stratasys DOC-30008 Origin One 3D Printer User Guide

June 15, 2024

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DOC-30008 Rev. A

DOC-30008 Origin One 3D Printer

Copyright © 2022 Stratasys Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Revision History

Revision Release Date Description of Changes
A Nov-22 • Initial release

Parts do not Adhere to the Build Platform

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Platform Description:
The print finishes and nothing is attached to the build head, or the part partially prints and falls off the build head.
Possible Causes:

  • The parts are not oriented properly to the platform.
  • The build head is not properly cleaned.
  • The build head is imperfectly calibrated.
  • Irradiance degradation.
  • The first layer exposure time and delay are too low.
  • The build head surface is irregular.


  1. Confirm the CAD file is oriented to the XY plane (Z=0).
  2. Calibrate the build platform to ensure it is parallel to the midplate glass. Calibration is required whenever a different build head is used. Occasionally, the build head can lose calibration when printing with a viscous resin such as IND402. The build head can also lose calibration if the calibration bolt is not properly torqued.
  3. Confirm that first layer exposure and delay are appropriate for the material in the printer. If first layer exposure and delay are appropriate, and a calibration was just performed, increase first layer exposure by 5-10 seconds.
  4. Confirm the build platform is clean and there are no pieces of cured resin attached to it.
  5. Check irradiance using radiometer calibrated at 385nm. Place the radiometer at the center of the build head on a clean tray sheet, and press the Project full build area button on the printer UI. The radiometer should read 5 mW/cm^2. If the radiometer reads lower, contact Stratasys support.
  6. If none of these steps fix the problem, perform a print using a different build head.

Parts do not Adhere to Supports

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Platform 1 Description:
During the printing process the supports are attached to build platform, but the part breaks off the supports.
Only the supports print.
Possible Causes:

  • The support structure is too weak.
  • The contact diameters are too small.
  • The support body diameters are too small.
  • There are too few supports.
  • The supports do not penetrate the part.
  • Irradiance degradation.
  • The model region exposure is too low.


  1. Confirm the contact tip diameter is appropriate for the material’s green strength and the part’s cross-section. Refer to the material processing guideline documents for reference.
  2. Confirm the model region exposure is appropriate for the material currently in use.
  3. Check irradiance using radiometer calibrated at 385nm. Place the radiometer at the center of the build head on a clean tray sheet, and press the Project full build area button on the printer UI. The radiometer should read 5 mW/cm^2. If the radiometer reads lower, contact Stratasys Support.
  4. For OML users, consider slowing down the separation speed.

Parts do not Adhere in the Transition Region

There are three defined build job regions in the material settings: first layer, transition, and model.
The first layer adheres to the build head, but the transition region does not adhere to the first layer.
Possible Causes:
There is insufficient transition region exposure duration.
Irradiance degradation.

  1. Confirm the transition exposure duration and delay time are appropriate for the material.
  2. Check irradiance using radiometer calibrated at 385nm. Place the radiometer at the center of the build head on a clean tray sheet, and press the Project full build area button on the printer UI. The radiometer should read 5 mW/cm^2. If the radiometer reads lower, contact Stratasys Support.

Parts Warp off the Build Platform

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Warp Description:
A flat part with proper orientation to the build platform warps off the platform.
Possible Causes:
Most resins shrink during curing. The degree of shrinkage varies by material.

  • Parts with large cross-sectional areas in contact with the platform that are printed in high-shrinkage materials such as IND403 or 3955 may shrink to the point that they pull the corners or perimeter of the part off the platform.
  • The first layer or transition layer exposure is too high.


  1. Add a single-layer, full build area base to the part. This will typically solve the problem.

  2. Reduce the first layer and transition region exposure.

  3. If possible, support the part off the platform at an angle.

  4. If possible, orient the part to minimize the cross-sectional area.

  5. Add a grid of grooves to break up the platform-contacting surface. See Figure 4
    Figure 4: Grooves on base, part without single-layer base, part with single- layer basestratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Warp

  6. If using a highly exothermic material, add exposure delay or advancement delay. This will allow the resin bath to cool.

Layer Delamination or Obvious Layer Lines

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer -
Delamination Description:
Layer delamination always has a straight break along the layers.
The printed part has complete or partial delamination between layers, or there are obvious layer lines.
Possible Causes:

  • A deformed or loose tray sheet.
  • The build head thumb screw is not fully tightened allowing the build head to move during printing.
  • There is an imperfect tray seal or some other hardware issue such as a problem with the pump system.Print settings change during the print or the print is paused mid-print.
  • The Teflon membrane and interface glass is not properly cleaned.
  • There is insufficient projector exposure duration in the model region.
  • There is insufficient projector exposure delay in the model region.
  • There is insufficient separation distance in the model region.
  • There is cured resin is in the tray.
  • The resin hasn’t been adequately mixed.


