GOSSEN METRAWATT PROFITEST MTECH IQ 3 Phase Test Adapter for Testers Including Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

GOSSEN METRAWAT Logo Operating Instructions
3-Phase Test Adapter for Testers Including
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Read carefully before use!
Keep on file for future reference!GOSSEN METRAWATT PROFITEST MTECH IQ 3
Phase Test Adapter for Testers Including

Connections Overview

Connections Overview – Symbols – Scope of Delivery

Including - Connections

Meanings of Symbols on the Instrument
300 V CAT III Maximum permissible voltage and measuring category between connections and ground
Warning concerning a point of danger (attention: observe documentation!)
** Indicates European Conformity
This device may not be disposed of with household trash, see “Returns and Environmentally Sound Disposal” on page 15.
Scope of Delivery**
1 Test adapter (M514R)
1 RS 232 interface cable, type Z3241
1 Set of operating instructions

Safety Precautions

The test adapter has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the following safety regulations: IEC/EN 61010-1/VDE 0411-1, DIN EN 61326-1/VDE 0843-20-1 Safety of the operator, as well as that of the test adapter, is only assured when it’s used for its intended purpose. Use for intended purpose stipulates application for loop and line impedance measurement ZL-PE and ZL-N as well as insulation resistance measurement RISO exclusively in combination with the
– PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ, as of FW V03.04.04
– PROFITEST MXTRA IQ, as of FW V03.04.04
– PROFITEST PRIME, as of FW V03.05.00 test instruments.
Any other application (e.g. voltage measurement or use in combination with other test instruments) are not permissible. Read the operating instructions carefully and completely before placing your test instrument into service. Follow all instructions contained therein. Make sure that the operating instructions are available to all users of the device. Read the operating instructions for the respective test instrument as well, in particular the sections concerning the measurement of insulation, loop and internal line resistance. Tests may only be performed by a qualified electrician, or under the supervision and direction of a qualified electrician. The user must be instructed by a qualified electrician concerning performance and evaluation of the test (see also training seminars listed at www.gossenmetrawatt.com ).

  • The device may only be connected to elec- trical systems with a maximum of 230/ 400 V which comply with applicable safety regulations (e.g. IEC 60346, VDE 0100) and are protected with a fuse or circuit breaker with a maximum rating of 16 A.
  • The test adapter may only be used for tests described in the section entitled “Applications”.
  • When using a test probe with coil cord: Grip the tip of the test probe firmly, for example if it has been inserted into a jack socket. Tensioning at the coil cord may otherwise cause the test probe to snap back resulting in possible injury.
  • Insulation resistance can only be measured at voltage-free systems.
  • Do not touch the test probes during measurement!

All fuses for the test adapter’s neutral and phase conductors are accessible from the outside (see section 6.3). The fuses may only be replaced when the instrument is voltage-free, i.e. the instrument must be disconnected from mains supply power and may not be
connected to a measuring circuit. The fuse type must comply with the specifications in the technical data or the labeling on the instrument (see section 5).
Opening the Device / Repairs
The test adapter may only be opened by authorized, trained personnel in order to ensure flawless operation and to assure that the guarantee is not rendered null and void. Even original replacement parts may only be installed by authorized, trained personnel. If it can be ascertained that the test adapter has been opened by unauthorized personnel, no guarantee claims can be honored by the manufacturer with regard to personal safety, measuring accuracy, compliance with applicable safety measures or any  onsequential
damages. The test adapter may not be used:

  • If external damage is apparent, for example if parts which conduct dangerous touch voltage are freely accessible, and in the event of defective LEDs
  • With damaged connection and/or measurement cables, e.g. interrupted insulation or kinked cable
  • If it no longer functions flawlessly
  • After extraordinary stressing due to transport In such cases, the test adapter must be removed from operation and secured against unintentional use.


