StarTech Com 2PASTSC Wall Mount Sit Stand Workstation Single Monitor User Manual

June 15, 2024
StarTech com

2PASTSC Wall Mount Sit Stand Workstation Single Monitor

Product Information


  • Product Name: Wall Mount Sit-Stand Workstation – Single


  • Manual Revision: 09/08/2023

Product Usage Instructions:

Identify the Hardware Revision:

Before starting the installation process, it is important to
identify the hardware revision of your wall mount sit-stand
workstation. Please refer to the manual or visit our website at for detailed instructions on
how to identify the hardware revision.

Product Diagram:

The product diagram provides an overview of the wall mount
sit-stand workstation, including the monitor arm and keyboard tray,
as well as the CPU wall mount. Please refer to the diagram below
for a visual representation of the product.

Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray:

The monitor arm and keyboard tray are essential components of
the wall mount sit-stand workstation. The monitor arm allows you to
adjust the height and angle of your monitor for optimal viewing
comfort, while the keyboard tray provides a convenient platform for
your keyboard and mouse.

CPU Wall Mount:

The CPU wall mount is designed to securely hold your computer’s
central processing unit (CPU) to the wall, freeing up valuable desk
space. It is important to ensure that the CPU is properly mounted
to prevent any accidents or damage.

Product Dimensions:

The dimensions of the wall mount sit-stand workstation are as

  • Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray Dimensions: [insert

  • CPU Wall Mount Dimensions: [insert dimensions]


In order to use the wall mount sit-stand workstation, you will
need the following:

  • Compatible monitor
  • Keyboard and mouse
  • CPU
  • Wall space for installation

Package Contents – Monitor Arm and Keyboard Arm:

The package for the monitor arm and keyboard tray includes the
following items:

  • Monitor arm
  • Keyboard tray
  • Mounting brackets
  • Screws and hardware
  • Installation manual

Package Contents – CPU Wall Mount:

The package for the CPU wall mount includes the following

  • CPU wall mount bracket
  • Screws and hardware
  • Installation manual

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q: Can I adjust the height of the monitor arm?

A: Yes, the monitor arm is adjustable, allowing you to find the
most comfortable viewing position.

Q: Is the wall mount sit-stand workstation compatible with all


A: The wall mount sit-stand workstation is compatible with most
monitors. Please check the specifications or contact our support
team for compatibility information.

Q: Can I install the CPU wall mount on any type of wall?

A: The CPU wall mount is designed to be installed on solid
walls. It may not be suitable for installation on plasterboard or
other fragile wall materials.

Wall Mount Sit-Stand Workstation – Single Monitor
User Manual
For the latest information and specifications visit WALL-MOUNT Manual Revision: 09/08/2023

Compliance Statements
Use of Trademarks, Registered Trademarks, and other Protected Names and Symbols
This manual may make reference to trademarks, registered trademarks, and other protected names and/or symbols of third-party companies not related in any way to Where they occur these references are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent an endorsement of a product or service by, or an endorsement of the product(s) to which this manual applies by the third-party company in question. Regardless of any direct acknowledgement elsewhere in the body of this document, hereby acknowledges that all trademarks, registered trademarks, service marks, and other protected names and/or symbols contained in this manual and related documents are the property of their respective holders. PHILLIPS® is a registered trademark of Phillips Screw Company in the United States or other countries.
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Safety Statements
Safety measures
· Product installation and/or mounting should be completed by a certified professional as per the local safety and building code guidelines.
Mesures de sécurité
· L’installation et/ou le montage du produit doit être réalisé par un professionnel certifié et dans le respect des normes locales et du code de construction local.
· Installation och/eller montering får endast göras av behöriga yrkespersoner och enligt gällande lokala förordningar för säkerhet och byggnormer.
· De installatie en/of montage van het product moet worden uitgevoerd door een erkend vakman volgens de plaatselijke veiligheids- en bouwvoorschriften.

