MyQ X macOS Smart Job Manager User Guide

June 15, 2024

MyQ X macOS Smart Job Manager

Product Information


  • Product Name: Smart Job Manager for macOS
  • Maximum Recommended Number of Concurrent SJM Clients: 1000


  • Q: What is the maximum number of concurrent SJM clients that can be connected to one MyQ server?
    • A: The maximum recommended number of concurrent SJM clients connected to one MyQ server is 1000.
  • Q: How do I install the Smart Job Manager application on macOS?
    • A: To install the Smart Job Manager application, run the script in the macOS Terminal. Make sure to create a queue on the MyQ web administrator interface with the User Detection Method set to Smart Job Manager before starting the installation.
  • Q: How can I change the settings of the Smart Job Manager application?
    • A: To change the settings of the Smart Job Manager application, open the application, go to the settings menu, make the necessary changes, and save them.
  • Q: How can I identify myself as a user in the Smart Job Manager application?
    • A: You can identify yourself as a user in the Smart Job Manager application by either logging in with your credentials or selecting your user from the list of all MyQ users.
  • Q: What are the main functions of the Smart Job Manager application?
    • A: The Smart Job Manager application provides two main functions for job management: interactive job processing and project management.
  • Q: How do I uninstall the Smart Job Manager application?
    • A: To uninstall the Smart Job Manager application, open the macOS Terminal, navigate to the installation directory, run the script, and follow the on-screen instructions.

MyQ Smart Job Manager for macOS 8.2

  • MyQ Smart Job Manager for macOS 8.2 has reached End of Life.
  • The MyQ Desktop Client for macOS 8.2 successor is now available.
  • MyQ Desktop Client for macOS 8.2 Documentation & Release Notes See the MyQ Product & Support End-of-Life Policy.

The MyQ Smart Job Manager application is a client of the MyQ print server. It is installed on Mac workstations of MyQ users and enables identification of the users and communication between the users and the server.


  • All changes compared to the previous version are listed in the change log.
  • The guide is also available in PDF, along with guides for older supported versions.

Basic Information

The MyQ Smart Job Manager application is a client of the MyQ print server. It is installed on MyQ users MacOS workstations. MyQ SJM enables user identification, and communication between the users and the server.
The maximum recommended number of concurrent SJM clients connected to one MyQ server is 1000.

Requirements on the client’s workstation:

  • Mac OS 10.12 or higher


  • The application is installed by running the script in the macOS Terminal.
  • The application settings are defined via parameters during the installation.

Before starting the installation, create a queue on the MyQ web administrator interface with the User Detection Method set to Smart Job Manager.

  1. Download the latest MyQ SJM for macOS installation .zip from the MyQ Community portal and extract the files.
  2. In the Mac workstation, open Terminal.
  3. Navigate to the folder where the file was extracted and run the file setting the installation parameters. You are asked to type the administrator’s account password.
  4. Type the password, and then click Enter. The MyQ SJM application is installed to the computer.

Installation Parameters

  • i: MyQ Server’s IP address or hostname
  • p: MyQ Server’s port. Since MyQ Server 8.0, it is 8090 by default and the connection is secure (SSL). (For a MyQ Server version lower than 8.0, the default port is 8080 and the connection unsecure).
  • a: Select one of the following authentication methods:
    • a 0: With this option selected, the job sending user has to select one of the MyQ user accounts from a list of all MyQ users. The job sender is then identified as the selected MyQ user.
    • a 1: With this option selected, the job sending user has to log in under their MyQ credentials. The job sender is then identified as the logged in MyQ user.
    • a 2: With this option selected, the job sender is identified as the OS user account where the job is sent from.
  • LOGINTYPE: A 1-3 letter code with combination of these three letters: “p” for PIN, “u” for Username and password and “c” for ID Card. See the examples below.
    • l p: Enables only PIN
    • l u: Enables only Username and password
    • l c: Enables only Card
    • l cp: Enables Card or PIN login
    • l puc: Enables all three login types
  • r: If you set this parameter to 0, it will hide the Remember me option from the user login screen. If you set it to 1, the Remember me option will be visible (the default value is 0).
  • v: If you set this parameter to 1, MyQ SJM can use alternative servers of an IP subnet to automatically connect to. The servers need to be specified in a CSV file (the default value is 0).
  • c: This parameter is used when the -v parameter is set to 1. It is the full path to the CSV file containing the alternative servers configuration.

