UNITECK UNISUN 5.12M Rigid Monocrystalline Solar Panels User Manual

June 13, 2024

UNISUN 5.12M Rigid Monocrystalline Solar Panels
User Manual

5.12M / 10.12M / 10.24M / 20.12M / 20.24M /
30.12M / 50.12M / 50.24M / 80.12M / 100.12M
/ 100.24M / 150.12M / 150.24M / 200.24M /
Rigid monocrystalline solar panels

UNISUN 5.12M Rigid Monocrystalline Solar Panels

Dear customer, thank you for purchasing one of our UNITECK products. Please read carefully all the instructions before using the product.


UNISUN M is the ideal high-performance rigid monocrystalline module range for leisure, boat and other off-grid applications.
Their multi-layer structure ensures an exceptional performance even with low sunlight or in high heat conditions.
Their high transmissibility 3,2mm tempered glass and their anodized aluminium frame preserve them from external attacks (impacts, oxidization, corrosion).
Their 35 or 40mm wide frame allows a better heat dissipation, and thus more power.
Equipped with a TÜV-certified box, UNISUN M is protected against any overvoltage or hot spot phenomenon (hot spot protection) due to shadow areas or cell masks.
UNISUN M solar panels (starting from 30W model) are provided with cables and waterproof fast solar connectors that make the wiring easier.


  • During installation, please keep in mind that if your panel is exposed to light, it produces a current, and its terminals are under voltage.
  • If the panel and/or the bracket are exposed to sunrays during a lond period, there is a risk of burns. Protect yourself.
  • Maintenance and installation must always be carried out on dry surfaces
  • Use tools with isolated handles only.
  • Do not use photovoltaic modules near explosive or inflammable products.
  • Mount UNISUN M only on surfaces with a sufficient load carrying capacity. Consider the additional weight in case of using a bracket.
  • When finished, check and make sure that all of your brackets and panels are properly fixed.


  • UNISUN is made to be used exclusively with photovoltaic systems and lead acid batteries.
  • Do not use to charge battery cells or primary batteries.
  • Maintenance: check cables connections and the whole wiring at least once a year.
  • Any operation must be realized in accordance with the country’s electricity prevailing regulations.
  • This device is not designed to be used by people (including children) whose physical, sensory or mental abilities are reduced, nor by people lacking experience or knowledge unless they have benefited supervision or prior  instructions concerning the use of the device from a person responsible for their safety.
  • Please keep careful watch over children to ensure that they do not play with the panel. Place it out of their reach.
  • Protect your panel against impacts due to hail. In case of degradation of the plastic and/or cells, damages will not be covered by the warranty.
  • Protect your panel against snow. A long exposure can lead to delamination, damage not covered

Any damage due to impacts, improper use, drilling, inappropriate mounting, any modification of the module, will cancel the warranty.


Sensors arrangement influences your electrical performances. Choose the most optimal inclination and orientation according to your environment. Avoid shadow areas, or that any object may be a source of shadow.
UNISUN M panels can be mounted on UNITECK mounting brackets without any modification or adaptation thanks to the holes on their aluminium frame.
Any modification/drilling of the frame will cancel the warranty.
Do not drill or cut the module. This would alter the waterproofness of the panel.
Please note that any modification on the panel and its connections cancels the warranty.
Solar panels are made with monocrystalline cells (equivalent to glass) which are inherently fragile. It is therefore forbidden to walk on it.
Please note that any damage due to an impact will not be covered by the warranty.



UNISUN M solar panels are equipped with anti-hot spots diode directly integrated in the junction box.
A shadow, a leaf, or a piece of rope can mask a cell completely. This last becomes a “hot spot”, receiving the current from all the other cells of the series.
Cell voltage= 0,5V
Maximal accepted voltage= 10V

Over 10V, the cell starts to heat up, causing damages which can lead to fire.
To protect against this phenomenon, the protection diodes integrated in the UNISUN M junction box block the current in the masked cell series, avoiding any overvoltage cell.
Please note that any modification or suppression of panels connections (connectors, junction box) excludes any coverage under warranty.