Misure di sicurezza
· L’installazione e/o il montaggio dei prodotti devono essere eseguiti da un tecnico professionale certificato che conosca le linee guida locali sulle norme edilizie e sulla sicurezza.
Medidas de seguridad
· La instalación y/o montaje del producto debe ser realizada por un profesional certificado de acuerdo con las directrices de los códigos locales de seguridad y construcción.
· Die Installation und/oder Montage des Produkts sollte von einem zertifizierten Fachmann gemäß den örtlichen Sicherheits- und Bauvorschriften durchgeführt werden.
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Warning Statements
· Ltd. is not responsible for any property damage and/or personal injury resulting from the installation procedures outlined in this technical document.
· This product is designed to be installed on a wooden studded, solid concrete, or cinder block wall. The wall structure should be capable of supporting at least four times the weight of the mounted equipment. Wall structures vary, and it is important to ensure that the type of wall structure and mounting hardware used will properly support the mounted equipment. If you have any questions or concerns about the installation process, please contact a professional installer. Failure to do so might result in personal injury and/or equipment/property damage.
· The mounting instructions and/or hardware included with this product may not be suitable for the specific wall structure used. If you lack the necessary expertise required to attach this product to the wall structure or to assess the suitability of the hardware provided, please contact a professional installer.
· For your safety and to avoid injury, it is strongly recommended that two people are present during the installation process. Attempting to install the product alone may result in personal injury or damage to the wall or product.
· Assemble this product according to the instructions. Read the entire manual and ensure the instructions are fully understood before assembling and/or using this product.
· Prior to drilling holes into any surface, ensure the power has been shut off and determine the location(s) of all potential mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing infrastructure.
· Do not exceed the weight capacity of this product. Overloading this product might result in personal injury or property damage.
· The Weight capacity of the monitor arm: 4.4 to 22.0 lb (2 to 10 kg). · The Weight capacity of the keyboard tray: 7.7 lb (3.5 kg). · The weight capacity of the CPU wall mount is: 39.6 lb (18 kg). · To ensure the safety of the equipment and prevent personal injury or
property damage, it is imperative that the equipment is properly secured using appropriate hardware and mounting techniques. Failure to properly secure the equipment may result in it falling from the wall, causing injury or damage. Please refer to the equipment’s instruction manual for specific mounting requirements and consult with a professional installer if needed. Always verify that the equipment is securely fastened to the product before use. · Do not allow children to climb on this product or to use this product without proper supervision.
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· Improper use or handling of the product may cause the product or mounted equipment to fall, resulting in personal injury or property damage.
· This product is intended for indoor use only and should not be used outdoors.
· Stored Energy Hazard! This product contains a spring mechanism which can cause the assembly and/or mounted equipment to move forcibly, and quickly, upwards. Always exercise caution when handling, or in close proximity to, the spring arm(s). Do not remove the mounted equipment unless the spring arm is moved to the highest position or (if possible) the spring force is adequately lowered to remove any danger posed. Failure to do so may result in property damage and/or serious personal injury
· Ltd. n’est pas responsable des dommages matériels et/ou corporels résultant des procédures d’installation décrites dans ce document technique.
· Ce produit est conçu pour être installé sur un mur en bois, en béton ou en parpaings. La structure du mur doit être capable de supporter au moins quatre fois le poids de l’équipement monté. Les structures murales varient et il est important de s’assurer que le type de structure murale et le matériel de montage utilisé supporteront correctement l’équipement monté. Si vous avez des questions ou des inquiétudes concernant le processus d’installation, veuillez contacter un installateur professionnel. Dans le cas contraire, vous risquez de vous blesser et/ou d’endommager votre équipement ou vos biens.
· Les instructions de montage et/ou le matériel fournis avec ce produit peuvent ne pas convenir à la structure murale spécifique utilisée. Si vous ne disposez pas de l’expertise nécessaire pour fixer ce produit à la structure murale ou pour évaluer l’adéquation du matériel fourni, veuillez contacter un installateur professionnel.
· Pour votre sécurité et pour éviter les blessures, il est fortement recommandé que deux personnes soient présentes pendant le processus d’installation. Si vous tentez d’installer le produit seul, vous risquez de vous blesser ou d’endommager le mur ou le produit.
· Assemblez ce produit conformément aux instructions. Lisez l’intégralité du manuel et assurez-vous que les instructions sont bien comprises avant d’assembler et/ou d’utiliser ce produit.
· Avant de percer des trous dans une surface, assurez-vous que l’alimentation électrique a été coupée et déterminez l’emplacement de toutes les infrastructures mécaniques, électriques et/ou de plomberie potentielles.
· Ne dépassez pas la capacité de poids de ce produit. La surcharge de ce
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produit peut entraîner des blessures ou des dommages matériels. · Capacité de poids du bras de moniteur: de 4,4 à 22.0 lb (2 à 10 kg). · Capacité de poids du plateau de clavier: 7.7 lb (3.5 kg). · La capacité de charge du support mural pour CPU est de: 39.6lb (18 kg). · Pour garantir la sécurité de l’équipement et éviter les blessures ou les
