CENTEK CT-1990 Drying Machine Instruction Manual

August 30, 2024

CT-1990 Drying Machine



  • Voltage: 220-240V
  • Frequency: ~50Hz
  • Power Consumption: 800W
  • Capacity: 3.5kg
  • Weight: 8.0kg
  • Dimensions: 235mm x 102mm x 65mm
  • Refrigerant: R290 (120g)
  • Protection: IPX4
  • Noise Level: 41dB
  • Max Temperature: 180°C
  • Timer Range: 480/375 minutes
  • Drying Programs: 4.6

Product Usage Instructions:


  1. Ensure the dryer is placed on a stable and flat surface.
  2. Plug the dryer into a suitable power outlet.
  3. Sort the laundry and load it into the dryer, ensuring not to

Operating Instructions:

  1. Select the desired drying program using the control panel.
  2. Adjust the temperature and timer settings as needed.
  3. Start the dryer by pressing the appropriate button.
  4. Monitor the drying process and remove the laundry promptly once

Cleaning and Maintenance:

  1. Regularly clean the lint filter to ensure efficient

  2. Wipe the exterior of the dryer with a damp cloth when

  3. Inspect the venting system for any blockages and clear them if


Q: What should I do if the dryer is making unusual noises

during operation?

A: Check for any loose items inside the drum that may be causing
the noise. If the issue persists, contact customer support for
further assistance.

Q: Can I dry delicate fabrics in this dryer?

A: Yes, you can dry delicate fabrics by selecting a lower
temperature setting and using appropriate drying programs designed
for delicate items.

Q: How often should I clean the lint filter?

A: It is recommended to clean the lint filter after every drying
cycle to maintain optimal performance and safety.





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50 )

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3,5 8,0 ++
235 102 65 R290 (120) IPX4 41



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Dear Consumer! Thank You for choosing a CENTEK TM product. We guarantee that our product will comply with all obligatory quality and operational safety requirements if operated in accordance with the present Manual. We wish You pleasant use of the appliance!

AT TEN TION RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK! ­ In case of damage to the power cable it should be replaced by the
manufacturer, its customer service or other skilled technical staff, in order to avoid dangerous situations. ­ In case of failure do not operate the appliance until it is repaired by the manufacturer, its customer service or other skilled technical staff.
1. The appliance should not be used by physically, sensory or mentally handicapped persons (including children) or by persons without sufficient experience or knowledge, unless such persons are under supervision, or have been instructed on the use of the appliance, by the persons responsible for their safety. Take precautions not to let children play with the appliance.
Additional Requirements Specific to EU Legislation: ­ The use of the appliance by children of 8 years of age and older and
by physically, sensory or mentally handicapped persons or by persons without sufficient experience or knowledge, unless such persons are under supervision, or have been instructed on the safe use of the appliance and the related hazard factors. Children shall not be allowed to play with the appliance. Children shall not be allowed to clean or maintain the machine without the supervision of adults. ­ Do not allow children to access the appliance while it is operating, do not let children play with the appliance. ­ Children under 3 years of age shall not have access to the appliance and be under constant supervision.
2. Animals and children can get inside the drier. Check the appliance every time before operation.
3. Do not step or sit on the appliance.
INSTALLATION LOCATION AND OPERATING CONDITIONS 1. All washing agents and additives shall be stored in a safe location inaccessible
by children. 2. Do not install the machine on carpeted floors. The carpeting can obstruct the
cooling openings and cause damage to the appliance. 3. Place the appliance well away from heat sources and direct sunlight in order
to avoid deformation of plastic and rubber parts. 4. Do not use the appliance in environments with high humidity or containing
explosive or caustic gases. In case of a leak or liquid spills allow the appliance to dry out outdoors. 5. Do not install the appliance in a room with lockable, sliding doors or doors opening to the side opposite to the appliance installation location. 6. Do not operate the appliance in facilities with ambient temperatures below 5 °C. This can cause damage to appliance components. Should it be impossible to ensure sufficient temperature, thoroughly drain the water from the appliance every time after use to avoid freezing. 7. Do not use any flammable aerosols or other substances in direct proximity of the appliance.