Two technologies can be found:

  • PWM (pulse width modulation), regulates the panel’s voltage until the battery voltage.
  • MPPT (maximum point-tracking), regulates the panel’s voltage until the battery voltage, and converts the extra voltage of the panel into charge current.

Starting from 50W of panel power, it is recommended to use a MPPT solar charge controller.

Please make sure that the Voltage in open circuit (Voc) accepted by your solar charge controller is higher than your panel’s one.
For more information, read the solar charge controllers user manual.


Photovoltaic panels are generators of current composed by cells that transform the solar energy into electricity.
In presence of light, the panel provides its operating voltage (Vmp). This last almost does not vary (only +/-5% in case of high temperature).
Its intensity (I) however, varies according to the light power (refer to INSTANT PRODUCTION section)
To charge a battery, the panel voltage must be higher than the battery’s, because most of solar charge controllers on the market convert the voltage downwards.
The peak power is given according to standardized test conditions (STC):sunshine of 1000W/m², cell temperature of 25°C.
In actual use, panel temperature is 45°C (+/-2%), and maximal light power is 850W/m². Production influence according to irradiance Ex. 150W solar panel

Winter Summer
Lille (North) 200W/m²
Marseille (South) 500W/m²

Irradiance according to season
For example, a solar panel will have a maximum instant production of a 80 to 90% of its peak power in summer, and 40 to 50% in winter. In Lille, these values would be from 60 to 70% in summer and from 20 to 30% in winter.


Solar production has a Gaussian curve (bell curve).
In winter, 80% of the production is made between 11am and 3pm, against 50-60% in summer with its longer daylight periods.

It is therefore highly recommended to avoid any shadow on your solar panel during this time slot, in order to optimize its daily production.



The irradiance coefficient*, which varies according to the season and the geographical area, allows to calculate the panels production.
Note : On an annual use or several seasons, the lowest irradiance coefficient must be taken into account, in order to prevent your installation well sized in summer from being not sufficient in winter. Eg : in july, a 100W panel will be able to produce 4 to 5 times its power, meaning 400W to 500W a day.
However, in december in the North of France, this same panel will only produce 0,7 times its power, meaning only 70W.


| Summer| Spring| Autumn|


Zone| 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3| 1| 2| 3
Coef.| 4| 5| 3| 4| 2| 3| 0.7| 1| 1.5

These values are given as averages to help you with your calculations*.

In order to optimize your panel’s production, orient it towards as much as possible towards the South**. Its tilt angle must be perpendicular to the sun’s highest point, that varies according to the season and the geographical area.

Note : For an annual use, if you cannot modify the tilt angle along the year, choose a fixed 30°-35° angle.
**for an installation in the Northern hemisphere


To proceed to connection, please observe the following order:


To proceed to disconnection, please observe the reverse order:

Never connect the panels to the regulator before connecting the batteries.
Never disconnect the batteries before having first disconnected the panels.
Not complying to this order may disturb the regulator charge voltage. For more information, please refer to your photovoltaic charge regulator user manual.

In order to connect the cables to your panel, please follow these instructions:

  1. Open the junction box in the back of your panel
  2. Pass your cables through the cable glands
  3. Connect your cables to the junction box terminals
  4. Close the junction box and screw the cable glands

Note: We recommend to identify your cables polarity with labels in order not to make any mistake when connecting your panel to your solar charge controller


To increase your panels total power, you can connect various ones in a series- parallel installation.
The 90cm length cables are equipped with fast solar connectors making the connection easier.

Never connect more than 3 panels in parallel. The panels accept until 2 times their power in return current.
Check that your panels power does not go over the power accepted by your charge regulator.
Follow the connection order mentioned earlier.


For this installation, the panels must be of the same electrical characteristics: power, voltage and intensity (+/-5%).

  • Check that the panels power does not go over the charge voltage accepted by your charge regulator.
  • Connect the regulator to the battery.
  • Connect the first panel positive connector (red) to the second panel negative connector (black).
  • Connect the panels to the charge regulator.

