LOREX W452AS Series 2K Wi-Fi Floodlight Security Camera Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

W452AS Series 2K Wi-Fi Floodlight Security Camera

Product Information


  • Product Series: W452AS Series
  • Mounting Plate
  • Mounting Anchors & Screws (x3)
  • Wire Caps (x3)
  • LED Panel
  • IR Light
  • Speaker
  • MicroSD Card Slot
  • Mounting Bracket
  • Rubber Plug
  • QR Code
  • PIR Sensor
  • Supply Voltage: 100-240 VAC 50/60Hz

Product Usage Instructions


If you are unsure of which breaker controls the circuit, then
turn off the main power switch. If you do not know where your
breaker is or how to turn off power, consult a licensed

Make sure the supply voltage is correct. 100-240 VAC 50/60Hz is

DO NOT connect the floodlight to a dimmer or timer.

NO conecte el reflector a un atenuador o

If you are not replacing a light fixture, you will need to run
power cabling to the install location, and purchase a UL listed
junction box for a licensed electrician to install.


  1. Remove the existing light fixture and bracket from the wall,
    and then disconnect the wires. Tip! Bend the power cables so they
    do not fall through the wall.

  2. Run the existing wires through the middle of the Mounting

  3. Place and align the Mounting Plate with the horizontal holes
    are level. Assurez-vous que les 2 trous horizontaux sont de

  4. Secure the Mounting Plate to the Junction Box using the
    included Junction Box screws.

Image reference


  1. Use the Wire Caps to connect the wires. Utilisez les capuchons
    de fil pour connecter les fils. Use los capuchones para conectar
    los cables.

    • a. Twist the Ground wire (green) to the ground wire.
    • b. Twist the Live wire (black) to the live wire.
    • c. Twist the Neutral wire (white) to the neutral wire.
  2. Carefully fit the wires back into the Junction Box.

  3. Slide the O-Rings onto the Machine Screws, and then use a
    Phillips-head screwdriver to secure the Mounting Bracket to the

  4. Ensure the Outer Ring is completely rotated

  5. Align the 2 grooves inside the Floodlight to the 2 posts on the
    inner sides of the Bracket, and then push the Floodlight into
    place. Ensure there are no gaps around the perimeter between the
    Floodlight and Bracket. Tip! Align the to the symbol on the

  6. Twist the Outer Ring clockwise until the and the symbols

  7. Tighten the pre-installed locking screw at the bottom of the
    Mounting Bracket.

  8. Remove the Rubber Plug at the bottom of the Floodlight.

  9. Adjust the camera and LED Panels to the desired position by
    loosening / tightening the screws on the LED panel arms and the

  10. Turn the power ON at the breaker. If the status indicator does
    not turn on, check that the wiring is correct.

  11. Add the Floodlight to the Lorex Home app.


How do I connect the wires using Wire Caps?

To connect the wires using Wire Caps:

  1. Twist the Ground wire (green) to the ground wire.
  2. Twist the Live wire (black) to the live wire.
  3. Twist the Neutral wire (white) to the neutral wire.

What should I do if the status indicator does not turn on after

turning on the power?

If the status indicator does not turn on after turning on the
power, check that the wiring is correct.

En / Fr / Es W452AS Series
Package Contents · Contenu de l’emballage · Contenido del paquete

2K Wired Floodlight Projecteur câblé 2K Reflector con cable 2K

Mounting Plate Plaque de montage Placa de montaje

Junction Box Screws (x2) Vis de boîte de jonction Tornillos de la caja de conexión

O-Rings (x5) Joints toriques Juntas tóricas

Mounting Anchors & Screws (x3) Ancrages de montage et vis
Anclajes de montaje y Tornillos

Machine Screws (x2) Vis de mécanique
Tornillos de máquina

Tools Needed Outils nécessaires Herramientas necesarias
· Drill Perceuse/Taladro
· Screwdriver Tournevis/Destornillador

Wire Caps (x3)
Capuchons de fil Tapas de cables

Short Machine Screws (x2) Vis mécaniques courtes
Tornillos de máquina cortos

Overview · Aperçu · Descripción general

1. LED Panel Panneau DEL/Panel led
2. IR Light Voyant IR/Luz IR
3. Camera Caméra/Cámara
4. Microphone Microphone/Micrófono
5. Speaker Haut-parleur/Altavoz
6. Status Indicator Indicateur d’état Indicador de estado
7. MicroSD Card Slot Fente pour carte MicroSD Ranura para tarjeta MicroSD
8. Reset Button Bouton de réinitialisation Botón de reinicio*
9. Mounting Bracket Support de montage Soporte de montaje
10. Floodlight Housing Boîtier du projecteur Carcasa delreflector
11. Security Screw Vis de sécurité Tornillo de seguridad
12. Rubber Plug Bouchon en caoutchouc Enchufe de goma




