).
SDI Output: Indicates whether the OG-US-5000 is generating an SDI video signal on the outputs. Requires a successful Input Video Signal lock.
Reference: Indicates the OG-US-5000 is receiving a valid genlock reference signal.
Lock Status: Indicates whether the SDI output video signal is locked to the genlock reference signal.

Configuration Tab:

The OG-US-5000’s video input is not auto-detecting. The card must be configured for which input to process.
The mode choices are:

  • SDI to SDI conversion; chooses the SDI video input signal for conversion to both HDMI and SDI outputs.
  • HDMI to SDI conversion; chooses the HDMI video input signal for conversion to both HDMI and SDI outputs. (For HDMI sources requiring HDCP, contact Apantac Technical Support.)
  • Test Signals; generates a color-bar test pattern on the SDI outputs.

SDI Output Format:
This option configures the resolutions and refresh rate of the SDI output video signal.
Options are:

  • 4K-UHD @ 59.94 Hz
  • 4K-UHD @ 50 Hz
  • 4K-DCI @ 59.94 Hz
  • 4K-DCI @ 50 Hz
  • 1080p @ 59.94 Hz
  • 1080p @ 50 Hz

HDMI Output Format:
This option configures the resolutions and refresh rate of the HDMI output video signal.
Options are:

  • 4K-UHD @ 59.94 Hz
  • 4K-UHD @ 50 Hz
  • 4K-DCI @ 59.94 Hz
  • 4K-DCI @ 50 Hz
  • 2160p @ 30 Hz
  • 1080p @ 59.94 Hz
  • 1080p @ 50 Hz

Embedded Audio:
This option configures the SDI video output signal. Options are:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled (outputs SDI/HDMI video without audio)

Factory Reset:
Resets all configuration parameters to the Factory Default settings.

Genlock Tab:

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Genlock Tab

Genlock Position – Vertical:
The vertical offset can be adjusted using either moving the slider bar control with a mouse, or by the up or down arrow buttons adjacent to the number on the right of the slider bar.
Genlock Position – Horizontal:
The horizontal offset can be adjusted using either moving the slider bar control with a mouse, or by the up or down arrow buttons adjacent to the number on the right of the slider bar.
The OG-US-5000 model includes the feature of locking the output video signal timing to the openGear frame’s reference signal. This feature can be Enabled or Disabled. (Also refer to the Signal tab section)


1. Genlock adjustments may require the use of external test equipment.

Display Tab:

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Display Tab

Extended Display ID (EDID):
The HDMI video input port of the US-5000 includes a programmable EDID. DVI and HDMI sources will read this EDID and detect the US-5000 as a monitor. The US-5000 EDID can be set to the generic, factory set EDID or it can copy the EDID of any monitor attached to its HDMI output.

To copy the EDID of a monitor:

  • Connect the US-5000’s HDMI video output port to an input of the desired monitor or equipment which contains the EDID you wish to copy. Monitor or equipment should be powered on.
  • Disconnect both the HDMI and the SDI video inputs to the US-5000. (the unit must be idle)
  • Pull and reseat the US-5000 to power-cycle and reboot the unit. Wait 30 seconds for boot to complete.
  • Click the “Read EDID from current display” option on this tab page.
  • The EDID Status line will indicate the EDID is being copied, and then return to ‘ready’.

To reset the EDID to its factory default:

  • Disconnect both the HDMI and the SDI video inputs to the US-5000. (the unit must be idle)
  •  Pull and reseat the US-5000 to power-cycle and reboot the unit. Wait 30 seconds for boot to complete.
  • Click the “Reset to default” option on this tab page.
  •  The EDID Status line will indicate the EDID is being reset, and then return to ‘ready’.

Network Tab:

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- Network Tab

Networking Functions:
The primary function of networking is for when this model is used within a stand-alone chassis outside of the openGear frame. The network connection is also used for certain firmware updates.
Recent firmware includes an option for enabling/disabling the networking functions. Networking is disabled in the default/factory configuration.

To change networking parameters:

  • Make any desired changes on the Network Tab on the right side of the Dashboard screen. After making a change in one text field, click on another field.
  • Pull and reseat the US-5000 to power-cycle and reboot the unit. The Ethernet adapter of the card usually requires a power-cycle to make network changes effective.
    Note: to utilize Ethernet networking directly to the Apantac OG-US-5000 the openGear frame must have an ‘Advanced Networking’ control card. This control card includes an internal Ethernet switch in addition to the openGear’s standard CANBUS communications utilized by the Dashboard software. The control card resides in slot 0 of the frame and will have an ‘N’ in the model number to indicate advanced networking.

Network (continued):
Enabling or Disabling the Ethernet connection:
A recent firmware update has added the feature of enabling and disabling the ethernet adapter within the OG-US5000 card. Since the ethernet networking feature is generally only used for firmware updating, the default is that the ethernet connection is disabled. In addition the OG-US-5000 recently had the circuit board revised. How to enable the Ethernet connection therefore will depend on which circuit board version you own.
Version R1.3:
Enabling or Disabling the Ethernet connection only applies if the card has Software Rev. firmware 2022-0904 or newer. To enable Networking, locate the 10-pin header labeled J1 and connect together pin-6 and pin -10 using a jumper cable.