In a series installation, voltages are added, but the total output current is equivalent to the weakest of the panels.
In this case, the two 100W solar panels (=17.6V – 5.62A) connected in series will give the regulator: 200W, 35,2V and 5,62A.
Example : If one of the panels is in the shadow and produces only 1A, even if the other panel produces 5A, the total output current will be equivalent to the weakest, meaning 1A.



For this installation, double solar connectors especially made for parallel mounting are necessary.
Never install more than 3 panels in parallel.
Panels must be of the same power.

  • Check that the panels power does not go over the one accepted by your charge regulator.
  • Connect the regulator to the battery.
  • Connect all the panels positive cables (red) to the positive double solar connector (red), and all the negative cables (black) to the negative solar connectors (black).
  • Connect the panels to the charge regulator.

To make the panel/regulator/battery connection, we recommend our ready-to-use UNICONNECT kit, to optimize your electrical performances and simplify the mounting process.
In this case, the two 100W solar panels (=17.6V – 5.62A) connected in series will give the regulator: 200W, 17,6V and 11,24A.
In an installation in parallel, the panels intensities are added, but the voltage remains the same.
Ex : If a panel is in the shadow and produces only 1A but the other one produces 5A, the final intensity produced will be 6A.
In an installation using 2 or 3 panels, parallel coupling will guarantee an optimum production, especially in case of shadow.


  Series Parallel
Advantages Easy connection No loss of power when a panel is in the

Disadvantages| Loss of power if a panel is totally or partially in the shadow| Use of specific connectors and more important cross section cables


In order to increase the panels total power keeping a wanted voltage (for the voltage to remain in the limit voltage accepted by the solar charge controller for example), a “mixed” installation is the most adapted (series/parallel).

For this assembly, the same instructions must be observed as for series and parallel installations given in the previous pages.
In this case, the four 100W solar panels connected in series and parallel will give the regulator: 400W, 35,2V and 11,24A.


 | 5.12M| 10.12M and 10.24M| 20.12M and 20.24M| 30.12M| 50.12M and 50.24M
Hole spacing (mm)| n°1 L x H| 140 x 195| 120 x 260| 120 x 260| 200 x 500| 120 x 500
n°2 L x H| –| 183 x 260| 420 x 260| –| 420 x 500
 | 80.12M| 100.12M and 100.24M| 150.12M and 150.24M| 200.24M| 300.12M
Hole spacing (mm)| n°1 L x H| 120 x 500| 127 x 500| 600 x 626| 800 x 768| 500 x 950
n°2 L x H| 420 x 500| 860 x 500| 1100 x 626| 1300 x 768| 900 x 950


Dust and dirt on the panel surface reduce electrical production. Clean regularly this surface with a soft towel and a soft brush, using soapy water.
Never use corrosive products.
Never use high pressure cleaners or automatic cleaning station.
Check regularly the quality of your panels connections.
Be careful : panels and brackets exposed to the sun for a long period may cause burns. Protect yourself.


Problems Causes Solutions
The panel does not (or almost) produce anymore in spite of a sunny weather.
The battery is loaded The regulator is in a charge maintenance phase (called

« floating » phase), limiting the charge only to compensate for the self- discharge of the battery (by a few mmA)| The panel will produce normally again as soon as the battery needs to be loaded.
Increase your battery capacity in order to store the extra production.
The battery is not loaded| Your panel is totally or partially in the shadow.| Check connection cables
Panels are dirty| Clean the panel following recommendations.
Sealing problem: the panel has suffered damage| Send the product back to Aftersales service for expertise
Panel anomaly
When measuring with a voltmeter, my panel, connected to a PWM regulator, displays 12,5V instead of 18,5V| With a PWM regulator, this operation is normal. The electrical circuit is common, so the voltage value is the lowest, meaning the battery voltage.| No solution necessary


To check if your panel operates properly, take a multimeter and the panel to be tested.
The test must be done in two steps. Results of the second step can vary according to panel’s inclination. Place it perpendicular to the sun.