dommages matériels, il est impératif que l’équipement soit correctement fixé à l’aide du matériel et des techniques de montage appropriés. Si l’équipement n’est pas correctement fixé, il risque de tomber du mur et de provoquer des blessures ou des dommages. Veuillez vous référer au manuel d’instructions de l’équipement pour les exigences de montage spécifiques et consulter un installateur professionnel si nécessaire. Vérifiez toujours que l’équipement est solidement fixé au produit avant de l’utiliser. · Ne laissez pas les enfants grimper sur ce produit ou l’utiliser sans surveillance adéquate. · Une utilisation ou une manipulation incorrecte du produit peut entraîner la chute du produit ou de l’équipement monté et provoquer des blessures ou des dommages matériels. · Ce produit est destiné à être utilisé à l’intérieur uniquement et ne doit pas être utilisé à l’extérieur. · Danger lié à l’énergie stockée ! Ce produit contient un mécanisme à ressort qui peut provoquer un déplacement forcé et rapide de l’ensemble et/ou de l’équipement monté vers le haut. Faites toujours preuve de prudence lorsque vous manipulez le(s) bras à ressort ou que vous vous trouvez à proximité de celui-ci. Ne retirez pas l’équipement monté tant que le bras à ressort n’a pas été placé dans la position la plus haute ou (si possible) que la force du ressort n’a pas été suffisamment réduite pour éliminer tout danger. Le nonrespect de cette consigne peut entraîner des dommages matériels et/ou des blessures corporelles graves.
· Ltd. ansvarar inte för eventuella skador på egendom och/eller personskador till följd av de installationsprocedurer som beskrivs i detta tekniska dokument.
· Den här produkten är avsedd att installeras på en träregelvägg, vägg av gjuten betong eller vägg av betongblock. Väggstrukturen ska kunna klara av minst fyra gånger vikten av den monterade utrustningen. Eftersom väggstrukturer varierar är det viktigt att kontrollera att väggstrukturen och monteringshårdvaran som du använder klarar av den monterade utrustningen. Om du har några frågor eller funderingar om installationsprocessen ska du kontakta en professionell installatör.
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Underlåtenhet att göra detta kan leda till personskador och/eller skador på utrustning eller egendom · Monteringsanvisningarna och/eller hårdvaran som medföljer den här produkten kanske inte är lämpliga för den specifika väggkonstruktion som används. Om du saknar nödvändiga kunskaper för att fästa den här produkten på väggen eller för att bedöma om den medföljande hårdvaran är lämplig ska du kontakta en professionell installatör. · Vi rekommenderar starkt att två personer är närvarande under installationsprocessen för din säkerhet och för att undvika skador. Om du försöker installera produkten ensam kan det leda till personskador eller skador på väggen eller produkten. · Montera produkten enligt instruktionerna. Läs hela manualen och se till att du har förstått instruktionerna innan du monterar och/eller använder produkten. · Innan du borrar hål i någon yta ska du se till att strömmen har stängts av och fastställa var alla potentiella mekaniska/elektriska installationer och/eller rördragningar finns. · Överskrid inte produktens viktkapacitet. Överbelastning av produkten kan leda till skador på person eller egendom. · Viktkapaciteten för monitorarmen är 2 till 10 kg. · Viktkapaciteten för tangentbordstrayen är 3,5 kg. · Viktkapaciteten för CPU-väggmonteringen är 18 kg. · Det är absolut nödvändigt att utrustningen är ordentligt fastsatt med hjälp av lämplig hårdvara och monteringsteknik för att garantera utrustningens säkerhet och förhindra skador på person eller egendom. Om utrustningen inte säkras ordentligt kan den falla ner från väggen och orsaka skador. Se utrustningens bruksanvisning för specifika monteringskrav och kontakta en professionell installatör vid behov. Kontrollera alltid att utrustningen är ordentligt fastsatt på produkten innan den används. · Låt varken barn klättra på den här produkten eller använda den utan lämplig tillsyn. · Felaktig användning eller hantering av produkten kan leda till att produkten eller monterad utrustning faller ner, vilket kan leda till skador på person eller egendom. · Produkten är endast avsedd för användning inomhus och ska inte användas utomhus. · Risk för lagrad energi! Den här produkten innehåller en fjädermekanism som kan leda till att monteringen och/eller den monterade utrustningen rör sig kraftigt och snabbt uppåt. Var alltid försiktig när du hanterar eller är i närheten av fjäderarmen/fjäderarmarna. Avlägsna inte den monterade utrustningen om inte fjäderarmen har flyttats till det högsta läget eller
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(om möjligt) om inte fjäderkraften har sänkts tillräckligt för att undanröja eventuell fara. Underlåtenhet att göra detta kan leda till egendomsskador och/eller allvarlig personskada
· Ltd. is niet verantwoordelijk voor materiële schade en/of persoonlijk letsel als gevolg van de in dit technische document beschreven installatieprocedures.
· Dit product is ontworpen voor installatie op een muur van hout, massief beton of betonnen stapelblokken. De muurstructuur moet minstens vier keer het gewicht van de gemonteerde apparatuur kunnen dragen. Muurconstructies variëren, en het is belangrijk om ervoor te zorgen dat het type muurconstructie en de gebruikte bevestigingsmiddelen de gemonteerde apparatuur naar behoren ondersteunen. Als u vragen of twijfels hebt over het installatieproces, neem dan contact op met een professionele installateur. Doet u dit niet, dan kan dit leiden tot persoonlijk letsel en/of schade aan apparatuur/eigendommen
· De montage-instructies en/of -hardware die bij dit product worden geleverd, zijn mogelijk niet geschikt voor de gebruikte specifieke wandstructuur. Indien u niet over de nodige expertise beschikt om dit product aan de muur te bevestigen of om de geschiktheid van de meegeleverde hardware te beoordelen, neem dan contact op met een professionele installateur.
· Voor uw veiligheid en om letsel te voorkomen is het sterk aanbevolen dat er twee personen aanwezig zijn tijdens het installatieproces. Pogingen om het product alleen te installeren kunnen leiden tot persoonlijk letsel of schade aan de muur of het product.
· Monteer dit product volgens de instructies. Lees de gehele handleiding en zorg ervoor dat u de instructies volledig begrijpt voordat u dit product monteert en/of gebruikt.
· Voordat u gaten boort in eender welk oppervlak, moet u ervoor zorgen dat de stroom is uitgeschakeld en de locatie(s) bepalen van alle mogelijke mechanische, elektrische en/of sanitaire leidingen.
· Overschrijd het maximaal draagvermogen van dit product niet. Overbelasting van dit product kan leiden tot persoonlijk letsel of materiële schade.
· Gewichtscapaciteit van de monitorarm: 2 tot 10 kg. · Gewichtscapaciteit van het toetsenbordplateau: 3,5 kg. · Het draagvermogen van de CPU wandmontage is: 18 kg. · Om de veiligheid van de apparaten te garanderen en persoonlijk letsel of
schade te voorkomen, is het van groot belang dat de apparatuur goed wordt
