anslut 013672 External Display for Charge Controller Instruction Manual

June 6, 2024

**anslut 013672 External Display for Charge Controller Instruction Manual


Read the user instructions carefully before use. Save them for future reference. (Translation of the original instruction).

Read the user instructions carefully before use. Save them for future reference. Jula reserves the right to make change. For latest version  of operating instructions, see


  • Carefully check the product on delivery. Contact your dealer if any parts are missing or damaged. Photograph any damage.
  • Do not expose the product to rain or snow, dust, vibration, corrosive gas or strong electromagnetic radiation.
  • Make sure that no water gets into the product.
  • The product does not contain any parts that can be repaired by the user. Do not attempt to repair or dismantle the product — risk of serious personal injury.


 Read the instructions.
 Approved in accordance with the relevant directives.
 Recycle discarded product in accordance with local regulations.



Backlight on: < 23 mA
Backlight off:  < 15 mA
Ambient temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Front panel size: 98 x 98 mm
Frame size: 114 x 114 mm
Connection: RJ45
Cable length, max: 50 m
Weight: 270 g
FIG. 1



  1. Function buttons
    — On the remote display there are four navigation buttons and two function buttons. Further information is available in the instructions.

  2. Display
    — User interface.

  3. Status light for fault
    — The status light flashes if there is a fault on connected devices. See the manual for the controller for information on fault.

  4. Audio signal for alarm
    — Audio signal for fault, can be activated or deactivated.

  5. Status light for communication
    — Shows communication status when the product is connected to the controller.

FIG. 2


  1. RS485 connection for communication and power supply.
    — Connection for communication and power supply cable for connection to control unit.

FIG. 3


Use the communication connector marked MT to connect products.


  1. Icon for charging current
    — The icon is shown dynamically for charging current.

  2. Icons for battery status
     Normal voltage
     Undervoltage / Overvoltage

  3. Battery icon
    — The battery capacity is shown dynamically.
    NOTE: The icon is shown if the battery status is overcharging.

  4. Icon for load current
    — The icon is shown dynamically for discharging current.

  5. Icons for food status
    NOTE: In manual mode the charging status is switched with the OK button.
     No charging

  6. Values for load voltage and load current

  7. Battery voltage and current

  8. Voltage and current for solar panel

  9. Icons for day and night
    — The limiting voltage is 1 V. Higher than 1 V is defined as daytime.

FIG. 4


Pin no. Function
1 Input voltage +5 to +12 V
2 Input voltage +5 to +12 V
3 RS485-B
4 RS485-B
5 RS485-A
6 RS485-A
7 Earth (GND)
8 Earth (GND)

FIG. 5

The latest generation of the remote display MT50 for the solar cell controllers Hamron 010501 supports both the latest communication protocol and the latest voltage standard for solar cell controllers.

  • Automatic identification and display of type, model and relevant parameter values for control units.
  • Real time display of operating data and operating status for connected devices in digital and graphic form and with text, on a large, multifunctional LCD screen.
  • Direct, convenient and quick manoeuvring with six function buttons.
  • Data and power supply via same cable — no need for external power supply.
  • Data monitoring in real time and remote controlled load switching for control units. Browsing through values and change of parameters for device, charging and load.
  • Display in real time and audio alarm for fault on connected devices.
  • Longer communication range with RS485.


Monitoring in real time of operating data and operating status for controller, browsing and change of control parameters for charging/discharging, adjustment of parameters for device and charging, plus reset of default settings. Manoeuvring takes place with LC display and function buttons.


  • The product must only be connected to Hamron 010501.
  • Do not install the product where there is strong electromagnetic interference.



Mounting size of frame in mm.

FIG. 6

  1. Drill holes with mounting frame as a template and insert the plastic expander screws.

  2. Mount the frame with four self-threading screws ST4.2×32.
    FIG. 7

  3. Fit the front panel on the product with 4 screws M x 8.

  4. Put the 4 supplied plastic caps on the screws.
    FIG. 8


  1. Drill holes with the front panel as a template.
  2. Fit the product on the panel with 4 screws M4 x 8 and 4 nuts M4.
  3. Put the 4 supplied white plastic caps on the screws.
    FIG. 9


Check before fitting that there is space to connect/disconnect the communication and power supply cable, and that the cable is long enough.



  1. ESC
  2. Left
  3. Up
  4. Down
  5. Right
  6. OK
    FIG. 10


  1. retain menu
  2. Browse subpages
  3. Edit parameters
    FIG. 11

Browsing mode is the standard start page. Press the button sand enter password to access change mode. Move the cursor with the buttons and Use the buttons and to change the parameter value at the cursor position. Use the buttons and to confirm or delete changed parameters.


Go to main menu by pressing ESC. Move the cursor with the up and down buttons to select menu option. Use the buttons OK and ESC to open or close the pages for menu options.