3 4





10 11 12 13

13. QR Code 14. PIR Sensor
Capteur passif à infrarouge Sensor PIR

Status Indicator · Indicateur d’état · Indicador de estado
Device Ready / Event detected Appareil prêt / Événement détecté Dispositivo listo / Evento detectado
Ready for network connection Prêt pour la connexion réseau / Lista para conectarse a la red
Pairing to the Lorex Home app Jumelage à l’application Lorex Home Emparejamiento con la aplicación Lorex Home
Network connection failed / Factory reset Échec de la connexion au réseau / Réinitialisation aux valeurs d’usine Error de conexión de red / Restablecimiento de fábrica
Firmware updating Mise à niveau du micrologiciel en cours Actualización de firmware en curso
Press and hold the reset button until you hear the audio prompts. Appuyez sur le bouton de réinitialisation et maintenez-le enfoncé jusqu’à ce que vous entendiez l’invite audio. *Mantenga presionado el botón de reinicio hasta que escuche el mensaje de audio.

If you are unsure of which breaker controls the circuit, then turn off the main power switch. If you do not know where your breaker is or how to turn off power, consult a licensed electrician.
Make sure the supply voltage is correct. 100-240 VAC 50/60Hz is required.
DO NOT connect the floodlight to a dimmer or timer.
FR Si vous ne savez pas avec certitude quel fusible contrôle ce circuit, coupez le fusible d’alimentation principal.
Si vous ne savez pas où se trouve votre fusible ou la manière de couper l’alimentation, consultez un électricien certifié.
Vérifiez que la tension d’alimentation est correcte. 100-240 VCA 50/60 Hz requis.
Ne connectez PAS le projecteur à un gradateur ou à une minuterie.

ES Si no está seguro de qué disyuntor controla el circuito, apague el interruptor de alimentación principal.
Si no sabe dónde está su interruptor o cómo apagarlo, consulte a un electricista autorizado.
Asegúrese de que el voltaje de alimentación sea correcto. Requiere de 100-240 V CA 50/60 Hz.
NO conecte el reflector a un atenuador o temporizador.

Mounting Setup · Configuration de montage · Configuración de montaje
If you are not replacing a light fixture, you will need to run power cabling to the install location, and purchase a UL listed junction box for a licensed electrician to install.
Si vous ne remplacez pas un luminaire, vous devrez faire arriver le câble d’alimentation à l’emplacement d’installation et acheter une boîte de jonctions que vous ferez installer par un électricien certifié.

Si no va a reemplazar un artefacto de iluminación, deberá instalar el cableado de alimentación en el lugar de instalación y comprar una caja de conexiones con certificación UL para que la instale un electricista autorizado.

1. Remove the existing light fixture and bracket from the wall, and then disconnect the wires. Tip! Bend the power cables so they do not fall through the wall.

2. Run the existing wires through the middle of the Mounting Plate.

3. Place and align the Mounting Plate with the horizontal holes are level.

arrow up. Make sure the 2

4. Secure the Mounting Plate to the Junction Box using the included Junction Box screws.

FR 1. Retirez le luminaire existant et son support du mur, puis déconnectez les fils.
Conseil! Pliez les câbles d’alimentation pour qu’ils ne pendent pas sur le mur.

2. Faites passer les fils existants à travers le milieu de la plaque de montage.

3. Placez et alignez la plaque de montage, la flèche

orientée vers le haut.

Assurez-vous que les 2 trous horizontaux sont de niveau.

4. Fixez la plaque de montage à la boîte de jonction à l’aide de vis de boîte de jonction fournies.

ES 1. Retire el artefacto de iluminación existente y el soporte de la pared, y luego
desconecte los cables. ¡Consejo! Doble los cables de alimentación para que no caigan por la pared.

2. Pase los cables existentes por el centro de la placa de montaje.

3. Placez et alignez la plaque de montage, la flèche

orientée vers le haut.

Assurez-vous que les 2 trous horizontaux sont de niveau.