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bevestigd met behulp van de juiste hardware en montagetechnieken. Als de apparatuur niet goed wordt bevestigd, kan deze van de muur vallen en letsel of schade veroorzaken. Raadpleeg de gebruiksaanwijzing van de apparaten voor specifieke montagevoorschriften en neem indien nodig contact op met een professionele installateur. Controleer voor gebruik altijd of de apparatuur goed is bevestigd. · Laat kinderen niet op dit product klimmen of dit product gebruiken zonder behoorlijk toezicht. · Onjuist gebruik of onjuiste behandeling van het product kan ertoe leiden dat het product of de gemonteerde apparatuur naar beneden valt, met persoonlijk letsel of materiële schade tot gevolg. · Dit product is uitsluitend bedoeld voor gebruik binnenshuis en mag niet buitenshuis worden ingezet. · Gevaar door opgeslagen energie! Dit product bevat een veermechanisme dat de assemblage en/of de gemonteerde apparatuur hevig en snel omhoog kan doen bewegen. Wees altijd voorzichtig bij het hanteren of in de nabijheid zijn van de veerarm(en). Verwijder de gemonteerde unit pas nadat de veerarm in de hoogste stand is gezet of (indien mogelijk) de veerkracht voldoende is verlaagd om elk gevaar uit te sluiten. Doet u dit niet, dan kan dit leiden tot materiële schade en/of ernstig persoonlijk letsel
· K.K. / · 4 · · 2
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· 210 kg · 3.5 kg · CPU18kg ·
· · · ·
Dichiarazioni di avvertenza
· Ltd. non è responsabile per eventuali danni a cose e/o persone derivanti dalle procedure di installazione descritte in questo documento tecnico
· Questo prodotto è progettato per essere installato su una parete in legno, cemento o blocchi di cemento. La struttura della parete deve essere in grado di sostenere almeno quattro volte il peso dell’apparecchiatura montata. Le strutture delle pareti variano ed è importante assicurarsi che il tipo di struttura della parete e la ferramenta di montaggio utilizzata supportino adeguatamente l’apparecchiatura montata. In caso di domande o dubbi
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sul processo di installazione, rivolgersi a un installatore professionista. In caso contrario, potrebbero verificarsi lesioni personali e/o danni alle apparecchiature o alle proprietà. · Le istruzioni di montaggio e/o la ferramenta in dotazione con questo prodotto potrebbero non essere adatte alla specifica struttura della parete da utilizzare. Se non si dispone delle competenze necessarie per fissare il prodotto alla struttura della parete o per valutare l’idoneità della bulloneria fornita, rivolgersi a un installatore professionista. · Per la vostra sicurezza e per evitare lesioni, si raccomanda vivamente la collaborazione di due persone durante il processo di installazione. Il tentativo di installare il prodotto da soli può causare lesioni personali o danni alla parete o al prodotto. · Assemblare il prodotto seguendo le istruzioni. Prima di assemblare e/o utilizzare il prodotto, leggere l’intero manuale e assicurarsi che le istruzioni siano state comprese appieno. · Prima di praticare fori su qualsiasi superficie, assicurarsi che la corrente sia stata tolta e determinare la posizione di tutte le potenziali infrastrutture meccaniche, elettriche e/o idrauliche. · Non superare la capacità di peso del prodotto. Il sovraccarico del prodotto può causare lesioni personali o danni materiali. · Capacità di peso del braccio del monitor: da 2 a 10 kg. · Capacità di peso del vassoio della tastiera: 3,5 kg. · La capacità di peso del supporto a parete per CPU è di: 18 kg · Per garantire la sicurezza dell’apparecchiatura e prevenire lesioni personali o danni materiali, è indispensabile che l’apparecchiatura sia fissata correttamente utilizzando hardware e tecniche di montaggio adeguati. Se non si fissa correttamente l’apparecchiatura, questa può cadere dalla parete, causando lesioni o danni. Consultare il manuale di istruzioni dell’apparecchiatura per i requisiti specifici di montaggio e, se necessario, rivolgersi a un installatore professionista. Prima dell’uso, verificare sempre che l’apparecchiatura sia fissata saldamente al prodotto. · Non consentire ai bambini di salire su questo prodotto o di utilizzarlo senza un’adeguata supervisione. · L’uso o la manipolazione impropria del prodotto possono provocare la caduta del prodotto o dell’apparecchiatura montata, con conseguenti lesioni personali o danni materiali. · Questo prodotto è destinato esclusivamente all’uso interno e non deve essere utilizzato all’aperto. · Questo prodotto contiene un meccanismo a molla che può far muovere forzatamente e rapidamente verso l’alto il dispositivo e/o l’apparecchiatura montata. Prestare sempre attenzione quando si maneggiano o si è in
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prossimità dei bracci a molla. Non rimuovere l’apparecchiatura montata se il braccio a molla non è stato spostato nella posizione più alta o (se possibile) la forza della molla non è stata adeguatamente abbassata per eliminare il pericolo. In caso contrario, si possono verificare danni alle cose e/o gravi lesioni personali.
Advertencias de uso
· Ltd. no se responsabiliza de los daños materiales y/o personales derivados de los procedimientos de instalación descritos en este documento técnico.
· Este producto está diseñado para instalarse en una pared de madera con vigas, concreto sólido o bloques de hormigón. La estructura de la pared debe ser capaz de soportar al menos cuatro veces el peso del equipo montado. Las estructuras de las paredes varían, y es importante asegurarse de que el tipo de estructura de la pared y los herrajes de montaje utilizados soportarán adecuadamente el equipo montado. Si tiene alguna pregunta o duda sobre el proceso de instalación, póngase en contacto con un instalador profesional. De lo contrario, podrían producirse lesiones personales y/o daños al equipo o a la propiedad.
· Las instrucciones de montaje y/o los herrajes incluidos con este producto pueden no ser adecuados para la estructura de pared específica utilizada. Si carece de los conocimientos necesarios para fijar este producto a la estructura de la pared o para evaluar la idoneidad de los herrajes suministrados, póngase en contacto con un instalador profesional.
· Por su seguridad y para evitar lesiones, se recomienda la presencia de dos personas durante el proceso de instalación. Intentar instalar el producto solo puede provocar lesiones personales o daños en la pared o en el producto.
· Monte este producto siguiendo las instrucciones. Lea todo el manual y asegúrese de que las instrucciones se entienden completamente antes de montar y/o utilizar este producto.
· Antes de taladrar agujeros en cualquier superficie, asegúrese de que se ha cortado la corriente y se ha determinado la ubicación o ubicaciones de todas la infraestructuras mecánicas, eléctricas y/o de plomería.
· No exceda la capacidad de peso de este producto. Sobrecargar este producto podría provocar lesiones personales o daños materiales.
