Tektronix P6010 Oscilloscope Probe Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024


Tektronix P6010 Oscilloscope Probe


right 1966 copy- by Tektronix, lnc., Beaverton, Oregon. Printed in the United States ofAmerica. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the copy- right owner.


All Tektronix instruments are warranted against defective materials and workman ship for one year. Tektronix transformers, manufactured in our own plant, are war- ranted for the life of the instrument. Any questions with respect to the war ranty mentioned above should be taken up with your Tektronix Field Engineer. Tektronix repair and replacement-part service is geared directly to the field, there fore all requests for repairs and replace ment parts should be directed to the Tek- tronix Field Office or Representative in your area. This procedure will assure you the  fastest possible service. Please include the instrument Type and Serial number with all requests for parts or service. Specifications and price change priv- ileges reserved.




General Information
The P6010 Probe is a passive probe with 10X attenuation of signals. It has a small diameter Probe Body for use in compact cir-cuitry. The probe consists of 0 Probe Body assembly, a Cable Assembly, and a Compensating Box with a BNC connector. The Cable Assembly is avail-able in 3.5-foot, 6-foot, or 9-foot lengths. The Compensating Box houses a network which provides optimum transient response when the probe is used with wide-band os-cilloscopes. The probe can be compensated to match the instrument being used, by adiust-ing the variable capacitor through the hole in the Compensating Box. The probe can be used with plug-in units or oscilloscopes having a l-megohm input par-alleled by 14 to 21 picofarads, and is factory calibrated for 20 picofarads.

Input Impedance
The input impedance is 10 megohms paralleled by less than l0 picofarads with the 35-foot cable, less than 12 picofarads with the 6-foot cable, and less than 14.5 picofarads with the 9-foot cable (measured at 140 kHz). See Figs. 3-3, 3-4, and 3-5 for input impedance vs. frequency curves.

Attenuation is 10X, :3% with plug-in or oscilloscope.

Voltage Rating
The maximum DC or AC peak input voltage is 500V, below 12 megacycles. See Fig. 3-6 for Derating Curves.

The risetime of the probe is less than 2 nano-seconds with the 3.5-foot and 6vfoot cables, and less than 4 nanoseconds with the 9-foot cable.

Transient Response

The maximum ringing or rolloff is :2%.

Connecting Cable
The cable is made with a special resistive center which provides critical damping of re-flections. ‘

Environmental Capability
The probe will operate normally at tempera-tures to 75 degrees Celsius.


General Information
The P6010 Probe enables you to connect an oscilloscope into a circuit with minimum loading and without impedance matching. Due to slight variations in input capacitance be-tween instruments, even ot the same type, it is necessary to compensate the probe when-ever changing trom one instrument to another. Recheck compensation before making critical measurements. Lack of compensation can cause measurement error since both waveshape and magnitude of the display are affected. The probe is provided with an adjustment to match the probe time constant to the time constant of the instrument. The following procedure should be used to compensate the probe.


  1. Set the oscilloscope calibrator for an out-put ot suitable amplitude.
  2. Touch the probe tip to the calibrator out- put connector.
  3. Set the sweep rate to display several cycles of the output signal.
  4. Through the hole in the Compensating Box, rotate the capacitor (C105) with a small non-conducting screwdriver to obtain a flat-top presentation of the calibrator output sig-nal. See Fig. 2-1.


Bayonet Ground Adapter
The Bayonet Ground Adapter provides a convenient means of connecting the probe to the signal source, when a ground is nearby. Place the ground pin on the ground connection, and push down until the probe tip contacts the signal source. The Bayonet Ground Adapter is especially usefull in high-frequency applications due to the short length of the ground lead.

Ground Lead
The Ground Lead clips to the probe between the Probe Body and the Cable Assembly.

Insulating Sleeve
When the ground lead is connected to the probe place the insulating sleeve over the ex-posed connection to avoid short circuits.

Miniature Alligator Clip
The insulated Alligator Clip screws onto the Ground Lead.

Hook Tip
The Hook Tip provides a stable means of holding onto a test point.

Pincher Tip
The Pincher Tip provides a positive connection to a test point.

Insulating Tubes
When using the probe without one of the above tips, place an insulating tube over the tip of the probe to avoid short circuits.

