RF solutions TAURUS-8T1 Rugged Long Range Radio Transmitter User Guide
- June 4, 2024
Table of Contents
RF solutions TAURUS-8T1 Rugged Long Range Radio Transmitter
Press any of the switches to operate. The Transmitter will auto sleep between
operations to save power. RF Transmit GREEN LED operates when Taurus is
transmitting an RF signal. RF Acknowledge (if configured): GREEN LED will
Flash at high speed to indicate that an acknowledgment has successfully been
received back form the receiver. RED LED will Flash at high speed to indicate
that an acknowledgment has not been received back form the receiver. Low
Battery: If battery requires recharging Low Battery LED illuminates for 3
seconds after each operation. Recharging the Battery Recharge with either USB
Cable or QI Wireless Charger
When Charging the Battery RED LED gives a slow Flash indicates charging is in
prograess. When fully charged the GREEN LED is illuminated
If the Battery becomes very depleted it can take a few minutes before there is
adequate charge to start the RED LED to flash!
Configuring Modes of Operation
To configure the modes of operation, unscrew the six enclosure fixing screws
to access the internal circuit board. The SET switch is used to configure the
operating modes.
The Following Modes can be configured using the SET Switch
- RF Mode of Transmission (FM or LORA Mode)
- Acknowledgment back from the Receiver
- Automatic Watchdog Transmissions
- Continuous or State Change Transmission
TAURUS Transmitters are factory Shipped with the following Settings
RF Transmission | FM |
Acknowledgment | OFF |
Watchdog | OFF |
Transmission Type | Continuous |
Restoring TAURUS to Factory Default
To Set the RF Transmission MODE
Possible options are FM, or LORA Modes 0 – 7. FM or LORA mode 0 provides
the quickest response; from Transmitter SW pressed to Receiver Relay output.
LORA mode 7 provides the longest operating range but with the longest time
delay of from button press to receiver relay
- Range is dependant on many factors including the mode of transmission. Range can be reduced by 75% in built up areas with poor antenna, and environmental conditions.
- Battery life quoted is approximate based on 30 operations per day.
- 918MHz devices do not have FSK mode.
RF Transmission
| Mode
(No of LED1 Flashes)
| Propagation Time from TX to output
Activated (approx)
| Operations from a Single battery charge
FM| 1| 20 mS| 1Million
LoRa Mode 1| 2| 20 mS| ~550K
LoRa Mode 2| 3| 40 mS| 288K
LoRa Mode 3| 4| 80 mS| 144K
LoRa Mode 4| 5| 160 mS| 72K
LoRa Mode 5| 6| 320 mS| 36K
LoRa Mode 6| 7| 640 mS| 18K
LoRa Mode 7| 8| 1.28 Secs| ~9,000
To Set Continuous or State Change RF Transmissions
When a switch button is operated, TAURUS will transmit a “Button Down” RF Transmission. When a switch button is released, TAURUS will transmit a “Button Up” RF Transmission.
Continuous Transmit
TAURUS repeat transmits “button Down” in short bursts for as long as switch
button is pressed. If the Acknowledgment is ON the receiver will reply after
each RF transmission burst. This is ideally suited to momentary operation
where the receiver output needs to be active as long as the user presses down
a TAURUS Button.
State Change Transmit
TAURUS transmits an RF transmission only when the switch button is pressed or
released (i.e. a state change). On each of these “state changes” TAURUS
transmits up to 4 transmissions, or, “RF packets” (which can be seen by the
GREEN LED flashing up to 4 times, If the Acknowledgment is ON the receiver
will reply immediately. After receiving an Acknowledgment the TAURUS will
cease sending any remaining of the 4 transmissions.
LED Status
Continuous Transmission
Acknowledgement OFF
Button is briefly pressed| Flashes briefly| No-operation
Button is held Down| Flashes constantly| No-operation
Button is released| Flashes briefly| No-operation
Continuous Transmission Acknowledgement ON
Button is briefly pressed| Flashes briefly (TX then RX ack)| Flashes if no Ack
Button is held Down| Flashes continually (TX then RX ack)| Flashes if no Ack
Button is released| Flashes briefly (TX then RX ack)| Flashes if no Ack
State Change Transmission Acknowledgement OFF
Button is briefly pressed| Flashes 1X (TX)| No-operation
Button is held Down| No-operation| No-operation
Button is released| Flashes 1X (TX)| No-operation
State Change Transmission Acknowledgement ON
Button is briefly pressed
& Receiver, ack OK
Flashes (TX then RX ack)
Button is briefly pressed
& Receiver, NOK
Flashes continually (awaiting Ack)
Flashes to show no Ack received
Button is held Down| Flashes continually (awaiting Ack)| Flashes to show no
Ack received
Button is released| Flashes 2 – 5X (TX and RX ack)| Flashes if no Ack received
To Set Acknowledgement Request
Acknowledg ement Feature provides the user with LED indication that the
receiver has successfully received the transmitters signal. When activated the
TAURUS Transmitter includes an acknowledgement request within each radio
The response from the receiver is indicated on the transmitter via the RED /
RF Acknowledgment from Receiver
Warning! When Acknowledgement is ON, TAURUS requests an RF signal back from
the receiver. Whilst in theory if an RF signal can be transmitted one way then
it can be returned, in practice occasionally the received acknowl-edgement
many not penetrate as well as the Taurus transmitted signal.
To Set Watchdog Transmissions
If enabled, TAURUS automatically transmits a background “watchdog” RF Signal approx. every ~45 secs, RF Solutions Receivers with a Watchdog feature will hold a Relay contact “ENERGISED” as long as Watchdog is regularly received confirming the transmitter is in range and the system is operating correctly.When using Watchdog it may be useful to incorporate a Power Switch to avoid premature battery discharge., A power switch can be incorporated if this is required please contact our Sales Dept.
Simplified Declaration of Conformity (RED)
Hereby, RF Solutions Limited declares that the radio equipment type defined within this document is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: www.rfsolutions.co.uk
Whilst the information in this document is believed to be correct at the time of issue, RF Solutions Ltd does not accept any liability whatsoever for its accuracy, adequacy or completeness. No express or implied warranty or representation is given relating to the information contained in this docu- ment. RF Solutions Ltd reserves the right to make changes and improvements to the product(s) described herein without notice. Buyers and other users should determine for themselves the suitability of any such information or products for their own particular requirements or specification(s). RF Solutions Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of user’s own determination of how to deploy or use RF Solutions Ltd’s products. Use of RF Solutions Ltd products or components in life support and/or safety applications is not authorised except with express written approval. No licences are created, implicitly or otherwise, under any of RF Solutions Ltd’s intellectual property rights. Liability for loss or damage resulting or caused by reliance on the information contained herein or from the use of the product (including liability resulting from negligence or where RF Solutions Ltd was aware of the possibility of such loss or damage arising) is excluded. This will not operate to limit or restrict RF Solutions Ltd’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence.
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