stratasys J7 GrabCAD Print Pro Software User Guide

June 2, 2024

J7 GrabCAD Print Pro Software

Product Information


  • Product Name: GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Printers

  • Trademark: Stratasys, Objet, PolyJet, GrabCAD, GrabCAD Print,
    GrabCAD Print Pro, J7, J8, VeroMagenta, VeroCyan, FullCure

  • Availability: March 2024

Product Usage Instructions

Air Printing

The degree of the angle needed to seal the tip of the void may
differ for different printing materials.

Figure 1: Example 1–Air voids with tips (left); Model Settings
dialog – Air Void selected (right)

Smart Insert

Design Considerations – Smart Insert:

Include detailed information about design considerations for
Smart Insert.

Printing Workflow – Smart Insert:

Provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the Smart Insert

Print on Object

Design Considerations – Print on Object:

Explain best practices for printing on objects.

Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies:

Step-by-step guide on using Method #1 for printing on object

Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies:

Detailed instructions on using Method #2 for printing on object

Manual Tray Height Adjustment (Z-Start)

Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually:

Instructions on how to manually adjust the tray height start

Liquid Printing with Cleanser

Provide information on how to use liquid printing with

Voxel Printing

Slice Preparation Guidelines:

Guidelines for preparing slices for voxel printing.

Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files:

Step-by-step process of generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG

Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs:

Detailed instructions on creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from

Printing a Voxel Print Job:

Instructions on printing a voxel print job.


Q: Where can I find technical support for GrabCAD Print


A: For technical support, please contact Stratasys Customer
Support via their website at

GrabCAD Print ProTM for J7TM/J8TM Series Printers
Best Practices Guide
DOC-18153 Rev. A

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
Copyright © 2024 Stratasys Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into any human or computer language in any form, nor stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Stratasys. This document may be printed for internal use only. All copies shall contain a full copy of this copyright notice.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Stratasys, Objet, PolyJet, GrabCAD, GrabCAD Print, GrabCAD Print Pro, J7, J8, VeroMagenta, VeroCyan, and FullCure are trademarks of Stratasys and/or subsidiaries or affiliates and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names and trademarks cited in this book are the property of their respective owners.
Stratasys shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Stratasys makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. It is the responsibility of the system owner/material buyer to determine that Stratasys material is safe, lawful, and technically suitable for the intended application as well as identify the proper disposal (or recycling) method consistent with local environmental regulations. Except as provided in Stratasys’ standard conditions of sale, Stratasys shall not be responsible for any loss resulting from any use of its products described herein.
Customer acknowledges the contents of this document and that Stratasys parts, materials, and supplies are subject to its standard terms and conditions, available on, which are incorporated herein by reference. The specifications and/or information on which this document is based are subject to change without notice.
Technical Service
If problems arise with this system please contact Stratasys Customer Support. Contact information is available from the Stratasys website at: For comments on this guide: [email protected]
DOC-18153 Rev. A March 2024

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GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Air Printing …………………………………………………………………… 5
Smart Insert …………………………………………………………………. 7
Design Considerations – Smart Insert …………………………………………………….8 Printing Workflow – Smart Insert…………………………………………………………….10
Print on Object ……………………………………………………………… 14
Design Considerations – Print on Object …………………………………………………15 Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies ………………………………….17 Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies ………………………………….25
Manual Tray Height Adjustment (Z-Start) …………………………. 30
Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually ……………………………………30
Liquid Printing with Cleanser ………………………………………….. 38
Voxel Printing……………………………………………………………….. 41
Slice Preparation Guidelines…………………………………………………………………41 Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files…………………………………..42 Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs…………………………………………….46 Printing a Voxel Print Job ……………………………………………………………………..53

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GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Revision History
Revision A

Release Date March 2024

Description of Changes Original document.

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Page 4

Air Printing
Air Printing enables you to use air as a virtual material when printing parts. The Air Printing feature in GrabCAD Print ProTM allows you to create air- filled voids within parts for embedding electronics and creating smart inserts. In addition, air printing is useful for controlling the part weight, textures, and surface finish. When designing voids that are filled with air, you need to ensure that the top of the void is printed in such a way so that it is sealed. To create a sealed air void, you need to design the tip
of the void with an angle of 5°-7° depending on geometry (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). Important:
The degree of the angle needed to seal the tip of the void may differ for different printing materials. Figure 1: Example 1–Air voids with tips (left); Model Settings dialog – Air Void selected (right)
Figure 2: Example 2–Air voids with tips (left); Air Voids with tips (right)