Below you can see an example of the installation command:

  • sh -i -p 8090 -a 1 -l p -r 1 -v 1 -c
  • Users/myqtestlab/Desktop/SJM.csv

From MyQ SJM version 8.1, SSL is enabled by default and the -s parameter is no longer used.

IP subnet CSV file information

To automatically switch between multiple servers on an IP subnet, the uploaded CSV file should contain the information about the subnets. The file’s headers should be subnet, host, and port, as seen on the image below.

In case the configuration for the current subnet does not match or something is incorrect on the file or it can’t be opened, SJM will use the configuration for the connection from the registry, set during the installation.

  • If this feature is enabled, the logic is triggered every time the PC starts or there is an event in the network settings.
  • This feature doesn’t restart the Service, it just updates the settings in the memory.
  • If a user is connected on 2 (Wi-Fi, cable) networks and one of them is known, SJM uses the settings for the known network.

Changing SJM settings

To change the application settings, reinstall it with different values in the parameters.
For example, if you want to change the server’s IP address, and set the login method to the user’s OS account, run with the new IP address in the -i parameter, and the -a parameter set to 2. For this case, the command would be:

  • sh -i -p 8090 -a 2 -v 1 -c
  • Users/myqtestlab/Desktop/SJM.csv

User Identification

One of the essential functions of the MyQ Smart Job Manager application is to identify the MyQ user on the computer where it is installed. Thanks to this identification, MyQ Smart Job Manager can mediate communication between the user and the MyQ server; it can inform the user about the state of their account, it enables the user to manage their print jobs and it also enables the server to determine the job sender.

Once a job is sent to a queue, the status changes to Paused and the user is set to *unauthenticated until they authenticate themselves in MyQ SJM. Once they do, the job’s status changes to Ready and the user changes to the now authenticated job owner. If the authentication in MyQ SJM fails or if the user is not present in the MyQ server, the user is no longer created (needs to be created in MyQ) and the job is rejected.

Depending on how MyQ SJM was set up, the user is either identified as the currently opened OS account or they can identify themselves. The self- identification methods are described in:

  • Identifying the job sender by logging in
  • Identifying the job sender by selecting from the list of all MyQ users

Warning: The login options are selected within the MyQ Smart Job Manager setup. If you do not want the users to identify themselves, select the a-2 method.

Note: For each of the user identification options you need to set up a queue on the MyQ server, with the appropriate user detection method:

  • Windows single sign-on -> Job sender
  • Login by PIN or Card -> Prompt for a PIN/Card
  • Login by Username and Password -> Prompt for a user and password
  • User List -> Prompt to select a user from a list

For information on how to set up the queues, see User detection methods in the MyQ Print Server Guide.

Identifying the user by logging in

With the Login authentication method selected, the user can open the sign in options by clicking Login in the application’s window (To open the application’s window, click the MyQ icon on the macOS system tray). Each time a job is sent to the queue with the respective user detection method (either Prompt for a PIN/Card, or Prompt for a user and password), the user is automatically prompted to log in.

Remember me

  • The logging users can select how long they are going to stay signed in for.
  • At the end of the selected time period, the users are signed out and the login credentials are forgotten. Select Always to stay logged in even when the OS session is terminated.

Identifying the user by selecting from the list of all MyQ users

With the List of MyQ users authentication method selected, the user can open the list of users by clicking Login in the application’s window (to open the application’s window, click the MyQ icon on the Windows system tray). Each time a job is sent to the queue with the Prompt to select a user from a list detection method, the user is automatically prompted to select one of the MyQ user accounts from the list.

Job Management

The MyQ Smart Job Manager application enables the user to simply manage theirprint jobs on the computer where the jobs are sent from. This option is available if at least one of the three following features is enabled on the MyQ server:

  • The queue where the job is sent has the user detection method set to Promptfor PIN/Card, Prompt for Username and Password or Select user from list. User detection methods are described in User Identification.
  • User interaction script is set on the queue where the job is sent to; described in Interactive job processing.
  • Projects are enabled and the sending user has access to at least one project; described in Project management.

Submitting and deleting sent print jobs

With the above mentioned features enabled on the MyQ server, sent jobs require additional information before they can be printed. After these jobs are sent to the MyQ server, they are paused there and cannot be printed until the necessary information is provided, for example until their project is selected.