PURPOSE OF THE APPLIANCE The heat pump tumble dryer is designed for drying domestic clothes after washing. The appliance is designed for indoor use. The appliance is not designed for built-in application. Please use the appliance for domestic purposes only in accordance with the present Manual. The appliance is not designed for commercial use. The use of the appliance for any other purpose is considered improper. The Manufacturer shall not be made liable for any damage caused by improper use of the appliance.
1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Please read the following safety instructions and strictly observe them in order to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, damage to property, as well as the risk to human health or lives. Non-observance of these requirements will result in the manufacturer’s warranty becoming void.

APPLIANCE INSTALLATION 1. Remove all packaging materials and transportation bolts before operating
the appliance for the first time. Failure to do so can result in severe damage. 2. The power plug shall be located in an easily accessible place. 3. The appliance requires calibration before the first use. 4. Do not place heavy objects (such as vessels with water) and heating devices
on the dryer.
ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 1. Avoid the power cable being jammed under the dryer, as this can result in
its damage. 2. Connect the appliance to an earthed electric socket protected by a circuit
breaker with a nominal rating specified in the “Specifications” Table. The earthing circuit should be installed by a skilled electrician. Ensure that the installation of the appliance complies with local safety requirements. 3. Electric power connection should be performed by a skilled technician in compliance with local safety requirements.


AT TEN TION ­ Do not use extension cables and socket splitter adapters. ­ Do not connect the appliance via external switching devices, such as timers,
as well as to power supply systems that are regularly shut down. ­ Do not pull the plug from the electric socket in case of flammable gas
contamination. ­ Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. ­ Pull the plug by grabbing the plug itself, not the cable. ­ Always pull the plug from the electric socket when the appliance is not in use.

environment and human health that may be caused by improper handling. You can obtain a list of electric and electronic appliance disposal and recycling centers from Your local municipal authorities or a domestic waste disposal company. 7. If a malfunction of the appliance is revealed please contact an authorized service center or turn the appliance over for disposal. Should You wish to transfer appliance to another person, please pass the present Manual along with it.



1. It is not recommended to dry items containing rubber foam or latex, such as

shower caps, waterproof fabrics, rubber-impregnated garments or garments

with foamed rubber pads.

2. Do not force the door open. The door will unlock itself after some time when

the drying cycle is over.


3. Do not apply excessive force when closing the door. If closing the door is

hindered check if the clothes are properly placed and distributed inside the

4. Disconnect the appliance from power supply every time after use and before 5


5. Do not spill water on the appliance for cleaning! Risk of electric shock!


6. The appliance should only be repaired by the manufacturer, its customer

service or other skilled technicians, in order to avoid dangerous situations. The

Manufacturer shall not be made liable for any damage caused by unauthorized



TRANSPORTATION 1. Before transportation: ­ The transport bolts should be reinstalled by a skilled technician. ­ Drain the water from the machine’s container; clean the container from any
debris. 2. The appliance has a substantial weight. Be careful during transportation. Do
not lift the machine by the protruding parts. Do not use the door of the machine as a handle for moving. 3. Leave the appliance without operating it for 2 hours after transportation.
INSTALLATION, STORAGE, TRABSPORTATION (SHIPMENT), SALE AND DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. The appliance does not require any special installation operations or
permanent securing. 2. The appliance should be stored by the Manufacturer or consumer in its
packaging in heated facilities at ambient air temperatures of 5° to 40° and at a maximum relative air humidity of 80%. No aggressive or corrosive air contaminants (acidic or alkaline vapors) should be present. 3. The following precautions should be taken for proper transportation of the appliance: ­ remove accessories (if any) from inside the appliance and pack them up separately; ­ ensure that the appliance is properly packaged to preserve its functionality and appearance (bulky home appliances should be wrapped in polyethylene film or bubble foil, with corrugated cardboard pads in critical places); ­ secure the appliance with cargo belts to prevent its movement within the vehicle; ­ use only enclosed vehicles to fully protect the appliance from the elements during transportation; ­ exercise utmost care when handling the packaging during loading and unloading operations. 4. The appliance requires careful handling; protect it from dust, dirt, mechanical impact, moisture, fire, etc. 5. Sale of the appliance shall be effected in compliance with the local legislation. 6. Upon expiry of its service life the appliance can be disposed of separately from ordinary domestic waste. You can turn it over to a specialized electric and electronic appliance disposal and recycling centre for subsequent processing and disposal in accordance with Federal or local legislation. By turning the discarded appliance over for recycling You will make a considerable contribution to environmental protection and prevent damage to the



