EATON EAFR-101C ARC Point Sensor Relay User Manual
- June 6, 2024
Table of Contents
- **EATON EAFR-101C ARC Point Sensor Relay
- Introduction
- General
- Main features of EAFR-101C
- Operation and configuration
- EAFR-101 dipswitch setting selection
- installation and wiring
- point sensors technical data
- Troubleshooting guide
- Technical data
- Instruction Booklet IB0191002EN
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
**EATON EAFR-101C ARC Point Sensor Relay
Read these instructions carefully and inspect the equipment to become familiar with it before trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by qualified personnel. Local safety regulations should be followed. No responsibility is assumed by Eaton for any consequences arising out of the use of this material. Eaton reserves the right to change without further notice.
- CB – Circuit breaker
- CBFP – Circuit breaker failure protection
- EMC – Electromagnetic compatibility
- EPROM – Erasable programmable read-only memory
- HW – Hardware
- LED – Light-emitting diode
- LV – Low voltage
- ms – Millisecond
- MV – Medium voltage
- NC – Normally closed
- NO – Normally open
- PMSG – Permanent magnet synchronous generator
- Rx – Receiver
- SF – System failure
- SW – Software
- Tx – Transceiver
- uP – Microprocessor
The Eaton arc flash relay 101C (EAFR-101C) is a sophisticated microprocessor- based arc flash protection relay including complete self-supervision functionality. It is designed to minimize the damage caused by an arcing fault (arc flash) by sensing light from the point sensor and acting to trip the circuit breaker sourcing the fault current. The EAFR-101C complete system self-supervision function provides the highest level of dependability by continuously monitoring all internal system functions along with external connections. The EAFR-101C is designed according to the latest protection relay standards and is therefore suitable for installations in rough environments, such as utility, traditional or renewable power plants, offshore, marine, oil and gas, mining, steel, or any other heavy industry applications. It is also well suited for commercial and institutional electrical systems. The EAFR-101C is suitable for either medium voltage or low voltage switchgear and motor control center applications in both new and retrofit installations.
EAFR-101C features
The EAFR-101C is a multipurpose arc flash protection relay that can receive light from four different channels of light point sensors and can be applied for a variety of applications. The EAFR-101C can be used as a stand-alone relay or as part of a more complex arc protection system through the binary bus.
Main features of EAFR-101C
- (110-220) Vac / (125-250) Vdc auxiliary power supply;
- (18-72) Vdc optional power supply;
- Four arc point sensor channels (S1, S2, S3, and S4);
- Six binary inputs (BI1, BI2, BI3, BI4, BI5, and BI6) nominal voltage of 24 Vdc;
- Three normally open trip relay outputs with direct trip circuit rated contacts (T1, T2, and T3);
- One normally open electronic lock-out trip relay with direct trip circuit rated contacts (T2);
- Two 24 Vdc binary outputs (BO1 and BO2);
- One system failure relay, form C output (SF);
- 16 indication LEDs; and
- One push-button (SET).
Simplified block diagram
The EAFR-101C simplified block diagram (see Figure 2) shows the main components of the EAFR-101C relay.
Operation and configuration
LED indicator functions
The EAFR-101C contains 16 indication LEDs. A user-definable text pocket can be
slid in under the label for identifying each LED function (except POWER and
ERROR LEDs). LEDs are located at the front plate of the relay for clear
viewing without a need for opening doors. During power-up, the relay performs
an LED test. All LEDs are turned on for two seconds and then off. Only the
blue POWER LED will remain on. After powering up, the relay goes into
protection mode in 50 ms even while the LED test is being performed. During
normal operation, the blue power LED is ON, as are any CB open/close status
LEDs for connected CBS. The sensor LEDs are off during the inactive condition.
If a point arc sensor is activated, the corresponding sensor channel LED will
turn on if the activation is longer than 1.5 ms. The sensor LED activation
function is latched (steady light). To clear the LED, the “SET” button should
be pressed.
LED operation quick guide
LED | Off | Steady On | Blinking | Action if Abnormal |
POWER – Blue | Auxiliary supply disconnected. | Auxiliary power connected. | N/A |
Check the power source.
ERROR – Red| System healthy.| System failure.| Configuration mismatch.
