Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount User Manual

June 2, 2024

User Manuals

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount



Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount


Thank you for choosing a Kanto tilting wall mount. The PT400 is designed to mount a VESA-compliant television weighing up to 200
lbs (91 kg) less than 1.4” (35mm) of your wall. This mount will tilt your TV +12º.
Read these instructions fully before assembly and installation of this mount. If you do not understand these directions, or have
any doubts about the safety of the installation, please consult a qualified installation contractor. Make sure there are no defective
or missing parts. Do not use defective parts. Kanto cannot be liable for property damage or injury caused by incorrect mounting,
incorrect assembly, lifting or incorrect use of this product. If there is hardware missing, or if you are uncertain whether a part is
defective, please contact Kanto directly using one of the methods below.
Email: support@kantoliving.com
Toll Free: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999

The maximum loading weight is 200 lbs (91 kg). This wall mount is intended for use only with the maximum weights indicated.
Use with products heavier than the maximum weights indicated may result in instability causing possible injury. The wall you plan to
affix the Kanto mount to must be able to support more than 5 times the weight of the television and the wall mount combined. Do
not use this product for any purpose other than to mount a flat panel TV on a vertical surface as outlined in this manual. Improper
installation may cause damage to your TV or serious injury. This product should not be mounted on steel stud walls or cinder block
walls. Consult a qualified installation contractor if you are unsure about the type of wall you may have.


Thank you for choosing a Kanto Tilting Wall Mount. The PT400 is designed to mount a VESA-suitable TV up to 200 lbs (91 kg), and will be less than 1.4 ”(35mm) from your wall. This support will tilt your TV + 12º. Read these instructions completely before mounting and installing this bracket. If you do not understand these instructions, or have any doubts about the safety of the installation, please consult a qualified installer. Make sure there is no defective or missing parts. Do not use defective parts. Kanto cannot be held responsible for property damage or injury caused by improper assembly, improper assembly, or handling or improper use of this product. If there are any materials you are missing, or if you are not sure if any material is defective, please contact Kanto directly by one of the methods below. Email: support@kantoliving.com Toll – Free: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999


The maximum loading weight is 200 lbs (91 kg). This wall mounting system is intended for use only with the maximum weights indicated. Use with products heavier than the maximum weights indicated may cause instability and injury. This product should not be mounted on steel stud walls or concrete block walls. Consult a qualified installer if you are unsure of the type of wall you may have. We make every effort to ensure that all necessary hardware is included. The wall you plan to install the Kanto bracket must be able to support over 5 times the weight of TV and wall mounting system combined. Do not use this product for any purpose other than Mount a flat screen TV on a vertical surface as explained in this manual. Improper installation can cause damage to your TV or serious injury.


Thank you for choosing the Kanto Tilt Wall Mount. The PT400 is designed to mount VESA compliant televisions of up to 200 lbs. (91 kg) within 1.4 ”(35mm) from the wall. This bracket will tilt your TV up to 12º. Please read these instructions completely before assembling and installing this bracket. If you do not understand these instructions, or If you have questions about the safety of the installation, please consult a qualified installation contractor. Make sure that there are no defective or missing parts. Do not use defective parts. Kanto cannot be held liable for damage to property or Injuries caused by improper assembly, incorrect assembly, lifting, or improper use of this product. If missing hardware or if you are not sure if the part is defective, contact Kanto directly using one of the following methods. Email: support@kantoliving.com Toll Free: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999


The maximum load weight is 200 lbs (91 kg). This wall mount is intended solely for installations that do not exceed the maximum weight indicated. If the weight of the product exceeds that specified, it could result in an installation unstable, which could cause injury. This product should not be mounted on walls with steel studs or walls of concrete blocks. Consult a qualified installation contractor if you are unsure of your wall type. Wall to the one that intends to fix the Kanto mount must be able to support 5 times the weight of the television itself and the combined wall. Do not use this product other than for mounting a flat screen television to a surface vertical, as indicated in this manual. Incorrect installation could cause damage to your TV or serious injury.

