MyQ X 2.4LTS OCR Server User Guide

June 1, 2024

MyQ-X-logoMyQ X 2.4LTS OCR Server


Product Information


  • Product Name: MyQ OCR Server
  • Version: 2.4 LTS
  • Revision Date: January 2024

Product Usage Instructions

System Requirements

Before setting up and using the MyQ OCR Server, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

  • OCR engines: Compatible OCR engines are installed on the system.
  • Licenses: Valid licenses for the OCR software.
  • Requirements: Minimum hardware and software requirements specified by the manufacturer.

Setting up OCR in MyQ

To configure OCR in MyQ, follow these steps:

  1. Select the “Attach metadata file” option to enable metadata processing.


Install the MyQ OCR Server by following the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.

MyQ OCR Server Configuration

Configure the MyQ OCR Server with different engines as needed:

  • Tesseract Engine: Configure settings for Tesseract engine.
  • ABBYY Engine: Configure settings for ABBYY engine.
  • AI Invoice Recognition Engine: Configure settings for the AI Invoice Recognition engine.

Scanning to OCR

Perform OCR scanning using the following methods:

  1. Scan to OCR via Panel Scan.
  2. Scan to OCR via Easy Scan.
  3. OCR Processing.

Update and Uninstallation

Keep your MyQ OCR Server up to date by following these steps:

  1. Update the MyQ OCR Server as per the provided instructions.
  2. To uninstall the MyQ OCR Server, follow the uninstallation guide.

About MyQ OCR Server 2.4 LTS

Optical Character Recognition is a service that converts scanned documents to a searchable and editable format, such as an MS Word document or a searchable PDF. To employ this functionality in MyQ, you can either use the MyQ Optical Character Recognition (OCR) server, which is a part of the MyQ solution, or you can use a third-party application.
Unlike third-party OCR applications, the MyQ OCR Server is integrated with the MyQ system, which makes it simple to install and easy to use.

Release Notes

MyQ OCR Server 2.4

2.4 (Patch 3)

  • Improvements
    EULA Updated.

  • Bug Fixes
    Quality of German Recognition. Page size dimensions larger than original scanned page.

2.4 LTS

  • Changes
    EULA was changed.

  • Bug Fixes
    The installation folder with all files is completely deleted during uninstallation..
    Fixed Tesseract engine, the error message “Cannot extract embedded Font “GlyphLessFont”” is no longer happens, when processed file by Tesseract engine is opened in Acrobat Reader.
    Fxed issue when the scan is process by Tesseract engine, the output PDF file has a red HiQPdfEvaluation watermark on each page in the top left corner.

Components Version

3rd-Party External Applications OCR 2.4.3
.NET Framework 4.7.2
Tesseract 4.1.0

System Requirements

The following specifications are required to set up and run MyQ OCR Server 2.4.

OCR engines
Within the installation of the server, you can select from three OCR engines:
The Tesseract engine is free but it supports only the searchable PDF output format.
The ABBYY engine requires a paid license and supports multiple output formats.
The AI Invoice Recognition is an OCR service that extracts data from scanned invoices and saves them within the MyQ metadata XML file. The built-in key is provided to run a Rossum service.

Licenses are only required for the ABBYY engine. For information on how to purchase them, contact the MyQ Sales department. For activation of the ABBY license, enter the key in MyQ OCR and click Activate or check flexicapture/12/admin_guide/license_activation_manager . The used ports are hardcoded and cannot be changed


  • Operating System:
    • Windows Server 2012/2012 R2/2016/2019/2022, with all the latest updates; only 64bit OS supported.
    • Windows 8.1/ 10/ 11, with all the latest updates; only 64bit OS supported.
  • Required level of privileges: user with administrator rights.
  • Memory for processing multi-page documents: 1GB RAM minimum, 1,5GB recommended.
  • HDD space: 1.6 GB for the installation.
  • If the ABBYY OCR engine is used, an internet connection is required for activation.
  • If the AI Invoice Recognition engine is used, an internet connection is required for both the activation and run of the OCR server.
  • It is recommended to deploy the OCR server on a dedicated server.
  • OCR Service is registered after the installation and, by default, is running under the Local System account.