Use of the test adapter eliminates bother- some replugging, and thus reversing of the phases as well during measurement of RISO, ZL-PE and ZL-N.
The following measurements are supported:
L1-PE, L2-PE, L3-PE,
L1-N, L2-N, L3-N,
L1-L2, L1-L3, L2-L3
The following test instruments are suitable for use with the test adapter:
– PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ, as of FW V03.04.04
– PROFITEST MXTRA IQ, as of FW V03.04.04
– PROFITEST PRIME, as of FW V03.05.00
Indication of Conductor Connections
The LEDs indicate conductor continuity between the connected system and the test instrument’s input:
– RED LED: Switch closed, conductor continuity
– GREEN LED: Switch open, no connection
The line circuit-breaker is opened and closed via the TEST ADAPTER CONTROLLER at the respective test instrument.
Measuring Insulation Resistance RISO in Electrical Systems In order to be able to detect faults in electrical systems which are caused by defective insulation, insulation resistance must be measured between each active conductor and the protective earth conductor. Observe the corresponding chapters in the operating instructions of your test instrument concerning correct measurement procedures.
Thanks to 4-wire measurement, there’s no need to determine the test adapter’s offset value.
Measuring Loop and Line Impedance ZL-PE and ZL-N Loop impedance is the sum of all resistances within the distribution network and the conductors in the branch circuit. In order to be able to determine the effectiveness of residual current devices, loop impedance ZL-PE must be ascertained between the phase conductor and the protective conductor. The same measuring procedure is used for line impedance ZL-N as is also the case for loop impedance ZL-PE. However, the current loop is completed via neutral conductor N, rather than protective conductor PE as is the case with loop impedance measurement. Observe the corresponding chapters in the operating instructions of your test instrument concerning correct measurement procedures.
Thanks to 4-wire measurement, there’s no need to determine the test adapter’s offset value.

Initial Startup

3.1 Testing the LEDs
Before performing any measurements, the LEDs should be tested for correct functioning. The test adapter has to be connected to the test instrument via the serial port to this end. Use the serial interface cable for this purpose (included). After switching the test
instrument on, the LEDs must light up green in all switch positions except for RISO, ZL-P and ZL-N.
3.2 Connecting the Test Instrument to the Test Adapter
Connecting the Measurement Inputs The respective test instrument is always connected to the test adapter via 3 poles using the PRO-SCHUKO plug insert or via safety sockets L, N and PE.
PROFITEST PRIME: probes 1(L), 2(N), 3(PE)
This also applies in the case of 2-pole measurements, because the corresponding probes are controlled from the test instrument via the test adapter controller – the measurement cables or probes no longer have to be manually replugged.
Data Interface Connection
The test adapter must also be connected to the test instrument via the serial port in order to control the line circuit-breaker, for the purpose of indication by means of the conductor LEDs and for power supply. Only use the serial interface cable included in the scope of delivery  to connect the  test adapter with the test instrument.
3.3 Connection to the System or the Mains
The test adapter must be connected to the system for all tests (see connections overview on page 2). The following adapter cables are available for this purpose:

Description Type Article No.

Adapter cable with 5-pole 16 A CEE plug and 4 mm safety plugs (L1, L2, L3, N, PE), CAT III 300 V, cable length: 4.8 m| Connecting-Cable-16| Z570B
Adapter cable with 5-pole 32 A CEE plug and 4 mm safety plugs (L1, L2, L3, N, PE), CAT III 300 V, cable length: 4.8 m| Connecting-Cable-32| Z570C
Adapter cable with 5-pole 63 A CEE plug and 4 mm safety plugs (L1, L2, L3, N, PE), CAT III 300 V, cable length: 4.8 m| Connecting-Cable-63| Z570D

➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage and secure against restart.
➭ Check the measuring points for absence of voltage before connecting them to the test adapter.
➭ Using the appropriate adapter cable, connect the test adapter to the system via connector sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE: Refer to the characteristic values on page 14 for nominal mains values.
3.4 Key and Significance of the LEDs

Including - LEDs

Significance of the LEDs
LED lights up red: Switch closed
LED lights up green: Switch open
LED Test
The LEDs must light up green in all switch positions except for RISO, ZL-P and ZL-N.
Repeat the LED test after each test run.


The test adapter can remain connected to the system or the mains during the course of all measurements, assuming absence of voltage during the insulation resistance measurement.
The fuses have to be checked before each measurement. Blown fuses must be replaced with new ones (see “Fuse Replacement” on page 15).
4.1 Measuring Insulation Resistance (RISO)
Single-Phase Mains Connection
The phase must be connected to L1 for single-phase mains connection.
➭ Make sure that the system remains voltage-free for the entire duration of the measurement.
Insulation resistance can only be measured at voltage-free systems.
The N and PE conductors must be disconnected at all times. Consuming devices should not be connected.
4.1.1 Measuring Insulation Resistance with the PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ or PROFITEST MXTRA IQ
Preparing for Measurement
➭ Connect the test instrument’s test plug to the PRO-SCHUKO plug insert.
➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage before connecting the measuring points to  the testadapter.
➭ Connect the system to sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE.
Performing Measurement

Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
➭ Perform the measurement as described in the operating instructions for the respective test instrument:
PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ: sections 5.8 and 11 PROFITEST MXTRA IQ: sections 5.8 and 11
Overview of Connected Conductors
The red illuminated LEDs in the connections overview indicate the respectively connected (closed) conductors.