Probe Holder
The Probe Holder provides a convenient means of storing the probe when not in use. After connecting the probe to the instrument being used, place the wide half of the Probe Holder around the cable and slide onto the tapered portion of the Cable Assembly near the Compensating Box. When the probe is not in use, place the tapered portion near the Probe Body into the holder. See Fig. 2-2.Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-2

Operating Instructions




The P6010 Probe is designed to withstand normal operation and handling and should give many hours of continuous use without failure. However, if the probe fails or breaks, replacement parts are available. See mechani-cal and electrical lists in Section 4. Fig. 3-1 shows location of electrical parts.

Replacing Cable Assembly
lf the coaxial cable between the probe and Compensating Box should fail, the Cable As-sembly is available complete with fittings and
cable reliefs. Replace the Cable Assembly as follows:

  1. Remove the Compensating Box Cover by unsecrewing the locking nut.
  2. Unsolder the connection to the end of the Cable Assembly, using a heat sink.
  3. Remove the snap ring holding the Com- pensating Box to the Cable Assembly, and separate the two.
  4. Unscrew the Probe Body and Sleeve As- sembly from the other end of the Cable As-sembly.
  5. Unsolder the parallel resistor and capaci- tor from the Cable Assembly, again using a heat sink.
  6. Install the new Cable Assembly by re-versing the above procedure.
  7. After the probe is reassembled, compen-sate as described in Section 2. Then compen-sate tor high frequencies according to the procedure given in the Calibration portion of this section.Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-4

Replacing Components
To replace any electrical parts in either the Compensating Box or the probe tip you need only a pair of long-nose pliers and a solder-ing iron. Use a heat sink to protect the com-ponents from excessive heat.


The P6010 Probe is factory calibrated for use with instruments having approximate input characteristics of l megohm paralleled by 20 picofarads, and an input time constant of 20 ,u.SEC. The probe can be used with instruments having an input capacitance of from 14 to 21 picofarads. An occasional check of the high-frequency compensating network should be made.

High Frequency Compensating Equipment Needed:

  1. Test Scope (with 20 pt input capacitance)
  2. 509 Pulser (109 or 110)
  3. GR-to-BNC Adapter
  4. 500 BNC Termination (011-0049-00)
  5. BNC-to-Probe Adapter (013-0084-00)
  6. 50 to 100 nanosecond Charge Line

Set the Test Scope as follows:

  • TIME/DIV .5 mSEC


  1. Connect the probe to Test Scope input.
  2. Using the Calibrator, adiust C105 for proper square-wave response. (See Section 2.)
  3. To the output of the Pulser, connect the GR-to-BNC Adapter, 509 BNC Termination, BNC-to-Probe Adapter, and Probe, in that order.
  4.  Connect one end of the Charge Line tov the Pulser. Leave the other end open.
  5. Set Pulser VOLTAGE RANGE to 5.Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-5

Maintenance and Calibration—P6010

  • Set Test Scope TIME/DIV to .l “SEC/DIV and obtain a trace.
  •  Adiust Pulser AMPLITUDE for 4CM de-flection.
  • Using a non-conducting screwdriver, ad- iust lk potentiometer (R104) to remove ring-\ ing and obtain a square corner on waveform.(See Fig. 3-20.)
  • Adiust 2009 potentiometer (R103) until the leading corner of the pulse is on the same level as the trailing end of the pulse. (See Fig. 3-2b.)
  • Readiust R103 and R104 to obtain the best possible flat-top and front corner of the pulse.Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-6Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-7Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-8Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-9


Replacement parts are available from or through your local Tektronix Field Office.Changes to Tektronix instruments are sometimes made to accommodate improved components as they become available, and to give you the benefit of the latest circuit improvements developed in our engineering department. It is therefore important, when ordering parts, for your order to con-tain the following information: Part number including any suffix, instrument type, serial number, and modification number if applicable. If a part you have ordered has been replaced with a new or improved part, you local Field Office will contact you concerning any change in part number.




  • X000 Part first added at this serial number.
  • OOOX Part removed after this serial number.
  • 000—000 Asterisk preceding Tektronix Part Number indicates manufactured by or for Tektronix, also reworked or checked components.
  • Use 000-000 Part number indicated is direct replacement. 0 Internal screwdriver adjustment.




Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-11Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-17REPLACEABLE PARTS (6 foot)






  • Also available in Attenuator Assembly, Tektronix Part No. *206-0146-00.
  • Added if necessary.Tektronix-P6010-Oscilloscope-Probe-fig-14

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