Protection partly operational.| Verify system condition. See Sections 11:
Troubleshooting guide and 5: System self-supervision.
T1, and T3 – Red| Normal status.| Trip relays T1 and T3 activated.| N/A| Check
the reason for trip. Clear the fault and reset indications by pushing SET
T2, and T3 – Red| Normal status.| Trip relays T2 and T3 activated.| N/A| Check
the reason for trip. Clear the fault and reset indications by pushing SET
BI1 – Amber| CB open.| CB closed.| Loose connection/dipswitch mismatch.| Check
the binary input wiring/dipswitch setting.
BI2 – Amber| CB closed.| CB open.| Loose connection/dipswitch mismatch.| Check
the binary input wiring/dipswitch setting.
BI3 – Amber| CB open.| CB cLosed.| Loose connection/dipswitch mismatch.| Check
the binary input wiring/dipswitch setting.
BI4 – Amber| CB closed.| CB open.| Loose connection/dipswitch mismatch.| Check
the binary input wiring/dipswitch setting.
BI5 – Amber| Normal status.| Current/MT indication.| Binary input 5 has loose
connection.| Check the binary input wiring.
BI6 – Amber| Normal status.| Blocking signal input..| Binary input 6 has loose
connection.| Check the binary input wiring.
BO1 – Amber| Normal status.| Light > output.| N/A| N/A
BO2 – Amber| Normal status.| Blocking signal high.| N/A| N/A
S1 – Amber| Normal status.| Sensor channel 1 activated by light information|
Sensor channel 1 has loose connection or the system set-up was not performed.|
Check why the sensor activated, check the sensor wire connection, or perform
the system set-up (see Section 3.3.1: Auto-configuration (System setup).
S2 – Amber| Normal status.| Sensor channel 2 activated by light information.|
Sensor channel 2 has loose connection or system set-up not performed.| Check
why the sensor activated, check the sensor wire connection, or perform system
set-up (see Section 3.3.1: Auto- configuration (System setup).
S3 – Amber| Normal status.| Sensor channel 3 activated by light information.|
Sensor channel 3 has loose connection or system set-up not performed.| Check
why the sensor activated, check the sensor wire connection, or perform system
set-up (see Section 3.3.1: Auto- configuration (System setup).
S4 – Amber| Normal status.| Sensor channel 4 activated by light information|
Sensor channel 4 has loose connection or system set-up not performed.| Check
why the sensor activated, check the sensor wire connection, or perform system
set-up (see Section 3.3.1: Auto- configuration (System setup).
In case of a loose sensor wire and binary input wires or configuration
mismatch (new sensor attached without running auto-configuration system setup
(see Section 3.3.1) situation, the corresponding LED for that sensor will
start flashing and the ERROR LED will activate.
The Binary I/O LEDs indicate the I/O-line status. If any of the lines become
active for more than 1.5 ms, the corresponding LED will turn on (latch).
In a trip situation, the corresponding trip LED will turn on. Trip outputs are
controlled by the dipswitch settings (see Section 3.5). All activation and
trip indication LEDs are latched, even if the dipswitch setting is in the non-
latched mode. They have to be cleared by pushing the “SET” button. LED
indications are stored in non-volatile EPROM memory for identifying the trip
information in case the auxiliary power is lost. When re-powering the relay
after power supply loss, the actual LED status can be visualized from the
front of the relay.
Push-button description
The EAFR-101C contains one single push-button (SET) that can be used for all operational functions of the relay. The push-button is used to initialize the auto-configuration of the system (see Section 3.3.1) and for resetting the indicators and latched output relays.
Autoconfiguration (System setup)
When all sensors and binary lines have been connected, an
the auto-configuration procedure must be executed. The initialization sequence
is performed by pressing the “Set” button for two seconds. The EAFR-101C
sensor LEDs and all binary LEDs start blinking. The relay scans these inputs
to see if they are connected and when an input is detected, the corresponding
LEDs are illuminated to mark that a connection was found. The inputs without
connection continue blinking during the remaining three seconds. After five
seconds, all LEDs are turned off. During this system setup, the dipswitch
setting are also stored in non-volatile memory. All sensor inputs will remain
operational even when they are not auto-configured. The auto-configuration is
only used for self-supervision purposes. Note: To redo auto-configuration for
a relay containing fewer connections (binary inputs/outputs or sensors) than
in a previously memorized set-up, a dipswitch (anyone) must be moved back and
forth prior to performing- ing auto-configuration. The timeout allowing a new
configuration is one minute. Reconfiguration with more connections is allowed
without moving a dipswitch.