Test Sequence RINS LED Displays (red)
01/11 N-PE LED4 + LED11
02/11 L1 -PE LED1 + LED11
03/11 L2-PE LED2 + LED11
04/11 L3-PE LED3 + LED11
05/11 L+N -PE LED1 + LED2 + LED3 + LED4 + LED11
06/11 L1-N LED1 + LED10
07/11 L2-N LED2 + LED10
08/11 13-N LED3 + LED10
09/11 L1-L2 LED1 + LED8
10/11 L2 -L3 LED2 + LED9
11/11 L1-L3 LED1 + LED9

4.1.2 Measuring Insulation Resistance with the PROFITEST PRIME
Preparing for Measurement
➭ Using the corresponding test probes, connect the test instrument to the L, N and PE sockets at the test adapter.
➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage before connecting the measuring points  to the test adapter.
➭ Connect the system to sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE.
Performing the Measurement
Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
➭ Perform the measurement as described in the operating instructions for the test instrument:
PROFITEST PRIME: sections 8.6 and 11
➭ The following measuring functions are available for the measurement of insulation resistance:  insulation measurement with constantvoltage and insula- tion measurement with rising test voltage .
Overview of Connected Conductors
The red illuminated LEDs in the connections overview indicate the respectively connected conductors.
Continuity, PRIME RISO

Test Sequence RINS LED Displays (red)
01/11 N-PE LED4 + LED11
02/11 L1-PE LED1 + LED11
03/11 L2-PE LED2 + LED11
04/11 L3-PE LED3 + LED11
05/11 L+N-PE LED1 + LED2 + LED3 + LED4 + LED11
06/11 L1-N LED1 + LED10
01/11 L2- N LE02 + LEDi 0
08/11 L3-N LED3 + LED10
09/11 L1-L2 LED1 + LED8
10/11 L2-L3 LED2 + LED9
11/11 L1-L3 LED1 + LED9

4.2 Measuring Loop Impedance (ZL-PE)
Single-Phase Mains Connection The phase must be connected to L1 for single- phase mains connection.
4.2.1 Measuring Loop Resistance with the PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ or PROFITEST MXTRA IQ
Preparing for Measurement
➭ Connect the test instrument’s test plug to the PRO-SCHUKO plug insert.
➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage before connecting the measuring points to the test adapter.
➭ Connect the system to sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE.
➭ Switch the system on.
Performing the Measurement
Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
➭ Perform the measurement as described in the operating instructions for the respective test instrument: PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ: sections 5.8 and 9 PROFITEST MXTRA IQ: sections 5.8 and 9
Measurement of loop impedance ZL- PE with the PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ and/ or PROFITEST MXTRA IQ is conducted with sine (full-wave) and 15 mA sine. Measurements with DC and halvewave are not possible.
Overview of Connected Conductors
The red illuminated LEDs in the connections overview indicate the respectively connected conductors.
Continuity, ZL-PE

Test Sequence ZL-PE LED Display (red)
3-Jan L1-PE LED1 + LED11
3-Feb L2-PE LED2 + LED11
3-Mar L3-PE LED3 + LED11

4.2.2 Measuring Loop Impedance with the PROFITEST PRIME
Preparing for Measurement
➭ Using the corresponding test probes, connect the test instrument to the L, N and PE sockets at the test adapter.
➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage before connecting the measuring points to the test adapter.
➭ Connect the system to sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE.
➭ Switch the system on.
Performing the Measuremen

Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
If many loop measurements are performed with the PROFITEST PRIME in quick succession, fine-wire fuses in the PROFITEST REMOTE may blow. This is due to the increased test current in order to achieve a higher measuring accuracy.
➭ Perform the measurement as described in the operating instructions for the test instrument:
PROFITEST PRIME: sections 8.6 and 13
➭ Loop impedance is measured using the ZLOOP AC/DC measurement variant.
Measurement with the following mea surement variants is not possible with the PROFITEST PRIME:
Overview of Connected Conductors
The red illuminated LEDs in the connections overview indicate the respectively connected conductors.
Continuity, ZLOOP AC/DC

Test Sequence Zloop AC/DC LED Display (red)
9-Jan L1-PE LED1 + LED11
9-Feb L2-PE LED2 + LED11
9-Mar L3-PE LED3 + LED11
9-Apr L1-N LED1 + LED10
9-May L2-N LED2 + LED10
9-Jun L3-N LED3 + LED10
9-Jul L1-L2 LED1 + LED8
9-Aug L2-L3 LED2 + LED9
9-Sep L1-L3 LED1 + LED9

