HYUNDAI HY3150S Electric Air Compressor User Manual

June 9, 2024


HYUNDAI HY3150S Electric Air Compressor


User Manual


General Safety Notes

The operator of the machine is responsible for, and has a duty of care in making sure that the machine is operated safely and in accordance with the instructions in this user manual. Keep the manual safe and pass it on if the machine is loaned or sold to another user.
Please note the following safety points.
The machine should never be left it in a condition which would allow an untrained or unauthorized person/s to operate this machine.
All due care and diligence should be taken by the operator for the safety of and with regard to those around whilst using the machine.
Some or all of the following – warning signs, symbols and/or PPE pictograms may appear throughout this manual. You MUST adhere to their warnings. Failure to do so may result in personal injury to yourself or those around you.

Indicates a hazard, which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death.

Indicates a hazard, which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury.

Indicates a hazard which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a situation that could easily result in equipment damage.

READ and keep the manual safe and pass it on if the machine is loaned or sold to another user.
You MUST fully understand all instructions to ensure you use and operate the machine safely.

Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), MUST be worn at all times when operating or repairing the machine.


Carbon Monoxide (where applicable).

To help protect against CO poisoning install a Carbon Monoxide detector.


NEVER use Petrol/Diesel powered equipment inside, especially a home, garage, tent, camper-van, caravan, motorhome or boat. EVEN if doors, windows, vents and hatches are open. Only use OUTDOORS and as far away from doors, windows, vents and open hatches as possible to prevent inhaling fumes


  • Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. Inhaling this gas can cause death as well as serious long term health problems such as brain damage.
  • The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can include but are not limited to the following;
  • Headaches, dizziness, nausea, breathlessness, collapsing or loss of consciousness.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms are similar to flue, food poisoning, viral infections and simply tiredness.
  • It is quite common for people to mistake this very dangerous poisoning for something else.
  • To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning DO NOT use Petrol/Diesel powered equipment inside any of the following; Home, garage, tent, camper van, mobile home, caravan or boat. This is not exhaustive and if you are in any doubt contact your dealer.
  • If you think you have or someone around you has been affected by carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • Get them fresh air immediately, by leaving the affected area or by opening doors and windows.
  • If safe and practical to do so make sure that the machine is turned off.
  • DO NOT enter a room you suspect of having carbon monoxide present – instead call the emergency services.
  • Contact a Doctor immediately or go to Hospital – let them know that you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • DO NOT use in an enclosed area or moving vehicle.

General Fuel Safety (where applicable).


  • Fire Hazard – keep fuel away from all sources of ignition for example heaters.
  • Lamps, sparks from grinding or welding.
  • DO NOT carry out hot work on tanks that have contained fuel.
  • ALWAYS keep the work area tidy.
  • ALWAYS clean up spills promptly using absorbent granules and a lidded bin.
  • ALWAYS dispose of waste fuels correctly.
  • Fueling/De-fueling (where applicable).


  • ALWAYS fuel and defuel in a well-ventilated area outside of buildings.
  • ALWAYS wear correct, suitable and fit for purpose Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), suggested items are but not limited to safety gloves, overalls.


  • When fueling/de-fueling ALWAYS avoid inhaling fumes.
  • When de-fueling ALWAYS use a proper fuel retriever.
  • ALWAYS carry fuel in the correct and clearly marked container.
  • Electrical Safety (where applicable).
  • Electricity can kill – NEVER work on LIVE/ENERGISED equipment.
  • Prior to carrying out any maintenance work you MUST identify electrical isolation methods and isolate all electrical supplies.
  • Prior to use and with all electrical supplies isolated, you MUST check all electrical cables, plugs and connectors for the following;
  • Are intact and have no signs of damage, to include but not limited to bare wires, chaffing, cuts and loose wiring.
  • If there are any signs of damage, the damaged item MUST be taken out of service until the damage has been repaired by an electrically competent person.

All trailing cables should be routed so as not to cause any kind of trip hazard.
NEVER work on or near electricity with wet hands, wet clothing and wet gloves.

Batteries (where present).

  • Batteries present a risk if they become damaged by the possible leaking of electrolyte.

