Pool Technologie DUO PRO Salt Chlorinator and pH Regulator Instruction Manual

July 20, 2024
Pool Technologie

Pool Technologie DUO PRO Salt Chlorinator and pH Regulator


  • Product Name : DUO PRO
  • Model Number: PAPI004253-INTER5
  • Version: 23.11

Product Description

The DUO PRO is an electronic device designed for measuring and controlling pH levels in various applications.


Follow these steps to install the DUO PRO:

  1. Step 1 : Locate a stable surface for placing the device.
  2. Step 2 : Connect the power source to the device.
  3. Step 3 : Turn on the device using the power button.

Electronic Box:

The electronic box of the DUO PRO includes various components:

  • Voyants (Indicators)
  • Ecran (Screen)
  • Clavier (Keyboard)

Navigation in Menus:

To navigate through the menus of the DUO PRO, follow these instructions:

  1. Use the arrow keys to move up and down.
  2. Press the select button to enter a menu.
  3. Follow on-screen prompts to make selections or changes.

Adjusting pH Measurement:

To adjust the pH measurement, follow these steps:

  1. Access the pH adjustment menu.
  2. Use the keypad to enter the desired pH value.
  3. Confirm the adjustment to save the new pH setting.

Calibrating pH Probe:

Calibrating the pH probe is essential for accurate measurements. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the pH calibration menu.
  2. Follow on-screen instructions to calibrate the probe using calibration solutions.

Manual pH Injection:

In situations where manual pH adjustment is required, follow these steps:

  1. Select the manual injection option from the menu.
  2. Enter the desired pH value to inject into the system.


  • Q: How often should I calibrate the pH probe?
    • A: It is recommended to calibrate the pH probe at least once a month or whenever accuracy is in doubt.
  • Q: Can I use the DUO PRO for measuring pH in swimming pools?
    • A: Yes, the DUO PRO can be used for measuring pH levels in swimming pools, ensuring proper water balance.


Equipment functions


Technical specifications

iPO model| iPO 8| iPO 12| iPO 16| iPO 23| .iPO 30| .iPO 45
| | | Production specifications
Maximum production (L/h)| 10
Maximum production (g/h)| 8| 12| 16| 23| 30| 45
Maximum production (kg/day)| 0.2| 0.29| 0.38| 0.55| 0.72| 1
The active chlorine concentration in the solution produced (g/L)| 0.8| 1.2| 1.6| 2.3| 3| 4.5
| | | General consumption
Water (L/h)| 10
Salt (with water softener) (g/h)| 27| 39| 52| 73| 95| 142
| | | Consumption to produce 1 kg active chlorine
Electricity (kW)| 3.5
Certified biocide salt (kg)| 3.125
Softened water (L)| 1,250| 830| 620| 430| 330| 220
| | | Conditions of use
Ambient temperature (°C)| < 45
Water input temperature (°C)| < 22
Water input hardness (with water softener) (°f)| < 12
Service pressure (bar)| 1 to 3
| | | Properties
Dimensions| 450 x 490 x 783
Total weight (kg)| 15
Reactor material| Recycled HDPE
Production tank and holding tank material| Recycled HDPE
Production tank volume (L)| 100
Maximum brine tank volume (kg of salt)| 50
| | | Electrical specifications
General power supply| 230 V – 50/60 Hz
Maximum current (A)| 0.7| 1.4
| | | Option
4L water softener| KIT23ADOU4L



  1. Softened water pump (left) and brine (right)
  2. Salt/temperature/lack of water sensor
  3. Chlorine injection connector
  4. Electrolysis cell
  5. Drain valve
  6. Chlorine injection hose
  7. Softened water inlet
  8. Cell and salt sensor power cable
  9. Softened water tank
  10. Brine tank isolated from the salt reserve
  11. Salt and brine tank
  12. Salt/temperature sensor connector
  13. Pool temperature sensor

Packing list




Important prior precautions

Before installing the equipment, follow the instructions below: \

  • The Poolsquad iPO production must be adapted to the volume of the pool to be treated, the use of the pool, the presence of any neighboring equipment (infinity edge, reflecting pool, slide, etc.), as well as the weather conditions at the installation site.
  • Use water from a softener connected to the mains water network. Prohibit the use of any naturally sourced water (rain, run off, lake, well), at the risk of prematurely damaging the electrolysis cells and the water softener.
  • The iPO must be installed in a closed, dry and sufficiently ventilated room, out of reach of from splashes and water projection, and away from UV radiation. The ambient temperature inside this room must not exceed 45°C.