All LED indications and latched trip relays are reset by pressing the “SET”
button for one second. Otherwise, the latched trip relays will remain
activated until auxiliary power is disconnected. All LED indications will
remain active until reset is performed by the operator, even when the
auxiliary power supply is disconnected (see Section 3.6: Non-volatile
Dipswitch settings
EAFR-101C functionality, such as tripping logic, is configured using dipswitch settings. Different trip configurations can be easily programmed by selecting the appropriate dip switch positions. This gives users the flexibility to change settings depending on the application. Tripping may be selected based on arc light only or arc light and current thresholds. Current threshold or other tripping criteria may be applied to binary input BI1 for blocking a trip caused by natural light sources. Dipswitches 1 and 2 are used as configuration selection. Dipswitch 3 is for configuring BI5 to operate as a Master Trip input or as a current information input. Dipswitch 4 and 5 are for setting binary input pairs 1-2 and 3-4 as active or inactive. If a circuit breaker is connected to a binary input pair, the respective dip switch should be set to ON. Dipswitch 6 sets whether trip relay outputs T1 and T2 latch or activate momentarily. Dipswitches 7 and 8 set whether sensor channels 1/2 and 3/4, respectively, pick up on light only or on light and current. Dipswitches are located at the back of the relay for easy access (see Figure 3: EAFR-101C Dipswitch SW1 and Table 2: EAFR-101C dipswitch setting selection for details of settings).
EAFR-101 dipswitch setting selection
Dipswitch| Function selection| ON (left position)| OFF
(right position)
8| Point sensor channels S1,S2 trip criteria.| Trip on light only. (L)| Trip
on light and over-current. (L+C)
Both signals are required simultaneously to trip.
7| Point sensor channel S3,S4 trip criteria.| Trip on light only. (L)| Trip on light and over-current. (L+C)
Both signals are required simultaneously to trip.
6| Latch or non-latch for trip relays T1 and T2.| T1 and T2 operate as
latched.| T1 and T2 operate as non-latched.
Note: Trip relay T3 is always latched . Binary output BO1 (light out)
function is always non-latched .
5| Binary Input 1 & 2 activation. CB in use/ not in use.| CB in use.| CB not
in use.
4| Binary Input 3&4 activation. CB in use/ not in use.| CB in use.| CB not in
3| Binary Input 5 function selection.| Master trip.| Current.
2| Configuration selection.| |
1| Configuration selection.| |
Arc sensors
The EAFR series provides the choice of different types of arc sensors to be utilized in different units and different switchgear types, according to the specific application requirements. Available sensor types are arc light point sensors and arc light fiber optic loop sensors. Arclight point sensors are typically installed in metal-enclosed compartments, providing quick accurate location of the faulted area. Arclight fiber loop sensors are installed typically to cover a wider protected area with one fiber when no need for a more exact fault location exists. The EAFR-101C only accepts light point sensors.
Arclight point sensor EAFR-01
The EAFR-01 is an arc light point sensor with a light-sensitive photo-diode
element activated by receiving arc light. The EAFR-01 arc sensors should be
mounted in the switchgear cubicles in such a way that the light sensitive part
can receive light from the protected area.
The fixed light sensitivity of the EAFR-01-A sensor is 8,000 Lux. The sensor
does not require any user settings. The point sensor’s light detection radius
is 180 degrees. Other point sensors are available with different Lux
sensitivities: EAFR-01-B at 25,000 Lux and EAFR-01-C at 50,000 Lux.
installation and wiring
The EAFR-01 point sensor can be installed either on or through the compartment
wall. An example of on-the-wall mounting is seen in Figure 55. The EAFR-01 is
fixed against the wall using two screws. The same screw pattern is utilized in
a through-wall mounting arrangement. In this arrangement, the unit is turned
around and the point of the eye of the photodiode sensor protrudes through a
small hole cut in the wall. The point of the sensor now faces the compartment
to be protected. This allows for the body of the sensor and cabling to be
located outside the compartment. For both types
of installation, two screws are attached from the backside of the sensor. No
external mounting plates are needed.