4. Fije la placa de montaje a la caja de conexión por medio de los tornillos de la caja de conexión incluidos.

Tip! / Conseil! / ¡Consejo! : For additional installation instructions, visit: Pour des instructions d’installation supplémentaires, visitez : Para obtener instrucciones de instalación adicionales, visite:

Wiring & Installation · Câblage et installation · Cableado e instalación
WARNING · AVERTISSEMENT · ADVERTENCIA Power wire colors in your home may be different. In such a case, consult a licensed electrician. Les couleurs des fils d’alimentation peuvent différer dans votre maison. Si c’est le cas, consultez un électricien qualifié. Los colores de los cables de alimentación en su hogar pueden ser diferentes. En ese caso, consulte a un electricista autorizado.
Outer Ring
Mounting Bracket
Security Screw
1. Use the Wire Caps to connect the wires. Utilisez les capuchons de fil pour connecter les fils. Use los capuchones para conectar los cables. a. Twist the Ground wire (green) to the ground wire. b. Twist the Live wire (black) to the live wire. c. Twist the Neutral wire (white) to the neutral wire.

2. Carefully fit the wires back into the Junction Box.
3. Slide the O-Rings onto the Machine Screws, and then use a Phillips-head screwdriver to secure the Mounting Bracket to the Plate.
4. Ensure the Outer Ring is completely rotated counter-clockwise.
5. Align the 2 grooves inside the Floodlight to the 2 posts on the inner sides of the Bracket, and then push the Floodlight into place. Ensure there are no gaps around the perimeter between the Floodlight and Bracket. Tip! Align the to the symbol on the sides.
6. Twist the Outer Ring clockwise until the and the symbols align.
7. Tighten the pre-installed locking screw at the bottom of the Mounting Bracket.
8. Remove the Rubber Plug at the bottom of the Floodlight.
9. Adjust the camera and LED Panels to the desired position by loosening / tightening the screws on the LED panel arms and the camera.
10. Turn the power ON at the breaker. If the status indicator does not turn on, check that the wiring is correct.
11. Add the Floodlight to the Lorex Home app.

FR 1. Utilisez les capuchons de fil pour connecter les fils.
Use los capuchones para conectar los cables
a. Enroulez le fil de terre (vert) sur le fil de terre.
b. Enroulez le fil de phase (noir
) sur le fil de phase.
c. Enroulez le fil neutre (blanc*) sur le fil neutre.
2. Avec précaution, insérez les fils à l’arrière du support de montage.
3. Faites glisser les joints toriques sur les vis mécaniques ou les vis mécaniques courtes en fonction de la longueur qui convient le mieux, puis utilisez un tournevis cruciforme pour fixer le support de montage à la plaque.
4. Assurez-vous que la bague extérieure est complètement tournée dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre.
5. Alignez les 2 rainures à l’intérieur du projecteur avec les 2 montants sur les côtés intérieurs du support, puis poussez le projecteur en place. Assurez- vous qu’il n’y a pas d’espace autour du périmètre entre le projecteur et le support. Conseil! Alignez le avec le symbole sur les côtés.
6. Tournez la bague extérieure dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à ce que les symboles et s’alignent.
7. Serrez la vis de blocage préinstallée au bas du support de montage.
8. Retirez le bouchon en caoutchouc au bas du projecteur.
9. Ajustez la caméra et les panneaux DEL à la position souhaitée en desserrant/ serrant les vis sur les bras du panneau DEL et la caméra.

10. Rétablissez l’alimentation au niveau du disjoncteur. Si l’indicateur d’état ne s’allume pas, vérifiez que le câblage est correct.
11. Ajoutez le Floodlight à l’application Lorex Home.
ES 1. Use los capuchones para conectar los cables.
a. Enrosque el cable de tierra (verde
) al cable de tierra.
b. Enrosque el cable de alta tensión (negro) al cable de alta tensión.
c. Enrosque el cable neutro (blanco
) al cable neutro.
2. Con cuidado, introduzca los cables en la parte posterior del soporte de montaje
3. Deslice las juntas tóricas en los tornillos de la máquina o los tornillos para máquina cortos según la longitud que funcione mejor y luego use un destornillador Phillips para fijar el soporte de montaje a la placa.
4. Asegúrese de que el anillo exterior esté completamente girado en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.
5. Alinee las 2 ranuras dentro del reflector con los 2 postes en los lados internos del soporte y luego empuje el reflector en su lugar. Asegúrese de que no haya espacios alrededor del perímetro entre el reflector y el soporte. ¡Consejo! Alinee el con el símbolo en los lados.
6. Gire el anillo exterior en el sentido de las agujas del reloj hasta que los símbolos y se alineen.
7. Ajuste el tornillo de bloqueo preinstalado en la parte inferior del soporte de montaje.

