VIMAR 40405 Pixel Up 2F+ Stainless Steel Plate Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

Programming manual

VIMAR 40405 Pixel Up 2F+ Stainless Steel Plate


40405 – 40425

Panel with Due Fili Plus audio and audio/video electronic unit, display and alphanumeric keyboard

ELVOX Videocitofonia

ELVOX Door entry

1. Video entrance panel with Due Fili Plus audio and audio/video

electronic unit, display and alphanumeric keyboard

Outdoor video entryphone unit with call from contacts list.
The device is supplied with a display and keyboard used to make calls using the contacts list or by directly entering the extension number to be called.
The contacts list can be navigated by scrolling through the names in alphabetical order with the application of possible filters to facilitate the location of a user if multiple items exist.
The display also provides visual feedback on the operating phases of the outdoor unit, such as the indications for “call in progress” and “talking”, in addition to that associated with the access control modules.
The display module is equipped with an installation menu with which the basic outdoor unit configuration parameters can be managed.
The keyboard module is supplied with two configurable relays.

Front view

VIMAR 40405 Pixel Up 2F+ Stainless Steel Plate - a1

  1. Speaker
  2. Brightness sensor (only 40425)
  3. Video camera (only 40405)
  4. Microphone
  5. LED for light signals:
    | On: bus busy / Flashing: No communication
    | Door open
    | On: Communication in progress / Flashing: Call in progress
  6. (UP), (OK), (DOWN)
  7. (Cancel), (Key)
  8. Alphanumeric keyboard
  9. 3.5″ display
2. Description

The audio and audio/video module is equipped with:

– interfacing to acoustic devices used by the hard-of-hearing;
– voice synthesis, for signalling the call state;
– full-duplex audio with Larsen effect removal;
– Front LEDs, for signalling the call state;
– automatic gain control (AGC), to stabilise the speaker output level, whatever the type of system;
– AGC on the microphone level, used to compensate the distance between the outdoor unit used and the tone of voice used in the communication
– noise suppression, used to eliminate the background noise in the environment surrounding the outdoor unit
– automatic configuration of indoor and outdoor unit addresses.
– dusk/dawn function for automatically adjusting the brightness according to the ambient light.
– zoom & scan function, used to zoom in and scan the areas shown by the video camera (only 40405);
– electric lock control, connected directly to the terminals S+ and S- or to the contacts supported by the keyboard relays;
– connection for an additional local push button to open the lock or for a “Door open” signalling sensor, to the CA+ and CA- terminals (configurable via SaveProg);
– input for optional local additional power supply (with power supply 6923);

The audio 41002UP module is equipped with an optional video input for an analogue video camera.

The display module provides call functions from the contacts list, extension numbers and to switchboard.
The device provides visual feedback on the operating phases of the outdoor unit, such as the indications for “call in progress” and “talking”, in addition to that associated with the access control modules.
The display module is equipped with an installation menu with which the basic outdoor unit configuration parameters can be managed.

2.1 Teleloop and control voice synthesis function

The device allows persons with disabilities to listen to the call audio and receive call status signals via an appropriate hearing aid.
Enable the hearing aid, referring to its instruction manual. Control voice synthesis can be disabled with SaveProg.

VIMAR 40405 Pixel Up 2F+ Stainless Steel Plate - b1

2.2 Zoom & scan function (only 40405)

This function lets you zoom and scroll through the areas framed by the cam, as shown in the following figure, with the push buttons of an indoor unit.
Please refer to SaveProg for the remaining details.

2.3 Picture control (only 40405)

The standard mode provides optimal operation in typical environmental conditions, while the enhanced portrait mode highlights the caller in a backlit situation (for example at dawn).
Can be selected with SaveProg.

2.4 Dusk/dawn function

This lets you enable automatic brightness control of the entrance panel backlighting according to the ambient light brightness. Can be selected with SaveProg.

3. Configuration

The electronic module can be configured directly from the display or from the “SaveProg” programming software.

3.1 Advanced configuration (via PC)

The advanced configuration of the electronic module is performed via a PC, using the “SaveProg” Due Fili system management software, available from the website, and connecting the 41030UP electronic module to the PC via a USB-MiniUSB cable.

3.2. Configuration via PC

3.2.1. Programming the Contacts List and access control codes

The contacts list (up to 8192 items) and the access control codes (up to 2000 codes) can be programmed using a PC with configuration software, or directly from the related display configuration menu. Standby views

When first switching on, without having programmed any contacts list, the device looks like this:

Home Screen

3.2.2. Setting contacts list filters

PC configuration software is used to enable a set of filters for targeted access to the sub-sets of the contacts list. The available filters are described below. Initials pre-filter

This filter lets you access a section of the contacts list identified by the names that start with the chosen letters. Building filter

This filter lets you access the subset of users paired with a specific building.