  • This electrolyte is an acid and can cause serious burn injuries. Care should be taken when working on or near them.

  • NOTE the electrolyte may be in a liquid or gel form.

  • Should you come in to contact with electrolyte you should;

  • Remove all clothing contaminated with electrolyte. If you cannot remove then saturate them in water.

  • Get medical assistance as soon as possible. You must advise the medical staff of the type of acid.

  • Lead/acid battery = dilute sulphuric acid.

  • Nickel/cadmium = potassium hydroxide alkali electrolyte.

  • Use fresh running water to wash off excess electrolyte, continue this until medical assistance arrives.

  • Make sure that you do not was the electrolyte to another part of your body or face.

  • If electrolyte comes in to contact with Eyes the electrolyte needs to be immediately washed away with large amounts of water. Make sure that you do not wash the electrolyte to another part of your face or body.

  • Gasses from charging batteries are highly flammable and great care should be taken to charge in well ventilated areas.

  • There is an explosion risk if the battery terminals are short circuited, when connecting/disconnecting ALWAYS exercise great care so that the terminals or battery leads are NOT allowed to touch and cause a spark. ALWAYS use suitable insulated tools.

  • Vibrations (where applicable).
    Prolonged use of hand held (operated) machines will cause the user to feel the effects of/from vibrations. These vibrations can lead to white finger (Raynaud’s phenomenon) or carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition reduces the ability of the hand to feel and regulate temperature, causing numbness and heat sensations and may cause never damage and circulatory tissue death.

  • Not all factors that lead to white finger disease are known, but cold weather, smoking and other diseases that affect blood vessels and blood circulation as well as large and long-lasting impact of shocks are considered factors in the formation of white finger.

  • Note the following to reduce the risk of white finger and carpal tunnel syndrome;

  • Wear gloves and keep your hands warm.

  • Take regular breaks.

  • All of the above precautions may help reduce the risk of white finger disease but not rule out the carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Long-term and regular users are therefore recommended to observe the condition of your hands and fingers. Seek medical attention immediately if any of the above symptoms should occur.

  • Noise (where applicable).
    The operating noise of the machine can damage your hearing. Wear hearing protection such as earplugs or ear defenders to protect your hearing.

  • Long-term and regular users are advised to have hearing checked regularly. Be especially vigilant and cautious when hearing ear protection because your ability to hear alarm warnings will be reduced.

  • Noise emissions for this equipment is unavoidable. Carry out noisy work at approved times and for certain periods. Limit the working time to a minimum. For your personal protection and protection of people working nearby it is also advisable for them to wear hearing protection.

  • See Certificate of Conformity section for Outdoor Noise declaration of conformity.


  • DO NOT direct the output jet of air towards people or animals.
  • Familiarize yourself with the application and limitations of the air compressor.
  • Ensure that the compressor is in good order and condition before use.
  • If in any doubt, do not use the compressor and contact your service agent.
  • Before moving or maintaining the compressor, ensure that the air tank pressure has been vented.
  • Only use recommended attachments and parts. Unapproved items may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
  • Read the instructions for any accessory used with the compressor. Ensure that the safe working pressure of any air appliance used, exceeds the output pressure of the compressor.
  • If using a spray gun, check the area selected for spraying is provided with an air change system or adequate ventilation.
  • Make sure that the air supply valve is turned off before disconnecting the air supply hose.
  • Use the compressor in a well-ventilated area and ensure it is placed on a firm surface.
  • Keep tools and other items away from the compressor when it is in use and keep the work area clean.
  • Make sure that the air hoses are not tangled, twisted or pinched.
  • Keep children and unauthorized persons away from the work area.
  • DO NOT disassemble the compressor for any reason if you are not qualified to do so. The unit must be checked by qualified persons only.
  • DO NOT operate the compressor within the vicinity of flammable liquids, gases or solids.
  • DO NOT touch the compressor cylinder, cylinder head or pipe from the head to the tank as these may be hot and will remain so for some time after shutdown.
  • DO NOT operate the compressor without all the safety guards in place.
  • DO NOT attempt to move the compressor by pulling the air hose.
  • DO NOT use the compressor for a task for which it was not designed.
  • DO NOT deface the certification plate attached to the compressor tank.
  • DO NOT operate the compressor without an air filter.
  • DO NOT allow anyone to operate the compressor unless they have received full instruction.
  • DO NOT leave the compressor unattended.
  • DO NOT block the ventilation grills.
  • DO NOT cover the compressor or restrict airflow around the machine whilst it is operating.
  • The air tank is a pressure vessel and the following safety measures apply;
  • DO NOT tamper with the safety valve DO NOT modify or alter the tank in any way. DO NOT strap anything to the tank.
  • DO NOT subject the tank to impact, vibration or heat.
  • DO NOT allow contact with abrasive or corrosive materials.
  • YOU MUST drain condensation from the tank daily and inspect side walls for corrosion every 12 months.
  • The pressure safety valves on Hyundai compressors have been updated to comply with the latest CE certification standards. The pressure release pull ring has been removed from the valve due to the pull ring being incorrectly used to drain the air from the compressor tank, causing excessive wear to this safety valve. The air and moisture should drained from the tank by releasing the drain valve on the bottom of the tank.
  • Correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) MUST be worn at all times when operating or repairing this machine. This should include but is not limited to;