                                                             See installation video online at:
Watch the installation video online at:Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV
Vea el video de instalación online in:

Supplied Parts and Hardware / Matériel et les pièces fournies/
Partes suministradas y materiales

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

Project Overview / Le projet, en bref / Descripción del proyecto

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount IMPORTANT! : Please read this entire document before attempting assembly

IMPORTANT! : Veuillez lisez ce document avant de procéder à assembler

IMPORTANTE!:  Lea por favor este documento antes de intentar la adjuntar

  1. Select TV Screws and Spacers
    Choisissez les écrous et entretoises de télé
    Seleccione los tornillos de televisión y espaciadores

  2. Attach TV Brackets
    Attachez les supports de télé
    Fijación de las sujeciones

  3. a Mount TV Plate on wood stud wall
    Fixez la plaque de télé au mur à poteaux en bois
    Monte la placa de TV en una pared con montantes de madera

  4. b Mount TV Plate on concrete wall
    Fixez la plaque de télé au mur en béton
    Monte la placa de TV en muro de concreto

  5. Hang TV
    Attachez le télé
    Cuelga la TV

  6. Level TV
    Nivellez la télé
    Nivelación de TV

  7. Secure TV
    Fixe le télé
    Asegure el TV

  8. Adjustments

  9. Remove TV
    Retirer la télé
    Retirar la TV

If you have any problems or difficulty while following these instructions, please contact Kanto directly:
Email: support@kantoliving.com
Toll Free: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999

Si vous avez des problèmes ou des questions en suivant ces instructions, veuillez contacter Kanto directement à:

Email: support@kantoliving.com
Sans–Frais: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999

Si usted tiene algún problema o dificultad al seguir estas instrucciones, póngase en contacto con Kanto directamente en:

Email: support@kantoliving.com
Gratis: US & Canada: 1-888-848-2643 | UK: +44 800086999

  1. Select TV Screws and Spacers / Choisissez les écrous et
    entretoises de télé / Seleccione los tornillos y espaciadores

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

1.1 A–I Bolt/Screw Selection

The back of your TV has 4 screw holes in a
square or rectangular pattern. This is where
the PT400 will attach to your TV. Kanto
provides different screw sizes in different
lengths. This guide will help you select the
right screws for your TV. You will only use 4
of the provided screws to attach your TV–
the rest are not needed.

1.1 A–I Boulon/Sélection des vis

L’arrière de votre télé possède 4 trous
d’écrou en forme d’un carré ou d’un
rectangle. Le PT400 s’attachera à votre
télé en utilisant ces trous. Kanto fournit
écrous des tailles différentes, tous en
différentes. Ce guide vous aidera de
choisir les bons écrous pour votre télé.
Vous utiliserez seulement 4 des écrous
fournis pour attacher le télé au support.
Le restant des écrous ne seront pas

1.1 A–I Selección de Bulón y Tornillo

La parte posterior de su televisor cuenta
con 4 orificios en un patrón cuadrado
o rectangular. Aquí es donde el PT400
se montará en el televisor. Kanto ofrece
tamaños de tornillos diferentes a través
de diferentes. Esta guía le ayudará a
seleccionar los tornillos adecuados para
su televisor. Se deben usar sólo 4 de los
tornillos provistos para

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

1.2 J-K Spacer Selection

Plastic spacers are also provided to allow
the mount to work with TVs that have
recessed mount holes, protrusions, or
inputs in the way. They can also be used to
prevent the TV screws from going too deep
and damaging your TV. You may not need
spacers for your TV.

1.2 J-K Sélection des entretoises

Des entretoises en plastique sont aussi
fournies en pour permettre l’utilisation de
ce support avec des télés qui possèdent
des trous de montage enfoncés, des
saillies, ou des entrées qui rendent
l’installation plus difficile. Les entretoises
peuvent aussi être utilisées pour assurer
que les écrous n’entrent pas trop loin dans
votre télé et causent des dommages. C’est
possible que vous n’aurez pas besoin des
entretoises, et ça va.

