LaserPecker LP5 2BAV5-LP5 Powerful Engraving Machine User Manual

August 31, 2024

LP5 2BAV5-LP5 Powerful Engraving Machine


Product Information


  • Product Name: LaserPecker LP5
  • Version: v1.0 2024.05
  • Language: English

Safety Information

General Safety Information

It is important to comply with all applicable local and national
laws and regulations when using the machine. Strictly follow all
safety precautions provided to ensure safe operation. Individuals
suffering from any physical or mental limitation that might affect
their ability to use the machine safely should refrain from using

Laser Safety

Warning labels are placed on the machine to indicate potential
risks. It is crucial to avoid eye or skin exposure to direct or
scattered radiation.

Emergency Measures

In case of any emergency situation or malfunction, stop using
the machine immediately and seek assistance.

Software Download

To download the LaserPecker Design Space App, scan the provided
QR code. For PC software, visit the specified website for
downloading instructions.

Package List

  • Laser Unit x 1
  • Electric Stand x 1
  • Base Plate x 1
  • Hex Key H1.5 x 1, H2 x 1, H2.5 x 1

Quick Assembly

Electric Stand Assembly

  1. Use the Hex key H2.5 to install the M2.5 screws at the bottom
    of the Base plate to secure the Electric stand.

  2. Attach the Laser unit to the Electric stand and tighten the

Conical Protective Cover Installation

  1. Place the Conical protective cover below the Laser unit and
    secure it with screws.

  2. Attach the Front light filter.

Cable Connection

Connect the power cable and power adapter to a power supply.
Connect the cables to their respective ports as instructed.

Component Introduction



La serPecker LP5

User Manual

v1.0 2024.05







Safety Information Software Download Package List Quick Assembly M eet the LP5 Before using the prodcut Connecting Software Using the product M aintenance Technical Specifications St a t em ent s

Safety Information


1 General Safety Information

· Only use this m achine in accordance with these instructions and all


applicable local and national laws and regulations.

· Read and get fam iliar with all safety precautions and procedures before

using the m achine. Strictly follow all safety precautions. Ensure that the


m achine is properly assem bled and is working properly. · DO NOT allow use by m inors, by untrained personnel, or by any personnel

su ering from any physical or m ental lim itation that m ight a ect their

ability to use the m achine safely and properly.


· Ensure that the workspace is clean and flat.

· Keep the area around the m achine dry, well ventilated, and

environm entally controlled to 50­95°F (10­35°C) and 10­95% hum idity.


· DO NOT leave the m achine una ended during operation.

In the event of the following situations, please stop using the m achine and


cut o the power im m ediately: · A burning sm ell is detected com ing from the m achine.

· Open flam es or sparks are observed being generated from the engraving

m aterial.


· Any com ponents of the m achine appear to be dam aged or

m alfunctioning.

· Unexpected cessation of m achine operation for no clear reason.


· Abnorm al sounds, sm oke, or unusual lighting are em i ed from the

m achine.



16 01

Safety Information
2 Laser Safety
· The LP5 Basic is a Class 4 laser system . When assem bled and locked with a safety enclosure, the laser system is Class 1. · The active laser and its reflections can rapidly cause fires, burns, and perm anent vision dam age. Under norm al circum stances, the laser is blocked by the protective cover or safety enclosure during operation. Before using the m achine, ensure that the protective cover or safety enclosure is installed properly. If it cannot fully cover the object, you need to wear safety goggles that can shield your eyes from the laser beam s. · During operation, the m aterials being engraved or cut m ay release toxic and harm ful gases or fum es. Depending on the type and com position of the engraving/ cu ing m aterials, these em issions can pose health and environm ental risks. To ensure safe use, it is recom m ended to use this m achine with an air purifier to e ectively absorb and filter any toxic or harm ful gases and fum es generated. · DO NOT use this laser in dewy, dusty, or high-EMI conditions where the active laser m ight easily be deflected or reflected.

Warning Labels
Warning and instruction labels are put on places that m ay pose a risk before or during operation. If the label is broken or lost, you can use the following tem plates to print and apply the label you need to instruct others’ operations.

3 Emergency M easures
· Only use the m achine with stable and com patible power sources. This m achine requires a 24V/ 7.5A power adapter. Failure to use the com patible power adapter can result in m achine m alfunction. · Do not allow any electronic com ponent to becom e wet and always fully disconnect the m achine from power before undertaking cleaning, adjustm ent, m aintenance, or repair.

