MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter Owner’s Manual

June 14, 2024

DDR-120 series
120W DIN Rail Type DC-DC Converter

DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter

MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC

MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter -
iconMEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series
120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - icon 1


  • Compliance to BS EN/EN50155 and BS EN/EN45545-2 railway standard
  • Width only 32mm
  • 2:1 wide input range
  • -40~+70°C wide working temperature
  • 150% peak load capability
  • DC output adjustable
  • Cooling by free air convection
  • Can be installed on DIN rail TS-35/7.5 or 15
  • Protections: Short circuit / Overload / Over voltage / Input reverse polarity / Input under voltage protection
  • 4KVdc I/0 isolation(Reinforced isolation)
  • 3 years warranty


DDR-120 series is a 120W DIN Rail type DC-DC converter with main features including DIN rail-type easy installation, ultra slim width (32mm), 2:1 wide input voltage, fanless design, -40~+70°C wide operating temperature, 4KVdc I/Oisolation, 150% peak load, adjustable output voltage and full protective functions.
This series of models has various input options: 9~18V /16.8~33.6V /33.6~67.2V/67.2~154V and various output options: 12V /24V / 48V and can be used for industrial & railway control, security control, communication system and other fields. Suitable applications include DC buck/boost regulator, increasing system insulation level and voltage drop compensation along cable…etc.

Model Encoding

MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter -


  • Bus,tram,metro or railway system
  • Industrial control system
  • Semi-conductor fabrication equipment
  • Factory automation
  • Electro-mechanical
  • Wireless network
  • Telecom or datacom system

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MODEL| DDR-120A-12| DDR-120A-24| DDR-120A-48| DDR-120B-12| DD R-12013-24| DDR-12013-48
OUTPUT| DC VOLTAGE| 12V| 24V| 48V| 12V| 24V| 48V
RATED CURRENT| 8.3A| 4.2A| 2.1A| 10A| 5A| 2.5A
CURRENT RANGE| 0∼8.3A| 0 ∼ 4.2A| 0 ∼ 2.1A| 0∼10A| 0 ∼ 5A| 0∼2.5A
RATED POWER| 99.6W| 100.8W| 100.8W| 120W| 120W| 120W
PEAK CURRENT| 12.45A| 6.3A| 3.15A| 15A| 7.5A| 3.75A
PEAK POWER NoteS| 150W (3sec.)| 180W (3sec.)
RIPPLE & NOISE (mat) Note.2| 50mVps| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVps
VOLTAGE ADJ. RANGE| 9 – 14V| 24 – 28V| 48 – 56V| 9 – 14V| 24 – 28V| 48 – 56V
VOLTAGE TOLERANCE Note-3| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%
LINE REGULATION| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%
LOAD REGULATION| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%
SETUP, RISE TIME| 500ms, 60ms @12Vdc| 500ms, 6Orrts @24Vdc
HOLD UP TIME (Typ.)| Please refer to page 7 Hold up Time( Load de-rating curve )
INPUT| VOLTAGE RANGE NoteA| 9 ∼18Vdc| 9 ∼ 18Vdc| 9∼18Vac| 16.8 ∼ 33.6Vdc| 16.8∼ 33.6Vdc| 16.8∼33.6Vdc
EFFICIENCY (Typ.)| 89.%| 89.%| 89.%| 89%| 90.%| 91%
DC CURRENT (Typ.)| 11.2A ©12Vdc| 5.6A@24Vdc
INRUSH CURRENT (Typ.)| 5A 012Vdc| 5A fit 24Vdc
INTE FRIPTI ON OF VOLTAGE S LP PLY| EN50155:2007-comply with 3m s@ Woad| Ett55155:2007-contryeithS1 teed (Cens)@lin!ort,S2!eiel(10.nei@DVoz
EN50155:2017-comply withS1 level| EN50155:2017-comply withS 1 level
PROTECTION| OVERLOAD| Normally works widen 150% rated output power for more than 3 seconds and then oonstant current protection 105-135% rated output power with auto-recovery
OVER VOLTAGE| 14.4∼ 16.8V 1| 28.8 ∼ 33.01| 157.6∼ 67.2V| 1 14.4 ∼ 16.8V| I 28.8 ∼33.6V| 157.6 ∼67.2V
Protection type : Shut down o/p voltage, re-power on to recover
REVERSE POLARITY| By internal MOSF ET, no damage, recovers automatically after fault condi tbn removed
UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT| 12Vin (A-type) Power ON≥9V , OFF≤8.5V| 24Vin (B- type) :Power ON ≥16.8V , OFF ≤16.5V
FINEGILIENT| WORKING TEMP.| -40∼+4.70’12 (Refer to “Derating Curve’)
WORKING HUMIDITY| 5 ∼95% RH non-condensing
STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY| -40 – 4.85t , 5 – 95% RH non-condensirg
TEMP. COEFFICIENT| ±0.03%/t (0- 55°C )
VIBRATION| Corrponent:10 – 500Hz, 5G 10minticycle,60rnn. each along X, Y, Z axes; Mounting: Compliance to IEC61373
(Note 6)| SAFETY STANDARDS| IEC 62368-1, UL 62368-1, EAC TP TC 004, AS/N ZS 62368.1 approved; Desir refer to UL508
ISOLATION RESISTANCE| I/P-0/P, I/P-FG, 0/P-FG:>100M Ohms / 500Vdc / 25’C/ 70% RH
EMC EMISSION| Parameter| Standard| Test Level / Note
Conducted| BS EN!EN55032| Class 8
Radiated| BS EN/EN55032| Class B
Voltage flicker| BS EN/EN61000-3-3| —
Harmonic Current| —| — —
EMC IMMUNITY| BS EN/EN55035 , BS EN/EN610004i-2(BS EN/EN50082-2)
Parameter| Standard| Test Level! Note
ESD| BS EN/EN61000-4-2| Level 3, 8KV air ; Level 3, 6KV contact; aitetiaA
Radiated| BS E N/EN 61000-4-3| Level 3, 10V/m ; criteria A
EFT /Burst| BS EN/EN61000-4-4| Level 3, 2KV ; cited a A
Surge| BS E N/EN 61000-4-5| Levet 3, 1KVA.iie-lioe Level 3, 2KV/Lite-line-FG :crteriaA
Conducted| BS EN/EN61000-4-6| Level 3, 10V ; criteriaA
Magnetic Field| BS EN/EN61000-4-8| Level 4, 30A/m ; criteria A
RAILWAY STANDARD| Compliance to BS EN/EN45545.2 for fie protection ; Meet BS EN/EN50155 / IEC60571 itktling IEC61373 fa shock & venation, BS EN/EN50121-3-2 fa EMC (except for 9-181/.1)
OTHERS| MTBF| 1769.5K hrs min. Telcordia SR-332 (Bellcore); 214.5K hrs mit M IL-HD BK-217F (25t)
DIMENSION| 32’125.2’102mm (WH’D)
PACKING| 510g. 28pcs/15.3K9/1.22CUFT