· Capacidad de peso del brazo del monitor: 2 a 10 kg. · Capacidad de peso de la bandeja del teclado: 3,5 kg. · La capacidad de peso del soporte de pared para CPU es de: 18kg. · Para garantizar la seguridad del equipo y evitar lesiones personales o daños
a la propiedad, es imperativo que el equipo se fije correctamente utilizando
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los herrajes y las técnicas de montaje adecuados. Si el equipo no se fija correctamente, puede caerse de la pared y causar lesiones o daños. Consulte el manual de instrucciones del equipo para conocer los requisitos específicos de montaje y consulte con un instalador profesional si es necesario. Compruebe siempre que el equipo está bien sujeto al producto antes de utilizarlo. · No permita que los niños se suban a este producto ni que lo utilicen sin la debida supervisión. · El uso o manejo inadecuado del producto puede hacer que el producto o el equipo montado se caiga, provocando lesiones personales o daños materiales. · Este producto está destinado únicamente para uso en interiores y no debe utilizarse en exteriores.
· Ltd. ist nicht verantwortlich für Sach- und/oder Personenschäden, die durch die in diesem technischen Dokument beschriebenen Installationsverfahren entstehen.
· Dieses Produkt ist so entworfen, dass es an einer Trockenbau Wand, mit Holzstützen/Metallprofilen, an einer massiven Betonwand oder an einer Wand aus Ziegelsteinen installiert werden kann. Die Wandstruktur sollte in der Lage sein, mindestens das Vierfache des Gewichts des montierten Geräts zu unterstützen. Wandstrukturen sind unterschiedlich und es ist wichtig, dass die Art der Wandstruktur und die verwendeten Befestigungselemente das montierte Gerät ordnungsgemäß unterstützen. Wenn Sie Fragen oder Bedenken bezüglich des Installationsprozesses haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen professionellen Installateur. Andernfalls kann es zu Verletzungen und/oder Schäden an Geräten/Eigentum kommen
· Die im Lieferumfang dieses Produkts enthaltenen Montageanweisungen und/oder Befestigungsteile sind möglicherweise nicht für die verwendete Wandstruktur geeignet. Wenn Sie nicht über das erforderliche Fachwissen verfügen, um dieses Produkt an der Wandstruktur anzubringen oder die Eignung der mitgelieferten Befestigungsteile zu beurteilen, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen professionellen Installateur.
· Zu Ihrer Sicherheit und um Verletzungen zu vermeiden, wird dringend empfohlen, dass zwei Personen bei der Installation anwesend sind. Der Versuch, das Produkt alleine zu installieren, kann zu Verletzungen oder Schäden an der Wand oder dem Produkt führen.
· Bauen Sie dieses Produkt gemäß der Anleitung zusammen. Lesen Sie das gesamte Handbuch und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Anweisungen
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vollständig verstanden haben, bevor Sie dieses Produkt zusammenbauen und/oder verwenden. · Vergewissern Sie sich vor dem Bohren von Löchern in eine Oberfläche, dass der Strom abgeschaltet wurde, und bestimmen Sie die Lage(n) aller potenziellen mechanischen, elektrischen und/oder sanitären Infrastrukturen. · Überschreiten Sie nicht die Tragkraft dieses Produkts. Eine Überlastung dieses Produkts kann zu Verletzungen oder Sachschäden führen. · Gewichtskapazität des Monitorarms: 2 bis 10 kg. · Gewichtskapazität der Tastaturablage: 3,5 kg. · Die Tragkraft der CPU-Wandhalterung beträgt: 18 kg · Um die Sicherheit des Geräts zu gewährleisten und Personen- oder Sachschäden zu vermeiden, muss das Produkt unbedingt mit geeigneten Befestigungsteilen und Montagetechniken ordnungsgemäß befestigt werden. Wird das Produkt nicht ordnungsgemäß befestigt, kann es von der Wand fallen und Verletzungen oder Schäden verursachen. Bitte lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung des Produkt, um sich über die spezifischen Montageanforderungen zu informieren, und wenden Sie sich bei Bedarf an einen professionellen Installateur. Vergewissern Sie sich vor der Verwendung immer, dass das Gerät sicher am Produkt befestigt ist. · Kinder sollten nicht auf dieses Produkt klettern oder dieses Produkt ohne angemessene Aufsicht verwenden. · Bei unsachgemäßer Verwendung oder Handhabung des Produkts kann das Produkt oder das montierte Gerät herunterfallen, was zu Verletzungen oder Sachschäden führen kann. · Dieses Produkt ist nur für die Verwendung in Innenräumen bestimmt und sollte nicht im Freien verwendet werden. · Gefahr durch gespeicherte Energie! Dieses Produkt enthält einen Federmechanismus, der dazu führen kann, dass sich die Baugruppe und/oder die montierten Geräte gewaltsam und schnell nach oben bewegen. Seien Sie immer vorsichtig, wenn Sie den Federarm bzw. die Federarme anfassen oder sich in deren Nähe aufhalten. Entfernen Sie das montierte Gerät erst dann, wenn der Federarm in die höchste Position gebracht wurde oder (falls möglich) die Federkraft ausreichend gesenkt wurde, um jegliche Gefahr zu beseitigen. Andernfalls kann es zu Sachschäden und/oder schweren Personenschäden kommen
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Table of Contents
Compliance Statements ………………………………………………………………i
Safety Statements ……………………………………………………………………….ii
Warning Statements ……………………………………………………………………iii
Identify the Hardware Revision …………………………………………………..xi
Product Diagram …………………………………………………………………………1
Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
CPU Wall Mount……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2
Product Dimensions ……………………………………………………………………3
Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray – Front View and Side Profile ………………………………………… 3 Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray – Side and Top View………………………………………………………… 4 Keyboard Tray Side and Top View …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 CPU Wall Mount – Front and Side View ………………………………………………………………………………… 6 CPU Wall Mount – Plastic Spacer……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Product Information ……………………………………………………………………8
Requirements …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Package Contents – Monitor Arm and Keyboard Arm ……………………………………………………….. 9 Package Contents – CPU Wall Mount …………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Installation ………………………………………………………………………………….12
Mounting Height of the Sit-Stand Workstation ………………………………………………………………….. 13 Fasten the Wall Mounting Rail to a Concrete Wall………………………………………………………………. 14 Fasten the Wall Mounting Rail to a Stud Wall………………………………………………………………………. 15 (Optional) Fasten the Wall Mounting Plate to a Concrete Wall…………………………………………. 16 To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit

(Optional) Fasten the Wall Mounting Plate to a Stud Wall ……………………………………………….. 17 Install the Wall Mounting Track and Mounting Plates ……………………………………………………….. 18 Install a Monitor onto the Monitor Arm……………………………………………………………………………….. 19 Install the Keyboard Tray onto the Keyboard Arm……………………………………………………………… 20 Attach the Swivel Arms onto the Mounting Posts ……………………………………………………………… 21 Install the Mouse Holder ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 Attach the Adhesive Strip on the Keyboard………………………………………………………………………… 22 Install the Wall Mounting Rail Track Cover…………………………………………………………………………… 23 Fasten the CPU Wall Mount to a Concrete Wall…………………………………………………………………… 25 Fasten the CPU Wall Mount to a Stud Wall…………………………………………………………………………… 26 Fasten the CPU Wall Mount to a Wall ……………………………………………………………………………………. 27 Install the Rubber Self- Adhesive Strips ………………………………………………………………………………… 28 Install the CPU Wall Mount Sliding Bracket …………………………………………………………………………. 28 Mount a CPU onto the CPU Wall Mount ………………………………………………………………………………. 30 Cable Management…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 32
Operation ……………………………………………………………………………………32
Monitor Arm and Keyboard Arm Height Adjustment………………………………………………………… 33 Extend the Mouse Tray……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34 Cleaning the Wrist Rest and Mouse Tray………………………………………………………………………………. 33 Arm Swivel Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35 VESA Monitor Mount Rotation Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………… 36 Spring Arm Tension Adjustment …………………………………………………………………………………………… 37 VESA Monitor Mount Tilt Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………….. 38 Keyboard Tray Tilt Adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39
Warranty Information………………………………………………………………….39
Limitation of Liability ………………………………………………………………….39
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Product Diagram
Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray
1 2
4 5