8. Retire el tapón de goma en la parte inferior del reflector. 9. Ajuste la cámara y los paneles led a la posición deseada aflojando/ajustando los
tornillos de los brazos del panel led y de la cámara. 10. CONECTE la alimentación desde el disyuntor. Si el indicador de estado no se
enciende, compruebe que el cableado sea correcto. 11. Agregue el reflector a la aplicación Lorex Home.
Device App Setup · Assemblage à l’aide de l’application de l’appareil · Configuración de la aplicación del dispositivo
1. Download / Téléchargez / Descargue Lorex Home app.
2. Tap / Appuyez / Pulse + .

Need help? · Besoin d’aide? · ¿Necesita ayuda?
For the additional mounting and support material, scan the below QR code or visit:
Pour accéder au guide de démarrage rapide et à des supports supplémentaires scannez le code QR ci-dessous ou visitez:
Para obtener la Guía de inicio rápido y material de apoyo adicional, escanee el código QR o visite:
Register your product · Enregistrez votre produit · Registre su producto
Please see our full Terms of Service and Limited Hardware Warranty Policy at: Veuillez lire nos Termes de Service et notre Politique de Garantie Matérielle Limitée sur le site: Por favor consulte todos los Términos de nuestros Servicios y la Política de Garantía Limitada de Hardware en:

Copyright © 2022 Lorex Technology Inc As our products are subject to continuous improvement, Lorex reserves the right to modify product design, specifications and prices, without notice and without incurring any obligation. E&OE. All rights reserved. Nos produits étant sans cesse améliorés, Lorex se réserve le droit de modifier la conception du produit, ses caractéristiques et son prix sans préavis et sans aucune obligation. E&OE. Tous droits réservés. Debido a que nuestros productos están sujetos a mejoras continuas, Lorex se reserva el derecho de modificar el diseño, las especificaciones y los precios de los productos sin previo aviso y sin contraer ninguna obligación. Excepto errores y omisiones. Todos los derechos reservados.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Cet appareil est conforme à la partie 15 des règlements de la FCC. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d’interférences nuisibles, et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue, incluant toute interférence pouvant causer un fonctionnement indésirable. Este dispositivo cumple con la parte 15 de las normas de la FCC. El funcionamiento está sujeto a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) Este dispositivo no puede causar interferencia dañina, y (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia recibida, lo que incluye interferencias que puedan causar un funcionamiento no deseado.

2K Wired Floodlight Security Camera

works with
Hey Google

Shine bright like a floodlight
Brighten your security with the Lorex 2K Wired Floodlight. Light up your property with the Motionactivated, dual LED panels, which shine up to 2400 lumens. Your security, your way – personalize your Floodlight with the ability to adjust the LED brightness and color temperature, in addition to the motion- detection zone to suit your home. See clearly day and night with 2K Resolution and Color Night Vision, which provides color video with enhanced clarity for nighttime viewing. Get alerts that matter to you and reduce unwanted notifications with Smart Motion Detection, which has three key detection modes: Person, Vehicle, and Animal. Know when someone is at your door, when a vehicle pulls into your driveway, or when a pet wanders outside. Hear and speak to anyone on your property using 2-Way Talk through the Lorex Home app. If you’re busy, use Quick Response to speak for you.

Adjustable Lights

2K Resolution

2-Way Talk

Private Local Storage

Smart Motion Detection


W452AS Series


2K Wired Floodlight Security Camera
Your Floodlight, Your Way
· Set your lights to the perfect brightness, and adjust between warm or cool temperatures
· Adjust the position of the camera and LED panels to illuminate important areas
· Choose from 4 Light Modes: Motion-Activated, Camera Activated, Manual and Scheduled. Note: Motion-activated only triggers LED in dark settings.
Get important details with Auto-Framing
· Track, follow and zoom in on a person or vehicle within the camera’s field of view, and do it all hands-free
· Only available in liveview
Simplified Installation
· Lightweight and compact design makes it easier to install · Flexible mounting options on wall or soffit for optimal viewing · Installation steps:
1. Connect wires through the rear of the unit 2. Install mounting hardware 3. Twist and Lock to secure placement

Privacy is a priority
· Rest assured, your videos are private and securely stored on the pre- installed 32GB MicroSD card
· Access all camera features with no monthly fees!

