Pool Technologie DUO Chlorine Doser by ORP Control Instruction Manual

June 1, 2024
Pool Technologie

Pool Technologie DUO Chlorine Doser by ORP Control


Product Information


  • Model: UNO DUO
  • Product Code: PAPI004207-INTER5
  • Version: 23.11

Product Usage Instructions

Precision on ORP Control
Details on how to control ORP.

Electronic Box
Information on the electronic box.

Explanation of different indicators on the device.

Details about the display screen and its functions.

Instructions on using the keyboard for navigation.

Menu Navigation
How to navigate through the menus on the device.

Chlorine Dosage
Instructions on dosing chlorine.

ORP Probe Calibration
Steps to calibrate the ORP probe.

pH Management
Information on managing pH levels.

pH Probe Calibration
Calibration process for the pH probe.

pH Measurement Adjustment
How to adjust the pH measurement on the device.

Alarms and Alerts
Details on setting up alarms and alerts.

Using Bluetooth for communication purposes.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Q: How do I calibrate the ORP probe?
    A: Refer to section 3.1 in the manual for detailed instructions on calibrating the ORP probe.

  • Q: Can I adjust the pH measurement on the device?
    A: Yes, section 4.2 provides information on how to adjust the pH measurement on the device.




  • It is essential to use anti-scale liquid chlorine. Any damage to the equipment due to limescale crystallisation is not covered by the warranty.
  • The pH corrector container must be kept 2 metres away from any electrical device or any other chemicals. In order for acid fumes to be expelled outside the pool house, a venting system must be placed on the pH corrector’s hermetic cap. Failure to follow these instructions may lead to abnormal oxidation of metal parts, possibly resulting in complete device failure. Personal protective equipment (glasses with side protection, suitable gloves, refer to the product’s safety data sheet) must be worn whenever handling the pH corrector or the injection circuit
  • Never use hydrochloric acid, as this may lead to irreversible damage to the device and void the warranty. Only use a sulphuric acid- or alkali-based pH corrector product recommended by your professional dealer. Please note that use of a multi-acid pH corrector requires increased maintenance, and its use may also lead to premature wear of the ph circuit and void the warranty. Refer to the product’s safety data sheet.




The amount of chlorine required can vary depending on several conditions :

  • Covered pool (by sheeting, cover or panels)
    • Low chlorine requirement (because there is no UV).
  • Sudden rise in the number of people using the pool
    • Very large amounts of chlorine needed, but on a temporary basis.
  • Indoor pool or sheltered pool
    • Reduced need for chlorine (because of low exposure to external pollution), but which tends to increase depending on the frequency of use of the swimming pool.

Given this range of possible configurations, chlorine production must be managed according to requirements. The ORP check enables you to react to each of these situations.

The ORP measurement (in mV), reflecting the oxidation (or reduction) potential of the water, is a major indicator of the pool’s water quality.
According to the WHO, an ORP measurement of 650 mV guarantees disinfected water that is itself capable of disinfecting. Despite the use of this value as a reference, this can only be on a theoretical level, because ORP measurements can easily varv depending on the following parameters:

  • The pH.
  • The type of chlorine (stabilised or non-stabilised).
  • The presence of dissolved elements that can affect the water (metals, phosphates, surfactants).
  • The cleanliness of the filter.
  • The presence of stray currents.
  • The presence of flocculant (deposit on the ORP probe).
  • The ORP measurement:
    • is not a measurement of free chlorine levels.
    • varies according to free chlorine levels and all elements in the water.


  • Stable pH (with a pH regulator).
  • Stabiliser level between 20 and 30 ppm.
  • Earthing of the pipe where the ORP probe is installed (with a Pool Terre).
  • Balanced water profile (free chlorine levels at 1 ppm, and pH at 7.2).
  • ORP setpoint adjusted according to the ORP measurement displayed (a value between 500 and 700 mV can be considered as correct).
  • The use of sulphates is permitted, provided they remain at levels below 360 ppm.
  • The use of copper sulphates is strictly forbidden.
  • The use of borehole water is strictly prohibited.
  • When using a chemical (flocculant, waterline cleaning, sequestrant), check the ORP measurement before and after use of this product. If the ORP measurement drops sharply, stop the electronics unit for a few days, until the effects of the product on the ORP measurement disappear.
  • Influence of chloramines on the ORP measurement: as chloramine levels tend to increase, the ORP measurement tends to decrease.