The Building filter can be combined with the initials pre-filter. Stair filter

The Stair filter lets you access the subset of users paired with a specific stair or all users.
It can be combined with the two previous filters.
In particular, with the buildings filter you obtain:

With the buildings and initials filter:

3.2.3. Additional information

Additional information is displayed on a contacts list entry when the user hovers over it for more than 3 s.

In order of priority:

  • if present, the string of the User Information field is displayed
  • if there is no string in the Information field, but there is one in the Secondary Name field, then the latter is displayed;
  • if there are no strings in either User Information or Secondary Name, and there is another user with the same ID then the name of this second user is displayed;
3.3. Configuration from menu

The display provides the ability to configure the basic parameters of the outdoor unit.
There are two menus:

  1. administrator: the administrator side lets you modify the display module interface;
  2. installer: in addition to what the administrator can do, the installer lets you change some of the functional parameters of the outdoor unit.

You access the menu by simultaneously pressing (UP) + (DOWN) for 5 secs and entering the respective passwords.
The passwords have a fixed length and are composed of a sequence of the “ (UP)” “ (DOWN)” “ (OK)” buttons.
The default passwords are:
Administrator: (UP) + (UP) + (UP) + (UP) + (UP)
Installer: (DOWN) + (DOWN) + (DOWN) + (DOWN) + (DOWN)
The passwords can be modified from the configuration software on the PC or directly from the configuration menu on the display.

3.3.1. Installer menu Menu structure

Level 0| Level 1| Level 2| Level 3| Level 4| Settings
Contacts List| Edit| Select “Name”, to scroll and search| ID| | id 2f
Name| | Enter name
Information| | Enter info
Secondary info| | Enter info
Visible| | YES/NO
Main| | YES/NO
Remapping| | Remapping code
Add| ID| | | id 2f
Name| | | Enter name
Information| | | Enter info
Secondary info| | | Enter info
Visible| | | YES/NO
Main| | | YES/NO
Remapping| | | Remapping code
Delete| Select “Name”, to scroll and search| | | Confirm/Delete
Delete all| | | | Confirm/Delete
Access| Access Codes| Edit| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| Select “Code”, to scroll| Edit code
Add| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| | Enter code
Delete| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| Select “Code”, to scroll| Confirm/Delete
Delete all| | | Confirm/Delete
Actuators| Edit| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| Type| Actuator type selection
Device| Device selection
Description| Enter description
Add| Type| | Actuator type selection
Device| | Device selection
Description| | Enter description
Delete| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| | Confirm/Delete
Delete all| | | Confirm/Delete
Display| Language| | | | Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Dutch and Polish (Default: English)
Menu| Font| | | Normal/Large (Default: Large)
Navigation| | | Direct, Navigable, Expanded
LCD| Brightness| | | 1-5 (Default:5)
Colours| | | B/N, BLUE, GREEN (Default: BLUE)
Standby| | | ON/OFF (Default: ON)
Logo| | | ON/OFF (Default: ON)
Outdoor Unit| Audio| Speaker| | | 5 levels
Microphone| | | 2 levels
Addressing| Indoor Units| | | State screen
Outdoor Units| | | State screen
Man. address.| ID 2f| | id 2f
Type of installation| | Vertical/Horizontal
Timing| Lock| | | 10 values
Talk| | | 10 values
Answer| | | 10 values
Self-start| Self-start| | 10 values
Disabled| | YES/NO
F1| Destination| | Select Destination
Activation T.| | 10 values
F2| Destination| | Select Destination
Activation T.| | 10 values
Keypad Relay A| Source| | Select Source
Activation T.| | 10 values
Keypad Relay B| Source| | Select Source
Activation T.| | 10 values
Call digits No.| | | | Natural / up to 4 / up to 8
External Video
(only 40425)| | | | YES/NO Default: NO
Voice synthesis| | | | YES/NO Default: NO
Common locks| | | | Start Procedure / Del. All
Info| | | | | Type of installation: Vertical/Horizontal
Outdoor unit ID
AV FW Ver xxxxx
LCD FW Ver xxxxx
KP FW Ver xxxxx
System| Reset Settings| | | | Confirm/Delete
Reset Out.St.| | | | Confirm/Delete
Restart Out. St.| | | | Confirm/Delete
Restart System| | | | Confirm/Delete
External memory reset| | | | Confirm/Delete
Password| Administrator| | | | Enter PWD (twice)
Installer| | | | Enter PWD (twice)

The items are accompanied by the current value of the set parameter. Contacts List

This section is used to edit or add to the user contacts list stored in the outdoor unit.
The administrator can only edit some fields of a user while the installer can edit all fields, enter a new user, delete a user or the whole contacts list.
The fields that can be set for each user are:

  • ID,
  • Name;
  • Information,
  • Secondary Information,
  • Visible (Indicates if the user must be visible in contacts list searches)
  • Main (Indicates if the user must be considered main if there are two identical IDs)
  • Remapping (Code used to call the user if the remapping is active) Access

This section is used to manage the system actuators and the associated codes.
The administrator can edit only the access codes while the installer can also manage the section relating to the actuators.