1. Top cover 2. Removable condensate collection container 3. Control panel 4. Power cable 5. Drum 6. Removable lint filter 7. Maintenance cover 8. Air intake 9. Door

3. SCOPE OF SUPPLY ­ Tumble Dryer – 1 pc. ­ User manual – 1 pc. Optional: ­ Condensate drainage hose – 1 pc. ­ Hose holder – 1 pc. ­ Connector – 1 pc.


AT TEN TION ­ A stable position of the appliance is essential for avoiding its spontaneous
movement during operation. ­ Check appliance position with a level gage. The maximum allowable floor
gradient is 1°. ­ Ensure that the appliance is not standing on its own power cable and not
jamming it. ­ The distance between the appliance and adjacent walls or permanently fixed
objects shall be at least 20 mm on the sides and 100 mm from the rear wall.


AT TEN TION If the tumble dryer is installed on a carpeted floor, make sure that its base is elevated above the carpet. Otherwise its internal ventilation will be impeded or obstructed.

1. The tumble dryer should be installed on a smooth, hard, dry surface. 2. Avoid contact of the appliance with direct sunlight. 3. The room in which the appliance is installed should be well ventilated. 4. The ambient temperature in the room should be above 5 °. 5. The drier should be installed away from heat sources, such as coal or gas
herds, fireplaces or heaters. If this is not possible, install sufficient thermal insulation, lined with aluminum foil on the side facing the heating device, between the appliances. The thermal insulation shall cover the entire area of the tumble dryer. The tumble dryer should not be heated up by the heat sources.
AT TEN TION Packaging materials (e.g. plastic foil or foam) can present a hazard for children. RISK OF SUFFOCATION! Keep the packaging materials out of reach of children. During the unpacking make sure that the appliance has not been damaged during transportation. If any damage is revealed, do not connect the machine to power supply, contact the supplier (vendor) immediately. Check the scope of supply.
1. Remove the cardboard box and polyfoam packaging. 2. Lift the dryer and remove the packaging from the appliance base. Ensure that the small polyfoam triangle is removed from the bottom of the appliance. If not, lay the appliance on a side and manually remove the polyfoam triangle. 3. Remove the tape holding the power cable.
LEVELING THE DRYER Adjust the position of the dryer with the rotating feet so that the deviation from horizontal does not exceed 1°.
1. Loosen the lock nut on the foot with a spanner. 2. Rotate the foot until it firmly stands on the floor. 3. Adjust all four feet in the same way as described in item 2, so that the machine stands level and does not wobble. Use a construction level gage (bubble tube level) to check the leveling.
STABILITY CHECK Press the front and back corners of the top panel diagonally to make sure that the machine does not move up or down at all (check in both diagonal directions). If the machine rocks even a little, adjust the feet once again.
4. Upon adjusting the machine feet fix them by firmly tightening the lock nuts on all four feet.

Overflow hose

Drain hose

Drain hose

1. Pull out the upper drainage hose. 2. Insert the external drainage hose into a floor drain (be careful not to bend the
external drainage hose).

ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 1. The tumble dryer shall be connected to a properly installed earthed electric
socket protected by a 16 A circuit breaker. In order to improve safety of dryer connection we recommend providing a dedicated circuit branch (socket) in the switchboard, protected by a separate differential current circuit breaker or a combination automatic circuit breaker / residual current device. Should the power supply system not be equipped with an operational earthing circuit installed in compliance with local regulations, the Manufacturer will reject any liability for damage caused by machine operation. 2. The electric socket to which the machine is connected should be located in a visible and accessible place, to the left or right of the appliance and within 1 meter from it. Please prevent any situations when the power cable is jammed, tugged or stepped upon. 3. Do not use extension cables or socket splitters to connect the appliance. This is important for avoiding loose contacts, insufficient contact surfaces, etc. in the power supply circuit and preventing a fire. The use of an external timer is not allowed. 4. If the power cable is damaged, it can only be replaced by a qualified technician at a service center.