  • This test must be made at daytime
  • Put the voltmeter on the V DC (continuous current) range corresponding to the panel voltage.
  • Connect the positive cable (red) to the « Ω » port (resistance) and the negative one (black) to the « COM » port (common).
  • Connect the cables to the connectors of the panel (red – red, black – black).

The displayed value must be equivalent (+/-10%) to the voltage in open circuit (Voc) of the panel.
It does not change according to weather situations nor to its position to the sun.
You can find the Voc value in the technical specifications of this manual, and in the back of your panel.
This test is valid is the displayed values match with the Voc of the panel (+/-10%).

This test must be done with important irradiance conditions. The values displayed by a cloudy and grey weather are thus irrelevant.
Set the multimeter on the A DC (continuous current) range corresponding to the panel intensity.

  • Connect the red cable to the « A » port (intensity) and the black to the “COM” port (common).
  • Connect the cables to the panel’s connectors (red – red, black – black).
  • Place the solar panel perpendicular to the sun.


The displayed value must be equivalent (+/-20%) to the intensity in short circuit (Isc) of the panel. This value can change according to the position to the sun.|
You can find the Isc value in the technical specifications of this manual and in the back of each panel.
This test is valid if the displayed values match with the intensity of the panel (+/-20%).


X Panel anomaly
X Renew test 1
X X Panel anomaly
Normal operation


5.12M 10.12M 10.24M 20.12M
Unitech reference 0491 0798 1436 0071

Electrical performance

Max power (Mp)

| ****


| ****

10 W

| ****


| ****

20 W

Power tolerance| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%
Use voltage| 12 V| 12 V| 24V| 12 V
Technology| Mono| Mono| Mono| Mono
Voltage with max power (Vmp)
| 17,4 V| 17,6 V| 35,2V| 17,8 V
Intensity with max power (Imp)*| 0,29 A| 0,57 A| 0,29A| 1,12 A
Voltage with open circuit (Voc)| 21,6 V| 21,77 V| 43,54V| 22,3 V
Intensity in short-circuit (Icc/Isc)| 0,32 A| 0,65 A| 0,33A| 1,21 A
Cells efficiency| 20,60%| 18,4%| 18,4%| 20,60%
Modules efficiency| 7,56%| 11,52%| 11,52%| 12,65%
Maximum battery charge***|  |  |  |
With PWM| 0,23A| 0,46A| –| 0,90A
Battery 12V With MPPT| 0,33A| 0,65A| 0,65A| 1,30A
With PWM| –| –| 0,23A| –
Battery 24V With MPPT| –| –| 0,33A| –
Behaviour under temperature|  |  |  |
Operation temperature| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C
| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C
Temperature coefficient :|  |  |  |
-Pm :| -0,43%/°C| -0,48%/°C| -0,48%/°C| -0,48%/°C
-Voc :| -0,34%/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C
-Icc :| -0,05%/°C| -0,037%/°C| -0,037%/°C| -0,037%/°C
Mechanical characteristics|  |  |  |
Black back-sheet design| no| no| no| no
Cells number| 36 (18×2)| 36 (12×3)| 72 (24×3)| 36 (12×3)
Module dimensions (in mm)| 216x306x18| 310x280x35| 310x280x35| 510x310x35
Cable length (with wiring)| –| –| –| –
Module weight| 0,8 kg| 1,3 kg| 1,3 kg| 2 kg
*** According to standardized conditions tests : 1000W/m² irradiance, AM 1.5, cells temperature 25°C.
20.24M| 30.12M| 50.12M| 50.24M
Uniteck reference| 0804| 0842| 0088| 1870
Electrical performance**

Max power (Mp)