The editable/settable fields for actuators are:

  • Type (Indicates the type of actuator)
  • Device (Indicates which device the actuator acts on)
  • Description (Alphanumeric field used to identify the actuator unambiguously)

As regards the access codes on the other hand you can:

  • Edit an existing code associated to an actuator
  • Enter a new code, associating it to an actuator
  • Delete a code associated to an actuator
  • Delete all the codes of all the actuators Display

“This section is used to configure the display functions”


It is used to select the user interface language.

  • Language: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Dutch and Polish


It is used to select:

  • Font: Normal/Large
    Changes the font size, to improve readability.

Normal                Large

  • Navigation: Direct/Navigable/Expanded
    Edits the style of the home page viewed and related access modes to the available functions.

Navigable                   Direct                Expanded


This lets you define the operating parameters of the display

  • Brightness: 0-5
    Brightness level. When there are high internal temperatures, the display is automatically dimmed.

  • Colours: B/W, BLUE, GREEN
    Used to select one of the predefined colour schemes for viewing the menu, according to readability.

B/W                    BLUE                    GREEN

  • Standby: ON, OFF
    Lets you disable display standby mode, i.e. not decreasing the brightness level of the LCD when it is not being used.


Used to Enable/Disable the uploaded logo display.

If ON is selected, after 30 seconds of inactivity in the home the stored logo is displayed.
The logo image is programmed in SaveProg. It must be entered in BMP format with a fixed size of 320×320 pixel and colour depth 24 bit. The image is then converted into a palette of 256 colours.
A 120×320 pixel area is reserved at the bottom for a welcome message, customisable in SaveProg, with maximum length 30 characters. If no string is entered on the display the default wording is shown, “Press to continue”.
Once the logo is displayed, press any key to return to the home page. The only effect of this is to hide the logo and return to the set home page. From the home page it is possible to run the required function. Outdoor Unit

This section lets you set the basic parameters of the audio/video module of the outdoor unit.


This lets you set the operating levels of the speaker and microphone.

  • Speaker 
  • Microphone.


Used to start the outdoor and indoor unit addressing procedures.

  • Indoor Units
    Starts the indoor unit address assignment procedure.

  • Outdoor Units
    Starts the (non secondary) outdoor unit address assignment procedure.

  • Manual addressing
    The ID of the outdoor unit and type of system can be changed for the segment it is connected to.


This lets you choose the times for:

  • Lock
    Lock control duration

  • Talk
    Maximum talk duration

  • Answer
    Time available for answering a call after the ringtone cycles have ended.

  • Self-start
    You can select the maximum duration of the self-start time.
    If the entrance panel has been configured for a horizontal system or as a master for a vertical system, an additional parameter is present to allow enabling/disabling of the cyclic self-start function.

  • F1, F2
    It is possible to select the control activation time and destination from among the local panel modules.

  • Keypad Relay A, Keypad Relay B
    It is possible to select the actuator activation time and the related source, i.e. the relay ID.
    The source may therefore have a value from 1 to 16 for vertical systems and 1 to 6000 for expanded systems. Zero disables the function, while to set the local panel lock control as the source, press the key button on art. 41019UP when entering the control.
    The “Activation delay” parameter can only be configured in SaveProg.
    Relay A for the source has “Lock” as default.
    Relay B for the source has “Aux 1” as default.

Call digits No.

Used to select the mode and if required the maximum number of digits used to call an indoor unit.

  • Natural: up to 3 digits for vertical system, up to 5 digits for horizontal system, remapping not active.
  • 4 digits:   up to 4 digits, remapping active.
  • 8 digits:   up to 8 digits, remapping active.

External Video (only 40425)

Used to enable the optional video input for an analogue video camera. Audio/video calls can therefore be made.

Voice Synthesis

This option is used to enable/disable voice synthesis on the outdoor station.

Common locks

On an outdoor station, the parameter allows the configuration of the lock opening in common with one or more outdoor stations.
Note: The version is available from firmware version 1.35 for entrance panel 40405 or 1.23 for entrance panel 40425 (also after updating); with display (41018) firmware version 1.63 or later.

Configuration of common locks

Preliminary procedure

From the outdoor station whose lock opening you wish to share, make a call towards any indoor station installed on the same bus, where the outdoor station concerned by the programming is situated.
Then, from the indoor station, press the lock release button (this way the lock action control will be sent to the calling entrance panel, and the system will register the entrance panel to share).