If this room is in a country with a hot and damp climate, it must be air- conditioned.
It this room is in a country with a temperate climate, it must have mechanical ventilation.

  • Determine a specific location to install the system, taking its size into account. Also provide for an additional space around the installation, in order to make access to this easier for maintenance operations.  The apparatus must be installed level, on a flat floor and on a stable surface.

  • The pH corrector container must be kept 2 metres away from any electrical device or any other chemicals. In order for acid fumes to be expelled outside the pool house, a venting system must be placed on the pH corrector hermetic cap,Failure to follow these instructions may lead to abnormal oxidation of parts possibly resulting in complete device failure. Personal protective equipment (glasses with side protection, suitable gloves refer to product sefty data sheet must be wron whenever to handle the ph  corrector or  the injection circuit.

  • The salts authorized with our devices must be stamped according to one of these 4 Standards (EN 14805, EN 16370, EN 16401 or EN 973), otherwise, the warranty will be canceled and evacuated.

  • If the pool house is served by gravity-fed drains (for example: a semi-underground or underground room), an evacuation system with a lifting pump must be installed.

  • Ensure that all the equipment’s drain-offs (water softener, overflow) are watertight, correctly connected, and evacuated.

  • If the pool house is served by gravity-fed drains (for example: a semi-underground or underground room), an evacuation system with a lifting pump must be installed.

It is imperative that this lifting pump:

  • * has a minimum flow 2 times greater than the maximum water flow of the network.
    • be cabled to an electrical supply independent of that for the equipment (in order to maintain pump operation in the event the electricity supply to the equipment is cut off or disconnected).
      For a water softener, ensure that the electrical transformer supplied with the softener is out of reach of splashes and any contact with the water.

Installation diagram

  • The pH corrector container must be kept 2 metres away from any electrical device or any other chemicals.
  • In order for acid fumes to be expelled outside the pool house, a venting system must be placed on the pH corrector’s hermetic cap. Failure to follow these instructions may lead to abnormal oxidation of metal parts, possibly resulting in complete device failure. Personal protective equipment (glasses with side protection, suitable gloves, refer to the product’s safety data sheet) must be worn whenever handling the pH corrector or the injection circuit.
  • Never use hydrochloric acid, as this may lead to irreversible damage to the device and void the warranty.
  • Only use a sulphuric acid- or alkali-based pH corrector product recommended by your professional dealer.
  • Please note that use of a multi-acid pH corrector requires increased maintenance, and its use may also lead to premature wear of the pH circuit and void the warranty. Refer to the product’s safety data sheet.



  1. Temperature sensor
  2. Reactor
  3. Electronics unit
  4. Ballast filter
  5. Peristaltic pump
  6. Pool Earth
  7. Injection connector
  8. pH probe
  9. ORP probe (specific installation manual) 10 & 11: Supports
  10. Semi-rigid pipe
  11. LEGEND :
    • DUO model: white.
    • PRO model: white + black.
  13. Electricity supply
  14. pH corrector container
  15. Copper cable
  16. Filter
  17. Earthing rod
  18. Heat pump
  19. Filtration pump
  20. Vent to outside


Start-up procedure

Use of a water softener is mandatory with Poolsquad IPO devices in order to prevent any premature damage to the electrolysis cells. Use of naturally sourced water (rain, runoff, lake, well) may harm the performance of your apparatus and damage it. In the case of a fault in the water softener (supplying unsoftened water in the electrolyzer), the apparatus must be checked by removing the cell to verify that there are no limescale deposits on the bottom and remove the salt sensor to verify there is no limescale on the electrodes.

