FiiK Mini All Terrain Skateboard Instruction Manual

September 7, 2024

FiiK Mini All Terrain Skateboard


  • Brand: FiiKTM
  • Model: Brushed All Terrain Skateboard
  • Wireless Controller: Pistol-Grip
  • Speed Control: Tri-Speed Controller
  • Includes: Fully Assembled Electric Skateboard, Wireless Controller, Battery, Battery Charger, Tool Kit

Welcome Aboard, Rider!

  • Congratulations. Soon you’ll be stepping onto your own world-famous FiiK™ Electric Skateboard.
  • But first, there’s some stuff you’ve gotta know.
  • To get the most out of your new FiiK™ Skateboard, it’s important you know your Board – really well. You’ll have time to check out this manual while the Board’s taking its first charge. So we recommend you check out the manual cover-to-cover, explore all your
  • Board’s features, and follow instructions on safety, care, and maintenance.
  • We know you’ll have a mountain of fun riding your FiiK™ Electric Skateboard –especially when you’re with friends.
  • Cheers!
  • Dan and Mat Quinn
  • FiiK Electric Skateboards – Australia

Warranty. What’s in and What’s Out.

  • For your 60-Day FiiK Product Warranty to be effective, it needs registration and activation online. Complete the Register My FiiK Product form at:
  • The FiiK™ Product Warranty covers all structural components, materials, and workmanship – but excludes wearing parts; including drive belts, tires and tubes, painted surfaces, damage caused due to misuse, contravention of operating and maintenance
  • instructions, immersion in, or exposure to water, accidental damage, loss, and theft.
  • The warranty applies to the original purchaser only and specifies the product is free of manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for 60 days from the original date of purchase.
  • The warranty covers the use of the Board only under conditions specified in this manual. All risks associated with the operation of the product remain the sole and assumed responsibility of the person or persons operating the product. FiiK™, its Directors, employees, contractors, and suppliers are hereby excluded from any liabilities stemming from personal and/or consequential damage, injury, or death, resulting from the use of this product.

Exercising the Warranty

  • If you have a problem with a FiiK™ product and need to resort to the Warranty, please email – or call 1300 FIIKSKATE.
  • Have a good description of the problem ready, and any ideas of which parts might need to be investigated. Before a Board can be returned under warranty, a return must be authorized by FiiK™. Make contact first so we can size up the situation for a rapid solution.
  • If FiiK™ gives notification of a faulty Board, replacement parts, or if necessary, a whole Board, a replacement will be sent – at no charge.
  • FiiK™ retains the right to determine repair or replacement. In the event of a replacement – if the same model is no longer available – FiiK™ reserves the right to replace it with a similar product.
  • But if the fault is not with the product, charges will apply for any parts, labor, and shipping.
  • Accidents happen. If you damage something, we’ll do everything we can to fix your Board – parts are cheap. But we can’t warranty components that have been smashed due to careless operation, water damage, or which show clear signs of abuse. Refunds are at the discretion of the dealer where the Board was purchased. FiiK™ does not enter into customer-dealer negotiations.
  • We look forward to all the feedback we get. The more feedback, the better we can make our Boards. Real-world use – and abuse – of our Boards is how we got to where we are. Researching how you ride, and how the Boards perform – in all conditions – is how we keep building the best electric skateboards on the planet. With your help, we’ll keep evolving our designs and improving their quality. If that’s possible!


IMPORTANT! A FiiK™ Electric Skateboard is not a toy. It’s a serious piece of engineering magnificence and must be treated with respect. Before you attempt to ride your FiiK™ Electric Skateboard, be sure you completely understand, and are familiar with, all features, controls, safety, and maintenance advice in this manual.