The ORP check in no case eliminates the need to regularly check free chlorine levels.


First commissioning
The first time you power up the electronics unit, carry out the programming below.Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control-




  1. OverviewPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(5\)
  2. Default displayPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(6\)



Menu navigation


General functions

  1. Selecting the display languagePool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(10\)

  2. Setting the date and timePool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(11\)

  3. Specification of the volume of the poolPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(12\)

  4. Manual injectionPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(13\)

  5. Sensor settingsPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(14\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(15\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(16\)

  6. Calibration of the water temperature measurement
    If the temperature sensor is disabled, the menu below does not appear.Pool-
Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(17\)

  7. Bluetooth communicationPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(18\)

    • During a (non-automatic) update of the electronics unit software carried out via Bluetooth:
    • The 2 LEDs (red and green) flash alternately.
    • The message « » is displayed.
  8. Settings resetPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(19\)

Chlorine dosing

  1. Calibrating the ORP probe

    • The pH sensor must be calibrated:

    • when first commissioning the equipment.

    • at the start of each season when the equipment is re-commissioned.

    • each time the ORP probe is replaced.

      1. Open the 475 mV ORP calibration solution.
      2. Turn off the filtration (and therefore the electronics unit).
      3. If the probe is already installed :
      • a) Remove the probe from the probe holder, without disconnecting it.
      • b) Remove the probe holder nut and replace it with the stopper provided.
        If the probe is not already installed :
        Connect the probe to the electronics unit.
      1. Turn on the electronics unit.
      2. Go to the « » menu.
      3. Navigate through the menus following the below instructions:Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(20\)
  2. Selection of the chlorine dosing modePool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(21\)

  3. Specification of the chlorine concentrationPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(22\)

  4. Setting the ORP setpointPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(23\)

  5. Setting the hourly chlorine dosagePool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(24\)

  6. Setting the « CL injection Limit » alarm
    The « CL injection limit » alarm is triggered when the cumulative volume of chlorine injected that day reaches a specified value.Pool-Technologie-DUO-
Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(25\)

  7. Setting the « ORP Regulation » alarm
    The « ORP Regulation » alarm is triggered when the ORP measurement is out of tolerance (± 400 mV over the ORP setpoint) for a specified time.Edit PPool-
Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(26\)ost

  8. Real-time display of the cumulative volume of chlorine injected that dayPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(27\)

pH regulation

  1. Calibrating the pH probe
    The original pH probe provided is already calibrated. It is therefore not necessary to calibrate the pH probe when putting the equipment into service for the first time.
    However, the pH probe must be calibrated:

    • at the start of each season when the equipment is re-commissioned.
    • each time the pH probe is replaced.
    1. Open the pH 7 and pH 10 calibration solutions (use only single-use calibration solutions).
    2. Turn off the filtration (and therefore the electronics unit).
    3. If the probe is already installed:
    • a) Remove the probe from the probe holder, without disconnecting it.
    • b) Remove the probe holder nut and replace it with the stopper provided.
      If the probe is not already installed :
      Connect the probe to the electronics unit.
    1. Turn on the electronics unit.
    2. Go to the « » menu.
    3. Navigate through the menus following the below instructions:Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(29\)
  2. Specification of the pH corrector typePool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(30\)

  3. Specification of the concentration of the pH correctorPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(31\)

  4. Calibration of the pH measurementPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(32\)

  5. Setting the pH setpointPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(33\)

  6. Activation/deactivation of pH regulationPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(34\)


  1. Alarms and alertsPool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(35\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(36\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(37\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(38\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(39\) Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control- \(40\)