AT TEN TION Before operating the dryer ensure that it is properly installed in accordance with our instructions. The appliance has been quality acceptance tested at the factory, therefore some water and minor traces of test operation may be present in it. Wipe the inside of the drum with a soft cloth before operating the dryer for the first time. 1. Place a few clean rags into the drum. 2. Connect the machine to power supply, press the ON/OFF button. 3. Select the “Steam Refresh” program; press the “Start/Pause” button. 4. Upon completion of the program follow the “Cleaning and Maintenance”
section to clean the door filter. NOTE: the compressor and water will emit some noise during operation, which is quite normal.



Upon adjusting the machine feet the lock nuts on all four of them should be

firmly tightened.

NOTE: ­ Proper placement and leveling will guarantee long-term, stable and reliable
operation of the drier. ­ The drier should be absolutely level and stable. ­ The drier should not rock or wobble to any side under pressure. ­ Avoid contact of the appliance’s feet with moisture, as this may cause vibration
or noise.

1. Connect the appliance to power supply. Before connecting study the technical information sticker on the appliance to make sure that the power supply system voltage corresponds to that indicated in the sticker.

2. Place the clothes into the drum. The weight of the laundry should not exceed APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF DRY CLOTHES (WEIGHT PER GARMENT) the maximum weight indicated in the technical specifications of the appliance.
3. Close the machine door until a click is heard.

1. Turn the appliance on by pressing the button on the control panel. 2. Select the drying mode with the rotating knob. 3. Select the desired functions. 4. Press the start button to start the drying program.



(mixed, 800 g) (cotton, 800 g)

Jeans (800 g)

Bath towel (cotton, 900 g)

Bed sheet (cotton, 600 g)

Work clothes (1120 g)

Pajamas (200 g)

Shirt (cotton, 300 g)

T-shirt (cotton, 180 g)

Underwear (cotton, 70 g)

Socks (mixed knit 50 g)

1. After program completion the door will be unlocked to allow you to remove the clothes from the drum.
2. Remove the condensate collection container. 3. Empty the container. 4. Remove and clean the lint filter. 5. Disconnect the appliance from power supply.

AT TEN TION Avoid loads higher than nominal. Do not dry dripping-wet clothes. This can damage the dryer.

Pay attention to the garment care tags:

Suitable for tumble-drying.

Ordinary drying: tumble-drying allowed at normal load and a temperature of 80 .

Careful drying: tumble-dry with care. Select a mild drying process with reduced thermal impact.

Do not dry in a tumble dryer: the garment is not suitable for tumble-drying.

1. Tumble dry the clothes in the washing machine after washing them. A high drying speed will reduce drying time and save electricity.
2. Divide the clothes into fabric types for uniform drying and select the suitable drying program.
3. Before drying close all zippers, hooks, loops and buttons, tie fabric straps, etc. 4. Remove all objects from the pockets, e.g. lighters, matches, etc. 5. Sew on or remove the bones from bras. 6. Close up pillowcases and blanket covers to prevent small items from getting
inside. 7. Leave jackets unbuttoned and unzip all long zippers to allow the fabrics to
dry uniformly. 8. Do not over-dry the clothes, as creases are likely to form on over-dried clothes. 9. Do not dry items containing rubber or other elastic materials.
AT TEN TION Keep the surroundings of the dryer clean. Coal dust or flour can cause an explosion.
10. The door of the machine should only be opened after drying program completion, in order to avoid burns with hot steam or hot dryer components.
11. Clean the lint filter and drain the water from the condensate container every time after operating the dryer, in order to avoid increased drying time and excessive power consumption.
12. Do not dry clothes after dry cleaning.








1. “ON/OFF” button (turns the appliance on and off). 2. “Start/Pause” button (press to start or suspend a program). 3. Selection buttons for auxiliary functions. 4. Display (displays the settings, remaining program time and drying status). 5. Drying program selector (use the rotating knob to select the desired program).