  1. Pour granulated salt into the brine tank (the granules must comply with the standard without a flow agent and without an anti-caking agent).
  2. When using your own water softener, go directly to step 7. When using a water softener supplied as an option with your equipment, set up the softener by following the instructions provided with it. Note: The hardness leakage must be set at the minimum. To do this, turn the screw anticlockwise until it stops (do not force it); the hardness leakage will then be the lowest.
  3. Open the softener’s water inlet.
  4. Program the softener regeneration (for a system running 12 hours/day, it is recommended a regeneration be performed every 4 days of use).
  5. Perform an immediate regeneration of the softener.
  6. Ensure that the water hardness obtained at the softener outlet is less than 12°f (120 ppm).
  7. Connect the softener to the Poolsquad IPO.
  8. Wait until the brine tank fills.
  9. Allow the salt to dissolve for 1 hour.


First commissioning

When first powering on the electronic unit:

  1.  Carry out the programming below.9) Allow the salt to dissolve for 1 hourPool-Technologie-DUO-PRO-Salt-Chlorinator-and-pH-Regulator-fig18
  2. The message “Filling in progress” appears. The cell fills automatically for 15 minutes.
  3. Some successive security measures are displayed while the cell fills completely.


Colour Status Possible meanings
Green Continuously on Production in progress


| Continuously on| The Electronics unit powered off

Alert activated

Flashing| Alarm activated


If the display is flashing: Information awaiting validation, or alarm triggered.
If display steady: Confirmed information or in read only.



  1. If the electrolyzer operating mode is set to “%”.
  2. If the electrolyzer operating mode is set to “ORP».




\(8\) Functions

Selecting the display language


Setting the date and time Pool-Technologie-DUO-PRO-Salt-Chlorinator-

Selecting the default display


Specifying the pool volume Pool-Technologie-DUO-PRO-Salt-Chlorinator-

Specification of the pH corrector type Pool-Technologie-DUO-PRO-Salt-

Specification of the concentration of the pH corrector Pool-Technologie-

Calibration of the pH measurement Pool-Technologie-DUO-PRO-Salt-

Setting the pH setpoint Pool-Technologie-DUO-PRO-Salt-Chlorinator-and-

Calibrating the pH probe

  1. Open the pH 7 and pH 10 calibration solutions (use only single-use calibration solutions).
  2. Turn off the filtration (and therefore the electronics unit).
  3. If the probe is already installed:
    • a) Remove the probe from the probe holder, without disconnecting it.
    • b) Remove the probe holder nut and replace it with the stopper provided.
    • If the probe is not already installed:
    • Connect the probe to the electronics unit.
  4. Turn on the electronic unit.
  5. Go to the “FH Regulation – Calibration” menu.
  6. Follow the instructions below:


Activation/deactivation of pH regulation


Manual pH injection


Selecting the electrolyzer operating mode

The operating mode selected can be seen on the initial display (“pRoD,” in %, or “oRp” in mV


Setting the production setpoint


Sensor configuration

Menu| Sensor| Setting| Possible settings| Default setting



Cover/Ext command



| Cover OFF

Ext control



Type| NO


| NO

Flow/pH container




pH container




Type| NO


| NO (Flow)

NC (pH container)

Temperature| –| ON


| ON

Ext command: external command.
PH container: empty container sensor.
Type: this parameter does not appear if the corresponding mode is set to OFF.
ON: sensor activated.
OFF: sensor disabled.
NO: switch normally open.
NC: switch normally closed.



| Configuration| Specific display| Production| pH


Cover| Open cover| –| Maintained| __



Closed cover| | Divided by 5*
External command| Command activated| –| Maintained
Command not activated|
| Stopped
Flow| Sufficient flow| –| Maintained
Zero flow| | Stopped| Stopped
Empty container| Empty container| | Maintained
Container not empty| –| Maintained| __







| Water temperature below 15°C

(Reactor OR Pool)

| __| Stopped
Water temperature equal to or higher than

15°C (Reactor OR Pool)

| –| Sustained
Water temperature equal to or higher than


| __| Stopped

Contact a professional to modify this value.