The EAFR-01 cable connectors are located beneath the covers that can be
conveniently detached for fastening the sensor wires. The cover will be
attached after installing the wires. The cable connec-tors are located at both
ends of the sensor for a series connecting a maximum of three sensors in one
Manufacturer| Part no.| Data AWG| Cable diameter mm (in.)|
Temperature rating °C (°F)| Voltage rating
Belden| 9154| 20| 5.03 (0.198)| -20/+80 (-4/+176)| 300 V
point sensors technical data
Light intensity threshold | 8,000 Lux/25,000 Lux/50,000 Lux |
Detection radius | 180 degrees |
Mechanical protection | IP 60 |
Sensor wiring arrangement | Two wires and shield |
Sensor cable specification | Shielded twisted pair 0.52 mm2 (0.0008 in.2) |
Maximum sensor cable length per sensor channel | 200 m (656 ft) |
Operating temperature | -20 to 85°C (-4 to 185°F) |
System self-supervision
The EAFR-101C includes an extensive self-supervision feature. Self-supervision includes both internal functions and external connections. The self- supervision module monitors power supply, hardware, and software malfunctions, and binary input connection and sensor problems. Dipswitch settings are also supervised by comparing the actual value with stored non-volatile memory data (see Section 3.3.1: Auto configuration [System setup]). In a healthy condition, the POWER LED is on and the System Failure (SF) relay is energized. If the self-supervision function detects a faulty condition or the power supply fails, the self-supervision relay is released and the ERROR LED is illuminated. If a sensor failure occurs, the relay will go into ERROR mode. The ERROR LED will illuminate, the SF relay will release, and the corresponding faulty SENSOR CHANNEL LED will start blinking. In this situation, the relay is still in the protection mode, but with the faulty sensor, the channel is blocked. If the error is resolved, the ERROR LED will automatically clear the SF-status and failed SENSOR CHANNEL LED will remain in blinking status. This means that the SF relay will energize and the ERROR LED will turn off. If one or more of the sensors are disconnected, the healthy sensors remain in use, and the relay remains operational. The EAFR-101C will remain in error mode until the disconnected sensors are repaired. If a dipswitch setting is changed after the auto-configuration function (see Section 3.3.1: Autoconfiguration [System setup]) has been executed, the relay will go into SF alarm mode. The configured (stored) the setting is however still valid and the relay is still operational.
Application examples
The EAFR-101C may be applied to a variety of power switchgear layouts. Please refer to IB0191003EN, manual for standard arc configurations in low voltage switchgear.
The EAFR-101C relay has integrated trip relays T1 and T2 for tripping of the
circuit-breakers. T1 and T2 relays are normally open types (NO) relays.
Trip relay T3 is a (NO) trip relay that operates anytime the T1 or T2 relay
operates and can be used either for tripping one more disconnecting device or
for a trip alarm to local or remote monitoring and alarming system.
Binary output BO1, and BO2
Two binary outputs are available (+ 24 Vdc). BO1 is the light signal output to
connected EAFR-110PLV relays. This output activates when light is received on
one of the light sensor inputs. BO1
also transmits a health pulse back to the EAFR-110PLV relay that
is specific to the serial number of the relay. This health pulse is
interpreted by the EAFR-110PLV as an indication of a good connection with the
101C relay. BO2 is the Block Out signal. This output activates when either of
the connected circuit breakers opens. This sends the blocking signal to all
other connected EAFR-101C relays. For more information on the blocking signal,
see Section 7.2.2 Circuit breaker binary inputs BI1, BI2, BI3, and BI4.
Note: The binary output is polarity sensitive (see IB0191003EN
System failure (SF) relay
The SF relay is a form C type (NO/NC) and is energized in a healthy condition. Whenever the EAFR-101C detects a system error or disconnection of the auxiliary power supply, the contact changes its state. The state of the SF relay remains the same until the EAFR-101C returns to a healthy condition and the SF relay is again energized.
The EAFR-101C has four arc point sensor channels. A maximum of three arc point
sensors (type EAFR-01) may be connected to each channel.
For details on sensors refer to Section 4: Arc sensors.