  1. Confirm the tray properly seals. The tray must be properly sealed for a successful build job.
  2. If the tray does not seal properly, disassemble the tray and confirm the tray and gaskets are clean and the gaskets are well-seated. Repeat the tray seal test.
  3. Confirm the build head is properly installed by attempting to move it manually. Confirm that the thumbscrew is properly tightened and recalibrate the build head.
  4. Decrease the separation start speed of the burn-in region. Alternatively, a CSV override can be used to control settings on a per-layer basis. A CSV override allows for effective control of layer thicknesses and separation speeds directly related to experienced forces.
  5. Inspect the tray for any contamination or solid residue before every print. Filter the resin if any contamination is found.
  6. Always keep the midplate glass and tray membrane clean.
  7. If the tray of resin has been sitting overnight, perform tray sanitation along with resin mixing before starting the next print.
  8. Check the model region exposure duration. Correct as necessary.
  9. Check the model region exposure delay time. Correct as necessary.
  10. Avoid pausing build jobs unless necessary. There are three defined build job regions in the material settings: first layer, transition, and model. There will always be at least two material layer lines per part. A CSV override in the transition regions can mitigate the prominence of the layer lines.

Parts have Vertical Defects Throughout

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Defects Description:
When there is a vertical defect throughout a part, it most often presents itself as a defect throughout the exterior of the part. Another way this issue presents itself is by a “pin hole” throughout the center of the part.
Possible Cause:
This is most likely caused by an imperfectly cleaned tray sheet, imperfectly cleaned glass, or a defect (for example, a wrinkle or dimple) in the tray sheet. Dust, resin smudges, or anything that obstructs the optical path will affect the irradiance on the resin. This, in turn, can result in this type of defect.
Wipe the glass with acetone and a chem-wipe (or other lint-free wipe) before installing the tray.
When changing the tray membrane, be sure to wipe the top and bottom of the membrane after it is installed in the tray.

Part Surfaces are Damaged After Green-State Handling

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Defects 1 Description:
After wiping the part surface to clean the part, there is a residue on the part.
Possible Cause:
Wiping the green part with anything other than “clean room wipes” can affect the surface. Most materials are relatively soft in their green state and wiping with a paper towel, a chem wipe, or other material can negatively affect the surface quality.

  1. Do not use a regular cloth or paper towel to clean a green part.
  2. If spot cleaning a part is required, use a “clean room wipe” such as those used for Polyjet polishing along with IPA from either a squirt bottle or a spray can.
  3. Do not apply excessive pressure while wiping as it can leave marks or this type of residue.
  4. For the best possible surface quality, minimize touching the part in a green state.

Parts are Discolored

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Discolored Description:
The part has random or inconsistent patches of unexpected color.
Possible Cause:
This is caused by an unclean tray or an unclean solvent bath.

  1. Clean the tray when changing materials. This is especially important when changing from a dark material to light or clear one. The best practice is cleaning the tray and replacing the tray sheet with every material change.
  2. Use two dedicated solvent containers for each resin; a “dirty” first bath and a “clean” second bath. Label each solvent container with the name of the resin it will clean as well as a #1 or a #2.

Parts Have Defects Due to Unvented Volume

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Volume Description:
Hollow parts exhibit cracks, layer separation, rough surface finishes, or holes on the side of the part. This typically occurs with elastomers or thin- walled parts.
Possible Causes:
This is likely due to the part having unvented volume or under-vented volume. This issue is particularly prevalent in flexible elastomers or materials with lower green strength and stiffness.
Materials with higher green strength and stiffness can withstand larger unvented volumes.
Solution:stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Volume

  1. Support the part off the platform, and place the supports far enough apart to allow for pressure to equalize.
  2. Add a vent hole to the unvented region of the part.
  3. If using volume support, make the support taller than typical. Also, cut a hole in the base of the volume support.
  4. If the part is positioned against the platform and part design allows, add a vent hole that reaches the surface of the part and contacts th build platform.

Parts That are Tall “Wiggle”

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - “Wiggle” Description:
During printing, the part moves. This causes the part to display visible layer lines and layer shifts towards the end of the print. Generally, the earlier layers look good, but later layers will develop the “wiggle” lines. This issue is most common with tall parts that have large aspect ratios. Flexible structures compound the issue.
Possible Causes:

  • Viscous fluid forces and a lack of structural stability in the green supported part.
  • Tall parts printed in a material that is either elastomeric or has a flexible green state.
  • Tall parts with high aspect ratios where the aspect ratio is defined as the height divided by the width or wall thickness. (AR=H/W).


