WILPREP ET-ZL1 Commercial Electric Deep Fryer User Manual

June 17, 2024

WILPREP ET-ZL1 Commercial Electric Deep Fryer

WILPREP -ET-ZL1-Commercial-Electric-Deep-Fryer-product

Read Carefully Before Use
Keep for Future Reference

Safety Information


  • Read these instructions carefully before use and keep them for future reference. Provide them to anyone who will operate, maintain, or repair this device and provide them with the device if it is ever given or sold to a third party.
  • ONLY operate this device for its intended purpose—personal and commercial food preparation—and only operate it in accordance with these instructions and all applicable local and national laws and regulations. Failure to do so may result in fires, electric shock, serious property damage, and severe personal injury, possibly including death.
  • DO NOT allow use by children, untrained personnel, or any person whose mental or physical condition precludes safe use. Do not use while tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or strong medication. No child or pet should be able to access the work area during use and any bystander should be made aware of the device’s potential danger.
  • ONLY place this device on flat, stable, and heat-resistant platforms. The platform should be able to easily bear the full weight of the device, its oil, and your food at all times. The area should be well-ventilated to quickly dissipate any airborne oil.
  • ALWAYS keep a fire extinguisher nearby. The extinguisher should be rated to handle grease fires. (This might be marked as “Class B” or “Class K” depending on your area.) All operators should be shown the extinguisher’s location and trained in its use.
  • ALWAYS place a slip-resistant mat in front of this device to reduce the risk of slips and accidents.
  • NEVER store any flammable or explosive materials near this device.
  • ONLY use this device with stable, compatible, and well-grounded power sources. Do not use 3-to-2 prong adapters, ungrounded extension cords, or extension cords of insufficient gauge to handle this device’s expected electrical load. Do not modify the plug or move the device by pulling on its power cord. Keep the cord away from water, heat, sharp edges, and moving parts.
  • DO NOT allow any electronic component to become wet and regularly clean away any oil buildup from electronic components and the power cord.
  • On 15A circuits, do not place any other device on the same circuit as your fryer, which may need the full capacity of the circuit. For 2-tank models, use separate circuits for each of the tanks’ heating units.
  • ALWAYS provide a way to quickly disconnect this device from power in the event of an emergency. Either provide easy access to the plug at least 3 feet (1 m) from the device or provide an accessible circuit breaker or similar shutoff. All operators should be shown its location and trained in its use.
  • ALWAYS wear personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for your task, including close-fitting clothes and close-toed and slip-resistant footwear. Heat-resistant gloves are recommended, particularly during prolonged use. Never wear loose clothing, hair, or accessories during use.
  • DO NOT set the temperature above the smoke point of your oil, shortening, or fat. For best results, always use neutral high-heat oils or shortenings with a smoke point of 400°F (205°C) or above.
  • DO NOT drop food into heated oil or add more oil once a tank is already in use. Do not shake the basket while in oil. Only add oil between sessions and only add food using the provided basket.
  • ALWAYS allow sufficient time for meat to fully cook. If there is any doubt that the meat has cooked all the way through, use a thermometer to confirm the meat is fully cooked before serving.
  • NEVER leave this device unattended during use. Any oil spills or fires must be dealt with IMMEDIATELY.
  • NEVER allow ANY water or ice near heated oil. In hot kitchens, this includes careful operation to avoid any sweat coming in contact with the oil. Never handle any component with wet hands; never use a basket if it is even partially damp; and never cook frozen food still displaying any visible ice. Any water will sink under heated oil and instantly boil, expanding 1700 times in volume and creating an enormous risk of fires and burns.
  • DO NOT overreach during use. Keep proper footing and balance at all times.
  • DO NOT touch the metal components of this device during use or shortly after use with bare hands. Use heat-resistant gloves or wait for the components to cool completely before handling.
  • ALWAYS fully disconnect this device from power and wait for all heated components to cool before undertaking any emptying, cleaning, adjustment, maintenance, or repair.
  • ALWAYS empty and replace the oil once it visibly darkens or develops a strong odor. Overused oil will begin to affect the flavor, aroma, and texture of your food; may pose a health risk to diners and violate local and/or national regulations; and may dangerously lower the oil’s smoke and flash points.
  • If ANY component malfunctions or becomes loose, worn, or damaged, cease ALL use until the problem has been corrected. Always use identical parts for any replacement. Always fully replace any worn or damaged power cords using a trained technician.
  • DO NOT adjust the internal components or wiring of this device without professional training.

Grease Fires


Performed properly, deep frying is a fast and easy way to produce a wide range of delicious food time after time after time. However, there is always the potential of the superheated oil, shortening, or fat to cause a grease fire and the instinctive responses of many people—to use water or to move the fire—can greatly worsen the fire’s damage and the risk of injury. ALWAYS have a safe work area and ALWAYS be prepared. ALWAYS train EVERY operator on how to most safely handle a grease fire so they are prepared if one occurs. Consult with your local fire department or police department to see if professional training is available in your area.

