VIMAR 01504.2 Line-Field Coupler Installation Guide

June 5, 2024

01504.2 Line-Field Coupler
Installation GuideVIMAR 01504.2 Line Field

product description

The 01504.2 media coupling device can be used as a line coupler, a backbone coupler, or a line repeater. The basic functionality of the 01504.2 is coupling a KNX TP main line with a KNX TP subline. Providing galvanic isolation between the two connected lines enables a data connection between the upper line (mainline or backbone) and the lower line.

Due to its flexibility, the coupler can be used as a line coupler to connect a subline to a mainline or as a backbone coupler to connect a mainline to a backbone line. The main task of the 01504.2 is to filter the traffic according to the installation place in the hierarchy (individually addressed telegrams, in this document named Physical telegrams) or according to the built-in filter tables for group-oriented communication (Group telegrams).

Compared to other similar products the 01504.2 provides outstanding features, for example, its support of long messages (up to 240 byte APDU length) and a configurable one-button activation of the “Manual Function” (transmit all telegrams, transmit Physical telegrams, or transmit Group telegrams). This functionality is helpful during installation, during run time, and for troubleshooting. To easily identify common communication problems due to busload or retransmissions on both lines the high informative 6 duo LED display shows the bus status on each line accurately.

The 01504.2 is also able to link two lines for data transfer. As a line repeater, the 01504.2 still provides galvanic isolation between the connected lines. The result is up to four lines can form a single subline with up to three line repeaters used after the line coupler. Each sub-line segment requires its own KNX power supply unit.

KNX topology

VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 1

Please note:
Commissioning at delivery status means:

  • All telegrams are blocked because the filter table is not defined
  • The fallback time after the manual operation is 120 min
  • The physical address is 15.15.0

Device frontend

VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 2

1 Bus state mainline LED 5 Group address filter table status LED
2 Bus state sub line LED 6 Physical address filtering status LED
3 Bus traffic mainline LED 7 Programming LED
4 Bus traffic sub line LED
A Function button C KNX mainline
B Program button D KNX subline

Installation example

VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 3

Operational description

According to either the factory default settings or to the latest parameter settings (downloaded from ETS, also other tools) being in “Normal Mode” the 01504.2 operates as it is supposed to. The default configurations of the “Normal Mode” are set by the mainline and the sub-line parameters.

Normal mode

| Green| Red
Bus State Main| Off: mainline error or not connected On: mainline OK| On: manual overwrite active.
Bus State Sub| Off: sub line not connected On: sub line OK| N.A.
LED 3 Traffic Main| Blinking: bus traffic on mainline (only valid telegrams) Off no traffic on mainline| Blinking: transmission error on mainline
LED 4 Traffic Sub| Blinking: bus traffic on subline (only valid telegrams) Off no traffic on a subline| Blinking: transmission error on a subline
Group Address| Routing of Group telegrams Off main and sub different. On: Fitter table is active| Block
On with Amber color: route all
Physical Address| Routing of Physical telegrams Off main and sub different. On: Finer table active| On: block
On with Amber color: route all
LED 7 Programming| N.A.| On: device in Program Mode’

Program mode
With the Programming button, the device can be switched between “Normal Mode” and “Program Mode”. To download the physical address to the device this unction is essential. After the download, the 01504.2 automatically returns to the “Normal Mode”.
Programming LED (7):
Off: Normal Mode
On: Program Mode

Function button
The function button is used for two purposes, either to switch to “Manual Function” or to do a factory reset. Being in “Normal Mode” it depends on the duration of time the button is being pressed.

Manual function
Long press (≈ 3 sec) in “Normal Mode”
The device activates the “Manual Function” and the LEDs change their status.
Pressing the button again for some seconds deactivates the “Manual Function”.
After the expiration of the Fallback time, the device returns to “Normal Mode” automatically. To configure the “Manual Function” and set the Fallback time use the parameter tab “General”.

Please note:
The latest downloaded settings (parameters) and the filter table are still available after switching back from “Manual Function” to “Normal Mode”.

Factory reset
Very long press (≈ 15 s) in “Normal Mode”
A factory reset is carried out by pressing the button for about 15 seconds (LEDs 1,2,5,6 light with mixed color). After release, pressing it again for some seconds resets all the parameters to factory default (incl. physical address). Subsequently, the LEDs change their status.