  • FiiK™ Skateboards are not cars and are not to be ridden on busy roads. Do not ride on roads with a dividing line, or in a zone with a speed limit exceeding 50kph (30mph).
  • FiiK™ Street Boards are designed for use on hard surfaces only. These Boards must only be used on smooth, hard surfaces that are dry and free of potholes and debris. FiiK™ Off-Road Skateboards will run safely on hard-packed soils, gravel, and trimmed grass. But care must be taken with rough and uneven ground, and potholes. Stay clear of mud and water. A wet deck is slippery. And besides, it’s no way to treat your baby! We’re sure you’ll be blown away by your FiiK™ Electric Skateboard – once you’ve learned how to handle its capabilities. But we can’t overstate the importance of safety.
  • When riding your FiiK™ Skateboard, a helmet is a must, and appropriate protective gear should be worn at all times. FiiK™ Skateboards are not intended for road use or footpath/sidewalk use. Make sure the area you intend to ride in is safe and free of dangerous obstacles, potholes, or debris. Do not ride amongst crowds. Your FiiK™ Skateboard is designed for a single-rider only.
  • Sure, once you’ve developed a reliable technique, ride to your limits. But there are always limits, so stay alert.
  • As with most action sports, there are certain risks involved. Skateboarding may be regulated by state and local laws, which vary by location. Check local laws for your rights and responsibilities.

So, What’s in the Box

The stuff that’s supposed to be in the box, should be in the box. But check closely – just to make sure!

  • 1 x Fully Assembled FiiK™ Wireless Electric Skateboard
  • 1 x Pistol-Grip Wireless Controller, and Battery
  • 1 x Battery Charger
  • 1 x Tool Kit:
  • 1 X Spare Drive Belt
  • 1 x Spare Fuses:
  • 1 x Owner’s Operating Manual. Heh, heh… you’re reading it!

Dive In Before You Ride Out. Unpacking the FiiK™.

  • Check first that your new FiiK™ Electric Skateboard is free of any damage that might have been caused in transit. Don’t ride a Board that’s damaged in shipping. If there’s damage, contact your freight carrier or local stockist immediately, so we can sort it out for you.
  • We highly recommend you immediately give the Board a full charge. Plug the charger in and connect it to the charging jack on the side of the battery pack. The light on the charger will be RED. That means the battery is on charge. Once the battery reaches full charge, the light turns GREEN.
  • Charging time varies. The primary charge takes 4-8 hours, depending on the model and type of battery you have. If your Board is fitted with a Lithium-Polymer – LiFePo4 (LiPo) battery pack, this first charge will take 4-6 hours. Giving your new battery a full charge means you’ll be guaranteed to get the best performance possible. Use the battery often, and store it for no more than 60 days without charging.
  • OK, so while the battery is charging there’s a little job to do if you have a Board with pneumatic tires. Pump the tires to the right pressure. Tire pressure on Street Surfer should be set at 35psi, and Big Daddy should be pumped to 25psi. These recommended pressures have been set to give optimum Board control and battery performance. Get into a habit of checking tire pressure regularly.
  • The following instructions take you through setting the Board’s speed controls. This is especially important when familiarising yourself with your new Board, or when introducing friends to riding for the first time.
    And do the environmental thing – recycle what packaging you can, and dispose of the rest thoughtfully.

Start Slow – Finish Fast. Adjusting the Tri-Speed Controller

  • For safety, your Board has a speed restrictor: HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW. To adjust the speed restrictor, first, be sure to switch OFF the Wireless Controller.
  • You’ll find the three-stage speed-restrictor switch in the battery compartment of the Wireless Controller.
  • Remove the battery cover from the base of the handle.
  • Find the three-stage switch inside the battery compartment.
  • Set the switch to a speed suitable for your riding ability. Use LOW if this is your first time on an electric board.
  • If allowing younger, or inexperienced riders on your Board, always restrict the speed, using the three-stage switch.
  • Once the three-stage switch is set, turn the Board ON. Then, turn ON the Wireless Controller.
  • After both are switched on, you’ll hear a beeping sound. This means the Wireless Controller is establishing a link with the Board. When the beep stops, you’re locked on and ready to ride.
  • Remember to begin slowly and keep your speed down until you develop a good feel for handling the throttle and braking system. Don’t stop reading here! There’s more to know about your Board. Read on…
  • Look Ma, No Wires! About the Wireless Controller
  • The Wireless Controller links up with the Board’s receiver and regulates the speed of the Board: Pulling the trigger toward you will progressively accelerate the Board. Releasing the lever will return it to the neutral position, allowing you to coast. Pushing the trigger away from you will engage the braking system.

NOTE : When riding in groups, only ever turn on ONE BOARD AND WIRELESS CONTROLLER AT A TIME. Be sure to use this 3-step sequence when powering up:

  1. Turn the Board ON. Then,
  2. Turn the Wireless Controller ON.
  3. Allow the Controller and Board at least 10 seconds to link and lock on.