W452AS Series

Build your security the way you want
· Create your own Lorex Smart Home Ecosystem by adding additional Lorex Fusion Wi-Fi Cameras, Doorbells, Floodlights and Sensors
· Alternatively, connect to a Fusion Recorder for additional storage and 24/7 continuous recording, and the ability to connect with Lorex Wired cameras

2K Wired Floodlight Security Camera

Product Specifications

Sensor Image Sensor Sensor Resolution Optical Lens Type Focal Length Aperture Shutter Speed Video Video Resolution Aspect Ratio Frame Rate HDR White Balance Gain Control Noise Reduction Signal-Noise Ratio (SNR) Video Codec

1/2.8″ CMOS 4 MP
Fixed 2.8 mm F1.6 1/3­1/100,000 s
2560×1440 16:9 2K @15fps Yes Auto Auto 3D Temporal

H.265, H.264

Diagonal FOV


Horizontal FOV


Vertical FOV




LEDs White LED White Light Brightness White Light Color

Yes 1500 – 2400 Lumens
5000 K

Infrared Wavelength 850 nm

Low Light

IR Night Vision Range

33ft (10m)

Minimum Color Illumination

0.005 Lux@F1.6 (Color, 30IRE)

Wi-Fi WLAN Protocols Wi-Fi Frequency Bands

IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 2.4/5 GHz

Audio Microphone Speaker Siren Two Way Talk Audio Codec Mounting Mount Type
Storage Capacity Electrical Max Power Input Voltage Max Current Integrations Remote Viewing Google Assistant Amazon Alexa

Yes Yes Yes Yes G.711
Wall Mount and Ceiling Mount
Up to 256 GB MicroSD
7.6W 100~240 VAC, 50/60Hz 0.63A
Lorex Home Yes Yes

Lorex Home App
What’s Included
2K Floodlight Camera Mounting Kit 32 GB MicroSD Quick Start Guide

Model Information

W452ASD-E (white) US package


W452ASDB-E (black) US package


W452ASD-F (white) Canadian package


W452ASDB-F (black) Canadian package


Package Type


Package Weight

4.4lb / 2kg

Package Dimensions (W × D × H)

11.8 × 8.8 × 9″ / 300 × 224 × 229mm

Package Cube

0.54cbf / 0.015cbm

Disclaimers: 1. For product compatibility, visit www.lorextechnology.com/compatibility 2. Accuracy of Smart Motion Detection is dependent on several factors, including distance, height, and angle of the camera relative to the object. In addition to the size of the object,
and the amount of ambient light available. 3. Person Detection accuracy is compromised when the face and/or body is partially covered. 4. The clarity and activation of Color Night Vision is dependent on ambient lighting conditions. If there is not sufficient ambient light, the camera will automatically switch to IR (black
and white) night vision. IR Night vision range is dependent on the cameras’ installation location, viewing area and subject to surrounding objects and light sources, which will reflect and absorb the light. 5. Stated IR illumination range is based on ideal conditions in typical outdoor nighttime ambient lighting (up to 32 ft or 10 m in total darkness). Actual range and image clarity depends on installation location, viewing area and light reflection/absorption. 6. Controlling certain features in your security system requires a compatible smart device. Availability and performance of certain features and services are smart device dependent and may not be available in all areas or networks. For compatibility, features, instructions visit: www.lorex.com/smarthome 7. Audio and video recordings without consent, is illegal in certain jurisdictions. Lorex Technology does not assume liability for any use of its product that fails to conform to local laws. 8. Not intended for submersion in water. Installation in a sheltered area recommended. 9. Recording time may vary based on recording resolution & quality, lighting conditions and movement in the scene. 10. Require a high- speed internet connection and a Wi-Fi router (not included) that supports 2.4Ghz. A minimum upload and download speed of 10 Mbps is required for optimal performance. For the latest list of supported apps and devices, please visit: www.lorex.com/support Lorex products are designed for consumer and business use only and not for US federal governments, federally-funded projects or contractors subject to NDAA. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. No claim is made to the exclusive right to use the trademarks listed, other than the trademarks owned by Lorex Corporation. We reserve the right to change models, configurations or specifications without notice or liability. Product may not be exactly as shown. Apple, the Apple logo and AppleTV are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google, Google Home, Google Play, Google Play logo, Google Assistant logo and Chromecast are trademarks of Google Inc. Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. 2-way communication is not available via Alexa.

W452AS Series lorex.com

Lorex Corporation 10440 Little Patuxent Parkway, ste, 300,
Columbia, MD 21044, United States
© 2022 Lorex Corporation As our product is subject to continuous improvement, Lorex Technology & subsidiaries reserve the right to modify product design, specifications & prices without notice and without incurring any obligation. E&OE.
(22-0092-LOR) 11222022-1


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