Application description line coupler

With the coupler receiving physically addressed telegrams (Physical telegrams), for example during commissioning, it compares the physical address of the receiver with its own physical address to decide whether to route the telegrams or not. On receiving telegrams with group addresses (Group telegrams) the coupler proceeds in accordance with its parameter settings.
At the default setting the coupler only routes those telegrams whose group addresses have been entered in its filter table.
In case of not receiving an acknowledgment after routing a telegram, due to a bus transmission error, for example, the coupler repeats the telegram up to three times (depending on the corresponding parameter that is set by ETS). With the parameters „Repetitions if errors …“ this function can be adjusted separately for both connected lines. The default settings of these parameters should be retained.

ETS-Parameters line coupler
All screenshots in this document describing ETS parameters represent the Line/Field coupler´s database entry in the ETS5.

In the properties window, the basic settings of the Line/Field coupler can be adjusted and checked. Under the Settings tab, the device name and the physical address (individual address) can be changed/downloaded to the device. VIMAR
01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 4When not already configured as “Line coupler”, the application program for “Line coupler” has to be downloaded to the device.
Under the Information tab, this configuration can be changed by the menu “Change Application Program”. After changing the configuration the filter table entries can be added manually. Also updating the application program can be done here.

GeneralVIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure


VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 6

Important note:
The parameter “transmit all” for Group telegrams or Physical telegrams is intended only for testing purposes. This setting should not be used during normal operations.

ETS-Parameters line coupler

ETS-Text Selection [Factory default] Comment
Configuration groups: filter, physical: block groups, physical: filter

groups: route, physical: filter groups, physical: route configure [groups, physical: filter]| – Block: no telegram is routed.
– Filter: only telegrams are routed which are entered in the filter table. _ Route: the telegrams are routed.
– Configure: the following parameters can be set manually. This parameter is to be set depending on the planned configuration.
Group telegrams| 1. transmit al (not recommended)
2. block
3. filter [filter]| 1. Al group telegrams are transmitted.
2. No group telegram is transmitted.
3. Only Group telegrams entered in the fitter table are routed. ETS3/4 produces the fitter table automatically.
Main group telegrams 14/15| 1. transmit all
2. block [transmit all]| 1. Group telegrams with the sub-group 14 or 15 (e.g. 14/1) are routed.
2. Group telegrams with the sub-group 14 or 15 (e.g. 14/1) are not routed.
Physical telegrams| 1. transmit all (not recommended) 2 blocks.
3. fitter [litter]| 1. Al Physical telegrams are transmitted.
2. No Physical telegram is transmitted.
3. Depending on the physical address only Physical telegrams are routed.
Repetition when errors on mainline| 1. no.
2 normal
3 reduced.  [normal]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a Physical telegram on the main the:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once
Repetition when errors on mainline| 1. no.
2 normal.
3 reduced [normal]| If a transmission error(e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a Group telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once.
Telegram confirmations online| 1. if routed
2. always [If routed] (ACK).| 1. Only telegrams that are to be routed are confirmed on the main Nne
2. Each telegram on the mainline is confirmed (ACK).
Send confirmation on your own telegrams| 1 . yes
2. no [no]| 1. Every telegram on the mainline is confirmed with its own ACK (from the Line coupler).
2. No confirmation with own ACK 3 See note below.

Please note:
If the parameter “Send confirmation on own telegrams” is set to yes the line coupler will send an ACK systematically on any own routed telegram.


VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 7

ETS-Parameters line coupler-Application description line repeater

ETS-Text Selection [Factory fau delt] Comment
Configuration groups: filter, physical: block groups. physical: filter

groups: route, physical: filter groups, physical: route configure
[groups, physical: filter]| – Block: no telegram is routed.
– Filter: only telegrams are routed which are entered In the filter table. – Route: the telegrams are routed.
– Configure: the following parameters can be set manually
Group telegrams| 1. transmit all (not recommended)
2. block
3. filter [filter]| 1. All group telegrams are transmitted.
2. No group telegram is transmitted.
3. Only group telegrams entered in the filter table are routed. ETS3/4 produces the fitter table automatically
Subgroup telegrams 14/15| 1. transmit all
2. block [transmit all]| 1. Group telegrams with the sub-group 14 or 15 (e.g. 14/1) are routed.
2. Group telegrams with the sub-group 14 or 15 (e.g. 14/1) are not routed.
Physical telegrams| 1. transmit all (not recommended) 2 blocks.
3. filter [filter]| 1. All Physical telegrams are transmitted.
2. No Physical telegram is transmitted.
3. Depending on the physical address only Physical telegrams are routed.
Physical: Repetition if errors on the subline occur| 1.. no
2. normal
3.reduced [normal]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a physical telegram on the main tine:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once.
Group: Repetition if errors on the sub-One occur| 1. no.
2 normal.
3 reduced [normal]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a group telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once..
Telegram confirmations online| 1. if routed
2. always [if routed] (ACK).| 1. Only telegrams that are to be routed are confirmed on the subline
2. Each telegram on the sub line is confirmed (ACK).
Send confirmation on your own telegrams| 1. yes
2. no [no]| 1. Even] telegram on the sub line is confirmed with its own ACK (from the Line coupler).
2.No confirmation with own ACK