  1. Monitoring
  2. Device info
  3. Testing
  4. Control parameters
  5. Load setting
  6. Device parameters
  7. Device password
  8. Factory reset
  9. Error messages
  10. Parameters for remote display
    FIG. 12


There are 14 pages for monitoring in real time:

  1. Limit voltage
  2. Overcharging of battery
  3. Battery status (see section “Display”)
  4. Load status (see section “Display”)
  5. Charging energy
  6. Discharging energy
  7. Battery
  8. Voltage
  9. Current
  10. Temperature
  11. Charging
  12. Energy
  13. Fault
  14. Charging energy solar panel
  15. Voltage
  16. Current
  17. Output
  18. Status
  19. Fault
  20. Charging
  21. Control unit
  22. Temperature
  23. Status
  24. Load
  25. Voltage
  26. Current
  27. Output
  28. Status
  29. Fault
  30. Information on load mode
    FIG. 13


Move the cursor between the rows with the up and down buttons. Move the cursor on a row with the right and left buttons.


The diagram shows product model, parameters and serial numbers for control units.

  1. Rated voltage
  2. Charging current
  3. Discharging current
    FIG. 14

Use the buttons and to browse up and down on the page.


Testing of load switching is done on the solar panel controller connection to check that the output load is normal. Testing does not affect the operating settings for the actual load. The solar panel controller leaves the test mode when the test is completed from the user interface.
FIG. 15


Open page and enter password. Use the buttons and to change the status between load and no load. Use the buttons and to confirm or cancel test.


Browsing and changes in solar panel’s control parameters. The interval for parameter settings is indicated in the table of control parameters. The page with control parameters looks like this.
FIG. 16

  1. Battery type, sealed
  2. Battery capacity
  3. Temperature compensation coefficient
  4. Rated voltage
  5. Overvoltage discharging
  6. Charging limit
  7. Overvoltage rectifier
  8. Equalisation charging
  9. Quick charging
  10. Trickle charging
  11. Quick charging rectifier
  12. Low voltage rectifier
  13. Undervoltage rectifier
  14. Undervoltage warning
  15. Low voltage discharge
  16. Discharging limit
  17. Equalisation time
  18. Quick charging time


Parameters Standard setting Interval
Battery type Sealed Sealed/gel/EFB/user specified
Battery Ah 200 Ah 1-9999 Ah

compensation coefficient| -3 mV/°C/2 V| 0 — -9 mV
Rated voltage| Auto| Auto/12 V/24 V/36 V/48 V


The parameters refer to 12 V system at 25°C. Multiply by 2 for 24 V system, by 3 for 36 V system and 4 for 48 V system.

Settings for battery charging| Sealed| Gel| EFB| User
Disconnect limit for
overvoltage| 16.0 V| 16.0 V| 16.0 V| 9 —17 V
Voltage limit for charging| 15.0 V| 15.0 V| 15.0 V| 9 —17 V
Reset limit for overvoltage| 15.0 V| 15.0 V| 15.0 V| 9 —17 V
Voltage for equalisation
charging| 14.6 V| | 14.8 V| 9-17 V
Voltage for quick charging| 14.4 V| 14.2 V| 14.6 V| 9 —17 V
Voltage for trickle charging| 13.8 V| 13.8 V| 13.8 V| 9 —17 V
Reset limit for quick charging
voltage| 13.2 V| 13.2 V| 13.2 V| 9 —17 V
Reset limit for undervoltage| 12.6 V| 12.6 V| 12.6 V| 9 —17 V
Reset limit for undervoltage
warning| 12.2 V| 12.2 V| 12.2 V| 9 —17 V
Voltage for undervoltage
warning| 12.0 V| 12.0 V| 12.0 V| 9 —17 V
Disconnect limit for
undervoltage| 111 V| 111 V| 111 V| 9 —17 V
Voltage limit for discharging| 10.6 V| 10.6 V| 10.6 V| 9 —17 V
Equalisation time| 120 min| | 120 min| 0 —180 min
Quick charging time| 120 min| 120 min| 120 min| 10 —180 min


  1. For battery type sealed, gel, EFB or user specified the settings interval for equalisation time is 0 to 180 min and for quick charging time 10 to 180 min.
  2. The rules below must be followed when changing parameter values for user specified battery type (the default value is for sealed battery type).
    • A: Disconnect limit for overvoltage > Voltage limit for charging Voltage for equalisation voltage Voltage for quick charging Voltage for trickle charging > Reset limit or quick charging voltage.
    • B: Disconnect limit for overvoltage > Reset limit for overvoltage.
    • C: Reset limit for undervoltage > Disconnect limit for undervoltage Voltage limit for discharging.
    • D: Reset limit for undervoltage warning > Voltage for undervoltage warning Voltage limit for discharging.
    • E: Reset limit for quick charging voltage > Disconnect limit for undervoltage.


See operating instructions or contact retailer for further information on settings.