VIMAR 40405 Pixel Up 2F+ Stainless Steel Plate - c20

  1. Select “Start procedure”
  2. Press to confirm.
  3. Press the lock release button on the indoor station called previously.

Configuration in progress      Configuration completed
(max 3 minutes)                        successfully

Any errors in configuration

The procedure for the association of the lock with the outdoor station described above can be repeated for a maximum of 8 other outdoor stations. Once this limit has been reached, the attempt at defining another association will fail and the display will exit the configuration procedure. Nevertheless, deleting the programming is possible, as described below.

  • The procedure will affect all the indoor stations and not just the one used for the definition of the association, and it also includes any reception switchboards (for a total of 204 devices). If the entrance panel is installed on a horizontal Bus, the procedure will affect all the indoor stations in the window (first ID – last ID) managed by the entrance panel itself.
  • The outdoor station does not exit the configuration and does not go into busy mode if in the meantime the bus is used by a communication which has priority for the same outdoor station; the red LEDs signal that the bus is not available and configuration continues.

Deletion of common locks configuration

  1. Select “Del. All” to delete the table of common locks from the outdoor station.
  2. Press to confirm. Info

This section gives the release information for the devices installed on the outdoor unit.

Av fw ver = audio video module version
lcd fw ver = display module version
Kp. fw ver = keypad version System

This section lets you restore the factory settings of the various devices or restart the outdoor unit.

  • Reset Settings: OK/Delete
    Restores the factory default settings of the display module, after confirmation.
    The values restored are: Language, Colour, Home Page, Font, Brightness, Standby and the Administrator/Installer Passwords.

  • Reset Out. Unit: OK/Delete
    Restores the factory default settings of the outdoor unit, after confirmation.

  • Restart Out. Unit: OK/Delete
    Restarts the outdoor unit.

  • Restart System: OK/Delete
    Restarts the entire Due Fili system.
    After the restart, the display shows the screen described in paragraph 3.5.6.

  • External memory reset: OK/Delete
    Confirming the external memory reset deletes any names in the Contacts List, access codes and push button remapping, Actuators, Access tags and Logos. PASSWORD

This section is used to change the passwords associated to the installer and/or administrator to access the settings menu. To validate the password change, enter the new password twice consecutively.

3.3.2. Administrator Menu Administrator menu structure

The structure is shown below:

Level 0| Level 1| Level 2| Level 3| Level 4| Settings
Contacts List| Edit contacts list| Select “Name”, to scroll and search| Name| | Enter name
Information| | Enter info
Secondary info| | Enter info
Visible| | YES/NO
Access| Access Codes| Edit| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| Select “Code”, to scroll| Edit code
Add| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| | Enter code
Delete| Select “Description”, to scroll and search| Select “Code”, to scroll| Confirm/Delete
Delete all| | | Confirm/Delete
Display| Language| | | | Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Dutch and Polish (Default: English)
Menu| Font| | | Normal/Large (Default: Large)
Navigation| | | Direct, Navigable, Expanded
LCD| Brightness| | | 1-5 (Default:5)
Colours| | | B/W, BLUE, GREEN (Default: BLUE)
Standby| | | ON/OFF (Default: ON)
Logo| | | ON/OFF (Default: ON)
Outdoor Unit| Voice synthesis| | | | YES/NO Default: NO
Password| Administrator| | | | Enter PWD (twice)

Please refer to the installer menu for the description of the menu fields.

3.4 Notification messages

The device displays a variety of notification messages, whose meanings are summarized in the following table.

Notification Action required
Loading… Wait for the start-up phase to complete
Communication Timeout Check the module connections and restart the electronic

Registration Error| Check the module connections and restart the electronic unit.
UPGRADE THE MODULES| Upgrade the display module and the audio video module to the latest FW release, which can be downloaded from the Vimar website, along with SaveProg.
Comm. Error| If the problem persists, please contact customer service.
UPGRADE TO FONTS v.1| Update the fonts on the display to version 1 using SaveProg, using SaveProg version or later.
CHECK THE CONNECTIONS| Check the connection to the electronic module and restart the device.
INCORRECT INSTALLATION| Incorrect installation. Check the guidelines provided in the instructions.

For example, the following screen appears in the device start-up phase and requires waiting for the start-up phase to complete.


4. Updating

The devices are updated via a USB connection.

  • To update the AV module, connect the USB as indicated in the figure in chapter 3.1 and run the update.

  • To update the display module disconnect it from the other modules and connect the PC to its USB connector.
    The update must be run within 30 s. After 30s the display automatically exits the update phase. During the update the lower right LED will remain lit and the display will not show any images.

  • To update the keyboard connect the USB as shown in the figure in chapter 3.1 and from the list of available devices in the updating software, select the required keyboard.

Run the update with the PC suitably powered.

VIMAR 40405 Pixel Up 2F+ Stainless Steel Plate - d1

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