Adjusting the pool water temperature

If the temperature sensor is deactivated, the following menu will not appear.


Setting the inversion of the current powering the cell

The aim of the current inversion is to prevent limescale being deposited on the cell. The inversion frequency must be correctly set following the table below in order to ensure that the cell continues to operate correctly over the long term.


Boost mode

The Boost mode:

  • allows for meeting a need for chlorine.
  • sets the production setpoint up to 100%, for a fixed period.
  • can be stopped manually at any time.

Boost mode cannot substitute for a classic shock treatment in the event water is unsuitable for bathing.
It is impossible to start the Boost mode if:

  • An alarm has been activated. (After having resolved and dismissed this alarm, wait a few moments in order to be able to activate the Boost mode.)
  • The operating mode of the electrolytic cell is set to “OFF”.

If the Boost mode is restarted manually while it is already running, the Boost mode resets for the duration displayed.
Boost mode continues after powering off the electronics unit. When the Boost mode is manually terminated or stopped, production continues according to the initial setpoint.

Operation with a cover sensor:

It is impossible to start Boost mode when the cover is closed.
If the cover closes with Boost mode activated, Boost mode stops instantly.


Setting the ORP setpoint


Calibrating the ORP probe

The ORP probe originally supplied is already calibrated. As a result, it is not necessary to perform a calibration when putting the equipment into service for the first time.

  1. Open the 475 mV ORP standard solution.
  2. Turn off the filtration (and therefore the electronics unit).
  3. If the probe is already installed:
    • a) Remove the probe from the probe holder, without disconnecting it.
    • b) Remove the probe holder nut and replace it with the stopper supplied.
    • If the probe is not already installed:
    • Connect the probe to the electronics unit.
  4. Turn on the electronic unit.
  5. Go to the “Electrolysis – ORP Calibration” menu.
  6. Follow the instructions below:


Manual water injection

Menu| Functions| Possible settings| Setting

by default

| Instructions


| | | | To start injecting:
| | | Confirm the selected setting.
| | | (The peristaltic pump is
Priming the water pump| | | running, and the timer
| From 30 secs to| | the countdown is displayed in
Water injection into the cell

This means of checking the water pump is operating correctly

| 10 mins,

in 30 s increments

| 1 min| real time.)

To pause,

and to restart the injection: Press OK.

| | | To stop injection:
| | | Press

Manual salt injection

Menu| Functions| Possible settings| Setting

by default

| Instructions


| | | | To start injecting:
| | | Confirm the selected setting.
| | | (The peristaltic pump is
Priming the salt pump| | | running, and the timer
| From 30 secs to| | countdown is displayed in
Salt injection into the cell

Means of checking the salt pump is operating correctly

| 10 mins,

in 30 s increments

| 1 min| real time.)

To pause,

and to restart injection: Press OK.

| | | To stop injection:
| | | Press      .

Bluetooth communication

Menu| Setting| Function| Possible settings| Default setting


| Mode| Activation/deactivation of Bluetooth communication| ON (to activate)

OFF (to disable)

| ON


| Detection of connectible devices near the electronics unit (within 60 seconds) Networking of the electronics unit and

connected devices



| Deletion of the network

connecting the electronics unit to the connected devices

These settings do not appear if the mode is set to OFF.
During a (non-automatic) update of the electronics unit software carried out via Bluetooth:

  • The 2 LEDs (red and green) flash alternately.
  • The message “DOWNLOAD IN PROGRESS ” is displayed.

Chlorination test

This test is for use by professionals when carrying out maintenance operations on the equipment


Resetting the parameters

Menu Important warning

Resetting the parameters cancels all the adjustments made (factory configuration).

Safety devices

Overwintering mode

  • Overwintering mode is deactivated by default.
  • The overwintering mode can be activated from the alarms menu and allows for stopping chlorine production
  • when the swimming pool temperature is below 15°C. When the overwintering mode is on:
    • It displays instantly on the screen.
    • The overwintering mode starts and stops automatically.