  1. Increase the structural rigidity of the supporting structure by adding more supports. This will work for most materials, and will typically solve the problem.
  2. Print on conservative mode, which increases delay time and slows separation and approach.
  3. Increase the model region delay time.
  4. For OML users, consider increasing the approach distance and decreasing the approach speed. Also consider adding an advancement delay of 1-3 seconds. This is especially relevant to tall parts.

Parts Display Surface Changes in Areas Where the Cross-Section Changes

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Changes Description:
Printed parts exhibit differing surface finish in areas where the cross- sectional area rapidly changes in the Z dimension. The surface finish typically looks different, although it doesn’t feel different.
Possible Cause:
A rapid change in cross-section from one layer to the subsequent layer. This is often is caused by through-holes or sharp corners.

  1. Orient the part to minimize sudden changes to the cross-sectional area.
  2. Add fillets and chamfers to the design to make changes to the cross-sectional area more gradual.
  3. Add extra delay time. This will improve, but not eliminate, the problem.

Parts Display Top Surface Dimples or Crease

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Crease Description:
Unexpected surface defects on the downward-facing surfaces of a part. Typically rounded in shape, these defects are pronounced and obvious.
Possible Cause:
Damage or defects such as creases, dimples, or part imprints on the tray sheet.
Replace the tray sheet.

Parts Display Triangle-Shaped Voids

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Triangle Description:
The finished part contains triangle-shaped voids, where the beginning of the triangle faces the build platform and grows with subsequent layers. During the build, a small area fails to cure, and the failure propagates through the part. If the area eventually cures during build, a triangle-shaped void in the part results.
Possible Causes:

  • There is insufficient model region exposure. This is especially relevant for small layer thicknesses.
  • The projector has degraded.
  • The part contains unsupported geometry known as “islands”.


  1. Double check part geometry for any unsupported islands and add supports where required.
  2. Check projector irradiance. If low, increase projector LED current to reach 5mW/cm2 as measured through the tray sheet.
  3. Increase exposure to the model region.

Parts Have Rough or Sticky Sidewall Surfaces

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Sidewall Description:
The exterior surface of the parts are rougher than expected. This is especially apparent for large cross sectional areas.
Possible Causes:

  • There is insufficient exposure delay for the cross-section of the parts.
  • The part contains unvented volume.


  1. Check the CAD file for unvented volume. If unvented volume exists, modify orientation or supports. Add a vent hole if possible.
  2. If the part has a large cross-section, increase the model region exposure delay time.

Parts Have Microcracking on 3955 Surfaces

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer -
Microcracking Description:
Sometimes a slicer grayscale parts in Z and the last layer of a print will not be projected with full irradiance. This results in a partial cure on that layer. This will result in either a normal-looking or weak/soft surface for most materials. In 3955, this will result in microcracks that develop during thermal post-cure.
Possible Cause:

  • After cleaning and before thermal cycling, the solvent is not given enough time to fully evaporate from the part. This is true only for FST.
  • Third party slicer grayscales in Z (undercure)
  • There is excessive exposure duration in the model region.
  • An incorrect oven program is being used for the material.


  1. Wait at least 1-2 hours after washing parts before starting the thermal postcure process.
  2. Check slices to confirm the last layer is fully white.
  3. Check the program ramp for 3955 parts. A slower ramp mitigates the cracking problem.
  4. Set the 3955-part oven to a constant 80C for two hours before the programmed thermal cure. This will help evaporate the solvent before thermal curing occurs.

Fully Cured Parts Display “Wet” Areas

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Areas Description:
Inconsistent and random wet areas negatively affect the surface quality of a finished part.
Possible Cause:

  • The part is imperfectly cleaned or cleaning time is inadaqute.
  • The part is post-cured before it is fully dry.

Thoroughly inspect the part after both cleaning and drying. Drying the part with compressed air is a good way to quickly evaluate part cleanliness. If a part appears wet after cleaning and drying, residual resin is present. Some parts may require more than the standard 2+2 minutes cleaning time. If the part is still wet after the second solvent bath, sonicate the part for another minute in the clean solvent bath and inspect. Repeat as needed.
ST45 cleans best with a Glycol Ether TPM first bath and an IPA second bath. Two IPA baths work well for all other materials.

Parts Deform After Cleaning

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Cleaning Description:
All green parts absorb solvent during cleaning. Some materials absorb more solvent than other materials. For all materials, the amount of solvent absorbed is a function of how long the part has been left in IPA.
Possible Causes:

  • The part has been placed in an IPA bath for too long.
  • The part is sonicated in IPA to the point where it has deformed or swelled.