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- connection

Version R2.0:
To enable Networking, locate the SW2 dip switch and set switch #2 to ON = enable, OFF = disable (default).

OG US 5000 APANTAC Opengear UHD HDMI 2.0 And 12G SDI Bi Directional
Universal Scaler- connection2


HDMI video involves three requirements that may cause issues; Hot-Plug, EDID, and HDCP.
Hot-Plug (5-Volt and Hot-Plug lines):
Also known as Hot-Plug-Detect, HDMI cables utilize two separate wires to perform this ‘hand-shake’ between the source and the sink (OG-US-5000). The source provides 5-volts on pin 18, the 5-volt pin. In response the sink provides 5-volts on pin 19, the Hot Plug Detect pin.
EDID (External Display IDentification):
The HDMI input port of the OG-US-5000 provides EDID to your source equipment. This EDID can be the factory default or the user may copy an EDID from a monitor or downstream equipment.
The source reads EDID from the OG-US-5000 through the DDC (Display Data Channel) wire of the HDMI cable.
This DDC channel utilizes a version of the I²C communications protocol. Typically the EDID is read after the HDMI cable is plugged into the monitor or when the source boots up.
Most HDMI sources adjust themselves according to the EDID they see from the equipment they are connected to. For instance; if you connect the source to a monitor it may display fine because it is producing a signal appropriate for that monitor. When you move the source cable from that monitor to the OG- US-5000 it may very well change the signal it is outputting because it is now seeing a different EDID. Changing the OG-US-5000 EDID is one method of changing, or controlling, your source’s video signal.
See the “Display Tab” section for instruction on changing the EDID.
If you do not have an appropriate monitor to copy EDID from, Apantac Technical Support can assist with procuring or customizing an EDID.

HDCP (High Definition Content Protection):
If you suspect HDCP may be the cause of your issues please contact Apantac Technical Support. Our telephone number can be found on our website.
Audio issues:
Audio issues can generally be resolved by changing settings within your source equipment or by changing the OGUS-5000’s EDID. Most Blu-ray players for example have configuration settings pertaining to their audio output, changing these from Dolby to PCM can often alleviate problems. EDID can include audio requirements. Changing the EDID may change the audio signal or audio protocol the source provides.


Input HDMI   or   SDI
Output HDMI and SDI
SDI Output YUV 422, 10-Bit
HDMI Output RGB 444, 8-bit
Genlock Analog black burst via the openGear frame
Control Dashboard
SDI video ports HD-BNC (high density BNC connector size)

Supported HDMI Input Resolutions
4K ( 4092×2160)| 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60 Hz
UHD (3840×2160)| 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60 Hz
1080p (1920×1080)| 23.98, 24, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, 60 Hz
1080i  (interlaced)| 50, 59.94, 60 Hz
720p| 50, 59.94, 60 Hz
576p, 576i (PAL)| 50 Hz
480p, 480i (NTSC)| 59.94 Hz

All rights reserved by APANTA LCC, Portland, Oregon, USA. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from the product manufacturer. Changes are periodically made to the information in this document. They will be incorporated in subsequent editions. The product manufacturer may make improvements and /or changes in the product described in this document at any time. All the registered trademarks referred to this manual are belonging to their respective companies.

Apantac LLC (herein after referred to as “Apantac”) warrants to the original purchaser of the products manufactured by Apantac (the “Product,”) will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of three (3) year from the date of shipment of the Product to the purchaser.  If the Product proves to be defective during the three (3) year warranty period, the purchaser’s exclusive remedyand Apantac’s sole obligation under this warranty is expressly limited, at Apantac’s sole option, to: a) repair the defective Product without charge for parts and labor or, b) provide a replacement in exchange for the defective Product or, c) if after a reasonable time, is unable to correct the defect or provide a replacement Product in good working order, then the purchaser shall be entitled to recover damages subject to the limitation of liability set forth below.

Limitation of Liability
Apantac’s liability under this warranty shall not exceed the purchase price paid for the defective product. In no event shall Apantac be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages, including without limitation, loss of profits for any breachof this warranty.
If Apantac replaces the defective Product with a replacement Product as provided under the terms of this Warranty, in no event will the term of the warranty on the replacement Product exceed the number of months remaining on the warranty covering the defective Product. Equipment manufactured by other suppliers and supplied by Apantac carries the respective manufacturer’s warranty. Apantac assumes no warranty responsibility either expressed or implied for equipment manufactured by others and supplied by Apantac. This hardware warranty shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage:
a) Caused by improper use of the Product or inadequate maintenance and care of the Product;
b) Resulting from attempts by those other than Apantac representatives to install, repair, or service the Product;
c) Caused by installation of the Product in a hostile operating environment or connection of the Product to incompatible equipment;



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