  1. All parameters NOT specially mentioned are measured at normal input (A:12Vdc , B:24Vdc) , rated load and 25°C of ambient temperature.
  2. Ripple & noise are measured at 20MHz of bandwidth by using a 12″ twisted pair-wire terminated with a 0.1 sf & 47 «f parallel capacitor.
  3. Tolerance : includes set up tolerance, line regulation and load reguiation.
  4. Derating may be needed under low input voltage. Please check the derating curve for more details.
  5. 3 seconds max, please refer to peak loading curves.
  6. The power supply is considered as an independent unit, but the final equipment still need to re-confirm that the whole system complies with the EMC directives. For guidance on how to perform these EMC tests, please refer to “EMI testing of component power supplies.” (as available on
  7. The ambient temperature derating of 3.5°C/1000m with fanless models and of 5°C/1000m with fan models for operating atiitude higher than 2000m(8500ft).

    Product Liability Disclaimer : For detailed information, please refer to


MODEL| DDR-120C-12| DDR-120C-24| DDR-120C-48| DD R-120D4 2| DDR-120D-24| DD R-1200.48
OUTPUT| DC VOLTAGE| 12V| 24V| 48V| 12V| 24V| 48V
RATED CURRENT| 10A| 5A| 2.5A| 10A| 5A| 2.5A
CURRENT RANGE| 0∼10A| 0 ∼5A| 0∼ 2.5A| 0 ∼WA| 0∼5A| 0∼2.5A
RATED POWER| 120W| 120W| 120W| 120W| 120W| 120W
PEAK CURRENT| 15A| 7.5A| 3.75A| 15A| 7.5A| 3.75A
PEAK POWER Note.S| 103W (3sec.)
RPPLE 8 NOISE (max.) Note.2| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p| 50mVp-p
VOLTAGE ADJ. RANGE| 9 ∼14V| 24∼28V| 48∼56V| 9 ∼14V| 24 ∼ 28V| 48 ∼ 56V
VOLTAGE TOLERANCE Note.3| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%
LINE REGULATION| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%| ±0.5%
LOAD REGULATION| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%| ±1.0%
SETUP, RISE TIME| 500ms, 60ms ©48Vdc| 500ms, 60ms ©110Vdc
HOLD UP TIME (Typ.)| Please refer to page 7 Hold up Tine( Load de-rating curve )
INPUT| VOLTAGE RANGE Note.4| 33.6 – 67.2Vdc| 33.6 -67.2Vdc| 33.6 -67.2Vdc| 67.2 – 154Vdc| 67.2 – 154Vdc| 67.2 -154Vdc
EFFICIENCY (Typ.)| 90.%| 91%| 92%| 90.%| 91%| 92.%
DC CURRENT (Typ.)| 2.8A ©48Vdc| 1.3A©110Vdc
INRUSH CURRENT (Typ.)| SAE:048Vdc| SA ©110Vdc
IWERRUPTI ON OF VOLTAGE SUPPLY| EN50155.2037-conplywith SI level (Gna)@ kill loudS21ml (lems)@60% load| EN 50155:2007-compl y with S2level (10m s) © foe load
EN50155:2017-comply with Si level| EN50155:2017-cam ply with Si level
PROTECTION| OVERLOAD| Normally workswithin 150% rated output power fa more than 3 seconds and then oonstant current protection 105-135% rated output power with auto-recovery
OVER VOLTAGE| 14.4∼16.8V| I 28.8 ∼33.6V 1| 57.6∼672V| 1 14.4∼16.8V j| 28.8 ∼33.6V| 157.6∼ 67.2V
Protection type :Shutdown o/p voltage, re-power on to recover
REVERSE POLARITY| By intemal MOSFET, no damage, recovers automaticaly after fault Donation removed
UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT| 481/in (C . type) Power ON ?…33.6V , OFF iC33V| 1110Vn (0 – type):Power ON.%•67.2V , OFFLC.65V
ENVIRONMENT| WORKING TEMP.| -40 ∼ +70 ii (Refer to “Derating Cum’)
WORKING HUMIDITY| 5 ∼ 95% RH non-condensing
STORAGE TEMP., HUMIDITY| -40 – +85 ii , 5 – 95% RH non-condensing
TEMP. COEFFICIENT| ±0.03%/C (0∼ 55`C )
VIBRATION| Component:10 ∼ 500Hz, 5G 10minilcycle, 60m in. each along X, Y. Z axes; Mounting: Compliance to 1EC61373
(Note 6)| SAFETY STANDARDS| IEC 62368-1, UL 6236&1, EAC TP TC 004, AS/NZS 62368.1 wproved; Design refer to U L508
ISOLATION RESISTANCE| I/P-0/P, I/P-FG, 0/P-FG:>100M Ohms/ 500Vdc/ 25’C/70% RH
EMC EMISSION| Parameter| Standard| Test Level! Note
Conducted| BS EN/EN55032| Class B
Radiated| BS E N/E N55032| Class B
Voltage Flicker| BS EN/EN61030-3-3| —
Harmonic Current| —| —
EMC IMMUNITY| BS EN/EN55035 , BS EN/EN61003-6-2(BS EN/EN50082-2)
Parameter| Standard| Test Level! Note
ESD| BS EN/EN61000-4-2| Level 3, 8KV air ; Level 3, 6KV contact; aiteriaA
Radiated| BS E WEN61030-4-3| Level 3, 10V/m ; aderia A
EFT/ Bust| BS EN/EN610004-4| Levee 3, XV ; criteria A
Surge| BS E N/E N61030-4-5| Level 3. IKV/Line-Une :Level 3. 2KWLine-Line-FG .,c mane A
Conducted| BS ENFEN61000-4.6| Level 3, 10V; aitedaA
Magnetic Field| BS E N/E N61030-4-8| Level 4. 30A/m ; aiteria A
RAILWAY STANDARD| Canpliance to BS EN1EN45545-2 for ire protecticn ; Meet BS EN/EN50155 / 1EC60571 including IEC61373 fa shock & vibration, BS EN/EN50121-3-2 for EMC
OTHERS| MT BF| 1769.5K hrs min. Telcordia SR-3M (Belcore); 214.5K hrs min. MIL-HDBK-217F (25ti )
DIMENSION| 32’125.2’102mm (APH•D)
PACKING| 510g; 28pc s/15.3Kg/1.22CU FT


  1. All parameters NOT specially mentioned are measured at normal input (C:48Vdc , D:110Vdc) , rated load and 25°C of ambient temperature.
  2. Ripple & noise are measured at 20MHz of bandwidth by using a 12″ twisted pair-wire terminated with a 0.1 x f & 47 u parallel capacitor.
  3. Tolerance : indudes set up tolerance, line regulation and load regulation.
  4. Derating may be needed under low input voltage. Please check the derating curve for more details.
  5. 3 seconds max., please refer to peak loading curves.
  6. The power supply is considered as an independent unit, but the final equipment stil need to re-confimn that the whole system complies with the EMC directives. For guidance on how to perform these EMC tests, please refer to “EMI testing of component power supplies.” (as available on )
  7. The ambient temperature derating of 3.5°C/1000m with fanless models and of 5°C/1000m with fan models for operating atiitude higher than

    Product Liability Disclaimer : For detailed information, please refer to


MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter -
Diagram InputFuse
There is a fuse connected in series to the positive input line, which is used to protect against abnormal surge. Fuse specifications of each model are shown as below.