Circuit breaker binary inputs BI1, BI2, BI3, and BI4
The EAFR-101C contains six binary inputs. The inputs are activated by connecting a dc signal exceeding the specified nominal threshold level of the corresponding input. The nominal threshold level is 24 Vdc. The actual activation of the binary input occurs at 80% of the specified nominal threshold value (i.e. 16 Vdc). BI1 and BI2 are reserved for the breaker open/close status informa-tion. When an air-insulated circuit breaker interrupts a fault, a high current is present, as is light from the arc chutes on the circuit breaker, and the EAFR system may operate as if this event were an arc flash. If the CB has outputs that give an indication of an opening operation before the primary contacts part, these outputs can be connected to BI1 + BI2 or BI3 + BI4. If an input is received on either of these two input pairs, the EAFR-101C restrains sending any light information out on BO1 for 50 ms. This gives the circuit breaker a long enough time to clear the fault. Also at the time of input, the EAFR-101C outputs a blocking signal on BO2 to all other connected EAFR-101C relays. This communicates to the other relays in the system to also restrain passing light information out for 50 ms. After 50 ms, if any light is still present, the EAFR-101C will then give a light-out signal on BO1. This blocking operation only occurs when a connected circuit breaker opens. A normally open (Form a) and normally closed (Form b) output is required from each connected circuit. This is for signal redundancy and error checking. If the input is the same on BI1 and BI2, or on BI3 and BI4, the self-supervision relay is released and the ERROR LED is illuminated. The corresponding LEDs for the circuit breaker input will blink synchronously on the front of the EAFR-101C. If a circuit breaker will be taken out of service for an extended period, it is advisable that the input for that circuit breaker be disabled. This is done via the dip switches on the rear of the EAFR-101C. For details on dipswitch settings, refer to Section 3.5 Dipswitch settings.
Binary inputs BI5 and BI6
BI5 is the Master Trip/Current input. If set to Master Trip, upon receipt of
this input the EAFR-101C will trip without other conditions being present. If
set to Current, this input is permissive to tripping if any light signal is
received on light sensor channels set to Light and Current (see section 3.5
Dipswitch settings). BI5 also receives a synchronization signal from the EAFR-
110PLV relay is it connected to. This synchronization signal is an integral
part of the relay’s self-supervision functions.
BI6 is the Block In input. If a signal is received on this input, the EAFR-
101C will restrain any light signal received for 50 ms. This input should be
connected to the Block Out BO2 from all other connected EAFR-101C relays
(refer to IB0191003EN).
Auxiliary voltage
The auxiliary power supply voltage is (110-220) Vac/(125-250) Vdc. After
powering up the relay, protection is active and operational within 50 ms.
An optional 18-72 Vdc power supply is also available.
Dimensions and installation
The EAFR-101C is either door mounted or panel mounted in stan-dard, 19 in.
(482.6 mm) rack (height of 4U and 1/8 of a unit-wide).
It is recommended that the EAFR-101C relay be tested prior to substation energizing. Testing is carried out by simulating arc light to each sensor and verifying the tripping and LED indication. For arc light simulation, a suitable light source is provided as part of the Eaton AQS Tester kit. If an AQS Tester is not present, a camera flash can be used. A Canon Speedlite® 430EX or equivalent works well. Check that the light source has a fully charged battery(ies) when testing.
Carrying out testing in the light only mode
- Check that the dipswitch setting positions are in accordance with your application.
- Activate the light source close to the EAFR-01 to be used.
- Verify that the corresponding sensor channel indication LED status is changed to ON.
- Verify the relay output(s) activation(s) by checking the circuit breaker status or by monitoring trip contact status. If a circuit breaker is connected to a trip output, the circuit breaker should open or contacts operate.
- Note: A best practice is to operate the circuit breaker during testing.
- Verify that the corresponding relay output(s) LED(s) indication status is changed to ON.
- If the binary output (BO1) signal is utilized, verify the BO1 signal activation by the status change of the relevant input where the binary output signal is connected, or by measuring the signal output voltage.
- If a binary output signal is utilized, verify that the BO1 LED is illuminated.
- Press the SET push-button to reset all indications and latches.
Carrying out testing in light and current mode
- Carrying out testing in light and current mode
- Check that the dipswitch setting positions are in accordance with your application.