VESA Monitor Mount


Swivel Arm, Mounting Post

*Actual product may vary from photos


Keyboard Tray Handle


Monitor Spring Arm


Wall Mounting Rail


Mouse Tray


Swivel Arm



Swivel Arm, Mounting Plate


Wrist Wrest


Keyboard Tray, Spring Arm

Keyboard Tray


Mouse Holder

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Product Diagram

CPU Wall Mount








Sliding Bracket



Sliding Slots



Threaded Studs



Rubber Self-Adhesive Spacers

*Actual product may vary from photos
Mounting Keyhole Wall Mounting Screws Wall Mounting Bracket

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Product Dimensions
Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray
Front View and Side Profile
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 3

Side and Top View







149 170


64 855


70 200



To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 4

Keyboard Tray Side and Top View

70(H) 44 64

207 213

449(W) MAX.666


To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 5

Product Dimensions
CPU Wall Mount
Front and Side View
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 6

Plastic Spacer
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 7

Product Information
For the latest product information, technical specifications, manuals, and Declarations of Conformance, please visit:
Monitor Mount · Weight of 4.4 to 22 lb (2 to 10 kg) · Compatible VESA mounting hole pattern of 75 x 75 or 100 x 100 mm · Display size up to 27″ or 32″ for ultrawide (landscape only)
Keyboard Tray · Maximum weight of 7.7 lb (3.5 kg)
CPU Wall Mount · Maximum weight of 39.6 lb (18 kg) · CPU size of small form factor (SFF). Maximum width or height of 7.8 in (20 cm). Minimum width or height of 1.9 in (5 cm)
Tools · Stud finder. For wooden stud walls installations · Bubble level · Pencil · Hammer. For concrete wall installations · Power drill · 11/32 in (8 mm) wrench · 3/16 in (4.5 mm) wood drill bit. Minimum 2.1 in (55 mm) long · A 25/64 in (10 mm) concrete drill bit. Minimum 2.1 in (55 mm) long · 8 mm wrench
TToo vviieeww mmaannuuaallss,, vviiddeeooss,, ddrriivveerrss,, ddoowwnnllooaaddss,, tteecchhnniiccaall ddrraawwiinnggss,, aanndd mmoorree vviissiitt wwwwww..ssttaarrtteecchh..ccoomm//ssuuppppoorrtt

Package Contents – Monitor Arm and Keyboard Arm

A Quantity: 1

B Quantity: 2

C (5mm Hex) Quantity: 2

D (2.5mm Hex) Quantity: 2

E (M5x4mm) Quantity: 6

F (M6x18mm) Quantity: 4

G (M4x10mm) Quantity: 4

H (M6x8mm) Quantity: 8

I Quantity: 14

J-1 (Lag Screw) Quantity: 6

J-2 (1/4x2in.) Quantity: 8

K Quantity: 2

L Quantity: 2

M Quantity: 2

N Quantity: 2


O (M4x6mm) Quantity: 2

P Quantity: 1

Q Quantity: 1

R Quantity: 1

S Quantity: 2

T Quantity: 1

U Quantity: 2

V Quantity: 1

W Quantity: 1

X Quantity: 1

Y (M4x6mm) Quantity: 4

Quantity: 1

To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 10

Package Contents – CPU Wall Mount

A-1 Quantity: 1

B-1 Quantity: 1

C-1 Quantity: 2

D-1 Quantity: 2

E-1 Quantity: 4

F-1 Quantity: 8

G-1 Quantity: 2

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Warning! The Sit-stand Workstation and CPU Wall Mount are designed to be installed on a wood stud, solid concrete, or cinder block wall. The wall structure should be capable of supporting at least four times the weight of the mounted equipment. The included mounting hardware may not be adequate for installation on different wall types not indicated here. Always consult a construction professional before installing the Wall Mount Bracket. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or equipment damage. For stud wall installations, it is important to drill the mounting holes in the middle of the stud. If the stud is too narrow or the mounting holes are too close to the edge, the stud may split and be unable to support the weight.
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Mounting Height of the Sit-Stand Workstation
Before installing the Sit-Stand Workstation consider the height of the monitor and keyboard tray on the sitting and standing positions, while still allowing for adjustments to the spring arms. This will ensure optimal viewing angle and comfort during operation for users of different heights. On the Install the Wall Mounting Track and Mounting Plates section, the Mounting Plates can be moved up and down on the Wall Mounting Track to adjust the height before securing them.
Note: The monitor height should be at eye level which is at the top of the screen or slightly below.
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Fasten the Wall Mounting Rail to a Concrete Wall



Note: Install x 4 screws to secure the Wall Mounting


Proceed to Page 18, Install the Wall Mounting Track and Mounting Plates.