  • The compressor is fitted with a standard 13amp, 230v (50Hz) plug for connection to a standard 13amp domestic electrical power supply.
  • If the plug should need changing at any time, ensure a plug of identical specification is used.
  • The fuse in the plug must be replaced with one of the same rating.
  • We recommend that the compressor is connected to the mains supply via a Residual Current Device (RCD).
  • DO NOT use with damaged cables and only use the correct rated extension cords.
  • If in doubt, consult a qualified electrician.


Before starting the compressor, remove the travel plugs and install the air filter and crank case breather plug.

  • Position the compressor in a flat, level surface with a maximum permissible inclination of 10°

  • Site in a well-ventilated area.

  • If the surface is inclined and smooth, check that the compressor cannot move while in operation.

  • If the surface is in a raised position, make sure the compressor cannot fall, securing it in a suitable way.

  • Check the oil level sits in the red circle of the oil glass sight window.

  • Connect your air supply to a ¼” male universal or industrial quick connector coupler.
    Connect the male quick connect coupler to the female quick connect coupler located on the air compressor.

  • Make sure the drainage valve is off and that the pressure switch is in the ODD position.

  • Keep the voltage within ±4% of the rated value.

  • Insert the power supply cord into the power supply socket.

Before using the air compressor for the first time, complete a test run as follows.

  • Move the power switch to the OFF position.
  • Check the oil level is in the red circle of the glass sight window.
  • Plug the power supply cord into a power supply socket.
  • Start the air compressor by moving the power switch to the ON position.
  • The pressure gauge reading will slowly rise as pressure increases inside the air tank.
  • When the gauge reading reaches working pressure, the pressure switch will automatically turn the power off.
  • This indicates the compressor is working normally.
  • Move the power switch to the OFF position, unplug the power supply cord and release the air in the tank by pulling the safety valve.
  • If the compressor is not working properly, the pressure gauge will indicate that there is a decrease in pressure in the tank.
  • If there is an air leak from the compressor, the pressure in the air tank decreases, the pressure switch resets and the motor automatically turns back on.


  • Check that the power switch is in the OFF position.
  • Attach the air hose to the ¼” quick disconnect coupler.
  • Close the drain valve and ensure the air filter is installed.
  • Close the drain valve.
  • Check the oil level.
  • Plug the compressor in to a working plug socket.
  • Move the power switch to the ON position.
  • Allow the tank motor to run and fill the tank until the motor turns off.
  • To regulate the air flow: While the air compressor is running, turn ON your tool and turn the regulator knob to the right, increasing the pressure.
  • Turn the pressure up until the desired pressure is reached.
  • Operate the air tool normally.


  • Move the power switch to the OFF position.
  • Unplug the compressor.
  • Reduce the pressure in the tank through the air supply hose.