30 W




50 W

Power tolerance| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%
Use voltage| 24 V| 12 V| 12V| 24 V
Technology| Mono| Mono| Mono| Mono
Voltage with max power (Vmp)
| 35,2 V| 17,8 V| 17,8V| 36,6 V
Intensity with max power (Imp)*| 0,57 A| 1,69 A| 2,81A| 1,4 A
Voltage with open circuit (Voc)| 43,54 V| 22,3 V| 22,3V| 42,7 V
Intensity in short-circuit (Icc/Isc)| 0,65 A| 1,82 A| 3,03A| 1,5 A
Cells efficiency| 20,60%| 20,60%| 20,60%| 20,60%
Modules efficiency| 12,65%| 11,86%| 14,20%| 14,20%
**Maximum battery charge***|  |  |  |
With PWM| –| 1,35A| 2,25A| –
Battery 12V
With MPPT| 1,30A| 1,96A| 3,26A| 3,26A
With PWM| 0,46A| –| –| 1,20A
Battery 24V
With MPPT| 0,65A| –| –| 1,63A
Behaviour under temperature|  |  |  |
Operation temperature| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C
| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C
Temperature coefficient :|  |  |  |
-Pm :| -0,48%/°C| -0,48%/°C| -0,48%/°C| -0,48%/°C
-Voc :| -0,34%/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C
-Icc :| -0,037%/°C| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C
Mechanical characteristics|  |  |  |
Black back-sheet design| no| no| yes| yes
Cells number| 72 (24×3)| 36 (12×3)| 36 (12×3)| 72 (24×3)
Module dimensions (in mm)| 510x310x35| 460x550x35| 640x550x35| 640x550x35
Cable length (with wiring)| –| 900mm| 900mm| 900mm
Module weight| 2 kg| 3,1 kg| 4,1 kg| 4,1 kg

  • According to standardized conditions tests : 1000W/m² irradiance, AM 1.5, cells temperature 25°C.
    80.12M| 100.12M| 100.24M| 150.12M
    Uniteck reference| 0095| 0446| 1443| 0071
    Electrical performance

Max power (Mp)




100 W




150 W

Power tolerance| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%
Use voltage| 12 V| 12 V| 24V| 12 V
Technology| Mono| Mono| Mono| Mono
Voltage with max power (Vmp)
| 17,8 V| 17,8 V| 36,6V| 17,8 V
Intensity with max power (Imp)*| 4,49 A| 5,62 A| 2,81A| 8,43 A
Voltage with open circuit (Voc)| 22,3 V| 22,3 V| 42,7V| 21,3 V
Intensity in short-circuit (Icc/Isc)| 4,85 A| 6,07 A| 3,04A| 9,10 A
Cells efficiency| 20,60%| 20,60%| 20,60%| 20,60%
Modules efficiency| 15,15%| 15,15%| 15,15%| 16,58%
**Maximum battery charge***|  |  |  |
With PWM| 3,88A| 4,86A| –| 7,28A
Battery 12V
With MPPT| 5,22A| 6,52A| 6,52A| 9,78A
With PWM| –| –| –| –
Battery 24V
With MPPT| –| –| –| –
Behaviour under temperature|  |  |  |
Operation temperature| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C| -40°C /+85°C
| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C| 45 +/- 2°C
Temperature coefficient :|  |  |  |
-Pm :| -0,43%/°C| -0,43%/°C| -0,43%/°C| -0,43%/°C
-Voc :| -0,34%/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C
-Icc :| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C
Mechanical characteristics|  |  |  |
Black back-sheet design| oui| oui| oui| oui
Cells number| 36 (9×4)| 36 (9×4)| 72 (18×4)| 36 (9×4)
Module dimensions (in mm)| 960x550x35| 1050x550x35| 1200x550x35| 1340x675x35
Cable length (with wiring)| 900m| 900mm| 900m| 900mm
Module weight| 6,3 kg| 7 kg| 7,5 kg| 9,8 kg