  2. Important precautions regarding the peristaltic pumps

    • This chapter is applicable if the electronics unit is fitted with a cover hiding the peristaltic pump(s).
      When one of the messages below is displayed, the (or one of the two) peristaltic pump(s) is running. IN THIS CASE, DO NOT REMOVE THE COVER OF THE ELECTRONICS UNIT COVERING THE PERISTALTIC PUMP(S).
      Note for the DUO model: the 2 peristaltic pumps cannot run simultaneously .Pool-Technologie-DUO-Chlorine-Doser-by-ORP-Control-

    • If case of doubt about the correct functioning of one of the peristaltic pumps:

    1. Switch off the electronics unit.
    2. Remove the cover of the electronics unit which covers the peristaltic pump.
    3. Remove the internal pipe from the peristaltic pump, without removing the semi-rigid pipes connected to it. 4) Check the condition of the peristaltic pump and internal pipes.
    4. Turn on the electronics unit.
    5. Carry out a manual vacuum injection.
    6. Check that the peristaltic pump is running correctly.

Data history


Additional information



Before contacting your dealer, please have the following to hand:

  • your purchase invoice.
  • the serial no. of the electronics unit.
  • the installation date of the equipment.
  • the parameters of your pool (salinity, pH, chlorine levels, water temperature, stabiliser level, pool volume, daily filtration time, etc.).

We have used every effort and all our technical experience to design this equipment. It has been subjected to quality controls. If, despite all the attention and the expertise given to its manufacture, you need to use our warranty, it only applies to free replacement of the defective parts of this equipment (excluding shipping costs in both directions).

Warranty period (proven by date of invoice)

  • Electronics unit: 2 years.
  • Probes: depending on the model.
  • Repairs and spare parts: 3 months.

The periods indicated above correspond to standard warranties. However, these can vary depending on the country of installation and the distribution network

Scope of the warranty
The warranty covers all parts, with the exception of wearing parts that must be replaced regularly. The equipment is warranted against manufacturing defects within the strict limitations of normal. Never use hydrochloric acid, as this may lead to irreversible damage to the device and void the warranty. Only use a sulphuric acid- or alkali-based pH corrector product recommended by your professional dealer. Please note that use of a multi-acid pH corrector requires increased maintenance, and its use may also lead to premature wear of the pH circuit and void the warranty safety data sheet.

After-sales service
All repairs are performed in the workshop. Shipping costs in both directions are the responsibility of the user. The immobilisation and loss of use of a device in the case of repair shall not give rise to any claim for compensation. In all cases, the equipment is always sent at the user’s own risk. Before taking delivery, the user must ensure that it is in perfect condition and, if necessary, write down any reservations on the shipping note of the carrier. Confirm with the carrier within 72 hours by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Replacement under warranty shall in no case extend the original warranty period.

Warranty application limit
In order to improve the quality of its products, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the characteristics of the products at any time without notice. This documentation is provided for information purposes only and is not contractually binding with respect to third parties. The manufacturer’s warranty, which covers manufacturing defects, should not be confused with the operations described in this documentation.
Installation, maintenance and, more generally, any intervention on the manufacturer’s products must be performed only by professionals. This work must also be carried out in accordance with the current standards in the country of installation at the time of installation. The use of any parts other than original parts voids the warranty ipso facto for the entire equipment.

The following are excluded from the warranty:

  • Equipment and labour provided by third parties in installing the device.
  • Damage caused by installation not in compliance with the instructions.
  • Problems caused by modifications, accidents, misuse, negligence of professionals or end users, unauthorised repairs, fire, floods, lightning, freezing, armed conflict or any other force-majeure events.

Equipment that is damaged due to non-compliance with the instructions regarding safety, installation, use and maintenance contained in this documentation will not be covered under the warranty.
Every year, we make improvements to our products and software. These new versions are compatible with previous models. The new versions of hardware and software can be added to earlier models under the warranty.

Implementation of the warranty
For more information regarding this warranty, contact your dealer or our After-Sales Service. All requests must be accompanied by a copy of the purchase invoice.

Governing law and dispute resolution
This warranty is subject to French law and all European directives or international treaties in force at the time of the claim, applicable in France. In case of disputes on its interpretation or execution, the Regional Court of Montpellier (France) shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

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