  • To determine the correct working pressure and air flow requirements for any piece of equipment, check the corresponding manual.
  • Be aware that the air flow figure stated on tools and accessories refers to ‘free air delivery’ and not the piston displacement of the compressor.
  • When adjusting the regulator, always adjust up to the required pressure.
  • After fitting the desired coupling to the outlet valve, connect and air hose and hook up to an air system.
  • An outlet regulator is necessary to use air equipment direct from the compressor.
  • At the end of each working day, drain any moisture from the main tank.
  • Place a container under the drain plug and then carefully unscrew it anti-clockwise.
  • DO NOT allow moisture to accumulate in the tank as this will corrode the inside of the tank and affect the pressure rating of the tank.


Service and maintenance must be performed by an authorized agent.
DO NOT tamper with or attempt to adjust the pressure switch or safety valve. Before moving or carrying out any maintenance on the compressor, make sure that the ignition switch is in the OFF position, the power cord has been unplugged and the air tank pressure has been vented and the compressor allowed to cool down for a period of time.


  • You should drain the tank at the end of each day.
  • Place a suitable container capable of holding water, underneath the compressor.
  • With compressed air in the tank, slowly turn the drain knob to the open position. The water in the tank will drain out.
  • Once the water has drained, turn the drain knob to the closed position.
  • Draining the tank reduces risk of corrosion inside the tank.


  • The air filter is designed to reduce noise and help prevent particulates in the air, from entering and damaging the air compressor.
  • After being used for a period of time, the air filter will become clogged. This will reduce the air intake capabilities of the compressor, reducing performance. Therefore, the air filter must be cleaned or replaced regularly.
  • Open the cover on the air filter and remove the air filter element.
  • Inspect the filter element and if damaged or worn, replace immediately.
  • To clean the element, blow the dirt from the air filter from the inside out.
  • You can use a low pressure airline to do this.
  • Reinstall the air filter.


  • A small leak in any house or connection will reduce the air compressors performance.
  • To test for leaks, spray a small amount of soapy water on the area suspected of leaking.
    If soap bubbles appear, replace the broken part.


  • Clean the compressor with a soft brush or moist cloth.
  • DO NOT use a pressure washer or hose pipe as water can penetrate the motor and cause failure that will not be covered by the warranty.
  • DO NOT use solvent based cleaning products, these could damage parts.


  • Turn off the power and wrap the power cord around the compressor.
  • Pull the relief valve and release all the pressure from the air tank.
  • Clean the air compressor to remove all dirt and dust.
  • Cover the air compressor with a cover to protect the unit from dust and moisture.
  • DO NOT stack or store other items on top of or around the air compressor.


Pressure drop in the tank Air leaks at the connections Let the compressor

build up pressure in the tank to maximum pressure if possible. Brush soapy water on the air connections and look for air bubbles. Tighten leaky connections. If the problem persists, contact your service dealer
The unloader valve leaks when the compressor is idle| Unloader valve seal is defective| Let the air in the air tank flow out until all the pressure is released. Then remove the unloader valve plug and clean the valve seal. If necessary, replace the seal and then reinstall
The compressor stopped and won’t restart| The thermal protector turned on because the motor is overheating| Check the main voltage corresponds to the air compressor specifications. An extension cord that is under rated or too long can cause the motor to overheat.
Allow the motor to cool down
Motor windings have burnt out| Contact your service dealer
The motor does not start or starts slowly| Low voltage supply to the motor| Check that the main voltage corresponds to the air compressors specification.
An extension cord that is under rated or too long can cause voltage drop. Use a heavy duty extension cord.
Ensure that the air compressor is plugged in to a fully functioning power outlet
The compressor is noisy| Compressor head gasket or reed valve is faulty| Stop the compressor and contact your service dealer
The compressor does not reach maximum pressure| Compressor head gasket or reed valve is faulty| Stop the compressor and contact your service dealer
The compressor does not seem to deliver as much air as it did when new and/or the compressor shuts off with a much shorter time period| The pressure switch needs adjusting| Stop the compressor and contact your service dealer
The tank is full of water due to condensation| Open the drain valve and release the water from the tank
The motor pump unit does not stop when the tank pressure reaches maximum working pressure| Pressure switch defective or requires adjusting| Stop the compressor and contact your service dealer