- Activate the light source close to the EAFR-01 to be used and simultaneously activate the binary input BI5 used for over-current conditions. BI5 activation may be done by supplying current to a connected EAFR-110PLV (see AQS Tester Manual IB019011EN).
- Verify that the sensor channel indication LED status is changed to ON.
- Verify that the binary input indication LED status is changed to ON.
- Verify the relay output(s) activation(s) by checking the circuit breaker status or by monitoring trip contact status.
- Note: A best practice is to operate the circuit breaker at testing. The circuit breaker should open or the contacts should operate.
- Verify that the corresponding relay output(s) LED(s) indication status is changed to ON.
- If binary output (BO1 and BO2) signals are utilized, verify the BO signal activation by status change of relevant input where the binary output signal is connected, or by measuring the signal output voltage.
- Verify that the corresponding relay output(s) LED(s) indication status is changed to ON
- Press the SET push-button to reset all indications and latches.
Relay self-check of input connections
The EAFR-101C has a user-initiated self-check test feature that gives the user
feedback as to the number of external devices connected to each input on the
relay. This feature is particularly helpful in trou-bleshooting, or in
verifying that the relay has correctly identified any externally connected
devices, such as light sensors, or other relays.
To initiate this test, press the Set button three times quickly. One at a
time, the LED for each input will blink for the number of devices connected to
that input. For example, if three light sensors are connected to S1, then the
LED for S1 will blink three times. The relay continues this function until
feedback has been given for all inputs. The relay remains operational during
this test, and at no time is the protective function compromised.
Test plan example
- Date:
- Substation:
- Switchgear:
- EAFR-101C serial number
Preconditions | Light only | Light + current | Remarks |
Sensor channels 1
and 2 setting
| | |
Sensor channels 3
and 4 setting
| | |
Troubleshooting guide
Problem | Check | Cross Reference |
Sensor does not activate when testing. | Sensor cable wiring | Section 4 of this |
Camera (or other test
equipment) flash intensity
| Section 10 of this manual
Trip relay(s) does not operate even if sensor is
| Dipswitch settings| Section 3.5 of this manual
Technical data
Trip time using mechanical trip relays. | 7 ms* |
Reset time (arc light stage). | 2 ms |
Protection operational after power up. | 88 ms |
- = Total trip time using arc light or phase/residual over-current from EAFR-110 and arc light.
Auxiliary voltage
Vaux | (110-220) Vac / (125-250) Vdc ± 20% |
Maximum interruption | 100 ms |
Maximum power consumption | 5 W |
Standby current | 90 mA |
Trip relays T1, T2, and T3
Number | 3 NO |
Rated voltage | 250 Vac/dc |
Continuous carry | 5 A |
Make and carry for 0.5 s | 30 A |
Make and carry for 3 s | 16 A |
Breaking capacity DC, when time constant L/R=40 ms | 40 W; 0.36 A at 110 Vdc |
Contact material | AgNi 90/10 |
Binary output BO1 and BO2 ****
Rated voltage | +24 Vdc |
Rated current | 20 mA (max) |
Number of outputs | 23 |
Binary inputs BI1, BI2, BI3, BI4, BI5, and BI6 ****
Rated voltage | +24 Vdc |
Threshold pick up | ≥ 16 |
Threshold drop off | ≤ 15 |
Rated current | 3 mA |
Number of inputs | 6 |
Disturbance tests
EMC test | CE approved and tested according to EN 50081-2, EN 50082-2 |
– Conducted (EN 55011 Class A)
– Emitted (EN 55011 Class A)
| 0.15 – 30 MHz 30 – 1,000 MHz
– Static discharge (ESD) (according to IEC244-22-2 and EN61000-4-2, severity Class 4)
– Fast transients (EFT) (according to EN61000-4-4, Class III and IEC801-4,
Level 4)
– Surge (according to EN61000-4-5 [09/96], Level 4)
– RF electromagnetic field test (according to EN 61000-4-3, Class III)
– Conducted RF field (according to EN 61000-4-6, Class III)
| ****
Air discharge 15 kV contact discharge 8 kV
Power supply input 4 kV, 5/50 ns Other inputs and outputs 4 kV, 5/50 ns Between wires 2 kV / 1.2/50 µs
Between wire and earth 4 kV / 1.2/50 µs f = 80 … 1,000 MHz 10 V/m
f = 150 kHz … 80 MHz 10 V
Voltage tests
Insulation test voltage Acc – to IEC 60255-5 | 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min |
Impulse test voltage Acc – to IEC 60255-5 | 5 kV, 1.2/50 us, 0.5 J |
Mechanical tests
Vibration test| 10 to 150 Hz, 0.07 mm (.003 in.),
0.5 gn (60 to 150 Hz)
10 to 150 Hz, 1 gn (10 to 150 Hz)
Shock/bump test acc. to IEC 60255-21-2| 20 g, 1,000 bumps/dir.