4.3 Measuring Line Impedance (ZL-N)
Single-Phase Mains Connection The phase must be connected to L1 for single- phase mains connection.
4.3.1 Measuring Line Impedance with the PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ and PROFITEST MXTRA IQ
Preparing for Measurement
➭ Connect the test instrument’s test plug to the PRO-SCHUKO plug insert.
➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage before connecting the measuring points to the test adapter.
➭ Connect the system to sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE.
➭ Switch the system on.
Performing the Measurement
Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
➭ Perform the measurement as described in the operating instructions for the respective test instrument:
PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ: sections 5.8 and 9 PROFITEST MXTRA IQ: sections 5.8 and 9
Overview of Connected Conductors
The red illuminated LEDs in the connections overview indicate the respectively connected conductors. Continuity, ZL-N

Test Sequence RINS LED Displays (red)
6-Jan L1-N LED1 + LED7
6-Feb L2-N LED2 + LED7
6-Mar L3-N LED3 + LED7
6-Apr L1-L2 LED1 + LED5
6-May L2-L3 LED2 + LED6
6-Jun L1-L3 LED1 + LED6

4.3.2 Measuring Line Impedance with the PROFITEST PRIME
Preparing for Measurement
➭ Using the corresponding test probes, connect the test instrument to the L, N and PE sockets at the test adapter.
➭ Disconnect the system from all sources of voltage before connecting the measuring points to the test adapter.
➭ Connect the system to sockets L1, L2, L3, N and PE. Performing the Measurement
Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
If many loop measurements are performed with the PROFITEST PRIME in quick succession, fine-wire fuses in the PROFITEST REMOTE may blow. This is due to the increased test current in order to achieve a higher measuring accuracy.
➭ Perform the measurement as described in the operating instructions for the test instrument: PROFITEST PRIME: sections 8.6 and 13
➭ Line impedance is measured using the ZLOOP AC/DC measurement variant.
➭ Switch the system on.
Overview of Connected Conductors
The red illuminated LEDs in the connections overview indicate the respectively connected conductors.
Continuity, ZLOOP AC/DC

Test Sequence RINS LED Displays (red)
6-Jan L1-N LED1 + LED7
6-Feb L2-N LED2 + LED7
6-Mar L3-N LED3 + LED7
6-Apr L1-L2 LED1 + LED5
6-May L2-L3 LED2 + LED6
6-Jun L1-L3 LED1 + LED6

4.4 Error Messages at the Test Instrument

LCD Pictogram| Test Plug| Measuring Adapter| Position of the
Function Switch| Function / Meaning
| X| X| R1so| Check mains connections for absence of voltage. If voltage is present, it results  in short-circuit- ing between L and N and the device’s fuses are blown. Remedy: Assure absence of volt- age before switching through!
| X| X| All| No interface connection between the test instrument and the test adapter.
Remedy: Check the interface connection and establish con- nection if necessary. Use the serial interface cable for this pur- pose (included).
| X| X| R1so| Contact error or defective fuse. Remedy: Check the test plug for proper fit with the test adapter or replace fuse in the test instrument or test adapter.

Characteristic Values

Measurement input| PRO-SCHUKO plug insert for PROFITEST MTECH+ IQ and PROFITEST MXTRA IQ, three 4 mm safety sockets PROFITEST PRIME| Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)Interference emission EN 61326-1:2013,
class B Interference immunity EN 61326-1:2013 EN 61326-2-1:2013
Mains connection| Five 4 mm safety sockets, (adapter cable for CEE 16A, CEE 32Aand CEE 63A available as accessory)| Mechanical Design ProtectionHousing: IP 40 per DIN VDE 0470, part 1 / EN 60 529
Table Excerpt Regarding Significance of IP Codes

Ambient Conditions

IP XY st (1  digit X)| Protection Against Foreign Object Ingress| IP XY nd (2  digit Y)| Protection Against Water Ingress
4| ³ 1.0 mm dia.| 0| Not protected

Operating temperaturStorage temperature Relative humidity Elevation

Operating temperature
Storage temperature
Relative humidity Elevation| 5 … + 45 °C -20 … + 60 °C Max. 75%, no condensation allowed
Max. 2000 m| Dimensions Housing (W × H × D): approx. 27.5 × 10.5 ×
12 cm (with PRO-SCHUKO plug insert)