. Display. . “Crease-Free” function indicators. C. “Child Lock” function indicator. D. Warning indicator for lint filter cleaning. . Warning indicator for condensate container overfill. F. “Intensity” function indicator.
6. PROGRAM SELECTION 1. The display will activate after the dryer is turned on. Use the rotating knob to
select the desired program. 2. Select the auxiliary functions using the buttons (3). 3. Press the “Start/Pause” button. 4. The drum will start rotating, the program time countdown will appear on the
display. 5. Upon program completion the drum will stop rotating, an audio signal will be
emitted; the display will show “End”. The dryer will automatically start the “Crease-Free” cycle if you do not remove the clothes. 6. Remove your laundry from the drum; press the “ON/OFF” button to turn the dryer off.


Delicate fabrics Mixed fabrics Synthetic fabrics Wool fabrics

Extra To Shelf For Ironing
Extra To Shelf

Max. load
8.0 kg
1.0 kg 3.5 kg 3.5 kg 1.0 kg

For complete drying of single layer or multilayer cotton garments.
For immediate storage.
To keep single layer cotton clothes damp for ironing.
For delicate clothes suitable for drying or washing. For clothes that should be hand washed at low temperature.
For mixed cotton-synthetic fabrics.
For thick or multilayer synthetic fabrics requiring complete drying.
For drying fine synthetic fabrics that do not require ironing, e.g. light fabrics, children’s clothes or socks.
For refreshing woolen clothes, making them soft and fluffy.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes No No No


Special Settings My mode Time

Jeans Bed linen Sportswear
Shirts –
Warm air
Cold air Steam refresh

4.0 kg 4.0 kg 3.0 kg 1.0 kg

1.0 kg

For drying jeans or recreational clothes tumble-dried at high speed in the washing machine.

For drying bed linen, sheets and other voluminous items.

For drying sportswear and fine polyester fabrics, no ironing. Yes


For clothes requiring no special care, e.g. shirts and blouses, with “Crease- Free” function allowing to minimize ironing effort. Place clothes into drum. After drying remove quickly and hang out on a rack.

Define and save your favorite program.


For drying individual garments or final drying multi-layer fabrics with different drying behavior, e.g. jackets, pillows or voluminous items. Time 10 to 150 minutes (10- minute increment).

For airing clothes without heating. Time 10 to 30 minutes (10- Yes


minute increment).

For refreshing clothes after prolonged storage in an enclosed room or for deodorizing. Time 10 to 220 minutes (10- minute increment).

6.1. DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS DELAYED START This function is used to delay the drying start by up to 24 hours. When the delayed start is selected a time countdown will appear on the display. 1. Load the clothes into the drum and ensure that the door is fully closed. 2. Press the ON/OFF button, then select the desired program with the rotating
knob. 3. You can also choose the “Crease-Free” function according to your preference. 4. Press the “Delayed Start” button. 5. Select the delay time by multiple pressing of the button. 6. Then press the “Start/Pause” button; the machine will enter the operating
mode. 7. The drying program will be performed automatically when the delay time runs
out. 8. To suspend the delayed start function press the “Start/Pause” button once
again. 9. To cancel the delayed start function press the ON/OFF button.
DRYING TIME Use the “Drying Time” button to adjust the program duration, increment: 10 minutes.
CREASE-FREE This function is used to prevent the forming of creases in clothes. The clothes can be removed from the machine while this function is running. Use the “Crease-Free” button to select the desired time: 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes. The selected time will appear on the display (). NOTE: this function is available in all programs except “Cold Air”, “Wool” and “Steam Refresh”.
INTENSITY Use the “Intensity” button to adjust the degree of drying. The function can only be activated before starting a program. Press the “Intensity” button to adjust the degree of drying: each time the button is pressed the time of the selected program will be extended by 10 minutes. When the function is active the relevant indicator will appear on the display (F). NOTE: this function is available in all programs except “Cotton for Ironing”, “Delicate”, “Wool”, “Warm Air”, “Cold Air” and “Steam Refresh”.