Application description line repeater

Line repeaters do not use a filter table. A received telegram is routed to all lines irrespective of in which line it is processed. It is therefore not important whether the telegram is triggered within a line or whether it is sent from an upper line to a lower line via a coupler.
When an error occurs during the transmission of a telegram according to the physical address of a receiver the line repeater is able to repeat the telegram. With the parameters „Physical: Repetition if errors on mainline/on subline“ this function can be set separately for both lines. In the case of routing a group telegram without not receiving an acknowledgment or in case of an abused device detecting a transmission error, the line repeater repeats the telegram three times. With the  parameters „Group: Repetition if errors on main line/on sub line“ this  function can be adjusted  separately for both lines.

ETS-Parameters line repeater

In the properties window, the basic settings of the Line/Field coupler can be adjusted and checked. Under the Settings tab the device name and the physical address (individual address) can be changed and downloaded to the device.VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 8 When not already configured as “Line repeater”, the application program for “Line repeater” has to be downloaded to the device. Under the Information tab, this configuration can be changed by the menu “Change Application Program”. After changing the configuration the filter table entries can be added manually. Also updating the application program can be done here.


VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 9

EIS-Text Selection [Factory default] Comment

Fallback time
for manual operation| 10 min. 1 hour. 4 hours. 8 hours (1 hour]| After this time period the ‘Manual Function” is switched off automatically.
Manual function| disabled pass all telegrams pass physical telegrams  pass group telegrams [pass all telegrams]| Telegram routing configuration for the “Manual Function”.

Main line

VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 10

Important note:
The parameter “transmit all” for Group telegrams or Physical telegrams is intended only for testing purposes. This setting should not be used during normal operations.

ETS-Text Selection [Factory default] Comment
Configuration groups. physical: route configure [groups, physical: route]

Route: the telegrams are routed.
– Configure: the following parameters can be set manually.
Physical telegrams| 1. transmit all
2. block [transmit all]| 1. All physical telegrams are transmitted.
2. No physical telegram is transmitted.
Physical: Repetition when errors on mainline| 1. no
2. normal
3. reduced [reduced]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a Physical telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once.
Group: Repetition when errors on mainline|
2. normal
3. reduced [reduced]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a Group telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once.
Telegram confirmations online| 1. if routed
2. always [always]| 1. Only telegrams with are to be routed are confirmed on the mainline (ACK).
2. Each telegram on the man fine is confirmed (ACK).
Send confirmation on your own telegrams| 1. yes [yes]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a group telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once..

Please note:
If the parameter “Send confirmation on own telegrams” is set to yes the line repeater will send an ACK systematically on any own routed telegram. With the repeater using no filter table it is useful to send an ACK with every routed telegram.


VIMAR 01504.2 Line Field Coupler - figure 11

ETS-Text Selection [Factory default] Comment
Configuration groups. physical: route configure [groups, physical: route]

Route: the telegrams are routed.
– Configure: the following parameters can be set physically.
Physical telegrams| 1. transmit all
2. block [transmit all]| 1. All physical telegrams are transmitted.
2.No physical telegram is transmitted.
Physical: Repetition If errors on the subline occur|
2. normal
3. reduced [reduced]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a Physical telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once.
Group: Repetition if errors on the subline occur|
2. normal reduced [reduced]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a group telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once.
Telegram confirmations online| 1. if routed
2. always [always] (ACK).| 1. Only telegrams that are to be routed are confirmed on the subline
2. Each telegram on the sub line is confirmed (ACK).
Send confirmation on your own telegrams| 1. yes [yes]| If a transmission error (e.g. due to a missing receiver) is found after sending a group telegram on the mainline:
1. Physical telegrams are not repeated.
2. Physical telegrams are repeated up to three times.
3. Physical telegrams will be repeated only once..

01504.2 EN 03 2102
Viale Vicenza 14
36063 Marostica VI – Italy

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| VIMAR 01504.2 Line-Field Coupler [pdf] Installation Guide
01504.2 Line-Field Coupler, 01504.2, Line-Field Coupler


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