Use the page for load setting to select one of the four load modes for the solar panel controller (Manual, Light On/Off, Light On + timer).

  1. Manual control
  2. Light On/Off
  3. Light On + timer
  4. Timing
  5. Standard setting
  6. 05.0 V DeT 10 M
  7. 06.0 V DeT 10 M
  8. Night time 10 h: 00M
  9. Start time 1 01H:00M
  10. Start time 2 01H:00M
  11. Time 1
  12. Start time 10:00:00
  13. Switching off time 79:00:00
  14. Time 2
    FIG. 17


Mode Description
On The load is connected all the time if there is enough battery

capacity and no abnormal status.
Off| The load is disconnected all the time.


Voltage for Light
Off (limit value
for night)| When the solar panel’s input voltage is lower than
the voltage for Light On the output load is activated
automatically, assuming there is enough battery capacity
and no abnormal status.
Voltage for Light
Off (limit value
for day)| When the solar panel’s input voltage is higher than
the voltage for Light, the output load is deactivated
Delay timer| Time for confirmation of signal for light. If the voltage
for continuous light corresponds to the voltage for Light
On/Off during this time the corresponding functions are
tripped (settings interval for time is 0-99 minutes).


Run time 1 (T1)| Load run time after the load
is connected by the light
controller.| If one of the run times is
set to 0 this time setting
does not function.
The actual run time T2
depends on the night
time and the length of T1
and T2.
Run time 2 (T2)| Load run time before the load
is disconnected by the light
Night time| Total calculated night time for
controller 3 h)


Run time 1 (T1)| Load run time after the load
is connected by the light
controller.| If one of the run times is
set to 0 this time setting
does not function.
The actual run time T2
depends on the night
time and the length of T1
and T2.
Run time 2 (T2)| Load run time before the load
is disconnected by the light

  1. Light On
  2. Light Off
  3. Light On
  4. Light Off
  5. Run time 1
  6. Run time 2
  7. Dawn
  8. Night time
  9. Twilight
    FIG. 18


Information on the solar panel controller’s software version can be checked on the page for device parameters. Data such as device ID, time for backlight of display and device clock can be checked and changed here. The page with device parameters looks like this.

  1. Device parameters
  2. Backlight
    FIG. 19


The higher the ID value of the connected device, the longer the identification time for communication on the remote display (maximum time < 6 minutes).

Type Explanation
Ver Version number for solar panel controller software

and hardware.
ID| Solar panel controller ID number for
Backlight| Run time for backlight for solar panel control unit

Month-Day-Year H:V:S

| Internal clock for solar panel controller.


The password for the solar panel controller can be changed on the page for the device password. The device password consists of six digits and must be entered to change the pages for control parameters, load settings, device parameters, device passwords and default reset. The page with device passwords looks like this.

  1. Device password
  2. Password: xxxxxx
  3. New password: xxxxxx
    FIG. 20


The default password for the solar panel control unit is 000000.


The default parameter values for the solar panel controller can be reset on the page for default reset. Resetting resets control parameters, load settings, charging mode and device passwords to connected devices to the default values. The default device password is 000000.

  1. Factory reset
  2. Yes/No
    FIG. 21


Fault messages for the solar panel controller can be checked on the page for fault messages. Up to 15 fault messages can be shown. The fault message is deleted when a fault on the solar panel controller has been corrected.

  1. Error message
  2. Overvoltage
  3. Overloaded
  4. Short circuit
    FIG. 22
Error messages Explanation
Short circuit MOSFET load Short circuit in MOSFET for load driver.
Load circuit Short circuit in load circuit.
--- ---
Overcurrent load circuit Overcurrent in load circuit.
Input current too high Input current to solar panel too high.

Short-circuit reverse polarity
protection| Short circuit in MOSFET for reverse polarity
Fault on reverse polarity
protection| MOSFET for reverse polarity protection
Short circuit MOSFET charging| Short circuit in MOSFET for charging driver.
Input current too high| Input current too high.
Uncontrolled discharging| Discharging not controlled.
Over-temperature controller| Over-temperature for controller.
Time limit communication| The time limit for communication has been


The remote display model, software and hardware version, and serial number can be checked on the page with parameters for the remote display. Pages for switching, backlight and audio alarm can also be shown and changed here.

  1. Remote display parameters
  2. Switching pages
  3. Backlight
  4. Audio alarm
    FIG. 23

When the setting is completed the page for automatic switching starts after a 10 minutes delay.

Parameters| Standard
setting| Interval| Note
pages| 0| 0-120 s| Page for rectifier for automatic
switching for monitoring in real time.
Backlight| 20| 0-999 s| Backlight time for display.
Audio alarm| OFF| ON/OFF| Activates/deactivates audio alarm for
fault on solar panel controller.


The product does contain any parts that can be repaired by the user. Do not attempt to repair or dismantle the product – risk of serious personal injury.

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