Alarms and alerts


The corresponding alarm or alert is maintained while the detected fault remains in place, and the corresponding message reappears a few moments after dismissal.





| __


| __








| __

pH regulation

ALARM EMPTY CONTAINER| No| Yes| pH corrector

container empty

| Replace the pH corrector container.| Yes









| __









| __









| __





Cell problem

| Check that:

–   the cell is not scaled.

–   the electrical connections to the terminals of the cell are sufficiently tight and not oxidised.

–   check that the cell’s power cable is in good condition.

–   the power cable plug for the cell is connected to the electronic


| __









| | | As a last resort, replace the cell.|
| | __

Insufficient salt level

| Check that the brine pump is operating correctly.

Check that there is sufficient salt in the brine tank.

| | Problem with the electronic

unit power card

| __

Contact a professional.





Important precautions regarding the pH regulation peristaltic pomp

This chapter applies if the electronic unit is fitted with a cover hiding the peristaltic pump. When one of the following 2 messages is displayed, the peristaltic pump rotates. IN THIS CASE, DO NOT


If case of doubt about the correct functioning of the peristaltic pump:

  1. Switch off the electronics unit.
  2. Remove the cover of the electronics unit which covers the peristaltic pump.
  3. Remove the internal pipe from the peristaltic pump, without removing the semi-rigid pipes connected to it.
  4. Check the condition of the peristaltic pump and internal pipes.
  5. Turn on the electronics unit.
  6. Carry out a manual vacuum injection.
  7. Check that the peristaltic pump is running correctly

Data history


Additional information



  • The lifespan of the electrolysis cells is very closely linked to compliance with the settings and instructions indicated in this manual.
  • The replacement of cells at the end of their life with so-called ‘compatible’ cells may lead to a decrease in production and reduce the life of the equipment. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you only use so-called original cells.
  • Any deterioration due to use of so-called compatible cells cancels the contractual warranty.

Maintenance tips (monthly)

Water softener

Check the water hardness (TH) at the softener outlet using a suitable test kit (not supplied): the TH must be below 12°f.


When the equipment is stopped, there must not be any whiteish deposits on the electrodes. Check the condition of the terminals, pins and power cables.

Brine tank

Stir the tank. Check there is salt in the brine tank. Top up with salt if necessary.

Overwintering the apparatus

  1. Turn the equipment off.
  2. Connect an 8 mm hose (not supplied) to the electrode drain-off valve.
  3. Slightly unscrew the salt-temperature sensor and drain the cell by opening the drain-off valve.
  4. Retighten the salt sensor and close the drain-off valve.
  5. Restart the electronic unit and perform a manual water injection (see chapter 3.7.20) in the cell for 5 minutes.
  6. Turn the equipment off.
  7. Repeat operations 3 and 4.
  8. Disconnect the 2 electrical connections from the cell, the salt-temperature sensor and the chlorine evacuation.
  9. Loosen the screws on the clamps holding the cell.
  10. Remove the cell from its housing by disconnecting the inlet tubing from the quick connector (lower part)
  11. Loosen the cell screws.
  12. Check the condition of the electrode, seals and power supply cable. Replace these elements if worn or damaged. If the terminals or pins are damaged or overheated, replace the entire power cable and/or the electrode.
    • If the electrode or the bases have limescale on them:
    • a. Find the cause of the scale and remedy this:
    • i. Check the salt level in the water softener.
    • ii. Adjust the supply inversion time according to paragraph 3.7.16.
    • iii. Check the water hardness at the softener outlet using a suitable hardness test kit (not supplied).
    • b. Fill a container with an acid solution.
    • c. Immerse the electrode in this container, keeping the connectors out of the liquid.
    • d. Rinse the electrode in fresh water.
    • e. If the inner wall of the cell sleeve is scaled, remove this scale manually (without tools)
  13. Replace the cell by tightening the power cable nuts (3 N.m).
  14. Check the condition of the transparent chlorine evacuation hose. If this shows traces of limescale, replace it with a new pipe.
  15. Close the water inlet valve.
  16. Drain the brine tank.
  17. Clean and rinse the pH and ORP probes in fresh water and store for winter.
  18. Store the probes in the storage containers, positioning them vertically with the bulb at the bottom.