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GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Figure 3: Air Assignment in GrabCAD Print Pro
· In addition, it is possible to print a combination of both liquid and air in a sealed void. Figure 4: Model Setting dialog box–Cleanser and Air Digital Materials selected

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Page 6

Smart Insert
The Smart Insert function enables you to use GrabCAD Print Pro to plan one or more pauses during your print job at specific slices or heights in advance. During these pauses, you can open the printer cover and insert electronics or parts. When you resume printing, the printed part continues to be printed. In your CAD software, you create a Smart Insert assembly comprising 2 parts (or more): 1. a model to be printed with a cavity for an inserted object 2. an object that is inserted into the cavity
Figure 5: Assembly with a smart insert



Figure 6: Cut view of the assembly
1 2

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Page 7

Design Considerations – Smart Insert

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Design Considerations – Smart Insert
This section provides recommendations and tips for designing a model with an inserted object. · When designing the cavity, include a 100-micron offset between the printed part and the
object to be inserted. A snug transition is desired (see Figure 7).
Figure 7: Cavity tolerance ±100 micron

· To ensure that the printer pauses at the correct height, you need to measure the height from the base of the model to the top of the part. You can do this using the measuring tools in your CAD software (or using a caliper).
The height of the inserted object should not exceed the height of the printed model. When printing is resumed, the next layer requires a level surface at the next slice.
· When measuring the height, verify that the part is in its proper print orientation.
· If a model has multiple stops or the tray has multiple models with different stops, define all the stops of all the models in the Planned Stops section.
Figure 8: Assembly with a planned stop

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Design Considerations – Smart Insert

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

For example, for an assembly with 3 objects: 1. First planned stop 2. Second planned stop 3. Printed part with inserted parts 4. 3 inserted objects
Figure 9: Assembly with 3 objects inserted (cut view)




Table 1: Multiple Smart Inserts and planned stops (cut view)

Multiple Smart Inserts (cut view)



Paused at first planned stop (Printed in a Glossy finish)


Placing an object

Objects inserted


(Make sure the height of the objects do

not exceed the level of the printed



Print resumed (paused at second planned stop)

Object inserted


(Make sure the height of the object

does not exceed the level of the

printed part.)


Print completed with smart inserts

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Page 9

Printing Workflow – Smart Insert

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Printing Workflow – Smart Insert
Prepare for printing in GrabCAD Print Pro. 1. Create a design in your CAD as a single assembly with a printed part and an object to
insert. 2. Load the assembly from the File menu, and select Add as Assembly.
The STLs that you designed as an assembly are imported.
Figure 10: Loading parts as an assembly

3. In the Model Settings panel, assign Air as the material for the cavity part (object). This ensures that support material is not printed in the cavity. Printing in a Glossy finish also ensures no support material is printed.
Figure 11: Assigning Air as the material of the air void

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Printing Workflow – Smart Insert

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the model to the top of the object insert (GrabCAD PrintTM calculates the height for the carpet or pedestal). Repeat this measurement for each air void enclosure.
You can use the GrabCAD Print, Scale screen to measure the Z coordinate.

Figure 12: Measuring height using the Scale screen

5. Enter the measurement as a Planned Stop at the top of the cavity, as measured from the bottom of the model.
If a model has multiple stops or the tray has multiple models with different stops, define all the stops of all the models in the Planned Stops section.

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Printing Workflow – Smart Insert

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Figure 13: Defining the planned stops for the Smart Insert

6. Send the job to print. 7. When the job pauses for each of the defined stops, open the cover, insert the relevant
object, and close the cover. The account holder receives an email notification that the print has paused. 8. To resume printing, return GrabCAD Print, and in the Schedule module > Job Panel, do the following:
a. Click Print.
Figure 14: Paused job

b. Verify that the Slice number is the next number after the Last printed slice. c. Click Resume Print.