Software Download
Download App
Scan the QR code below to download and install the LaserPecker Design Space App. Please follow the operation guide and read the warnings and precautions in the App c a r ef u lly.

Ge ing Help
Contact Us
If you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to our custom er support team at YouTube: @LaserPecker Facebook Group: @LP5 O icial Group

LaserPecker Design Space
Download PC Software
Please visit h ps:/ / pages/ software to download the PC software.

Video Tutorials
Scan the QR code below to learn how to use the m achine.


Package List

Laser Unit x 1

Electric Stand x 1

Base Plate x 1

Hex Key H1.5 x 1H2 x 1H2.5 x 1 M2.5 Screws x 4

Conical Protective Cover x 1

Power Cable x 1/ Power Adapter x 1

Cable Organizer x 1

Listed below are free gifts. Item s are subject to change without notice.

Security Key x 2

Cable 1.5m x 1& 1.0m x 1

Safety Goggles x 1 04

L-shaped Positioner x 2

Material Pack x 1

USB Flash Drive x 1

Pipe x 1

Quick Assembly
Electric Stand Assembly
1 Use the Hex key H2.5 to install the 4 M2.5 screws at the bo om of the Base plate to secure the Electric stand.

2 2. A ach the Laser unit to the Electric stand by turning the knob counter- clockwise.

Tighten the knob

Quick Assembly
Conical Protective Cover Installation
1 Place the Conical protective cover below the Laser unit. Secure the cover to the Laser unit by tightening the 2 screws on top of the cover.

2 A ach the Front light filter.


Quick Assembly
Cable Connection

Connect the power cable and power adpater to a
power supply.

Connect the Conical protective cover to the

Connect one end of the .m cable to the power
port on the Electric stand.

the other end to the power output on the
Laser Unit.

Component Introduction
Preview button Emergency stop button Laser unit indicator Field lens

Up button Electric stand indicator
Down button Pause/Resume button

1 DC power port 2 Security key 3 USB-C port for computer connection 4 Power output for electric stand 5 Accesory port 6 Conical protective cover port 7 USB port for flash drive

12 3 456 7

Field lens cover Electric stand power port Dual red spots for focusing

Laser Unit Indicator
Solid yellow: Powering on Blinking blue: Connected to network Solid blue: Connected to Software Blinking white: Not connected to network Solid white: Connecting to network Blinking green: File in transit Solid green: Engraving in progress Solid red: Emergency stopped and disconnected Blinking red, blue: Firmware updating

Before using the prodcut
Check the Security Key
Ensure the Security key is inserted properly before use. Please note the m achine will not work if the Security key is not inserted. An error prom pt will pop up in the App.

Install the Pipe
The Protective cover has a built-in exhaust fan, which can be connected to a pipe or used with an air purifier. *The air purifier is not included in the package. Purchase one separately if needed.


Connect to App
Connect to App through Wi-Fi (First time WiFi setup or changing the network)
Open the LaserPecker Design Space App, click the “”+”” in the upper right corner, select the m achine m odel ‘LP5’ and follow the instructions to configure the WiFi network for the m achine. Both the m achine and the phone m ust be under the sam e 2.4GHz WiFi network.
The Laser unit indicator is in solid blue if the connection is successful.
Blinking blue: Connected to network Solid blue: Connected to App Blinking white: Not connected to network Solid white: Connecting to network

Connect to PC Software
Option 1: Connect directly via a USB cable

Option 2: Connect to PC Software through WiFi(First-time WiFi setup or changing the network)
1 Before se ing up the wireless connection, you m ust first connect the m achine to a com puter using a USB cable. This USB connection allows you to configure the WiFi se ings on the m achine.

2 After connected, entering the m achine se ing page on the upper right corner in the software. Select ‘WiFi se ing’ and follow the instructions to configure the WiFi network for the m achine.



Both the m achine and the com puter m ust be under the sam e 2.4GHz WiFi network.

Using the product
Dual Red Spots Focusing (M anual Focusing)
Place the m aterial on the Base plate. Initiate the preview Mode through APP or PC software to observe the two spots. Adjust the height of the Electric stand until the two red spots coincide, and the focus is successfully set.

Emergency Stop
If errors or m achine faults occur during m aterial processing, press the em ergency stop bu on to disconnect and stop the processing.