  1. If the part has swollen or deformed from IPA absorption, place it in a well-ventilated area for ~12-24 hours. This allows the absorbed IPA to evaporate out of the part. This will help the part return to its original shape.
  2. Minimize the time a part is exposed to cleaning solvent.
  3. Prior to post-cure and after cleaning, dry parts for 30-60+ minutes.

Thin-Walled Parts Warp During UV Postcurestratasys DOC 30008 Origin One
3D Printer - Postcure Description:
The purpose of the postcure is to finish the curing of the part. Post curing in the Dymax box or conveyor is exposure to high-intensity, broad-spectrum UV light. This results in an exothermic reaction in part, which generates heat. The heat generated can cause the part to distort due to internal thermal gradients and softening of the material. Thin-walled parts typically need to be exposed to shorter, repeated UV bursts rather than a long duration UV burst.
Possible Cause:
Over exposure to high-intensity, broad spectrum UV light.

  1. For a typical “skatepark-style” part, Stratasys recommends a shelf height of K. Expose the top surface for 10 seconds, then open the door and wait 10 seconds. Flip the part and expose the bottom surface for 10 seconds. After 10-second wait, expose the top surface for 20 seconds, wait 10 seconds, then expose the bottom for 20 seconds. This typically results in warp-free parts. If there is still warping, increase cooling time to ~20 seconds.
  2. If the part is flat and similar to a tensile test “dogbone” part, while it is still warm place the part between two flat objects (for example, sheets of glass, metal, or heavy books). This will help the part regain its shape.
  3. If the part is deformed when it is removed from postcure, manually attempt to gently bend the part into shape.

Thin Parts Warp During Thermal Postcure

stratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer - Postcure 5 Description:
Parts created with 3955 are warping during thermal postcure. This is especially noticeable on thin and flat parts.
Possible Cause:
Temperature gradients imparted during thermal postcure cause parts to warp. Thin and flat parts may not be strong enough to withstand the thermal gradient and prevent warping.

  1. Place a weight, for example solid glass with a metal weight on top of it, on top of the part during thermal postcure.
  2. Add extra support structure before the build is begun and perform the postcure process with the supports attached. Remove the supports after postcure.

Miscellaneous Part Problems

Slicing Errorsstratasys DOC 30008 Origin One 3D Printer -
Problems Description:
A red triangle appears on the web app job.
A red triangle appears on the printer UI queue.
The job becomes stuck on “loading” and remains grayed out.
Features are missing in the printed part.
Unwanted geometry or artifacts appear in the part.
Possible Causes:

  • The STL file mesh has errors.
  • The STL file size is too large.
  • The STL file is too complicated.


  1. Repair the mesh in the STL file.
  2. Parts sliced in GrabCAD Print have not demonstrated any slicing errors. If any slicing errors occur, please escalate the situation and contact the Stratasys support team.

Z-Accuracy Issues

For more detailed information, refer to the Z Accuracy and Mitigation Strategy manual.
Overall Z Shrinkage
Z Shrinkage occurs during the print and post-cure process, while XY shrinkage occurs mostly during printing. It is linear throughout the part and is geometry-, material-, and workflow-dependent.
Measured Error:
Error range:
up to 0.15% of part Z height
Error Mitigation:
Scale the object in Z in GrabCAD Print or scale the CAD in your CAD software.
Compensation Feature Available:
Yes. User-compensable at the job level.
Base Region Shrinkage
Longer exposure during base region printing results in shorter layers in the first ~1mm of the print. This error varies across materials, machines, exposure delays, and build head XY location.
Measured Error:
Error range:
0 < x < 0.5mm
Average error: -0.213mm
Error Mitigation:
Print the model on supports or add extra initial layers to offset base region shrinkage.
Compensation Feature Available:
Extra base layers feature available in an upcoming release (2H’22).
Each layer cures the layer height amount and a small, additional amount to promote increased conversion and adhesion to the previous layer. This results in oversizing of overhangs / build head facing surfaces. Error is dependent on exposure duration, material,  and orientation of part.
Measured Error:
Error range:
50 < x < 350 um
Error Mitigation:
Orient critical overhang surfaces to face orthogonal to or away from the build head if possible.
Compensation Feature Available:
Not yet.
Support Touch Points
Leftover material from support touchpoints will add extra material to the surface of the part.
Measured Error:
Difficulty to get accurate measurements. No data available.
Error Mitigation:
Reduce touchpoint diameter as much as possible with print success. Sand down touchpoints to the part surface if possible.
Compensation Feature Available:
Various support software.
[email protected]
Copyright © 2022 Stratasys Ltd. All rights reserved.
DOC-30008 Rev. A


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