Type Fuse Type Reference and Rating
A Time-Lag Conquer MST, 10A, 250V *2
B Time-Lag Conquer MST, 8A, 250V *2
c Time-Lag Conguer MST, 8A, 250V *1
D Time-Lag Conquer MST, 4A, 250V *1

Input Under-Voltage Protection
If input voltage drops below Vimin, the internal control IC shuts down and there is no output voltage. It recovers automatically when input voltage reaches above Vimin,please refer to the cruve below.MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series
120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - Diagram 1 Input Reverse Polarity Protection
Thereis aMOSFET connected in series to the negative inputline. If the input polarity is connected reversely, the MOSFET opens and there will be no output to protect the unit.
InputRange and Transient Ability
The series has a wide range input capability. With -30% / +40% of rated input voltage(except A Type), it can withstand that for 1 second.
Inrush Current
Inrush current is suppressed by a current limit circuit during the initial start-up, and then the circuit is bypassed by a MOSFET to reduce power consumption after accomplishing the start-up.MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W
DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - Diagram 2 Hold-up Time
EN50155: 2007 version -D type is in compliance with S2 level (10ms), while Atypes are in compliance with S1 level (3ms) at full load output condition. To fulfil the requirements of S2 level (10ms), B types require de-rating theiroutput load to 70%, C types
require de-rating their output load to 60%, please refer to the curve diagrams below.MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - Diagram
3 Efficiency vs Load & Vin Curve
The efficiency vs load & Vin curves of each model are shown as below.MEAN-
WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - Diagram

Immunity to Environmental Conditions

Test method Standard Test conditions Status
Cooling Test EN 50155 section 12.2.3 (Column 2, Class TX) EN 60068-2-1
Temperature: -40°C Dwell Time: 2 hrs/cycle No damage
Dry Heat Test EN 50155 section 12.2.4 (Column 2, Class TX)

EN 50155 section 12.2.4 (Column 3, Class TX & Column 4, Class TX) EN 60068-2-2| Temperature: 70°C 185°C Duration: 6 hrs / 10min| PASS
Damp Heat Test, Cyclic| EN 50155 section 12.2.5 EN 60068-2-30| Temperature: 25°C-55°C Humidity: 90%-100% RH Duration: 48 hrs| PASS
Vibration Test| EN 50155 section 12.2.11 EN 61373| Temperature: 19°C Humidity: 65%
Duration: 10 mins
Increased Vibration Test| EN 50155 section 12.2.11 EN 61373| Temperature: 19°C Humidity: 65%
Duration: 5 hrs| PASS
Shock Test| EN 50155 section 12.2.11 EN 61373| Temperature: 21 ± 3°C Humidity: 65 ± 5% Duration: 30ms*18| PASS
Low Temperature Storage Test| EN 50155 section 12.2.3 (Column 2, Class TX) EN 60068-2-1| Temperature: -40°C Dwell Time: 16 hrs| PASS
Salt Mist Test| EN 50155 section 12.2.10 (Class ST4)| Temperature: 35°C ±2°C Duration: 96 hrs| PASS

EN45545-2 Fire Test Conditions

Test Items Hazard Level

| Items| Standard| HL1| HL2| HL3
R22| Oxygen index test| EN 45545-2:2013 EN ISO 4589-2:1996| PASS| PASS| PASS
Smoke density test| EN 45545-2:2013 EN ISO 5659-2:2006| PASS| PASS| PASS
Smoke toxicity test| EN 45545-2:2013
NF X70-100:2006| PASS| PASS| PASS
R24| Oxygen index test| EN 45545-2:2013 EN ISO 4589-2:1996| PASS| PASS| PASS
R25| Glow-wire test| EN 45545-2:2013 EN 60695-2-11:2000| PASS| PASS| PASS
R26| Vertical flame test| EN 45545-2:2013 EN 60695-11:2003| PASS| PASS| PASS

Mechanical Specification

MEAN-WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - Diagram 5MEAN-
WELL DDR-120 Series 120W DIN Rail Type DC DC Converter - Diagram
5 Installation Manual
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