Engrave using USB Flash Drive
After inserting the flash drive into the m achine, the Gcode files (.lpb) on the drive can be selected using the PC software or m obile App to preview and engrave.

Operation access control
To prevent others from using the m achine, rem ove the security key to lock the processing and related functions. Insert the key to unlock the processing and related functions.


M ultiple application scenarios

Bevel Engraving
Loosen the electric stand knob clockwise to adjust the angle of the Laser unit. Tighten the knob counterclockwise to fix the laser unit at the desired angle for bevel engraving.

Using Accessories
If accessories are needed, purchase them separately and refer to the accessory instructions for installation.
Rotary Extension

Batch Processing
During batch processing, the L-shaped positioner can fix m aterials in the sam e position every tim e. Secure the positioners to the base plate by tightening the screws.

Slide Extension


M aintenance
Field Lens M aintenance
If laser power a enuation occurs, for exam ple, engraved pa erns are shallow or uneven, the Field Lens m ay get dirty. Clean it with the lint-free cloth m oistened with alcohol.

Conical Protective Cover Exhaust Fan Cleaning
If sm oke runs out of the protective cover, the exhaust fan and sm oke outlet m ay be blocked due to dust. Unscrew the fan from the cover using a screwdriver and clean them to ensure proper sm oke exhausting.

Dust Filter Cleaning
Remove the cover on the left side of the Laser unit to clean the dust filter if there is dust buildup. *The filter on the right side of the Laser unit is an air intake filter and cannot be rem oved.

Technical Specifications

Size Net Weight Laser Source & Power Working Area Shell Preview M ode Supported File Formats Connectivity Supported OS Input Power Environmental Temperature Cooling System Safety Certification

Laser Unit: 255 x 98 x 183 m m Electric Stand: 198 x 286 x 323 m m Conical Protective Cover: 167 x 231x 160 m m Laser Unit: 3.36 kg Electric Stand: 2.28 kg Conical Protective Cover: 0.38 kg Total Weight: 6.02kg 20W 450nm Blue Diode Laser 20W 1064nm Fiber Laser 160 x120 m m (Elipse) 100 x 100 m m (Square) Alum inum Alloy Outline Preview / Center Point Preview PC Software: G-code / JPG / PNG / BMP / SVG / DXF etc. Mobile AppG-code / JPG / PNG / SVG USB, Wi-Fi Support iOS 9.0+, Android 7.0+, MacOS 10+, Windows 10+, Com patible with LightBurn DC(24V, 7.5A) AC(100-240V, 50-60Hz) 180W Tem perature Range: 10°C – 35°C Hum idity Range: 10% – 95%RH (Non-condensing) Sem iconductor Cooling + Air Cooling CE / ROHS / FCC / FDA / NCC / KC / UKCA / TELEC / SRRC


Statements and After-Sales Services
Discla im er
Thank you for choosing LaserPecker LP5! This m anual relates to your safety, legal responsibilities and rights. Please read and get fam iliar with all safety precautions and procedures before using the product. If you do not use the product according to the instructions and requirem ents of the m anual, or m is-operate the product due to m isunderstanding, etc., LaserPecker (Hingin Technology Co., Ltd.) shall bear no responsibility for any loss resulting therefrom .
Given the conditions and m ethods of use of this product are beyond the control of LaserPecker, LaserPecker shall not be liable for any of the following consequences, which shall be borne by the user: · Personal injury, property loss, and product dam age caused by im proper operation, failure to follow the m anual or other uncertainties. · The work that user created using the LaserPecker product infringes intellectual property rights of the third party or violates relevant laws and regulations. · Personal injury, property loss, and product dam age that m ay arise during the installation, transportation, storage, use, m aintenance, and disposal of this product. · All o icial LaserPecker m aterials have undergone safety testing and are com patible with this product. LaserPecker shall not be liable for m aterial safety or engraving quality if the user uses non-LaserPecker o icial m aterials.

This docum ent is copyrighted by LaserPecker with all rights reserved. Unless otherwise authorized by LaserPecker, you are not eligible to use or allow others to use the docum ent or any part of the docum ent by reproducing, transferring or selling the docum ent. Users should only refer to this docum ent and the content thereof as instructions to operate LaserPecker LP5. The docum ent should not be used for other purposes.


FCC WARNING This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. — Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected. — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body: Use only the supplied antenna.


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