Setting up OCR in MyQ

Go to the MyQ web administrator interface, in the Scanning & OCR settings tab (MyQ, Settings, Scanning & OCR). In the OCR section, make sure that the OCR feature is Enabled. If not, enable it.
In the OCR server type, select MyQ OCR Server.MyQ-X-2.4LTS-OCR-Server-
In the OCR working folder field, you can change the folder where the scanned data is sent to. It is recommended to use the default folder (C:\ProgramData\MyQ\OCR), unless there is a major reason for it. The same folder will have to be set as the Working folder on the OCR Server (see MyQ OCR Server Configuration).
The OCR folder contains three sub-folders: in, out, profiles. In the in folder, the scanned documents are stored before being processed. In the out folder, the processed documents are saved by the OCR software and are ready to be sent. In the profiles folder, your OCR profiles are stored.MyQ-X-2.4LTS-
To enable users to convert documents to a specific output format, you need to create a profile of that type. The users will be able to send scans to use this profile either via a special email command or by selecting the profile when scanning via the Easy Scan terminal action on MyQ embedded terminals.

To create a new profile:
Click +Add next to Profiles. A new item with the settings of the new profile appears in the list below.
Type the Name of the profile, select the Output format from the list, and then click OK. The profile is saved.

To edit a profile
Select the profile on the list and click Edit (or right-click and select Edit in the shortcut menu).
In the profile editing options, you can change the name and the output format of the profile.
To delete a profile, select it and click the X (delete) button on the ribbon (or right-click and select Delete in the shortcut menu).
Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Attach metadata file option

If you want to use the AI Invoice Recognition engine, you need to enable the Attach metadata file option on the properties panel of the terminal action that you will be using for the OCR feature (either Easy Scan, or Panel Scan).

To enable the option, do the following

  • Go to the Terminal Actions settings tab of the MyQ web administrator interface (MyQ, Settings, Terminal Actions) and double-click the scanning action to open its properties panel.
  • On the panel, depending on the type of the action, continue by one of the following steps:
  • On the Easy Scan properties panel, open the Destinations tab, then double-click the destination of the OCR file, select the Attach metadata file option under General, and click Save.
  • On the Panel Scan properties panel, select the Attach metadata file option under Parameters for panel scan to email, and click Save.


To install the MyQ OCR Server:

  1. Download the latest available version of the MyQ OCR Server from the MyQ Community portal (MyQ OCR Server X.X.X.X).
  2. Run the executable file. The OCR Server installation window appears.MyQ-X-2.4LTS-OCR-Server-fig-3
  3. Select the folder where you want to install the OCR server. The default path is C:\Program Files\MyQ OCR Server\.
  4. After this, you need to agree to the license terms and conditions to continue with the installation. Then click INSTALL. The OCR server is installed. Click Finish to leave the installation wizard. The configuration window of the OCR server appears. The configuration steps are described below.
  5. Click Finish to leave the installation wizard. The configuration window of the OCR server appears. The configuration steps are described below.
    In case the file is blocked from your browser or OS, click Run or Allow, or modify your Windows Security settings to allow the installation of unknown apps (turn off App & browser control).
    If you get the “Windows protected your PC” message when trying to run the file, click More info, and then click Run anyway, to begin the installation.
    If you still cannot run the file, right click on it, and select Properties. In the General tab, next to Security, mark the Unblock checkbox, click Apply, and then OK. Run the file again and begin the installation.

MyQ OCR Server Configuration

The MyQ OCR Server can be configured in the OCR Server configuration window, that opens automatically once the server’s installation is finished. It can also be opened via the MyQ OCR Server Settings application in Windows apps. In the configuration window, you can also stop and start the Windows service of the OCR server, and open logs.