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Printing Workflow – Smart Insert

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Figure 15: Resuming job

9. From the printer interface, tap Go Online.

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Page 13

Print on Object
The Print on Object function enables you to use Grab CAD PrintTM to plan a pause during your print job at a specific slice or height in advance. During the pause, you can open the printer cover and place the object on the tray (using the printed jig as a guide). When you resume printing, the design is printed on the object. In your CAD software, you create a Print on Object assembly with 3 parts, as follows: 1. the model design you wish to print on the surface of the object 2. the object you want to print on 3. a jig to guide the placement of an object
Figure 16: Assembly with a jig, object, and model design 1
Figure 17: Cut view of the assembly
2 3

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Page 14

Design Considerations – Print on Object

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Design Considerations – Print on Object
This section describes recommendations and tips for printing a 3D design on top of an object.
· For every object, it is recommended to print the jig directly on the tray.has to be designed in a manner that prevents the object from moving during the printing process.
· When printing on an object that features an overhang, such as cantilever, an inverted cone, or an inverted pyramid, design a jig that entirely supports the overhanging area (see Figure 18).
Figure 18: Objects with overhang

Figure 19: Assembly with jig designed to support an overhanging geometry
· When designing the jig, include a ±100-micron offset between the jig and the object to be inserted. A snug transition is desired, (see Figure 7).
· Verify the object geometry is modeled and the part is in the proper orientation. · To ensure that the printer pauses at the correct height, you need to measure the height
from the base of the model to the top of the part to print on. You can do this using the measuring tools in your CAD software (or using a caliper).

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Design Considerations – Print on Object

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

· If a model has multiple stops or the tray has multiple objects with different stops, define all the stops of all the objects in the Planned Stops section for each object.
Figure 20: Assembly with a planned stop

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Page 16

Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies
Use this method when the object to print on has a simple geometry, low height, and/or has a minimal number of assemblies on the tray. This method improves the likelihood of a successful print for specific cases where the air printing processing time is less than 15 minutes.
Important: If the processing time for the air printing is greater than 15 minutes, the printer may stop printing and power off. The following may affect processing time: · the height of the object · the complexity of the geometry of the object · the number assemblies on the tray If the printer turns off before completing the print job, try printing using “Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies” (page 25).
1. Create a design in your CAD as a single assembly with the jig, the object to print on and the model design that you want to print on the object.
2. Load the assembly and set priorities as follows: a. From the File menu, and select Add as Assembly. The STLs that you designed as an assembly are imported.
Figure 21: Loading parts as an assembly

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Figure 22: STL files imported as an assembly (example)
b. Right-click the assembly and set Part Priority for each of the parts as follows: · For the jig–Priority # is 1 · For the Air void–Priority # is 2 · For the Model design–Priority # is 3
3. In the Tray Settings panel, select the Print directly on tray option. This ensures proper adhesion of the jig to the tray.

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Figure 23: Setting the tray settings to be printed directly on the tray

4. Measure the distance from the bottom of the model to the top of the object (GrabCAD Print calculates the height for the carpet or pedestal).
You can use the GrabCAD Print, Scale screen to measure the Z coordinate.
Figure 24: Measuring height using the Scale screen

5. Enter the measurement as a Planned Stop for the object you want to print on.

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Figure 25: Defining the planned stops for Print on Object
6. In the Model Settings panel, assign Air as the material for the object to be printed on. This ensures that support material is not printed as part of the model. Printing in a Glossy finish also ensures no support material is printed. Figure 26: Assigning Air as the material of the air void

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

7. Send the job to print.

Figure 27: Printed jig

8. When the job pauses, make sure the object does not collide with the print block as follows: a. From the Options menu, select Motors Control. Figure 28: Motors Control in the Option menu

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide b. Click Unlock Door, set the Move value to the same value as ZLast (in this example, -1998). Click Save after making a change to ZLast. Figure 29: Clicking Unlock Door
c. Open the printer cover. The Motor Control screen is disabled when the printer cover is open.
d. Place the object within the printed jig. Figure 30: Object placed within the printed jig (sample)

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
Important: Unlocking the printer cover disables the Motors Control screen and the current tray position is not saved.
e. Verify that the object and the roller (under the print block) do not collide by using one transparency to slowly and carefully move the print block manually over the object. While moving the print block, hold the transparency sheet between the object and the roller (under the print block). Figure 31: Verifying that the object does not collide with the roller (example)

Caution: Moving the print block manually induces an electrical current that can damage components. Move the print block slowly to minimize the current and reduce the risk of damage.
9. Continue as follows: · If the object and roller collide, adjust the tray height start position, as described in “Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually” (page 30) and then continue with step 10.
Click Save, after changing the Z last slice that is used for continuing the printing on the design model.
· If the object and the roller do not collide, continue with step 10. 10. Slowly and carefully move the print block to the left rear corner of the printer. 11. Close the printer cover and click Lock Door. 12. Select the Enable check box.