Each time the job is paused, the job management window of the MyQ Smart Job Manager application appears on the screen. In this window, the user can submit the job by clicking Print Job or delete it by clicking Delete Job. They can also select the Apply to all jobs option to submit or delete all the jobs in this way. Selecting Logout without any action will also delete the logged in user’s print jobs. When the user logs out, all the unprinted jobs are, for security reasons, deleted from the server; no one else on a shared computer can now print those jobs.

Depending on the Accounting settings (accounting group or cost center) on the server, the user may be prompted to select an account where the job will be charged to.

  • In the Accounting Group mode:
    • Internal credit, external credit, and combined quotas (personal, shared, both) are the possible account options.
    • In case of combined quotas, only the lowest quota value is displayed.
    • If credit is used, no quota is spent (even when the quota is later edited and recalculated).
    • In case the user has personal quota “pages” and shared quota “cost” or vice versa, both pages and cost are displayed. For example: Quota (10 total/9 color/8 mono/7 scan /3 USD)
  • In the Cost Center mode:
    • Internal credit, external credit, personal quota, and multiple shared quotas are the possible accounts options.
    • Only one (selected) quota is spent, so all quotas should be displayed as separate accounts.


  • Cost Center selection in SJM should appear only for Direct Print queues.
  • If there is only one account available for the user, it is selected and charged automatically, thus there is no Select Account prompt.

Interactive Job Processing

With this feature, users can be informed about important print job properties and can be asked if they want to change some of them; for example to print in duplex or in black and white.
To enable this option, the MyQ administrator has to add a PHP script to the queue where the job is sent.

There are three dialog options available for this feature:

  • a dialog box with a text content and Yes/No options
  • a dialog box with a text content and Print/No options
  • a dialog box with a text content and Yes/No/Cancel options

Jobs sent to a queue with a user interaction script are automatically paused and the job management window with basic information about the job appears on the screen. After the user submits the job, the user interaction dialog box appears. For example, if a user sends a job with more than 10 pages and submits the job in the job management window, they are informed that the job is large and asked if they want to print it in duplex.

Info: For more information on PHP job scripting, contact MyQ support.

Project Management

When project accounting is enabled on the MyQ server, the user who sends the print job needs to select a project (or the No Project option) to be allowed to print it. With MyQ Smart Job Manager, they can select the project directly on their computer.

After the print job is sent to MyQ, the application’s pop-up window appears. If the user is not identified yet, they need to identify themselves to open the job management options window where they can select the project. If they are already identified, they are directly shown the project management options. On the job management window, the user needs to select a project (or the No Project option), and then click Print Job. After this, the project is assigned and the job can be printed. The maximum number of items displayed at once is 15. Refreshing the list will deselect a selected item.


There are two ways to uninstall the application:

  • Using a script (recommended way).
  • Via the macOS UI.

Using a script:

  • Open Terminal and run the script without any parameters: ” sh”
  • The script removes the MyQ Smart Job Manager package, settings, user settings and autostart. This script does not delete the configuration file from other profiles.

Via the macOS UI:

  1. Use the Activity Monitor app to check if MyQ Smart Job Manager is running, and quit if it does. For more information see:
  2. Click Finder, and then open the Applications tab in the All My Files dialog box.
  3. On the tab, right-click the MyQ application, and then select Move to Trash. You are asked to confirm the changes.
  4. Enter the credentials of the administrator’s account and click OK. The application is uninstalled.

Change Log

Release notes from 8.1 to 8.2

  • Installation simplified – Client ID and Client Secret no longer needed.
  • Select account prompt now available, which allows the user to select the account that the job is charged to.

Business Contacts

MyQ® Manufacturer| MyQ® spol. s r.o.

Harfa Office Park, Ceskomoravska 2420/15, 190 93 Prague 9, Czech Republic

MyQ® Company is registered in the Companies register at the Municipal Court in Prague, division C, no. 29842

Business information|
Technical support|

This manual, its content, design and structure are protected by copyright. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide, or any copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited and can be punishable.

MyQ® is not responsible for the content of this manual, particularly regarding its integrity, currency and commercial occupancy. All the material published here is exclusively of informative character.

This manual is subject to change without notification. MyQ® Company is not obliged to make these changes periodically nor announce them, and is not responsible for currently published information to be compatible with the latest version of the MyQ® printing solution.

Trademarks| MyQ®, including its logos, is a registered trademark of MyQ® company. Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Windows Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brands and product names might be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Any use of trademarks of MyQ® including its logos without the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited. The trademark and product name is protected by MyQ® Company and/or its local affiliates.

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All Rights Reserved


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