Time” and “Crease-Free” buttons for 3 seconds. 2. After locking the function icon will appear on the display (), all buttons will be
locked, except the ON/OFF button. 3. To deactivate the “Child Lock” function repeat step 1.
“MY MODE” PROGRAAM SETUP With the “My Mode” function you can save the drying program that you use most often. 1. Select the desired program and the auxiliary drying functions. 2. Press and hold the “Intensity” button for 3 seconds until an audio signal is
emitted; the selected program will be saved. 3. Turn the rotating knob to the “My Mode” position; the saved program will be
started. 4. To change the program repeat steps 1 and 2.
7. MAINTENANCE CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE 1. Remove the condensate collection container, drain
the water. 2. Reinstall the container into the dryer. 3. If the container overfills the relevant icon () will
appear on the display. 4. After emptying and reinstalling the container
press the “Start/Paue” button; dryer operation will resume. 5. Do not use the dryer without the condensate container!
FILTER CLEANING 1. Open the door, remove the lint filter. 2. Open the filter and remove the lint. If necessary, rinse
the filter under a tap. 3. Thoroughly dry the filter before reinstalling it. 4. To ensure smooth closing of the filter, make sure
that the arrows on both sides, as well as the middle groove and ridge are aligned. 5. Please clean the filter after every drying cycle!

CHILD LOCK The “Child Lock” function allows you to lock the dryer controls and prevent the negligent pressing of buttons by your children. 1. While the drying cycle is running simultaneously press and hold the “Drying


HEAT EXCHANGER CLEANING To clean the heat exchanger open the maintenance cover (7). If necessary, approximately once every 3 months, remove lint from the heat exchanger with a vacuum cleaner or dusting brush. Clean the heat exchanger carefully, without applying excessive force, otherwise you may
damage the heat exchanger. The dryer will not operate properly if the cooling fins are damaged or bent.

The clothes are not dry enough or drying program
time too long.

­ Clean the lint filter and heat exchanger. ­ Empty the condensate container. ­ Check the drainage hose. ­ Check for proper machine installation. ­ Keep the air intake clean. ­ Use a program with higher drying intensity or a time

Buzzing noise is This is the sound of the compressor running. This is


normal and not a sign of malfunction.






32 33 82

Humidity sensor error
Temperature sensor error
PCB communication error

Please contact a service center. The problem can only be solved by a qualified technician.


AT TEN TION ­ Disconnect the dryer from power supply before cleaning. ­ Clean the machine with a damp cloth, dampened only on clean water. ­ Do not use solvents, abrasive cleaning agents, glass cleaning products or
universal cleaning products. These can damage the plastic surfaces or other parts of the appliance. ­ Please wear protective gloves when cleaning the appliance.

­ Prepare a damp cloth dampened with clean water. ­ Clean the door, particularly the inner glass. ­ Clean the seal around the door opening. ­ Clean the humidity sensor inside the drum. ­ Remove the filter, clean the air intake openings. ­ Before restarting the machine wipe all parts dry with a soft dry cloth.




The display is not active

­ Check if the power supply is available. ­ Check if the plug is inserted into the electric socket. ­ Check if a program has been selected. ­ Press ON/OFF.

Overfill indicator displayed ()

­ Check the condensate container. If it is full, drain the water and restart the dryer.
­ If the container is not full, restart the dryer. ­ If the indicator is still displayed after these
manipulations, please contact a specialist technician.

Electrical Safety Class Nominal Voltage Power consumption, W Drying type Drying control Internal lighting Reverse rotation Nominal current, A Maximum laundry load weight, kg Energy Efficiency Class Condensation Efficiency Class Power consumption at full/partial load, kWh/cycle Energy consumption per annum, kWh Drum capacity, l Noise level, dB Coolant (charge), g Water impermeability class

Filter indicator is displayed (D)
The drier will not start.

Clean the lint filter.
­ Connect the dryer to power supply. ­ Turn the dryer on. ­ Ensure that the door is firmly closed. ­ Ensure that a program has been selected. ­ Press the “Start/Pause” button.

Net weight, kg Door opening angle, degrees Door/inspection window diameter, mm Condensate container capacity, l Dimensions (WDH), cm

The dryer shuts down after
completion of the drying program.

The dryer shuts down automatically after completion of the drying program. This is not a malfunction.