NOTE: Universality and Selectivity is an automated feature of FiiK™ Wireless Controllers.

  • Universality means all FiiK™ Wireless Controllers can be used with any FiiK™ Electric Skateboard.
  • Selectivity means that once a Controller links and locks on to a Board, no other Controller can access that Board.
  • To prolong battery life, your FiiK™ Skateboard and Wireless Controller feature automatic shut-off. The Board powers down after being idle for 10 minutes, and the Wireless Controller powers down after being idle for 5 minutes.

Riding Your Board. Basic Operation.

WARNING! Your FiiK™ Electric Skateboard is powerful and demands a ton of respect. Never pull the trigger too quickly, or release it too suddenly without due care. Stepping on your Board and pulling the trigger too hard before setting your stance means you could be thrown backward off the Board. When traveling at high speed, pushing the trigger forward too harshly (engaging the braking system), could throw you headfirst off the Board. Know your limits. Accelerate and brake accordingly, with care.

  • Once the Wireless Controller has locked on to the Board, you can step on. Put your weight on your front foot and begin to ride.
  • Very SLOWLY and with CONSTANT SMOOTH PRESSURE, pull the trigger toward you. To decelerate, SLOWLY release the trigger. To slow to a stop, GENTLY push the trigger away from you. This will engage the braking system and bring you to a complete stop. Take time to become familiar with accelerating and braking. Smooth action with the Controller is the key.

NOTE: To get the most out of the Drive Belt, we recommend you keep aggressive braking to a minimum.

Command and Control = Safety!

  • Being in control is everything. Especially when commanding the braking system on your Board. Braking power is relative to the speed you are traveling. If you let the trigger return to its starting position, you will be in neutral, and the Board will coast. If you engage braking at full speed, braking energy is greater than if you engage brakes while coasting in neutral. So when braking at high speed, use a lighter touch!
    NOTE: If the signal between the Controller and Board is lost, the Board’s automatic emergency braking will engage and bring the Board to a stop.

  • When riding uphill, more weight should be kept over the rear drive wheel, to keep it from losing traction.

  • If the hill is too steep, you risk overheating the system, forcing a safety shutdown. Get off and walk up those steep hills.

  • Maximum speed, range, and stopping distance depend on your weight, the riding surface, incline, and wind direction.

CAUTION: Extreme, unchecked speed could result in serious injury or death. When riding downhill, the motor remains engaged at all times, providing some drag. To avoid building up too much speed, it’s advised you apply frequent gentle braking.

Whoa! Too Far!

  • Even though your FiiK™ Electric Skateboard is engineered to a high level of toughness, all mechanical and electronic systems have limits for safe, effective operation. Excessively aggressive acceleration and braking will place uncontrolled strain on the Drive
  • Belt, shortening its service life.
  • Never ride down hills that put safety and Board control at risk. High-speed collisions will do damage!
  • Never ride down hills that need prolonged, excessive braking.
  • Trouble? What Trouble?!
  • The indicator light on the charger is red.
  • Recharge the Skateboard until the light turns green.
  • If the light stays red, your batteries may be dead and cannot be recharged.
  • Also, check the wiring of the battery, and make sure that all wires are connected in the battery box and none have been broken loose.
  • The charger may be broken and may need replacement. Contact us and we’ll ship an immediate replacement.
  • Skateboard and Controller do not synchronize properly.
  • Turn the Skateboard and Controller OFF. Turn the Skateboard ON, and turn the Controller ON. Wait 10-15 seconds to establish a connection.
  • No beep heard when turning on the Controller.
  • Batteries are not properly installed or are flat. Replace the batteries in the Controller. The skateboard stops automatically after running for some time.
  • Been thrashing the pants off your Board? There’s a protection system built into your FiiK™ Skateboard. This will activate when the motor becomes too hot or has been overloaded. Let the motor cool down for a bit (air cool in the shade. Never pour water on the motor), then, turn your FiiK™ Skateboard and Controller back ON, and you’re ready to ride again.
  • You can hear a beeping alarm coming from the Controller.
  • This just means the batteries are flat and need replacing.
  • The speed of your Skateboard is not stable or consistent.
  • You must wear shoes at all times to make sure you get a strong and reliable signal. The Wireless Controller needs to be re-linked. Turn both the Controller and Skateboard OFF. Wait 10 seconds, and turn them both back ON.
  • Check the battery in the Controller and replace it if necessary.
  • If the problem is not resolved, contact FiiK™ Customer Support and we’ll work to fix the issue.
  • The controller and Skateboard receiver are wet or moist.
  • Drain, and allow to thoroughly dry out. If damaged beyond repair, some components will need replacement.
  • What the FiiK™! I can’t charge my skateboard!
  • Either the charger or the battery is at fault. Here’s how to quickly find out which one is at fault: Check if the battery has any charge by running it on your Skateboard. No go? Reconnect the charger to your battery. If the light remains GREEN, you will know the
  • charger is not working. Replace the charger.
  • The skateboard is not charged, but the charger always reads GREEN when plugged in.
  • The problem is a bad battery cell(s), or a loose connection. Check connections or replace bad cells.
  • Strong vibration or loud high-pitched noise while ridiThe ng.