NEVER use water on an oil fire.
NEVER use wet towels or other objects on an oil fire.
NEVER move the fire or splash the burning oil.

  • DO warn everyone nearby of the danger. They should evacuate the area in any orderly way.
  • DO remove the source of heat. Unplug the heating element or turn off its circuit breaker.
  • DO stop providing additional air. Turn off any ventilation hood or fan or turn off its circuit breaker.
  • DO cut off the fire’s access to oxygen IF you can do so safely. Cover the tank with its lid or any similar large metal covering, but do not throw anything in a way that might cause burning oil to splash. (Only use a fire blanket for this purpose if it is specifically rated to safely handle grease fires. Many are not.)
  • DO use your fire extinguisher IF the fire is not yet contained under a cover. If it is contained, allow time for it to die out but keep the extinguisher ready. If you need to use your fire extinguisher, use it from a safe distance and be careful that its pressure does NOT cause the burning oil to splash.

Baking soda or salt can be also used to stop small fires or nearly contained fires but never apply either one in a way that might splash the burning oil. Never use flour or other fine powders.
Despite their similar appearance, most of them are highly flammable at the oil’s temperature and will only worsen the fire.


WILPREP -ET-ZL1-Commercial-Electric-Deep-Fryer-fig-6

Product Diagram

WILPREP -ET-ZL1-Commercial-Electric-Deep-Fryer-fig-1

WILPREP -ET-ZL1-Commercial-Electric-Deep-Fryer-fig-2


  1. Clear and clean the area for your new fryer. Make sure that it meets all the requirements in the Safety Information above: Ensure that nothing flammable or explosive is nearby; that you will be able to easily reach both the fryer’s power cutoff and your extinguisher in the event of an emergency; and that any children or pets can be kept away from the fryer during and after use. For best results, keep an area clear on both sides of your fryer so you have space for food prepared for frying on one side and space for draining and cooling food as it comes out on the other.
  2. Unpack your new fryer. Confirm that you have everything from the package list above and that it is in good condition. You can save the packaging for easier return during any warranty period, but be sure it is stored in a location inaccessible to any children or pets.
  3. Carefully remove the fryer’s components. Metal components are treated with a light coat of oil to prevent any corrosion during storage and shipping. Some surfaces are covered by protective films. Peel off the film carefully, looking out for the edges that may be sharp. Clean all surfaces, thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing every component that will handle food or hold the cooking oil, but do not allow any electronic component to become wet.
  4. Replace each heating unit (D) and fit the covers (E) across the bottom of the tank, protecting the heating elements.WILPREP -ET-ZL1-Commercial-Electric-Deep-Fryer-fig-3
  5. Attach the side handles (C) to the main body (A). Align the predrilled holes on the handles with the predrilled holes in the main body. Use any Phillips-head screwdriver to fasten them using the provided washers (J) and bolts (I) from inside the main body. Be sure the bolts are well threaded and fully tightened so oil will not be able to build up underneath them.
  6. Use the handles to move your fryer into place.WILPREP -ET-ZL1-Commercial-Electric-Deep-Fryer-fig-4
  7. Attach each basket handle (F) to its basket (G). Squeeze the two bottom tines of each handle together, position them next to their hoops on the inner side of the basket, and release them. Pull back on the handle firmly but evenly, fitting its sides around their holder at the top of the basket. Check that each handle holds its basket firmly. Place each basket onto the cover in its tank.
  8. Add water to each tank to a level between the min and max fill lines. Connect the fryer to power, flip the power switch to ON, and turn the dial up to heat the water. Confirm all indicator lights work and use a thermometer to confirm the water reaches the set temperature in each tank. Turn the dial down, turn the power off, and wait for everything to cool. Empty the water and dry all components.
  9. Place each lid (G) over its tank until you are ready to fill the tanks with oil and start frying. For best results, leave the fryer disconnected from power until it is ready for use.