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Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide 13. To resume printing, return to GrabCAD Print, and in the Schedule module > Job Panel, do the following: a. Click Print.
b. Verify that the Slice number is the next number after the Last printed slice. c. Click Resume Print.
Figure 32: Resuming job
14. From the printer interface, tap Go Online. Figure 33: Model design printed on the object

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Page 24

Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies
Use this method when you have multiple assemblies on the tray or the object to print on has a complex geometry or is high above the tray. This method improves the likelihood of a successful print for production printing and for specific cases where method #1 is not suitable.
For information about method #1, see “Method #1 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies” (page 17). 1. Create a design in your CAD as an assembly with a jig, the object to print on, and the model design that you want to print on the object. For production, create multiple copies. 2. Load the assembly and set priorities as follows: a. From the File menu, and select Add as Assembly. The STLs that you designed as an assembly are imported.
Figure 34: Loading parts as an assembly
Figure 35: STL files imported as an assembly (example)

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Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
b. Right-click the assembly and set Part Priority for each of the parts as follows: · For the jig–Priority # is 1 · For the Air void–Priority # is 2 · For the Model design–Priority # is 3
3. In the Tray Settings panel, select the Print directly on tray option. This ensures proper adhesion of the jig to the tray. Figure 36: Setting the tray settings to be printed directly on the tray

4. In the Model Settings panel, assign Air as the material for the object to be printed on. This ensures that support material is not printed as part of the model. Printing in a Glossy finish also ensures no support material is printed.
Figure 37: Assigning Air as the material of the air void

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Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
5. To measure, record, and set the following for printing the model design: a. Measure the object height (from the bottom of the model to the top of the object) b. Enter the object height measurement as a Planned Stop. The visible slice number is the top of the object (measured from the bottom of the model). c. Record the next slice number, which is the slice above the slice that is measured (from the bottom of the model).
You can use the GrabCAD Print, Scale screen to measure the Z coordinate.
6. Set the Planned Stop to the jig height (from the bottom of the model to top of the jig). Figure 38: Defining the planned stops for Print on Object

You can use the GrabCAD Print, Scale screen to measure the Z coordinate. 7. Send the job to print.

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Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide 8. When the job pauses, cancel the job. The jigs are printed on the tray. Figure 39: Printed jigs
9. Resend the same job to print, but without setting the Planned Stop, and immediately stop the job.
10. Open the printer cover and place the objects within the printed jigs. Figure 40: Objects within jigs

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Method #2 for Printing Print On Object Assemblies GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
11. From GrabCAD Print, in Slice Number, enter the recorded next slice number for the model design height (from step 5).
12. Click Resume Print. Figure 41: Resuming job
13. From the printer interface, set ZLast to the height of the first slice of the model design, as follows: · If you do not know the ZLast measurement, calibrate the tray height, as described in “Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually” (page 30). · If you know the ZLast measurement for model design, change it in the Motors Control dialog box.
Click Save after making a change to ZLast.
14. To continue printing, close the printer cover and follow the instructions on the printer interface. Figure 42: Printed model designs

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Page 29

Manual Tray Height Adjustment (Z-Start)
The Tray Height Adjustment (Z-Start) procedure recommends printing a jig for the object to assist you in accurately placing the object on the build tray, and to ensure that the object remains stable and in place while printing on its top surface. Depending on your needs and workflow, you may need to employ a different method than the one described here.
Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually
1. Measure and record the height of the object (in millimeters) on which you are planning to print. You can use the GrabCAD Print, Scale screen to measure the Z coordinate.
2. Prepare two transparency sheets (supplied in the Start-Up Kit). 3. From the Options menu, select Motors Control.
Figure 43: Motors Control in the Option menu

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide 4. Select the Enable check box. Figure 44: Motors Control screen enabled
5. When the following message appears, close the printer cover. Figure 45: Close the printer cover message
6. In the Units field, select Millimeters. Figure 46: Motors Control screen Units selected

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide 7. Click Home. The print block moves to Home position. Figure 47: Clicking Home
8. Click Goto. The build tray moves to the saved tray height start position. Figure 48: Clicking Goto

From the Home position (0), positive values move the tray downward and negative value move the tray upward.

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide 9. In the Move field, enter the measured height (step 1) in millimeters. Make sure that the Absolute value check box is cleared. Figure 49: Entering the height in the Move field
10. Click Move to lower the build tray. The build tray moves downward.
11. Click Unlock Door and open the printer cover. Figure 50: Clicking Unlock Door

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
The Motor Control screen is disabled. Figure 51: Motor Control screen is disabled when printer cover is open

12. Place the object within the printed jig. Figure 52: Object placed within the printed jig (sample)

Unlocking the printer cover disables the Motors Control screen and the current tray position is not saved. In the next attempts, make sure that you increment the number of millimeters you enter in the Move field according to the required height adjustment. For example, if you entered 30 millimeters in the first attempt and the tray needs to be lowered by an additional 5 millimeters, in your next attempt, enter 35 in the Move field and try again.