Drive Belt is loose or has worn out.
To adjust the belt: Remove the drive wheel. Loosen the 4 bolts that attach the Drive Belt housing cover and motor to the rear axle on the truck. Pushing the motor and rear axle apart, begin tightening the four bolts. The idea is to spread the two sprockets apart, as far as possible, so the belt will be tight. The adjustment will only be about 2mm. It doesn’t sound like much, but the Drive Belt must be as tight as possible between the sprockets for reliable performance. Use a little Loctite on the nuts, and get them nice and tight.

Tip: If you like to ride hard, make a regular check on Drive Belt tension, and beat the problem before it happens.
The bearing is damaged. Change bearing.

  • Make sure you have the washers fitted on either side of the bearings on each wheel. The motor runs, but the drive wheel does not turn.
  • The Drive Belt is broken. Replace the Drive Belt. Tip: Always keep a spare Drive Belt. Nothing’s working!
  • Relax – we understand your Board. We’ve never failed to get a Board going again, even after crazy accidents like a full saltwater dunking! If all else fails, get in touch and we’ll do our very best to get you going again. Visit:

Under normal use, your Board will require only routine maintenance as described below.


  • The FiiK™ Tool Kit contains all the necessary tools for general maintenance as described here.
  • Over time, vibrations from normal use may cause some external bolt and screw fittings to loosen, especially if riding on rough surfaces.
  • Check all fasteners for tightness before every use. Check and tighten all screws and nuts after every 4 to 5 hours of riding. Do not over-tighten, as stripping can result. The snug is tight enough.


  • The trucks on your FiiK™ Electric Skateboard are not conventional skateboard trucks. Trucks and bushings are factory preset and should not be adjusted.
  • The bushings are precision-engineered to absorb shock and provide positive steering control. Although designed for extremely long life, the bushings will wear over time. Replace only with genuine high-performance FiiK™ bushings. Order replacements at: or see your local dealer.

Drive Wheel
Over time, you’ll notice that the drive wheel will wear more than the other three wheels. If your Board is grinding, you’ll need to replace the drive wheel. Contact: or see your local dealer for a replacement.

Drive Belt
FiiK™ Drive Belts are built tough, but being the component that takes the most punishment, they will eventually wear out. Drive Belt life also depends on your riding style. If you belt your Board, you will need a new Drive Belt sooner! Replacements are available at: or your local dealer.

TIP: Never let yourself be caught short. Always have a spare Drive Belt handy.

Battery Maintenance

The rechargeable battery that powers your Board should last 1-2 years (1000 to 1500 miles of riding), if kept properly charged. But performance will slowly decrease to the point where it will eventually fail to hold a charge. To maintain maximum life, always keep your batteries charged when storing for extended periods. Recharge even after short rides to maintain healthy batteries. While storing batteries recharge at least once a month for optimum battery life. Order genuine FiiK™ replacement batteries from: or your dealer.


  • Q: What should I do if my drive wheel does not turn?
    • A: Check if the drive belt is broken and replace it if necessary. Always keep a spare drive belt for emergencies.
  • Q: What if nothing seems to work?
    • A: Ensure washers are fitted on each wheel bearing. If issues persist, contact customer support at for assistance.

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