Model HY3100P
Power – kw/hp 2.2 / 3
Displacement – L/min 396
CFM 14
Pressure – bar/psi 10 / 145
Rotating Speed – rpm 1050
Tank Capacity – L 100
Dimensions – mm (LxWxH) 1060 x 410 x 770
Weight – kg 76
Model HY3150S
--- ---
Power – kw/hp 2.2 / 3
Displacement – L/min 396
CFM 14
Pressure – bar/psi 10 / 145
Pump Speed – rpm 1050
Tank Capacity – L 150
Dimensions – mm (LxWxH) 1310 x 500 x 880
Weight – kg 90
Model HY3200S
--- ---
Power – kw/hp 2.2 / 3
Displacement – L/min 396
CFM 14
Pressure – bar/psi 10 / 145
Pump Speed – rpm 1050
Tank Capacity – L 200
Dimensions – mm (LxWxH) 1380 x 560 x 910
Weight – kg 105


  • We do not offer a take back scheme for the recovery of Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment (WEEE) & Batteries.
    Instead the responsibility to dispose of WEEE and or Batteries is passed on to you by us.
    So when it becomes necessary to dispose of your machine you must take it to your local Civic Amenity Site.
    For further information please contact your local Authority for disposal advice.

  • You MUST make sure that all unused oil and fuel is disposed of correctly either beforehand or at your local Civic Amenity Site.
    Under NO circumstances must any fuel or oil be put down drains.

  • Certain products contain WEEE waste which should be disposed of in your domestic waste.

  • You MUST recycle WEEE in accordance with your local authority or recycling center.

  • Certain products contain batteries which should not be disposed of in your domestic waste.HYUNDAI-HY3150S-Electric-Air-Compressor-11

  • You MUST recycle batteries in accordance with your local authority or recycling center.

  • Unwanted packaging and materials should be stored and taken to a recycling center so it can be disposed of in a manner which is compatible with the environment.

  • The following symbol means that you should ‘Reduce – Reuse – Recycle’

  • We are a member of the VALPAK National Compliance Scheme and our registration number is RM08660.

  • For further information about disposal please contact your Local Authority.

  • You can also get more advice and guidance about recycling at the following website

  • Should you pass this product on to another user either sold or loaned, you MUST pass on this user manual.

  • This will make sure that all other users can use and maintain this machine safely.


We hereby declare that the machine detailed in this declaration complies to all the relevant provisions of the following EC directives.

  • 2006/42/EC The Machinery Directive
  • 2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive
  • 2014/30/EU Annex ll Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
  • 2014/29/EU Simple Pressure Vessel Directive

And is in conformity with the applicable requirements of the following documents:

  • EN ISO 12100:2010
  • EN ISO 1012:2010
  • EN 60204-1:2006 + A1:2009+AC:2010
  • EN 6100-6-1:2007
  • EN 6100-6-3:2007+A1:2011+AC:2012
  • EN 6100-3-2:2014, EN 6100-3-3:2013
  • EN 286-1

Notified Body: TÜV SUD Shanghai Branch.


Product Details
Brand : Hyundai
Model: HY3100P, HY3150S, HY3200S
Description: Electric air compressor

Name and address of technical documentation holder and EU distributor: Gunpower Ltd, Isaac Way, Pembroke Dock, Pembroke shire, SA72 R4W, UK.

Signed by:
Date: 09/12/2019

Roland Llewellin, Managing Director



Proof of purchase will be required before you make a warranty claim.
Full warranty terms and conditions can be found on the HYUNDAI POWER PRODUCTS website:


  • Our manuals are constantly being reviewed and updated.
    However if you find an error, omission or something you find unclear, please contact your dealer for assistance.

  • Our latest manuals are also placed online.

For Inquiries, Please Contact:
GENPOWER LTD Isaac Way, London Road Pembroke Dock, UNITED KINGDOM, SA72 4RW
T:+44 (0) 1646 687 880
F:+44 (0) 1646 686 198 E: Imported/Distributed by GENPOWER LTD
Licensed by Hyundai Corporation, Korea


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