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Page 34

Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
13. Using one transparency, slowly and carefully move the print block manually over the object. While moving the print block, hold the transparency sheet between the object and the roller (under the print block). Figure 53: Testing the friction with the roller (with sample object)

Caution: Moving the print block manually induces an electrical current that can damage components. Move the print block slowly to minimize the current and reduce the risk of damage.
14. Slide the transparency sheet back and forth between the roller and the object (or the highest point on the object if it is not flat).
Figure 54: Sliding transparency sheet between the roller and the object

Too much friction between the roller and the object may damage the roller. Make sure that the roller only slightly contacts the transparency sheet.

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
15. The transparency sheet should slide in and out from under the print block and you should feel some friction between the roller and the transparency sheet. · If there is some slight friction with one transparency sheet between the roller and the object, repeat step 14 with two transparency sheets. If two transparency sheets cannot pass between the object and the roller, this indicates that the distance between the print block and the object is accurate. Continue with step 17. · If there is no friction or too much friction when using one transparency sheet, continue with step 16.
16. Do the following: a. Slowly and carefully move the print block to the left rear corner of the printer. b. Remove the transparency sheets and tools from the printer. c. Close the printer cover and click Lock Door. d. Select the Enable check box. e. Click Home and click Goto.
Caution: Too much friction between the roller and the object may damage the roller. Make sure that the roller only slightly contacts the transparency sheet.
Caution: Moving the print block manually induces an electrical current that can damage components. Move the print block slowly to minimize the current and reduce the risk of damage.
f. Click Move to lower the tray again to the measured height from step 1. g. Click Unlock Door and open the printer cover. 17. Repeat the process from step 13 and adjust the height of the tray until there is slight friction with the tray in all relevant areas on the object. 18. When there is slight friction between the roller and the surface of the object, type the value from the Position field into the Goto field, and click Save.
Figure 55: Copying the tray height value

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
19. Click Close. 20. Send the print job and print on the surface of the object.
Caution: Moving the print block manually induces an electrical current that can damage components. Move the print block slowly to minimize the current and reduce the risk of damage.

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Page 37

Liquid Printing with Cleanser
Liquid Printing with Cleanser enables you to embed liquid within in a printed part. Printing with PolyJet® cleanser material together with other model materials, allows you to achieve hermetically-sealed voids that contain liquids in a single print. The cleanser material can be a feature in a printed part or it can be removed after printing. These capabilities are suitable for applications such as printable hydraulics and fluidics.
Figure 56: Model with cleanser by Robert MacCurdy | Printable Hydraulics | MIT CSAIL

To achieve optimum results when printing parts with cleanser, follow these recommendations: · Parts with voids that contain cleanser should be designed as an enclosed assembly, so
that the enclosure is sealed and there is no leakage of cleanser. If the part was not designed as a separate enclosure and the accuracy of the part’s dimensions is not critical, you can quickly add an enclosure to the part in GrabCAD Print Pro by assigning a Vero® coating to the part. · The wall thickness of voids containing the liquid should be greater or equal to 1 mm. · The volume of a void that is filled with liquid should be less than or equal to 20 x 20 x 20 mm3. · Print in High Mix mode only. Liquid printing is not available in other printing modes. · Before every print job: · Run the Cleaning wizard and clean the print head, UV lamp glass, and roller. · Clean the roller waste collector. For detailed procedures, refer to the printer User Guide available on the Customer Support site,
Wear protective gloves when handling parts printed with cleanser.

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Page 38

Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide · Part orientation affects model quality. Consider this when orienting the part on the build tray. · Remove the Support material in a waterjet using low water pressure or compressed air. Figure 57: Tray Settings dialog box–Cleanser and High Mix selected
Figure 58: Model Settings dialog box–Cleanser option

The following table lists recommendations that can be used when designing parts for 3D printing with liquid and non-liquid materials.