Environmental conditions
Specified ambient service temp. range | -35 to 70°C (-31 to 158°F) |
Transport and storage temp. range | -35 to 70°C (-31 to 158°F) |
Relative humidity | Up to 97% |
Ordering codes
Eaton catalog number| Eaton style number| Part number
EAFR-110P| 65C2010G01| Current, point sensor unit
EAFR-110F| 65C2010G02| Current, fiber loop sensor unit
EAFR-101| 65C2010G03| Point sensor unit
EAFR-101C| 65C2010G18| Point sensor unit with circuit breaker inputs
EAFR-101D| 65C2010G04| Point sensor unit, DIN rail mounted
EAFR-102| 65C2010G06| Fiber loop sensor unit
EAFR-110PB| 65C2010G07| Current, point sensor unit, NC trip relay
EAFR-110FB| 65C2010G08| Current, fiber loop sensor unit, NC trip relay
EAFR-101B| 65C2010G09| Point sensor unit, NC trip relay
EAFR-101DB| 65C2010G10| Point sensor unit, DIN rail mounted, NC trip relay
EAFR-102B| 65C2010G11| Fiber loop sensor unit, NC trip relay
| |
EAFR-01-A| 65C2011G01| Arc light point sensor – 8,000 Lux
EAFR-01-B| 65C2011G02| Arc light point sensor – 25,000 Lux
EAFR-01-C| 65C2011G03| Arc light point sensor – 50,000 Lux
EAFR-06-10| 65C2013G01| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 10 m (32.81 ft)
EAFR-06-15| 65C2013G02| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 15 m (49.21 ft)
EAFR-06-20| 65C2013G03| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 20 m (65.62 ft)
EAFR-06-25| 65C2013G04| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 25 m (82.02 ft)
EAFR-06-30| 65C2013G05| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 30 m (93.43 ft)
EAFR-06-35| 65C2013G06| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 35 m (114.83 ft)
EAFR-06-40| 65C2013G07| Arc light plastic fiber sensor – 40 m (131.23 ft)
EAFR-07-10| 65C2014G01| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 10 m (32.81 ft)
EAFR-07-15| 65C2014G02| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 15 m (49.21 ft)
EAFR-07-20| 65C2014G03| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 20 m (65.62 ft)
EAFR-07-25| 65C2014G04| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 25 m (82.02 ft)
EAFR-07-30| 65C2014G05| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 30 m (93.43 ft)
EAFR-07-35| 65C2014G06| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 35 m (114.83 ft)
EAFR-07-40| 65C2014G07| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 40 m (131.23 ft)
EAFR-07-45| 65C2014G08| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 45 m (147.64 ft)
EAFR-07-50| 65C2014G09| Arc light glass fiber sensor – 50 m (164.05 ft)
EAFR-08-10| 65C2015G01| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 10 m
(32.81 ft)
EAFR-08-15| 65C2015G02| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 15 m
(49.21 ft)
EAFR-08-20| 65C2015G03| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 20 m
(65.62 ft)
EAFR-08-25| 65C2015G04| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 25 m
(82.02 ft)
EAFR-08-30| 65C2015G05| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 30 m
EAFR-08-35| 65C2015G06| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 35 m
(114.83 ft)
EAFR-08-40| 65C2015G07| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 40 m
(131.23 ft)
EAFR-08-45| 65C2015G08| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 45 m
(147.64 ft)
EAFR-08-50| 65C2015G09| Arc light glass fiber sensor (high temperature) – 50 m
(164.05 ft)
Instruction Booklet IB0191002EN
Effective February 2021 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreements between Eaton and the purchaser. THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2021 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. IB0191002EN / TBG001479 February 2021
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