Bringing the apparatus out from overwintering

  1. Replace the probes in the accessory holder.
  2. Place salt in the reactor.
  3. Open the water inlet valve and wait until the system stops filling.
  4. Allow the salt to dissolve for 1 hour.
  5. Connect the unit and, via the “maintenance menu”, perform a manual brine injection for 6 minutes.
  6. Then fill the cell via the “maintenance menu”.


Before contacting your dealer, please have the following to hand:

  • your purchase invoice.
  • the serial no. of the electronics unit.
  • the installation date of the equipment.
  • the parameters of your pool (salinity, pH, chlorine levels, water temperature, stabilizer level, pool volume, daily filtration time, etc.) We have used every effort and all our technical experience to design this equipment. It has been subjected to quality controls. If, despite all the attention and expertise given to its manufacture, you need to use our warranty, it only applies to free replacement of the defective parts of this equipment (excluding shipping costs in both directions).

Warranty period (proven by date of invoice)

Electronics unit: 2 years.
Cell: – 1 year minimum outside the European Union (excluding warranty extension).
Cell: – 2 years minimum in the European Union (excluding warranty extension).
Probes: depending on the model.
Repairs and spare parts : 3 months.
The periods indicated above correspond to standard warranties. However, these can vary depending on the country of installation and the distribution network.

Scope of the warranty

The warranty covers all parts, with the exception of wearing parts that must be replaced regularly. The equipment is warranted against manufacturing defects within the strict limitations of normal use. Never use hydrochloric acid, as this may lead to irreversible damage to the device and void the warranty. Only use a sulphuric acid- or alkali-based pH corrector product recommended by your professional dealer. Please note that use of a multi-acid pH corrector requires an increased maintenance safety data sheet.


All repairs are performed in the workshop. Shipping costs in both directions are the responsibility of the user. The immobilization and loss of use of a device in the case of repair shall not give rise to any claim for compensation. In all cases, the equipment is always sent at the user’s own risk. Before taking delivery, the user must ensure that it is in perfect condition and, if necessary, write down any reservations on the shipping note of the carrier. Confirm with the carrier within 72 hours by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Replacement under warranty shall in no case extend the original warranty period.

Warranty application limit

In order to improve the quality of its products, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the characteristics of the products at any time without notice.

This documentation is provided for information purposes only and is not contractually binding with respect to third parties. The manufacturer’s warranty, which covers manufacturing defects, should not be confused with the operations described in this documentation.
Installation, maintenance and, more generally, any intervention on the manufacturer’s products must be performed only by professionals. This work must also be carried out in accordance with the current standards in the country of installation at the time of installation. The use of any parts other than the original parts voids the warranty ipso facto for the entire equipment.

The following are excluded from the warranty:

  • Equipment and labor provided by third parties in installing the device.
  • Damage caused by installation not in compliance with the instructions.
  • Problems caused by modifications, accidents, misuse, negligence of professionals or end users, unauthorized repairs, fire, floods,
    lightning, freezing, armed conflict or any other force-majeure events. Equipment that is damaged due to non-compliance with the instructions regarding safety, installation, use and maintenance contained in this documentation will not be covered under the warranty. Every year, we make improvements to our products and software. These new versions are compatible with previous models. The new versions of hardware and software can be added to earlier models under the warranty. Never use hydrochloric acid, as this may lead to irreversible damage to the device and void the warranty. Only use pH- corrector products (acid or alkali) recommended by your professional dealer.

implementing the warranty
For more information regarding this warranty, contact your dealer or our After-Sales Service. All requests must be accompanied by a copy of the purchase invoice.

Governing law and dispute resolution
This warranty is subject to French law and all European directives or international treaties in force at the time of the claim, applicable in France. In case of disputes on its interpretation or execution, the Regional Court of Montpellier (France) shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

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