  1. Confirm every component that will handle food or hold the cooking oil is completely dry and free of any grime or dust. Place each basket on a clean and sanitized surface beside the fryer. You can load your food into the basket at this point if you are unsure how high the oil will need to be to cover it. Prepare a place for the finished food to be left to cool. Use clean paper towels or sanitized food-safe heat-resistant equipment.
    • Warning: NEVER allow ANY water to come into contact with the oil or basket during use. Remove any excess moisture and/or frost from any food before placing it in the basket.
  2. Add your oil, shortening, or fat to the tank until it is at a level between min and max fill lines, high enough to cover any food you will add to the basket.
  3. Confirm the temperature control knob is set to “0”. Restore power to your fryer and flip the power switch to ON. The power indicator light should come on.
  4. Turn the temperature control knob to your desired temperature. The heating indicator light should come on. Wait for the oil to fully heat, checking progress with a suitable thermometer as needed. Generally, a full tank will heat from room temperature to 375°F within 3−5 minutes.
    • Warning: DO NOT leave the fryer unattended once the oil has begun to heat. Someone should always be trained and available to respond to any emergency IMMEDIATELY.
  5. Once the oil is fully heated, place your food into a basket and lower it into the oil. For best results, when cooking many items together, spread them evenly around the basket with space that allows every surface to be well exposed to the oil.
  6. Cover the tank while your food cooks and start any timer. Again, do not leave the fryer unattended during this period.
  7. When your food is ready, use a dry towel, oven mitt, or heat-resistant glove to carefully remove the lid. Raise the basket from the oil with a slow controlled motion, holding it at a very low height above the oil to give time for excess oil to drain safely back into the tank.
    • Warnings: Turn the handle to place the food onto the location you prepared for it or use sanitized and heat-resistant tongs to remove your food from the basket. For best results, only season food after cooking. Adding seasoning before frying will wear out your oil faster, will leave dirtier tanks, and may impair the evenness of your food’s heating.
    • DO NOT attempt to handle recently cooked food directly. Be careful of every metal surface on the fryer once the oil has begun heating.
    • ALWAYS use a thermometer to confirm that any new meat or any thick slices of meat are FULLY cooked before serving.
  8. For repeat use, move the basket to the other side of the fryer and reload it, being careful never to come in direct contact with its heated metal surfaces. Repeat the steps above until done.
  9. When you are finished, replace the lid, turn the dial down, and flip the power switch to OFF. Wait for the oil to cool before using a skimmer to remove any floating crumbs or other debris and replacing the lid if you will leave the oil in the fryer overnight.
  10. How long you can reuse oil depends on the food being cooked, the heat reached, and the care taken to keep the oil clean, away from direct sunlight, and chilled between uses. Any cooking imparts some flavor and aroma to the oil, so that—for example—clean oil from fried fish is still bad for doughnuts.


  • ALWAYS turn this device off, disconnect it from power, and wait for all heated surfaces to cool before any emptying, cleaning, repair, or other maintenance.
  • To empty cooled used oil, carefully raise the unplugged heating element and its cover a little bit out of the oil and wait for them to drain. Set them aside and carefully raise the entire tank out, pouring most of it through an appropriate filter into a sturdy container that can be tightly sealed. For best results, have separate containers for the oil used cooking each major category of food and keep your oil containers dry, dark, and cool. Storage in a cool cupboard is OK, refrigeration is better, and freezing is best.
  • The very last bit of oil from each session— full of the crumbs and debris that sinks to the bottom of the tank—should be poured into a separate sturdy and sealable container for recycling or safe disposal. Never pour used oil down standard drains. It can easily clog and damage them.
  • Regardless of its care, if your oil ever strongly darkens, begins affecting the quality or aroma of cooked food, or begins to develop a rancid odor from use or age, cease any use and recycle or safely dispose of it entirely.
  • Each time the oil is emptied, disassemble the fryer. Fully clean and sanitize all surfaces that will come into contact with your food or oil with mild food-safe cleaning agents, rinsing and drying them completely before reuse. Clean excess oil and other grime from other components as needed. Never use harsh abrasives or caustic chemicals on any component. Never allow any electronic component to become wet. If any ever does become wet by accident, allow time for it to dry completely before consulting a trained electrician and attempting to resume use.
  • Always ensure your fire extinguisher is ready for use. Check monthly for any sign of tampering, corrosion, or other damage. Have it inspected and serviced by a certified professional—usually at a local fire department—at least once a year. Recharge or replace after any use.
  • Periodically inspect parts for any sign of malfunction, looseness, wear, or damage. If any is found, cease all use until the problem has been corrected. Always use identical parts for any replacement, and always fully replace any worn or damaged power cords using a trained technician.
  • In commercial settings, create a plan for regular cleaning, inspection, and servicing and keep records of the personnel and date involved in each, along with any necessary maintenance or repairs. Similar records should be kept of the operational and fire safety training for each user and of the inspections and any use of the fire extinguisher.
  • If this device will not be used for an extended period of time, disconnect it from power; clean, rinse, and dry all components thoroughly; and store it in a cool dry location away from direct sunlight and inaccessible to children.


Electrical products should not be disposed of with other household items. In the EU and UK, according to the European Directive 2012\19\EU for the disposal of electrical equipment and its implementation in national laws, used electrical products must be collected separately and disposed of at the collection points provided for this purpose. Locations in Australia, Canada, and the United States may have similar regulations.

Used oil, as well as any cloths, paper towels, etc. saturated with it, also requires special handling. In most cases, it should be fully sealed in a sturdy container before disposal with other garbage, but your area may have special provisions or offer recycling programs. Contact local authorities or your dealer for advice.

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ET-ZL1 Commercial Electric Deep Fryer, ET-ZL1, Commercial Electric Deep Fryer, Electric Deep Fryer, Deep Fryer, Fryer

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