Power Supply

Auxiliary voltage| 5 V via RS 232 port| Weight| Approx. 1.1 kg (test adapter without interface cable)
Current consumption| 60 mA (all relays dropped out) 240 mA (2 relays picked up) 600 mA (5 relays
picked up)| Data Interface Transmission
parameters| 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no parity

Electrical Safety

Measuring category 300 V CAT III
Pollution degree 2
Protection class II per IEC 61010-1/ EN 61010-1/ VDE 0411-1
Fuse links F1 to F8: 8 × F 3.15 A FF/500 V
Test voltage Insulation test voltage may not exceed 500 V.
Operating conditions Continuous operation


6.1 Housing Maintenance
No special maintenance is required. Keep outside surfaces clean and dry. Use a slightly dampened cloth for cleaning. Avoid the use of solvents, cleansers and abrasives.
6.2 Technical Safety Inspections,
Testing per DGUV Regulation 3 Subject your test adapter to technical safety inspections at regular intervals.
The test adapter is designed in accordance with IEC 61010 and VDE 0413-16 as a protection category I and II test instrument. Testing of protective conductor and insulation resistance is described in the following subsections.
6.2.1 Testing Protective Conductor Resistance
Testing the 3-Phase Connection
Protected conduct or resistance values of RPE <2 are permissible. This is due to the design of the test adapter.
Connecting/Contacting the Test Adapter, 3-Phase (400 V) Protective conductor resistance is tested between the PE safety contact at the mains connection sockets and the parallel connected 4 mm safety socket at the PE measurement input.
6.2.2 Testing Insulation Resistance
Testing is conducted respectively between short-circuited contacts L123-N and PE for the mains connection safety sockets and between L-N and PE for the measurement inputs. The usual limit values apply.
6.3 Fuse Replacement
All eight fuses for neutral (F7/F8) and phase conductors (F1 to F6) are accessible from the outside.
The fuses may only be replaced when the device is voltage-free, i.e. the device must be disconnected from mains supply power and may not be connected to a measuring circuit. The respective fuse type must comply with the specifications in the technical data or the labeling on the device.

Including - Fuse Holders

➭ Unscrew the appropriate fuse holder with the help of a suitable screwdriver.
➭ Remove the blown fuse from the holder.
➭ Insert the new fuse into the holder.
➭ Reinsert the fuse holder and screw it tight.
6.4 Returns and Environmentally Sound Disposal
This instrument is subject to directive 2012/ 19/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and its German national equivalent implemented as the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) on the marketing, return and environmentally sound disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. The device is a category 9 product (monitoring and control instrument) in accordance with ElektroG (German Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act).
The symbol at the left indicates that this device and its electronic accessories must be disposed of in accordance with applicable legal regulations, and not together with household trash. In order to dispose of the instrument, bring it to a designated collection point or contact our product support department. Segregated disposal and recycling conserves resources and protects our health and the environment. Current and further information is available on our website at http://www.gossenmetrawatt.com under the search terms “WEEE” and “environmental protection”.

Contact, Support and Service

You can reach Gossen Metrawatt GmbH directly and uncomplicated, we have one number for everything! Whether it’s a support question, or individual desire, we answer every request
at:: +49 911 8602-0
Monday –8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday:8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Friday: You can also e-mail to: info@gossenmetrawatt.com
Do you prefer support via e-mail? Measuring and test instruments: support@gossenmetrawatt.com
Industrial equipment:
support. industrie@gossenmetrawatt.com
Enquiries concerning English seminars can also be submitted by e-mail: training@gossenmetrawatt.com
For repairs, replacement parts, and calibrations* please contact GMC-I Service GmbH: +49 911 817718-0
Beuthener Straße 41
90471 Nürnberg

Including - QR Code https://www.gmci-service.com/en/

*  DAkkS calibration laboratory per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Accredited at the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH under registration no. D-K-15080-01-01.
© Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
Edited in Germany • Subject to change without notice / Errors excepted • A pdf version is available on the Internet All trademarks, registered trademarks, logos, product names, and company names are property of their respective owners.

GOSSEN METRAWAT Logo Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
Südwestpark 15
90449 Nürnberg • Germany
Phone +49 911 8602-0
Fax +49 911 8602-669

Documents / Resources

| GOSSEN METRAWATT PROFITEST MTECH IQ 3 Phase Test Adapter for Testers Including [pdf] Instruction Manual
PROFITEST MTECH IQ, MXTRA IQ, PRIME, PROFITEST MTECH IQ 3 Phase Test Adapter for Testers Including, 3 Phase Test Adapter for Testers Including, Test Adapter for Testers Including, Adapter for Testers Including, Testers Including, Including


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