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Adjusting the Tray Height Start Position Manually GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Table 2: Recommendations for printing with liquid features| by Robert MacCurdy



Largest segment of liquid (max volume in (X/Y-axes) 20 mm

Recommended wall thickness when adjacent to Largest segment of liquid (max volume in X/Y-axes)

2.11 mm

Separation (minimum along X/Y-axes)

0.4 mm

Separation (minimum along Z-axis)

0.2 mm

Feature thickness (minimum along X/Y-axes)

0.325 mm

Feature thickness (minimum along Z-axis)

0.2 mm

Feature growth (perpendicular to Y/Z-axes)

0.150 mm

Feature growth (perpendicular to X-axis)

0.2 mm

Solid-solid clearance at rotational joint

0.3 mm

Solid-over-liquid support thickness

0.2 mm

Solid-next-to-liquid support thickness

0.5 mm

Recommended width of support “pillars” inserted to connect model layers otherwise isolated by liquid (X/Y-axes)

0.5 mm

The recommendations in the table have not been tested in Stratasys® labs.
The table was taken from MacCurdy, R.; Katzschmann, R.; Kim, Y. & Rus, D. “Printable Hydraulics: A Method for Fabricating Robots by 3D Co-Printing Solids and Liquids”, 2016.

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Page 40

Voxel Printing
Voxel printing enables the fabrication of many different parts with complex material distribution, such as a gradient or a sophisticated pattern.
In a program, such as Matlab, you slice the model and generate a stack of BMPs or PNGs. Each slice contains the voxel information.
After processing these files in the Stratasys Voxel Print Utility, import the generated GrabCAD voxel file (*.gcvf file) into GrabCAD Print Pro for printing.
This section provides instructions for voxel printing with GrabCAD Print Pro on Stratasys J7 and J8 series 3D printers.
Important: Verify that the computer workstation you use to send the information to the printer has the minimum requirements. For detailed information, refer to the relevant Site Preparation Guide available on the Customer Support site,
Slice Preparation Guidelines
When preparing the slices (BMPs or PNGs files), consider the following guidelines:
· The number of slices for each material must be identical.
· Make sure that you prepared one BMP/PNG for each slice. If a certain material is not used in a specific slice, create an empty BMP/PNG file (blank) for it.
· It is recommended that the layer thickness of the slices you prepare match the printer layer thickness. Printer layer thickness is, as follows:
· 0.014 mm (in High Quality mode)
· 0.027 mm (in High Speed and High Mix modes)
When printing the slices, if the slice thickness does not match the printer layer thickness, the printer compensates for the difference. This may include repeating or skipping of slices. For example, if you set the slice thickness to 0.0135 mm, and your printing mode is High Mix, the printer prints each image twice to reach the desired thickness of 0.027 mm.

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Page 41

Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

· When assigning colors to your model, it is recommended that you use the RGB values of the PolyJet base materials. The list of RGB values of PolyJet base materials are in the following table:

Color Cyan Magenta Yellow Black White

Red 0 161 213 30 220

Blue 89 35 178 30 222

Green 158 99 0 30 216

Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files
After preparing the PNG file, you need to process it in the Voxel Print Utility in GrabCAD Print Pro. This utility generates a GrabCAD voxel file (*.gcvf file) that you import into GrabCAD Print Pro for printing. 1. In GrabCAD Print Pro, from the Apps menu, select Launch Voxel Print Utility.
Figure 59: Launching Voxel Print Utility

2. In the Voxel Print Utility, verify the Slicing Parameters are according to the dpi and thicknesses.
Figure 60: Voxel Print Utility

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Page 42

Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Important: Slicing Parameters · Slice resolution = 600 x 300 DPI · Slice thickness: · 0.014 mm (in High Quality mode) · 0.027 (in High Speed and High Mix modes)
3. From the Tools menu, select Insert PNG. Figure 61: Inserting PNG file
The file size of a single *.gcvf file cannot exceed 2 GB. 4. In the Slice file prefix field, enter a prefix for the image files, such as `slice_’.
This prefix is assigned to all image files. Figure 62: Slice file prefix
5. Click Select and navigate to the folder that contains the PNG files. Figure 63: Slice file prefix selection

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Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
6. Select the folder with the PNG files. The location of the files, the path to the GCVF file, and all relevant slice information appear in the screen. Figure 64: PNG file selection

7. Click Next. A progress bar shows the progress of the .gcvf file generation, and when the .gcvf file generation is complete, the Material Mapping screen appears.
The file generation can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file.
Figure 65: PNG file creation

8. In the Material Mapping screen, ensure color accuracy of the model printed on the PolyJet 3D printer, as follows:
a. Inspect the base colors that the Voxel Print Utility identified in the PNG files (right side).
b. Match each of the base colors with a suitable PolyJet model material (left side).
c. In the Materials column, select each PolyJet Model material you want to use based on the color matching.