  • According to standardized conditions tests : 1000W/m² irradiance, AM 1.5, cells temperature 25°C.
     | UNISUN 150.24M| UNISUN 200.24M| UNISUN 300.12M
    Uniteck reference| 1887| 1337| 2013
    Electrical performance|  |  |
    Max power (Mp)| 150W| 200 W| 300W
    Power tolerance| +/-3%| +/-3%| +/-3%
    Use voltage| 24 V| 24 V| 12V
    Technology| Mono| Mono| Mono
    Voltage with max power (Vmp)
    | 36,6 V| 35,6 V| 30,5V
    Intensity with max power (Imp)*| 4,2 A| 5,62 A| 9,62A
    Voltage with open circuit (Voc)| 42,7 V| 42,7 V| 35,5V
    Intensity in short-circuit (Icc/Isc)| 4,5 A| 6,07 A| 11,1A
    Cells efficiency| 20,60%| 20,60%| 20,60%
    Modules efficiency| 16,58%| 15,8%| 19,6%

**Maximum battery charge*****

Battery 12V With PWM
With MPPT 9,78A 9,78A 19,57A
Battery 24V With PWM 3,60A 3,60A
With MPPT 4,89A 4,89A

Behaviour under temperature

Operation temperature -40°C /+85°C -40°C /+85°C -40°C /+85°C
NOCT / TUC** 45 +/- 2°C 45 +/- 2°C 45 +/- 2°C

Temperature coefficient :
-Pm :| -0,43%/°C| -0,43%/°C| -0,43%/°C
-Voc :| -0,34%/°C| -0,34/°C| -0,34/°C
-Icc :| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C| -0,05%/°C
Mechanical characteristics
Black back-sheet design| Black back-sheet design| oui| oui
Cells number| Cells number| 72 (12×6)| 60 (10×6)
Module dimensions (in mm)| Module dimensions (in mm)| 1580x808x40| 1500x990x40
Cable length (with wiring)| Cable length (with wiring)| 900mm| 900m
Module weight| Module weight| 13,6 kg| 15,5 kg

  • According to standardized conditions tests : 1000W/m² irradiance, AM 1.5, cells temperature 25°C.
    ** Nominal operating cell temperature : 800W/m² irradiance, ambient temperature 25°C, 1m/s wind power.
    *** According to Nominal Module Operating Temperature : irradiance 800W/m², ambient temperature 20°C, wind speed 1m/s


UNITECK testifies that the solar panels described in this manual:
UNISUN 5.12M / 10.12M / 10.24M / 20.12M / 20.24M / 30.12M / 50.12M / 50.24M / 80.12M / 100.12M / 100.24M / 150.12M / 150.24M / 200.24M / 300.12M are produced in compliance with the following European directives:
– Low tension Directive: 2014/35/UE from 26/02/2014
– ECM Directive : 2014/30/UE from 26/02/2014
– ROHS Directive : 2011/65/UE du 08/06/2011
They comply to the harmonized standards:
– Low tension : EN 60335-1 : 2013 / EN 60335-2-29 : 2004
– ECM : EN 55014-1 : 2007 / EN 5514-2 : 1997 / EN 61000-3-2 : 2006 / EN 61000-3-3 : 2014 / EN 62233 : 2008
– ROHS : EN 50571 : 2013

CE date of tagging: January 2018 UNITECK SARL
1 Avenue de Rome
Zae Via Europa –
Immeuble le Cassis
34350 Vendres


Device compliant with European directives
Caution ! Read the instructions before use
Product under selective collection – Do not throw in a household trash.
Caution ! Explosive gases, avoid flames or sparks.


The warranty covers any defect, manufacturing defect for 5 years from the purchase date (parts and labour).
The warranty does not cover:
– Problems due to an improper use of the product: inappropriate fixing, drilling, excessive benign, shocks, weight on the panel, fall, or any other damage due to handling and transport…
– Normal wear of parts (ex: cables, etc.)
In case of failure, return the product to your distributor attaching:
– The dated proof of purchase (receipt, bill…)
– An explanatory note of the failure
Attention: our afters-sales service does not accept carriage forward/collected returns.
After the warranty, our after-sales service provides repairs after acceptance of a quotation.
After-sales contact :
1 Avenue de Rome
Zae Via Europa –
Immeuble le Cassis
34350 Vendres

Mail : sav@uniteck.fr
Fax : + 33 (0) 4 88 04 72 20



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