In the configuration window, you can also stop and start the Windows service of the OCR server, and open logs.


  • OCR engine – The default option is Tesseract. It is free and no licenses are required. If you want to use the ABBYY OCR engine, you need to enter the license for the OCR server, and then click Activate. For information about the licenses for the ABBYY OCR engine, contact the MyQ Sales department. If you want to use the AI Invoice Recognition OCR engine, you need to enter the Secret Key for the public endpoint ( The built-in key is provided to run a Rossum service.
  • Languages – While you can select all the available languages, it is recommended to select only those that are likely to be used within the OCR  process. Selecting less languages increases the speed and accuracy of the OCR process.
  • Working folder – This is the folder where the OCR server and the MyQ server exchange the OCR scanned files. The path entered here has to be the same as the path to the OCR working folder, set on the Scanning & OCR settings tab in the MyQ web administrator interface (the default folder is C: \ProgramData\MyQ\OCR). In case you use a shared folder, enter the Username and Password for access to the folder. Both the MyQ server and the OCR server must have full access (read/write) to the OCR working folder. Click Apply for your changes to take effect. To open the log files, click Logs at the top-right corner of the OCR Server configuration window. To stop or restart the OCR Server Windows service, click Stop (or Start) at the topright  corner of the OCR Server configuration window. You can also manage theservice in the Windows Task Manager, which it is called OCRService.

Tesseract engine
With the Tesseract OCR engine, only the searchable pdf format is supported.
Supported languages: Afrikaans (South Africa), Albanian (Albania), Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan), Belarusian (Belarus), Bosnian (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Bulgarian  (Bulgaria), Catalan (Spain), Croatian (Croatia), Czech (Czech Republic), Danish(Denmark), English, Esperanto, Estonian (Estonia), Finnish (Finland), French (France), German (Germany), Hungarian (Hungary), Icelandic (Iceland), Indonesian (Indonesia), Irish (Ireland), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Javanese (Java), Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan), Latin, Latvian (Latvia), Lithuanian (Lithuania), Macedonian (Macedonia), Malay (Malaysia), Maltese (Malta), Norwegian (Norway), Polish (Poland), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian (Romania), Russian (Russia), Serbian (Serbia), Slovak (Slovakia), Slovenian (Slovenia), Spanish, Swedish (Sweden), Turkish (Turkey), Ukrainian (Ukraine), Uzbek (Uzbekistan), Vietnamese (Vietnam), Welsh (Wales), Yiddish.
Selecting multiple languages will take much more time to process the files. For further information about the engine, see the dedicated documentation from its developer.

ABBYY engine

The ABBYY engine requires a paid license.
Supported formats: pdf, pdfa, docx, xls, xlsx, odt, pptx.
Supported languages: Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Bulgarian (Bulgaria), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian (Croatia), Czech (Czech Republic), Danish (Denmark), English, Estonian (Estonia), French (France), German (Germany), Hungarian (Hungary), Icelandic (Iceland), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Kazakh (Kazakhstan), Korean (South Korea), Latvian (Latvia), Lithuanian (Lithuania), Norwegian (Norway), Polish (Poland), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian (Russia), Serbian (Serbia), Slovak (Slovakia), Slovenian (Slovenia), Spanish, Swedish (Sweden), Turkish (Turkey).
For further information about the engine, see the dedicated documentation from its developer.
Both the MyQ server and the OCR server must have full access (read/write) to the OCR working folder.
MyQ OCR Server Configuration