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Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from PNG Files GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide
For example, the blue color on the right side could be mapped to VeroBlue or VeroCyan in the Materials column.
Before printing, make sure that the Model materials that you assigned are loaded in the material cabinet.
Figure 66: Matching each base color extracted from the PNG files with material

9. Click Finish. 10. When the following message appears, click OK.
Figure 67: GrabCAD Voxel files created

11. Click the link to access the file. Figure 68: GrabCAD Voxel files created

12. Close the Voxel Printing Utility. 13. To print the voxel file, continue with “Printing a Voxel Print Job” on page 53.

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Page 45

Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs
To generate a GrabCAD voxel file from a BMP file, you first need to create a voxel configuration file.
Preparing a Voxel Configuration Text File for BMPs
When printing BMP slices, you need to create a voxel configuration text file. You do this in a text editor, such as Notepad. This is a sample of a voxel configuration text file.
Figure 1: Voxel configuration text file

· The bitmap files need to be 1-bit (binary) BMP format. · BMP LUT 0 for voxels in which the current material is not printed. · BMP LUT 1 for voxels in which the current material is printed.
· The BMP files should be named by their materials. The exact material name does not matter, since the exact material names are specified in the text file.
· BMP files are not required for the Support material assignment. GrabCAD Print Pro calculates where Support material is needed.
· Save the BMP files and the voxel configuration text file on the host computer, not on the printer computer.
· The number of resins and materials listed in the text file depends on your printer.

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Page 46

Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

IMPORTANT: Do not modify the format of this text file.

Follow the instructions in this section to create the voxel configuration text file accurately.
To create a voxel configuration text file:
1. In the text file, list the parameters as follows: · Build section–

Parameters in File

Definition / Instruction


This is a section header for the following parameters. Do not add a semi colon (;) at the end of the header.

Format version = 1;

Keep this value as `1′.

Build Mode = x;

Set the values to `3′.

Set the layer thickness that you used to slice the model Layer thickness = 0.0xx; (see “Slice Preparation Guidelines” on page 41).

Set the total number of slices for each material (see Note). Number of slices = xxx; Important: GrabCAD Print Pro crashes if this number is not correct.

Number of Slices:
To determine the total number of slices, open the folder where the slices are located, and check the number of the last slice. If the first slice is `0′, you need to add 1 to the number of the last slice. For example, if the first slice is slice_0.png and the last slice is slice_2124.png, enter 2125 in the field, as shown in the following tables.

· Resin Type section · In High Speed mode, where there are only 3 Model materials are used for printing:

Parameters in File
[Resin Type] Support = FullCure705; Color = ; Resin2 =

; Resin3 = ;

Definition / Instruction
This is a section header for the list of material names in the printer. Do not add a semi colon (;) at the end of the header.
Set the Support material name.
Set the name of a material loaded.
Set the name of a material loaded.
Set the name of a material loaded.

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Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

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· In High Quality and High Mix modes, where there are 6 materials loaded:

Parameters in File
[Resin Type] Support = FullCure705; Color = ; Resin2 =

; Resin3 = ; Resin4 = ; Resin5 = ; Resin6 = ; Resin7 = ;

Definition / Instruction This is a section header for the following list of material names in the printer. Do not add a semi colon (;) at the end of the header.
Set the Support material name.
Set the name of a material loaded.
Set the name of a material loaded. Set the name of a material loaded.
Set the name of a material loaded.
Set the name of a material loaded. Set the name of a material loaded.
Set the name of a material loaded. (For J8 printers only.)

· represents the name of the model material loaded in the material cabinet. The material names need to be listed exactly as they appear in the Stratasys software (not as they appear on the cartridge).
For example, if the material name in the software is VeroMgnt, and on the cartridge it is VeroMagenta enter VeroMgnt in the text file.
· In the Resin Type section, make sure that you list the model materials in the order they are loaded in the material cabinet compartments.
· Even if the job requires only some of the model materials loaded in the material cabinet:
· when printing in High Speed mode, list only the names of the 3 model materials you are using for printing.
· when printing in High Mix or High Quality mode, list the names of all 6 model materials loaded.

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Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

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· Materials section · In High Speed mode, where there are only 3 materials are used for printing:

Parameters in File

Definition / Instruction


This is a section header. In this section you provide the paths to the bitmaps of each of the materials (resins) in the order listed above.
Do not add a semi colon (;) at the end of the header.