1.2 J-K Selección de espaciador

Separadores de plástico también se
proporcionan permitir el montaje con los
televisores que tienen agujeros de montaje
empotrado, salientes, o que cuente con
entradas de conexiones en el camino.
También se pueden utilizar para evitar que
los tornillos vayan demasiado profundo
y puedan dañar su TV. Puede que no
necesite separadores para su televisor, eso
está bien.

2.   Attach TV Brackets / Attachez les supports de télé / Fijación
de las sujeciones

Do not lay the TV face down on its front. Use a wall or TV stand.
Ne posez pas la téléviseur sur son front. Utilisez un mur ou un support de téléviseur.
No deje el televisor posado sobre su cara de cristal. Utilice un soporte de pared o de TV.

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

*Optional/ Optionnel/ Opcional

Only applicable if using M4/M5/M6 screw
Applicable uniquement avec vis M4/M5/M6
Aplicable sólo con tornillos M4/M5/M6

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

3a. Mount TV Plate on wood stud wall / Fixez la plaque de
télé au mur à poteaux en bois / Monte la placa de TV en
una pared con montantes de madera

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

Make sure the supporting surface will support the load limits outlined in the caution on page two. Tighten Lag Bolts until the Wall
Plate is snug flat against the wall. Do not overtighten Lag Bolts (O). Each Lag Bolt must be located in the center of a wood stud.
Assurez-vous que la surface porteuse supporte la limite de poids mentionnée dans les avertissements de précaution en bas de la page
deux. Serrez les vis tire-fond jusqu’à ce que la plaque murale soit bien fixée contre le mur. Ne serrez pas excessivement les vis tire-fond
(O). Chaque vis tire-fond doit être située au centre d’un montant en bois
Asegúrese de que la superficie de apoyo soportará los límites de carga destacados en la Precaución de la parte inferior de la página dos.
Apriete los tirafondos hasta que la placa de pared quede plana y ajustada contra la pared. No apriete en exceso los tirafondos (O). Cada
tirafondo deberá estar atornillado a un travesaño de madera.

3b. Mount TV plate on concrete wall / Fixez la plaque de
télé au mur en béton / Monte la placa de TV en muro de

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

Make sure the concrete or brick wall is at least 2.5” thick. Make sure the anchor is seated completely flush with the concrete surface even if there is
another layer of material, such as drywall. If drywall is over 5/8” thick custom lag bolts must be used. Concrete must be a minimum of 2000psi in
Assurez-vous que le mur en béton ou en brique est d’au moins 2,5” d’épaisseur. Assurez-vous que l’ancre est complètement ras avec la surface du béton,
même s’il y a une autre couche de matérial, comme le placoplâtre. Si le placoplâtre est supérieure à 5/8” d’épaisseur, des tire-fonds personnalisés doivent être
utilisés. La densité du béton doit être supérieure à 2000 psi.
Asegúrese de que el hormigón o pared de ladrillo sea de al menos 2.5” de espesor. Asegúrese de que el ancla esté asentado completamente y enrasada con
la superficie de hormigón, inclusive si hay otra capa de material, tales como paneles de yeso. Si la tablaroca tiene un grosor de más de 5/8” se deberan usar
pernos personalizados. El concreto debe ser de un mínimo de 2000 psi de densidad.

4. Hang TV / Attachez le télé / Cuelga la TV

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

5. Level TV / Nivellez la télé / Nivelación de TV

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

6a. Secure TV / Fixe le télé / Asegure el TV

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

6b. Secure TV / Fixe le télé / Asegure el TV

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

8. Remove TV / Retirer la télé / Retirar la TV

Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

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Kanto PT400 Tilting Flat Panel TV Mount

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