8 mm

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Fasten the Wall Mounting Rail to a Stud Wall




8 mm

Note: Install x 4 screws to secure the Wall Mounting Rail. Proceed to Page 18, Install the Wall Mounting Track and Mounting Plates.
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(Optional) Fasten the Mounting Plate to a Concrete Wall




Note: Ensure to consider the

final height of the Monitor


and Keyboard Tray Arms

before fastening the

Mounting Plates.

Proceed to Page 19, Install The Monitor onto the Monitor Arm section.

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(Optional) Fasten the Mounting Plate to a Stud Wall




Note: Ensure to consider the final height of the Monitor and Keyboard Tray Arms before fastening the Mounting Plates. Proceed to Page 19, Install the Monitor onto the Monitor Arm section.
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Install the Wall Mounting Track and Mounting Plates



Note: Slide the Mounting Plate up or down to adjust the height of the Monitor Arm and Keyboard Tray. Tighten the bolts against the Wall Mounting Rail to secure in place.
Warning! Ensure the Mounting Plates is securely attached before mounting the monitor and keyboard arms.
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Note: Repeat Steps 1 – 4 to install

the second Mounting Plate.

Install the Monitor onto the Monitor Arm
1. Carefully place the Monitor on a protective/soft surface with the VESA Mounting Points at the back of the Monitor facing Up.
2. Remove any pre-installed hardware at the VESA Mounting Points (e.g. screws or covers) at the back of the Monitor. Consult the Monitor’s Manual and remove them as instructed.
Note: Ensure you only remove the screws (x 4) of the VESA Mounting Points. Do not remove any of the screws of the Monitor’s structural assembly.
Warning! Do not overtighten the screws. If you encounter resistance while tightening the screws, stop tightening. Failure to do so could result in damage to the Monitor.
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Install a Monitor onto the Monitor Arm
Install the Keyboard Tray onto the Keyboard Arm
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Attach the Swivel Arms onto the Mounting Posts



3 4

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Install the Mouse Holder



X Attach the Adhesive Strip on the Keyboard



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Install the Wall Mounting Rail Track Cover 1
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To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 24

Fasten CPU Wall Mount to a Concrete Wall





8 mm

Note: Proceed to Page
27, Fasten the CPU
Wall Mount to a Wall
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Fasten the CPU Wall Mount to a Stud Wall




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8 mm

Fasten the CPU Wall Mount to a Wall



To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 27

Install the Foam Self-Adhesive Strips 1


Install the CPU Wall Mount Sliding Bracket



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G-1 4
F-1 E-1
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Mount a CPU onto the CPU Wall Mount
Note: The CPU dimension along the width (X), length (Y), or height (Z) should be between 1.9 to 7.8 in ( 50 to 200 mm). The Plastic Spacer may need to be installed with thin CPUs. Warning! Mounting the CPU is a two-person task. Do not attempt to perform this task without assistance.
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2 D-1
Note: If installing the CPU along the Width (X), the Plastic Spacer may need to be installed to keep the CPU secured.
Y or Z
Note: If installing the CPU along the Length (Y) or Height (Z), the Plastic Spacer may not be used. Warning! Before releasing the weight of the CPU, ensure the Sliding Bracket and Wall Mounting Bracket are securely clamping the CPU by fully Tightening the Hand Knobs.
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Cable Management 1 2
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Monitor Arm and Keyboard Arm Height Adjustment
Warning! To avoid personal injury or equipment damage, always exercise caution when adjusting the height of the Mounting Plates. This is a two person job do not attempt to do it on your own.
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Extend the Mouse Tray

Cleaning the Wrist Rest and Mouse Tray



Note: Insert a Pin or other fine object into one of the two Ejection Holes, located on the underside of the Keyboard Tray, to depress a plastic clip and pull the Mouse Tray
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3 Arm Swivel Adjustment
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 35

VESA Monitor Mount Rotation Adjustment
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 36

Spring Arms Tension Adjustment
Note: If the Workstation does not remain in the set position or it’s difficult to raise or lower, the tension must be adjusted.
Warning! To avoid personal injury or equipment damage, always exercise caution when releasing the display by manually supporting its weight until a stable position is achieved.
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VESA Monitor Mount Tilt Adjustment
Note: Adjust the torque to match the monitor’s weight so it can maintain the set tilt angle. Warning! Do not overtighten the screw, as it may damage the equipment.
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 38

Keyboard Tray Tilt Adjustment
To view manuals, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more visit 39

Warranty Information
This product is backed by a two-year warranty. For further information on product warranty terms and conditions, please refer to
Limitation of Liability
In no event shall the liability of Ltd. and USA LLP (or their officers, directors, employees or agents) for any damages (whether direct or indirect, special, punitive, incidental, consequential, or otherwise), loss of profits, loss of business, or any pecuniary loss, arising out of or related to the use of the product exceed the actual price paid for the product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. If such laws apply, the limitations or exclusions contained in this statement may not apply to you.
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