Material1 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material2 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material3 = C:_xxxx.bmp

· In High Quality and High Mix modes, where there are 6 materials loaded:

Parameters in File

Definition / Instruction


This is a section header. In this section you provide the paths to the bitmaps of each of the materials (resins) in the order listed above.
Do not add a semi colon (;) at the end of the header.

Material1 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material2 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material3 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material4 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material5 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material6 = C:_xxxx.bmp

Material7 = C:_xxxx.bmp (For J8 printers only.)

Make sure that the path to the BMP files correspond to the order in which the materials are listed in the Resin Type section.
For example, if material1 is VeroCyan, the path should be to the cyan BMP files. · These represent the number of digits in the bitmap filenames. If you use four
digits in the bitmap filename, include four x’s in the material definitions. If you use five digits in the bitmap filename, include fivex’s in the material definitions.
· The `x’s in the material definition must be in lower-case.

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Page 49

Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

2. Save the configuration text file with a *.txt file extension.
The filename of the configuration text file will be the job name in the Manager queue.

Generating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs
After preparing the BMP file and TXT file, you need to process them in the Voxel Print Utility in GrabCAD Print Pro. This utility generates a GrabCAD voxel file (.gcvf file) that you import into GrabCAD Print Pro for printing.
The files size of a single
.gcvf file cannot exceed 2 GB.

To generate GrabCAD voxel files from BMP files:
1. In GrabCAD Print Pro, from the Apps menu, select Launch Voxel Print Utility. Figure 1: Launching Voxel Print Utility

2. In the Voxel Print Utility, verify the Slicing Parameters are according to the dpi and thicknesses.
Figure 2: Voxel Print Utility

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Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Important: Slicing Parameters · Slice resolution = 600 x 300 DPI · Slice thickness:
· 0.014 mm (in High Quality mode) · 0.027 (in High Speed and High Mix modes)
3. From the Tools menu, select Insert BMP.
Figure 3: Inserting BMP file

4. In the PFF params area: a. Click Select and navigate to the folder that contains the BMP files. b. Select the voxel configuration text file (.txt file) you created (see “Slice Preparation Guidelines” on page 41).
.txt file is also known as the Print From File (PFF) config file.
Figure 4: Selecting to Print From File (PFF)

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Creating a GrabCAD Voxel File from BMPs

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

c. In the GCVF output file name field, enter the desired location and name of the generated .gcvf file.
The path must contain a
.gcvf file extension, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 5: Entering location and name of the generated file

5. Click Next. A progress bar shows the progress of the *.gcvf file generation. The file generation can take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file. Figure 6: BMP file creation
When done, the following message appears. Figure 7: Successful voxel file created

6. Click OK to close the message. 7. Close the Voxel Printing Utility. 8. To print the voxel file, continue with “Printing a Voxel Print Job” on page 53.

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Page 52

Printing a Voxel Print Job

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

Printing a Voxel Print Job
To print a voxel print job:
1. In GrabCAD Print Pro, Print screen, select Add Models. Figure 8: Adding models

2. Navigate to the location of the *.gcvf file you generated, select it, and click Open. Figure 9: Opening the voxel file

GrabCAD Print Pro validates the file and loads it.
Before printing, make sure that the Model materials that you assigned are loaded in the material.

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Printing a Voxel Print Job

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide Figure 10: Model loaded

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Printing a Voxel Print Job

GrabCAD Print Pro for J7/J8 Series Best Practice Guide

· During the .gcvf file generation, an .stl file of the model is created. GrabCAD Print Pro uses this .stl file to display the model on the tray, as shown in the above figure. Since it is not possible to view the colors you assigned to the model in GrabCAD Print Pro, it is very important that you make sure that the correct materials are loaded in the material cabinet.
· An exclamation mark icon appears near the filename (shown above) if the .gcvf file contains a material that is not loaded in the tray materials. If you do not load the required material in the printer, the printer ignores the material assignment in the .gcvf file, and prints the file as an stl file using a default material.
· Only Matte surface finish is available, (not Glossy).
· Grid style selection is available.
· You can add copies of the model on the tray by right-clicking on the model and selecting Duplicate.
· The Scale and Orient options are not available. To change the size or the orientation of the model, you need to generate a new *.gcvf file with the desired size and/or orientation.
· You can use the Arrange (tray) option. Tray arrangement is performed according to the orientation defined in the BMP/PNG files.
Do not select the Optimize check box.

3. Click Print to send the file to print.

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