AI Invoice Recognition engine

The engine recognizes invoices in the pdf and png formats, extracts the data, and stores it in the MyQ metadata XML file.
Supported languages: Czech (Czech Republic), Slovak (Slovakia), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), German (Germany).
Supported currencies: Czech Koruna, Danish Krone, Norwegian Krone, Swedish krona, British Pound, Euro, US Dollar.
Supported types of invoices: Tax invoice, Credit note, Proforma.
For further information about the engine, see the dedicated documentation from its developer.
You can set the number of retries and the Rossum timeout in the Windows.
Settings: maxRetryNumber – 3 by default; rossumTimeout – 300 (sec) by default; (range: 5-600 sec). Scanning to OCR

Scanning to OCR

  1. Scanning to OCR via Panel Scan
    To send the scanned document to be processed by the OCR server, the user needs to type the receiver email address in the form: myqocr.profilename@myq.local where profilename is the name of the profile for the requested output, for example, ocrpdf or ocrdoc. OCR is case-sensitive. If you use Panel Scan, the email address myqocr.folder@myq.local must be the same as the OCR profile name.
    The document is converted by the MyQ OCR Server and sent to the folder or email address that is set in the User’s scan storage text box on the user’s properties panel in the MyQ web administrator interface.MyQ-X-2.4LTS-OCR-

  2. Scanning to OCR via Easy Scan
    The MyQ administrator can create any number of Easy Scan terminal actions for scanning to OCR. They can either create one Easy Scan action for each output or let the scanning user select the format themselves.
    To enable users to scan to a specific profile, select the profile (such as ocrpdf or ocrdoc) among the values of the Format parameter of the Easy Scan action.MyQ-X-2.4LTS-OCR-Server-fig-6
    You can also enable users to select the profile themselves. For more information about how to set up the Easy Scan action on a MyQ Embedded terminal, see the “Easy Scan to OCR” section in the embedded terminal’s manual.

  3. OCR Processing
    The OCR software should listen to the document sub-folders of the in folder (in\OCRPDF, in\OCRDOC,…), process the file sent there, save the converted document to the out folder, and delete the source file from the in folder. MyQ listens to the out folder, sends the converted file to the predefined destination (receiver email or email/folder defined on the Destinations tab), and deletes it from the folder.
    The file sent to the out folder by the OCR software must have the same name as the source file in the in
    folder. If the name of the converted file differs from the source file, it is deleted without being sent to the user.

Update and Uninstallation

Updating the MyQ OCR Server
Download and run the latest available version of the MyQ OCR Server from the MyQ Community portal. The update process in the update wizard is identical to the MyQ OCR Server installation.
Uninstalling the MyQ OCR Server
The MyQ OCR Server can be uninstalled via the Windows Control Panel. Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features, find and select the MyQ OCR Server application on the list, and click Uninstall on the ribbon (or right-click and select Uninstall).


Business Contacts

MyQ® Manufacturer| MyQ® spol. s r.o.

Harfa Office Park, Ceskomoravska 2420/15, 190 93 Prague 9, Czech Republic

MyQ® Company is registered in the Companies register at the Municipal Court in Prague, division C, no. 29842

Business information|
Technical support|

This manual, its content, design and structure are protected by copyright. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide, or any copyrightable subject matter without the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited and can be punishable.

MyQ® is not responsible for the content of this manual, particularly regarding its integrity, currency and commercial occupancy. All the material published here is exclusively of informative character.

This manual is subject to change without notification. MyQ® Company is not obliged to make these changes periodically nor announce them, and is not responsible for currently published information to be compatible with the latest version of the MyQ® printing solution.

Trademarks| MyQ®, including its logos, is a registered trademark of MyQ® company. Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Windows Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brands and product names might be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Any use of trademarks of MyQ® including its logos without the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited. The trademark and product name is protected by MyQ® Company and/or its local affiliates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I update the OCR engines in MyQ?

A: To update the OCR engines, refer to the specific instructions provided by the engine’s manufacturer or consult the MyQ OCR Server documentation for guidance.

Q: Can I use multiple OCR engines simultaneously with MyQ?

A: Yes, depending on your system capabilities, you can configure and use multiple OCR engines concurrently within MyQ for different processing needs.


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