Compatibility for installation in a column

I 220-240 V ~50 Hz
800 Heat pump
Auto Yes Yes 3,5 8,0 A++ B
235 102 65 R290 (120) IPX4 41 180 480/375 4,6 59,56084,5 -1925


10. DISPOSAL Upon expiry of its service life the appliance can be disposed of separately from ordinary domestic waste. You can turn it over to a specialized electric and electronic appliance disposal and recycling centre.
11. CERTIFICATION DATA, GUARANTEE The service life of this item is 10 years since the date of sale to the end user, provided the item will be used in strict accordance with the present manual and the applicable technical standards. Upon expiry of the service life please contact the nearest authorized service centre for suggestions as to further operation of the appliance. The manufacturing date of the appliance is integrated into the serial number (digits 2 and 3 – year, digits 4 and 5 – month of manufacture). If any questions related to appliance maintenance should arise, or if the appliance has malfunctions, apply to the CENTEK TM Authorized Service Center. The address of the service center can be found on the website https:// centek.ru/servis. Service support contacts: Phone: +7 (988) 24-00-178, VK: vk.com/centek_krd. General Service Center: OOO «Larina-Servis», Krasnodar, Phone: +7 (861) 991-05-42. The product has the Certificate of Conformity.

­ for rechargeable battery-powered appliances ­ any damage caused by improper battery charging and recharging.
5. The present guarantee is provided by the Manufacturer in addition to the consumer rights determined by the applicable legislation and does not limit these rights in any way.
6. The Manufacturer shall not be made liable for possible damage, directly or indirectly inflicted by CENTEK brand products on people, domestic animals, the consumer’s or third persons’ property if such damage is inflicted as the result of non-observance of appliance installation and operation requirements, deliberate or negligent actions (omission) by the consumer or third persons, as well as of force majeure circumstances.
7. Service centers will only accept appliances in a clean state (there should be no food residues, dust and other contamination on the appliance).
The Manufacturer reserves the right to change the design and specifications of the appliance without prior notice.

12. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER INFORMATION Imported to EAEU by: OOO «Larina- Elektroniks». Address:Russia, 350080 Krasnodar, ul. Demusa, 14. Phone: +7 (861) 2-600-900.

DEAR VALUED CONSUMER! The guarantee period for all appliances amounts to 36 months since the date of sale to the end consumer. With this Warranty Card the Manufacturer confirms the proper condition of the appliance and undertakes to repair, free of charge, all defects caused by the Manufacturer’s default.
GUARANTEE MAINTENANCE TERMS 1. The guarantee shall be valid if the following documentation conditions are
observed: ­ The original Warranty Card shall be filled out correctly and clearly, indicating
the of appliance model, serial number and sale date, the stamp of the seller company and signature of its representative shall be available, as well as the stamps on each coupon and the buyer’s signature in the Warranty Card. The Manufacturer reserves the right to reject guarantee maintenance if the buyer fails to provide the abovementioned documents or if the information contained therein is incomplete, illegible or ambiguous. 2. The guarantee shall be valid if the following operation conditions are observed: ­ the appliance is used in strict accordance with the present manual; ­ the safety rules and requirements are observed. 3. The guarantee does not apply to regular maintenance, cleaning, installation and setup of the appliance at the owner’s location. 4. The guarantee does not apply in the following cases: ­ mechanical damage; ­ normal wear of the appliance; ­ non-observance of operation requirements or erroneous actions on the part of the user; ­ improper installation or transportation; ­ natural disasters (lightning, fire, flood, etc.), as well as any other causes beyond the Manufacturer’s or Seller’s control; ­ ingress of foreign objects, liquids or insects into the inside of the appliance; ­ repairs or modifications to the appliance by unauthorized persons; ­ use of the appliance for commercial purposes (loads exceeding normal domestic application), connection of the appliance to utility and telecommunication networks incompliant with national technical standards; ­ failure of the following accessories, if replacement of these is allowed by design and does not involve disassembly of the appliance: a) remote control units, rechargeable batteries, replaceable batteries (power cells), external power supply units and chargers; b) consumables and accessories (packaging, covers, slings, carry bags, mesh screens, blades, flasks, plates, supports, grilles, spits, hoses, tubes, brushes, nozzles, dust collectors, filters, smell absorbers); ­ for battery-powered appliances ­ operation with inappropriate or depleted batteries;






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